Golden Age of Russian Culture. "Golden Age" of Russian Culture

Golden Age of Russian Culture. "Golden Age" of Russian Culture


The task of my abstract does not include a description of the historical events that took place in Russia in the twentieth century. Only the listing of historical events will take a volume greater than this abstract.

I did not accidentally choose the topic: "Russian culture of the twentieth - twentieth centuries."

It is impossible to understand the present, not knowing the past. The historical and cultural experience of the past helps solve the problems of modernity. Currently, Russia is at the turn of the century: the twentieth and twenty-first. And the Russian state is experiencing a turning point in its development.

The rigid state regulation of the Soviet period of our state changes to new public relations. The market mechanism is being introduced in the economy, respectively, relations and all other areas of life of society are undergoing: social life, politics, culture, etc. During this period, the restructuring of public relations is necessary to every citizen understanding the further path of development of our state, awareness of its place and role in the modern period of life. Therefore, I was interested in the period of development of the culture of Russia of the Xih --x centuries ..

In my abstract, I briefly describe the "golden age" of Russian culture, although I would like to describe it in more detail. Then - the "silver age" of Russian culture is the end of the XIX century and the beginning of the XX century, which, due to the diversity of directions in art, is called a cultural renaissance.

Then briefly focus on the Soviet period of Russian culture. And in conclusion, a few words about culture in the post-Soviet period.

The purpose of my work is to explore the last period of the development of the culture of Russia of the XIX and XX centuries, to understand the need for a desire to the society of the time of change in life, which has not satisfied it, why people sought to change relations in all spheres of life. Try to understand him to explain the present and the future of Russian culture

"Golden Age" of Russian Culture

The beginning of the XIX century is the time of cultural and spiritual lifting of Russia. The Patriotic War of 1812 accelerated the growth of the national identity of the Russian people. The growth of the national identity of the people during this period had a huge impact on the development of literature, visual arts, theater and music. A self-sufficient-serf system with its class policy held back the process of the development of the culture of Rossi. Children of Nedevian origin received primary education in parish schools. For children of nobles and officials, gymnasiums were created, they gave the right to enter the university. In the first half of the XIX century, seven universities were formed in Russia. In addition to the operating Moscow, Derptsky, Vilensky, Kazan, Kharkov, St. Petersburg and Kiev Universities were established. Higher government officials were prepared in privileged educational institutions - lyceums.

The book publishing and magnificent newspaper continued to develop. In 1813, there were 55 certified printing houses in the country.

Public libraries and museums played a positive role in the cultural life of the country. The first public library was opened in St. Petersburg in 1814 (now the State National Library). True, at that time her richest book assembly remained an inaccessible mass reader.

The first third of the XIX is called the "golden age" of Russian culture. He began to coincide with the epoch of classicism in Russian literature and art.

The buildings built in the style of classicism are distinguished by a clear and calm rhythm, the proportion of proportions. Back in the middle of the XVIII century, Petersburg was drowned in the greenery of the estates and was in many ways similar to Moscow. Then the regular buildings of the city began. Petersburg classicism is an architecture of not individual buildings, but entire ensembles affecting their unity and harmony. The work began with the construction of the Admiralty building on the project Zakharov A. D. The construction of the Exchange at the Arrow of the Vasilyevsky Island at the beginning of the XIX century was fundamental importance. Nevsky Prospect, the main highway of St. Petersburg, acquired a view of a single ensemble with the construction of the Kazan Cathedral. Forty years was built, starting from 1818, St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg - the largest building built in Russia in the first half of the XIX century. According to the plan of the government, the Cathedral was to personify the power and inviolability of autocracy, his close alliance with the Orthodox Church. On the project of Russia, the buildings of the Senate and Synod, the Alexandrinsky Theater, Mikhailovsky Palace were built. Old Petersburg, left for us to the inheritance of Rastrelli, Zakharov, Valonichin, Monferran, Rossi, and others. Outstanding architects, is a masterpiece of world architecture.

In the palette of the difference of Moscow, classicism made its bright colors. After the fire of 1812, a large theater was erected in Moscow, Manege, a monument to Minin and Pozharsky, under the leadership of the architect Tone built a large Kremlin Palace. In 1839, on the banks of the Moscow River, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior was laid in the memory of the rid of Russia from the Napoleonic invasion. In 1852, a remarkable event occurred in the cultural life of Russia. Hermitage opened his doors, where artistic treasures of the imperial surname were collected. In Russia, the first publicly available art museum appeared.

In the theatrical life of Russia, foreign troupes and fortress theaters still played a major role. Some landowners became entrepreneurs. Many talented Russian artists left the fortress. M. S. Shchepkin up to 33 years old was a serf, P. S. Mochalov grew up in the family of a serf actor. The great event in the theatrical life of Russia was the premiere of the Gogol "Auditor", where the role of Governing was playing Shchepkin. At the same years, Opera M. I. Glinka "Life for the king" was put in the Bolshoi Theater. Some scenes in the opera amazed with their penetration into the very depth of folk art. The second opera Glinka "Ruslan and Lyudmila" the audience met coldly. In those days, not everyone was aware of the true importance of his creativity. Charmingly talented Alyabyev, Varlamov, Gurilov enriched Russian music with charming romance. In the first half of the XIX century, Russian musical culture rose to an unprecedented height.

A. S. Pushkin became a symbol of his era, when the rapid takes place in the cultural development of Russia. Pushkin's time is called the "golden age" of Russian culture. In the first decades of century, there was a presenter genre in Russian literature. In verses of the Poets-Decembrists Ryleev, Odoyevsky, Kyhehelbecker sounds high citizenship pathos, raised the topics of the Motherland and serving society. After the defeat of the Decembrists, the mood of pessimism was intensified in the literature, but no decline was observed in creativity. Pushkin is the creator of the Russian literary language. His poetry has become an incredit value in the development of not only Russian, but also of world culture. He was a singer of freedom and a convinced patriot, who condemned the serfdom in his homeland. It can be said that to Pushkin in Russia there was no literature, decent attention of Europe in depth and diversity equal to the amazing achievements of European creativity. In the works of the Great Poet, the highly patriotic pathos of love for the Motherland and Faith in its power, the essay of the events of the Patriotic War of 1812, the magnificent, according to the truth is the present image of the Motherland. A. S. Pushkin - a brilliant poet, prose and playwright, publicist and historian. All they have been created are classic samples of the Russian word and verse. The poet bequeathed to descendants: "It's not only possible to proud to be proud of my ancestors, but it should ... respect for the last one - that's a feature that distinguishes the formation of wildness ..."

During the life of Pushkin, the writer N. V. Gogol began to acquire broad fame. The acquaintance of Gogol with Pushkin took place in 1831, at the same time in St. Petersburg two parts were released "in the farm near the decanks." The first printed form of the "auditor" appeared in 1836.

