An essay on the topic: "Why did Pecherina considered strange?". Lesson.tea: Pechorin - Strange Man

An essay on the topic: "Why did Pecherina considered strange?". Lesson.tea: Pechorin - Strange Man

Lesson 45 "Strange Man" Pechorin (analysis of the content of the heads of "Bal" and "Maxim Maximach")

29.03.2013 30497 0

Lesson 45
"Strange Man" Pechorin
(Chapter analysis analysis
Bal and Maxim Maximach)

Objectives:integrate students with the content of BALA, Maxim Maximych; Find out the features of the plot, composition, genre; By analyzing episodes to deepen ideas about the nature of the main character, try to explain some of the "oddities" of Pechorin, to tell about his actions and deeds (try to understand them), about relationships with other characters.

During the classes

I. Survey on homework.

1. What is the feature of the construction of the Roman Lermontov "Hero of Our Time"?

2. What makes such a song think about?

II. Tale "Bal".(Heroes, content, features of the genre and composition, attitude to Pechistan heroes of the story.)

1. Conversation on questions:

1) For how many parts can be broken down the content of the story? What headlines come up with?

2) From whose behalf is the story? What form is written? (The story is conducted on behalf of the author and Maximich. Genre - Travel Notes: "... I am writing not a story, but travel notes.")

3) What is interesting can you tell about the author and maxima maxima?

The author is a man in the Caucasus "New", which forgining his native places. He is curious, has the desire to "pull out" any exciting story at Maxim Maxim. The author is formed, observed, admires the wonderful nature of the Caucasus.

Headquarters Captain Maxim Maksimach - the "experienced" man in the Caucasus, accustomed to harsh life. The army service learned him to justice and discipline, but did not harm. Maxim Maximych is unwind and kind. Okay knowing life Highlanders, he knows how to understand their actions, evaluate strength and courage. His speech, although not always correct, but always sincere. Belinsky notes that Maxim Maximach says "tongue is simple, rude, but always pictorial, always touching and stunning ...". Acquaintance with the Pechist and Joint Service is an exceptional event in the monotonous life of the Captain Staff.

2. Resets-analysis of episodes of the "Abduction of Bali" and "Bail's Death". You can use questions:

1) mentally reproduce psychological condition Pechorin.

2) How do these episodes characterize the main character?

3) Why do you condemn Pechorin?

4) What features of his character deserve approval? Why?

5) Love Pecherin to Gorianke Bale - a real feeling or is it just a passion - Caprice?

6) What is Maxim Maximich sees the strangeness of Pechorin?

Pechorin attracts attention to others and causes the interest of the author. But the attitude of the author to the hero is contradictory. Amazed oddities and in appearance, and in the character of Pechorin. Bravery, energy, courage, noble impulses are combined with lethargy and indifference.

History with Bala shows that Pechorin has a strong will, he knows how to seek the goal. This causes sympathy to him. But at the same time, the author condemns him for the petty and selfish actions, the habit is considered only with its desires.

The contradiction of Pechorin and is revealed in the subsequent heads of the novel with all the completeness, discovering the "disease" of generation of that time.

3. Resets-analysis of the story "Maxim Maximach" or reading on roles. You can use questions:

1) What is the impression of the read?

2) What are the features of the portrait of Pechorin? What is it different from the portrait, this Maxim Maxima in the story "Bal"?

3) What is the role of the narrator in the story?

4) How is the ideological design of Lermontov manifest?

5) Analyze the episode of the Pechorin meeting with the captain. Is it possible to call Pechorin and Maxim Maxim's friends?

6) How do you explain the coldness of Pechorin? Why didn't he stay dinner with the captain?

7) What features of Pecherin's character revealed at the last meeting with Maxim Maxima?

8) Which of the heroes do you sympathize?

9) What, in your opinion, should there be their meeting?

10) What is the place and meaning of the story "Maxim Maximach" in the novel?

(The compositional role of the Tale "Maxim Maximych" is great. It's like a link between Bagala and the "Pechistan magazine". It explains how the magazine came to the author, arriving officer.

Prost and story story. But the meeting of Pechorin and Maxim Maximich sad. The coldness, indifference and egoism of the main character. Journey - last try somehow fill your life with something useful, new impressions.)

The most important means of the peculiar characteristics in this story is psychological picture (Features of appearance, reflected in it complex spiritual experiences, portrait psychologist).


