Roman "Noble Nest" I.S. Turgenev

Roman "Noble Nest" I.S. Turgenev

Today we will talk about Roman I.S. Turgenev "noble nest".

She has its own family, and Turgenev is increasingly feeling over. In such a mood, Turgenev writes and Tolstoy (Fig. 2),

Fig. 2. L.N. Tolstoy ()

and Fetu (Fig. 3),

and other correspondents that he should return to Russia to "steal the Earth." This phrase will then be given to the chief hero of the novel "Noble Nest" Fyodor Lavretsk. And Turgenev really returns to Russia. Summer 1858 issued for him one of the happiest in his life. He meets a lot with Tolstoy, Fetom, Borisov. They hunt, read each other works, talk about further fate Russia, O. peasant question. Turgenev tries to equip their peasants life. But the farther, the more makes sure that everything is not simple. His concessions to the peasants reach almost noise, and the peasants show more discontent and misunderstanding. At some point, Turgenev begins to feel that it's not just a matter of it, that he does not know how to go on Earth, which is alien to these problems. The point is something much more serious. Probably, all the noble estate should go with historical scene. With Turgenev fiercely argue and Tolstoy, which at that moment almost completely devoted himself agriculture, and Fet. Slightly before, in 1857, a remarkable dispute was held, almost a scandal, between Turgenev and Fetom. They argued about the debt of the nobility. Turgenev believed that the nobles should be on Earth and help the peasants of anything, so he laughed at Fetom, who did not even have a land block. This dispute will also be reflected in the novel "Noble Nest", when Mikhalevich will come to visit the Lavretz, and they will argue to screams and hoarseness all night long.

Here in such a roasting atmosphere of ideological disputes was working on the novel "Noble Nest" (Fig. 4).

Fig. four. Title page Manuscript novel "Noble Nest". Autograph. 1859 ()

However, when the novel was published, the criticism took him not unanimously. The question arose: "Why is another novel about the nobleman, intelligent, failed fate? Turgenev consistently objected to its critics. Between the heroes of the novels there is a significant difference. First, to Rudina, hero the novel of the same name, You can present a number of moral claims: he chatted, vain, he likes to act, loves to live for someone else's account. It is impossible to prevent anything like this to Laurezza. Secondly, Rudda actually does not have a biography, so we do not quite understand how this hero was formed. Lavrezky has not only biography, but also the history of the genus of Laurets over four generations. The genus Lavretsky came to Russia during the times of Vasily Dark (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5. Prince Vasily II Dark ()

Then Turgenev begins to talk about the great-grandfather of Laurerse Andrei: « Andrey, the man is cruel, bold, smart and crazy. Until this day, the Silver did not disappear about his self-government, about his molar, insane generosity and greediness of the unfortunate. He was very fat and high with growth, from the face of Mucklock and Bezboroz, Kartvil and seemed drowy; But what he was quiet, the more fluttered everything around him ... "

This is such a strong, extraordinary and bright person. The next in this family is Peter, the usual steppe landowner who caught the hares, played the card, lost part of the father of the estate. Third in this family - Ivan, man early XIX. The century, which receives the formation of a rich aunt, who discharged to him the best teachers. But who are these teachers? Former mentor Ivan Petrovich - a retired abbot and an encyclopedist who fled from french revolution The aristocrat, a supporter of the teachings of Rousseau, Voltaire, Didro, was pleased with the fact that in his pupil all the wisdom of the XVIII century, who died in him, without penetrating his soul. But the educated Ivan is in a difficult position: aunt for old age is married to this abbot, which she calls « fine Fleur Emigration» . He rewrites her capital and runs to France, aunt dies, and Ivan, left without an inheritance, returns home, where no one really knew about Rousseau and Didro. Of course, in such an atmosphere, Ivan languishes, so it turns an affair with a young Rustic girl Malanie, who sincerely falls in love with his Mr. This novel causes a scandal, but Ivan announces that he marries his fortress Malane. And indeed, he married her, but then he left her on long yearsWith no thinking that his son Fedor grows in Malania.

So Fedor Ivanovich Lavretsky appears on the light (Fig. 6) - the protagonist of the novel "Nobility Nest".

