Painting. Drawing yourself or drawing from nature favorite toys

Painting. Drawing yourself or drawing from nature favorite toys
Painting. Drawing yourself or drawing from nature favorite toys
"Methods and organization of drawing training in kindergarten"

Prepared: Shaykhina A. M.

In the formation of the identity of the child, the invaluable importance is of a variety of artistic and creative activities: drawing, modeling, cutting out of paper figures and sticking them, creating various designs from natural materials, etc.
Such classes give children the joy of knowledge, creativity. Having experienced this feeling once, the baby will strive in his drawings, appliqués, crafts to tell about what I learned, I saw, survived.
Fine activity of a child, which he just begins to master, needs qualifying leadership by an adult.
But in order to develop the creative abilities of nature from each pupil, the teacher must be able to deal with the visual arts, in children's creativity, to own the necessary ways of artistic activities.
The visual activities of preschoolers as a type of art should be emotional, creative character. The teacher must create all conditions for this: it must first provide an emotional, figurative perception of reality, form aesthetic feelings and presentations, develop creative thinking and imagination, teach children ways to create images, means of their expressive execution.
The learning process should be aimed at the development of children's visual creativity, on creative reflection of impressions from the world, works of literature and art.
Mastering the ability to depict is impossible without purposeful visual perception - observations. In order to draw, cut out any item, it is necessary to read it well with him, remember its shape, size, color, design of the location of the parts.
For the mental development of children, the gradual expansion of knowledge reserves is of great importance on the basis of the diversity of the forms of the spatial location of the objects of the world, various values, the variety of colors shades.
When organizing the perception of items and phenomena, it is important to draw the attention of children to the variability of forms, quantities (child and adult), colors (plants at different times of the year), a different spatial location of objects and parts (a bird sits, flies, pecks grains, fish floats in different directions etc.); Design details can also be located differently.
When drawing drawing, children get acquainted with materials (paper, paints, chalk, etc.), with their properties, expressive opportunities, acquire the skills of work.
In the field of visual activities, the speech of children is developing: the assimilation and name of the forms, colors and their shades, spatial designations contributes to the enrichment of the dictionary; Spellings in the process of observations of objects, when examining items, buildings, as well as when reviewing illustrations, reproductions from paintings, artists have a positive effect on the expansion vocabulary and the formation of a connected speech.
Fine activity is closely related to sensory education. The formation of ideas about objects requires learning knowledge about their properties and qualities, shape, color, magnitude, position in space. Children determine and call these properties, compare items, find similarities and differences, that is, mental actions produce.
In this way, fine activity Promotes sensory education and development of visual-shaped thinking. Children's fine creativity has a public orientation. The child draws not only for himself, but also for others. He wants his drawing something to say that they shown them to recognize.
The social orientation of children's visual creativity is also manifested in the fact that in their work, children convey phenomena of public life.
The value of the visual activity for moral education is also in the fact that in the course of these classes, children are brought up by moral and volitional qualities: the need and ability to bring to the end to the end, concentrately and purposefully engage in, helping a friend, to overcome difficulties, etc.
In the process of visual activity combines mental and physical activity. To create a picture, it is necessary to make efforts, work work, master certain skills. The visual activity of preschoolers teaches them to overcome difficulties, to show labor efforts, master the work skills. First, children have an interest in the movement of a pencil or brush, to the traces of them left on paper; Gradually appear new motives of creativity - the desire to get the result, create a specific image.
Preschoolers are seized by many practical skills, which will later be needed to perform a wide variety of works, acquire manual skillfulness, which will allow them to feel independent.
The basic value of the visual activity is that it is a means of aesthetic education.
For the aesthetic education of children and for the development of their visual abilities, acquaintance with works of fine art is of great importance. The brightness, expressiveness of images in pictures, sculpture, architecture and works of applied art causes aesthetic experiences, help deeper and fully perceive the phenomena of life and find figurative expressions of their impressions in the drawing, modeling, appliqués. Gradually, children develop an artistic taste.

Tasks of the visual activities of children 3 - 4 years

    To offer children to display in the drawings of their impressions of the world around the world accessible graphic and picturesque means.

    Continue to learn to draw pencils and felt-faucers - carry out lines (vertical, horizontal, wavy, curves) and climb them into forms, thereby creating expressive images.

    Continue to acquaint children with paints and form paint drawing skills (pick up the paint onto the pile: carefully to upload it to all the pile in a jar with paint, remove the extra paint on the edge of the jar with a light touch of the pile, rinse the brush well before typing a paint of another color; teaching Brush about a soft rag or paper napkin; carry out lines, draw and paint closed forms).

    Fasten the knowledge of the names of flowers (red, blue, green, yellow, white, black), to acquaint with shades (pink, blue, gray). To draw the attention of children to the selection of the color corresponding to the item depicted.

    Learn the rhythmic application of lines, strokes, spots, smears; accompany the movement of a pencil or a brush with words, game actions (for example: "Rain, more often - Cap - Cap!", "Felling legs along the track - Top - Top!").

    Acquaint the children to decorative activities: Learn to decorate the silhouettes of items silhouettes cut by the educator (Dress, Cese, etc.)
    Learning to portray simple items, draw straight lines (short, long) in different directions, intersect them. To bring children to the image of items of different shapes (rounded, rectangular) and objects consisting of combinations of different forms and lines (nevosha, snowman, chicken, trailer, etc.).

    Form the ability to create uncomplicated scene compositions, repeating the image of one item (Christmas trees on our site, dandelions in the grass) or depicting a variety of items, insects, etc. (Kolobok rolls along the path and others.). Learning to have images throughout the sheet.

The tasks of the visual activity of children 4 - 5 years.

    Continue to form in children the ability to draw individual items and create plot compositions, repeating the image of the same items (trees on our section in the winter, chickens are walking along the grass) and adding others to them (sun, falling snow, etc.).

    Forming and securing ideas about the form of objects (round, oval, square, rectangular, triangular), size, location of parts.

    Helping children when transmitting the plot to have images on the entire sheet in accordance with the content of the action and the objects included. To direct the attention of children to transmit the ratio of items in size: a high tree, a bush below the tree, flowers below the bush.

    Continue to fix and enrich the ideas of children about the colors and shades of surrounding items and objects of nature. Add new (brown, orange, light green, already known colors and shades. To form an idea of \u200b\u200bhow you can get these colors. Learning to mix paint to get the desired colors and shades.

    Develop a desire to use in drawing a variety of colors, pay attention to the bruising of the surrounding world.

    Fasten the ability to properly hold a pencil, brush, felt-tip pen, color chalk; Use them when creating an image.

    Teach children to paint the drawings with a brush, a pencil, conducting lines and strokes in only one direction (from top to bottom or left to right); rhythmically apply strokes, strokes in all form, without leaving the limits of the contour; Wide wide lines with all the brush, and narrow lines and points - the end of the pile of the brush. Fasten the ability to purely rinse the brush before using paint of another color. By the end of the year, to form in children the ability to get bright and dark shades of color, changing pressure on a pencil.

    Forming the ability to correctly transmit the location of the parts when drawing complex objects (doll, bunny, etc.) and relate them in magnitude.

    Continue to develop aesthetic perception, imagination, aesthetic feelings, artistic - creative abilities.

Decorative drawing:

    Continue to form the ability to create decorative compositions based on folk patterns and ornaments. Use DPI for the development of aesthetic perception of excellent and as samples to create patterns in the style of these paintings.

    Learning to allocate individual elements of patterns and ornaments, see and call the colors used in the painting.

The tasks of the visual activity of children 5 - 6 years.

Subject drawing:

    Continue to improve the ability to transfer objects, objects, characters fairy tales, literary works in the drawing. To draw the attention of children to the differences in the form in the form, the magnitude, the proportions of the parts; Improve them to transfer these differences in the drawings.

    Learn to transfer the position of objects in space on a sheet of paper, to draw the attention of children to the fact that items can be located differently on the plane (stand, lie down, change position: living beings can move, change poses, etc.). Learn to transfer the movements of figures.

    Contribute to mastering composite skills: to learn to place an object on a sheet, taking into account its proportions (if the item is pulled in height, position it on a vertical sheet; if it is pulled into width, for example, not very high, but a long house, to have horizontal). Fasten ways and receptions of drawing with various visual materials (color pencils, gouache, watercolor, colored chalk, pastel, savgin, carbon pencil, markers, variety of brushes, etc.).

    Mode the object drawing skills with a simple pencil with a light pressure on it so that, with the subsequent painting, the image has not remained hard, coarse lines, dirt drawing.

    Learn to draw watercolor in accordance with its specificity (transparency and ease of color, smoothness of the transition of the same color in another).

    Teach children draw with a brush in different ways: wide lines - all pile, thin - end of the brush; Apply strokes, apply a brush to all porcelain to paper, draw minor spots to the end of the brush.

    Consider knowledge of already known colors, familiarize with new colors (purple) and shades (blue, pink, dark green, lilac), develop a color feeling. Learning to mix paint to obtain new colors and shades (when drawing a gouache) and light color, adding water into the paint (when painting watercolor). When drawing a pencil to learn to transmit colors, adjusting pressure on a pencil. In pencil performance, children can, adjusting pressure, transmit up to three shades.

    Scene drawing:

    Teach children to create plot compositions on the themes of the surrounding life and on the theme of literary compositions.
    Develop composite skills, learn to have pictures on the strip at the bottom of the sheet, throughout the leaf.

    To draw the attention of children to the value of different items in the plot (large houses, trees are high and low; people are smaller than houses, but more growing flowers in the meadow). It is necessary to learn the objects in the drawing so that they do not bloc on each other.

Decorative drawing:

    Continue to acquaint children with the products of folk crafts, offer to create images based on folk decorative painting, get acquainted with her color building and composition elements, seek large diversity used elements. Continue to acquaint the varieties of ornaments, with their color decision to learn use for decoration.

  • To acquaint with regional (local) decorative art.

    Learning to draw up patterns based on Goldeean, half of the Maidan, Gzhelev paintings: to acquaint with the characteristic elements (buds, flowers, leaves, grass, mustaches, curls, branches).

    Learn to create patterns on sheets in the form of a folk product
    For the development of creativity in decorative activities, use ornamental fabrics. Provide children with paper in the form of clothing and hats, household items (napkin, towel).

    Learn to rhythmically position the pattern. Offer to paint paper silhouettes and volumetric figures.

The tasks of the visual activity of children 6 - 7 years. Subject drawing:

    Improve the ability to depict object items and from nature; Develop observation, the ability to notice the characteristic features of objects and transmit them to the drawing (shape, proportion, location on a sheet of paper).

    Improve image technique. Continue to develop freedom and at the same time the accuracy of the movements of the hand under the control of view, their smoothness, rhythmic. Expand the set of materials that can be used in drawing. Offer to connect different materials in one drawing to create an expressive image. Learn new ways to work with already familiar materials (for example, draw watercolor on raw layer); in different ways creating backgrounds for the imageted pattern: when drawing watercolor and ink - until the main image is created; When painting pastels and colored pencils, the background can be prepared both at the beginning and at the end of the main image.

    Continue to form skills freely possess a pencil when performing a linear pattern, learn smooth hand turns when drawing rounded lines, curls in different direction (from the twig and from the end of the curl to the branch, vertically and horizontally), to learn to move the entire hand when drawing long lines, large Forms, one fingers - when drawing small shapes and small parts, short lines, strokes, grass (Khokhloma), animals (town), etc.

