Types of subordinate communication in the Russian language. Complex sentences with different types of communication

Types of subordinate communication in the Russian language.  Complex sentences with different types of communication
Types of subordinate communication in the Russian language. Complex sentences with different types of communication

Under creative communication a connection is understood in which there is no grammatical dependence of one component of a syntactic construction on another component. A constructive connection takes place between word forms of a simple sentence and predicative units in a complex sentence. So, using the example of the poem by A.S. Pushkin's "Echo" can distinguish more than one series of compositional connections; in the first part of the poem Is the beast roaring in the deaf forest, Is the horn blowing, is the thunder thundering, Is the maiden over the hill singing - For every sound Your response is in the empty air You will suddenly give birth a compositional connection is established between four predicative units (simple sentences in a complex sentence): 1) p the beast is eating in the deaf forest, 2) the horn blows, 3) Thunder, 4)the maiden over the hill sings, which in turn are connected by a subordinate connection with the fifth predicative unit: for every sound Your response is in the empty air You will suddenly give birth. In the second part You will heed the roar of thunder, And the voice of the storm and the shafts, And the cry of the rural shepherds - And you send the answer... (A. Pushkin) word forms are designed with a compositional connection heed and send; rumble, voice and scream... In a sentence Every day, getting out of bed at eleven o'clock, Olga Ivanovna played the piano or, if the sun was out, painted something with oil paints(A. Chekhov) a compositional connection is established between word forms played, wrote.

An essay is a special type of syntactic connection that has its own substantive and formal features.

The formal indicator of a compositional connection is compositional conjunctions. A certain type of union is assigned to the expression of a certain type of syntactic relationship. So, in the sentence On a quiet moonlit night, Olga Ivanovna stood on the deck of the Volga steamer and watched then on the water, then to beautiful shores(A. Chekhov) compositional connection between word forms stood and watched; now on the water, then on the coast... Union and expresses enumerative relationships of overlapping actions; recurring union then ... then expresses the relationship of alternation: the attention of the subject is seized by one object, then another. Wed: (L. Sobolev). Recurring connecting union no no in a sentence Neither longing, nor love, nor resentment, Everything faded, passed, departed(A. Block) informs about the absence of the listed denotations (referents). Wed: Neither in the cellars, nor in the towers, nor there were no cases in cars(L. Sobolev). Contrasting the conditions for the manifestation of different characteristics of the subject in a sentence By the years he should have been with the young, but by wealth and connections, he was a member of circles of old, respectable people(L. Tolstoy) transferred by an opposing alliance but. Recurring union not that ... not that brings value uncertainty. For example: And again not that dreaming not that Chang thinks that distant morning when, after a painful, restless ocean, a steamer, sailing from China with the captain and Chang, entered the Red Sea(I. Bunin). Union or expresses the semantic relationship of mutual exclusion. For example: Then, with Mimi's permission, I or Volodya go to the carriage(L. Tolstoy).

In case of non-union, intonation is the decisive grammatical indicator of composition. She, intonation, is also the differentiator of the semantic relations of the composed series. An example of enumerated intonation in a simple sentence: Everything is asleep all around; some lamps In the darkness of the temple, granite pillars are gilded masses And them banner overhanging row (A. Pushkin); the same semantic relations in a complex sentence are also conveyed by enumerative intonation: Outside the window, birches whiten, Fir-trees pull thorny paws, On the pine bark, like tears, Resinous drops glow(L. Oshin).

The components of a sentence, connected by a compositional connection, form a composed (or compositional) series. An essential feature of the composed series is such a property of its structure as the absence of a main and dependent component. This is due to the fact that none of the words included in the composed row serves to clarify another word, in the composed row there is no relationship between the determinate and the defining. The components of the composed series are thus formally independent of each other. However, in a semantic sense, they may not have the same significance, one of the components, as a rule, post-positive, may carry information more significant than the information provided by the first component; a postpositive component can act as the instantiator of another, prepositive member of the series. For example: The watchmen not only did not get up from their seats when he passed, but didn't even look on him(N. Gogol); Everything, especially officials remained dazed for a while(N. Gogol); At the crossing of them, on round glades, were old, others broken, deprived, large sandstone statues(L. Tolstoy); The crowd buzzed around, discussing the unprecedented incident; the word was nasty, vile, seductive, piggy a scandal that ended only when the truck carried away from the gates of Griboyedov the unfortunate Ivan Nikolaevich, the policeman, Panteley and Ryukhin(M. Bulgakov).