Fig. 6. Fedor Loverezky (K.I. Rudakov. Il. To the novel "The noble nest") ()

Thus, if in Rudin's novel, it was about the fate of one person, then here the conversation is already talking about the fate of the whole genus of Laurets. Moreover, if the first Roman Turgenev is named by the name of the main character, then the second is the "noble nest", because the author is important to tell about the historical fate of the nobility in the era of reforms. These destinies are seen by Turgenev not in the most rainbow light. Using the example of the story of the genus Laurek, we can say that there is a long fading of the nobility itself as a phenomenon: from strong and cruel Andrei to the weakly-speaking Ivan, who for a long time lived abroad, became English, and on returning to Russia she was hatched reformist ideas. But after the uprising of Decembrists, Ivan was frightened and got into the village, just in case he became a believer, Raskis, weakened. Thus, we see this withering the noble class, for the reasons for which Turgenev is trying to respond with all the progress of the novel "noble nest".

Fyodor Lavretsky first brought up under the clerk of the gloomy and harsh auction of Glafira Petrovna, then his grandfather Peter Andreevich takes him to his mother, but brings up without the participation of Malania, who only published timidly looked like her son in the garden in gentlemen. For some time, the formation of Laurezzi was obtained under the supervision of Glafira, and education was the reading of life, containing terrible and harsh stories about how people went to the torment and execution, but did not change their beliefs. It was very an important lesson In the life of Lauretsky. But when the father returned, he began to teach him the newest method. He woke him up at 4 o'clock in the morning, poured by ice water, forced to do exercises. Initially, the poor child almost died of inflammation of the lungs, but then rapidly and squeezed. Ivan did not let go of his son to the university, and so under 23 years had to nurse with his unfortunate, capricious and even blinded at the end of his father. The death of the father became freedom for his son. And here Fedor, the young and educated young man goes into life. He has no life experienceAnd therefore it becomes easy prey to cheerful, beautiful and arrogant adventurers. It literally marries the secular lady of Varvara Pavlovna. Marriage for Laurek means extraordinarily much. He, who had a lonely childhood, the lack of mother, sees in a spouse and girlfriend, and mother, and sister. She is all for him. And for Barbara Pavlovna, he is just a rich husband, whom she takes to Paris, although Lavretsky wanted to start transformations in the village. In Paris, Varvara Pavlovna boldly changing her husband. She leaves a note of the shameful content in the prominent place, which Lavretsky detects. It is difficult to imagine the whole depth of the disappointment of Fedor: a person who was for him everything becomes a traitor. And he is in confused state different countriesdoes not find a shelter, but still makes a decision: since the personal happiness does not shine to him no longer (divorces in Russia there is no time), he is going to go to Russia to "Earth plow".

In Russia, Lavretsky falls into noble Nest: In the beautiful, destroyed by the estate of his distant relatives of Kalitin. There he meets the girl with whom he could be happy. This is 19-year-old Lisa Kalitin, smart, honest and deeply religious girl (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7. Lisa Kalitina (K.I. Rudakov. Il. To the novel "The noble nest") ()

The happiness between them is impossible (Fedor is married), but here follows a sudden, even an adventure turn of the plot: comes to news of the death of Barbara Pavlovna. Lavretsky is hardly experiencing the death of his wife, despite the fact that he did not love and despised her. But at the same time he rejoices that he is now free and can link his life with a completely different person who will not distract him from classes on Earth. It would seem that the heroes do not threaten anything, they are free and happy, but they will take them away from happiness. Their premonition is tortured, they are sad and disturbed. Of course, this feeling will not let them down. Varvara Pavlovna arrives in Russia, who did not die and arrived at the money (Fig. 8).

Fig. 8. Reconciliation of Laurezzani with his wife (K.I. Rudakov. Il. To the novel "Noble Nest") ()

For heroes, this is a catastrophe. But for Turgenev, it is important that the catastrophe is preparing this heroes. Thus, the author answers the question of the role of the nobility in the era of reforms. Over the noble estate, some terrible generic curse. As soon as Lavretsky begins to think about personal happiness, he is remembered by his mother, quiet, meek, forever guilty, scored, frightened Malania. As soon as he begins to think about why he could not succeed, he sees a man, a torn, dirty, unfortunate, who has died. That is, the topic of the people begins to sound when heroes begin to think about personal happiness. Lisa also did not believe in the possibility of happiness for himself. She spoke to Laurezza about what he knew how everything was created, and that now it is necessary to crumble.

Thus, the generic wines is wines before the people. The nobility really created unique culture, golden culture The XVIII-XIX centuries, but it was created at the expense of an unfortunate, exhausted man, who did not get anything from this culture. This wine copied, multiplied from generation to generation, and the nobility, aggravated by this terrible wine, should leave the historical scene. Many argued with Turgenev why the fate of the nobility is over. Tolstoy led an example of the fact that many nobles were ready to give their own land to the peasants and even wrote the petition to the emperor. Why the nobility exhausted his creative opportunities? Turgenev believed that this is true.