1. The story "Taman". Reading, retelling plot. What is the meaning of the collision of Pechorin with smugglers?

2. An analysis of the episodes of the "scene in the boat" and "Farewell to Janko with a blind boy." What new learned about the main character?

3. Observations on the composition "Tamani", description of nature, speech characters.

Self-education theme

Fedotova Lidia Kalistatovna, teacher of the Russian language and literature MBOU "Meadaetyshsky OSH" of the Canhan district of Chuvashia.

Subject: Pechorina strange man. ("Bal")

His called ... Gregory Alexandrovich Pechorin. Nice was small

i dare to assure you; Just a little strange.

"Hero of our time". M.Yu. Lermontov.

Educational problems :

Allocate in the work of the priority values \u200b\u200bof the main character

Determine the nature of the relationship of the hero and the uniform image of the world and understand the consequences of these relationships for the individual

Help the student intently present the studied aspect of the work

Form emotionally - value attitude to the study

Create meaningful and organizational conditions for the development of schoolchildren to analyze the text artistic work using different species Reading (analytical, emotional, functional)

Purpose: To bring the meaning of the story beyond the loving plot, to detect the general reasons for the tragedy of Pechorin


    find out the initial perception of pupils of the novel;

    bring the guys to understand the value of the composition and role in the disclosure ideological design novel;

    interest them romantic plot Tale "Bal" and the identity of a strange person - Pechorina.

The results of the study of a key issue to M.Yu.Lermontova "Bal".


    improving the spiritual and moral qualities of personality, respectful attitude towards Russian literature, the use of various sources of information (dictionaries, Internet resources, works of other authors of Russian and foreign literature).


    the ability to understand the problem, put forward the hypothesis, structure the material, select arguments to confirm your own position, allocate causal relations.

Type of lesson in shape : Dialogic

Type of lesson in content : Workshop, Research

During the classes

Teacher : Pay attention to the epigraph. What is the hero of the story of Lermontov goes on? (About Pechorin.) Who says these words? (Maxim Maximich.)

Announcement of the lesson topics.

Theme lesson: Pechorin is a strange person. ("Bal")

Appeal to the text.He was so thin, whlen, on him the uniform was so new ... After all, for example, in the rain, in the cold all day on the hunt; All will be messy, they will be set up - and nothing to him. And another time it sits in his room, the wind smells, assures that she has witned; Stone knocknet, he will work out and pale; And when I went to the boar one on one; it happened for the whole hours the words would not be achieved, but sometimes how it starts to tell, so the animals will spend from laughter ... Dae, with a big one, and there must be a rich man: how much he had different

dear things! ..

Teacher: everything artistic structure The novel "Hero of our time" was built so as to illuminate the main character - Gregory Alexandrovich Pechorin - with different points vision. Opening inner world Hero, the author convinces: "The history of the soul of human ... is hardly more curious and not more useful than the history of the whole people." What is the hero in fact: an evil genius or a victim of society? The question is definitely ambiguous, we have to respond during the lesson. Pechorin himself repeatedly speaks of his duality. On the one hand, the author shows his flawed, deprived of kindness and humanity, on the other - courageous, ardent, sympathetic people in humans.

And how did you see Pechorin, reading the story "Bal"? Share your impressions.

( Lermontov draws the history of the Bail multifaceted, describes it with his eyes different heroes. I would like to figure it out in this tragic history Love and death of a young girl and understand what role they play Pechorin in the fate of the heroes of the story. His love was sincere or was it a whim of the spoiled heart?)

Formulation of the problem. Why does Pechorin remain a mystery to others?

What is his oddity, dissolute? How does she affect others?

Why is he unhappy? What are the reasons for his misfortune? (Pechorin has a brilliant analytical mind, he evaluates people, the motives of their actions, and on the other hand, they quickly master boredom, he has no goal in life.)

Work on cards

To work in groups of 5 minutes.

Card 1 group.

1. Who is such an azamat?

Azamat - Son Prince, younger brother Bail.This is the fifteen guys, which is distinguished by impurity, incontinence, impassable and in everything wants to be like Casbich.

Azamat's day arrives in four in four ... I went to talk about horses ... Challenged the eye of the Tatarchonka.

In the first three steps, he will drop you, and you will break yourself the back of the stones.

Me? - shouted Azamat in rabies, and iron of children's dagger

sloped about the mail. Strong hand pushed him away and he hit

woven so that the woven stunned. "There will be fun!" - I thought, rushed in

stable, clung to our horses and led them to the backyard. Two minutes

there was a terrible goal in Sakle. This is what happened: Azamat ran there in

torn Beshmete, saying that Kazbich wanted to be slaughtered.

