Origin of surnames. Blokhin - the meaning and origin of the name Blokhin: the number of true features "8"

Origin of surnames. Blokhin - the meaning and origin of the name Blokhin: the number of true features "8"

Remembering from childhood, throughout our life we ​​repeat it as something given once and for all and very significant. The Slavs have a tradition since ancient times to give a person a nickname in addition to the name he received at baptism. A truly inexhaustible supply of nicknames made it easy to distinguish a person in society. The sources could be used: an indication of the characteristics of the character or appearance of a person, the name of the nationality or area from which the person was born. In most cases, nicknames, originally attached to baptismal names, completely supplanted names, not only in everyday life, but also in official documents.

In Onomasticon S. B. Veselovsky mentioned Ivan Ivanovich Blokha Anichkov, 1495, Novgorod - the Blokhin family name has been known since the 15th century.

The Blokhins are a Russian noble family, according to legend, descended from the Golden Horde prince Berka (in the holy baptism of Anikey, the direct ancestor of the Anichkov nobles), who arrived in 1301 to the Moscow Grand Duke Ivan Kalita. Ivan Yakovlevich Blokhin was the governor of Kologriv in 1617-1618. His son, Ivan Ivanovich, was a solicitor, and his grandson, Artemy Ivanovich, was a steward and owner of estates in Tver, Staritsky and Uglich districts. The Blokhin family is recorded in the VI part of the genealogical books of the provinces of Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Moscow, Penza and Kaluga. The coat of arms of the clan is included in Part 12 of the General coat of arms of noble families of the All-Russian Empire.

Among the most famous namesakes is Oleg Vladimirovich Blokhin, an outstanding Soviet Ukrainian football player, author of many USSR football records, a football coach. Among the records of Soviet football set by Blokhin, the achievement of the mark of 200 goals stands out. A significant event happened on August 21, 1985 in Kharkov, during the match Metalist Dynamo (Kiev). Bloch, eventually got the surname Blokhin.

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Flea top

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In ancient times, our ancestors gave each other nicknames that aptly emphasize a certain character trait, whether it be a merit, for example, Truth, or a disadvantage: Thunderstorm - quick temper, Bloch - annoying harmful person. From these nicknames the names of Blokh, Blokhin, Blokhintsev, Bloshkin, Voshka, Voshkin, Groza, Groznin, Groznov, Grozny, Grozov, Pravdivtsev, Pravdin appeared. Yustov should be considered the "namesake" of Pravdin, since this is a direct translation of this surname into Latin - for euphony, as they believed in the seminaries, where they were engaged in such word-creation.

