Nobility in the image of Turgenev fathers and children. Reflections I.S. Romegenev about the fate of the Russian nobility

Nobility in the image of Turgenev fathers and children. Reflections I.S. Romegenev about the fate of the Russian nobility
Nobility in the image of Turgenev fathers and children. Reflections I.S. Romegenev about the fate of the Russian nobility

Onegin and Lensky - one of the main characters of the work of Evgeny Onegin A.S. Pushkin. They are a new, advanced, modern noble society that adheres to liberal views. Both heroes have both similarities and differences in their origin, education and method of combating the current building, but they are united by the community of ideals. In contrast to many nobles of that time, they understand the meaninglessness of the idle existence. This is what caused their sad story. For Onegin, life turned into a drama, and for Lensky and completely ended with a fatal outcome. Evgeny Onegin received a time-friendly home education for his time, but it was not strict: Monsieur I "Abbe, the Frenchman's wretched, so as not to suffer a child, he taught him everything joking. However, Onegin knew French, several phrases in Latin, read the antique and economic literature: Branil Homer, Foocrita; But Adam Smith read ... Also, Eugene built a successful line of behavior in society, which covered him not too good education: he had a happy talent without a fordiga in a conversation to touch everything slightly, with a scholar view of the construct to keep silence in an important dispute and excite a smile Fire of unexpected epigram. Evgeny Onegin led a typical life for the metropolitan aristocracy: balls, restaurants, theaters, walks through Nevsky Prospect, love entertainment, but it stands out among young people of his time. The young man possessed critical thinking and the nobility of the soul, which was not inherent in most of his peers. Onegin gave himself a report in the meaninglessness and idleness of his life. As a thinking man, he bithetly realized the emptiness of the world. Gradually, he begins to strike Handra: No. It is too much feeling in it cooled; He was bored with light noise; The beauties were not long the subject of his usual dum; Treason managed to tire; Friends and friendship are boring ... Attempts to combat Handrea were unsuccessful. He did not know how to systematically work and his breathtime, glooming, loneliness is stronger and stronger stated themselves. Updated in the inherited estate, Onegin facilitated the life of the peasants: he replaced the tamer with an ancient ligaite with an ancient ligaite, but on this his reform activity ended. Conversations of neighbors-landowners, exposing the narrowness of the horizon and the primitiveness of thinking, and it. He preferred proud loneliness. Acquaintance with the young poet Vladimir Lensky, who was standing out among the local nobles, helped to distract from sad thoughts that had twisted in Onegin's head. Lensky seemed to be the exact opposite of his neighbor, but in fact, inexperience and terrain, inexperienced and gusty - all this was also inherent in Evgenia, when he was younger, but the age coordinated the heart gusts. Vladimir Lensky, who received overseas education, decided to get acquainted with Onegin: But Lensky, did not have it, of course, the hunt of the bonds of marriage to bear, with Onegin walked heartly acquaintance to the shorter. In conversations with Vladimir, Onegin understands that he dreams of happiness of all mankind and believes in the sacred bonds of the real friendship: he believed that friends are ready for honor to bide the shackles ... What are chosen by fate, people sacred friends; Lensky was in the spirit close to the Decembrists, his public ideals are as humane and noble, but its high ideals were very vague and are uncertain, embodied in his poetry. The cold mind, mental feeling and Tosca Onegin did not interfere with him to admire the sincerity of the young poet, the ferventness of his feelings, the fervor of belief. Eugene did not differ in such sincerity. Perhaps Onegin even slightly envied the honesty of a friend, as he himself has already lost his laughter: he listened to Lensky with a smile. The poet is a torture conversation, and the mind, still in judgment, and forever inspired eyes, - but soon Vladimir loved Olga, Sister Tatyana Larina. It seems to him perfection, but a stupid quarrel that broke out between friends led to a duel. Unfortunately, because of the fear of public opinion were forced to shoot. Lensky was killed. But what was waiting for them if there were no duels? It is possible that Lensky would become a real poet, and even become one of the Decembrists. Onegin could not become a fighter for a fair reorganization of society, he was waiting for the path of non-resistance to evil violence, since the skepticism he was infected, paralyzed His will and aspiration.

In the novel "Eugene Onegin" next to the main hero, the author depicts other characters that help better understand the character of Evgeny Onegin. Among such heroes should first be called Vladimir Lensky.

