The author's characteristic of Gray. Characteristic Gray from the work of scarlet sails

The author's characteristic of Gray. Characteristic Gray from the work of scarlet sails
The author's characteristic of Gray. Characteristic Gray from the work of scarlet sails

Romantic story « Scarlet Sails"Stand business card Her author. The heroine of this work is a girl who lost mother. She lives with his father, however honest and kind. The whole world of her - fantasies and dreams, once inspired by the predication of the collector of songs. The embodiment of the dream, which will come true, only worth believing it, has become such a romantic image as an associate. The characteristic of the heroine is the topic of this article.


Authors literary works Sometimes various elements of the fairy tale use in their work. This technique allows you to reveal the plot, heroes, give the product lyrical or philosophical meaning. Farming called his story in this work realism combined with magic, and fantasy - with reality. And possibly due to the use of such artistic means He became the most touching and elevated in Russian literature the image of the girl named Assol.

The characteristic of this heroine once seemed to consonant adherents of the socialist idea with their main postulates. Therefore, the work of Green in the Soviet Union was widely popular. Today, passions on the "scarlet sail" dug. And image main heroine This story took its rightful place in the literature. But what inspired the author to an essay such a romantic history?

Creating an image of Assol

The characteristic of this character includes the features that are characteristic of both its author. Since childhood, Alexander Grinevsky Sresil by seas and long-distance countries. But the romantic person was increasingly faced with severe reality. In his dreams, he saw wonderful in reality - the coaster. Grinevsky sought to elevated friendship, but only contempt and mockery from professional sailors. The desire to defeat the rudeness and skepticism originated in the soul of a person of a romantic, but externally resembling the hero of his chief book - Longren, Father Assol.

The characteristic of an unsuccessful sailor, but a talented writer, according to the memories of contemporaries, is the following description: a rather gloomy, an ugly person, unable to arrange the interlocutor at the first meeting. The fate of the writer was also unlike a fairy tale. But it is known that it was during the years when he has nowhere to browse his head, he created one of the most famous literary heroin - Assol girl.

"Scarlet Sails" wrote Green at that time when all the vital edges were collapsed. The writer sometimes even hungry, because creativity did not bring him any income. But he wore a manuscript with him, which later became one of the greatest works in domestic literature. In the plot of this story, he invested all his aspirations and hopes and believed, like Assol: "Scarlet Sails" will someday Petrograd. It was in the period of revolutionary events, but the color of the panels on the cherished ship had nothing to do with the red rebel banner. It was only his "scarlet sails". The characteristic of the Assol has echoed with the properties of the spiritual warehouse of the author himself. And with them it was extremely difficult to exist in the world of ordinary and skeptics.

Are there scarlet sails?

The characteristic of the associate was used by the author just as much as necessary. The main theme The story is hope. The nature of the main character does not have a determining value. It is known that she is closed, modest and dreamest. She lost her mother very early, and since the Father lost his job, the only source of food in their family was the sale of wooden toys.

The girl was alone, although her father loved her hot. Once she met the storyteller of the eigh, who predicted the arrival of a magic ship with sails on board will be a prince, and he will certainly take the associate with him.

The girl believed in a fairy tale, but the surrounding laughed at her and considered her crazy. And yet the dream came true. Once I saw Assol Scarlet Sails.

Characteristic of the heroine from a romantic fairy tale

Exists artistic direction In the literature for which the approval of spiritual and almost unattainable values \u200b\u200bis peculiar. It is called romanticism. In the works of this direction there are fabulous and mythological motives. And their heroes are in an indispensable search for some ideal. German romance Dreamed of a blue flower. Such ideal steel for Assol Scarlet Sails. Characteristics of the heroine Alexander Green in this regard includes typical

Image of Arthur Gray

Prince, whose phenomenon predicted the storyteller, was the usual young men, albeit from a wealthy family. Since childhood, like the author, he dreamed of becoming captain. An irresistible desire to comprehend the wisdom of naval science pushed him off native home. At first he was a simple sailor, but years of his dream came true. Gray acquired his ship and became captain. And once he heard stories about the insane Girl's Gresses, who will not wait for the prince on a fabulous ship. He was touched by the dream associate, and he decided to implement it.