In his works, the recreation of the truth of life was accompanied by merciless exposures of autocratic Russian orders.

M. Yu. Lermontov took the voyage LIRA. The death of Pushkin Javils Lermontov to the Russian public in the whole strength of poetic talent. Lermontov's work proceeded during the years of the Nikolaev reaction. His poetry walled the thought at the younger generation; The poet refused to accept the existent despotic order. The poem "Death of the Poet", which went to the manuscripts and other poetic works was opened to the author such hatred from the crowd, who was standing at the throne that the poet did not give to live ten years to Pushkin age.

The development of the Russian culture of the first half of the XIX century was ultimately determined by the economic and socio-political processes occurring in the life of the country. In addition, in the middle of the XIX century, the growing global importance of Russian culture has become increasingly realized.

The most brightest, interesting, advanced area of \u200b\u200bthe culture of Russia in the XIX century is literature. Its flourishing was largely prepared by the activities of the literators of the XVIII century. By the beginning of the century, a reader's audience was formed in Russia to a serious literature, the exit to the light of the new work was perceived as an event. Writers, poets have become noticeable figures in society. The awareness of the social mission of the writer contributed to the establishment of a close connection of literature with an advanced liberation ideology.

For Russian literature of the first half of the XIX century, a rapid change of artistic directions is characteristic. The dominant aesthetic principles have time to transform several times during the life of one generation.

It was the flowering of literature that made it possible to determine the first half of the XIX century as the "golden age" of Russian culture. Writers who reflected Russian reality occupied various socio-political positions. There were various artistic styles whose supporters who adhered to opposite beliefs. In the literature of the first half of the XIX century, the fundamental principles were laid that determined its further development: nationality, high humanistic ideals, citizenship and sense of national identity, patriotism, searches for social justice. Literature became an important means of the formation of public consciousness.

At the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries, classicism gave way to sentimentalism. The final chord of the development of classicism in Russian literature in 1823 was Piez A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit", in which the traditions of the classical comedy of the XVIII century are combined, like D.I. Fonvizin, with the features of the emerging realism. At the end of his creative path to this art method, the poet G.R. Derzhanin. The chief representative of Russian sentimentalism was a writer and historian N.M. Karamzin, who wrote a story "Poor Lisa".

Russian sentimentalism existed long. The heroic events of the war of 1812 contributed to the emergence of romanticism. Romanticism is a flow in literature and art, which is characterized by a special interest in an extraordinary person, a lonely hero, opposing himself, the world of his soul to the world. It was widespread in Russia, and in other European countries. Two currents existed in Russian romanticism. In the work of V.A. Zhukovsky manifested itself "saloon" romanticism. In ballads, he recreated the world of belts, knightly legends, distant from real reality. Another course in romanticism was represented by such poets and writers - Decembrists like KF. Ryleev, V.K. Kyhelbecker, A.A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky. They called for the fight against autocratic-serfdom, advocated the ideals of freedom and ministry home. For romantics in creativity, the main task is not so much accurate reproduction of reality, how much the creation of an "ideal", whose features are usually attached to the main act and reflect the author's relationship to reality. After the defeat of the Decembrists, the mood of pessimism was intensified in the literature, but no decline was observed in creativity. Romanticism had a noticeable impact on early creativity A.S. Pushkin and M.Yu. Lermontov. Pushkin refers to the number of those writers whose creative path was marked by appeal to various artistic directions.

In the second quarter of the XIX century, realism began to be approved in European literature. In Russia, his founder became A.S. Pushkin. After creating the novel, "Eugene Onegin" this artistic method became dominant. A.S. Pushkin became a symbol of his era when the rapid takes place in the cultural development of Russia. It is Pushkin that is called the "golden age" of Russian culture. In the first decades of century, there was a presenter genre in Russian literature. Pushkin is the creator of the Russian literary language. His poetry has become an incredit value in the development of not only Russian, but also of world culture. He was a singer of freedom and a convinced patriot, who condemned the serfdom in his homeland. It can be said that to Pushkin in Russia there was no literature, decent attention of Europe in depth and diversity equal to the amazing achievements of European creativity. In the works of the Great Poet, the highly patriotic pathos of love for the Motherland and Faith in its power, the essay of the events of the Patriotic War of 1812, the magnificent, according to the truth is the present image of the Motherland. A.S. Pushkin is a brilliant poet, prose and playwright, publicist and historian. All they have been created are classic samples of the Russian word and verse. The poet bequeathed to descendants: "It's not only possible to proud to be proud of my ancestors, but it should ... respect for the last one - that's a feature that distinguishes the formation of wildness ..."

Further development of literature was associated with the strengthening of the positions of realism. In the work of M.Yu. Lermontova, N.V. Gogol, N.A. Nekrasova, I.S. Turgenev, I.A. Goncharova clearly showed characteristic features: the truthful display of reality in all its diversity, attention to a simple person, the exposure of the negative phenomena of life, deep meditation about the fate of the Motherland and the people. N.V. Gogol (1809-1852) is considered the first writer of the so-called "genuine school" in Russian literature, that is, that course, which is now called "critical realism". In his works, the recreation of the truth of life was accompanied by merciless exposures of autocratic Russian orders. In 1836, the first printed form of the "auditor" of Gogol appeared.

The activities of the "thick" literary journals "Contemporary" and "Patriotic Notes" had great importance for the development of literature. The founder of the "contemporary" was A.S. Pushkin, and from 1847 he was headed by N.A. Nekrasov and V.G. Belinsky. In the 40s of the XIX century, "domestic notes" was paid around themselves the most talented writers of the time: I.S. Turgenev, A.V. Koltsova, N.A. Nekrasova, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. The above mentioned magazines arose a new phenomenon for Russia - literary criticism, which became an independent genre. Higher achievements in this area are associated with the name of Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky (1811-1848), whose creativity value goes far beyond the limits of narrow literary issues. V.G. Belinsky was one of those thinkers whose effort was approved by the high civic sound of Russian literature. In many ways, thanks to Belinsky, literary criticism in Russia became the space of ideological struggle, the forum at which the most important issues of the life of society, the Tribunum, with which advanced ideas were going to the masses.

The development of literature took place in difficult socio-political conditions. Its constant contact with the advanced flows of public thought forced the government to apply prohibitive and repressive measures to the writers. In 1826, the censored charter called the Cast-iron contemporaries, replaced the previous charter of 1804, more liberal. Now the censor could at his discretion to shine the text, removing everything that he seemed offensive for autocracy and the church. "The story of our literature, according to A.I. Herzen, this is either a martyrologist, or registry of KORGGI." A.I. Polezhaev and T.G. Shevchenko were given to the soldiers. A.I. Herzen and N.P. Ogarev for its first literary experiments exist. A.A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky killed during the Caucasian War.