Another essential feature of a composition is the subordination of the components of a series (in the structure of simple and complex sentences) to one word (word form) and the ability to express a certain type of syntactic relations in this subordination. For example, the composed row fountains, lines, gold, sea in a sentence I remember the fountains, long extinct, White marble strict lines, Gold, glittering dimly in the sun, The sea beyond the park is cold, blue(L. Oshin) spreads, explains the word remember(remember what?), all components of the series express explanatory relationships. In a multi-component complex sentence I came to you with greetings to tell you that the sun has risen, that it fluttered with hot light through the sheets(A. Fet) Subordinate clauses are subordinate, they, answering the question "about what?", Spread, explain, specify the lexical meaning of the word tell in the main part (tell about what ?: that the sun has risen; what else? that it fluttered with hot light through the sheets), and express an explanatory relationship.

Corresponding to one pivotal word, the components of the composed series can express one type of semantic relations, thereby occupying one syntactic place and performing the function of one member of the sentence, and different semantic relations, thus occupying different syntactic places and performing the function of different members of the sentence.

The components of the composed series, which occupy one syntactic place and perform the function of one member of the sentence, are homogeneous and form a number of homogeneous members... For example: Neither the Acropolis, nor Baalbek, nor Thebes, nor Paestum, nor St. Sophia, nor the old churches in the Russian Kremlin are still incomparable for me with Gothic cathedrals.(I. Bunina) - the composed row is represented by nouns Acropolis, Baalbek, Thebes, Paestum, Hagia Sophia, churches that name different objects of speech, but occupy the position of the subject, represented by the nominative case, and are subjects. They form a series of homogeneous members. In a sentence The admiral saw flashes of red and orange(L. Sobolev) a homogeneous series is represented by adjectives red, orange, calling the attribute of an object by color, in the definition function.

The components of the composed series, which occupy different syntactic places and are therefore different members of the sentence, are not homogeneous. For example, the components of the composed row in the sentence are not homogeneous On the sands, in paradise nudity, the coffee bodies of black-haired teenagers lie(A. Fadeev). The composed row is represented here by word forms on the sands and in heavenly nudity, the first wordform takes the position of the circumstance of the place, the second - the circumstances of the mode of action (or concomitant circumstance): where are the bodies lying around? - on the sand; lying around in what condition? - in nudity. Similarly also in the statement Scientists were at a loss: they expected to see our ancestor not at all there and not so(V. Scheulin) word forms not there and not like that are components of the composed series, as evidenced by the compositional conjunctive conjunction "and", however, they are not homogeneous members, since the adverb "there" takes the position of the circumstance of place: did you expect to see where? - not there; whereas the pronoun "such" expresses attributive relations: did they expect to see the ancestor as what? - not like that. This suggests that the syntactic positions of the selected word forms are different, therefore they cannot be recognized as homogeneous.

The components of the composed series that occupy one syntactic place and perform the function of one member of the sentence are homogeneous if they are correlated with one common member of the sentence or are subordinate to it. All members of a proposal can be homogeneous. An example of homogeneous subjects: From century to century poetry and prose deadly battle are fought among themselves(E. Vinokur); That story was folded mountains, towers, stars, clouds, snow and herbs spring heap, people, songs and river (N. Tikhonov);

homogeneous predicates: My life - fate of my power, everyone day her and hour (M. Aliger); No, it's time unhappy, painful, miserable (I. Bunin); Even in childhood, he known as an eccentric and was different on comrades(F. Dostoevsky); First there was me merry and sharp, And sometimes too much careless (M. Lermontov).

Homogeneous minor members of the sentence:

homogeneous definitions: The work must contain clear, definite thought(A. Chekhov); Gloomy, vague rain clouds hanging over the garden(I. Bunin);

additions: Take care of old people offense, cold weather, fire (L. Tatyanicheva); Every noble person is deeply aware of his blood kinship, their hard-earned connections with the fatherland(V. Belinsky);

circumstances: Attentively, tirelessly, stubbornly learn the language(M. Gorky); Ripe bread dim, gloomy were white in front(I. Bunin); You v summer heat and snow bright and good(E. Dolmatovsky).