Dreams Come True…

Captain ordered to raise scarlet sails. The ship went to the port, and the girl waited on the shore. Everything happened exactly as he drew good egl. And it does not matter that the dream of Assol Gray found out in advance. The main thing is faith and hope. After all, they can save people even in the most hard times. The characteristic of the Assol and Gray is compiled by the author on the basis of his personal worldview and life experience. The main feature of these characters is the ability to believe in a dream. And it is precisely that, perhaps, saved the writer when he was in the link. Life A. Green was rather difficult, but he always found a miracle in his heart. Even when the surrounding did not understand and condemned it.

External appearance of heroines

The appearance and character of the girl with the story is not paramount beautiful name Assol The characteristic of the heroine, as already mentioned, less significant than her ability to believe in a dream. But still one should say a little about the appearance of this character.

The associate is presented in the leadership of a thick shield of hair, pointed in a gol. Her smile was a meek, and the look as if he entered into a kind of sad question. The figure of Heroine A. Green is depicted fragile and thin. The girl worked diligently, helping the father to create miniature ships from the tree.

Assol - the personification of tender beauty, mental meekness and hard work. And it is not surprising, because it is just such a typical heroine of many widely known romantic fairy taleswhich stays for a long time waiting for an excellent prince. As relying on the laws of the genre, at the end magic story All dream associate come true.

With the image of Arthur Gray, we get acquainted far from at the very beginning of the work. However, he is also the main character who changed the life of the young Assol girl is unrecognizable. The main statement that permeates the story: "When you want to achieve a goal - you will reach it."

Judging by the fact that Arthur was coming from a notable family, it would be possible to assume that he would grow a spoiled person who relies on the help of his approximate. However, the author describes it differently. Already in the eight of the age, adult features of his character were manifested, which are usually unusual for children in such years. Very much bright impression He produced an episode in which he "takes out" nails from the bloody hands of Christ. He did it in childish (with the help of ordinary paint), but it was not even in this. He said he did not want and could not allow Christ from the hands of Christ. His father seriously thoughtfully and, having learned himself, did not punish him.

At the age of 10, he experienced himself for strength. Thai enhancing in the kitchen, where he was forbidden to go, he saw the maid had boiled boiling water. He did the same with him. Only after she was assisted, he showed his doctor his hand, and before that he mastered the pain.

Such cases accompanied it in the future. They demonstrate its extraordinary character and a living mind. Arthur was a very persistent boy. But this perseverance went to him only benefit. We see how his fate has developed. If his character was different, he would have not achieved anything in his life and would not be awarded the dignity of happiness in his personal life.

One of the key characters of the work is Artur Gray, the only son of noble parents.

The writer represents heating throughout a period of his life, starting with early years And ending with youthful mature.

Writer first represents warming in the image little boy With a pale peer, resembling a figure and appearance, a girl growing in a beautiful castle under the supervision of a loving mother Lilian who performs any whims of the Son. Gray's childhood spends carelessly, riding horses, studying books in the library, running barefoot. The boy adores reading that promotes development creative imaginationexpressed in creating fictional and fabulous stories.

Having matured, Gray becomes a muscular booster, having a tanned strong body, a graphic appearance and posture. In the character of Gray, the features of self confidence appear, the movements of the hands acquire the accuracy and accuracy, in the communication of the young man is a few, his speech is overflowing seasy waves, and thoughts are accurate and brief.

The characteristic qualities of Gray are compassion, the generosity, a lively and trembling soul that got the young man from the mother. In addition, the young man is distinguished by generosity, nobility, romanticity, combined with purposefulness, faith in its own principles and unshakable.

Gray since childhood is grafted by the love of the sea, to freedom, which he exhibits vividly in swimming with the captain Hop, which took his training on his ship. In the journey, which is located for about five years, Gray shows the strength of the Spirit, courage, determination, learning to the wisdom of marine classes.

Having mastered the basics of sea art, Gray acquires its own vessel on which it starts to fight the ocean's exposures independently, waiting for life wonders and opportunities for committing heroic Affairs, surprising its sailors with sharp drops in the mood, expressing in unexpected directions of the ship's movement and long stops.