In the XVIII century Russia stated himself as a powerful power, and in the XIX century. - Like a country of great culture. Period C. 1800 to 1880 They call the "golden age" of Russian culture, followed by - "silver". Periodization is conditional in nature, a clear face is very difficult to spend. The beginning of the silver century is usually considered to be the speech F.M. Dostoevsky at the opening of the monument A.S. Pushkin in Moscow in 1880, end - Article A.A. The block "Intelligentsia and Revolution", published in 1920. Achievements of Russia in the field of culture were so great that you can only briefly transfer them, it is completely impossible to cover.

The level of education of the Company is one of the indicators of the country's cultural state. At the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries. This indicator was low. The peasantry, the main population group was illiterate or small. In this regard, much attention began to be given to the development of the network of primary schools. The secondary formation was given classic and real gymnasiums. In 1858, women's gymnasium appeared. By the end of the century - Sunday schools for adults. In 14 universities in the country at the beginning of the 1860s. About 3 thousand students studied. Special high schools have been created to prepare qualified personnel: the practical technological institute in St. Petersburg (now - SPbGTI), Moscow craft education institution (MRU, in the consequence of MWTU MSTU. N.E. Bauma), Forestry Academy in St. Petersburg (in consequence - SPBGTU them. S.M. Kirov) and others. In the 1870s. In Moscow, Vladimir, Kiev, Kazan, St. Petersburg for private funds were organized by the highest women's courses With a university program. In 1875, at the head of the Pedagogical Council, who was entrusted to the course of courses, Professor K.N. became the head as the head Bestuzhev-Ryumin (hence the name of the courses is "Bestuzhevsky").

In the XIX century Russian science has gained international importance.

The main achievements of Russian scientists in the XIX century.

Names of scientists and inventors, travelers Their contribution to the development of science and technology
I.F. Kruzenshtern, Yu.F. Lisynsky Made the first Russian round-the-world expedition
F.F. Bellinshausen, M.N. Lazarev He headed the expedition that opened Antarctica
F.P. Lithing He studied the Northern Arctic Ocean and the territory of Kamchatka
N.I. Lobachavsky Created a doctrine of non-child geometry
N.N. Zimin Received the coloring substance for the textile industry
B.S. Jacobi. Developed an electric motor, telegraphic devices. Opened galvanoplasty
V.Ya. Strengthen Created a Pulkovo observatory
N.I. Pirogov Put the beginning of military field surgery
So-called Granovsky Substantiated the community of the historical path of Russia and the West
DI. Mendeleev Opened Periodic Law of Chemical Elements
THEM. Sechenov Examined the physiology of the human brain
A.S. Popov The first in the world invented Telegraph
A.F. Mozhaisk The first in the world constructed the aircraft
P.V. Apple and A.N. Lododogin Created the first electric light bulbs
K.E. Tsiolkovsky Developed a Dierzhable project and the principles of rocket engines, interplanetary flights
I.A. Vysnevaradsky Laid the foundations of automatic regulation theory
F. Blinov Created the first tracked tractor in the world
CM. Solovyov Posted encyclopedic work on the history of Russia in 29 volumes
IN. Klyuchevsky Work on the history of Russia from the standpoint of multine-core and multivariate development

The rise of Russian culture and the very definition of the "golden age" are primarily connected with literature. There were various artistic styles whose supporters adhered to opposite convictions, but the fundamental principles were laid, identifying all the further development of literature: nationality, high humanistic ideals, citizenship, sense of national self-consciousness, patriotism, searches for social justice.

Name The most famous works
N.M. Karamzin (1766-1826) (Sentimentalism) "Poor Lisa"
V.A. Zhukovsky (1783-1852) (Romanticism) First official anthem of Russia "Russian Prayer", "Odyssey", "Maryina Grove"
A.S. Pushkin (1799-1837) (The founder of realism in Russia) "Evgeny Onegin", "Boris Godunov", "Little tragedies", "Peak lady", "Captain's daughter"
M.Yu. Lermontov (1814-1841) "Borodino", "death of the poet", "MTSI", "Hero of our time"
N.V. Gogol (1809-1852) "Auditor", "Dead Souls", "Shinel", "Taras Bulba", "Evening on the farm near Dikanka"
I.S. Turgenev (1818-1883) "Hunter's notes", "Mumu", "Nobor's nest", "fathers and children"
ON THE. Nekrasov (1821-1877) "Who lives well in Russia", "Russian women", "Frost. Red nose"
FM Dostoevsky (1821-1881) "Humiliated and offended", "crime and punishment", "idiot", "demons", "Brothers of the Karamazov"
L.N. Tolstoy (1828-1910) "Sevastopol stories", "War and Peace", "Anna Karenina"

In the treasury of world musical culture Works included P.A. Roman Corsakov (1753-1840), M.I. Glinka (1804-1857), M.P. Mussorgsky (1839-1881), P.I. Tchaikovsky (1840-1893). Operas, symphonies, ballets, romances created in the XIX century. Steel classic.

FM Dostoevsky wrote: "... The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe whole art of the XIX century ... - Restoration of the deceased person, crushed unfairly neot of circumstances, stagnation of centuries and public prejudices. This thought is an excuse of humiliated and all revolved parlias of society. ... it is an integral belonging and, maybe the historical need for the nineteenth century. " This thought passes the red thread in the great art of the XIX century. For the XIX century. It was characterized by a variety of artistic flows. However, they can be reduced to several main: the beginning of the century - classicism, developing into an emergency; The first decades of the XIX century. - Romanticism prevailed, to replace the realism, which received the greatest distribution in the art of the middle - the second half of the XIX century; from the 1880s. - Decadentity. IN Painting Reflected various aspects of the past and present.