    Learning to see the beauty of the created image and in the transmission of shape, smoothness, lines of lines, or their subtlety, elegance, rhythm of the location of lines and spots, uniformity of the painting of the pattern; Feeling smooth transitions of colors shades, resulting in uniform painting and adjusting the pressure to the pencil.

    Develop an idea of \u200b\u200bthe diversity of colors and shades, relying on real color of objects, decorative painting, fabulous stories; Learning to create colors and shades.

    Gradually, to bring children to the designation of colors, for example, including two shades (yellow - green, gray - blue) or amicable natural (crimson, peach, etc.). To pay attention to the variability of the color of objects (for example, in the process of growth of tomatoes, green, and the ripened - red). Learning to notice color change in nature due to weather change (blue sky on a sunny day and gray in cloudy). Develop color perception in order to enrich the coloristic range of the pattern.

    Teach children distinguish between colors shades and transmit them in the picture, develop perception, the ability to observe and compare the colors of surrounding items, phenomena (gentle-green just appeared leaflets, etc.).

^ Scene drawing:

    Continue to teach children to post images on a sheet according to their real location; Transmit differences in the value of the items depicted. Form the ability to build the composition of the pattern; Transmit movements of people and animals, plants inclined from wind. Continue to form the ability to transfer in the drawings as the plots of folk fairy tales and copyright works (poems, fairy tales, stories); Show independence in choosing the theme, composite and color solution.

Decorative drawing:

    Continue to develop the decorative creativity of children; The ability to create patterns based on people's paintings, already familiar to children and new (Gorodetskaya, Gzhelskaya, etc.). Teach children to allocate and transfer the color gamut of the national decorative art a certain species. Fasten the ability to create compositions on sheets of paper of different shapes, silhouettes of objects and toys; to paint toys flattened by children.

    Fasten the ability when drawing up a decorative composition based on a type of folk art, use characteristic patterns for it patterns and color gamut

Classification of learning methods.

The success of upbringing and learning largely depends on what methods and techniques use the teacher to convey to children a certain content, to form knowledge, skills, skills, and develop the ability in a particular area of \u200b\u200bactivity.

Under the methods of teaching visual activities, the system of actions of the teacher organizing the practical and cognitive activities of children, which aims to assimilate the content defined by the "Program of Education and Training in kindergarten".

Teaching techniques are called individual parts, composite parts of the method.

Traditionally, training methods are classified according to the source, from which children receive knowledge, skills and skills, for those means, with which these knowledge, skills and skills are presented. Since the children of preschool age acquire knowledge in the process of direct perception of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality and from the teacher's reports (explanations, stories), as well as in direct practical activity (design, modeling, drawing, etc.), then methods are distinguished:

· Visual;

· Wonderful;

· Practical.
This is a traditional classification.

Recently, a new classification of methods has been developed. The authors of the new classification are: Lerner I.Ya., Shotkin M.N. It includes the following learning methods:

· Informative - recipe;

· Reproductive;

· Research;

· Heuristic;

· The method of problem presentation of the material.
The following techniques are included in the information - the receptive method:

Ø viewing;

Ø observation;

Ø Excursion;

Ø Sample teacher;

Ø Educator's display.
The verbal method includes:

Ø conversation;

Ø story, art historical story;

Ø Using teacher samples;

Ø Artistic word.
The reproductive method is a method aimed at consolidating the knowledge and skills of children. This is a method of exercise, bringing skills to automatism. It includes:

Ø Receive repeat;

Ø work on drafts;

Ø Performing forming movements with hand.
The heuristic method is directed to the manifestation of independence in any moment of work in the class, i.e. The teacher offers a child to perform part of the work independently.

The research method is aimed at developing children not only independence, but also fantasy and creativity. The teacher suggests independently do not any part, but all the work.

The problem of problem presentation, according to Didakt, cannot be used in training preschool children and junior schoolchildren: It is applicable only for senior schoolchildren.

In its activities, the educator uses various methods and techniques in drawing.

So in drawing the main reception for the first youngest group - the show, how to use pencils and paints. The most effective intake - passive movements, when the child does not act independently, but by means. Effective gaming fine movements of a homogeneous, rhythmic nature with progress of words: "There - here", "top - down", etc. This technique makes it possible to associate the image of the object with the visual movement.

Reading poems, Plees, Songs in class - the most important methodical technique. Another technique of work in the first youngest group is the creation of a teacher with children.

In the second younger group, the informational method is actively used in drawing classes. Especially useful before the effective way to meet the form of the subject: the children will drive the shape of the hand, play with flags, balls, balls, feel their outlines. Such an object survey creates a more complete picture of it.

Acceptance of the examination of the object by the movement of the hand along the contour and show this movement in the air. The direct display of the image method is applied only when this form meets for the first time.

"The child can, everything, until he knows that something can not," said the famous Russian teacher at his time. The kid sensually perceives color, color relationships and their impact on the mood. It is important not to miss this age feature And do not ruin in the child the ability to color perception. It is necessary to develop a feeling of color, to help look for your understanding, learn through the color to express their emotions, and not repeat their ideas about the color of color, largely limited stereotypes.

To do this, you need to create certain conditions. At this age there is a desire for free drawing, manipulating with paints, i.e. The baby is interested in not so much the plot of the pattern as the process of changing the surrounding color. Children of this age are rejugging and blurred, surprised, admire the emergence of new color spots.

The real world is full of color wealth. Three main colors (red, blue, yellow) and three components (green, orange, purple) - only a small piece of multicolor palette of the real world. Children find out that by adding black and white paints to the three main, it is possible to significantly expand the world of paints from the enlightened-gentle to the gloomy-disturbing tones. In class, children together with adults mix colors in different combinations, are observed, discuss how their "character" changes, "mood". All this contributes to the development of a child's "special experiences filled with fantasy." For such a work, paints are required (gouache, watercolor), large lists paper (wallpaper), wide brushes.

At the same time, it is important to ask a child, as he chooses colors to work, and maintain, approve if it is guided by feelings that one or another calls, relates it with a general mood that wanted to express in the picture.

Drawing methods are unconventional, which contributes not only to the development of imagination, but also to attach to the world of art. At this age, tactile sensations play a big role in the development of the child. Kids are drawn with finger, palm, spout, paper, cotton, brushes, straws, plugs, not only on the wallpaper, but also on glass, tile.

The process of drawing carries and psychotherapeutic elements. Presence near a teacher or parent makes the process of drawing soothing; Sleepers splashes onto the sheet, and the kids are released from them.

Average group (4-5 years)

At this age, A.N. Leontyev, emotions are becoming more stable. Adequate emotional regulation in various situations is formed on the basis of the ability to distinguish the emotional state by their external manifestations - through the facial expressions, gestures, pantomime, etc.

This is also manifested in drawing: the child appears interest in the line, its plasticity and expressiveness. It is important to catch the moment of the appearance of this interest and develop it to contribute to the expression of feelings and fantasies in the language of artistic graphic images.

Line, trait, barcode can be short and long, inclined and even, slightly noticeable and bright, wave-like and moving in a circle, intersecting and with an influx to another. Through ease, airiness or softness and smoothness, sharpness and aggressiveness can be told about the character of the hero, its attitude towards the world around.

Pencil, Santgina, Coal, Pastel, Mascara - Excellent means to express your vision of the beauty of the surrounding world.

Drawing helps the child to remove the voltage. Attentive teachers notice that the so-called "graphic response" occurs, especially important for those children who cannot express their conflicts and realize them because of the poverty of their dictionary. The drawing is a means of visual connection between the teacher and a closed, closed child.

Classes are organized as a reincarnation game, where the child and adult becomes the actors, then the audience. In order for the game to acquire the effect of isotherapy, movements, music, sounds, touch are used. All this leads to the establishment of emotional contacts between children, between adults and a child.

Senior Group (5-6 years)

At this age, children arise a thrust for subject drawing. The child seeks to create his own image, expressing his attitude towards what he depicts.

In life, the child expresses himself through the mood, word, deed. And in drawing - with the help of color, lines and other expressive means. On some pictures you can see good, air images, warmed by the love of the child. On others - images are completely different: sharp, tough, angular. That is how the child expresses his hostility, disgust, fright. And this should not be upset the teacher, since in drawing there is a "cleansing of the soul".

The senior preschooler has a great ability to reincarnate. And this ability allows him to push the framework of his "I". Reincarnating, baby from the inside sees the life of a fairy-tale hero, animal, plants, or even subject

Preparatory for school Group (6-7 years)

This age is key in the development of imagination. The purposeful development of the mechanisms of creative imagination significantly affects the ability of children to an adequate emotional response, to discern emotional states on external manifestations. That is why one of the areas of work with children of senior preschool age is to train the receivers of self-regulation of the emotional state by means of targeted creative imagination. This is the development of the understanding of the "soul" of the image, the development of expressive techniques.

Senior preschoolers have a critical attitude towards the results of its activities. How important it is to consolidate the child's confidence in the fact that he will be able everything! Do not strive to accurately reproduce the hero, subject on paper. The main thing is to transfer it to individuality, emphasize in it important for the young artist quality through color, light, form, rhythm, artistic means. Thus, the young artist embodies his idea, expresses his own emotional attitude to the world. Therefore, the drawings are very different.

The preschooler begins to feel the role and importance of art, its kindness and strength, organic unity of art and life. Of course, he does not think these categories, but it begins to feel according to its age possibilities.

Takes and methods used in amusement activities

1. Emotional setting

This method implies use in classes musical works. It must be remembered that musical images And the musical language must correspond to the age of children.

In class, music sets up children to a single way: heals excited, mobilizes the inhibited, activates the attention of children. Music can also accompany the process of visual creativity in class.

2. Artistic word

How many points of contact can be found between words and visual arts! They complement each other, activating art perception Image. Especially emotionally children respond to the beauty of poetic lines, they help to comprehend their feelings to preschoolers before taking a brush and paint.

3. Pedagogical drama

In class, children often travel. Travels can be real, fabulous or imaginary. For junior preschoolers, this is a trip to the country of drawing. An entertaining story of fairy tales, unconventional drawing methods - all this helps to develop emotions in children and imagination.

For senior preschoolers, the method of creative visualization is used. Children are conveniently located on the carpet, relax, close their eyes, listen to the sounds of the forest, rivers, the noise of the sea. Calm, the warm voice of the teacher helps to present the picture of nature, which the children will be pronounced in their drawings.

Also, children can travel to real places - in the artist's workshop, to the exhibition hall, make excursions around the city, in the forest or field. During these travel, children directly come into contact with the world of art, meet with genuine masters. All - whether nature, hall or street - becomes for the child a beauty teacher: the artist-man and nature artist help the teacher, will be the feelings of children.

4. Plastic

Preschoolers have a natural grace and freedom of body. Sometimes it seems that they show all their thoughts and experiences through the movement. Initially, almost all the information about the surrounding child receives through bodily sensations, so there are zones, "memorizing" positive and negative prints with the world. And very important when developing a child try to avoid psychological clamps In the body, resulting from negative experiences.

That is why movement, dance is actively used in the visual activity. Exercises such as "Dance of Flowers", "Air Ball", "Cheerful Zoo", "Sea", not only develop plastic, they are aimed at feeling a child of freedom, emotional self-expression.

