Olga Ushakova: “My beloved was my mentor. Presenter Olga Ushakova: “Amazing children feel the world differently How did you meet your husband?

Olga Ushakova: “My beloved was my mentor.  Presenter Olga Ushakova: “Amazing children feel the world differently How did you meet your husband?
Olga Ushakova: “My beloved was my mentor. Presenter Olga Ushakova: “Amazing children feel the world differently How did you meet your husband?

The host of the Good Morning! Olga Ushakova is called the face of the main federal channel. She is not only a beautiful and intelligent woman, but also a mother with many children. The secrets of how she manages to succeed in her career and look great, she gladly shares with the audience.

In addition to Olya, the parents had two more children. The girl perceived frequent travels because of her father's service as an adventure. The constant change of place of residence, collectives in schools have developed in her sociability, the ability to easily adapt to an unusual environment.

Parents brought up strictly, taught to independence. The girl went to first grade at the age of 6. According to Olga, all marks except 5 were a real drama for her. At the same time, due to the fighting nature of the parents, they were often summoned to the director. Ushakov's school graduated with a gold medal.

Olga entered the Kharkiv National University. V.N. Karazin. After graduation, she went into business. Already at the age of 23, the girl headed a branch of a trading company for the promotion of fashion brands. In Moscow, according to Olga, she moved after her common-law husband. It was he who pushed her beloved to realize her childhood dream of becoming a TV presenter.

In 2004, Ushakova came to Channel One to audition for the role of a presenter, but did not pass. She gets a job as a trainee editor. Working in different departments taught her flexibility, the ability to find a common language with people. At the same time, Olya is engaged in speech technique, gets rid of the accent, and learns other skills necessary for the presenter.

A year later, a place in the news program of Channel One for residents of the Far East becomes free. The shooting took place at night, during the day the girl slept off. As Olga recalls, a huge flow of information had to be processed.

In 2010, Ushakova became the host of Night News.

From 2013 to 2017 she works on the air of "Direct Line with Vladimir Putin".

Fame comes to Olga with the appearance in the program "Good morning!".

In 2017, she becomes a nominee for the TEFI award in the category "Host of the morning program", but does not receive it, unlike her program.

In October 2018, the TV journalist was embroiled in a scandal involving Mamaev and Kokorin. The footballers severely beat her driver Vitaly Solovchuk. A criminal case was initiated.

Personal life

The name of his former lover Ushakov does not advertise. According to INFOX.ru correspondents, Vyacheslav Nikolaevich Ushakov was the first husband of the presenter. He held a leading position in the FSB, in 2011 he was dismissed. Olga met him in Ukraine. The couple lived in a civil marriage, the couple had two daughters.

The presenter speaks very warmly of the father of the older children. According to Olga, this is a wise person, older in age, who influenced her intellectual and spiritual development. After parting, they maintain friendly relations at a distance.

With her second husband, Ushakova legalized relations in 2017. A foreigner became her chosen one.

His name is Adam, it is known that he is a restaurateur. The wedding was played in Cyprus.

As Olga admitted in an interview, she introduced Adam to her daughters six months after the beginning of the novel. It was important for her whether the young man would be able to find an approach to them.

The man easily coped with the task, quickly entered their family.


The eldest daughter of the TV journalist Dasha was born in 2006. A few months after giving birth, Olga realized that she was pregnant again. The second girl Ksenia was born. When Daria was one year old, she was diagnosed with autism. To help the child, Olga studied mountains of literature.

Now the daughters of the same age are practically inseparable. They study in the same class.

Ushakova said that the girls had to change three schools at the request of the administrations.

Dasha, according to her mother, is a talented person. She has a photographic memory, is fond of studying foreign languages ​​and plans to become a translator.

Xenia has outstanding artistic abilities. She dreams of becoming a designer.

Both girls are as busy as possible with additional activities. They attend a music school, a ballet studio, and a chess club. Both the eldest and the middle daughters are fond of horse riding. Ksenia takes vocal lessons.

It is noteworthy that both Adam and Olya grew up in large families. In her upbringing, Ushakova tries to accept children as her equal. The woman is sure that the main thing is to set the right example.

Beauty secrets

Olga calls sports and proper nutrition the main helpers in the struggle for youth and attractiveness. The presenter shared her recipes with the viewers of the Marie Claire YouTube channel. In her opinion, it is important:

  • observe the drinking regime (at least 2 liters of water daily);
  • do not skip breakfast;
  • replace sugar with healthy foods.

Ushakova goes in for sports at least 3 times a week.

