Is it possible to call the life of Radishchev feat. Essay "Radishchev's life - feat

Is it possible to call the life of Radishchev feat. Essay "Radishchev's life - feat

End of the XVIII century. The era of the most important events in world history. Bourgeois revolutions rolled throughout Europe and America. The Great French Bourgeois Revolution has accomplished. And only in Russia is preserved and reaches the serfdom. In such a situation, the young nobleman Alexander Radishchev in 1762 enters the St. Petersburg Page Corps. Alexander's parents were good people. They were humanly treated to peasants. For this, the owners loved. Life in the estate was the first collision of Radishchev with a fortress building.

The Pages, Radishchev served in the palace, met a palace life. Then, among the best disciples, he is sent to Germany. A great impression was made on Alexander the cruel morals of serfshitts, the arbitrary of ignorant military. A protest was born in his soul, which then resulted in a wonderful work "Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow."
"Journey." It was the result of perennial observations, a protest of Radishchev against the serfdom system. He was the first, he started. Behind him came Decembrists, Herzen. Radishchev understood and showed that all misfortunes do not result from individual landowners, and not even from the king, but from the existing system. He showed the serfdom as it was in fact: cruel, unfair, in all its disgusting height. With merciless truthfulness shows the Radishchev, the dominant class, serfs: "Oblos, mischievous, is huge, chasing." The landowners take care only about increasing their estates, the multiplication of wealth and entertainment. They want to turn fasteners into obedient cars, put them on a par and even below livestock. But the writer himself believes and makes others believe that it is not. Peasants are primarily people, people with their joys and sadness. They are smart, valid, and the future belongs to them. Radishchev believes in the great strength of the people, believes that such people do not break down that he will fight and win,
At that time, the ideas of enlighteners were widely spread. Radishchev also attached them great importance. But, most importantly, he believed that "Burlac a lot can solve the accustoment assistant in the history of the Russian", that is, to make a revolution. He was brilliantly predicted that the leaders of the revolution will be "great men" from the people. This was confirmed by time.
The writer understood what consequences is fraught with the publication of the book. He published it himself, in his printing house on a dirty street, a circulation of only 650 copies, but they read the book everywhere and all - nobles, merchants, peasants. When the book reached Catherine II, she said that the author "Bunchik, worse than Pugacheva", and the book "clearly and clearly Buntovskaya, where the kings threaten Flagla."
Radishchev was captured and imprisoned. The author "travel" was made a death sentence. But in the form of "grace" he was replaced by reference to Siberia, in the distant Ilimsk. But the writer and there did not form a weapon. He wrote proud, angry poems, implanting autocracy, studied culture, life, folklore, met.
The kings were replaced, began to edit the king Paul I. Radishchev was allowed to return to the capital. But the change of kings did not lead to a change in the essence of serfdom. Radishchev understood it. The writer was broken, depressed. He took poison. It was the last way of public protest.
The value of Radishchev's creativity is great. Although only 50 copies were sold, the book corresponded from the hand, has multiplied in secret printing photos. Radishchev's hopes for Siberia came true.