With thoughts about Russia, another difference between the heroes of the first and second Turgenev novels is connected. Rudin was Western, and Lavretsky - Slavophil. Turgenev himself called himself by Western, and Slavophilism considered a false teaching, but it was important for him that his hero was standing on Earth and was blood bonds connected with her. But even such a super-positive hero, like Lauretsky, could not change anything in his fate, or the destiny of the peasant could not. It remains only to be surprised by the social sensitivity of Turgenev. He believed that the nobility would pay personal unhappiness for this fatal guilt. And indeed, the remaining 4% of the pillars in Russia in Russia, a tragic fate awaits in 60 years.


  1. Sakharov V.I., Zinin S.A. Russian language and literature. Literature (basic and in-depth levels) 10. - M.: Russian Word.
  2. Arkhangelsky A.N. and others. Russian language and literature. Literature (in-depth level) 10. - M.: Drop.
  3. Lanin B.A., Ustinova L.Yu., Shamchikova V.M. / Ed. Lanina B.A. Russian language and literature. Literature (basic and in-depth levels) 10. - M.: Ventana Graf.
  1. Internet portal A ().
  2. Internet portal ().
  3. Internet portal LITSOCHRU ().


  1. Make up comparative characteristic Dmitry Rudina and Fyodor Lavretsky images.
  2. Determine the innovations in the novel "Noble nest" compared to previous works Turgenev.
  3. * Think what is expressed by the psychology of the novel. Record substantiated and confirmed by examples from the novel answer.

In the novel, the "noble nest" is a great place the author pays the topic of love, because this feeling helps to highlight all top Qualities Heroes, see the main thing in their characters, understand their soul. Love is depicted by Turgenev as the finest, light and clean feelingAwakening in people all the best. In this novel, like in any other Roman Turgenev, the most touching, romantic, elevated pages are devoted to the heroes. Loverezky's love and Lisa Galitina manifests itself immediately, she approaches them to the way, through many reflections and doubts, and then suddenly falls on them with their irresistible force. who experienced a lot in his century: both hobbies and disappointments, and the loss of all life goals, first just admires Liza, its innocence, purity, immediacy, sincerity, all the qualities that are absent from the barbarian Pavlovna, hypocritical, Loverez's depraved wife, Throwing it.

Lisa is close to him in spirit: "sometimes it happens that two already acquaintances, but not close to each other, a person suddenly and quickly get closer for a few moments, - and the consciousness of this rapprochement immediately expresses in their views, in their friendly and quiet smiles, in themselves Their movements. This is what happened to Laurets and Liza. " They talk a lot and understand that they have a lot in common. Lavretsky seriously belongs to life, to other people, to Russia, Lisa is also deep and strong girlhaving your own ideals and beliefs. According to Lemma, Lisa music teacher, she is "the girl fair, serious, with sublime feelings."

Lisa carries a young man, a capital official with a wonderful future. Lisa's mother would be glad to give her marry him, she considers it a beautiful party for Lisa. But Lisa cannot love him, she feels false in his attitude towards her, Panshin is a superficial man, he appreciates the external shine in people, and not the depth of feelings. Further events of the novel confirm this opinion about the panel. Only when Lavretsky receives news about the death in Paris of his wife, he begins to make the idea of \u200b\u200bhis personal. Turgenev in his favorite manner does not describe a sense of man who freed against shame and humiliation, he uses the reception of "secret psychology", depicting the experiences of his heroes through movements, gestures, facial expressions. After Lavretsky read the news of the death of his wife, he "dressed, went out into the garden and until the morning he went back and forth all over one alley."

After some time, Lavretsky is convinced that he loves Lisa. He is not happy with this feeling, as he has already experienced him, and it brought him only disappointment. He is trying to find confirmation of the news of his wife's death, he is tormented by uncertainty. And the love of Lisa grows everything: "He loved not like a boy, he was not to sigh and languish himself, and Lisa herself was not this kind of feeling excited; but the love for any age has his sufferment - and he experienced them completely."