2. Why does the "translucent boy" agrees to the Pechistan Asphar?

I see, Azamat, that it hurts you like this horse; And do not see

to you her like your head! Well, tell me what you would give you to her

gave? .. ..

All he wants - Azamat answered.

In this case, I'll get it enough for you, only with the condition ... Swarve that

you will fulfill it ...

I swear ... Knee and you!

Okay! I swear, you will own a horse; just for him you should

to give me a sister Balu: Karagez will be a calm. Hope a bargaining for

you are beneficial.

Card 2 groups.

1. Who is it, this Kazbich?

Kazbich - Fearless Jigit, a robber living in the mountains of the Caucasus.

I began to peer and recognized my

old acquaintance Kazbich. He, you know, was not that peaceful, not that

nehir. There was a lot of suspicion of him, although he was not in any prank

noticed. It happened, he led to us in the fortress of the rams and sold cheaply,

just never traded: what will ask, come on, - even though the zarezh, not

give down. Talked about him that he likes to drag into Kuban with Abreki, and

the truth is to say, his face was the most robbery: small, dry,

widewriting ... And already the cleft, the deft was, like a demon! Besht is always

isrupping, in plexus, and weapons in silver. And his horse was famous for

Kabarde, - And for sure, it's better to think about this horse.

2. Kazbich loves Balu. Why does not agree to the offer of Azamat?

For a long time, Kazbich was silent for a long time; Finally, instead of answering, he tightened the old

Many beauties in aulah we have

Stars shine in the darkness of their eyes.

Sweet loving them, enviable share;

But the merges of Godotka will.

Gold will buy four wives,

The horse does not have the price:

He and from the vortex in the steppe will not be lagging behind

He will not change, he will not deceive.

3. What role played Pechorin in the fate of the mountaine?

The dust came in the distance - Azamat grew up on Lyody Karagez; on run

Kazbich snatched a rifle from the cover and shot, with a minute he remained immobilely,

until he was convinced that he gave mist; then he woke up, hit the rifle about the stone,

smashed him to smire, fell on the ground and buried like a child ... here

the people from the fortress gathered around the circle - he did not notice anyone; stood

stood and went back; I ordered near him putting money for the rams - he

they did not touch them, lay as a stronger as dead. Believe it, he lay so

until late at night and the whole night? .. Only another morning came to the fortress and

i began to ask for him to be called the kidnapper. Clock that saw how

Azamat dismissed the horse and rode on it, noted for the desired hide. Wherein

the name of Kazbich's eyes climbed, and he went to Aul, where the father of Azamat lived.

Card 3 groups.

    What is the attractiveness of Bala's image? Why didn't Maxim Maximych be attached to her?

Naturalness and inability to pretend - these are the qualities that, in addition to beauty, saw Pechorin in it.

And for sure, she was good: high, thin, black eyes, like

mountain sulna, and looked into the soul. Pechorin did not reduce thought

from her eyes, and she often looked at him.

    Why did Bal and the influence of Pechorin?

Gregory Alexandrovich every day gave her something: the first days she was silent

proudly repelled gifts, which then got a duhancanchice and excited

her eloquence. Ah, gifts! What a woman will not make a color rag! ..

Well, yes, it's away ... I beat Grigory Alexandrovich for a long time; Meaning

he studied in Tatar, and she began to understand our own.I am guilty before you and must punish myself;

goodbye, I'm going - where? Why do I know? May not be chasing the bullet

or a blow of checkers; Then remember me and forgive me. "- He turned away and

i extended her hand on farewell. She did not take his hands, silent. Only standing by

door, I could consider her face in the slot: And it became sorry for me - such

the deadly pallor covered it a cute face! Do not hear a response, Pechorin

made a few steps to the door; He trembled - and whether to tell you? I think he is in

the state was actually actually talking about. Those were

man knows him! Just barely touched the door as she jumped up

i buried and rushed to him on the neck.

3. What role played Pechorin in her fate? (Tragic.)

Card 4 groups.

    Why did the story about the love of Pechorina author invested Maxim Maximich in the mouth? Is it possible to trust his opinion? What Maxim Maximich is depicted in the story?

Kindness, immediacy, honesty Maxim Maximich are clearly insufficient to resist evil or at least understand the meaning of making. His limit is not just neighing with his kindness, but it feels it and counteracts her.

