Composition. Reason and feelings in the work of Bunin "Pure Monday" Composition in your own words, please, urgently

Composition.  Reason and feelings in the work of Bunin
Composition. Reason and feelings in the work of Bunin "Pure Monday" Composition in your own words, please, urgently

The theme of feelings and reason was raised by many poets and writers, as it is always close and interesting to readers. This is what the works of Kuprin and Bunin tell us about. They show how complex and multifaceted feelings can be.

And the mind is not always a priority, because if there is love, then the heroes take its side and they do not think what will happen to them later.

Of course, the heroes of the stories of these writers are full of conventions, they obey the calculation, their ambitions are largely incomprehensible, and sometimes they are so fake that it is sometimes very difficult to see real feelings, since they are heavily disguised. Despite this, in the stories of both Kuprin and Bunin there is a lot of life-affirming and beautiful, because they devoted many lines to this sublime feeling like love. But at the same time, it should be understood that the works of these two writers, although they often unite common topic, but they convey it in different ways.

So, it should be noted that the heroes in the stories of these writers really love, and this is so rare in life. This feeling pulls characters out of the cycle of routine, boredom. Of course, this does not last long, sometimes just a moment, and even some heroes have to pay with their lives for this short-term happiness, but still it's worth it.

The works of Bunin and Kuprin are so realistic that they display everyday details down to the smallest detail with amazing truthfulness. For example, in “ Light breathing", Which was written by Bunin, the author sharpens his attention to seemingly insignificant details, like the diary of one of the heroines of the story, but this very moment betrays the truth of this story.

It should be noted, however, that writers have different attitudes towards feelings. Kuprin is more prone to tragedy, so if his characters experience love, then they fail to be happy to the end. His lines are filled with suffering and pain. At the same time, Kuprin believes that love should be given completely, and his characters experience torment and happiness at the same time. Since he raises love to the ideal, therefore, reason in the actions of the heroes is often absent, therefore their fate is always very tragic. For example, Romashkov, who is clean and kind person, sacrifices himself, and all for the sake of Shurochka, who was distinguished by her prudence.

Feelings and reason in the works of Bunin often have controversial character... If this author talks about love, then it is frantic, if about happiness, then it is unrestrained. But all this quickly ends, after which awareness and understanding comes. This is how he shows the meeting between the lieutenant and the beautiful stranger, which can be read about in “ Sunstroke". This moment was saturated with happiness, but it cannot be resurrected. When a stranger leaves, the lieutenant is devastated, he seemed to have aged for many years, and all because the happiness was so sudden and thus left only pain in his soul.

Therefore, it seems to me that the feelings that Bunin writes about are in many ways more realistic, they are not ideal, like Kuprin's, but at the same time they are beautiful and real. Both writers often write about love, this topic is one of the most important for them. But few of the heroes know it, only truly sensual and open people... Thus, the writers show that love can arise only in those people who, above all, are strong, who are not afraid to sacrifice themselves for love. Therefore, feelings are stronger than reason, they absorb the hero entirely, even if after nothing remains, they are still happy that they managed to experience love.

By nature, man is endowed with a great gift - reason. And at the same time, nature has given man a huge range of diverse feelings. A person must learn to live, being aware of all his actions and deeds, and at the same time remain sensitive, not succumb to anger, hostility, envy. Reason and feeling are often opposed to each other. Will a person be able to bring them into harmony, to make the mind reinforced by feeling and vice versa? Each person answers this question himself. He must make a choice on which his future life may depend.

Reflections on this topic allow us to recall the heroine of the novel by A.S. Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin" Tatiana Larina. A girl experiences strong and deep feelings when she first sees Eugene Onegin in her house. Pure and frank, modest and inconspicuous, she becomes bold and decides to write a letter to Onegin, in which she confesses her love for him. At that time, the recognition of a girl as the first in love was a rash and immoral step. Onegin's refusal, his rebuke ("inexperience leads to trouble") did not extinguish deep and sincere feelings in Tatyana. Yes, she hid, learned to restrain her feelings, but nothing prevented her from still loving Onegin. And only she alone knew what was going on in her soul, what a struggle between reason and feeling raged in her. It was the mind that allowed Tatyana to become a calm, sedate lady, the wife of an honest and decent general. It's not destiny to be Tatyana with Onegin. They met after a long separation, and Onegin fell in love with her. Now he has fiery feelings for Tatiana. But it's too late. Yes, love still lives in Tatyana's heart: (“I love you, why dissemble?”). Tatiana learned Onegin's lesson, she learned to "rule herself", learned to restrain impulses of feelings. But in her soul she is still the same Tanya, who has retained the highest feeling - love.