Heroes's feelings The author transfers through the descriptions of nature, which is especially beautiful before their explanation: "Each of them grew in his chest, and nothing for them disappeared: for them Solovy, and the stars burned, and the trees quietly whispelled, subsicious and sleep, And the negoy of summer, and warmth. " The scene of explanation in love Laurezzani and Lisa was written by Turgenev amazingly poetic and touching, the author finds the simplest and at the same time the most tender words to express the feelings of heroes. Lavretsky wanders at night around the house of Lisa, looking at her window, in which the candle burns: "Lavretsky did not think anything, he was not waiting for him; he was pleased to feel near Liza, sit in her garden on a bench, where she was not sitting once .. . "At this time, Lisa goes into the garden, as if feeling that Lavretsky was there:" In a white dress, with unpleasant braids on the shoulders, she quietly approached the table, bent over him, put a candle and won something; then, turned around Lee Tsom to the garden, she approached the opened door and, all the white, light, slim, stopped on the threshold. " An explanation is explained in love, after which Lavretsky overwhelms happiness: "Suddenly it came to him that there were some wonderful, triumphant sounds over his head; he stopped: the sounds were even more magnificent; they were joining the singers, they flowed in a strong stream, - Iv them, It seemed to say and sang all his happiness. " It was the music that Lemm composed, and she fully corresponded to the mood of Laurezza: "Loveret has long been not hearding anything like that: a sweet, passionate melody from the first sound covered the heart; she shone all, all Tomilas

"Noble Nest"

Compared with the first novel Turgenev in the "noble nest" everything seems soft, balanced, there are no such sharp oppositions as opposition to Rudine and Pigasov, Basistan and Pandalevsky. Even Panshin, embodying an exemplary noble morality, is not distinguished by an obvious, striking negativity. You can understand Lisa, which for a long time could not determine his attitude towards the panel and, essentially, did not resist the intention of Maryia Dmitrievna to issue her marry to the Panishin, he cares, the everydays are tacty enough, it's necessary to support the conversation; He draws and writes paints, composes music and poems. And who knows how the fate of Lisa would have begun if it were not for the dispute. In general, it should be noted that in the composition of Turgenev novels, ideological disputes always play a huge role. In the "noble nest", the "crowded" dispute is a dispute between the panel and lauren about the people. Turgenev once noticed that it was a dispute between Western and Slavophil. This author's characteristic It is impossible to understand too literally. The fact is that the Panshin of the Western of a special, treated type, and Lauretry Slavophil is not orthodox. In its attitude to the people, Lavretsky is most similar to the author "Hunter's notes", that is, on Turgenev itself. He is not trying to give the Russian people some simple, a convenient definition; Like Turgenev, Lavretsky believes that before inventing and imposing the recipes of the dispensation people's Life, you need to understand this life, explore the nature of the people. Here he expresses essentially the same thought, which Rudin expressed in a dispute with Pigasov.

The "noble nest" is a novel about the historical fate of the nobility in Russia. The father of the main character of the novel of Fyodor Ivanovich Lavretsky spent his whole life abroad, first in service, and then "for his pleasure." This person in all his hobbies is infinitely distant from Russia and its people. A supporter of the Constitution, at the same time he does not tolerate the appearance of "fellow citizens" - peasants.

Fedor Ivanovich after the death of the father falls into the love networks of the cold and calculating egoist of Varvara Pavlovna. He lives with her in France, until the case opens his eyes to his wife's infidelity. As if freeing about the puzzling home, Lavretsky returned home and as if she sees his native places, where life flows "slander, like water for swamp grass." In this silence, where even the clouds seem to "know where and why they swim", he meets his true love - Lisa Kalitina. But this love was not destined to become happy, although amazing music, composed by the old eccentric lemma, teacher Lisa, was thrust happiness heroes. Varvara Pavlovna, who was considered dead, was alive, and therefore, the marriage of Fyodor Ivanovich and Liz became impossible. In the final of Lisa goes to the monastery to pour the sins of the father, who mined the richness of the unrighteous ways. Lavretsky remains some live lifeless life.

Lisa and Lavretsky - the heirs of the best features of the patriarchal nobility (their carrier in the novel - Marfa Timofeevna, aunt Lisa), and at the same time, they are alien to both barbarism and ignorance of previous times and blind worship before the West.

They are capable of self-sacrifice and ready for long-term, stubborn work. The characters of the honest, a little embarrassing "Bayebak" of Laurezza (by many features he resembles Pierre Lambomov from the "war and the world" of a thick) and modest, religious Lisa of Kalitina is genuinely national. Turgenev saw in them the healthy beginning of the Russian nobility, without which could not, from his point of view, the public renewal of the country takes place.

The beginning of the folk morality in the nature of Lisa, in all its worldviews, still definition is expressed. With all his behavior, with his calm grace, she is more than all Turgenev Heroin reminds Pushkin Tatiana. But in the character of Lisa there is one property, which in the character of Tatiana is only scheduled, but which will become the main distinguishing property of the type of Russian women who is called "Turgenevsky". This is dedication, readiness for self-sacrifice. Lisa has only one predecessor: Lucherya from the story of Turgenev "live power".