    How did Pecherin rendered to the death of Bale?

Maxim Maximych blame Pechorin in indifference: "... His face did not express special, and I was annoying: I would have died in his place with grief."

3. Maxim Maximych is a sympathetic witness or a direct accomplice of what is happening?

The abduction committed by other people's hands is badly, but Maxim Maximych cannot explain it and can only roigh the Pechorina, who constantly puts it "in a dead end."

Card 5 groups.

    Love Pecherin to Bale - sincere feeling or capricious of the spoiled heart? Why does he kidnap Balu? Why in the end does not feel happy?

Pechorin stole Balu. He saw her and loved. But it was not reliable, reliable love, and love is just like that of boredom. But if he himself knows that it is soon woven with Bal, that he has such a character, then there was her steal, why bring her pain, but in general, with whom Pechorin neither communicates, he brings pain or death.

    Consider confession. Pechorin explains itself as a consequence of the laws of time and its circle, considers himself worthy regret even more than Bal. What do you think?

"... I have an unhappy character; Raising me made me so, did God created me like that, I do not know; I only know that if I have the reasons for the others, then it myself is not less unhappy ... I began to enjoy it with all the pleasures that you can get for money, and of course, the pleasures of these were conveyed. Then I went into the big light, and soon society was also tired of me; I fell in love in the secular beauties and was loved - but their love was only annoyed by my imagination and pride, and the heart remained empty ... I began to read, learn - sciences are also born ... I don't know the fool, I don't know; But it is true that I am also very worthy of regret ... "

(The headquarters - the captain, who spent most of his life in the Caucasian fortress, is able to accurately reproduce the external course of events, but cannot explain them. He is far from understanding the spiritual search of the hero. The motives of his actions for Maxim Maximich are inexplicable. He notices only the "hero's oddities")


1. Pechorin is not capable of friendship, he has egoism inherent, he has no real affection; Everything intensifying life situation He seeks to bring to conflict.

2. Bulu Pechorin forcibly breaks out of her natural medium and its egoism leads her to death.

3. His soul is not able to sympathize with another soul, tune in unison with the mood of others. Free from friendship, which constraints with its moral footsteps and connections, Pechorin repels the innocent kindness of Maxim Maxim.

4. Pechorin so explains his cooling to Bale: "I am wrong again: Love Dicarka Lygthm better love noble lady; Ignorance and simply prostride one are also bored as the coquetry of the other. " However, for errors and experiments of the main character are walked by living hearts.

5. Unpredictability of actions, risk tendency, egoism, instant disappointment when achieving the goal, inability to sympathy, empathy, disappointed, boredom - the features of the hero.


Make now Sinwen on the topic "Pechorin". Read what you did?


Lonely, strange

Achieves, gossip, suffers

Causes bewilderment and misunderstanding


Generalizing problematic question : "What are the reasons for the misfortune of a" strange person "?" Support dialogue.

Homework . Read the chapter "Maxim Maximach". Find the reasons for the alienation of Pechorin and Maxim Maximich.

Reflection. What discoveries, the conclusions did you do for yourself after analyzing the story "Bal"?

So, the "Hero of Our Time" - psychological Roman, that is, a new word in the Russian literature of the nineteenth century. It's really special work For its time - it has a truly interesting structure: Caucasian Novel, travel notes, diary…. But anyway the main objective Works - disclosure of the image of an unusual, at first glance, a strange person - Grigoria Pechorin. This is really unusual special person. And the reader traces it throughout the novel.

Who is such Pechorin and what main tragedy? We see the hero from the most different peopleand may thus make it a psychological portrait. In the first chapters of the novel, you can see Grigory Pechorin with the eyes of Maxim Maximich - a retired officer, a friend of the hero. "There was a strange man," he says. But the elderly officer lives in another time, in another world and cannot give full and objective characteristics. But at the beginning of the novel, with the words of Maxim Maximich, we understand that this is a special person. The next stage of image disclosure - Description

Pechorin is a wandering officer. He is closer to him and by age, and in the views, and in a circle of communication, therefore, he can better reveal his inner world.