How sometimes relationships between people are difficult, especially when it comes to such a strong feeling as love. Which to give preference: the power of the senses or the voice of reason? The heroine of the novel by M.A. Bulgakova "The Master and Margarita" hardly talked about it. All her life before meeting the master, Margarita was not happy. In the novel, the author exclaims: “Oh gods! What did this woman need? " Yes, Margarita had everything: a loving and wealthy husband, a wonderful rich house. She did not have the main thing - love, warmth - that for which it was worth living. And now she changes a measured, calm life for a life with a master, a life full of anxiety and excitement. Feelings helped her find happiness. There is meaning in her life. All the energy of her soul is directed to the master and his work. Margarita, who once did not know everyday problems, becomes caring and economic. When the master disappears, Margarita, for the sake of at least some information about him, agrees to give her soul to the devil. Reason sleeps in her heart, and feelings triumph and inspire her. Margarita does not think about any consequences, she thinks only about her beloved. For his sake, she is ready to sacrifice herself, to go to any trials. Margarita achieved her goal: having lost external well-being, she gained everlasting love and a sense of calmness.

Thus, we conclude: it is very difficult for a person to make a choice how to live. Submit to feelings or listen to the voice of reason? The heroines of the considered works did not give up their feelings, behaving differently in different situations, because the world of feelings is beautiful, bright, diverse, it gives a lot to a person for understanding the world, for realizing himself.

The answer left the guest

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin is a wonderful Russian writer, a great man and difficult fate... He was a recognized classic domestic literature and also became the first in Russia Nobel laureate.
All the stories written from 1937 to 1944, Bunin combined into the book "Dark Alleys". They are brought together by the motive of memories, the image of Russian nature. He writes about summer, autumn, day and night, about grief, happiness, sometimes a brief moment of joy or pain. Bunin's address to eternal themes love, death and nature.
One of the stories included in this collection is " Clean monday"I decided to dwell on it in more detail.
External events of the story "Clean Monday" are not very complex and fit perfectly into the theme of the cycle " Dark alleys"The action takes place in 1913. A kind, handsome and frivolous young man (unnamed, like his girlfriend) shares his memories here. Young people, he and she, once met at a lecture in a literary and artistic circle and fell in love. began to meet, spend together free time... He courted her and wanted more Serious relationships but she was mysteriously silent, never letting him get out of control. He himself says that he always "tried not to think, not to think out" the actions of his beloved. It is not surprising that it was not possible to understand the silent, mysterious, beautiful woman. The main thing for the author was to convey to the reader all its uniqueness, and he succeeded in full. Through the eyes of a passionate admirer, the inexplicable behavior of his chosen one is constantly "caught". She indulged secular entertainment, allowed the man to caress, but refused to have a serious conversation with him. Even stranger was the parallel fascination with restaurants, theater "skits" and cathedrals, holy books. The heroine, as it were, unites incompatible "styles" in her soul. She dreams of reconciling them. This is how he wants to love the best, and cannot. Their closeness still occurs, but after spending just one night together, the lovers part forever, for the heroine is on Clean Monday, i.e. on the first day of the pre-Easter fast of 1913, takes final decision go to a monastery, parting with their past. But, hiding in a monastery, he continues to suffer there unattainable.
The story is masterfully and succinctly written. Each stroke has a clear and hidden meaning. What is the last, sophisticated, secular, black-velvet toilet of the heroine with her haircut of the Shamakhan queen! An unexpected and revealing combination. The girl constantly follows different paths, vividly reminiscent of the differences around her. Such is symbolic meaning female image... It combines craving for spiritual deed and to all the riches of the world, doubts, sacrifice and longing for the ideal.
There is another sense of the author's thoughts in the story. The eternal contradictions of human, more specifically, feminine nature, love, sublime and earthly, sensual, - determined the tests of the heroine. Her courage, the ability to go through all the inhibitions and temptations help to discover the mysterious, irresistible power of instinct. But the warmer, the more sympathetic the attitude of the author to the young woman, the more she resists the completely natural, although painful for her, attractions.
In the theme of love, Bunin is revealed as a man of amazing talent, a subtle psychologist who knows how to convey a state of mind wounded by love. The writer does not avoid complex, frank topics, depicting the most intimate human experiences in his stories. Over the centuries, many artists of the word dedicated their works to the great feeling of love, and each of them found something unique, individual to this topic. It seems to me that the peculiarity of Bunin the artist is that he considers love to be a tragedy, a catastrophe, madness, a great feeling, capable of both infinitely exalting and destroying a person.
Love is a mysterious element that transforms a person's life, giving his fate uniqueness against the background of ordinary everyday stories, filling his earthly existence with a special meaning.
An extraordinary strength and sincerity of feeling is characteristic of the heroes of Bunin's stories. Love captures all the thoughts of a person, all his powers. So that love does not fizzle out, it is necessary to part and forever, which happens in all Bunin's stories. All his heroes live in anticipation of love, looking for it and more often than not, being scorched by it, they perish. A writer’s love does not live for a long time in a family, in marriage, in everyday life. A short, dazzling flash, which illuminated the souls of lovers to the bottom, leads them to a tragic end - death, suicide, parting. Throughout the entire work of the Russian writer, there is a theme of pure and beautiful feeling. "All love is a great happiness, even if it is not shared" - these words from the story "Dark Alleys"
Bunin could be repeated by all the heroes of his stories.