In one day, the Gray ship moored in the harbor of the town, where, by the evening along the seashore, the young man sees a sleeping girl named Assol. Gray falls in love with beauty at first glance and finds out from local residents About the long-standing dream of a girl waiting for her prince, who should sail on her on the ship with Alay Sails.

Gray decides to fulfill the associate dream, having carefully prepared for a meeting with a girl. One of the days of Assol sees on the skyline of the sea an approaching ship, sparkling by almy sails, with a long-awaited wonderful knight, standing on the deck.

Option 2.

Arthur was born in a notable family, in the Big Castle. Having a rich family and many opportunities, small, at first even like a girl with his little hands and feminine appearance, Gray finds mutual language With all employees in the castle, without thinking about the fact that people with his status need to be friends only with the same noble individuals. Wealth does not spoil the boy, his soul remains wide and noble. At this stage of his childhood, his speech is very shy, and he himself is modest. He is annoyed by excessive guardianship from the mother, but it is really very loved in the family. Arthur ROS dreamer and a storyteller, his subtle nature could not even normally perceive the wounds in the picture of Christ, which he sketched paint.

Seeing once a picture with a steamer and sea, Gray literally infects the idea of \u200b\u200bendless waters and travels on the ship. Now his dreams are connected only with the sea, only with swimming and sea breeze. The boy was very decisive, purposeful and sought to independently, which would help him very much. When he falls on the ship to the captain of the GOP, his desire to be independent and his strength of the Spirit allow him to conquer the confidence of the sailor of the sailor, to surprise even such an experienced captain.

The ship and lifestyle of the sailor makes from warmting already a courageous young man with a muscular body and a confident voice. But in the soul, he still dreams of a miracle, always dreamed. And waiting for this miracle, he immediately falls in love. The name of this miracle is an associate. The girl had a bad reputation in the city - they did not like those who dream of scarlet sails and a prince. Gray is against the public, which indicates its courage and courage. Taking advantage of his soul romance, he strikes the girl, rebel to her a real wizard and a knight. Making Assol Happy, Gray himself feels happiness.

Summing up, we can say that Gray is an inhaledan rich, who all childhood has been in the clouds, and then infected the dream of the sea. He comes against society, does not want to communicate only with those who belong to his class and is trying to be as simple as possible. He is not afraid of difficulties and new sensations. Stay on the ship Captain Gopa makes a real man from him, who conquers an assfied on the stories of local residents of Assol, gaining and their happiness.

Essay about Arthur Gray

After reading the stories-extravagané "Scarlet Sails", I would like to highlight the image of Arthur Gray. The image of one of the main characters is very alive and exciting, which will not leave anyone indifferent, a dreamer and adventurer live in whose soul.

Arthur Gray was born in the family of aristocrats and throughout his life was supposed to follow the laws and rules higher Light societies. However, possessing too influential intelligence and living perception of the world, Gray chose another way. In childhood, he was distinguished from everyone, as he knew how to see something interesting and unusual in the most ordinary things.

At twelve years, I noticed a picture of a ship in a raging storm over the door to the library. The storm on the canvas became a reflection of the soul of a young Graya. By the personification of his hopes, desires, thoughts and thirst to live full life. It was this moment that became a turning point in the life of Little Graya.

He was so captured the dream to become the captain of the ship that he with an inexhaustible interest studied everything that at least a little concerned the theme of the sea. It was at that moment that the boy understood what he wants from life. And he wanted to dispose of his life and learn everything new to what could be reached.

When, at the fifteen years, Arthur escaped from the house and sailed from the port on the Anselm ship, his mature and the formation began as a person. No one believed that this wizard aristocrat will endure sophisticated way to achieving a dream. The captain of the ship even prepared in this case if the guy still decides to return home. However, Grei had an inquisitive mind, solid will and iron confidence in his power, so having passed a hard way from a simple jungle to the captain's student, twenty years old bought three-mahl galiot and became captain himself. It was then, Arthur Gray became targeted, hard, confident in his power, but at the same time, a man with a free soul of the dreamer, who as if the bird did not recognize any shackles and always sought to the dream.