And the officer notices some features of appearance, which are directly related to the character. Much attention It is paid to the description of the gait, eye, hands, figures. But the look plays a key role. "His eyes did not laugh when he laughed - this is a sign either evil in the face, or all-consuming sorrow." And it is here that we are approaching the answer to the question: what is the tragedy of the hero? The most complete answer is represented in part of the novel illustrating psychology secular society - "Princess Mary." It was written in the form of a diary. And that is why we can talk about the real sincerity and genuineness of the narration, because in the diary a person expresses senses only for himself, and he is known to lie meaninglessly. And here Pechorin himself tells the reader about his tragedy. The text is present a large number of The monologues in which the hero himself analyzes its actions, philosophically about its purpose and the inner world. And the main problem is that Pechorin constantly draws inside itself, assesses his actions, words, which contributes to the opening of its own vices and imperfections. And Pechorin says: "I have a congenital passion to contradict ..." He fights the outside world. It may seem that this is an evil and indifferent person, but this is not so. His inner world is deep and wound. He is tormented by bitterness of misunderstanding by society. "Everyone was read on my face signs of bad properties ..." Perhaps it is in this the main tragedy. He deeply felt good and evil, could love, but the surroundings did not understand him, and the best of his qualities were strangled. All feelings were harnessed in the most distant corners of the soul. He became " mustic cripple". And he himself writes that half the soul died him, and the second is a little alive. But alive! In Pechorin still live true feelings. But they are strangled. In addition, the hero is tormented by boredom and loneliness. However, feelings make their way in this man when he runs for faith, he falls and crying - it means he is still really a person! But suffering is an unbearable test for him. And it can be noted that the tragedy of Pechorin echoes the tragedy pushkin Onegin - Pechorin cannot find a recognition in life, science is not interested, the service is boring ...

Thus, there are several main problems: misunderstanding of society, the absence of self-realization. And the society did not understand Grigory Pecherin. He thought it was designed for higher purposes, but the lack of understanding turned the tragedy for him - broke his life and divided the soul into two halves - dark and light.

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The answer was left the guest

Pechorin, as an extra person

Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov was born on the third of October 1814 in Moscow in the family of captain. Children's years are held in the estate of Tarkhan Penza province. He studied at Moscow University. Lermontov owned many languages.
In the early 19th century, works appear in Russian literature the main problem which is the conflict of a person and the surrounding society. Created new image - "Excess person", rejected, spiritually unclaimed by society.
In the novel, the hero of our time Lermontov creates an image of such a person. This way is Pechorin.
Pechorin was born in a rich noble family, so with young years was in the circles influential people. However, he soon bored the "light" of societies with his empty entertainment, "which can be obtained for money" - points, festive lunches and of course masquerades with their tedious conversations and lack of practical activities. Pechorin stretched to education and sciences, but quickly decided for himself that "happiness would rather find in ignorance and wealth," he did not want the glory. " This hero is internally devastated. The reason for his devastation can be found by learning about its upbringing. From the very beginning of his life, he was doomed to an empty future. The proof of this can be found after reading his diary: "I was modest - I was accused of a villaness: I became secret. I deeply felt good and evil. Nobody caressed me. All insulted me. I became malpamyen. I was ready to love the whole world - no one understood me and I learned to hate.
Pechorin is depicted in the novel as the victim of noble people. Thus, he has become a cruel, malicious and cynical man, he gradually moved away from people, lost faith in life and love.
Throughout the novel, the hero is trying to fight his inner void. But all his efforts end in failure. All things that he starts doomed to failure. He understands this and very suffers from it. His suffering is expressed in a constant struggle between humanism and cynicism. Pechorin all describes this in his diary. In the fight against himself, he "exhausted the heat of the soul and the constancy of the will" necessary for active life. All this makes Pechorin " empathy person"In the social plan.
He is also weak and psychologically. Pechorin does not want to make new acquaintances, communicate with smart people. It is spiritual and emotional proximity. He has no friends and he does not love anyone. He explains this by the fact that friendship is never based on equality, and the fear of losing personal freedom.
From this it can be derived that this hero appreciates only its independence. He is so freedoming that he is strongly expressed by the desire to subjugate his will all and all, even love.
People's closest people are just Dr. Werner and Vera. With Dr. Werner, he divides a sense of loneliness. Also, they are united by spiritual unpleasution, as well as a similar warehouse of the mind.
We can say about faith that this is the "only woman in the world." He loves her selflessly and disinterestedly. However, in this relationship there are problems that it is hard to solve it.
Pechorina constantly fight flame passion And cold indifference.
Thus, the extreme selfish of Pechorina shows his uselessness in all respects. Focusing on own problems And the aspirations, the hero does not make good and does not bring happiness, it can be concluded that he closed in himself.
Even he himself admits that "became a moral carriage."