Artist Most well-known works
O.A. Cyprian (1782-1836) "Self-portrait", a series of portraits, including the portrait of A.S. Pushkin
V.A. Tropinin (1776-1857) "Lace", portrait A. S. Pushkin
A.G. Vasnetsov (1780-1847) "Khumno", "Peasant woman with cornflowers", "On Pashne"
K.P. Brullov (1799-1852) "Italian noon", "Horseman", "Last Day Pompeii"
P.A. Fedotov (1815-1852) "Major Watching", "Ancor, Anchor More
A.A. Ivanov (1806-1856) "The phenomenon of Christ to the people", "Waterborne"
V.G. Perov (1833-1882) Portrait of F.M. Dostoevsky, "Ceremonies of the Deadman", "The Last Cabac of the Ozda"
A.K. Savrasov (1830-1897) "Parselok", "Graci flew"
THEM. Kramskaya (1837-1887) Portrait of L.N. Tolstoy, "Unknown"
N.N. GE (1831-1894) "Peter and Alexey", "What is the truth?", Golgotha
I.E. Repin (1844-1930) "Burlaki on the Volga", "did not wait", "Ivan the Terrible and Son of His Ivan"
IN AND. Surikov (1848-1916) "Morning Streletskaya execution", "Boyaryna Morozova", "Menshikov in Birch"
V.M. Vasnetsov (1848-1926) "Alyonushka", "Bogatyry", "Vityazon on Rattip"
V.V. Vereshchagin (1842-1927) "Timur doors", "apotheosis of war"
IK Aivazovsky (1832-1898) "Black Sea", "Ninth Val"
A.I. Queenji (1841-1910) "Moonlight Night on the Dnieper", "Birch Grove"
Sculptor Most well-known works
I.P. Martos (1754-1835) Monument M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk), Monument to Minin and Pozharsky on Red Square
B.I. Orlovsky (1793-1837) Monument M.I. Kutuzov and M.B. Barclay de Tolly
PC. Klodt (1805-1867) Horse statues on an anichkov bridge, the equestrian statue of Nicholas I
A.M. Podquishin (1838-1923) Monument to A.S. Pushkin in Moscow
MM Anticoline (1843-1902) Monument to Peter I (Arkhangelsk), Ivan Grozny, "Nestor-Chronicler"

Impressive successes in the XIX century. were also in architecture and urban planning. In the first half of the century, a Russian ampir prevailed. A national style was formed in the architecture in the colors in the architecture of the traditional Russian architecture ("Russian-Vizantine"). However, for the second half of the XIX century. In general, architectural eclectics is characterized - a variety of directions and mixing styles. In the construction of residential buildings, a baroque style prevailed, characterized by the wealth of forms and finishes.

Architect Main Creations
A.N. Voronikhin (1759-1814) Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg
HELL. Zakharov (1761-1811) Admiralty in Petersburg
O.I. Beauvais (1874-1834) Restored building of big and small theaters
DI. Liberadi (1785-1845) Perestroika of the old building of Moscow University
K.i Rossi (1775-1849) General Staff Building, Alexandrovsky Theater in St. Petersburg
K.A. Tone (1794-1881) Big Kremlin Palace, Armory Chamber. According to his project in 1839, the Church of Christ the Savior was laid (the construction was completed in 1883)
IN. Sherwood (1833-1897) Building of the Historical Museum in Moscow
D.N. Chichagov (1835-1894) Building of the Moscow City Duma
A.N. Pomeranians (1849-1818) Top trading rows (now GUM)

Achievements of Russian culture XIX century. Received world recognition. Many domestic scientists were honorary members of European Academies and Scientific Institutions. The names of Russian travelers remained on the geographical map of the world. Fine art had a huge impact on the development of European and world culture.

In general, summing up the historical development of Russia in the second half of the XIX century, the following conclusions can be drawn:

- "Great Reforms" touched upon all aspects of the lives of Russian society, and they should continue. However, due to the extreme heterogeneity of ideas in society about the future of the country and the lack of people's office, a conservative trend won. The renewal of reforms occurred already in the conditions of the first Russian revolution.

The trends laid in the second half of the XIX century, had the most direct wagism on the development of Russia began the beginning of the XX century.

Issues for discussion

1. Was there a threat of the peasant revolution on the eve of the abolition of serfdom?

2. Why did the peasants want to go to the redemption?

3. Why liberal bourgeois reforms 1864-1874. were inevitable?

4. What did populists relieve, believing that Russia before other countries will come to socialism?

5. What changes in Russia's relations with other countries occurred in the second half of the XIX century??

6. What can be explained by the unprecedented takeoff of Russian culture in the XIX century?

Abramov V.F.Russian Zemstvo: Economics, Finance and Culture. M.: Nika, 1996. 165 p.

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Budnitsky O.V.Terrorism in the Russian Liberation Movement: Ideology, Ethics, Psychology: (Second half of the XIX - early XX century.) M.: Rossman, 2000. 396 p.

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Zakharova L.G.Russia on a fracture. (Autocracy and reforms 1861-1874) / The history of the Fatherland: People, ideas, solutions. Essays on the history of Russia IX-XX century / Sost. S.V. Mironenko. M.: Politicization, 1991. - 367 p.

Blovenikov V.A.Pedestal: time and ministry of Chancellor Gorchakov. M.: Young Guard, 2015. 394 p.

Semanov S.N.Alexander II: The history of the Tsar liberator, his father and his son. M.: Algorithm: Eksmo, 2003. 414 p.


The features inherent in a new time in the life of the peoples of Western Europe and America were fully formed in the XVIII century. In the XIX century, bourgeois relations (industrial society) were finally established as the basis of Western civilization.

The ideology of enlightenment was the ideological basis of modernization. Dynamism The Great French Revolution gave the historical process. Industrialization led to changes in the social structure of societies, the consequence of what was the aggravation of the contradictions between people of hired labor and capital owners. There were changes in the alignment of forces in Europe. Attempted during the Napoleonic Wars, an attempt by military ways to unify Europe crashed. England and France, who occupied the leading position, began to push the USA and Germany. Russia was a reputable participant in international events.

The development trends of Western civilization were inherent in Russia. The beginning of the modernization of the Russian traditional society is associated with the transformations of Peter the Great. It was a challenge to a challenge, and Russia managed to take his decent place in the world. The reforms carried out in the preservation of serfdom had contradictory consequences. The great reforms of Alexander II were designed to eliminate them. However, due to the extreme inhomogeneity of the social movement and the strengthening of the terrorist activity of radical organizations, the reform was interrupted. Up taken a conservative trend. Consequence of the incompleteness of the reforms and the absence of a national representation in the authorities of the revolution in Russia began the beginning of the 20th century.

The foreign policy of Russia during the XVIII - XIX centuries was characterized by a tense struggle for key geopolitical positions. The country has become a strong marine power, without the participation of which no international question was solved in Europe. The great impact on the historical process had a victory in the Patriotic War of 1812, unlike the colonial conquests of Western European countries, Russia included the acquired territories in the state. So the unified geopolitical space was formed on the territory of Eurasia.

The culture of Russia, relying on its own traditions and achieve other countries, has reached unprecedented heights. However, if the West was part of the XX century with the ideas of the universal good (socialism, communism), then F.M. Dostoevsky and L. N. Tolstoy proved that happiness can only be individual.


Task 1 (Select one answer option).

For Russia, the coast of the Baltic Sea from Vyborg to Riga as a result of __________ War has strengthened.

Replies options:

1) northern;

2) seven-year;

3) Smolensk;

4) Livonskaya.

Task 2 (select two or more answer options).

The events of Peter I, aimed at "Europeanization" of the country, were: _____________.