However, it should be remembered that the performance of the same syntactic function of adjacent word forms is not a guarantee of homogeneity. For the homogeneity of such members of the sentence, the presence of a compositional connection is a necessary condition. For example, in the sentence Dubov had no idea about difficult frosty experiences(A. Fadeev) definitions complex and Morozkin, characterizing the subject (Morozka's experiences) from different sides (in quality and belonging), are not homogeneous, since they are not connected by a compositional connection, which is signaled by the compositional union, which is absent here, and enumerative intonation, as evidenced by the absence of a comma between the definitions. Similarly: It was brand new blue satin shirt(N. Ostrovsky). The absence of a comma and a union - signs of a compositional connection - speaks of the heterogeneity of the selected definitions to the word shirt.

If the sentence repeats the same word in the same form, it is impossible to talk about the homogeneity of the member of the sentence indicated by them even in the presence of a compositional connection, because we are talking about one action, one feature. For example: Friend of my harsh days, my decrepit dove! Alone in the wilderness of pine forests Long, long time ago Are you waiting for me(A. Pushkin); Food, food in an open field, bell ding ding ding. The repetition of the lexeme performs a stylistic technique, informing about the duration of actions.

The components of a homogeneous series can be represented both by one morphological form, and by different forms of one part of speech, as well as by different parts of speech. For example: And someone's tender fleshy face, shaved and well-fed, wearing horn-rimmed glasses, appeared in front of Ivan(M. Bulgakov); And this is very well known not only in Russia, but also in Europe (M. Bulgakov); It's not the air that draws him to the garden, he sees something on this spring full moon on the moon and in the garden, in height (M. Bulgakov); In his eyes alone blue, bulging and several motionless, there was either thoughtfulness or fatigue, and his voice sounded even(I. Turgenev); The nose is crooked, the lips are proud, the forehead white and clean, without any special signs (M. Bulgakov).

The components of a heterogeneous composition can also have one or different ways of morphological expression. For example: She looked at him for a long time and attentively (A. Fadeev); She looked at him for a long time, v deep thoughtfully.

Thus, composition and homogeneity are not identical concepts. The concept of a composed series is broader than the concept of homogeneity: homogeneous members of a sentence form a composed series and are its components, but not all components of a composed series are homogeneous.

The composed row can be open or closed. Under open a series that is capable of potential spread is understood. It is typical for constructs with enumerated relations, as well as with mutual exclusion and alternation relations. They can be multi-component. For example: Nai Tours on a grand scale planted Colt in a holster, jumped up to the machine gun by the sidewalk, crumpled, sat down, and left hand corrected ribbon(M. Bulgakov); She never(Marie) never tired of listening to these naive sea stories - albeit repeated more than once - O sea ​​and fishery life, O small meager joy, O simple artless love, O distant voyages, about storms and crashes, O submissive, stern acceptance always close of death, O rude fun on the land(A. Kuprin); I or sob, or scream, or faint (A. Chekhov); With a sliding motion like a cat, he is not the same crawled, not that slipped through, not that flew over across a run-down road... (A. Fadeev).

Under closed two-component series are understood that cannot be supplemented by new members with the same semantic relations. These are, as a rule, comparative, gradational, adversarial constructions. For example: The guest did not go out of town, a in town (M. Bulgakov); Levin obediently put myself some sauce, but did not give there is Stepan Arkadyevich(L. Tolstoy); Not only Volodya , but also other children happy going to the theater.

The connection between the components of the composed series can be mandatory and optional. In the presence of compulsory links, one of the components of the series cannot be omitted. The obligatory nature of this connection is determined, for example, by the lexical meaning of the verb as a general word. These are verbs with the meaning of connection, separation, juxtaposition: fold, match, divide, marry, delimit, compare... A feature of these verbs is that they call actions directed simultaneously not at one object, but at several objects that are in the same relation to this action. In this case, all the components of the composed series are among the obligatory distributors of the verbs: combine work and leisure; separate sugar and salt, compare properties and states of an object, put things and books, marry a brother and girlfriend, compare structural and semantic approaches to a sentence and under. Obligatory connection in the composed row can be dictated by the nature of the union, as well as by the presence of other official words (particles not) determining the presence of homogeneous members. For example: But the proposal to send Kant to Solovki not only amazed foreigner, but even delighted (M. Bulgakov); Levin put on big boots and for the first time not a fur coat, a cloth underwear, and went to the house(L. Tolstoy).