She often changes classes at the gym, from body ballet to step aerobics. Favorite sports: yoga, running, horse riding. During pregnancy and after childbirth, she did not stop training, made the loads more gentle.

Ushakova jokes that the secret of her blooming appearance in the morning is the result of the talented work of make-up artists.

Olga Ushakova talks about makeup, clothes, children and work:

But she admits that she learned a lot from the stylists who create her images.

In a backstage interview with Fashion Sentence, she talked about her love for dresses: everyday knitwear and classic sheaths.

Olga loves beauty treatments (lifting, mesotherapy), but does not resort to radical measures.

With brother

With sister

With mom

With grandfather and daughter

Host of the Good Morning program on Channel One.

Childhood and education

Olga Ushakova was born in Crimea on April 7, 1982. Parents with three children often changed their place of residence, since the head of the family was a military man. The father's profession could not but affect the way of life in the family: the children were brought up in severity and quickly accustomed to independence.

The nomadic way of life contributed to the development of communication skills. Olga was forced in a new place to establish relationships with classmates and get to know the teachers. I went to school Ushakova at the age of six, studied for grades and received a gold medal upon graduation.

Ushakova showed interest in television and everything connected with it as a child, when she tried to imitate the announcers and read newspaper articles aloud. Although she imagined that she was interviewing friends and relatives, the dream of becoming a real presenter was unrealistic - from the category “I want to become a princess,” Ushakova admitted.

After school, Olga entered Kharkov University, where she met her future husband. After graduating from university, she began to promote foreign brands and by the age of 23 she was already at the head of a branch of a large organization.

Olga Ushakova's television career

Despite the successful development of her career, she had to move to Moscow. She herself later said that the reason for the move was the need for her civil husband to be constantly in the capital.

After arriving in Moscow, Olga faced a choice: either to continue to develop in an already familiar sphere, or to start all over again. And then her beloved man insisted that she fulfill her childhood dream and become a TV presenter.

Olga went to audition at Ostankino, where she was taken on an internship. At the television center, she studied speech technique, studied the television kitchen from the inside and worked in different departments. After a while, the position of the leading news program was vacated, and Olga's internship was just coming to an end. She was offered this place, and for 9 years she worked as a presenter.

In 2014, Olga became the co-host of the Good Morning program, in which to this day she sets the audience up for a working mood. Olga said that she likes to work in the morning program, as it is a kind of challenge to herself - there are no teleprompters in the program, the presenters rely only on their knowledge, and sometimes they have to formulate huge texts on the go.

In 2015, the morning program received the TEFI statuette for the first time in its history. In 2017, the jury of the competition again singled out Good Morning among the finalists in the Morning Program nomination. Throughout her television career, Ushakova has hosted Direct Line five times with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

It would seem how a girl with a Ukrainian accent and without a specialized education could so easily and successfully make a career on television? Olga's real surname is Masliy. However, the modest pseudonym - Ushakova - was not chosen by chance. Olga spent 15 years in a civil marriage with Vyacheslav Nikolaevich Ushakov, who until February 2011 held a leading position in the Federal Security Service. In 2011, he was dismissed "for shortcomings in his work and violation of official ethics."

Personal life of Olga Ushakova

The details of Ushakova's personal life became known to journalists in October 2018, after Olga's driver, who was waiting for her in the parking lot in the Central Administrative District, was crippled by Russian footballers Pavel Mamaev and Alexander Kokorin. As a result, the man ended up in intensive care, and Ushakova filed a statement with the police.

Before that, Olga did not reveal the secrets of her personal life, but only said that the beloved man is older and gave her a lot in terms of spiritual and intellectual development. Now they maintain friendly relations, since they are linked by two common daughters: Dasha and Ksyusha. The weather girls, although they have one father, have different surnames. Olga gave birth to her second daughter Ksyusha exactly one year after Dasha. Olga's daughters study in the same class and each of them already knows what she wants to do in the future. The eldest daughter is studying several foreign languages ​​and plans to become a translator. Ksyusha is fond of singing.

In the summer of 2017, Olga married a foreign businessman, from whom she gave birth to a daughter in the spring of 2018. The wedding ceremony of a Russian TV presenter and restaurateur named Adam took place in Cyprus.

In her free time, Olga loves to travel, do yoga and horse riding. The TV presenter of Channel One has been vegetarian for a long time.

Olga Ushakova is a Russian TV presenter, known for her work in the news of Channel One and on the Good Morning program. Finalist of the prestigious TEFI-2017 television award.