5. Theater

The elements of the theater are organically included in the exercise of amusement, contribute to the development of feelings in children. There are no memorized roles, positions, gestures - everything is based on the emotional experience of children, on the embodiment of their experiences.

In the younger group use elements shadow Theater.. The image is deprived of details, the child highlights his hero only the main thing is characteristic. More older children can already themselves through lines, colors, by selecting artistic means to transfer the character of a fairy-tale hero - the evil Baba Yaga or the valiant hero of the defender.

The children of the preparatory group continue to get acquainted with theatrical art. Now children already play the selected heroes themselves, pre-manufacturing a mask, is a concise, but a bright way to transfer the character, the mood of the hero.

6. Game

One of the most important development methods inner world The child is a game. V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: "The game is a huge bright window through which spiritual world The child is poured by a lifeful stream of representations, the concepts of the environment. "

The game is the most important method of developing imagination and cognitive abilities of children. The game is easy to direct the child's attention to the most important guidelines - moral, aesthetic.

7. Use of non-traditional drawing methods.

The most affordable of many methods of non-traditional drawing techniques - is drawing with fingers (finishing). It can be used starting from the younger group. Such drawing develops a shallow motorcy, and therefore speech skills. One of the varieties of this method is a print from hand, which is carried out in senior and preparatory groups. Finger drawing is far from the only way to unconventional drawing, which are used in working with children. Patch (stamps). Monotypia. Spray. Print from hand. Crocked leaf. Drawing on wet paper. Magic thread (nitkography). Stencil (drawing templates). Drawing a candle. Volume Applique. Spot drawing. By smell. Cleaxography.

It is important to note that after the end of the drawing process, for each drawing, it is necessary to talk with children: what is drawn to what it looks like. Also when group work You can use additionally other correction methods, for example, the creation of collages, drawing fantastic heroes using the morphoanalysis method.

A psychologist, as well as an educator working in a preschool institution in its work, it is necessary to adhere to the basic rules for using non-traditional drawing methods. So, the child must be eligible, the ability to independently choose the pictorial material: colored and simple pencils, watercolor, gouache, pastel, mascara, coal, sangu, colored crayons, wax candles, plasticine, clay, shells, glue, gouache in tubes, various thrus material. All this material must be in an affordable place for the child about the time of all his stay in the garden, if it is impossible, then during the class. The choice of material on which the image will be applied should belong to the child, access to various materials should be free. It can be white, color, velvet, fabric with pattern and monochrome, cardboard, plywood, foil.

Thus, having an idea of \u200b\u200bused non-traditional drawing methods, we can develop a correctional and developing program for preschool children.

Organization and conducting drawing

Preparation of classes

For a successful holding of great importance is the good advance preparation of it. Preparation of the classes consists of preparing the material for the work of children, material for displaying and explaining the educator and preparedness of the tutor itself.

Preparation of material

The preparing the material includes the following:

1 Selection and cutting paper of the desired color, shape and size for paint drawing, pencils. The paper is cut into the most different shapes and the quantity, depending on the fact that the children will be depicted on it. So, for drawing a triangle in medium group Well give a sheet of white paper square shape, 12x12 cm size, and for the image winter Walking It is advisable to cut the rectangles of a gray or blue color of at least 30x40 cm. Decorative composition "Tray" in the preparatory group will require a large sheet of paper oval shape, tinted, etc., i.e., literally for each lesson requires paper of a certain shape, color and Size, and there can be no stencil. Sheets are inscribed before classes, on the back of the side, in the upper left corner, and the name and initial letter of the child's family name is necessarily written, as well as the date of classes. When the paper harvesting should always have 5--10 sheets of spare. She is given to children who quickly fulfilled the task, with the proposal to draw what they want. Sometimes you have to change the sheet to the child, inadvertently pouring paint paper.

2. Selection of paints and preparation of colors and shades required for this lesson. Spilling cooked paints in a cup and installing them into the palette. All paints in the bottles must be checked in advance and, if required, pour water.

When preparing paints on the eve of classes, it is necessary to add water tea spoon in each of them and stir the bristly (adhesive) brush until it turns out a smooth solid weight of the liquid sour cream. As various shades are drawn up and new colors are a separate topic.

3. Check availability and status of brushes, rags, cans

for water, filling with jams with water.

Water in banks should be pouring in the morning on the day of classes. The water level should not exceed the top bending of the banks, i.e. to be about 3-4 cm below the top edge of the throat of banks. If the water pour more, to the sickness itself, then children when washing brushes will involuntarily spill it, stinging drawings and tables; With the small amount of water, it quickly contaminated from the paints and it has to be changed.

4. Check and sharpening non-ferrous and graphite pencils (when painting with a pencil).

5. Preparation of material for the demonstration during the explanation of the educator. This may include:

a) selection of nature or model;

b) preparation of the sample;

c) material for displaying drawing, cutting or modeling (paper, large brush, paints, coal, sump, clay, large scissors, plasticine, buttons).

All listed material, both for the work of children, and for the show, the educator should be well thought out in advance and is carefully prepared.

The workpiece of the material to such classes, as drawing with paints of 5-10 colors, requires a lot of time, and therefore it cannot be left "in the morning, immediately before the occupation, especially since these watches are usually occupied by morning gymnastics, individual work with children or walk. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare the material, as a rule, on the eve, and sometimes even earlier. You can leave only such minced things as the inscription of sheets of paper, spilling cooked colors in a cup.

The preparation of the material should gradually attract children, which will give them certain knowledge and skills, will educate the elements of hard work.

So, children 4-5 years old can be entrusted to lay brushes in the stand, and for children 5-6 years old - to pour water to rinsing with brushes, make some colors of paints, etc. In the preparatory group, this load can be increased by offering children to check out pencils In boxes, repair broken and so on.

Different classes The visual activity requires various techniques. In some cases, there is a natural or model,

in others, it appears to show the image techniques, in third

need a sample. However, it is necessary to remember well - whatever

it was shown to children, to this you need to prepare in advance, but only in different cases this preparation is of different character.

For example, if the drawing of the branches with leaves is drawn, then it is necessary to pick up a suitable twig on the eve

and see whether it is available to children's perception and image, is not difficult if there is anything unnecessary (for example, a large number of leaves closing each other, then remove it unnecessary; think about how to arrange a twig on paper - obliquely, horizontally or vertically to underline something characteristic (for example, for birch will be a natural position of the branch from top to bottom, and for willow - horizontal, as it reveals better and emphasizes its smooth bent); attention should be paid and on the color of nature - how

combined with the selected paper paper, better pick this

background. If the toy serves as a toy, you have to think about how to show it in such a way as to emphasize, reveal the main thing. For example, children 3-4 years old are better to leave only 3 balls out of 5 in the turret, but pick them up so that the difference in the size rushes into the eyes would be well noticeable. And such

thoughtful, serious relationship requires every nature.

If you need to show image receptions, you need not only to prepare the material for this (paper, paint, coal, etc., but also to practice your hand and eyes on the eve, drawing this image on the paper of the desired size first on the table, and then And in a vertical position, on the easel, that is, as it should be done before the children. When you show the entire group of children, you should replace the pencil with coal for artists, Sangina or Pastel, which leave a bright, wide track on paper. If a sample is needed (for example, in decorative drawing, it should also be done in advance, in the same material that the works will be performed, but more than children, ranging from 1, 3 to 1, 5 children's work

All appearances of drawing techniques should be carried out leisurely, accurate, clear movements, accompany the appropriate explanation. None in words, nor in the movements there should be nothing superfluous.

The words with which the tutor will turn to children should be simple and accurate. The text of the appeal is very clearly so that only the necessary, guiding words in it. Therefore, it is recommended, having thought over the entire course of classes and your appeal to children, write it, and after some time to view the record and, maybe, replace some words more accurate and figurative, something irrelevant to delete anything and so on.

Organization of classes

In organizing classes, a clear sequence of work stages and the distribution of duties between the educator, nanny and children are playing. This is especially important when it has to rearrange the tables closer to the light or when landing four children for a six-bed table to put extra tables. Therefore, by taking a group, the educator should immediately think about the placement of tables for classes, try to try several options and stop at the best. It is advisable to consolidate every child a permanent place. Children of small growth are planted for the front tables, and more highly sear the rear. The exception is made only for children with weakened vision - they are planted for the front tables, despite growth.

In order to faster and more accurately remember the place of each child, the educator makes a scheme for the location of the tables and signs the name of each child. Such a scheme is very useful and with pre-examination of paper for children: Using the scheme, the teacher presses sheets in the order in which it will distribute them to occupation. It is convenient and fast. Approximately once in the first half of the year should produce a new distribution of places: children grow unevenly, and one who at the beginning of the year was small compared to other children, after six months it can overtake them. In addition, some of the children sits back to the windows, you need to transfer them from time to time to brighter places so that they do not strain the vision all the time. It is necessary to determine the place for the easel, on which the display is carried out, the nature is fastened, etc. The light on it should fall on the left or right, so that everything showed is clearly visible. When setting up tables in 2 rows, the easel is located along the passage axis at a distance of about 2 m from the front tables. If the tables are double and stand in 3 rows, then the easel is better to put on the axis of the middle row, but at a distance of at least 2, 5 m.

With a decrease in this distance, the angle of view of children sitting on the left and right behind the front desks becomes too sharp, and they see items and images in a strongly distorted form.

Usually in kindergartens, the distribution of the material and small equipment is fully imposed on duty.

As practice has shown, it is much more expedient to combine the work of duty officers with self-service children. This disciplines children, creates a serious, business attitude. The entire preparation process passes many times faster than when you only duty. Children produces a valuable habit of independently prepare everything for themselves, and then remove everything for them, which is very useful to them when entering school. Self-service should be introduced from the second younger group, giving the most simple orders at first to all children, for example, bring a pencil box for themselves or a stand with a brush. Gradually, a year from year to year should increase the requirements, seeking to ensure that each child will fully prepare a workplace fully and completely removed him at the end of the work. It is organized by approximately as follows.

The second younger group (3 - 4 years). Children, graduating from breakfast, go to play. Nanny at this time removes from the tables and wipes the floor, immediately putting the chairs as it is required for classes (4 stools, each to the feet of the table, and also prepares extra tables.

If the tables at the time of classes move closer to the light, at the end of the breakfast, it should be offered to children to immediately take their chairs and put them along the free wall and simpleness so that they do not interfere with the movement of the tables. While children are engaged in the placement of the chairs, the tutor puts in two places that the equipment they will take themselves: tassels, stands for them, lining, rags, pencil boxes. Then the teacher and nanny put tables as needed to occupy. The educator offers children to remove toys, take the chairs and put them to the tables in their places, and then bring and put on the right stand and tassel, and near the jar with water folded rag. While children do all this, the teacher puts the jars with water and sets of paints. After that, children are offered to get quietly sitting at the tables and the teacher distributes the paper sheets in advance. The occupation begins.

At the end of the classes, children should quiet their chairs and attribute (each) to the place stand, brush and cloth. Drawings made by pencils, children bring and immediately put on a stand, better leave the paints for some time on the tables for grazing, and later the tutor puts them on the stand for viewing.

Water and paint cans are made up with an educator or nanny on the desktop table. Here, the duty officers bring individual small equipment collected by the children (brushes, stands, etc., and brushes for paints, the tutor is advisable immediately to rinse it right under the crane so that they do not dry.

