How to draw a butterfly with a pencil stages. How to statenly draw a butterfly with a pencil: a master class how to draw a big butterfly with a pencil

How to draw a butterfly with a pencil stages. How to statenly draw a butterfly with a pencil: a master class how to draw a big butterfly with a pencil
How to draw a butterfly with a pencil stages. How to statenly draw a butterfly with a pencil: a master class how to draw a big butterfly with a pencil

Would you like to know how to draw beautiful butterflies with a pencil in a matter of seconds? A lesson on this page will show how to draw a butterfly in a phased pencil in just 4 simple steps!

How to draw a butterfly in stages

The basis of a beautiful butterfly is symmetry in everything. Draw a butterfly in stages very simple, the instructions in the pictures show you how to do it. You can even simplify your task if after 3 steps fold the leaf twice and circle the wings, then the butterfly will turn out really smooth.

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Coloring butterfly

Collect butterfly best with markers or colored pencils. Small patterns on wings in this case will be clearer and symmetrical. What can be butterflies can be? Here are the most famous of them:

  • Fully bright yellow - lemon butterfly
  • White with monochrome patterns - Satir butterfly
  • Bright blue - Morpho Amato Butterfly
  • Multicolor asymmetric pattern is found only at one type of butterflies - Urania Madagascar

With your own hands, the butterfly can be painted with pink, purple and other rare colors, giving her fabulous features.

It's no secret that many children like to draw bright creatures, creatures and animals, and that is why the child will be fun to draw a bowl. Butterfly drawn by a simple pencil looks great, but if such a butterfly paint paints, then it will become very bright and attractive.

Butterfly drawing sequence

I would like to tell you and show how to draw a beautiful butterfly with the child in stages. For beginners, this lesson will not seem difficult, because each stage is painted in steps. We will draw in the following sequence:

  • Butterfly body
  • Upper wings
  • Lower wings
  • Patterns on wings

Well, let's draw a pencil butterfly.

Step 1

The first stage of the butterfly drawing is very simple - you just need to draw a small line of such a length, what the body will be your beautiful butterfly.

Step 2.

Now we draw two rounded lines around this line - one is more authentic, the other shorter, and on top draw a circle that will be a butterfly head. From the head you need to draw beautiful butterfly mustache, thanks to which it can navigate in space.

Step 3.

You can proceed to drawing upper wings. They can be any form, what your own degraded - and rounded, and with acute ends. It is desirable that they are the same size and shape, otherwise the butterfly pattern will be asymmetrical.

Step 4.

Now draw the bottom wings of the butterfly. Usually the lower wings are a little more top, so if you draw them a little more, it will add a drawing of a butterfly realistic. Again, the lower wings can be any shape, for example, if you drew up the upper wings rounded, then the lower may have sharp or straight ends and angles.

Step 5.

We remove the very first line so that it does not interfere with us. Now you can fill in the patterns of the butterfly wings. Remember that the butterfly wings are very gentle and even transparent. Drawings on wings can be anywhere, you can draw that you wish - circles, lines and other patterns. We move from the center of the wings to the edges.

Step 6.

We continue to fill the wings with patterns. They may be unequal, so the butterfly will look even more interesting.

Step 7.

We gradually draw patterns to the end of the wings. Now you can go to the bottom of the butterfly.

Step 8.

On the lower wings of the butterfly, I draw quite a few patterns, and make them more geometric than on the top.

Hurray, we drew a beautiful butterfly in stages! So that it becomes even more beautiful, you can add shadows onto her wings, paint it with colored pencils or paints into the most unimaginable colors.

As you can see, draw the butterfly is easy with the child. Children may come up with any pattern for the butterfly pattern and pick up the colors. I hope a phased drawing lesson was useful to you, and you learned how to draw a pencil butterfly.

In this lesson, I want to show you how to draw a very beautiful drawing with a butterfly with the help of an ordinary simple pencil, eraser and paper. It is simple enough if you follow each step and carefully read the description. Summer is the time to draw fruit, animals, insects, sea and other beautiful summer landscapes.