Childhood and youth

Olga Ushakova was born in the Crimea on April 7, 1981 in a large family. Since Olga's father was a military man, the family had to change cities in Russia and Ukraine every six months, or even less. Naturally, at school, Olga had problems in relations with new classmates, and the future TV presenter had to defend her honor even with her fists, often conflicts were of a national nature. However, Olga quickly found a common language with other classmates, and in high school she easily achieved authority.

Establishing communication with different people turned out to be a very useful skill for a career in television, which Olga has dreamed of since childhood. As a little girl, she took a newspaper in her hands and imitated the manner of television announcers, and for the sake of an impromptu interview, Olga took a comb (as a "microphone") and pestered her acquaintances, bombarding them with questions.

Already at the age of 16, Olga graduated from school with a gold medal, moved to Kharkov and entered the university. In fact, she began an independent life, and she had to earn extra money, and over time, together with her young man (whose name Olga did not name), she began to do business. By the age of 23, she became the head of the Ukrainian branch of an international company that promoted major brands.

TV presenter career

Olga did not stay as the head of the branch for long, since she moved to Moscow with the young man. It was then that she remembered her childhood dream and decided to try her hand at television, especially since the capital opened up great opportunities. During the tests at the Ostankino television center, the photogenic Olga was noticed, but her southern accent was pointed out.

The girl was nevertheless taken to the position of an intern, within which she trained her speech technique, looked for informational reasons for news stories and wrote them.

In 2005, Olga became the presenter of the morning news of Channel One, broadcasting to the eastern regions of Russia (alternating with Andrei Ukharev for a week).

In 2009, Olga Ushakova appeared on the screen again, but already as the presenter of the nightly news of Channel One, broadcasting to Central Russia. A year later, the Other News program was added to Olga's duties, the main focus of which was apolitical subjects.

2013 to 2017 Ushakova was one of the co-hosts of the annual Direct Line with Vladimir Putin.

In 2014, Ushakova went to work as the host of the Good Morning program. At that time, the program underwent significant changes: the composition of the presenters was "younger", the headings and topics for the stories were also updated. Such innovations benefited the program, and in 2015 the Good Morning program received the TEFI award. After 2 years, the program was again encouraged by this prestigious award, and Olga Ushakova herself (together with Sergei Babaev) was among the finalists in the Morning Program Host nomination (the award was given to Yulia Vysotskaya with the Eat at Home program).

Personal life of Olga Ushakova

Olga Ushakova rarely gives interviews, and in general she tries not to advertise her personal life. With the young man, about whom it was written above, the famous TV presenter in her youth was in a civil marriage. In alliance with him, two girls appeared with a difference of a year - Daria (2005) and Ksenia (2006).

Dasha developed neurological problems: the child spoke ahead of schedule, but stopped talking a year, and this continued until he was five years old. Doctors diagnosed her with Kanner's syndrome, an autism spectrum disorder. Dasha had to go through the method of raising children with special development, but this did not prevent the girl from living a full life. She went to school on time, subsequently showed interest in foreign languages, which were given to her with ease. Ksenia really likes to sing, she studied vocal.

In the summer of 2017, Olga Ushakova got married in Cyprus. The restaurateur Adam Karim became her chosen one. The couple met in London in 2013. Olga stood in line at the wardrobe of the restaurant, from the other side Adam came up with a friend; they did not notice the girl and got ahead of her in line. Olga was indignant, but hearing Adam's ardent apologies, she realized that they were not on purpose. The man watched Ushakova all evening, and when she was about to leave, he realized that he could not let her go just like that.

In April 2018, their common daughter was born. During pregnancy, Olga still hosted the Good Morning program, and also did stories about physical exercise during childbirth.

To keep herself in good shape and the right mood for the morning broadcast, Olga occasionally does yoga and gymnastics, and in her free time she loves to read and travel with the whole family. In addition, the famous TV presenter basically does not eat meat and occasionally practices a raw food diet.


In October 2018, football players Alexander Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev beat the driver Olga Ushakova, the man was taken to intensive care with a head injury. The TV presenter filed a lawsuit against the athletes, saying that she "suffered only financially." “There is blood both outside and in the cabin. And there is also a strong dent on the side. Apparently, the driver was hit on the body of the car, ”Olga said, without commenting on the victim's condition. However, later the presenter wrote on Instagram that she had assembled a team of lawyers who would defend the rights of the victim in court.

Kokorin and Mamaev beat the driver Olga Ushakova

Olga Ushakova now

Despite the mode of operation of the leading morning program, in which you need to wake up at 3 am and have breakfast literally on the go, Olga Ushakova likes her own work. She is still filled with that sunny optimism, which she is ready to share with the whole country.