Replies options:

1) convening a laid commission;

2) the liberation of the nobility from the mandatory service;

3) the abolition of the patriarchate;

4) creating a regular army.

The XIX century was extremely rich and dynamic in socio-cultural terms. Along with the inner unity in the historical and cultural process, two periods can be distinguished - preform (ie, before the abolition of serfdom in 1861) and the columnal. By the middle of the century, the formation of a Russian literary language was completed, importantly manifested important fights of the Russian National Culture: Humanism, Cituit, Sociality. In the XIX century, literature acquires a leading character in the artistic and public life of the country, becomes one of the forms of public consciousness (which was largely due to the undeveloped forms of political life. Such a culture property is called literary Center.

The main carrier and the expressive of the cultural potential of the nation in the pre-reform period was the Russian nobility. In the second half of the XIX century, in the process of democratization of culture, a discharge intelligentsia was formed, the participation of masses in cultural construction was increased, science, education, artistic culture were developed.

The XIX century was the time of the final formation of Russian national culture. National culture - This is the culture of nation as a community of people who develop in the course of the formation of capitalist defendant. In the XIX century, several historical events influenced the cultural processes: the patriotic rise after the victory in the war of 1812, the uprising of the Decembrists in 1825 and the abolition of serfdom. All these events changed the socio-spiritual appearance of the population, his life, living conditions affected the growth of cultural needs. The victory of 1812 caused the growth of national self-consciousness, an increase in interest in Russian history. The event of a huge cultural significance was the emergence of the book "History of the Russian State" N.M. Karamzin. This is the first historic work that the whole country read is looking for an answer to the question of its place in world history.

A distinctive feature of this era was the widespread enlightenment. It was necessary to eliminate the estate-destroying system of public education. By the end of the century, the literacy rate increased from 6% to 21%. There are several types of schools. Zemskiy, city schools opened, there were classic and real gymnasiums in cities. New universities appeared in Tomsk, Kharkov, Kazan, Odessa. The prestige of higher education was very high, since the ranks that gave the right to receive an offacarious nobility were assigned only upon presentation of a university diploma. Special higher education institutions open up - mountainous, forest, agricultural institutions, as well as closed educational institutions who were preparing statesmen (Tsarskoyel Lyceum in 1811, Nezhinsky, Demidov Lice, etc.). Under public pressure, the government is forced to open higher educational institutions for women.

Russian literature in the XIX century is rich in representatives and lyrical, and prosaic, and dramatic genres: world fame received the work of L.N. Tolstoy, F.M. Dostoevsky, I.S. Turgenev. The top of the development of Russian literature is the creativity of A. S. Pushkin, in whose works there was a Russian literary language.

A book publishing, magazine, newspaper is developing. Publishers are focused on the mass reader. By the beginning of the 20th century, 1131 newspaper was published in Russia. Large publishing houses I. Sotina, A. Suvorin, "Knowledge" produced books available at the price for the entire population, who played a huge role in the enlightenment and distribution of works of Russian and foreign authors. Scientific, public libraries opened, was the formation of a museum business. The cultural needs and interests of various urban and rural layers, of course, differed, but the process of their convergence occur due to the dissemination of literacy, the printed word.

If at the beginning of the XIX century, the lack of domestic plays in the repertoire of the Russian theater was felt, then a brilliant comedy A. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" appeared soon, Piesen N.V. Gogol, N.A. Ostrovsky, Opera M. Glinka "Life for the king". In the 60-90s - Opera on historical plots M. Mussorgsky, A. Borodin. Russian music experienced a rise in its development. The pleiad of talented musicians appears: M. Balakirev, N. Rimsky-Korsakov, C. Kyui. World recognition received an outstanding composer P. Tchaikovsky. By the beginning of the century, Talent A. Scriabin, S. Rakhmaninova, was bloomed.

Serious breakthrough was committed in different branches of science. The most important geographical discoveries were committed by Russian travelers in 1819-1821. During the scientific expedition, M.P. Lazareva and F.F. Bellingshausen during around the circulation. Antarctica was opened - "Ice Mainland", as travelers called him. Russian scientists also investigated the islands of the Pacific and Ice Oceans, Alaska.

A real coup in the ideas about the nature of space committed a professor of Kazan University of N.I. Lobachevsky, discovering a new geometric system called "non-child geometry". In the field of electrical engineering V.V. Petrov put forward the idea of \u200b\u200busing an electric arc for welding and melting metals. The practical experience accumulated by Russian metallurgy gave brilliant results. So. P.P. Anosov laid the beginning of high-quality steel, he revealed the secret of making beagged steel in the Middle Ages. With names P.L. Shilling and B.S. The invention is associated with the invention and improvement of the electromagnetic telegraph - the most important scientific and technical invention of the XIX century.

6. "Silver Age" of Russian Culture. This is the shortest, but very bright and important period in the development of domestic culture. The period of the "Silver Century" covers the first 20 years of the 20th century, but in the saturation of events in cultural life, it is not inferior to an entire century. This is a crop of a turning time, when the state of psychological tension comes to replace stability, the waiting for the "great coup". Russia, after the cancellation of serfdom, passed to new forms of economic relations, the public consciousness changes, especially under the influence of the widely distributed Marxism. Traditional community ties are torn, Russian culture as a whole loses one of the fundamental principles of its existence - cathedral- The feeling of the unity of a person with another person and the social group. In transitional periods, pessimistic moods are naturally arising, the feeling of the end of the world is growing, the monitoring of the death of Russia and the autocracy considered sacred. The feeling of the approaching catastrophe was expressed in decadency - the feeling of decline, crisis of culture, moods of hopelessness, pessimism, the rejection of life, individualism.

A significant part of the scientific and artistic intelligentsia was characterized by religious and philosophical search. So, in 1901, religious and philosophical meetings begin. It was the official society of representatives of religion and philosophy, where the issues of faith and the church were discussed under the control of Synod. At the meetings, criticism of the official Orthodoxy often sounded. The philosophical idealism of the beginning of the century had an anti-Didrvin orientation. The development of Russian religious philosophy, distinguished by the originality and wealth of ideas, is associated with the names of V. Solovyov, S. Bulgakov, E. Trubetsky, P. Florensky. In their works, the search for a new religious consciousness is combined with ideas about the "Ecumenical Church", the elevation of the spiritual principle in man.

Artistic culture of "Silver Century" Contradictory and multifaceted. Achievements of Russian art "Silver Century" are huge and have world importance. Literature, painting, sculpture, theater and music have become a kind of prologue of the art of the 20th century, as in the mirror reflecting the contradictions and complexity of the culture of the new century. Huge takeoff is experiencing Russian literature in a wide variety of items: Realists Kubrin and Bunin, neoromantic Gorky, Symbols White, Slogubub, Block, Akhmatov Aqmeists, Mandelstam, Gumilyov, Peasant poets Yesenin, Klyuev, futurists headed by Mayakovsky - they were all contemporaries. But it is only a brief transfer of literary flows and their representatives.