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  1. Radishchev lived in Leipzig for five years, being a university student, and then his first collision was happening with the personification of self-defense (represented by the mentor of students). Hence the future defender of the rights of the peasant delivered for ...
  2. The traveler is the protagonist and the narrator of the famous book, for which Radishchev was named Catherine II "Buntocker worse than Pugachev" and was planted in the Peter and Paul Fortress. The court sentenced the writer to the death penalty replaced ...
  3. For several decades, researchers have sought not only to decisively deliver Radishchev from such a "reaction-phenomenon as Russian Freemasonry, but also talked about the" wrestling "of the revolutionary writer with Masons. So, one of the authoritative ...
  4. The value of Russian literature of the XVIII century is not exhausted even by even the fact that it puts and, if possible, solved the painful questions of their time and largely prepared brilliant achievements of the XIX century literature: creativity ...
  5. At the end of November 1771 in St. Petersburg, after the end of the University of Leipzig, Radishchev returned with his friends - Kutuzov and Rubanovsky. Young people were enrolled by protocolists in the Government Senate. Here...
  6. To the early period of the writer's creativity, it is customary to attribute the "diary of one week", which was one of the first sentimental works in Russian literature. Radishchev's appeal to the "confessional" genre answered the requirements for literature that ...
  7. For his book, Radishchev elected a new genre in the literature - "Travel". This genre received in the XVIII century widespread. This is obliged to Lorença Stern. An outstanding English writer published in 1767 ...
  8. Alexander Nikolaevich Radishchev First Russian Revolutionary from the nobles, the writer, proclaiming in his book a trip from St. Petersburg to Moscow the need for revolution in "Russia against monarchy and serfdom. Pictures of serfs ...
  9. The first in Russian literary criticism of the journey genre is owned by I. M. Born. In the "Brief Guide to Russian Literature" (1808) he writes the following: "Traveling the essence of true narratives about what happened to the strange adventures ...
  10. No author of the XVIII century was so penetrated by the idea of \u200b\u200bdenial, as Alexander Nikolaevich Radishchev (1749-1802). He sought to critically comprehend everything without eliminating the sphere of public life. Elimination of private disadvantages ...
  11. For many generations of Russian readers, the name of Radishchev is surrounded by a halo of martyrdom: the author was sentenced to the death penalty, replaced by Catherine II to the death penalty, replaced by Catherine II to the death penalty.
  12. Born in the landlocker family. His childhood years passed in the village of Upper Ablyazovo (now Penza region). The first teachers of the boy were the serfs of the peasants: Nanny of Praskovya Clementevna and who trained his diploma of the uncle Peter ...
  13. I looked at me - my soul was the suffering of humanity vulnerable became N. Radishchev Alexander Nikolaevich Radishchev - the legendary figure, especially for the Russian revolutionary intelligentsia of the XIX century. In his glances on ...
  14. For many generations of Russian readers, the name of Radishchev. Surrounded by a halo of martyrdom: For writing a trip from St. Petersburg to Moscow, the author was sentenced to the death penalty replaced by Catherine II to ten years expulsion in ...
  15. For many generations of Russian readers, the name of the Radishchev is surrounded by a halo of martyrdom: for writing "Traveling from St. Petersburg to Moscow" The author was sentenced to death, replaced by Catherine II to ten years of reference in ...
  16. Radishchev - slavery enemy. A. Pushkin Alexander Nikolaevich Radishchev - The first Russian revolutionary from the nobles, the writer, proclaiming in his book "Traveling from St. Petersburg to Moscow" The need for revolution in Russia against ...
  17. Russia XVIII century did not know the philosopher equal to Radishchev in the vastness and depth of the mind. With the sequence and versatility of the scientist, he considered and subjected to a criticism of the "Travel." All autoclative-serfdom social system, ... d. I. Fonvizin managed to show reality as it is, but he did not require fundamental changes in social conditions. G. R. Dervin managed to comprehend the complexity, the contrast of the surrounding world, but these contradictions ...

Subject:Life feat A.N. Radishchev. Review of the content of "Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow"

give an idea of \u200b\u200bRadishche as a high-moral personality, bring to the conclusion, what is the life feat of Radishchev;

developing: determine the ideological content of the book as a whole and individual chapters;
educational: to educate students with the desire to occupy an active vitality in society.
Planned result: The formation of a second level of results is a positive attitude towards the basic values \u200b\u200bof society, the value attitude towards the social realities in general,
acquisition of educational new knowledge of the civil position A.N. Radishchev;
the ability to compare with modernity.
Planned effect of activity: Acquired knowledge, experienced feelings should help the formation of competence, identity.


1. Rest "Radishchev - Slavery Enemy"

2. Exhibition of books.

3. Curbed candles.

4. Indicators with stations names.

5. Literal dictionary.

On the desk: Life feat Radishchev.

Buintman worse than Pugachev

Catherine II.

I looked at me - my soul suffering

mankind has become vulnerable

A. Radishchev.


№2. A student word of the teacher.

In the spring of 1790, on the dirty street of St. Petersburg in the printing house, the last pages of "Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow" were scored and imprinted - Alexander Radishchev completed his work.

That distant spring was another forerunner of the Great French Revolution. Ahead was the capture of Bastille, when for the first time the words of the song of the French Revolution "will" go! ", I called to take up the aristocrats on the lanterns, and the execution of Louis16, and the Jacobin Terror, who terrified contemporaries, and the collapse of the Jacobin dictatorship.

Radishchev - one of the few not only in Russia, but also in Western Europe, who possessed knowledge capable and predicted, and explain the finals of the tragedy, crowned the outcome of the "insane and wise" century.

But the most important thing and today amazing is the thoughts of Radishchev about the revolution of the Russian. He is already at sunset of the 18th century, a lot has seen with the piercing clarity that we began to comply recently.

How precious to be for us is the Radish Knowledge! It's time, it's time to recognize our guilt in front of Radishchev, the guilt of misunderstanding, disinterest, implayation!