Encyclopedia of surnames. 2012

See also the interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what BLOKHIN is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • Blokhin in the Encyclopedia of Russian Surnames, Secrets of Origin and Meanings:
    In ancient times, our ancestors gave each other nicknames that aptly emphasize a certain character trait, be it a merit, for example, Truth, or a disadvantage: ...
  • Blokhin
    BLOKHIN Oleg Vl. (b. 1952), Ukrainian. athlete, z.m.s. (1975). Forward of the Dynamo team (Kiev, 1972-87). The best football player in Europe (1975). Cup Winner ...
  • Blokhin in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    BLOKHIN Nick. Nick. (1912-93), surgeon-oncologist, acad. (1960) and prez. (1960-68, 1977-87) AMN, acad. RAS (1979), Hero of Socialist. Labor (1972). Proposed …
  • Blokhin in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    Alexey Alexandrovich (1897-1942), Russian oil geologist, professor (1937). Conducted geological research on the Kerch Peninsula, the western slope of the Urals and in the Urals. ...
    (b. 1952) Ukrainian athlete, Honored Master of Sports (1975). The best football player in Europe (1975). Winner of the European Cup of Nations (1975, 1986) and ...
  • BLOKHIN NIKOLAY NIKOLAEVICH in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (1912-93) Russian surgeon-oncologist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1991; academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences since 1979), academician (1960) and president (1960-68, 1977-87) of the Academy of Medical Sciences, Hero of the Socialist ...
  • ALEXEY ALEXANDROVICH BLOKHIN in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (1897-1942) Russian oil geologist, professor (1937). Conducted geological research on the Kerch Peninsula, the western slope of the Urals and in the Urals. Opened (1932) the first ...
    Nikolai Nikolaevich [b. 21.4 (4.5). 1912, Lukoyanov, Nizhny Novgorod province], Soviet surgeon-oncologist, academician (1960) and president (1960-68) of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. Member of the CPSU with ...
  • ALEXEY ALEXANDROVICH BLOKHIN in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    Alexey Alexandrovich, Soviet oil geologist, professor (1937). In 1929 he graduated from the Moscow Mining Academy. ...
  • BLOKHINS in the Brief Biographical Encyclopedia:
    The Blokhins are a Russian noble family, according to legend, descended from the Golden Horde prince Berka (in the holy baptism of Anikey, the direct ancestor of the Anichkov nobles), ...
  • 1985.08.21
    Dynamo Kiev forward Oleg BLOKHIN is the first in the history of Soviet football to score 200 goals in championships ...
  • 1972.07.16 in History Pages What, where, when:
    Oleg BLOKHIN makes his debut in the USSR national team (friendly match with ...
  • BLOKHINA OPERATION in Medical terms:
    (N.N. Blokhin, born in 1912, Soviet surgeon and oncologist) surgical operation of ureter transplantation into an isolated loop of the sigmoid colon, ...
  • PLASTIC SURGERY in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    plastic, reconstructive surgery, the direction of surgery that studies the problems of operative restoration of the function and form of partially or completely lost organs, correcting congenital ...
  • FOOTBALL in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (English football, from foot - foot and ball - ball), a sports team game in which athletes, using individual dribbling and ...
  • PHYSICS in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    I. The subject and structure of physics in physics is a science that studies the simplest and at the same time the most general laws of natural phenomena, properties ...
  • THE USSR. LITERATURE AND ARTS in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    and art Literature Multinational Soviet literature represents a qualitatively new stage in the development of literature. As a definite artistic whole, united by a single socio-ideological ...
  • THE USSR. NATURAL SCIENCES in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    sciences Mathematics Scientific research in the field of mathematics began to be carried out in Russia from the 18th century, when L.
  • X-RAY SPECTRAL ANALYSIS in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    X-ray analysis, elemental analysis of the material composition of materials by their X-ray spectra. Qualities. S. a. R. performed by spectral position ...
  • X-RAY SPECTRAL EQUIPMENT in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    X-ray equipment, equipment in which X-rays are excited in the substance under study, decomposed into a spectrum and recorded. Precision S. and. R. ...
  • X-RAY SPECTRA in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    spectra, emission and absorption spectra of X-rays, i.e., electromagnetic radiation in the wavelength range from 10-4 to 103. ...
  • X-RAYS in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    rays, X-rays, electromagnetic ionizing radiation, occupying the spectral region between gamma and ultraviolet radiation in the range of wavelengths from 10-4 ...
  • X-RAY SPECTROSCOPY in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    spectroscopy, obtaining X-ray emission and absorption spectra and their application to the study of the electronic energy structure of atoms, molecules and solids. ...

The surname Blokhin refers to the hereditary names derived from the personal nickname of the ancestor. The ancient tradition of giving nicknames has existed in Russia for many centuries. It did not disappear even after the adoption of Christianity. If the baptismal names were often repeated and confused the recognition of people, then the nicknames were distinguished by a huge variety, which made it possible to distinguish between the owners of the same names. Nicknames often appeared in official documents, from which old patronymics were formed in the possessive form, which later became the basis of the surname.