The rapid development of theatrical art is associated with the advent of new drama in the Pieces of A. Chekhov and M. Gorky, which made the main repertoire of the famous Mkat. The Russian vocal school gave many wonderful singers, among which the first-value stars were F. Shalyapin, L. Sobinov, A. Nezhdanov. The artistic search for Russian painters led to the world famous Russian avant-garde. K. Malevich, the creator of this direction in painting, determined him as suprematism (art of pure forms, free-use). In 1915, at the exhibition in Petrograd, the famous "Black Square on a white background" was regarded as a new word in art. Other talented avant-gardeists V. Kandinsky, K. Petrov-Vodkin, R. Falk, M. Shagal, P. Filonov portrayed not realities of being, but were looking for the embodiment of the ideas of the world device. In the work of M.Vrurul, K. Korovina, M. Nesterova, V. Serov Realism is combined with an attempt to open a new, magical world, the idea of \u200b\u200bhuman poetization.

The most important problem of the culture of the first twenty-year XX is the discrepancy between the level of the culture of the Russian intelligentsia of that period and the possibilities of mastering these cultural achievements with wide segments of the population. "Floors", multi-level culture, the gap between the elite part of society and the masses in many respects provoked a social explosion in 1917. For example, literacy rate at the beginning of the century was about 40% of the population, about 64% of the competent among workers, 30% among the peasants. Differences in the standard of living in combination with the crisis of religiosity in society led to the tragic events of the revolution and civil war, which destroyed the colossal cultural heritage and many people.


In the field of culture XIX. The century has become for Russia the time of unprecedented take-off and heyday. According to the wealth of literature, visual art, the music of this age is incomparable with any other period of history not only Russian, but also of world culture. If in XVIII in. Russia loudly declared the world about his existence, then XIX. in. She literally broke into the world culture, taking one of the most honorable places. This happened due to the fact that Russia presented the world of geniuses in literature, painting, music, architecture, philosophy and thereby made a huge contribution to the treasury of universal culture. Exactly at XIX. in. Russian culture, becoming classic, created perfect images and works for which many generations of people and artists were focused in their lives and work.

All this allows you to call XIX. Century by the golden century of russian culture.

"Golden Age" of Russian Culture and its characteristic features

The uprising of the Decembrists had a huge impact on the further evolution of Russian culture. The powerful rise in public and philosophical thought was followed - the central was the problem of choosing the path of development, the future of Russia. This question was not new for the country, but now he took shape in the form of two most important movements of spiritual culture - westernismand slavophilia.Both trends rejected the regime of autocracy and serfdom, but occupied the opposite positions in understanding the ways of reorganization of Russia.

Westerners stood on the positions of cultural universalism and rationalism. They highly appreciated Petrovsky reforms, advocated the development of Russia on the Western way, considering it common and inevitable for all peoples. Westerners were supporters of European education, science and education, bourgeois transformations that could be implemented in their opinion, only by reform.

Slavophiles, on the contrary, stood on the positions of cultural relativism and Orthodoxy. They adversely evaluated Petrov's transformations that violated, in their opinion, the natural evolution of Russia. They advocated a fundamentally different path of Russia's development than Western European. Slavophiles insisted on the original development of Russia, making the emphasis on its religious and historical and cultural and national peculiarities, based on forms, methods and traditions, the sources of which were Russian community, Artel and Orthodoxy.

The ideas of Slavophilov received a wide public resonance and marked the development of the original and distinctive directions in Russian philosophy, the foundation that was not Western rationalism, and Orthodox religiosity. In the knowledge of truth, Western philosophy gives preference to mind. Slavophiles were developed by the concept of the integrity of the spirit, according to which all the abilities of a person were involved in knowledge - feelings, mind, faith, will and love.

Truth can belong not to a separate person, but only the team of people, combined with a single faith, hope and love, from which the Cathedral consciousness is born. Cattone, thus, opposes individualism and disunity. The main regulator of relations between people should act the true faith, the carrier of which is the Orthodox Church. Slavophiles were convinced that it was Russian Orthodoxy with all possible completeness that the genuine Christian starts embodies, while Catholicism and Protestantism moved away from true faith. In this regard, they put forward the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Messianic role of Russia in the salvation of mankind and world culture.

By the middle of the century, "fermentation of the minds" reached its apogee. Writers, artists, composers of that era did not stay away from the burning problems of modernity. The socio-political thought and artistic creativity developed in close relationship, sometimes overcome and complement each other. Culture has become a bright and direct reflection of public problems of its time.

Finally, the cultural and historical process in Russia XIX. in. He had another important feature, which a considerable extent led its results. The fact is that for a century, the main creators and carriers of Russian culture were two public layers: in the first half of the century, the noble intelligentsia, and in the second half - the differences, i.e. Formed representatives of all classes of bourgeoisie. This layer was mainly of the immigrants from the official, mesh, merchant and peasant classes. They brought new worldworks, ideas and images into art culture, increased the number of writers, poets, artists and thus in the second half of the century significantly changed her face. On this basis, the culture of Russia XIX. in. It is customary to divide into two main stages, the temporary boundary between which it takes exactly in the middle of the century, i.e. At the turn of the 50-60s.

The culture of the first halfXIX century

The culture of the first half XIX. in. It was characterized by a rapid change of directions. In the public consciousness there was a gradual departure from the regulations of the educational ideology, which was at the heart of the style of classicism. And as a result, attention to the person, his inner world, where the feeling, and not a duty, performed an important motive of his actions.

Widespread and influence in the Russian culture of the beginning of the century had romanticism.In Russia, he originated in the turning point of the Patriotic War of 1812. The essence of the romantic style was the desire to oppose the real reality, the generalized ideal image, the bright individuality and the unique appearance of which did not fit into the framework of the generally accepted stereotypes of thinking and behavior. Personality is in contradiction with the surrounding reality - such is the initial position of romanticism. The fact is that Romanesque art was created by artists who often themselves were in a difficult disclosure with "hostile reality". They were looking for a pacification in an idealized past, in folk legends, in silence and peace of nature. In the soil of passionateness of "eternal beauty" of folk creativity, interest in the original sources of culture is reborn.

Russian romanticism is inseparable from the pan-European, but at the same time has pronounced specifics due to the previous historical and spiritual development. Attention to domestic history was characteristic of the whole culture as a whole. Many writers, poets, composers appealed to historical issues. But the Russian artistic intelligentsia, in accordance with his mission, the heels of freedom and liberalism, did not experience committed to the abstractions of dreams and illusions, to fantasies, far from reality. The world around the world was perceived by Russian artists. XIX. in. as the main subject of creativity. It stimulated the development of realistic imagery, which was combined with romantic means of expressiveness. Historians of Russian culture fairly believe that romanticism has become an important link in the overall process of development of culture from classicism to realism. It is this simultaneous interlacing styles and contributed to the birth of outstanding works of Russian art.