Let's light the candle on the Russian custom - a symbol of life - (and in the literal, and in a figurative sense) as a sign of our respect and memory of that man who was the most bold thinker of the 18th century, which did not grow with social evil, indifference, limited spirit and Thoughts, flew in his dreams to that society, which tried to see in his dreams through the curtain of time.

But the book of Radishchev, completed a year before the French revolution, organically grew in Russian soil, was blood connected with the Russian reality of the last third of the 18th century.

So we need to know what was Russia last third of 18 century.

Speech learning.
Yes, during the reign of Catherine, the second in connection with the growth of productive forces, the development of new, capitalist relations, the social contradictions are sharply sharpened in the country. The fastener is becoming more rigid.

In his domestic policy, Catherine, the second defended the interests of the nobility, then merchants. And the peasant, as A. Radishchev wrote, "the law is dead."

The most large Russian landowner was the Empress itself. Then there, the uprisings broke out here. The unrest was suppressed.

The impact of the fortress arbitrariness, sympathy to the oppressed peasantry - the leading the theme of the literature of the 18th century.

Radishchev sent his bold blows precisely on the "basis", on the "principle of evil", i.e., for the entire system of serfdom and tsarism.


№1. How was the life of this amazing, outstanding person?

№2. Under whose influence such views were formed?

Speeches of students.

Teacher. Indeed, all advanced people hotly loved their homeland, but only in Radishchev's consciousness, the idea of \u200b\u200bpatriotism was filled with revolutionary content.

A genuine patriot of Radishchev recognizes only one who gives all his strength for the benefit of the people, who "not fear to sacrifice life," who is capable of a heroic act.

And the words of Radishchev are confirmed by his last life. And the creation of the book "Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow", which he addressed to the reader and friend Alexei Kutuzov, who, as he himself, be difficult, was able to get a hard, as he himself, to pass it difficult, not to fight the tough, rejection of the indigenous issues of being And - the most important thing! - the forces found in itself to resist the temptation of reconciling simplicity and clarity.

About the history of "burned book" Tell ... prepared student ...

Speech treatment.

TEACHER. Nothing: arrest, the threat of the death penalty, reference to Siberia - did not break the revolutionary spirit of Radishchev. He confirmed loyalty to his beliefs in the poem:

You want to know: who am I? what am I? Where am I going? -

I am the same as I and I will be the whole of my age:

Not cattle, not a tree, not slave, but man! ..

"Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow" - Very complicated book. And not only because, according to Radishchev itself, heavily written. The complexity is in the collision in its opposite ideas: the revolutionary and revolutions of alien, who deny it, warning from it. And contradictions are represented frankly.

Today it's time to understand Radishchev. He doubted the need for revolution, and his anxiety was not in vain.

If we can understand that thoughts, anxiety, doubts, the hopes are consonant with our own, we will understand that the book of his contemporary is consonant with our time.

And one of you will help us determine the path of following from the station to the station in the chronological sequence, so check how you understood the composition of this work.

The called the student attaches pointers with the names of the stations in the order, then checks with the card - the scheme.

TEACHER. At the very beginning, the voice of the traveler, inseparable from the author's voice, sounds. The nameless main hero of the book appears as a person who is holy referring to the idea of \u200b\u200benlightenment - that life can be changed, "referred to wise laws."

How many Russian writers will be given to the "age of Radishchev" the power of the road, the Russian path, the Russian Duma ...

Speeches of students with the analysis of chapters in accordance with the map - the scheme.

TEACHER. So ends our journey. Let's summarize, collectively solve whether it was possible whether you managed to determine which major questions consider Radishchev.

№1. Passenger.

№2. Self-adjustment.

№3. Pricking to the revolution.

№4. Warning.

№1. What is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe chapters you read?

№2. What is the civil feat of A. N. Radishchev?

TEACHER. Catherine The second was mistaken, calling the Radishcheva a buntchik worse than Pugacheva. He was not a riot driver - a revolutionary.

In the inevitability of the bloody crash based on the oppression and operation of Russian statehood, he did not doubt. But he was reluctant to reversibility of social processes.

Why is the "liberty" able to turn into slavery? Will this happen in Russia? Isn't it coming after the victorious revolution, the time for the winning freedom of freedom is a new oppression, a new breakdown of freedoms and human rights?! Does not spilled blood generate - new blood, new violence - and so without end?! ..

Anxiety was not in vain. Today we understand it.

Isn't it reminding the world created by him, torn by contradictions, doubts, pain and hope, what happens to us today? Whoever moans nor shouts nor curses nor calls for a decisive action, then to restraint: both Pacherchaar, and a peasant family who is doomed to poverty, and a warrior, in battle losing sight and forced to be noise ...