In the absence of these conditions, the connection between the components of the composed series is optional. For example: There were dogs, horses, sheep, cows, workers, there were a coachman, headman, cooks, cowgirls, nannies, mother and father, school students - brothers, sister Olya, still swinging in the cradle(I. Bunin).

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Complex sentences with different types of communication- this is complex sentences that consist of at least from three simple sentences , connected with each other by a compositional, subordinate and non-union connection.

To understand the meaning of such complex structures, it is important to understand how the simple sentences included in them are grouped together.

Often complex sentences with different types of connection are divided into two or more parts (blocks), connected with the help of compositional unions or non-union; and each part in structure is either a complex sentence or a simple one.

For example:

1) [Sad I am]: [No friend with me], (with whom I would drink for a long parting), (whom I could shake the hand from my heart and wish many happy years)(A. Pushkin).

This is a complex sentence with different types of communication: non-union and subordinate, consists of two parts (blocks), connected non-union; the second part reveals the reason for what is said in the first; Part I is a simple sentence in structure; Part II is a complex sentence with two relative clauses, with a homogeneous subordination.

2) [Lane was covered in gardens], and [by the fences grew linden trees who now cast a broad shadow by the moon] (so that fences and Gates on one side they were completely drowned in darkness)(A. Chekhov).

This is a complex sentence with different types of communication: compositional and subordinate, consists of two parts, connected by a compositional connecting union and, the relations between the parts are enumerative; Part I is a simple sentence in structure; Part II - a complex sentence with a clause of the consequence; the subordinate clause depends on everything important, it joins it with a union so that.

A complex sentence may contain sentences with various types of union and non-union communication.

These include:

1) composition and submission.

For example: The sun went down, and the night followed the day without a gap, as is usually the case in the south.(Lermontov).

(And - a compositional union, like a subordinate union.)

Outline of this proposal:

2) composition and non-union communication.

For example: The sun had set long ago, but the forest had not yet had time to subside: the turtles murmured near, the cuckoo was crowing in the distance(Bunin).

(But - a compositional union.)

Outline of this proposal:

3) subordination and non-union communication.

For example: When he woke up, the sun was already rising; the mound obscured it with itself(Chekhov).

(When - subordinate union.)

Outline of this proposal:

4) composition, submission and non-union communication.

For example: The garden was spacious and only oaks grew; they began to blossom only recently, so that now through the young foliage the whole garden with its stage, tables and swings was visible.

(And is a compositional union, so a subordinate union.)

Outline of this proposal:

In complex sentences with a compositional and subordinate connection, there may be a compositional and subordinate conjunctions nearby.

For example: The weather was fine all day, but when we swam to Odessa, it started raining heavily.

(But - a compositional union, when - a subordinate union.)

Outline of this proposal:

Punctuation marks in sentences with different types of connection

In order to correctly place punctuation marks in complex sentences with different types of connection, it is necessary to select simple sentences, determine the type of connection between them and select the appropriate punctuation mark.

As a rule, a comma is placed between simple sentences as part of a complex with different types of communication.

For example: [In the morning the trees were covered with luxurious frost in the sun] , and [this went on for two hours] , [then the frost disappeared] , [sun closed] , and [the day passed quietly, thoughtfully , with a drop in the middle of the day and anomalous lunar twilight in the evening].

Sometimes two, three or more simple suggestions are most closely related to each other in meaning and can be separated from other parts of a complex sentence semicolon ... Most often, a semicolon occurs in the place of a non-union connection.

For example: (When he woke up) [the sun was already rising] ; [the mound obscured it with itself].(The proposal is complex, with different types of communication: non-union and allied communication.)

In the place of non-union communication between simple sentences in a complex possible also comma , dash and colon , which are put according to the rules for the placement of punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence.

For example: [The sun has set long ago] , but[the forest has not yet died down] : [turtles murmured near] , [the cuckoo crowed in the distance]. (The proposal is complex, with different types of communication: non-union and allied communication.)

[Leo Tolstoy saw a broken burdock] and [lightning flashed] : [the idea of ​​an amazing story about Hadji Murad appeared](Paust.). (The proposal is complex, with different types of communication: compositional and non-union.)