By the way, if you have a graphic tablet, you can draw a butterfly with a pencil, but in a digital version. When you finish, it will be possible to rewrite the file with a pattern on the outer carrier and contact, for example, to the operational printing in Ukraine - as a result you will get a qualitative physical version of your electronic creation and this pattern can be decorated with the wall of your room.

Any drawing we begin with the basics - it helps not be mistaken with proportions. If you want the butterfly drawing to be harmonious, start with this simple sketch. We draw two crossed lines of the same length, add smooth curved lines on the sides, and in the middle, we draw figures that resemble the butterfly body in their form. The lines should be light, try not to press too much on the pencil, because then we will have to remove some parts of the drawing using an eraser.

Take them down and erased everything too much.

We remove the line from above, we do the edges of the wings not so smooth.

Add patterns to the surface of the wings.

Even more patterns, also draw a mustache.

Dark the top of the wings.

Hello! Today we will tell you about how to draw a butterfly! This is the first insect at the moment, which appeared on our website. Unless previously we painted, but this is, of course, articular. Yes, and it was noticeably more difficult to draw it - today's butterfly is very simple, if not counting the stages with the pattern on the wings.

But they will not be particularly difficult if you adhere to the focus and carefully consider the schemes that our artists offer for you. Let's start a lesson and find out!

Step 1

Draw a lot with such a small circle.

Step 2.

Step 3.

Now make a wide wings. More precisely, only the upper contours. By the way, we have on our site there are many lessons of drawing flowers, so you can paint and butterfly sitting on.

Step 4.

Next, draw the bottom edges of the wings and the line, which will separate the actual tops of the wings and the bottom. The dividing line looks like a horizontal straight line that passes almost through our entire drawing. The torso of the butterfly is crossed at the top (pay attention, it is in the top, not in the middle).

Step 5.

Draw the mustache of our butterfly, negate the lateral edges of the wings. The contours of the edges must be symmetrically with a toothed, but smoothed.

Step 6.

If you wanted to know, you will have to deal with the patterns on its wings. In this step, everything is completely simple, you need to draw patterns on the upper parts of its wings. We recommend first to draw the largest figures - the one is the bottom and the one that the butterfly is closer to the tank.

Step 7.

And here it will be more difficult. Lines a lot, you can get confused if not observed. But we decided to make a small scheme on which it was allocated to red what should be painted first.

This is how everything will look without marking:

Step 8.

We are completing our lesson to apply oval on areas free from the main patterns. We draw your attention to the fact that ovals should be placed symmetrically. We also note that if you can see the explicit asymmetry of the pattern, it means that you made a mistake in some of the previous steps.

Look at the illustrations to the lesson, not as on the butterfly pictures drawn by a pencil, but as in the schemes, trace the sort of oddness and identify the error.

It was a lesson of phased drawing devoted to how to draw a pencil butterfly in stages. Look at our VK page, there you are waiting for a lot of interesting things!

Learning to draw a bowl with paints and pencils.

Aerial, graceful, light and elegant butterfly love to write small artists. Learn such not easy creativity will help simple lessons offered in this article.

How to draw a pencil a beautiful butterfly in stages for beginners and children?

  1. We start a drawing with outline contours of the figures
  2. In the top of the sheet, we make a circle under which the oval of the wrong shape is drawn - it will be the basis for the face. Slightly retreating down and right, from these figures, draw a large circle to form a butterfly body
  3. We connect the two first shapes of oval, in the form of an elongated egg, leaving a place for the future eye
  4. We attach a round foundation to the resulting lear
  5. We got a face and the body of the butterfly
  6. Now reinsert 2 wings on the left side
  7. Next, duplicate the wings on the right side. Please note that these wings are a bit different form, compared to the left
  8. Raise the body insect funny stripes
  9. Add big, spherical eyes
  10. Draw on the head horns, in the form of two cherries
  11. Vivid face a cheerful smile
  12. Now decorate the upper wings, adding a few ovals inside
  13. On the lower wings we do similar ovals
  14. Add a few circles on the upper wings between ovals
  15. Next we ereme all auxiliary lines, clearly supply all major lines
  16. Color the saturated colorful colors of our funny moth
Step-by-step scheme

Coloring a flying baloveman

How to draw butterfly wings?