In the culture of the Golden Age, the literature played the main stabilizing and creative role, since it was perhaps the only type of art that could express the most fully needs of his time. Classic writers are always in bulk, multidimensional worldview, preserving multi-consciousness and imagery. Classic literature XIX. in. There was more than literature. It has become a synthetic artistic phenomenon, was, in fact, the universal form of public consciousness, performing the functions of other types of art.

The nature and maintenance of Russian culture was significantly influenced by the movement of the Decembrists, which gave it special features of citizenship and political woln-bias. This effect was the reason for the appearance of a new way to reproduce the reality that was subsequently named after critical realismone of the main methods in Russian literature XIX. in. The ideas of the struggle and freedom of personality were reflected in the work of advanced Russian writers Pushkin, Gogol, Lermontov.

Starting with Pushkin and Gogol, Russian writers and poets - I.S. Turgenev, I.A. Goncharov, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, A.N. Ostrovsky, N.A. Nekrasov, F.I. Tyutchev, A.A. Fetand others constantly sought to embody in their work a high socio-humanistic moral ideal.

In the first decadescent age, the architecture, developing in the forms of late classicism - ampiracare of special solemnity. In contrast to the palace and temple buildings of the previous era, architects work mainly over the projects of public and utilitarian buildings: theaters, ministries, barracks, etc. In other words, the appearance of architecture was determined by the construction of a citywide destination.

The first in the row of late classicism (ampira) in Russian architecture was created A.N. Voronikhinand A.Akakharov.

By the beginning of the 30s. Classicism as the leading style of Russian architecture completely exhausted itself: the rise of a national feeling, civilian pathos of serving a dedication, the former spiritual basis of classicism of the first quarter of century, after the defeat of the Decembrists almost lost their meaning. This was the main reason for the crisis in architecture in the second third XIX. in. Externally, the crisis was manifested in the loss of harmony of architectural forms, their excessive geometricness, and reserved decorative details. An example of this can serve as the buildings included in the ensemble of St. Isaac Square in St. Petersburg, and most importantly of them are St. Isaac's Cathedral, erected on the project of Auguste Monferran.

In the 30s. In connection with the decline of classicism, various eclectic forms came to replace the emergency, including the spread of Russian-Visantine (or pseudorussian) style. One of the leading architects of this style was K.A. Tone- author of the projects of the church of Christ the Savior, the Grand Kremlin Palace, the Armory Chamber.

From the first years XIX. in. In the artistic tastes of Russian society, obvious changes are noticeable due to the refusal of art canons of classicism. In Russian painting, interest in the human person, the life of ordinary people is growing. As in the literature, in painting the world of romantic feelings connected with real images, causing new names of artists and creative discoveries to life.

The development of romanticism, and then realism in visual art led to serious changes in academic painting. In the 30-50s. The ideological foundations of Academism, based on the hierarchical value of genres, were increasingly obedient. Akademism art installations entered into a contradiction with the requirements of life and public objectives of art. Obviously, the need for new expressive means in painting has become. Under these conditions, the priority of the historic genre was still preserved, while the household genre as independently received recognition. The approval of romantic ideas predetermined the rapid development of the portrait genre in painting.

In the first half XIX. in. Russian musical culture has entered a qualitatively new era of its development. Under the influence of historical events of 1812, composers were increasingly treated for heroic-patriotic and national stories. In this wave already in the first decade XIX. in. Many composers for romanticism. The leading genre of that time was the romance, and the visible adherents of this genre were A.A. Alyabyev, A.E. Varlamov, Ya.N. Verstorsky, p.p. Bulakhov, A.A. Turis.It was these composers that the romances were written, which and today enjoy a big gyapulity: "Nightingale" (Alyabyev), Troika (Bulakhov), "Along the street Metalitsa," "At the dawn, you are not boudes" (Varlamov), "Bell ; " (Gurilev).

Russian culture of the first half XIX. c., Relaxing the fruitful dialogue of different directions, made an important step forward. In the work of artists of all types of art, the idea of \u200b\u200bRussian national identity was embodied. The fruitfulness of this idea was confirmed in even higher achievements of literature, painting and music of the second half of the century.

Culture of the second halfXIX century

The metropolitan nobility was the main carrier of culture for about the middle of the century, when new socio-political forces were put forward in Russia - the differences, immigrants from new social layers and a revolutionary intelligentsia. These forces have seen their historical mission in solving two main problems - the image of Russia and the fate of a person. Methods for solving these problems received a variety of socio-political, moral, religious and spiritual expression. In the work of writers, composers, artists, architects, the solution of these problems and their corresponding expression found the features of the new picture of the world, through the prism of which there was a revaluation of the public role and the significance of culture.

In addition, the allocations made Russian culture more social on the issue and significantly more democratic in orientation and forms. From now on, the main social conflicts of Russian reality are much more actively and critically deeper. Never before the culture did not directly participate in major social movements. From here, its characteristic features were citizenship, high morality and democratic orientation.

The style of realism is increasingly taking a critical character and in this capacity becomes the main artistic direction. Critical realism significantly changed the social functions of art, which should not only reproduce and explain the lives, but also to endure the "sentence of her phenomena."

Russian literature of the flame-to-form time presented the world "Bright Constellation of Great Names". The new generation of realist writers came into literature in the 60-70s. and offered to society new topics, genres, ideological and artistic principles. The rethinking and processing of old principles and forms of lifestyle led to the development of the genre of socio-domestic novel and a story. Outstanding achievements in this genre belonged to I.S. Turgenev, F.M. Dostoevsky and L.N. Tolstoy.

Start of creative activity Ivan Sergeevich Turgenevrefers to the 40th gg, when the writer was fond of the philosophy of romanticism. Under its influence, the vital credo of Turgenev was formed - he was an opponent of violent measures to solve any problems, including social. However, the passion for romanticism was pretty quickly, and from the mid-40s. Turgenev becomes a realistic writer.

At the turn of the 40-50s. In the public life of Russia, the new generation of intelligentsia, distinguished by a sharp radicalism, rejection of serfdom, declared itself. Turgenev was the first of the Russian writers in their novels "On the eve" and "fathers and children" of the heroes, expressing the views of "new people". In these novels, he reflected the conflict of generations in the form of antagonism of two worldviews - the noble liberals and revolutionaries, the differences. The views of the new heroes of the era, the writer presented a devastating force that breaks the usual foundations of public life. At the same time, the author himself does not approve of their radicalism, but with sympathy and respect it refers to their moral polls, courage, dedication, mobility. The writer (being the nobleman himself) considers the nobility by the carrier of the higher spiritual values \u200b\u200bof Russian culture. At the same time, he understands that the "time" of the nobility expires and it is no longer able to actively withstand the extremism of "new people". In his novels, the writer reveals the best features of the Russian noble intelligentsia, her love for the people, dedication to the interests of the country. These qualities serve as an excuse for romantic pessimism, which are imbued with many images of the best people of the noble estate.