In complex syntactic constructions that break up into large logical-syntactic blocks, which are complex sentences in themselves or in which one of the blocks turns out to be a complex sentence, punctuation marks are put at the junction of the blocks indicating the relationship of the blocks, while maintaining the internal signs put on their own own syntactic basis.

For example: [Bushes, trees, even stumps are so familiar to me here], (that the wild felling has become like a garden to me) : [he caressed every bush, every pine tree, herringbone], and [they all became mine], and [it's like I planted them], [this is my own garden](Prishv.) - there is a colon at the junction of the blocks; [Yesterday the woodcock stuck his nose into this foliage], (to get the worm out from under it) ; [at this time we approached], and [he had to take off without throwing off the put on layer of old aspen foliage from his beak](Sew.) - there is a semicolon at the junction of the blocks.

Particular difficulties are caused by setting punctuation marks at the junction of the composition and subordinate unions (or a compositional union and a union word). Their punctuation is subject to the laws of the design of sentences with a compositional, subordinate and non-union communication. However, at the same time, proposals stand out and require special attention in which several unions are side by side.

In such cases, a comma between the unions is placed if the second part of the double union does not follow further then, so, but(in this case, the subordinate clause can be omitted). In other cases, no comma is placed between the two unions.

For example: Winter was coming and , when the first frosts hit, it became hard to live in the forest. - Winter was approaching, and when the first frosts hit, it became hard to live in the forest.

You can call me but , if you don’t call today, we’ll leave tomorrow. - You can call me, but if you don’t call today, then tomorrow we will leave.

I think that , if you try, you will succeed. - I think that if you try, you will succeed.

Parsing a complex sentence with different types of connection

The scheme of parsing a complex sentence with different types of communication

1. Determine the type of sentence for the purpose of the statement (narrative, interrogative, incentive).

2. Indicate the type of sentence for emotional coloring (exclamation or non-exclamation).

3. Determine (by grammatical basis) the number of simple sentences, find their boundaries.

4. Determine the semantic parts (blocks) and the type of connection between them (non-union or compositional).

5. Give a description of each part (block) by structure (simple or complex sentence).

6. Draw up a proposal outline.


[Suddenly a thick fog], [as if separated by a wall he me from the rest of the world], and, (so as not to get lost), [ I am decided

Parts of a complex sentence must be necessarily connected with each other using a compositional or subordinate connection. What kind of connection is used in a complex sentence can be determined by the union and some other important details. This is how they distinguish (SSP) and complex sentences (SSP).

To begin with, you should remember that a complex sentence consists of two or more grammatical foundations that have a single semantic meaning. How these stems interact with each other determines the type of sentence and the punctuation required.

For example, the sentence "I'll go for a walk" is simple, it has one grammatical basis. But if you add one more part to it (“I’ll go for a walk, but I’ll do my homework first”), then you get an SSP with two bases “I’ll go for a walk” and “I’ll do my homework”, where “but” acts as a compositional union.

What is a compositional connection? This is the interaction of two or more parts that are equal and do not depend on each other. Sentence sentences are defined in two simple ways.


  1. It is usually impossible to ask a question from one grammatical basis to another: “The morning was cool, but I went for a bike ride”.
  2. Try to divide the SSP into two separate sentences without losing meaning: "The sun disappeared behind the hill, and the heads of the sunflowers drooped sadly" - "The sun went down" and "The heads of sunflowers drooped sadly". The meaning is not lost, while one sentence turned into two separate ones.

Vivid examples can be found in Russian folklore: "Hair is long, but mind is short", "Baba dances, and grandfather cries", "A woman with a cart, but it is easier for a mare", they are also found in descriptions of nature and text-reflections.

Parts of the SSP are usually connected by unions of the same name, which are divided according to types: connecting (and, also, etc.), separating (or, or, not that ... not that, etc.) and adversary (but, but, but, etc.).

It's important to know! The compositional connection can be used not only to connect simple sentences as part of a complex one, but also to connect homogeneous members, participial or adverbial expressions.

Submissive relationship

If two or more grammatical bases are used, while they are not equal, but depend in some order from each other, then this is a complex sentence with.

The SPP necessarily has a main part and a subordinate clause, and from the first to the second, you can ask a defining question.