The origin of the name Blokhin goes back to the nickname Bloch, which is quite popular among the Slavs. For example, written sources mention: the Vilna petty bourgeois Bloch (1445), the Novgorod landowner Ivan Ivanovich Blokha Anichkov (1495), the centurion of the Zaporozhye army Bloch (1674). Blokhin's children were called "Blokhin's son" and "Blokhin's daughter", from where Blokhin's surname originates. In the XV-XVI centuries, this generic name was already widespread everywhere. Archival documents testify to the peasant Pashka Blokhin (1495) and the Tver landowner Alexei Mikhailovich Blokhin (1653) who once lived in Russia. Several Russian noble families of the Blokhin are known, the oldest of which comes from the prince of the Golden Horde Berka, who arrived at the court of Ivan Kalita in 1301. Another noble family of the Blokhins is of Cossack origin. Its founder Stepan Blokh in 1714 was a friend of the Borzenskaya hundred.

Variants of the origin of the surname

The meaning of the name Blokhin is directly related to the name of the insect "flea". However, these days it is difficult to say what the surname Blokhin means in each specific case. The nickname Bloch could have been given to a person who resembles a flea in appearance or behavior. Perhaps the ancestor of the Blokhins was short and small in build, could not sit in one place and stood out with fussy movements. According to the explanatory dictionary of V.I. Dahl, Siberians called Russians from the European part of Russia "fleas" because there are no fleas in Siberia. It is possible that the Blokhin's ancestor lived beyond the Urals, and got the nickname Blokh because he was from the Great Russians. The first bearer of the surname Blokhin could live in a settlement with the name Blokhi, Blokhin or Blokhin, and take the surname Blokhin in memory of his small homeland.

Remembering from childhood, throughout our life we ​​repeat it as something given once and for all and very significant. The Slavs have a tradition since ancient times to give a person a nickname in addition to the name he received at baptism. A truly inexhaustible supply of nicknames made it easy to distinguish a person in society. The sources could be used: an indication of the characteristics of the character or appearance of a person, the name of the nationality or area from which the person was born. In most cases, nicknames, originally attached to baptismal names, completely supplanted names, not only in everyday life, but also in official documents.

In "Onomasticon" S. B. Veselovsky mentioned Ivan Ivanovich Blokha Anichkov, 1495, Novgorod; The Blokhin surname has been known since the 15th century.

The Blokhins are a Russian noble family, according to legend, descended from the Golden Horde prince Berka (in the holy baptism of Anikey, the direct ancestor of the Anichkov nobles), who arrived in 1301 to the Moscow Grand Duke Ivan Kalita. Ivan Yakovlevich Blokhin was the governor of Kologriv in 1617-1618. His son, Ivan Ivanovich, was a solicitor, and his grandson, Artemy Ivanovich, was a steward and owner of estates in Tver, Staritsky and Uglich districts. The Blokhin family is recorded in the VI part of the genealogical books of the provinces of Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Moscow, Penza and Kaluga. The coat of arms of the clan is included in Part 12 of the General coat of arms of noble families of the All-Russian Empire.

Among the most famous namesakes - Oleg Vladimirovich Blokhin, an outstanding Soviet Ukrainian footballer, author of many USSR football records; football coach. Among the records of Soviet football set by Blokhin, the achievement of the mark of 200 goals stands out. A significant event happened on August 21, 1985 in Kharkov, during the match "Metalist" - "Dynamo" (Kiev). Bloch, eventually got the surname Blokhin.

Version 2. History of the origin of the surname Blokhin

In ancient times, our ancestors gave each other nicknames that aptly emphasize a certain character trait, whether it be a merit, for example, Truth, or a disadvantage: Thunderstorm - quick temper, Bloch - annoying harmful person. From these nicknames the names of Blokh, Blokhin, Blokhintsev, Bloshkin, Voshka, Voshkin, Groza, Groznin, Groznov, Grozny, Grozov, Pravdivtsev, Pravdin appeared. Yustov should be considered the "namesake" of Pravdin, since this is a direct translation of this surname into Latin - for euphony, as they believed in the seminaries, where they were engaged in such word-creation.

How to spell the surname Blokhin in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should first write the first name, then the patronymic in Latin letters and only then the last name. You may need to spell Blokhin's surname in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

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