According to the characteristics of Pushkin himself, these two people are absolutely opposite: "Ice and a flame," the author writes about them. Nevertheless, they become inseparable friends, although Pushkin notes that they become from "nothing to do".

Let's try to compare Onegin and Lensky. Are they so different?

Why did they "come together"? The comparison of the heroes is better to present in the form of a table:

Eugene Onegin Vladimir Lensky
Education and education
Traditional noble education and education - Mamzel looks at him as a child, then Monsieu, then he gets a good education. Pushkin writes: "We all learned a little of something and somehow," and the poet received, as you know, an excellent education in the elite Tsarskoye Lyceum. He studied in Germany. About who engaged in his upbringing at an earlier age, the author says nothing. The result of such education is the romantic world seeming, it is no coincidence that Lensky is a poet.
Soul condition, attitude to human values
Onegin feels tired of life disappointed in her, there are no values \u200b\u200bfor him - he does not appreciate love, friendship, or rather, does not believe in sincerity and the strength of these feelings.
\u003e No: early feelings in it cooled
He was bored with light noise.
And then the author "puts the" diagnosis "of the state of his hero - in short: Russian Handra was gradually mastered ..."
Returning to his homeland, Lensky is waiting for happiness and miracle from the life - so his soul and heart are open to love, friendship and creativity:
The purpose of our life for him
Was a tempting mystery
Over her he broke his head
And miracles suspected.
Eugene Onegin Vladimir Lensky
Life in the village, relations with neighbors
Having arrived in the village, Onegin is looking for applications to their forces, exiting an aimless existence - he is trying to replace the bargain "lungs light", seeks to find people close to him on the look and spirit. But not finding anyone, Onegin himself separated himself with a sharp feature from the surrounding landowners.
And those, in turn, found him the "eccentric", "pharmaceutical" and "Friendship stopped with him." Soon they again mastered boredom and disappointment.
Lensky distinguishes an enthusiastic and dreamy attitude to life, soulful simplicity and naivety.
He did not have time to fade "from the populatory debauchery of the world," he was ignorant with a cute heart. "
Idea of \u200b\u200bthe purpose and sense of life
Does not believe in any high goal. I am sure that there is some kind of the highest goal in life, he just does not yet know her.
Poetic creativity and attitude towards him of heroes
Onegin "could not ... Yamba from Chorea ... to distinguish", did not have any ability to write, nor the desire to read poems; To the writings of Lensky, like A. S. Pushkin, refers to light irony. Lensky - poet. He stated with Liru in the world under Schiller's sky and Goethe their poetic fire was inflamed in him. Lensky is inspired by the work of German romantic poets and also refers to romantics. In something, it looks like a friend of Pushkin Kyhehelbecker. The poems of Lena are sentimental, and their content are love, "separation and sadness, and something, and foggy distance, and romantic roses ..."
Love story
Onegin does not believe in the sincerity of female love. Tatyana Larina at the first acquaintance does not cause any feelings in the soul of Onegin, except in pity and sympathy. Only after several years, the changed Onegin understands, from which happiness he refused, rejecting the love of Tatiana. Onegin's life does not make sense, since it did not find a place for love. Lensky as a romantic poet, falls in love with Olga. For him, the ideal of female beauty, loyalty - everything is in it. He does not just love her, he is passionately jealous of Olga to Onegin. He suspects her in treason, but as soon as Onegin leaves from the evening dedicated to the names of Tatiana, Olga again sincerely manifests his attachment and love in Lensky.


With all the difference in characters, temperaments and psychological type between Onegin and Lensky, it is impossible to not be noticed a number of similarities:

They are opposed to nobility, both in the city and in the village;

They seek to find the meaning of life, not limited to the "joys" of the circle of secular youth;

Wide mental interests - both history, and philosophy and moral questions, and reading literary works.


A special tragic page in relations between Onegin and Lensky becomes a duel. Both heroes perfectly understood all the meaninglessness and the uselessness of this fight, but none could cross over the conventionality - public opinion. It was the fear of condemnation from the outside of others who made two friends stand at the barrier and aiming the blowing of a pistol in his recent buddy's chest.

Onegin becomes a killer, although according to the rules, he does not commit murders, but only protects his honor. And Lensky goes to a duel in order to punish the universal evil, which at that moment, in his opinion, focused in Onegin.