It is difficult for us to put up with the fact that in the final of the novel we see Lisa Kalitina in the monastery. But, essentially, it is a strikingly courageous, loyal bar of the artist. After all, the path to life in the name of good (and Lisa dreamed only about such a lifetime) Lisa was not, the Turgenev sentence was concluded in the fate of Lisa. It is difficult to imagine what it would be with Liza, if Lavretsky went on his dreams, if he threatened some kind of danger. Probably, then the fate of Lisa would be different. Her monastic proportion - the accusation is not only a lauren, but also the whole society that kills everything is clean, which is born in it.

turgenev Roman Realism Creative

The writing

After the yield of Roman "Rudin" in the January and February books of the "contemporary" for 1856, Turgenev thinks new Roman. The writer thought about the story for a very long time, for a long time was not accepted for her, everything spit plot in his head, as Turgenev himself wriggles on the cover of the manuscript. The last corrections in the work were made by the author in mid-December 1858, and in the January book of the "contemporary" for 1959, the "noble nest" saw the light. Central problem The story was the problem of moral debt. Forgetting about the moral debt, the personality flows into the inappropriate of individualism, he believes Turgenev, and has a retribution in the person of the laws of nature, guarding the world harmony. In the "noble nest" the problem of moral debt receives a socio-historical justification. This story - last try Turgenev find the hero of his time in the noble environment. During the creation of a novel, the revolutionaries-Democrats and Liberals still performed together in the fight against serfdom. But the signs of the future gap, which occurred in 1859, was already noticeable and disturbed by Turgenev. This alarm is reflected in the content of the novel. Turgenev understood that russian nobility C. turnstanding torque, To a certain frontier, which will be clear whether it will be able to keep the role of leading historical strength.

In the center of the work, at first glance, the story, far from historical transformations, is the history of love Lisa and Lavretsky. Heroes meet, they have sympathy to each other, then love, they are afraid to admit to themselves, because Lavretsky is bound by marriage. Per a short time Lisa and Love-Ritsky are experiencing and hope for happiness, and despair - with the consciousness of its inability. The heroes of the novel are looking for answers to the questions that their fate poses in front of them, - about personal happiness, about the debt to loved ones, about self-denial, about its place in life.
The main character Works around which all narration is built - Lauretsky. This is a hero who embodies the best qualities of patriotic and democratically tuned Russian nobility. He appears in the novel not one, but along with the story of a kind. In the "noble nest" Turgenev is interested in evil-bog modern life, He upstream river comes to its origins. Therefore, the heroes of the novel are shown with their "roots", with the soil on which they rose. It is not only about the personal destiny of Lavretsky, but also about the historical fate of a whole class. No wonder the pedigree hero is told from the very beginning - from the XV century. Turgenev criticizes noble groundlessness, his separation from the people, from native culture, from Russian roots. Taksova and the father of Laurel - Galoman and Engnan. Turgenev fears that modern conditions Such groundlessness can generate bureaucrats - Westerners, such as Panshin. But Lavretsky is not only an offacarious nobleman, he is also the son of the peasant. He never forgets it, feels "man's" features, and others are surprised by his extraordinary physical strength. Marta Timofeevna, aunt of Lisa, admired his hectares, and the mother of Lisa, Mary Dmitrievna, cried in Laurek the absence of sophisticated manners. The hero and origin, and personal qualities are close to the people. But at the same time, the formation of his personality was influenced by the Voltairianism, the Anglazness of the Father, and the Russian University Education. Even the physical strength of Laurezza is not only natural, but also the fruit of the education of Swiss-governor. It is deeply significant, in my opinion, a dispute between the panel and lav-river. He arises in the evening, before explaining Lisa and Lavretsky. No wonder this dispute is woven into the most lyrical pages of the novel. For Turgenev, the personal destinies are merged here, mustional quest His heroes and their organic proximity to the people, attitude towards it on "equal". For Panishin and the like - Russia is a wasteland where any public and economic experiments can be carried out. Turgenev invests their ideas in the mouth of Laurezza and breaks the extreme liberals-Westerners on all points of their programs. Lavretsky has proven a parenchpin the impossibility of jumps and the arrogant desire for alterations, not justified by any knowledge native landnor faith in an ideal, at least negative. Lavretsky leads to an example of his own education, requires first of all the recognition of "People's Truth and humility before it ...". And he is looking for this folk truth. Lauretsky does not accept the soul of religious self-denial of Lisa, does not appeal to faith as consolation, but experiencing a moral fracture. Lavretsky "really stopped thinking about his own happiness, about self-supporting purposes." His admission to the People's Pravda is committed through the refusal of selfish desires and tireless labor, giving the calm of executed debt.