But Radishchev explains: the main condition of universal prosperity is freedom that is unacceptable to limit. But freedom is inevitably conjugate with great difficulties.

I would understand Radishchev to us that the revolution is a great inevitability, the pattern of Russian history, "her face is terrible," she will bring not instantaneously approved grace. And for the people, the way one is not to push the sprouts of the freedom of the Spirit. In this - hope.

Appeal to the exhibition of books.

Summing up.

Task at home.

And a very important idea I should voice. Radishchev did not need materially. But in it, a very strong sense of compassion was developed, he felt someone else's pain as his own, so his life he built. I want you to try to learn from Radishchev. I do not urge you to all become revolutionaries, but to help a person, even if he does not ask you about it, to support it at the right moment - this should be a program for you - a minimum.

Written answer to the question / by the choice of students /
№1. Is the work of A.N. Radishchev?

№2. What is the life feat of Radishchev?

End of the XVIII century. The era of the most important events in world history. Bourgeois revolutions rolled throughout Europe and America. The Great French Bourgeois Revolution has accomplished. And only in Russia is preserved and reaches the serfdom. In such a situation, the young nobleman Alexander Radishchev in 1762 enters the St. Petersburg Page Corps. Alexander's parents were good people. They were humanly treated to peasants. For this, the owners loved. Life in the estate was the first collision of Radishchev with a fortress building.

After graduating from the Piece Corps, Radishchev served in the palace, met a palace life. Then, among the best disciples, he is sent to Germany. A great impression was made on Alexander the cruel morals of serfshitts, the arbitrary of ignorant military. A protest was born in his soul, which then resulted in a wonderful work "Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow."

"Journey ..." was the result of perennial observations, a protest of Radishchev against the serfdom system. He was the first, he started. Behind him came Decembrists, Herzen. Radishchev understood and showed that all misfortunes do not result from individual landowners, and not even from the king, but from the existing system. He showed the serfdom as it was in fact: cruel, unfair, in all its disgusting height. With merciless truthfulness shows the Radishchev, the predominant class, serfs: "Oblos, mischievous, is huge, chasing." The landowners take care only about increasing their estates, the multiplication of wealth and entertainment. They want to turn fasteners into obedient cars, put them on a par and even below livestock. But the writer himself believes and makes others believe that it is not. Peasants are primarily people, people with their joys and sadness. They are smart, valid, and the future belongs to them. Radishchev believes in the great strength of the people, believes that such people do not break down that he will fight and win,

At that time, the ideas of enlighteners were widely spread. Radishchev also attached them great importance. But, most importantly, he believed that "Burlack a lot can decide the accuracy of the Russian", that is, to make a revolution. He brilliantly predicted that the leaders of the revolution will be "great men" from the people. This was confirmed by time.

The writer understood what consequences is fraught with the publication of the book. He published it himself, in his printing house on a dirty street, a circulation of only 650 copies, but they read the book everywhere and all - nobles, merchants, peasants. When the book reached Catherine II, she said that the author "Bunchik, worse than Pugacheva," and the book "clearly and clearly Buntovskaya, where the kings are threatened by Flagla."

Radishchev was captured and imprisoned. The author "travel" was made a death sentence. But in the form of "grace" he was replaced by reference to Siberia, in the distant Ilimsk. But the writer and there did not form a weapon. He wrote proud, angry poems, implanting autocracy, studied culture, life, folklore, met.

The kings were replaced, began to edit the king Paul I. Radishchev was allowed to return to the capital. But the change of kings did not lead to a change in the essence of serfdom. Radishchev understood it. The writer was broken, depressed. He took poison. It was the last way of public protest.

The value of Radishchev's creativity is great. Although only 50 copies were sold, the book corresponded from the hand, has multiplied in secret printing photos. Radishchev's hopes for Siberia came true.

Life feat Radishchev

and the serfdom reaches his heyday. In such a situation, the young nobleman Alexander Radishchev in 1762 enters the St. Petersburg Page Corps. Alexander's parents were good people. They were humanly treated to peasants. For this, the owners loved. Life in the estate was the first collision of Radishchev with a fortress building.

After graduating from the Piece Corps, Radishchev served in the palace, met a palace life. Then, among the best disciples, he is sent to Germany. A great impression was made on Alexander the cruel morals of serfshitts, the arbitrary of ignorant military. A protest was born in his soul, which then resulted in a wonderful work "Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow."