In it, two people: the first acts, the second looks at the actions of the first and talks about them, or better to say, condemns them, because they really deserve condemnation. The reasons for this split, this quarrel with themselves, very deep, and in them is a contradiction between the soul nature and the fleet of the actions of the same person. So, the "hero of our time" is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel. In fact, after that, the whole romance may seem evil irony, because most of Readers will probably exclaim: "Good hero!" - What is he fooling? - dare you ask you. Why so ungivant * Are you talking about him? * For that, that we are not remembered * cotton, we judge everything, * that there is an unguardlessness of the unguarded Duma * Il insults, Ile is missing you speak against him that there is no faith. Perfectly, but the same thing is the same thing to blame for the fact that he has no gold: he would be happy. I want him, but it is not given to him. And what does Pechorin be glad to his ability? Is he proud of them? Didn't he suffered from him? Is he not ready for the price of life and happiness to buy this faith, for whom he has not yet come his hour? .. Do you say he is an egoist? - But does he not despise and does not hate himself for it? Doesn't his heart crave a pure and disinterested love? .. No, this is not an egoist: the egoist does not suffer, does not accuse himself, but satisfied, he is glad to himself ... Pechistan's soul is not rocky soil, not dried from the heat of fame life: let her suffer and irrigate the fertile rain, - and she It will grab lush, luxury flowers heavenly Love... this man began to hurt and sadly that everyone did not like him, - who are these "everything"? - Empty, insignificant people who cannot forgive him of his superiority over them. And his readiness to strangle a false shame, the voice of the secular honor and offended pride, when he was ready for his recognition in slander, to forgive the pearshnitsky, a man, now just shot the bullet to him and shamelessly awaiting idle shot from him? And his tears and sobs in the desert steppe, at the body of the abhorrent horse? - No, all this is not egoism. But it - you will tell you - cold calcality, the systematic calcification, with which he seduces a poor girl, not like her, and only to laugh at her and something to take his idleness? .. Judging by the person, should take into consideration The circumstances of his development and the sphere of life, in which he is delivered to the fate. In the ideas of Pechorin, there is a lot of false, in sensations it is distortion; But all this gets away with his rich Naturo ... The author of the novel we spend, describing the appearance of Pecherin, when he meets with him large roadThat's what he says about his eyes: T "They did not laugh when he laughed. .. You did not happen to notice such strangeness in some people? This is a sign - or evil in the face, or deep, constant sadness. Because of semi-finished eyelashes, they shone some phosphoric glitter if you can put it. That there was no reflection of the heat of spiritual or playing imagination; It was a shine, a glitter of smooth steel, dazzling, but cold; His look - a short, but insightful and heavy, left an uncompromising impression of an indispensable question and could seem supper if it were not so indifferent calmly ".- Agree that both these eyes and the whole scene of Pechorina with Maxim Maxims Esidi is a vice, I'm not at all triumphant, and you have to be born for good to be so cruel to be punished for evil! Meanwhile, this novel is not at all angry irony, although it can be very easy to be accepted for irony! This is one of those novels, * in which the eyelids reflected, * and the modern person * is depicted quite true * with his immoral soul, * selfless and dry, * dream of devoted immensely, * with his embittered mind, * boiling in action is empty. This is Onegin is our time, the hero of our time ... What is Onegin? .. He is in the novel by a man who killed upbringing and savorWith which everyone looked like, everything was noticed, everything was pleasant and whom the whole life was in that * that he equals yawn * the medium of fashionable and ancient hall. Not like Pechorin. This person is not indifferent, does not apatically carry his suffering: he is madly chasing his life, looking for her everywhere; Gorky accuse himself in his delusions. In it, internal questions are inexorably, it is disturbing him, they are tormented, and he is looking for their permission in reflection: he peers every movement of his heart, considers every thought of his. He made himself the most curious subject of his observations and, trying to be as sincere as possible in his confession, not only frankly recognized in his true shortcomings, but also invents or falsely interprets the most natural movements. As in the characteristic modern manMade by Pushkin, the whole Onegin is expressed, so Pechorin is all in these verses Lermontov: * And we hate, and we love we are by chance, * without sacrificing neither malice, nor love and reigns in the soul of some cold secret when the fire boils in blood . "The hero of our time" is a sad thought of our time, like the one that is so noble, so energically resumed the poet his poetic field and from which we took these four verses ... "from the article" The Hero of Our Time ". Essay M. Lermontov