A completely different role in Russian culture played Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky,who made an invaluable contribution to world culture. Having a unique gift of the prophecy and the ability to analyze the human soul, the writer professed ideas overlooking the ideas of a particular historical time in the sphere of the "eternal" interests of people.

Dostoevsky entered Russian literature as a prevailing master. Already in his first novels ("poor people"), the writer appealed to the problem of a "little man." However, in contrast to its predecessors, it does not idealize poverty. The desire to show the realism of life forced Dostoevsky to refuse to romanticizing the images of the "simple people". It depicts them in accordance with the logic of characters and the truth life.

60-70s. They became the most important stage in the work of Dostoevsky - they were written by the famous novels - "Crime and Punishment", "Idiot", "Demons", "Brothers of the Karamazov". In these novels, he substantiated and developed a number of deep philosophical ideas. Expressing his disagreement with the existing world order, the writer at the same time denies the violent measures to reorganize the world. He believes that the special historical path of Russia and the rapprochement of the people with the intelligentsia will help solve social problems without revolutionary shocks. Dostoevsky warned that the revolutionary practice was able to adopt the principle of "The goal justifies the funds." At the same time, the writer was convinced that only some social means of fighting evil was not enough. He believed that a person must necessarily need a moral support, faith in God.

Lion Nikolaevich Tolstoyhe entered the history of Russian and world culture not only as a realist writer, but also as the founder of Russian nihilism, the creator of peculiar philosophy and pedagogy. Tolstoy saw his purpose in criticizing social and historical experience, as well as philosophical, religious, ethical teachings. The writer considered the source of his judgments of the people. The topic of searches for a moral ideal corresponding to the "natural life" of ordinary peasants, passes through all its writings (the novels "War and Peace", "Anna Karenina", "Sunday", Tale and Drama).

The creativity of Tolstoy was devoted to the image of the Foreign Russia. In his works, he put a lot of great questions, resolved the mood of the broad masses, their outrage and protest against the existing orders. The wide coverage of reality, the deepest penetration into a person's psychology, the reflection of the history of the people through the privacy of a separate person, a non-residential search for a spiritual ideal - all this makes the phenomenon of a thick unique phenomenon of Russian and world literature.

The fine art of the poreform period, as well as literature, was closely related to the turbulent processes of public life. It reflected the disputes about the paths of transformation of Russia, a rigid assessment of social reality, populic views on the peasantry, the eternal search of moral ideal. The public function of painting has radically changed. If the art of classicism obeyed the idea of \u200b\u200bdecorating life, then in the art of the 60-70s. The aesthetic side is no longer considered the main one. Artists seemed much more important to truthfully reflect the social problems, thoughts and feelings of people of different classes. The desire to reflect, convey the main thing that distinguishes his time, the educational beliefs and illusions gave rise to critical painting.

The paintings of the time played the most important role in the Russian art of painting of that time, spoken against official academic classicism with its obsolete canons.

As Russian realistic painting develops, artists have increasingly awakened interest not to momentary, but to the "eternal" issues of public existence, to answer which the story helped. Talented expressive of the genre of Russian historical painting became Vasily Ivanovich Surikov.

By the beginning of the 80s. The radicalism that prevailed in the previous 20 years lost its combat nature, a more relaxing perception of reality came to replace him. In this setting, painting has become an opportunity to free themselves from the dictate of journalism. In Russian art, a very special meaning acquired a landscape. At art exhibitions of the 80s. Exhibited predominantly landscapes. Wonderful masters who managed to reveal the amazing beauty, sincereness of Russian nature, steel A. I. Kindji("Moonlight Night on the Dnieper"), I. Shishkin("Rye"), I. Levitan("Over the Eternal Region"), K. Savrasov("The Rooks Have Arrived"), V.D. Polenov("Ingrown pond") and others.

In Russian music, the second half of the century clearly figured the tendency to assimilate the best achievements of other types of artistic culture, especially literature. And it was not a simple translation from the language of references to the language of musical images; Interacting with the achievements of other arts, music simultaneously formed its picture of the world and its ways to understand the life and history of the Fatherland. Therefore, the musical art of these years has a wide genre variety. Perfections reached the opera art that used the plots of Russian history, culture, life and revealed the psychology of a national character. There was a whole Pleiad of composers, in the writings of which a central place occupied a person with his complex spiritual world and the people, oppressed, suffering, but having a huge moral force. Let's call here A.P. Borodin("Prince Igor"), MP. Mussorgsky("Boris Godunov", "Hovanshchina"), ON THE. Roman Corsakov("Pskovtyanka", "Tsarist Bride").

However, a circle of St. Petersburg composers, organized by a special role in the musical culture of the flag MA Balakirevand entered the story called "Mighty Hand", or "New Russian Music School". This team, the creative community of like-minded people, consisted of five Russian composers - MA Balakirev, A.P. Borodin, Ts.A. Kyui, M.P. Mussorgskyand ON THE. Roman Corsakov.


Despite the fact that there are practically no epochs in history that they would not have the strongest influence on the subsequent course of the development of culture, XIX. A century in Russia can be called the most brightest stage. This is a period of growth of the national self-consciousness that has formed in the process of struggle against the French invasion. But at the same time, there is a sharply critical view of the social structure of Russian reality. The result becomes the Decembrist uprising, which demonstrated the emergence of the new mentality of the Russian intelligentsia and to a certain extent marked the allocation of this layer of society.

The social thought of this period is trying to find the permission of the main problems of time: the state reorganization, peasant reform and man himself. So the path for which the Russian society should go. The views of thinkers are radically divided: not only Slavophiles and Westerners, but also Petrashevtsy, populists, socialists, etc. offer their cardinal ways to resolve Russian problems.

Special heyday reaches XIX. A century Russian art, in all its kinds and forms of the world's inflorescence of the great names of global geniuses. In art, in just one century, the process of developing a variety of styles and directions from classicism to realism was carried out.

Thus, Russian culture of the second half XIX. Century has the right to be proud of the great names. Classical perfection has reached literature, painting and music. The works of the geniuses of Russian art made it possible to reveal the immense world of the human person. The realism method was the first attempt in the knowledge of this world. In Russian culture XIX. There are all prerequisites for modern culture of Russia formed.


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N. N. Knikovova, MBOU SOSH №15, Korolev, Moscow region