- Being in this stream is my habit since the days when I myself worked in the news, - admits TV presenter Olga Ushakova, the main face of the Good Morning program... - Now in the morning program this is not required of us, but this is my own bar, which I do not want to lower - I must always be ready to speak on any important topic. But one must understand: taking a break from information does not mean completely blocking this flow. It's more effective for me to just switch to reading books or doing homework. That is, you can stay on top of the topic all the time, without going crazy, if you treat your brain with respect, give your mind quality food, and don't litter it with unnecessary information from social networks. Sometimes, after all, you come across some kind of nonsense, read it, follow the link to other nonsense, then catch yourself and think: "Why am I reading this at all ?!" By the way, learning a foreign language relieves the brain from the information load.

Elena Plotnikova, PRO.Zdorovye: Olga, by the way, with the advent of social networks, everyone strives to record videos. It turns out that any video blogger can become a presenter?

: I still would not call bloggers presenters. For the most part, in blogs, people pursue their hobbies. Sometimes it is very talented, sometimes it even grows into something quite professional. Still, the profession of a TV presenter is, first of all, a profession that needs to be mastered. I am talking now about large federal channels. It's not enough to be nice and relaxed. The presenters must be full-fledged journalists. Accordingly, to become a leader, you need to be erudite, have a lively mind and a quick reaction, have high stress resistance, strong nerves and physical endurance.

- It is interesting to look behind the scenes of live broadcasts. What absolutely must not be done? For what mistakes can you get fired?

- Of course, I am not a boss, but I suppose that the reasons for dismissal are not very different from the standard ones. First, it is a gross violation of discipline and professional ethics. Can you get fired for mistakes? Probably, if they happen systematically and deliberately, then yes. However, the television bosses, of course, know this whole kitchen, someone himself was in the chair of the presenter. Therefore, they know what is behind this or that oversight: it can be fatigue at the fifth hour of the broadcast, and a technical collapse, and the mistake of other people behind the scenes. Personally, I realize my mistakes, even insignificant ones, instantly, and even before someone starts talking about them, I will eat myself alive. But I reassure myself that the one who does nothing is not mistaken.

- And then what is permissible? Maybe reservations, tautology and so on?

- It's not that it's permissible, but, let's say, it's not fatal. We are real people, we work live, so no one is immune from reservations and other incidents. Professionalism manifests itself in the way you get out of difficult situations.

Children are the mirror of parents

- Olga, you are an excellent example for many, the mother of two daughters, the eldest had developmental peculiarities. Could you give advice to parents, whose children have been diagnosed with a difficult diagnosis, how to mentally survive the fact that your child is different from others?

- Unfortunately, no matter how much you read about it, no matter how much you hear, when this suddenly happens in your family, it is always a shock. And from the moment the diagnosis is made to the full acceptance of the situation and their child, each parent will still go through all the stages: misunderstanding, denial, anger, throwing ... The most important thing I can advise in this situation is not to close, not hide. There are thousands of people around who have already gone through this, they can help in word and deed. First of all, you need to realize that the concept of "normality" is very relative. We often say: “Well, we will not be able to live a normal life ...” This is not so! Everything that happens in our family is absolutely normal for me. This is our norm, whether someone likes it or not. We have adapted to all the peculiarities and learned to be happy.

Olga Ushakova with her daughters. Photo: press service of the First channel

- It's interesting to see how people approach raising children. Some believe that they do not need to be brought up at all, the main thing is to love, others - that every step needs to be controlled, and still others - that the child needs to become a friend. What type of mom are you?

- I agree that a child first of all needs to be loved and respected as a person from birth. But, of course, raising children is the primary task of parents. Another thing is what to mean by the word "education". Someone almost associates it with army laws, a belt and a complex scheme of punishments and rewards. I believe that you need to educate by example. It is in our power to instill the right habits, culture, love of reading or music, if this is what is naturally cultivated in your home. The child will absorb all this without any effort from early childhood. If you want your child to become better, start with yourself.

- I read that you have a philosophical attitude to life, you live according to the principle "it is better to do and to be sorry." Has your life experience shown that you shouldn't give in to the situation?

- It's probably in the blood. She was born that way: curious, reckless, stubborn, used to getting her way. And over time, I also began to value this time more, so I really do not waste it on long hesitations - I will get involved in a fight, as they say, and there I will orient myself according to the situation. Of course, within reason. I am a mother and I am aware of my responsibility.

"I'm going to work as a soldier!"

- Olga, for almost three years you wake up earlier than the rest of the Russians in order to wake them up. Every time you turn on Good Morning, you want to ask the hosts: how do you manage to wake up so early to come to work? What time do you have to get up and go to bed?