In her views, Lavretsky is close to Slavophilism. This direction arose in the 20s of the XIX century and rejected serfdom, Power over a person of a state bureaucracy. Slavophiles saw the exit for Russia in the People's Russian soul and wider - in Slavic life. Moral featAccording to Turgenev, consists in self-sacrifice. Performing debt, a person acquires moral freedom. These ideas were very clearly sounded in the novel "Noble Nest". Slavophiles considered traits that were incarnated in the characters of the main characters, the expression of the eternal and unchanged essence of Russian. But Turgenev, obviously, could not be considered sufficient for life these features of his hero. "As a leader, he is zero," this is most disturbed by the author in Lavretret. The catastrophe in the final of the novel is approaching how the retribution for the life of fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfather. The hero in the final welcomes the younger generation. Readers of the 1860s have seen in the coming generation of "new people", which go to the change of heroes from the nobility.

Other writings on this work

"The drama of his (Laurel) position is ... in a collision with those concepts and the businesses, with which the struggle will really eat the most energetic and bold man" (N.A. Dobrolyubov) (according to the novel "Extra people" (on the story "Asya" and the novel "Doblyan nest") Author and hero in Roman I. S. Turgenev "Noble Nest" Liza's meeting with Lavretsky's wife (Analysis of the episode of 39 Heads of Roman I. S. Turgenev "Noble Nest") Female images in Roman I. S. Turgenev "Noble Nest". I. with Turgenev "noble nest". Images of the main characters of the novel How do you understand the happiness of the heroes of Roman I. S. Turgenev "noble nest"? Lyrics and music of the novel "Noble nest" The image of Laurerse in the Roman I. S. Turgenev "Noble Nest" The image of the Turgenev girl (according to the novel I. S. Turgenev "Noble nest") The image of the Turgenev girl in the novel "The noble nest" Explanation of Lisa and Lavretsky (analysis of the episode of 34 heads of Roman I. S. Turgenev "Noble Nest"). Landscape in Roman I. S. Turgenev "Noble Nest" The concept of debt in the life of Fyodor Laurel and Lisa Kalitina Why Liza went to the monastery Representation of the perfect turgenev girl The problem of finding truth in one of the works of Russian literature (I.Sturgenev. "Noborian nest") The role of the image of Liza Kalitina in the Roman I. S. Turgenev "Noble Nest" The role of the epilogue in the Roman I. S. Turgenev "Noble Nest" The meaning of the name of the Roman I. S. Turgenev "Noble Nest" The dispute of Laurerse and Panishin (an analysis of the episode of 33 heads of Roman I. S. Turgenev "Noble Nest"). Theme of love in Roman I.S. Turgenev "noble nest" Roman "Noble Nest"

"Noble Nest" - lyrical Roman, in the center of which the problem of the relationship ideological concepts The modern noble intelligentsia, its spiritual quest with the traditional folk worldview, - struck contemporaries after Rudin, where this problem was not put.

In addition to the very constructing of a novel with two equal heroes (Laurets and Liza Kalitin), with an underlined reproduction of the situation, transmitting the organic connection of the hero with their native country, with the soil, was sharply different from the laconic organization of the material in the "one-centrular" novel "Rudin".

In the "noble nest", the ideological argument of heroes for the first time occupies a central place and for the first time "parties" of this dispute become loving. Love itself turns into an isna of the struggle of ideals.

Interest in the people, the desire to be useful to him, find his place in historical life countries, the main sense of development of which should be improved national Most, based on the knowledge of the needs and aspirations of the people, is characteristic of Laurezza.

Lavretsky - thinker. Conscious of the need for action, he considers the mainly for himself to develop the meaning and directions of this action. Already in the first youth, he plunged into scientists who had to give the theoretical foundations of its activities.

Turgenev simultaneously worked on the "noble nest" and the article "Hamlet and Don Quixote". A lot of moments must emphasize the gamletism of the chief hero in the novel "Koborsk nest" The author encounters Laurezza with three people active, with three carriers of completed, established beliefs, with people living in accordance with his beliefs.

With all these three characters, his hero enters the disputes. The dispute with Mikhalevich, the most fully and directly embodying the image of Turgenevsky Don Quixote with his endless kindness, conviction and impracticality, is drawn as an exchange of views, the rustling and fierce character of which is determined by the opposite of the natures of heroes, and the relationship of their mental interests.

Mikhalevich Lavretsky asks the most important question for both of them: "What to do?". This question is not a narrow-method value for them, but relates to the basics of the theoretical solution to the problems of history, politics and philosophy.