Communicating Assol, assured the thought of miracles should do. By reaching your goal and running dreams, a person must help bring to the dreams of people, while holding the circumstances of the circumstances close to him in spirit and look at the world. As a child, listening to the story of Polandishok about a barrel with century-old wine, the inscription on which he read: "I will drink Gray, when it will be in paradise." To the question about Paradise Gray replied that he had heaven in his hands. Therefore, when he learned about the dream of Assol and her view of the world, so similar to his own Gray could not not fall in love with this girl and not help her.

Thus, trying to uncover the image of this hero can be described for a long time or actions, but every reader will find in the form of Arthur Gray, something that can only be seen, something that hurts only his soul and helps to understand himself.

Essay 4.

The book A. Green "Scarlet Sails" strikes readers with cleanness of feelings and content. The plot of the books is based on the fact that, despite all the adversities, you need to learn to dream and believe. Since dreams can come true.

The main hero of the work is Artur Gray. From the beginning and to the end of the book, the image and character of the hero is completely changed. At the beginning of Arthur's work is described as a young boy with girl appearance. At the end of the book, the hero becomes a young muscular guy with tanned skin. The boy was born and raised in a wealthy family. His father was a famous official. The boy loved everyone and forgot his little pranks. Despite the family wealth, Arthur was kind and friendly with everyone, without considering social status. The boy possessed persistent temper and tried to avoid from excessive maternal guardianship.

Arthur was a targeted guy with glitter in his eyes. The guy was mysterious, and wished the feats and committing a miracle. He often sailed on the boat and enjoyed the silence of the sea. Gray had a calm character and externally remained cold-blooded. He possessed big vital energy And always thought out every effect. From 11 years old Arthur dreamed of becoming the captain of the seas. At the age of 15, the hero escaped from the house and settled on the ship by simple Junga. He quickly traveled and mastered the foundations of navigation. Having gathered money, he bought the ship and quickly scored the team. All sailors understood and respected him as a captain and a good man.

In one of the trips Arthur met the girl named Asol. The guy found out that Asol dreamed of a prince on scarlet sails. Gray decided to fulfill her dream. Soon he loved her and wanted to marry. The ship sailed ashore, and Arthur went to buy a scarlet silk. The hero ordered musicians and warned all the sailors. The romantic evening turned out as the girl dreamed. Such an act characterizes Arthur as romance. From a positive response, Arthur became the most happy man.

Artur Gray - the main character Alexander Green's story "Scarlet Sails", a native leaving, the only son of Lionel and Lilian Gray. Since childhood, Artur grew up in a majestic castle, staying in his Mirka. His parents were slaves of their high position, but this was alien to the boy. He was distinguished by a living and dreamy soul. When he was eight years old, it became clear that he was akin to the knight or an adventure crawler. So, for example, seeing the picture of the crucifixion of Christ, he decided to paint the nails and blood on the hands of the unfortunate, as it considered it wrong.

His life has changed when at the age of twelve he saw a picture with a large ship floating on the waves. He decided to grow and become the captain of his own ship. So everything happened. Approximately five years he sailed with the captain Hop, who taught him all the wisdom of sea business, and then acquired his three-mahl galiot called "Secret". One day, fate cast Gray to the shores of the city of Lissa, next to which Kaperna village was located. There, on evening fishing, he accidentally saw a sleeping girl

and fell in love with her. It was an associate.

Having learned from the inhabitants of the village that the girl would be heard, almost in prison, since since childhood she dreams of a brave knight on the ship from scarlet sails, he decided to surprise her. For this, Gray was thoroughly prepared, scared enough scarlet silk, invited musicians and prepared his sailors to the upcoming meeting. He told that he intends to marry a girl, as this is their fate. The ability to move from words to the case, gave a bold and reliable man in Arthur. Assol was happy when her dream was fulfilled. She did not doubt anything that everything would be so. So, Gray, happiness, found himself and happiness himself.

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Her idea was born back in 1916. It seems to be accidental. From the dream of childhood (sea) and a random impression (a toy boat with a sail, seen in the shop windows), Green was born the main images of the story, which he called "Ferry". So commonly called theatrical view fabulous content. But "Scarlet Sails" - not a play and not a fairy tale, but the most real truth. After all, not a rare village, similar to Capern. Heroes of the story are not like fabulous, even such as Egle, only a small associate and could take it for the wizard. Nevertheless, despite the realism of heroes and paintings, "Scarlet Sails" - extravagania.