Most often, the main problem in the image of the wings is the synchronism of the pattern.

  • To make the same wings, spill the sheet as shown in the picture
  • For each part of the wing, remove a specific place.
  • Then, focusing on the made mesh, draw one wing, then completely copy the second
  • Continue forming the selected pattern of wings clearly observing the set dimensions.
  • Estimated Eyes Place between the second and third line
  • Duplicate the inner wavy linus of the wings, add to the body, mustaches and legs
  • Butterfly stays coloring at its discretion

The main steps of the wings

How can you easily draw a simple butterfly in the cells?

  • Drawing with cells not only interesting, but also very useful
  • In time of such a creative process, the child develops spatial thinking, attention, perfection
  • Adults This skill is useful for bulk drawings and decorating needlework
  • Repeat any of the patterns of the butterfly pattern in the cells below, you can use a sheet of paper dismissed on cells and the printed finished scheme
  • To make it easier to draw, numb horizontal and vertical lines on the original and on a sheet in a cell
  • Work using the coordinate system

Choose from below the proposed schemes more suitable and interesting for you:

Simple scheme for beginner cartoon heroine

Not a sophisticated lemongrass butterfly pattern

Beautiful and easy to perform flying insect

Figure Augmented ornament

Elegant creation in flight

Very simple scheme of one-photon drawing

Another version of the bright butterfly template

Video: Figure by cells: Butterfly

How to draw butterfly with paints and watercolor?

Draw a colorful moth acrylic paints.

  • First of all, we make the sketch of the butterfly with the help of a simple pencil. To do this, select any available method, from those described above.

In our example, the butterfly looks like this:

Step 1
  • Start from the background
  • Yellow, dark green, blue, black colors we put the first layer

Step 2.
  • Detail the drawing, overlapping a thick watercolor, and where you need to dilute the paint with water

Step 3.
  • Go to the image of the butterfly
  • We use colors:
  1. red
  2. yellow
  3. white
  4. blue
  5. the black
  • Missing tones get by mixing existing colors
  • Gently apply a thin white layer on the wings
  • Add specks selected colors until you detail anything

Step 4.
  • Signed details draw a thin brush
  • Do not forget to color dots, and not smears

Step 5.
  • Add bright saturated contrasts
  • Having finished with one wing, go to the second
  • Details with spot smears

Step 6.
  • Acrylic paint dries instantly, therefore you can immediately apply a white pattern to the existing black

Step 7.
  • Coloring the top wing, go to the bottom
  • We work in a similar way as with the first
  • Through threads by detail with a thin tassel, with a black color diluted to transparency
  • Distribute it to the darker places of the wings

Step 7.
  • Having finished with wings, proceed to the body
  • We make it striped, alternating black and white paints
  • Imitate hairy abdomen bursting strokes

Step 8.
  • If you feel not sure, make the outline of diluted colors first, and then detail in saturated paints
  • Engineering insect Picking on the head bright yellow eyes
  • Dark the eye along the edges of transparent black, in the center put a white spot
  • Add black mustache
  • Let's admire the picture created

Ready creative composition

How to draw a little butterfly on a pencil and paints flower?

Making sketches of the head and body, as shown in the picture

Stage 5.

  • Sit down a butterfly in a flower center with big petals
  • The flower will not be much difficult to draw

Stage 6.
  • We wash the auxiliary lines
  • Lock clear contours drawing
  • Color the butterfly with pencils or paints at your discretion

Elegant creature on flower

Various drawing methods require a certain experience. Start with a simpler option gradually moving to the complex. Do not be discouraged if the first time does not work out the perfect image of the butterfly. Enjoy the process of creativity itself, and not obtained.

Have a good creative process!

Video: Draw quickly and simple. How to draw a butterfly?