For example, "Vasya went out for a walk because his mother started a general cleaning." The main part "Vasya went out for a walk", from it we ask the question "why did he do it?" and in the subordinate clause the answer "because my mother started a general cleaning."

The secondary or subordinate part can act as a circumstance, definition or addition.

You can define this type of interaction:

  1. By asking a question from the main clause to the clause.
  2. By highlighting the grammatical foundations and identifying the main one.
  3. Determine the type of union.

In writing, such a relationship of parts is distinguished by punctuation marks, and in oral speech - by an intonation pause.

Subordinate relationship types

In order to correctly parse the sentence into parts and determine the types of subordinate relations, it is necessary to correctly determine the main part and ask the question from it to the subordinate clause.

The clause can be of several types:

  1. The definitive answers the questions: which one? which the? whose?
  2. The indicative answers the questions of indirect cases, i.e. everything except the nominative.
  3. The circumstantial answers the questions: where? where? why? where? why? when? as?

Since the group of adverbial clauses is very voluminous, subgroups are also distinguished among them. The question also helps to determine the type.

The adverbial clause is of the following types:

  • time (when? how long?);
  • places (where? where? from where?);
  • reasons (why?);
  • purpose (for what? for what purpose?);
  • mode of action and degree (how? to what extent? to what extent?);
  • comparisons (how?);
  • consequences (what follows from this?);
  • conditions (under what condition?);
  • concessions (against what?).

Important! The type of the subordinate clause is determined precisely by the question, and not by the type of subordinate union or union word. So, for example, the union word "where" can be used not only in adverbial clauses, but also in the clauses of the attribution: "I am in a hurry to that house (which one?) Where I used to live."

Communication types in NGN

Since such a sentence often contains several subordinate clauses in its composition, it should also define subordinate relations in it:

  • Consistent submission. Each subordinate clause refers to a word from the preceding clause ("I hummed the song I heard yesterday when we walked in the park").
  • Uniform subordination. The structure resembles homogeneous members of a sentence. Subordinate clauses answer one question and refer to the same word in the main sentence, while subordinate unions may be different (“After what happened, I did not understand how to live and what to do next, how to forget everything and start life anew”). The setting of punctuation marks obeys the same rule as punctuation for homogeneous members of a sentence.
  • Parallel subordination. The clauses refer to the same main sentence, but answer different questions: "I was bored there, despite the crowd of people, because I was not interested in anyone there."

Important! There may be proposals with combined subordination.

The subtleties of punctuation

It is equally important to know what punctuation marks should be placed in the MTP and MTP, because the parts are necessarily connected by a union - an official part of speech that does not bend, does not conjugate and connects homogeneous members or simple sentences as part of a complex one. It is the union that helps to understand what type of connection is used in the sentence.

The compositional and subordinate connection in sentences involves the use of the same-name unions. At the same time, any of them is necessarily highlighted with a comma on paper, and when reading - with an intonation pause.

Subordinate unions include: what, how, so that, barely, only, when, where, from where, as much, to what extent, as if, as if, because, if, in spite of that, although others.

A compositional connection in a sentence and a phrase determines the use of conjunctions: and, yes, not only, also, but also, like ..., and, or, or, then, but, however, also, also, that is, etc.

But sentences are also non-union, in which case its parts are separated not only by a comma ("The sun has risen, the roosters have habitually tightened their morning songs"), but also by other punctuation marks:

  • colon: "I told you: you can't be late!"
  • semicolon: “Stars lit up in the sky, filling the night with light; sensing the night, a wolf howled in the distance on a high hill; a night bird screamed in a tree nearby.
  • dash: "It's pouring out of the bucket on the street - it's impossible to go out for a walk."

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Let's sum up

The presence of complex sentences makes written and spoken language bright and expressive. They can often be found in fiction and journalistic articles. The presence of complex structures allows a person to correctly and consistently express their thoughts, as well as show their level of literacy. Punctuation errors, on the other hand, indicate a low speech culture and illiteracy.

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Possible difficulties

Good advice

It can be difficult to distinguish between a simple sentence, complicated by homogeneous predicates, and a complex sentence, especially if one of the parts of the complex sentence is an incomplete sentence.

For example: I was late because I forgot my watch at home.

It should be remembered that homogeneous members of a sentence can only be connected by compositional unions.