Genuine Don Quixote - Mikhalevich considers this question with solved, and decisive not mind, but feeling, intuition and faith.

For him, the task of a person is not reflections on the meaning of activity and its fruitfulness, but active, practical work For the embodiment of truth produced by intuition.

We point out on the line that characterizes antagonists and then somewhat found in the literature of the 60s. With the characteristics of a similar "couple", the collision of the hambic and Donkyotsky characters: Lavretsky turns out to be almost much more wealthy than the exhausting value of "work, activities" Mikhalevich. Mikhalevich would consider the achievement of the results that Lavretsky achieved, directly in the kingdom of freedom and prosperity. Laurerse these results are not saved from a feeling of deep dissatisfaction.

It is fundamentally different in nature than the dispute with Mikhalevich, wearing his argument with the panel, also a convinced man "Cause". Panshin is not only not Don Quixote, he opposes this family of people. The main features are egoism, ambition and animal thirst for life.

He is before the brain of the bones of St. Petersburg official, "performer." At the same time, he is ready to implement the most decisive reforms, break and twist. Ideals are limited to the latest "species" of the government, since the loyalty to these "species" and the disadvantage of activities to fulfill their personal benefits.

The reforming itching "Suguboy" (Saltykov's expression) of the young administrator - camera-junker, the external liberalism of his speeches clearly of all datches indicate what the era is depicted in the novel.

It is even more clear this follows from the constructive copyright of the objections of the Lavrezky Panchin: "... gave himself, his generation for the sacrifice, but he burned for new people, for their convictions and desires." Thus, we are talking about a new, young generation, which should change people who lived under the oppression of the Nikolaev reign.

We will negate that the historical and political plan here chronologically does not coincide with the time necessary for the implementation of the lyrical plot.

Between disputes that this is speech, and the epilogue of the novel, drawing up the last meeting of Lauretsky with the youth of the House of Calitins and with Liza-Monk, is 8 years old. That is why Turgenev, obviously, was forced to take the beginning of the action of the novel by 1850 contrary to all historical settingshown in it.

It is characteristic that Panshin calls Laurezza backward conservative.

Rejection lies like feature Lavretsky was expressed in his negative attitude towards the panel, in an uncompromising reluctance to agree with the latter. Broadcast plans Panish, which he perceives as "phrase", Lauretsky opposes the requirement of study native country And "recognition of the people's truth and humility before it."

On an impatient question Panishin "... What do you intend to do?" (As you can see, and the Panishin is interested in the question "What to do?", But for this official "to do" - it means that it is valuable and thoughtlessly repainting the life of the people, taking advantage of it) Lavretsky gives a response, clothed in the form of deliberate simplicity and prosperity: "Plow the Earth<...> And try to plow her as much as possible. "

In this position, Lavretsky has similarities with the position of the Hero of Tolstoy - Levin, also ironically believing to the "administrative delight" of bureaucrats and liberal landlords, who conducted any kind of reform, also seen their task in the organization of agriculture on new foundations, also repeatedly heard of the accusation of the accusation conservatism. Subsequently, a similar type called by the Mikhailovsky "walking nobleman", attracted the attention of writers and critics.

Love, interest and respect of Laurezza to the people relative to him with Liza Kalitina, a girl whose deeds directly and directly follow from her beliefs.

Speaking about the dedication of people like Don Quixote, since the adopted ideal, Turgenev argued: "Many get their ideal is completely ready, in certain, historically established forms; They live, thinking their lives with this ideal, sometimes retreating from him under the influence of passions or chances - but they do not argue about him, do not doubt it ... ".

It is to such a type of people with Lisa Kalitin. Her conviction, as well as the fact that her "his thoughts" is essentially only the use of traditional, in the patriarchal peasant environment and the sanctified centuries of the presentation system to this situation, make its actions incomprehensible and unexpected for people who are brought up in the traditions of the noble life.

Lisa leads a permanent dispute with Laurerse, trying to turn him into his "faith." The plot of "propaganda", the ideological education of a man's girl who was considered typical for Turgenev, in the "noble nest" as it would be turned over. Lisa is not only deeply convinced of the moral truths, who learned from childhood, - she, like Mikhalevich, "believes" in them, and somewhere this faith is bordered by fanaticism.

No wonder her teacher Agafya went to the Old Believer Skit. Religion for Lisa - the source of ready-made moral answers to the deepest secrets of being, the most tragic contradictions human life. Loving your country ordinary people, simple life, Lisa meets in the Loveview of a like-minded person, a man who respects Russia and its people; However, Lisa sees skepticism, and the disbelief of Laurezza, his indifference to religion. She hopes to turn him to religion.