After Duele, Onegin leaves, he goes traveling around Russia. He is no longer able to stay more in the society, whose laws make it make any actions that contradict his conscience. It can be assumed that it was this duel that became the point of reference with which serious changes begin in the character of Onegin.

Tatyana Larina

The novel is named Evgenia Onegin, but in the text of the novel there is another heroine, which can be fully called the main thing - this is Tatiana. This is a favorite heroine Pushkin. The author does not hide his sympathy: "Sorry me ... I love Tatyana so much ...", and, even on the contrary, at each other case, it emphasizes its location to the heroine.

This is how you can imagine the heroine:
What distinguishes Tatyana from representatives of his circle Tatiana in comparison with Onegin
. It is not like all the secular girls. It has no coquetry, chemistry, insincerity, unnaturalness.
. She prefers to privacy, she does not like to play dolls, she more like to read books or listen to nanny stories about Starne. And she also feels surprising and understands nature, this spiritual sensitivity makes Tatyana rather closer to the simple people than to secular society.
. The basis of the world of Tatiana is a folk culture.
. Pushkin emphasizes the spiritual connection of the girl who grew up in the "village", with beliefs, folklore traditions. It is no coincidence that the episode is incorporated into the novel, which tells about fortune-money and sleep Tatiana.
. In Tatiana a lot of intuitive, instinctive.
. It is a little careful and deep, sad and clean, believer and faithful nature. Pushkin endowed her heroine with a rich inner world and spiritual purity:
That from heaven is Odar
Imagination rebellious
Mind and will be alive,
And wayward head,
And the heart is fiery and gentle ...
It believes in perfect happiness, in love, creates in his imagination influenced by the perfect french novels the perfect image of the beloved.
Tatiana something like Onegin:
. The desire for loneliness, the desire to understand ourselves and sort out life.
. Intuition, insight, natural mind.
. Good location of the author to both heroes.

A. S. Pushkin - the greatest writer and poet of the XIX century. From under his feather, many wonderful works came out. The main labor of Pushkin is considered "Eugene Onegin". The work reflects the features of the life of noble youth of the XIX century.

Brief description of the work

Evgeny Onegin is a novel in verses, striking with its artistic perfection of the style and shape, ease and beauty of the tongue. It discloses the variety of problems that were worried about the Russian society of the beginning of the XIX century. In the image of all the noble groups, Pushkin reflects the two most common problems of the time: idealistic care from reality and disappointment.

The main characters of the work

Onegin and Lensky in the novels belong to the "best people of the epoch." In their images, Pushkin reflected the very problems that were most relevant at the time. Heroes did not suit the shine they considered the cold and empty, nor the poor look and the primitiveness of rural days. Both characters seek to find a meaning in life, something higher and bright. Evgeny Onegin and Lensky stand out from the usual noble environment. Both are educated, smart, noble. Heroes combines latitude of interests and views. This is exactly what brought them closer and laid the beginning of friendship between them. Despite the differences in the character, their mutual sympathy in the course of the narration was intensified, and communication was becoming deeper. The conversations of the village landowners were significantly different from the conversations that Onegin and Lensky. Analysis of their behavior, aspirations and views makes it possible to understand that both hero have a tortured mind, sought to know the meaning of life and touch all areas of human existence. The author emphasizes that the disputes of the characters affect the philosophical, moral, political problems that were worried about the advanced people of that era. Why, despite their similarity, did Duel Lensky and Onegin happened? About this further in the article.

Onegin and Lensky. Comparative characteristics

These two heroes are central figures in the work. They are completely different, but at the same time have a certain similarity. Their images are two ways for which the best representatives of the landowner intelligentsia began the beginning of the XIX century. The development of the relationship of the main characters reflects the huge difference between them, the shading is not only the opposite of their features, but also the attitude to reality and to the people around them. Ended these two paths could either with a life deadlock, or someone's death.


In Lensky, there was a poetic talent that opened romantic sentiment in it. He sees the ideal even in the "empty" pretty Olga. Friendship with Onegin means a lot for Lensky. In the image of the image of Vladimir, it is clearly visible with the Decembrist trends, which gives reason to assume the likelihood of its rapprochement with an advanced nobility intelligentsia, who prepared the uprising of 1825, which gives him a chance to become a poetic voice of the people. Faith in friendship, freedom, love was the purpose of life and the essence of Lensky.