Note: At the beginning of the school year (1-2 months), all the small equipment lays out and removes the educator.

The average group (4 - 5 years). The teacher rearranges the tables with the help of duty (by the end of the year they do it on their own on their own, puts water on each table, paints. At the end of the classes, the paints merge into the vials and soaks the jars from under them, later it washes them and banks from underwear Brushes.

The duty officers of the first half of the year do the same as in the previous group. In addition, water is poured in advance. In the second half of the year they themselves bring and put water and prepared by the teacher of paint. When the lesson is completed, they fulfill the whole of the same work as last year, and beyond that - relate and pour water, collecting sets of paints from tables, put them in an agreed place. By the end of the year, they help the teacher wash banks and palettes. Check the stacking of color pencils in the box (sequence of colors on the spectrum, stripped end of one direction). The rest of the children perform the same as in the younger group.

Senior Group (5 - 6 years). Educator, setting the order of the arrangement of tables for classes (if double tables, then they are put in 2-3 rows, introduces all children who, in the future, dudder, will have to have tables in this order. The educator only observes duty, giving instructions , advice and evaluating their work. During the first month, he teaches children with the right and rational techniques of washing dishes from under the paints, helping them; in the future only observes the implementation of the established rules. In this group it is advisable to appoint 3 pairs of duty by the number of rows Charging each pair of arrangement and equipment of your row of tables.

The duty officers arrange the tables, put water, paints, glue, paper on them. After classes, water is poured, soaked dishes from under the paints (later they wash it). The paints that remained after drawing are merged into the vials by the educator. All children perform the same as in the preceding groups. At the end of the classes, all individual equipment is put in place.

Preparatory group (6 7 years). The educator, determining the responsibilities of the duty and other children at the beginning of the year, only observes their implementation. The duty officers arrange in working order tables, attribute wine glasses with brushes or graphite pencils, lining, box with rags, stands. If watercolor paints are drawing, then they are soaked to break them. The duty officers are watching the preparation of all children of their jobs. At the end of the lesson, it is followed that everyone does not only remove all individual equipment for "by themselves, but also left the workplace in the sample order (purely, the chair is put exactly, on the floor clean). The duty officers are palettes, they clean the brushes.

All children on the instructions of the educator fully equip their workplace, i.e., except for individual equipment, they themselves bring and put water, sets of paints. It is advisable to distribute this job as follows: if the tables are double, then, for example, today they pour and bring water all children sitting on the left, and the sitting on the right brings and put the sets of paints, in the next lesson they change roles. Such a distribution creates greater clarity in organizing classes.

In this group, when painting, paints can be resolved in some cases to exit the child due to the table, change the water, when painting with pencils, change the broken pencil or take an additional one. It is necessary to teach children to do it if possible silently, so as not to interfere with others work. Signed sheets of paper, as well as individual nature, the teacher distributes himself, distributing the latter, taking into account the possibilities of each child.

Organization of the lesson process

The process of occupation is divided into 3 parts:

1) the introductory part - instructions of the educator, conversation with children;

2) guide to the process of performing work and

3) Final part - view and evaluation of children's work.

The first part of the lesson. Specifications are given at each session of the visual activities, whether it is drawing from nature, on the plan, plot drawing, decorative work. Depending on how well this part is prepared, they will be good or bad results of classes. Therefore, in each case, it must be thought out in advance and worked out. The structure of this part of the lesson is approximately as follows:

1. Message content of the upcoming work, creating interest and emotional mood.

2. Analysis of the depicted (nature, sample, reminder of the text seen earlier, reading the text. Conversation with children.

3. Specific instructions for the performance of work. The active participation of children in explanations and showing of execution techniques.

In these three parts, a new content is invested each time. In addition, the ratio of the parts mentioned changes: in some cases, the problem is larger place, for example, in subject drawingIn others - the creation of a living, expressive image, for example in plot drawing, etc.

The first words with whom the educator turns to children,

must be emotional, to interest children upcoming work, create a living image that children will draw, cut or sculpt.

In the younger and secondary groups, interest in the lesson can be excited by making it elements of the game: a conversation of children with a teddy bear or a doll, with a snowman like a living character, including playing actions, moments of surprisations, unexpected toys, etc.

In senior and preparatory groups, the conversation should be conducted in a more business and serious tone, but do not forget about expressive intonation.

Then an analysis of the subject is carried out, which children will be depicted, or sample. The educator sets questions - children answer. Bad, when the teacher explains everything and tells himself, without causing children to responds, to the conversation and not giving food to the children's mind. Explain only the fact that new or difficult for children should be explained; If you can rely on the previous experience of children, then you should contact their memory and intelligence, asking questions, causing to statements, comments. During the conversation, it is useful to call 1-2 children to Easel and offer a gesture to show what it was said. Here is an example of such an analysis for children 5-6 years.

Children to paint well, let's get it better. What is the form of a bear torso? Tell me, Olya. True, oval. And head? Yes, round and on her semicircular ears. Paws have a bears, too, oval, but the elongated form. And where are the front paws attach? Vova, tell me. That's right, upstairs, to the shoulders. And rear? Of course below. Nina, come here, show and name, that you first draw that later. Right, first in the middle of the sheet a large body of oval shape, then a round head top, and after the paw.

In some cases, when children are excited by anything, are not yet well organized, or when everyone needs to show anything from a close distance (there may be other reasons, the teacher collects them around him. Appeals to all, speaking about what will be Doing, or promises something to show, or shows anything like a thing, toy, etc.

After the children calmed down and their attention was collected and their curiosity was collected, the educator invites them to sit quietly. If necessary, the educator gives additional explanations or shows something when everyone sat down at the tables. Various organizations of children in the course of the first and second part increases the susceptibility of children, interest in the lesson. You can delay the children worthwhile for more than 1-2 minutes.

Specific guidelines on how to perform work, the sequence is particularly important. In this, children should also take an active part - to answer questions, remember the ability to remember earlier. The educator excites the thought of children, their initiative regarding what can be cut, cut, stick, draw. It causes individual children to the easel to display.

Before starting work, children should understand why they should begin and how to act. These instructions give them an educator.

Manual process performance. In the process of doing the work of the work itself, the educator must lead the occupation as a whole, and also pay attention to individual children, without losing sight of neither one or the other. In some children, the work argues and proceeds exactly, others immediately after starting it difficulties: they have no confidence in how to do, and they begin to slow down, which immediately reduces the pace of work and interest in it. There may be several people in the group of such doubtful children. Sometimes it is useful soon after the start of the classes to show all the children successfully started work and emphasize that it is well done in it. This general instruction will help unrecognizable children to start and continue working in a good pace, simultaneously with the whole group.

After the educator was convinced that he had established the work of the Group as a whole, he could go to individual leadership for a while. However, it is not particularly worth a hurry. Since it is desirable. So that the children challenged themselves to resolve the difficulties. If the teacher is convinced that the child really cannot cope with difficulty, then it should be helped by him, mainly in the form of leading issues, sometimes councils and only in rare cases by showing the image of something and only on a separate sheet, and not in the picture of the child .

From time to time should be broken from individual aid for that. To see how the whole group works. If any common difficulty or error is planned, then you must suggest to all children to suspend work and listen to additional clarification. If the child wants to ask about something as a teacher. Then he should raise his hand to wait until the teacher is suitable for him.

Final part of the classes. Final part of the class - view and evaluation of children's works by children and the educator. In most cases, it is characterized by the detailed analysis, on which all children should be presented. Analysis of children's work is carried out immediately after class or after a walk.

In the first case between the process of work and analysis, a small break is needed to give physical workshop to children.

It is advisable to offer children to stand out of the tables and remove individual equipment, and then immediately collect them with a semicircle (or planted them again) near the stand and give an assessment of the work done. It is very active and fruitful analysis passes after a walk, it takes only 5 - 7 minutes, which does not violate the general regime of children's life.

Questions asked as an educator when analyzing should be diverse. It is impossible to drive everything to "right" or "incorrectly".

When working on the plan, the attention of children should be attracted to that new and interesting, which manifested in any work.

When evaluating the plot and many subject figures, it is first necessary to emphasize the figures, the characteristics of the characters (the funniest and cheerful parsley, Wonderful dancing matryoshka, etc.) and expressiveness of the action (fox sneaks, chickens catch the beetle, etc.).

In the drawings from nature - on the correctness of the structure of the subject.

In all cases, children's attention should be paid to the aesthetic quality of work - the beauty of the color farewell, the pleasant of the eye is located on the sheet of paper, sometimes clean and accurately.

After the statement of children, the final words say the teacher. He gives a common assessment of the lesson, allocating in some works what he considers it is important. This sums up the lesson.

Literature and sources of information:

    Kazakova R.G. Drawing with preschool children. - M.: Creative Center Sphere - 2004 - 463c.

    Komarova T.O. Fine activity in kindergarten. Training and creativity. - M.: Pedagogy. - 1990. - 281c.

    Sakulina N.P., Komirovat. Fine activity in kindergarten. - M.: Education - 1982 - 318c.

Draw a pink flamingo. Forget-me-notes in the fog. Starry sky. Spring drops. Festive salute. A certain pattern of folk crafts. In each publication of this section, a specific goal is based on. And stepwise shown how to achieve it. Great amount ready-made abstracts for better classes and nodes on drawing.

Positive ideas to help the mentors of young artists, born during their own work experience. Classes for both classic drawing and all sorts of non-traditional products. Designed for both babies and older guys. Choose and use in your pedagogical activity.

Draw with children on any topics, together with maams

Contained in sections:

Publications 1-10 out of 10150 are shown.
All sections | Painting. Abstract drawing classes, nodes

Node Abstract using unconventional drawing equipment with children of the middle group "Butterfly-Beauty" Unconventional fine technicians are effective tool Images including new artistic and expressive techniques for creating an artistic image, composition and color, allowing to provide the greatest expressiveness of the image in creative work so that children ...

Abstract Cracks on drawing "Combs for doll" Abstract classes For artistic - aesthetic development. From. Developer: Mikhalevskaya S.S. Subject. "Cottle for doll". Forms work: Product Manufacturing Workshop children's creativity. Purpose. Improving skill draw a brush. Tasks. Fasten skills paint...

Painting. Abstract drawing classes, NOD - Abstract Classes for drawing "Snegiri on Ryabina branch" in the preparatory group

Publication "Abstract Classes on drawing" Snegiri on Rowan Branch "in ..." An abstract of classes on "artistic and aesthetic development" in the preparatory group (6-7 years) Topic: "Snegiri on Rowan Branch" Dominant Education Area: Artistical and aesthetic Integration of educational areas: Socio-Communicative, Cognitive, ...

Library of images "Maam-Pictures"

Purpose: Drawing a picture "Tank on a parade" as a gift dad. Tasks: * Teach children draw tank using non-traditional drawing tools; * Fix the skills of drawing with a tych and a cocktail tube strapper, * fix the knowledge of the location of the subject on the sheet ...

Purpose: Teach children to draw a portrait of a person (dad) in memory. Tasks: - develop observation, the ability to notice the characteristic features of the person's face (dad) and transmit them to the drawing (form, proportion); - encourage children to connect different pictures in one drawing ...

Tasks: to expand the knowledge of children about the army, continue to form ideas about the birth of troops, about the defenders of the Fatherland; Rise love to the Motherland, feelings of pride in their army; fix the skill to draw military equipment. Materials: wax crayons, simple pencil, marker, ...