The religiosity of Lisa washed with a sense of tragedy of life inseparable from the highest ethical demandingness inherent in her own. Mikhalevich argued that modern Russia "At every individual personality lies the debt, the responsibility is great before God, in front of the people, before himself!". Lisa Kalitina instinctively feels this responsibility.

External tragic circumstancesnot allowing to connect Lisa and Laurezza perceived by Liza as a signal of that complex connection the most apparently far from each other phenomena, as a result of which happy love It can be perceived as a sin at a time when they suffer, starve, the peasants are celebrating in the village.

Fathers of modern liberal landowners robbed, tortured, killed fathers of modern peasants. This rock wines is over the people of the new generation. Lavretsky notices in Lisa the features of fatalism and humility - patriarchal virtues who scare him. She is "all the lot are equal, but not because she experienced love disappointment, but because she surrounds the sea of \u200b\u200bfolk suffering and in these suffering she considers those who are obeying their ancestors.

These moods are understandable to the Lauretta, but he cannot adopt an old moral of renunciation and humility. Lavretsky tries to warn, convince her and forced to speak in her own language.

His assurances that freedom of feelings is the highest good that the violation of this freedom entails his misfortune and one who violates it is responsible for the consequences of such a violation, it comes to the resistance of Lisa, the source of perseverance of which is its commitment to a certain ethical system.

From the image of Lisa straight threads stretch to the heroine of the story of Turgenev "Strange History" - the Baryshn Sophie, which everyone finds "strange" and the most life feat Which (the feat of self-denial and religious ministry is a traditional, ancient feat of pilgrimage and obedience), consecrated by the idea, but the idea of \u200b\u200bfalse, looks no more than a "strange story."

She did not find the way to the Great, to a truly useful application for mankind of his forces and remained no more than " strange person" Consistently negatively related to religious fanaticism, half amemizing with Herzen, who saw in old goods and sectarianism the possible source of revolutionary sentiments, Turgenev, at the same time, compared Sophie with young revolutionary populists, who later emphasized the writer, went to the feat that "they considered True and good, "embodying their" unshakable and inexperienced beliefs. " The article "Hamlet and Don Quixote" says: "All people live<...> By virtue of their<...> Ideal, that is, due to the fact that they reveal the truth, beauty, good. "

The beliefs of Lavretsky do not correspond to the ascetic views of Lisa, he argues with her, but his humility to the people's right, the willingness with which he encourages a false, not by his fault arising of the situation (after all, he could divorce his wife) and refuses the struggle for his happiness, reproach He addresses himself, opposing labor for the benefit of the disadvantaged people of love and the joys of life, indicate that he does not believe in his right for happiness.

After parting with Lisa and ascetic devoting himself to work for the benefit of their peasants, Lauretsky, forgotten by everyone and lonely, "stopped thinking about his own happiness, about self-supporting purposes," and that is why "he was regretting what it was about, to be ashamed."

The novel "The noble nest" will penetrate the consciousness of the course of historical time, carrying out the life of people, hopes and thoughts of generations and whole layers of national culture.

The most image of the "noble nest", the image, locally and socially "laminated" from a large generalized image of Russia, Motherland, still represents a derivative of him, and this side of the world created in the novel is no less important than the "sense of history" expressed in it .

In the "noble nest", in ancient houseIn which the generations of the nobles and the peasants lived, the spirit of the Motherland lives, Russia is "the smoke of the Fatherland". Lyrical theme Russia, opposed west, the consciousness of the specialties of Russian historical conditions and characters in the "noble nest" anticipate the problems of the novel "Smoke".

In the "noble nest", in the houses of Laurets and Kalitins, spiritual values \u200b\u200bwere born and ripened, which will forever remain the property of Russian society, no matter how it changed.

"Light poetry, spilled in every sound of this novel," by definition of Saltykov-Shchedrin, should be seen not only in the love of the writer to the past and his humility to the supreme law of history, and in his faith in the inner organic development of the country. At the end of the novel new life "Plays" in the old house and the old garden, and does not leave this house, renounced from him.

None of the works of Turgenev to such an extent as in the "noble nest", denial is not associated with the statement, in any opposite they are not woven into such a close node. Drawing a historical sunset of landlord nests, Turgenev showed that the incredit values \u200b\u200bof the noble culture were created in the process of its interaction with the spiritual life of the people, the peasantry.

History of Russian literature: in 4 volumes / edited by N.I. Protkova and others - L., 1980-1983.