The compositional union, which connects parts of a complex sentence, and the compositional union, which connects homogeneous members of the sentence, should not be confused:

I was tired and lay down to rest. - the union connects homogeneous predicates;

I'm tired, and I wanted to rest. - the union connects parts of a complex sentence.

If there is a subordinate union in a dubious sentence, then you have a complex sentence, the second part of which is an incomplete sentence:

I was late because I forgot my watch at home.

I was in a hurry, but still late.

With a part of a complex sentence, you can confuse a separate member of the sentence, a clarifying member of the sentence, an introductory construction, a comparative turnover.

For example: Having rounded a high promontory, the steamer entered the bay.

Many gases, such as hydrogen, are lighter than air.

It seems his name is Ivan.

Make sure that you are looking at a part of a complex sentence with an independent grammatical basis, and not any of the listed structures.

It should be especially noted that the target turnover with the union so that is a subordinate part of a complex sentence, the grammatical base of which consists of a predicate expressed by an infinitive:

To memorize the poem, she read it aloud six times.

If the subordinate clause is inside the main clause, you can make a mistake in counting the number of parts of a complex sentence (in the options for answering a task of this kind, the number of parts of a complex sentence is sometimes indicated).

Find the grammatical foundations of the sentences that make up the complex.

There are exactly as many parts in a sentence as there are grammatical bases. For example:

He quickly learned what was then known in the field of mathematics, and even took up his own research.

Basis of the first part: he studied and got busy.

The basis of the second part: what was known.

Therefore, there are two parts in a complex sentence.

It can be difficult to determine the types of connection between parts of a complex sentence with different types of connection.

For example: It was impossible to stop: as soon as I stopped moving, my legs were sucked in, and the traces were filled with water.

The type of connection is determined by the union. Find the conjunctions that connect parts of a complex sentence. If there is no union between some parts, then the connection between them is non-union, if the union is compositional or subordinate, then the connection is, respectively, compositional or subordinate.

In the above example, the sentence has four parts. The first (it was impossible to stop) and the third (the legs were sucked in) are connected by a non-union connection, the second (as soon as I stopped moving) and the third (the legs were sucked in) are connected by a subordinate connection with the help of a subordinate union as soon as the third and fourth (the traces were filled with water) - by a compositional communication with the help of the creative union a.

Difficult sentence. Types of complex sentences

In addition to simple sentences, complex sentences are often used in speech, with the help of which we express thoughts in more detail, connecting them with each other.

Complex sentences are sentences made up of two or more simple sentences. Simple sentences as part of a complex one do not have intonational completeness, do not have their own purpose of expression and are combined in meaning and in pronunciation into one whole.

The storm has already died down, the wind has eased.

As it comes around, it will respond.

The frost was terrible, but the apple trees survived.

Simple sentences are combined into complex sentences in two main ways. In allied complex sentences, parts are combined using intonation and conjunctions (or union words - relative pronouns and adverbs). In non-union complex sentences, parts are combined only with the help of intonation (without conjunctions and union words).

The sun is shining over the lake, and the glare dazzles your eyes(union).

Sentences with conjunctions and allied words are divided into two groups: compound sentences, complex sentences.

Compound sentences are sentences in which simple sentences can be equal in meaning and are linked by creative unions.

June turned out to be hot, and the windows in the houses were wide open at night.

The mole has broken the fur coat, but the mittens are like new.

Complex sentences are such sentences in which one of the sentences is subordinate to the other in meaning and is associated with it with a subordinate union or union word. An independent sentence as part of a complex subordinate is called the main, and the dependent, subordinate to the main in meaning and grammatical, is called a subordinate clause.

If you are in Myshkin(clause), go to the Efimkins(main).

I want to find a pebble(main), which you don't have(clause).

Complex sentences with various types of union and non-union communication

If a complex sentence consists of three or more parts, then some of them can be connected with the help of creative unions, others with the help of subordinate unions, and others without unions. Such a proposal is called a complex proposal with different types of union and non-union communication.

In me there was no one too strong vice, which would stick out more clearly than all my other nasty things, a little bit of each, and, moreover, in such a multitude, in which I have not yet met in any person. (N.V. Gogol).

(This is a complex sentence, consisting of six simple ones, the parts of which are connected by a subordinate, compositional and non-union connection.)