Eugene Onegin

This hero received a classic aristocratic education. His everything was taught joking, but, despite not, Onegin got the knowledge you need. According to mental development, it is much higher than peers. Eugene is a little familiar with the works of Bairon, has an idea of \u200b\u200bSmith's writings. But all his hobbies do not raise fiery and romantic feelings in the soul. Onegin spends its best years as many young people of his time: in the theaters, on Bals, in love adventures. But soon it comes to his understanding that the whole life is empty, the envy reigns, boredom and slander, and people are meaninglessly burning their time, spending the inner forces on the imaginary shine. As a result, Onegin loses interest in life, falling into a deep Handra because his sharp and cold mind is fightered by secular pleasures.

Questions of good and evil in the relationship between the main characters

In the environment of the intelligentsia of that time, the Treatise of Russo (writer and French philosopher) "Public Agreement" was very popular. It was addressed by the most important social problems. The most topical question was the question of the state device. The problem of the relationship between the authorities and the people, which had the right to overthrow the government, which violated the agreement between the State Union and the community of citizens was revealed. The existing created in Russia both political and economic difficulties. Progressively thinking representatives of the nobility tried to find solutions to existing problems by improving and implementing agriculture techniques, applying machinery. Onegin and Lensky, who would not be complete without the instructions of their kind of activity, also thought about this issue. The first was the owner of waters and factories, and the second is a rich landowner. Ethical problems, questions of good and evil frequently turned out to be the focus of young people. Moral theoretical principles, refraart in the characters of characters, determine their views, and their actions.

Tragedy of the relationship of central characters

Onegin and Lensky, the comparative characteristics of which can not do without mentioning their personal qualities, were of different ages. Vladimir - younger, his ardent soul is not yet spoiled by life. He is looking for beautiful everywhere. Onegin, who has long passed through everything, listened to Lensky's ardent speeches with a smile, trying to restrain his irony. For Vladimir, friendship was an acute need. Onegin also "was friends for the sake of boredom." But Eugene has a special attachment to Vladimir. By analyzing the duel of Lensky and Onegin, it is impossible not to note the priorities that are clearly traced from each of them. So, a more experienced protagonist, despite its contempt for the light, cherished his opinion, was afraid of reproaches and ridicule. Perhaps, precisely because of this false feeling of honor, Onegin and took the challenge of Lensky. Vladimir protected the purity of his romantic ideas from a friend's skepticism. Having perceived the unsuccessful joke of Onegin as betrayal and treason, Lensky causes him to a duel.

Death of Vladimir

Onegin and Lensky, the comparative characteristics of which indicates the essence of differences in their views, in the course of the development of the plot of the best friends turned into enemies. The first, receiving a challenge and understanding the meaninglessness of the fight itself and its wrong, takes it. The murder of Vladimir turns all his life Eugene. It turns out to be no longer able to be in those places where the tragedy occurred. Trying the remorse of conscience, Onegin begins to rush through the light. However, as can be seen further, changes are taking place in his soul: it becomes more sensitive and responsive to people, his heart opens for love. However, here it is waiting for disappointment. Matching all events, it can be concluded that all his misfortunes are paid for the living life without a goal.


It is possible to say with definality that the death of Lensky is symbolic. It involuntarily leads to the idea that the romantic, the dreamer, idealist, who did not know the reality, should certainly die when a collision should be safe. At the same time, such skeptics like Onegin remain to live. They should not be reproached in ignorance of reality or idealism. Onegin knows life perfectly, knows how to understand well in people. However, what gave him this knowledge? In addition to disappointment and Handra, unfortunately, nothing. The consciousness of his superiority over the surrounding person puts a person to a rather dangerous path, which ultimately leads to disunity with the world and egoistic loneliness. The remaining alive Onegin little is useful to society and is not happy.


In his novel, Pushkin showed reality as it was at that time. His work warns that in the rotting from the inside society, happiness can find only mediocre people whose interests of crayons are very limited. "Extra People" - Evgeny Onegin and Lensky (an essay on this topic enters the school course of literature) - unhappy in this life. They either die or continue to live empty and disappointed. Even the high position and education do not give them happiness, they do not facilitate their way. Awareness of own mistakes comes to them too late. However, it is difficult to blame the heroes themselves. Their life occurs in the conditions of light, which dictates their rules to them and puts in certain conditions. Their characters are formed from birth under the influence of what is happening around them. As Pushkin himself says, an exceptional environment made Onegin and Lensky, essentially noble, clever people, unhappy and disappointed.