Painting. Abstract drawing classes, NOD - Abstract Classes "Russian Folklore Dance Pictures"

Dominant area: artistic and aesthetic goal: show the beauty of the Russian language through oral folk art, expressed in the dance movements of the problem: educational: - to know children with costumes, music, cultural features of the Russian people; - Go with ...

Abstract of directly educational activities for drawing for children of junior pre-school "Cockerel" Abstract of directly educational activities for drawing for children of the younger preschool age "Cockerel" (based on Filimonovsky toys) Tasks: Continue to acquaint children with a Filimonovsky toy. Create conditions for creativity of children based on Filimonovskaya ...

In kindergarten drawing takes leading place In teaching children with visual art and includes three types: drawing individual items, plot and decorative. Each of them is characterized by specific tasks that determine software and maintenance of work. The main task of learning drawing is to help children know the surrounding reality, to develop observation from them, to bring up the feeling of excellent and teach images, at the same time the main task of visual activities is carried out - the formation of the creative abilities of children in creating expressive images of various items available for age as visual means.

Drawing individual items

Competent, realistic image of the subject in the picture involves the transfer characteristic form and parts proportional to the ratio of parts, promising changes, volume, movement, colors. Consider the extent to which the solution of these tasks is available to the preschooler.
Studies of Soviet psychologists have shown that in the perception of the subject the mainly defining feature is a form that helps the child to allocate one subject among others. Errors In the image of the form are explained not so much in the incorrectness of the representations and the absence of skills, as inability to properly analytically perceive the subject. Since the visual skills in the child are still very imperfect, and impressive difficulties are facing. In the picture, the shape is limited to a linear contour.
But at the same time, the correct lines and the image of the contour in the first stages of work on the drawing cannot serve as a primary task.
It is impossible to circle the line of the contour, if there is no longer found, since it is always inconsistent, changing and circulating it - the result, the final stage of the drawing.
The artist depicting the subject comes from the sketch of the main form. Preschooler, especially 3-4-year-old, is difficult to such a path of the image. It can not imagine the whole subject in the ratios of all its parts. For him it is easier to draw the subject consistently, part of the part. This method facilitates the work of the child - by finishing one part, he recalls or sees in kind, which follows next, and shares it. Gradually, you need to teach children to start a drawing from a common sketch, since in the work in parts there is its own complexity that makes it possible to transmit the correct form - the allocation of the main parts and the secondary, their proportional relationships and the location in space.
The general tasks of learning drawing individual items, for all age groups are the following:
To teach the image form and structure of the subject, the transfer of proportional ratios of parts, changes due to a simple movement;
teach the image of some of the characteristic details that make an image expressive, shaped;
transmit the color of the subject in accordance with its content and characteristic of the image;
Develop technical skills in drawing with pencils, paints and other materials.
These tasks are disclosed and specified in the software material of each age group. The material of the program is distributed in quarters, which contributes to its consistent passage and the accounting of the time required to master the new task and consolidation of skills.
The children of the third year of life in their physical and mental development are capable of acquiring the simplest skills in drawing. Studies of the visual activities of children of junior preschool age have shown that the child was already in the second year of life (of course, subject to the study) can properly keep a pencil, a brush; Movements produced during drawing coincide with the overall rhythm of movements that are intensively developing at this age. However, they are more involuntary and lines are not controlled by vision.
With the child of the second year of life, it is already possible to special training in the skills of the image, as it seeks to reproduce the actions of the educator, accompanied by explanations.
When setting learning tasks, drawing is taken into account that in children of the two-year-old age, there is no experience, there are no knowledge and skills, the movement of the hand is not developed. Therefore, the main tasks are primarily associated with a general educational impact on children.
So, the tasks of learning in the first youngest group are as follows:
Cause interest in the process of drawing as an activity that gives the result;
introduce with drawing materials (pencils, paints) and receptions of using them;
Teach an understanding of the adult drawing as an image of the subject;
To teach the receptions of direct, rounded lines and closed forms.
According to the structure, the program for this group differs from the program for the following ages in that it does not have quarterly distribution of material. The consolidation of certain skills is underway throughout the year of study. The first practice of drawing begins with acquaintance with paper, pencil. The teacher explains that these materials differ from the objects known to children - toys, various things. Pencils can produce various actions: the paper was clean, traces appeared on the pencil movements on it. One end of the pencil leaves the traces, the other is not. If you are poorly pressing on it, the traces of paper are not visible, if you press it strongly, the paper will rush. Such an explanation and a visual show attracts a small child to drawing, getting an image, although it does not yet understand that the traces on paper can designate something. The teacher must use the child's interest in the material, but at the same time take into account that the baby can be in front of the game with pencils for a long time (decides them, knocks them, etc.).
T. G. Kazakova and N. Ya. Shibanova in the field of learning painting children of junior preschool age have shown that from the very beginning of training, drawing should be made from the image of the subject, and not from mastering the skill. The figurative principle should be leading for the child throughout the drawing process.
The development of fine skills begins with the conduct of direct, vertical and horizontal lines, first when drawing a drawing started by the tutor (strings to the balls, stems to colors, etc.). The drawn part of the subject determines the direction of the line, the length of which can be different. Then children are proposed to conduct lines independently in these directions based on the perception of various items.
More complex is mastered by painting rounded lines and closed forms, which requires the ability to obey the hand to the exact movement and control of vision, since the end of the line should lead to its connection with the beginning. In the image of rounded forms from children, the transmission of the right circle is not required, although they draw balls, balls. Under rounded form In this case it is understood as an image approaching a circle (for example, ovals or more indefinite forms formed by a closed line that does not have angles).
The program provides for familiarization of children with color. This task is solved when painting paints. The paint leaves a bright mark, stain, which are easily associated with the color of the subject in life.
The subjects of the tasks for the development of a color feeling are associated with the mastery of simple forms - lines, spots obtained by a brush (for example, the themes "Snow drops", "the lights burn on the Christmas tree", "grass grows"). In order for the color to be correctly perceived by children, it should be given in a contrasting combination with a background: white snowflakes - on blue background, yellow or red lights - on a green christmas tree drawn or carved out of paper.
The program involves mastering such technical skills, how to keep a pencil, brush, carefully use them, be able to dial paint only on the pile of brushes, etc.
The child is already at the initial stage of studying must assimilate that any material should be used, guided by defined rules. The lack of demanding from the teacher to use the materials will lead to independent search for technology, to consolidate the wrong skills, which will continue to be a brake in performing more complex drawings.
Thus, mastering the drawing of the simplest visual forms using bright, colorful tones, the child tends to find similarity with the subjects of the surrounding reality, begins to realize the visual capabilities of the materials and independently use the resulting skills as other items.
Children of the fourth year of life understand already the meaning of drawing, although they can not yet depict the item more or less correctly. Its independent drawings representing a shapeless combination of lines, they give random names caused by associations with any sign. The teacher must encourage children's attempts to find the similarity of the drawing with the subject and at the same time learn the correct image of various forms.
At this age, the following learning tasks of the visual skills and skills are put on schedule:
teach the image of a variety of rectilinear and circular forms of simple objects, transmitting their main signs (color, form);
Develop a feeling of color - the ability to distinguish and call the main colors;
Develop composite skills - position the image in the middle of the paper sheet;
Improve technical skills.
In the first younger group, the children studied vertical and horizontal lines without a requirement for the definition of their direction. Therefore, the first task here remains learning to draw straight and rounded lines, but without support for the drawing drawer. The solution to this problem is associated with the development of hand movements.
The program provides for training a variety of lines: from left to right, from top to bottom, crossed, etc. The system of development of the movement of a hand in conducting a variety of lines is developed by the famous teacher E. A. Fleirina and firmly entered the program of learning the younger preschooler.
The subject of exercises in conducting direct lines in various directions is indicated in the program: drawing ribbons, tracks, pencils, rain, etc. The variety of subjects contributes to the preservation of children's interest in classes.
In this group, the task of mastering technical skills is further developed.
Since the content of children's work becomes more diverse and requires the use of several colors for coloring the pattern, brushing brushes is injected. This simple operation requires patience and accuracy from the child.
A difficult task for children of the second junior group is the transfer of a combination of several forms that may be homogeneous (a snowman of two or three laps) or consisting of two different forms (the sun from several straight bands and a circle).
The image of this kind requires not only the ability to subjugate the movement of the hand to the visual form, but also the ability to synthesize these forms, to combine them according to the plan. Since analytic synthetic thinking in a child of three years has been developed very poorly, this task is difficult for it. Therefore, the program provides an image of objects including a compound of only two heterogeneous parts or a rhythmic repetition of the same shape (for example, the rays of the sun, the branches of the Christmas tree).
The image of rectangular shapes requires developed coordination of movements, the ability to the right moment Change the direction of movement, creating an angle, or close the line at the starting point. In accordance with this task, the subjects of tasks are chosen - drawing a book, windows, flags and other items that have rectangular outlines.
Simultaneously with the complication of the form, the use of color, which begins to stand out as one of the main signs of the subject is complicated. Children learn to use different colors In the picture for the image of certain items: Red - for the flag, yellow - for the sun, green - for the Christmas tree, herbs, etc.
By the end of the year, children of the second younger group can depict objects, transmitting several signs not only on the task of the educator, but also in their own choice.
The tasks of training in this group are the following: to teach the image of items of round and rectangular forms, the transfer of their structure, the main parts and parts;
teach the use of colors as an artistic expressive agent;
develop composite skills in the location of the subject in the center of the sheet;
Improve technical skills in painting drawing with pencils and paints.
In the first quarter, where the proposed patterns of drawings are familiar to children (drawing a ball, apple, flag), the complication of the software is expressed in more accurate transmission of the shape (oval or circle) and a neat image coloring. The solution of these tasks requires a more developed ability to compare and allocate features of forms that have rounded outlines, but differ from each other in length and width.
New in the teaching of children image of objects is the transfer of structure with rhythmically located parts (at the top - at the bottom, on the one hand, on the other side), as well as some proportional parts ratios. This makes it possible to analyze and compare individual parts of each other. For example, in the second quarter, children draw a snowman, the shape of which consists of circles of different sizes, and a Christmas tree with rhythmically located branches.
For the first time in this group, drawing such a complex for the image of an object is introduced as a person. The image of a person is preceded by drawing simpler forms - snowman, nevoshki, dolls, dolls, where the ratios and shapes of parts can be somewhat violated.
Education of the children of the senior group is aimed at improving the visual skills and the development of the ability to create expressive images using various means of image.
The following are the following:
teach the correct transmission of the form of the subject, its signs, relative size and position of parts;
teach the transfer in the picture of simple movements;
develop and improve the feeling of color;
develop technical performance skills with pencil (hatching methods) and paints (brush action); To teach the drawing receptions with colored shallow, coal, santhan, watercolor paints.
The complication of learning tasks is substantiated by the further development of children. Their experience is significantly expanding; They acquire a lot of new knowledge due to the observation of the surrounding life, reading fiction, adult stories, etc. For them, it becomes possible to draw on topics that are not related to direct perceptions (fabulous heroes), the image of the objects that they have not seen (for example, animals hot countries, etc.).
At this age, children learn to find and transmit similarity and differences in homogeneous objects in the figure. So, in the first quarter, they paint fruits, vegetables, flowers, transmitting their characteristic features (for example, 2 apples of different varieties, characterized by form and color, beets and spruce, having a common round shape for vegetables).
To transmit the characteristic color of items in the older group, a set of colors increase with which children work. In this group, preschoolers get acquainted with the main colors of the spectrum and learn to use their beautiful combinations in the picture.
In addition to color pencils, the children of the senior group use a simple pencil for preliminary drawing of the main parts of the subject.
The senior preschooler is available understanding and transmission in the figure of changes in the position of some parts of the human body: the legs raised, bent in the knees of the legs (themes "children are engaged in physical education", "Parsley dances" and others). The expressiveness of the image in these topics is achieved due to the image of some of the characteristic parts (clothing of parsley, red hats, Santa Claus) or damn face (Long Nosa in Pinocchio, Beard at Santa Claus, etc.).
The ability to create an expressive image is associated with the development of the ability to notice the characteristic features of the objects (for example, when painting from nature, branches with kidneys, leaves, snowdrops, and in the summer mushrooms of different types, berries, flowers, butterflies). If in the middle group for drawing from nature, items with a symmetric location of parts were selected, then a more complex nature is used in the senior group, sometimes not having symmetry.
The preparatory group completes the training of preschoolers of fine skills and skills. Children should come to school, owning initial skills in drawing items from nature and in memory, the ability to see in the surrounding life a variety of forms, paints, position of objects in space.
The tasks of training in the preparatory group are the following:
teach the image of the structure, values, proportions, characteristic features of items from nature and on the presentation;
teach to transfer the wealth of shapes and paints, create expressive images;
develop composite skills (location of the subject on the sheet, depending on the nature of the form and the size of the subject);
develop a sense of color (the ability to transmit various shades of the same color);
develop technical skills (ability to mix paint to obtain different colors and their shades;
apply a pencil touches or brush strokes in the form of the subject).
In children of six years, analytical thinking is quite well developed. They can allocate both general features inherent in the subjects of one species and individual features that distinguish one subject from the other.
This task is carried out from the first quarter, for example, in the image of a variety of trees. Each tree has a vertically directional trunk, thick and thin branches, on them the leaves forming the crown. These signs are transferred to the children of the senior group. In the preparatory group, they are taught to see and draw trees of different breeds, where all these general signs are somewhat peculiar: the tree, the trunk is gradually narrows up and ends with a thin sharp top, and the decays are also narrowed, but at the top branches and ends with a plurality of small branches; In the birch, thick branches go up, and thin long hanging down, and the linden is thin twigs are located parallel to the ground.
There are bent trees, with forked trunks, young and old. The ability to see this variety and convey in the picture develops in children the ability to create expressive images of nature.
The same variety in the transmission of the features of the subject is fixed in the topics on the image of vegetables, fruits, etc. For this, children in the first quarter get acquainted with obtaining shades of color and the preparation of new colors.
The ability to transmit the characteristic features of the structure and shape of the subjects of preschoolers are mastered during drawing from nature a variety of items, first simple in shape and structure: branches of the Christmas tree and pine, fish, birds, dolls.
Based on the available ideas about the real objects, children draw fabulous heroes: hot-bird, horse-bird hump, Morozko, Babu Yagu, etc. Drawing of fabulous heroes contributes to the development of creative imagination.
The expressiveness of the pattern largely depends on the selected vertical or horizontal position Sheet paper. To successfully cope with this choice, the child must carefully analyze the subject in various turns, note the features of its structure.
In the preparatory group, children begin to draw with a preliminary sketch, in which the main parts are scheduled first, and then the details are specified. The use of an outline makes the child carefully analyze nature, allocate the main thing in it, coordinate the details, plan their work.
Images of various items are fixed and improved in plot drawing.