A subordinate relationship is a relationship between parts of a complex sentence or phrase, in which one part is controlling, and the other obeys it. Based on this, we will analyze the types of subordinate relationships in the phrase and in the sentence. For clarity, each of the above cases will be considered by example.

Types of subordinate relationships in a phrase

There are only three of them. This is coordination, management and adjoining.


The gender, number and case of the main word in this type of connection is consistent with the dependent word.

Examples: beautiful flower, another world, ninth day.

As you can see, this type of connection is typical for word combinations, where the noun is the main word, and the adjective, participle or ordinal number is dependent. Also, a possessive pronoun can act as a dependent word, for example, in the phrase “our souls”. The type of subordinate relationship here will be agreement.


The main word in management makes the secondary one dependent with the help of the case. The combinations of parts of speech here can be quite diverse: a verb and a noun, a participle or participle and a noun, a noun and a noun, a numeral and a noun.

Examples: sitting on a bench, knowing the truth, entering a room, a clay bowl, ten sailors.

In the tasks of the GIA and the Unified State Examination, students are often faced with the task of changing the form of a phrase from management to coordination or vice versa. Not understanding the material, the graduate may be mistaken. In fact, the task is pretty simple. To do this, it is enough to know the types of subordinate communication and be able to apply them.

The classic version of the task is a link of two nouns. For example, "corn porridge". The submissive word needs to be converted into an adjective. Then comes "corn porridge", respectively, no other types of subordinate communication, except for coordination, are not suitable here. So, everything is done correctly.

If it is necessary to change the connection from agreement to control, then we change the adjective to a noun and put it in a certain case in relation to the main word. So, from "strawberry cocktail" you get "strawberry cocktail".


In this case, the main word is associated with the dependent exclusively in meaning. Such a connection is between a verb and an adverb, a verb and an adverb, a verb and a verb, a verb and an adjective or comparative adverb.

Examples: "smile happily", "says sobbing", "I can swim", "be smarter", "it got worse."

It is quite simple to determine this connection: the dependent word does not and cannot have case and gender. It can be an infinitive, a verbal participle, comparative degrees of an adjective and an adverb.

We have considered all types of subordinate relationships in the phrase. Now let's move on to a complex sentence.

Subordinate link in a sentence

The types of subordinate relations in a complex sentence can be distinguished in the presence of several subordinate clauses. They connect to the main sentence in different ways. For this reason, it can be noted that the subordinate relationship, the types of which we will analyze, can be expressed in different ways, depending on the nature of subordination.

Consistent submission

With this type of connection, the subordinate clauses come into subordination to each other sequentially. This sentence scheme resembles a nesting doll.

Example. I asked for a guitar from a friend who helped me put on a show where we played Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.

The basis of the main sentence here is "I asked." The subordinate clause entering into a subordinate relationship with him has the basis “which helped to arrange”. Another subordinate clause departs from this sentence, obeying it - "we played Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson."

Parallel subordination

This is a kind of complex sentence in which several subordinate clauses obey one main sentence, but at the same time its different words.

Example. In that park, where lilac blooms magnificently in spring, I walked with a friend, whose image seemed cute to you.

The main sentence is: "I walked in that park with a friend." It has a built-in subordinate clause "where the lilac blooms magnificently in the spring." It obeys the phrase "in that park." From him we ask the question "in which one?" Another subordinate clause - "whose image seemed to you cute" - is built from the word "familiar". We ask him the question "which one?"

Thus, we see that the subordinate clauses are connected by a subordinate connection with one main sentence, but at the same time with its different parts.

Uniform subordination

Subordinate clauses with homogeneous subordination are associated with one main clause. They refer to the same word and answer the same question.

Example. They guessed that their action would have consequences, that it was better to leave the idea and let everything be as it is.

The main sentence is “they guessed”. From him we ask the question "about what?". Both clauses answer this question. In addition, both the first and the second subordinate clause are associated with the main clause with the help of the predicate "guessed". From this we conclude that the proposal is with homogeneous subordination.

All the examples given refer to sentences where there is precisely a subordinate relationship, the types of which we have analyzed. This information will be necessary for everyone who is going to take exams in the Russian language, especially the State Inspection Agency and the Unified State Exam, where there are a number of tasks to test such knowledge. It is important to remember that without understanding how phrases and sentences are constructed, it is impossible to fully master competent speech. Anyone who wants to learn how to write without mistakes should know this.