"Journey ..." was the result of perennial observations, a protest of Radishchev against the serfdom system. He was the first, he started. Behind him came Decembrists, Herzen. Radishchev understood and showed that all misfortunes do not result from individual landowners, and not even from the king, but from the existing system. He showed the serfdom as it was in fact: cruel, unfair, in all its disgusting height. With merciless truthfulness shows the Radishchev, the predominant class, serfs: "Oblos, mischievous, is huge, chasing." The landowners take care only about increasing their estates, the multiplication of wealth and entertainment. They want to turn fasteners into obedient cars, put them on a par and even below livestock. But the writer himself believes and makes others believe that it is not. Peasants are primarily people, people with their joys and sadness. They are smart, valid, and the future belongs to them. Radishchev believes in the great strength of the people, believes that such people do not break down that he will fight and win,

At that time, the ideas of enlighteners were widely spread. Radishchev also attached them great importance. But, most importantly, he believed that "Burlack a lot can decide the accuracy of the Russian", that is, to make a revolution. He brilliantly predicted that the leaders of the revolution will be "great men" from the people. This was confirmed by time.

When the book reached Catherine II, she said that the author "Bunchik, worse than Pugacheva," and the book "clearly and clearly Buntovskaya, where the kings are threatened by Flagla."

Radishchev was captured and imprisoned. The author "travel" was made a death sentence. But in the form of "grace" he was replaced by reference to Siberia, in the distant Ilimsk. But the writer and there did not form a weapon. He wrote proud, angry poems, implanting autocracy, studied culture, life, folklore, met.

The kings were replaced, began to edit the king Paul I. Radishchev was allowed to return to the capital. But the change of kings did not lead to a change in the essence of serfdom. Radishchev understood it. The writer was broken, depressed. He took poison. It was the last way of public protest.

The value of Radishchev's creativity is great. Although only 50 copies were sold, the book corresponded from the hand, has multiplied in secret printing photos. Radishchev's hopes for Siberia came true.

End of the XVIII century. The era of the most important events in world history. Bourgeois revolutions rolled throughout Europe and America. The Great French Bourgeois Revolution has accomplished. And only in Russia is preserved and reaches the serfdom. In such a situation, the young nobleman Alexander Radishchev in 1762 enters the St. Petersburg Page Corps. Alexander's parents were good people. They were humanly treated to peasants. For this, the owners loved. Life in the estate was the first collision of Radishchev with a serf


After graduating from the Piece Corps, Radishchev served in the palace, met a palace life. Then, among the best disciples, he is sent to Germany. A great impression was made on Alexander the cruel morals of serfshitts, the arbitrary of ignorant military. A protest was born in his soul, which then resulted in a wonderful work "Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow."

"Journey ..." was the result of perennial observations, a protest of Radishchev against the serfdom system. He was the first, he started. Behind him came Decembrists, Herzen. Radishchev understood and showed that all troubles stem

Not from individual landlords, and not even from the king, but from the existing system. He showed the serfdom as it was in fact: cruel, unfair, in all its disgusting height. With merciless truthfulness shows the Radishchev, the predominant class, serfs: "Oblos, mischievous, is huge, chasing." The landowners take care only about increasing their estates, the multiplication of wealth and entertainment. They want to turn fasteners into obedient cars, put them on a par and even below livestock. But the writer himself believes and makes others believe that it is not. Peasants are primarily people, people with their joys and sadness. They are smart, valid, and the future belongs to them. Radishchev believes in the great strength of the people, believes that such people do not break down that he will fight and win,

At that time, the ideas of enlighteners were widely spread. Radishchev also attached them great importance. But, most importantly, he believed that "Burlack a lot can decide the accuracy of the Russian", that is, to make a revolution. He brilliantly predicted that the leaders of the revolution will be "great men" from the people. This was confirmed by time.

The writer understood what consequences is fraught with the publication of the book. He published it himself, in his printing house on a dirty street, a circulation of only 650 copies, but they read the book everywhere and all - nobles, merchants, peasants. When the book reached Catherine II, she said that the author "Bunchik, worse than Pugacheva," and the book "clearly and clearly Buntovskaya, where the kings are threatened by Flagla."

Radishchev was captured and imprisoned. The author "travel" was made a death sentence. But in the form of "grace" he was replaced by reference to Siberia, in the distant Ilimsk. But the writer and there did not form a weapon. He wrote proud, angry poems, implanting autocracy, studied culture, life, folklore, met.

The kings were replaced, began to edit the king Paul I. Radishchev was allowed to return to the capital. But the change of kings did not lead to a change in the essence of serfdom. Radishchev understood it. The writer was broken, depressed. He took poison. It was the last way of public protest.

The value of Radishchev's creativity is great. Although only 50 copies were sold, the book corresponded from the hand, has multiplied in secret printing photos. Radishchev's hopes for Siberia came true.