The image of the associate in the story "Scarlet Sails"

The main characters are Assol and Gray. At first the author represents the associate. On the unusual girl indicates her name - Assol. It has no "literal meaning." But "it's good that it is so strange," Egl says.

"Strangeness" Assol not only in the name, but also in words, and behavior. This is especially noticeable against the background of capernis. They lived ordinary life - traded, caught fish, delivered coal, zohlovili, drank. But, as Egl noted, they "do not tell fairy tales ... do not sing songs." "Scarlet sails" was mentioned by them only as "mockery" over the one that believed in them. And when they saw the real scarlet sails, they looked at them "with nervous and sullen alarm, with an evil fright," "snakes spoiled dismissed women", they have "poison climbing." It is noteworthy that not only adults stumbled, but also children ... So, anger, cruelty is not the features of individual people, but a disease that struck everyone, regardless of age.

The associate was completely different ... She's someone else's capern. The girl could leave at night on coast"Where ... a ship looked out with alami sails." In nature, she felt her.

And she was filled with love. "I would love him," said Little Assol Egle, who predicted to her scarlet sails and the prince. She loves her father and comfort him with his feeling. Love separated it from the inhabitants of Kaperin, united by angrily and the scarce of the soul.

Graya's image in the story "Scarlet Sails"

Graya History also begins with childhood. His surroundings are parents and ancestors present, however, only on portraits. Graya was supposed to live on the "pre-drawdable plan". The logic and course of his life were predetermined by the family. Actually, as well as the life of the associate. With the difference only that he was prescribed to flourish, and she was stirred in the atmosphere of rejection and even the hatred of the surrounding people. But the program of life, drawn up for Gray, has fallen very early. It did not take into account him alive and independent.

It all started with the fact that Gray wanted to choose the role of "knight", "seeker" and "Wonderworker" in life. In childhood, this role manifested itself in childish. Gray smeared in the picture depicting crucified Christ, nails. Then, in order to feel the pain of the maid, the scalded hand, he and his hand scalked. He slipped her piggy bank, allegedly from Robin Hood, so that she could get married. The painting on the wall of the library and the rich imagination helped Grahu decide on the future. He decided that he should become captain. Green gave Grahi his dream.

Thus, both Assol and Gray still saw their future as a child. Only Assol just waited patiently, and Gray immediately began to act. At fifteen years, he secretly leaves the house and enters the life of the sailor's unknown life. The contrast between home and marine life is stripped. There is the love of mother, indulging to all his quirks, and here rudeness, physical exercise. But Gray "silently demolished ridicule, bullying and inevitable brands until he became captain."

This hero is a subtle nature. He is able to understand the signs of fate. When he first saw the sleeping Assol, "everything was stronger, everything grinned in it." And he put on the ring on the finger of the sleeping associate.

Hearing her story, Gray already knew what he would do. Green in detail Describes how he chooses Silk for sails to show how important it is what he is going to do.

Why Assol and Grahi, so distant from each other and the distance, and the situation, still managed to meet? Fate? Yes, undoubtedly. And Gray this recognizes: "How closely the fate, will and property of characters are woven here. "Fate" he put in the first place. But there are in their history and patterns. All the actions of Gray after he learned about the prediction for Assol, absolutely in his character: "I understood one unaccompanious truth. She is to make the so-called miracles with their own hands. "

Of course, A. Green embedded life. He showed what I would like to see in it, and not what is. But his fairy tale supports our faith in miracles that happen in life. And already for many people.

Scarlet sails are a symbol of hope that everything starts ...

The main features of the story "Scarlet Sails":

  • genre: Farming Tales;
  • the plot: prediction and its execution;
  • the contrast of "worlds": the "glittering world" of Assol and Graya and the basement world of Kaperna and Sailors;
  • the perfect hero in the center of the narration;
  • presence of symbols;
  • the concept of "Miracle", creatible own hands;
  • meeting of two spiritually close people as a semantic center of extravagania.

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