Scene drawing

Tasks and content of training in plot drawing. The main purpose of the story drawing is to teach a child to transmit your impressions of the surrounding reality.
It is known that all surrounding items are in a certain connection with each other. The attitude to any subject or phenomenon depends largely on understanding precisely this connection.
The ability to establish semantic links between various objects and phenomena develops in a child gradually. Therefore, plot drawing with training objectives is introduced no earlier than in the middle group, and at first as an image of 2-3 items located nearby. Naturally, children should be known to know the images of objects that are the main operating heroes of the plot, otherwise the difficulties in the image of unfamiliar subjects distract them from the fulfillment of the main task. However, it should not be limited to the scene drawing by the image of only those subjects that the children have already portrayed. The child should be able to draw the main thing in the plot, and all the details he performs at his request.
The ability to allocate the main thing in the plot is associated with the development of perceptions and analytical synthetic thinking. They have a small child too superficial; He primarily perceives what is directly accessible to vision, touch, hearing, and often recognizes the subject according to some insignificant details that I remember. Similarly, the child perceives and transmits the plot in the picture. Select the main thing, understand the relationships and links of the subject of the plot - tasks are quite complex for the preschooler. They can be solved by the children of the senior group.
In plot drawing it is important to properly convey proportional ratios between objects. This task is complicated by the fact that in the image of the plot, it is necessary to show not only the difference in their size, which exists between them in life, but also an increase in or reducing objects due to the location in space. To do this, the child should be able to compare, compare the objects of the image, to see the meaning between them.
Solve the task of a spatial relationship between objects is very difficult for the preschooler, since he has little experience and insufficiently developed visual skills and skills.
The ideas about the length of space, about the horizon line connecting the land and the sky, children can be obtained mainly when departures on nature (in the forest, field). But even if some of them understand promising changes in the subjects in space, it will be difficult for them to convey these changes on the sheet plane. The fact that in kind is far away, in the figure should be drawn above, and vice versa. These features of the image of space on the plane are available to understand only a senior preschooler who has experience.
So, common tasks Training to plot drawing in kindergarten are the following:
teach the transmission of the content of the topic, allocating the main one;
teach to transmit interactions between objects;
Teach the correctly transmit proportional ratios between objects and show their location in space.
Child learning to plot drawing starts in the middle group. True, in the younger group, some topics offered for drawing sound like plot (for example, "a rod rolls along the track", "there is snow, fell asleep all the earth" and others). But they do not require the transfer of the plot. An indication of the story of the drawing is used to create interest in children in the image of the simplest forms.
The tasks of the scene drawing in the middle group are as follows:
depict 2-3 subjects interconnected by meaning;
Acquire composite skills (learning to have several items on one line depicting space, next to each other or on the entire sheet without designation of the Line Line and the sky).
These tasks are solved on plots, well-known children, on the image of the items that they painted earlier. The need to place on one sheet of several objects requires a developed ability to analyze and synthesize, as well as creatively use acquired skills.
The location of several objects on the same line is the simplest composite solution of the topic. Children of four years are able to assimilate that in life items are located one near the other, so it is impossible on the site of one item to put another one. The straight line on which children draw objects is, according to E. A. Fleirina, the rhythmic simplification of the image of the space of the Earth, which is available to children's understanding.
The themes offered by the Children are easy: a house grows around him, a bench is worth; House or tree, girl walks near; Grass, grow flowers, shining sunshine; Chickens walk on the grass.
In these figures, the plot development of the guys is not shown. Children draw a number of 2-3 subjects, between which there will be no effective communication.
In the middle group, children get acquainted with another admission of the composition of the story drawing - the location of the items on the whole sheet. The teacher distributes the guys sheets of paper of certain colors corresponding to the displayed plot (green - for the glade, blue - for water, yellow - for sand, etc.), and they are freely located on the selected colored background of conceived objects, using the entire plane of the sheet (flowers On the meadow, fish float).
In plot drawing, before children, the task of showing accurate proportional ratios between objects is not made, as it is quite complex and affordable only for children of the senior group.
The content of scene drawings of children 5-6 years is significantly enriched due to the experience gained in drawing. Children include not only objects in their compositions, but already surrounding their situation.
The tasks of the story drawing in the senior group are as follows:
teach the image of the semantic link between objects, the transfer of spatial relations between them;
develop composite skills (draw on the entire sheet, conducting the horizon line);
Develop a feeling of color.
The subject of the story drawing in the older group is determined primarily by the impressions that the child receives from observing the surrounding reality. For children of this age, the content of each topic must be specifically defined. They can not give generalized topics, such as "holiday". They can draw something that is not related to the topic, or to put an overwhelming task that does not correspond to their skills, such as drawing a demonstration.
When drawing on the themes of literary works, preschoolers should give a specific task. For example, in the first quarter, children are invited to portray an episode from the fairy tale "Two greedy bear, when they make cheese. Children are already familiar with drawing toy bear. Drawing fabulous images, they also depict toy cubs with the same rounded parts and a simple design. All objects are located on the same line.
Later, the teacher leads children to a more proper composite use of a sheet of paper when the sky and earth is depicted, giving a finished background for the sky. So, in the image of the winter plot, children are given blue color, which frees them from the need to draw the sky. The guys paint white paint more or less wide earth space (snow), the rest is the sky. Such a reception brings children to independent use of the right comprehensive solution And in other topics.
In accordance with the plot, the color solution of the composition is determined.
The tutor can offer children a one or another background, corresponding to the topic (for example, blue or gray paper for the image of the winter scenes). Sheet background will determine the choice of paints, what children work on their own. On a dark contrast, blonde tones are highlighted: white, blue, yellow. Autumn landscapes expressively look on blue or white backgrounds, with which various warm tones are well combined: yellow, red, orange.
The skills and skills acquired by the children of the senior group allow the teacher to complicate the tasks of training for children of 6-7 years. For this you need:
diversify the content of children's drawings, teach children to independently determine the plot of the drawing on a given topic or on the plan;
To teach the change in the shape of the subjects due to their actions in the plot (for example, the rotation of the body, the tilt, run, etc.);
Develop composite skills - to teach to transfer wide spaces of the earth and the sky on the sheet, the location of the items: close - at the bottom of the sheet and remote - at the top (without resizing);
Develop a feeling of color - to learn yourself to transmit flavor, corresponding to the plot.
At this age, analytical thinking in children has already been more developed, which allows the teacher to put the task of an independent selection of the plot on the subject proposed. For example, in drawing on the topic "Construction of the House", children solve the question of which house, who is building, where, and so on. In drawing on the topic of the Gusi-Swan fairy tales, "Morozko" and other guys choose from the work that episode which they would like to portray.
An independent choice of the plot teaches them to comprehend the perceived phenomena, to understand the connections and relationship between the actors, it is clear to represent the situation and the time of action. If the choice happens unconsciously, the child sometimes combines objects and actions in one drawing, which are not coinciding over time. It is more often this happens when drawing on the themes of fairy tales, stories, when the child knows its content. Without knowing how to disclose the work on separate episodes, it combines them in one picture. Such work suggests that the child does not understand the originality of the visual art, transmitting only one moment of action, and not the entire sequence in time. The educator should help the children understand this.
Children of the preparatory group can depict various items in action and understand that depending on the movement changes the visible form of the subject. For example, in such a topic, as "kids make a snowman", in the older group, the guys depict it and two nearby children with the blades in their hands. And in the drawings of the children of the preparatory group, the same children will be depicted at work: with raised hands near the snowman, leaning, rolled the lump of snow, carry snow on the shovel, carry it on sleds. Such a variety in the positions of figures makes a drawing more substantive and expressive. Complication of the composition composition will also contribute to expressive images. The image of the Earth is not a narrow line, and a wide band allows you to draw much more items, i.e., fill the drawing the entire sheet.
Filling through the entire sheet by the image is connected with complication in the use of color. Children learn to paint the sky with a variety of shades in accordance with the plot: cloudy, gray sky - during the rain, bright blue - on a sunny day, red - at sunrise or sunset.
Bright colors, children depict autumn motifs, use various shades of green when the summer landscape is transmitted, the contrast of the color in the image of winter. The flavor of the spring landscape is difficult to transfer to children, as the use of gray, black paints for the image of a dirty land does not fit them a light, joyful presentation of spring. Pedagogue This should be considered and find joyful topics.
You can offer, for example, the topics such as "ice-frequency" (bright sky, dark water and white ice floes give a pleasant combination of paints), "Snowdrop", "Green grass" (where it is necessary not to depict early spring, and first greens). Particularly joyful in paints is the topic "First May". Children typically draw a multi-time, bright festive design of houses, streets, outbreaks of salute, etc.
The software material shows only approximate topics of the story drawing: based on software requirements, the educator must try to pick up interesting for the guys, taking into account their impressions of the surrounding reality.