arguments for writing

Final essays on the topic "Sense and Sensibility" on our website:

- Do you agree with the statement of M. Prishvin: "There are feelings that replenish and darken the mind, and there is a mind that cools the movement of feelings"?

- Do you agree with the statement of Ferdowsi “Let your mind direct things. He will not allow your soul to be evil ”?


Devoted to the problem of reason and feeling great amount literary works.
the main characters belong to two warring clans - the Montagues and the Capulets. Everything is against the feelings of young people, and the voice of reason advises everyone not to succumb to the outbreak of love. But emotions turn out to be stronger, and even in the death of Romeo and Juliet they did not want to part.
the senses the main character take over her mind. Falling in love with the young nobleman Erast and trusting him, Lisa forgets about the girl's honor. Karamzin writes about this fact with bitterness and reproaches the heroine, although he feels sorry for the kind, sincere girl with all his heart. But Karamzin also accuses Erast of recklessness, he bluntly says that the mind (especially in a man!) Should guide emotions. So, in response to thoughts young man that he will not use the girl's trust for evil and will always remain her only brother, the author exclaims:

And indeed, the girl's feelings were deceived: Erast, having lost at cards in order to somehow improve his financial situation, marries a rich widow, and Lisa commits suicide by drowning herself in a lake.
In a tragic discord, the mind and feelings of the protagonist

His heart burns with love for Sofya Famusova, it is for her sake that he returns to Moscow, but does not find reciprocal feelings in the girl. When the hero finds out that Sophia's chosen one is Molchalin, her father's secretary, he cannot believe it.

exclaims Chatsky. The hero perfectly sees what Molchalin really is, sees what his true goals are. And this is career advancement and material well-being... For the sake of this, Molchalin does not disdain either hypocrisy, or currying favor with superiors, or meanness. It is such a meanness on his part that courtship of the boss's daughter becomes. Chatsky's mind refuses to believe in Sophia's love for Molchalin, because he remembers her as a teenager, when falling in love broke out between them, he thinks that Sophia could not change over the years. But reality turned out to be harsher than dreams. And so Chatsky, with all his mind, is well versed in people, realizing that Famusov and his guests will not understand and will not share any of his ideas, opinions, or actions, does not restrain himself and speaks out to them, so to speak, “throws beads in front of pigs. " The hero's mind cannot contain the emotions that overwhelm him. All of Chatsky's behavior is so strange " Famus society"That it accepts with relief the news of the hero's madness.
we also see a clash between reason and feeling. Peter Grinev, having learned that his beloved Masha Mironova is forcibly held by Shvabrin, who wants to force the girl to marry him, in spite of the voice of reason, turns to Pugachev for help. The hero knows that this could threaten him with death, because the connection with a state criminal was severely punished, but he does not deviate from his plan and in the end keeps own life and honor and gets Masha as his legal wife.
In another work

the topic of reason and feeling is also given an important place. After seven years of separation, Yevgeny, seeing the transformed Tatiana, falls in love with her. And although the hero knows that she is married, there is nothing he can do with himself. Onegin realizes that many years ago he could not fully discern in young Tanya all the strength of her character and inner beauty. Now feelings of love for the heroine overshadow all reasonable evidence in Eugene, he longs mutual confessions... But in Tatiana, the voice of reason, speaking of duty and honor married woman, takes over emotions. Unlike Onegin, she finds the strength to resist surging feelings and admits:

is also repeatedly tested for reason and feelings. But his mind always turns out to be higher than emotions. So, we see how the hero fought with sympathy for Princess Mary and admitted to himself that in another minute and he was ready to fall at her feet and ask to become his wife. But ... Pechorin does not give in to an impulse, he knows that he is not intended for family life and does not want to make the girl unhappy. We see the same struggle when Pechorin, having read Vera's farewell letter, rushes in pursuit of her. But here, too, a cold mind cools the ardor of the hero, and, no matter how painful it may be, he leaves the thought of reuniting with Vera.
the youngest son of Taras, Andrii, having fallen in love with the Polish lady, betrays the Cossacks and goes to fight against them. He says to his beloved:

Andriy's mind did not resist his feelings for long: all his thoughts about honor, duty, and relatives were burned by the fire of love, he even dies with the name of his beloved.
Another hero

reason always prevails over emotions. Even having met a mysterious young stranger at the station (and here Gogol mentions a twenty-year-old boy who would have forgotten everything in the world at the sight of such a young and adorable creature), Chichikov does not succumb to romantic thoughts. On the contrary, his reasoning is of a completely practical nature (as Gogol says about him, he is a man of a prudently chilled character): the hero thinks about who the girl's father may be and what his income is, and what if you give a girl two hundred thousand dowry, then from her a very "tidbit" will come out.
feelings often take over the mind. She is natural, sincere, does nothing on purpose, trying to find her own benefit in this or that business. Yes, she is a "heroine of the heart", but that is exactly what, according to Tolstoy, and should be real woman, it is for this that he loves her, and after him, we. In this she is opposite to her mother, and Sonya, and the little princess, and Helen Kuragina. We forgive her for betraying Andrei Bolkonsky, overwhelmed by the courting of Anatoly Kuragin. After all, we see how sincerely she then repents, realizing that it was an impulse, a momentary hobby. But it is this case that changes Natasha, makes her think about eternal values... Another time, the heroine, without hesitation, forces her mother to give the wounded soldiers the carts on which things were to be taken out of their house in Moscow, awaiting Napoleon's invasion. In this "unreasonableness" of the heroine lies, according to Tolstoy, the main meaning of her being - kind, compassionate, loving.
Dmitry Gurov, a middle-aged man, married, while vacationing in Yalta, meets a young woman, Anna Sergeevna, with whom he unexpectedly falls in love. Falls in love for the first time in his life! He is discouraged by this, but this feeling changes the hero. He suddenly begins to notice how life has gone and shallow around him, how petty and selfish people are. Gurov's external life (family, work at a bank, dining with friends in restaurants, playing cards in a club) turns out to be fake, and real life- this is secret meetings with Anna Sergeevna at the hotel, their love. These two lives are very difficult to reconcile, but the heroes are not yet able to find a reasonable solution to the problem, although it seems to them that it is about to come and a new, wonderful time will begin.
The heart of the protagonist

also at odds with his mind. He loves two women - his lawful wife Tonya and Larisa Antipova. Loves in different ways, but equally strong. He experiences his condition as a huge tragedy: torn between two families, the hero cannot find a solution until fate itself divorces him from his wife Tonya.

People tend not only to perceive the world, but somehow influence him, experiencing joy, sadness, grief, happiness or inspiration. Expressing in works is common to many talented artists different times and peoples. It seems that the very words - "painting", "painting" - are conducive to this.

Human feelings

Everything that we perceive, in one way or another, evokes certain feelings in us. For example, watching a beautiful sunset in nature or a calm gentle sea, each of us, probably, also feels pacification. Or admiration for the hero's deed, or surprise at something never seen before! These emotions shown by us are called feelings. Usually, speaking about the fact that someone is insensitive, they mean his complete emotionlessness, apathy to the events taking place around him. Feelings are the highest manifestation of emotions. The most powerful are joy, surprise, fear, compassion, anger and many others.

Feelings in painting

Creative people tend to be the most emotional. Some of the artists prefer to live "walking wide" with "wide open eyes and souls." And some of them successfully sublimate in paintings. Let's take an example of one of these pictures describing such emotions.

Example 1. V. Vasnetsov, "Alyonushka"

This Russian fairy tale is familiar to many children from childhood. The mischievous Ivanushka drank some water from a puddle and became a kid. His sister Alyonushka warns about what may happen, but her brother does not heed her. When this happens to Ivan, the sister experiences feelings of grief, hopelessness, despair, grief and sadness. In the picture she is depicted by the pond on a "combustible" stone. Hiding from human eyes, the girl experiences a complex range of emotions, skillfully shown by the artist.

Example 2. K. Bryullov, "Horsewoman"

Human feelings in paintings can be expressed in different ways. depicts a young beauty riding a horse to the veranda of the house. She is greeted by dogs and a little girl. The whole picture is imbued with emotions: a sense of the joy of meeting, admiration for the festive variety and adoration of life in its brightest manifestations of beauty and grace.

Example 3. I. Aivazovsky, "The Ninth Wave"

Human feelings in paintings can be expressed through the depiction of natural phenomena. So, in we see the feeling of strength, power and power of nature. At the same time, the realization of the insignificance of everything human before the elements comes to mind. The artist embodies such a complex storm of feelings in this work.