- Before "Good Morning" my schedule was strictly opposite, with late broadcasts. So the process of transforming from an "owl" into a "lark" was quite painful. But you get used to everything - and now I am a full-fledged early bird. Even on weekends for me to get up around 8 is considered to be lying late. But still, on weekdays, I do not get enough sleep. Going to bed earlier than 11 does not work in any way, and sometimes you have to get up at 3 o'clock in the morning. So you just have to go through these shifts. We fix ourselves as much as we can. I drink vitamins, fresh juices, I am energized by yoga, sometimes I have to take a break for sleep during the day, if I’m completely unbearable.

- Everything is simple here: I really love what I do. So, in whatever state I arrived at work - sleepy, sick, upset - as soon as the broadcast starts, everything fades into the background. Drive appears, good adrenaline is generated. By the end of the program, however, the battery runs out, so about an hour before the end of the program, my partner and I take a break for breakfast during the news release.

- Maybe you have secrets on how to learn to wake up quickly?

- I set my alarm clock strictly for the time when I need to get up. I do not like to pull the rubber when you leave yourself time to "lie around", then fall asleep again, then the alarm clock rings again. No, I'd rather get a full sleep these 15 minutes, and then get up like a soldier. After all, I am the daughter of a military man. When you sleep for 4-5 hours, then every minute counts. Therefore, I prepare everything in advance in the evening. Clothes are laid out in the order in which they will need to be put on, toothpaste on a brush, tea leaves in a thermo mug, water in a teapot. So I spend a minimum of time on getting ready in the morning.

Publication by Olga Ushakova (@ushakovao) Mar 8 2017 at 8:24 PST

"I can't live without eye patches"

- Thanks for the compliment, but social media is not always a real picture. I, like many girls, do not like to flaunt bruises under my eyes, bad mood and other troubles. In addition, there is a psychological technique that works successfully: if you are sad, you have to force yourself to smile, just by physical effort to stretch your lips into a smile and hold it for a while. The brain will receive a certain signal and the mood will improve. Therefore, I try not to sour for any reason, it becomes a habit, and in general you become a cheerful person. That is, I believe that if you want to be happy, you can force yourself to be happy. After all, happiness is an internal state, it depends only on us, and not on the external environment. But, of course, everyone has bad days, this must also be accepted as part of life. As for how I do everything ... I do not have time! I just prioritize, so I always do the really important things, and if I didn't manage to do something secondary, I don't get upset. I take care of myself mainly at home, it saves a lot of time.

- I visit a beautician once every 2 weeks for an ultrasonic face cleansing. Every six months I undergo a course of mesotherapy. At home I regularly make moisturizing masks. But the main beauty secret is full sleep, sports and fresh air. And yet nothing adorns a woman like light from within, and it is possible only when we are in harmony with ourselves and love lives within us - for family, ourselves, work, the world in general.

Olga Ushakova. Photo: press service of the First channel

- Back to your early rise. Usually in the morning girls have bruises under the eyes and other morning "delights". You have none of this at 6 in the morning. What helps?

- I'm not doing anything special. Well, I have had bruises under my eyes since early childhood - very thin skin and close vessels. So I take them calmly. For broadcast, of course, they make up for me, but even here I prefer a thin foundation and a minimal amount of concealer. Otherwise, I just physically feel the heaviness on the skin. Fortunately, there are still wonderful people on television like light fixtures. It is they who are responsible for our radiant faces. The right light works wonders. For the under eye area, I really like to use patches. They are with me always and everywhere - on the plane, in the car, on vacation.

- It's spring now, everything is changing. Does the change of seasons affect you in any way? And how do you plan to spend the summer - at work or are you already looking out for something for a vacation?

- I am like a flower: I feel that in the spring I come to life and blossom. I need the sun for energy and inspiration. That is why in winter I often fly away from Moscow for at least a couple of days. Well, I prefer to spend the summer just in our area. We live outside the city, from May we begin to feel like at a resort, when everything begins to bloom, the birds are singing. Daughters have birthdays in June and July, so traditionally these are the most important events of the summer. At this time, many guests come to us, sometimes we also get out somewhere. But at the same time, summer is also a difficult time at work. It is during this period that we have the most stressful schedule, so we have to save our strength. I try to find positive aspects in any season. But I will not bend my heart: the weather from mid-autumn to mid-spring in our region, to put it mildly, is not suitable for long walks. And I really love to be in nature. Therefore, I look forward to warming, when nature begins to come to life, and along with it, I come to life.