Decorative drawing

Tasks learning decorative drawing in kindergarten. Decorative drawing, like all kinds of fine art, develops a sense of beautiful in a child. Works of folk decorative art are close to children with colorfulness, simplicity of composition.
Familiar to children with works of decorative art of various areas and the nationalities of our country, the teacher must educate in the guys love to their homeland, respect for the work of people creating this beauty.
Before teacher, educational children with decorative drawing, the following tasks are:
develop a sense of composition in connection with the construction of a pattern on various forms;
develop a feeling of color;
develop the ability to distinguish styles in decorative art and use their separate elements in their work;
Improve technical skills in painting with brush and pencil.
Teaching children with decorative drawing, the teacher should develop the ability to see the relationship between all the components of the pattern, color, composition, form elements.
The child must feel and understand how depending on the destination and the form of the subject changes decorating his ornament. Hence, he knows the value, the feasibility of registration, the connection of form and content.
Children, getting acquainted with decorative drawing, must learn how to make it clear what rhythm and symmetry is, without which decorative art can not exist.
In decorative drawing, the development of the color of the color is highlighted as an important task. Color in the painted ornament is closely associated with the composition, in the pattern they are inseparable from each other.
To master all the possibilities of color combinations, children of preschool age, of course, cannot, although the feeling of color begins to develop in a pre-school age.
The task of using color in decorative drawing is complicated in each group, starting with the most bright, contrasting combinations and ending with shades of warm and cold colors in different combinations.
The implementation of these tasks can be started when children will make drawing the simplest visual forms, as it will then require the concentration of the guys on a new task - arrangement of these forms in a certain order to obtain a pattern.
Initial Fine Skills Children are acquired in the first and second younger groups, with some tasks in the second youngest group are decorative (for example, decorate the edges of the handkerchief with stripes). But the main purpose of such a classes is not the creation of a pattern, but fixing the skills to carry out straight lines in different directions.
Direct training decorative drawing begins with children of four years. The tasks of learning decorative drawing in the middle group are as follows:
develop composite skills in the rhythmic arrangement of forms in the pattern on the strip, square, circle;
Develop a feeling of color - the ability to beautifully combine contrasting colors;
develop the skills in drawing various large and small shapes - simple pattern elements;
Develop technical skills in the use of the brush (easy to touch the paper, making points; act the entire surface of the brush, conducting stripes, smears).
Decorative drawing tasks in the middle group according to compositional tasks are similar to the sticking of finished forms. Initially, children learn to conduct a brush stresh lines And to apply rhythmic duplicate strokes or points between them, alternate smears in color, changing their position when the pattern is complicated.
The smear is the easiest to perform a decorative element, since it does not require particularly accurate movements and it turns out to be easy to apply the brush to paper. Therefore, first in the pattern turns on the smears, and then the points. The point requires mastering a new brush performance (the brush is kept vertically) and sufficiently developed coordination of movements so that it is only to touch the paper end of the brush.
The composition of the first drawings is also the simplest: rhythmic repetition of the same item. The rhythm of the movement of the hand inherent to a person makes it easier to repetition and helps the transfer of rhythm in the visual forms.
Alternation is a more complex composite reception, as it is based on a combination of several forms. Middle group children are available alternation of two elements in shape or color.
The complication of the software is due to a more complex composition and introducing new visual elements into the pattern. In addition to points and smears, children learn to use the circles and rings in the pattern, with the receptions of which they acquainted in the younger group.
In decorative drawing, the image of these forms changes somewhat: they are smaller, during drawing, everyone must match each other in magnitude and, moreover, they are not related to the subject matter, which also makes their image more difficult for the child.
In addition to strips, children learn to place the pattern on other forms - square, circle. These forms require another composition in the pattern. Naturally, it is impossible to use a simple linear repetition here, since the square has parties, angles, center; In the circle - edge and center.
Children of the fifth year of life can be put up more complex tasks of decorative drawing, as the level of development of aesthetic feelings at this age is much higher.
Children need to teach:
symmetrically position the pattern depending on the shape of a sheet of paper or volumetric subject;
use in the pattern a variety of straight, rounded lines and shapes, vegetable elements;
find beautiful combinations of paints depending on the background;
I skillfully use the brush (draw the end, all the brush, to move it freely in different directions).
Initially, the skills acquired in the middle group are fixed in the preparation of patterns consisting of straight lines, smears, points on different forms. But this is not a simple repetition of the medium group. Children are granted to choose from more than more colors; Elements combined in patterns can be of different sizes.
Children teach in the first quarter to a new technique of building a pattern in a circle - filling out the entire shape of the pattern built from the center, by symmetrical increasing elements on concentric circles. In addition to the square and circle, the children are given an oval, a triangle, roset and hexagon - forms, more complex to build a pattern.
In the senior group, the principle of alternation of elements is more often used as a composite reception, which makes the pattern more decorative. Alternation may include 2-3 elements, different in shape or color.
As elements of the pattern, children learn to use a variety of linear forms (thick and thin lines, smears, points, circles) and more complex shapes - vegetable (leaves, berries, flowers), which are more difficult to repeat several times. Guys show a new reception of drawing with a brush, applying to paper brush plastics. The resulting patterns in the form of petal are good in the pattern of leaves, colors.
In the senior group, children learn to use different colors of the spectrum in combination with a colored background. In decorative drawing, color background can be more diverse than in the thematic drawing. In addition to contrasting combinations, children learn to see the beauty of color in a certain range: blue, blue, white, red, orange, yellow, etc. Children can feel the beauty of a one-color pattern, such as thin lace snowflake patterns, lace.
In the senior group, children teach drawing patterns on bulk forms. The complexity of applying such a picture is that it is difficult to observe the composition of the pattern, since you see it only partially, the elements of the pattern sometimes change their shape due to the convex surface. Therefore, the volumetric items offered to the sketch children should have simple forms. It can be flushed out of the clay toys in the pattern of Dymkovsky - birds, horses. The pattern of the Dymkovsky toy is simple and rhythmic - a combination of straight and wave-like lines of different thickness and dots, circles, rings. In color, these ornaments give the simplest contrast combinations of a white background with several bright basic colors.
The tasks of learning children of the seventh year of life decorative drawing are as follows:
develop a sense of composition: learn to make patterns on flat and volumetric forms depending on their features and purpose of the subject;
Develop a color feel: learning to use a variety of colors with their shades in various combinations;
Learning to see the features of different types of folk decorative painting, use individual elements of folk ornaments in the drawings;
Improve technical skills drawing with paints and pencils.
The preparatory group comes children familiar with the basic principles of building a pattern on round and rectangular forms. They are offered new forms - a rectangle and polygon and various plane forms of objects - vases, jugs, cups, mittens, caps, etc. These items do not have the right geometric shape, and the pattern on them requires the use of different principles (for example, on a jug by The edge of the neck is a linear ornament, on a rounded part - pattern from the center).
The concept of symmetry is complicated. In addition to the location of the same forms to the right and left, children get acquainted with a mirror reflection, where parts of the pattern, accordingly change their position.
The children then master another reception of filling the entire shape with a homogeneous pattern on the principle of a mesh ornament - repetition and alternation of elements in a checker order. Children draw various patterns for fabrics, puppet dresses.
The pattern on the triangle is built not only along the edge and in the corners, and it can start from one corner and spread to the whole triangle. In this case, the form is used equilateral triangle, but an isolated with a straight or stupid angle. The guys draw on them all sorts of squints.
To create a pattern, they learn to use elements of natural forms (plants, animals). Children prepared to school group can apply elements of folk decorative paintings in their pattern, keeping the main style. The teacher must teach children on the patterns of folk art to draw curls, combine large and small forms, decorate them with a small grass pattern, use colors in a certain combination characteristic of this painting (Khokhloma, Dymkovskaya, Ukrainian and other paintings).
In addition to the murals of clay toys on the pattern of Dymkovsky, children can be painted saucers, plates, dad-mache cups based on Khokhloma or gesture painting.
In the preparatory group, the guys learn to use not only paints, but also color pencils. In the more younger pencils, it was used only in thematic drawing, as children cannot achieve the necessary color effect in a pencil figure, which is so important in the decorative pattern. Technical difficulties in a neat uniform bright hatch would take too much attention and children's strength.
In the preparatory group, children already have certain skills, and they can use a pencil to receive different shades, creating a pattern in one color. For example, each row of flower petals from the center is shaped with a pencil with different pressure. Children teach to see the beauty not only bright combinations, but also more gentle, calm and at the same time pleasant to the eye. This task is solved in the preparatory group both when drawing with pencils and paints.
In decorative drawing in all groups, only gouache is used, which allows you to apply color to color, and this is often required in decorative drawings And impracticable when working watercolor.

Methods of learning drawing in age groups of kindergarten

The main principle of learning children of any age drawing is visibility: the child should know, see, feel the subject, the phenomenon that he is going to portray. Children must have clear, clear ideas about objects and phenomena. The means of visibility used in the field of drawing, a lot. All of them are accompanied by verbal explanations. Consider the methods of learning drawing in different age groups of kindergarten.
First younger group. First of all, the career activity itself is a visual basis. The child is watching the drawing drawer and begins to imitate him.
In preschool age, imitation performs an active learning role. The child watching the picture is created, the ability to see the features of the shape, colors in the flat image of their image. But one imitation is not enough to understand the ability to independently think, depict, freely use acquired skills. Therefore, children's teachings are also consistently complicated.
In the works of V. N. Avaneskova, the gradual involvement of children in the joint process of drawing with the educator is recommended when the child teaches the work launched on them - conducts strings to drawn balls, stalks to flowers, sticks to flags, etc.
Positive in this technique is that the child learns to recognize the image being depicted, analyze already drawn and missing parts, exercises in lines ( of different characters) And finally, it gets joy and emotional satisfaction from the result of his labor.
The educator can use the showing of drawing techniques and verbal explanation, and the children will perform the task without reference pattern. It is important here that the process of building a drawing of a teacher's hand was well coordinated with the progress of verbal presentation.
A word reinforced with a visual material will help the child to analyze the visible, realize it, it is better to remember the task. But the child of the younger group is not yet sufficiently developed by the ability of memory. for a long time Save perceived with sufficient clarity (in this case, this is an explanation of the teacher): he either remembers only a part of the instructions and performs the task incorrectly, or nothing can start without a re-explanation. That is why the tutor should once again explain the task of each child.
By the end of the third year, many children no longer require additional explanations: they can draw on their own, using acquired skills and after one time explaining tasks.
The use of various game moments has a positive effect on teaching children of junior preschool age. The inclusion of game situations makes the image of the image are closer, alive, interesting. In drawing paints, the result of activity for a small child is a bright stain. Color - a strong emotional stimulus. In this case, the teacher must help the child understand that the color in the picture exists to recreate the image. It must be achieved that children, working with paints, sought to improve similarity with objects.
If in the first months of study, they imitate their educator, drawing one or another subject, now the teacher gives them a task to draw on their own on the plan, imagination.
Useful to junior preschoolers to give such an opportunity to work independently on the plan on each lesson after performing the learning task (if it was not long).
Such form independent work Children creates a prerequisite for future creative activity.
Tasks learning in the second younger group Related mainly with the development of skills to portray various forms, the development of technical skills in the use of pencil and paints and the ability to portray various items.
Conducting drawing with children of three years requires the specificization of the entire material. Without support for clear views, learning the simplest forms will be an abstract, distracted, incomprehensible to them.
The perception of the surrounding life is the basis of the learning technique. Therefore, all the images with which lines are associated, circles, points must be previously perceived, and not only visually, but in active activities: "On the tracks ran", "the tights of the threads were wound and rolled", etc. Active knowledge of the subject creates Prerequisite and for active action during drawing. System of game exercises, developed by E. A. Fleirina, takes into account this feature of age. In further studies, the method of using these exercises was developed even more detailed.
For example, when drawing direct horizontal lines-tracks, children together with the educator show in the air with the whole hand direction line: "That's what a long track!" After that, the children show how the track, and, finally, paint it with a pencil or paints. In such a sequential multiple repetition of one movement, there is a system based on the features of the physical development of three-year-old children: a gradual transition from more developed major movements with the whole hand to the movement only with a brush (finger on paper) and to an even more limited motion with a pencil, in which the fingers are associated with certain Regulation.
By producing these movements, children can accompany the actions with words, for example: "Rain: Cap-cap", "That's what a long ribbon", etc. This verbal support increases the rhythmic nature of the drawing process, makes more interesting and easier movement itself. Talking children during work can not be banned, they activate the thought of children, will be their imagination.
The tutor should be skillfully directed these conversations by tying them with the resulting manner. T. G. Kazakova recommends include in the drawing process and other means of influence, such as music (rain droplets). This will further enhance the emotional attitude of children and, therefore, the figurative expressiveness of the picture.
In the process of classes, the kids are active all the time, the image that they embody in the picture should live in their consciousness.
This activity is first based on the imitation of the educator. He reminds children about the image of the image, shows new movements that need to master children. At first it makes movement with hand in the air, then this movement repeats along with children. If any of the guys fail, the educator helps the hand of the child take the right position and make the corresponding movement. When a child will touch this move, he will be able to produce it independently. In the same way, you first need to show all drawing techniques. The tutor shows how to properly hold a pencil or a brush, how to gain paint on the brush and lead it on paper.
Children can act independently when all major techniques will be familiar to them. If without knowing the work techniques for the pencil or a brush to provide yourself when performing a task, then it can be gained in the wrong skill, to change which it will be much more difficult, especially if it concerns technical methods of drawing.
As we said, one of the effective techniques visual learning is a drawing of the educator. But the learning drawing even for the smallest children should be finely advertised, not simplified to the scheme. The image should be saved by a living corresponding to the real object.
For example, when showing, how to draw a Christmas tree, the educator must proceed from the requirements of the program for this age - to transfer the main signs: a vertical barrel going on the side of the branch, green. But these signs characterize all other trees. To preserve the image of the Christmas tree, the educator will draw the barrel of the line, expanding the book, the branches (at the top of the next, at the bottom - longer) slightly inclined, without fixing the attention of kids on this. It is important that the visual image from the picture does not disperse with the image of the real object, then the correct image will be saved in the memory of children.
The showing of drawing techniques is important until children acquire skills in the image of the simplest forms. And only then the teacher can begin training preschoolers drawing on visual manuals without the application.
For example, when children learned to draw straight lines and rectangular forms, the teacher can offer them to draw the blades without showing the methods of drawing. The educator at the beginning of the classes is considering with children to the shovel, drives her contours with his hand, explaining its actions all the time. The drawing after such a viewing the guys is performed independently. To whom it is difficult, the educator invites himself to circle a shovel to feel her shape.
Although these items remain before the eyes of children and in the process of classes, they still do not serve in nature.
A three-year-old child is not available to combine the processes of perception and an image that requires the ability to distribute attention, analyze, compare the drawing with the subject.
The image is used at the beginning of the classes to clarify the ideas about form, color, parts of the subject or in the game plan to create an emotional attitude.
In some cases, when it is impossible to show the item to children (due to its large sizes or for other reasons), to revitalize their views, you can use a picture or well-performed drawing.
The image of the subject should be in close-up, with a pronounced form, whenever possible from other items in order not to distract attention from the main thing.
As well as on the subject, the teacher draws the attention of children to the shape, rubbing it with his finger, and on the color of the subject. In the process of occupation, the picture should be removed, since it cannot serve as a model in this group. Adults of adult drawing are complex for children, and, moreover, the picture shows only the result of the work, the techniques remain unknown.
A picture or drawing, made in a realistic spirit creating an artistic image, can be used in the younger group only as an object for perception in order to clarify the views or creating interests to the topic.
In the second younger group, an artistic word is used as a special reception. The possibilities of its application are limited here. Mainly, artistic image is used to attract the interests and attention of children to the subject of classes, the emergence of the emotional attitude.
The educator can start a lesson from a riddle or reading a small poetic passage. For example, when drawing on the topic " Snow goes»To read quadruses from the poem I. Surikov:
White snow fluffy
In the air spinning
And on the ground quietly
Falls, falls.
Riddles and images of poem should be simple and understandable to children, otherwise mental tension associated with their perception, will reduce the emotional attitude and the desire to draw.
This poem can be remembered at the end of the lesson when viewing the drawings and to exchange it to everyone together. Artistic image affects the maintenance of children's work, although this is not illustrative drawing. The dynamics of the image (the snow is spinning, falls), instructions on the color (white snow) cause the child's response when creating an image in the figure.
The viewing of children's work held at the end of occupations and an easy analysis contributes to the upbringing of activity from preschoolers. For this, the educator chooses a drawing, paying attention to the guys on the positive parties in it, asks questions, approves the initiative manifested in his work - the introduction of something new to the drawing. At the same time, he must suffer the guys with the analysis of the drawings so that they are not distracted and focused on the main thing. When analyzing the content, children together with the educator should take into account the quality, accuracy of the task performed. Such a viewing of works helps the guys see the image, notice the inconsistency with the subject, causes a desire to correct the error.
Drawings are unsuccessful, bad show and analyze should not be analyzed, since the qualitative execution at this age depends not often not from the desire of the child, but from its common development And especially from the development of movements. It is important for all children to keep faith in their capabilities, interest in drawing, to creativity.
Children with weaker skills in drawing should be paid to more attention in the process of classes, encourage their desire to draw when they want.
An individual approach at this age is particularly necessary, since it is here that the tendency and ability of children begin to form the tendency and ability of children. To reveal them and develop - one of the major educational purposes.
Before the educator of the average group is a task - to teach children to correctly depict the subject, transferring its main signs, structure, color.
In children who came to the middle group, there are already basic visual skills that allow us to convey the form and some signs of objects. That is why the requirements of the teacher for children increase.
These software requirements are based on the development of the ability of more conscious perception, the ability to distinguish and compare items among themselves in the process of their detailed survey before classes.
That is why in the middle group, the use of nature begins to take a larger place. It can serve as a well-known for children with the subject of a simple form, with clearly released parts, for example, a mushroom (2 parts), a doll-nevosha (4 parts).
When viewed by the subject, the tutor attracts the attention of children to the form and location of parts, their size, color, various details, to facilitate children the correctness of the transmission of the structure. The listing of all these signs of the subject should go in the order that they are given in the image.
Medium group. As in the younger group, the educator when considering the subject enjoys an outlining gesture and verbal explanation.
For children who purchased skills in drawing, this gesture is enough to understand where to start the drawing and in which sequence it is performed.
In the process of occupation, the teacher reminds children about kind, suggests looking at it and draw. At this age, children can not transmit an image from a certain point of view, so the nature must be installed so that they see it from the most characteristic side and clearly distinguished the main parts. If children are sitting in four or six-seat tables, nature must be put in several places so that it is before each child's eyes (all items should be the same). When drawing, the educator should pay attention to the guys only on visible parts of the subject. Natura is used and at the end of work for comparing with it drawings, although the analysis in this group cannot be very detailed and meets only software requirements.
Given the features of four-year-old children, you should include play moments in various teaching techniques. For example, a doll-nevashka asks to draw her portrait, when analyzing works, she looks and evaluates drawings. The game always makes the revival and joy of children, which increases their activity.
In the middle group, a picture or drawing picture can be used to better play the image. Requirements for their use remain the same as in the younger group. Children of four years can not be acquainted with any reception of drawing based on the picture. It serves here only a means of revitalizing child ideas about one or another subject. The content used in the middle group of the picture is, of course, more diverse than in the younger group, since the topics of the drawings are richer: besides the image of individual items, there are simple story scenes here, the tasks of the story drawing.
The display of drawing techniques in the middle group continues to occupy a significant place in learning in those classes where new software is given: the sequence of image parts of the subject, the concept of rhythm, pattern, etc.
For example, the topic of drawing is a snowman. The educator for the first time invites children to transfer the correct proportional ratios and the image sequence. It shows children to draw the drawing of all three balls, starting from the big lower and in parallel sets the guys questions: What is the ball now to draw? Where?
Small details (eyes, mouth, nose, cap) do not need to draw in order not to delay the explanation and leave the opportunity to the guys to show the initiative and finish the drawing.
With all subsequent classes with similar software, but not needed to other topics (nevoshka, matryoshka, doll), it can be replaced by the subject, pictures.
In decorative drawing, it is especially necessary, since the children first get acquainted with the composition of the pattern. The concept of what the rhythm means in the pattern and how to create it in the figure, the child can get, only clearly seeing how the teacher's hand moves rhythmically, causing a strip of paper striped. Then the child is exactly repeated what the teacher did. To secure this skill, children give a task to draw the same pattern on colored strips of paper, but other paints. In such repeated occupations, the educator helps those children who could not cope with the task.
In decorative drawing, a sample of a picture made by the educator can be used, on the basis of which he first introduces children with the principle of building a pattern, with those elements that enter it shows how to work. If it was a new composite reception or a new colorful combination, children repeat the pattern of the sample without a change, otherwise the task may take care of other purposes, the child's own.
When the occupation is repeated, children can draw after viewing the sample independently, since it is not necessarily an accurate repetition of it.
If the child manifests the initiative and creates his own, the educator should approve his work, when analyzing, to draw the attention of all children to the fact that each of them could also come up with something interesting.
For example, in the software material, the task of fastening the ability to rhythmically apply strokes between two lines. On the sample line, green paint is drawn, the smear - red, and the child has changed the colors - the smears gave green, and two rows of lines are red. This means that the child not only learned the software and the skill has been fixed, but the most important thing is that the drawing process becomes not a simple imitation.
In order to develop such an initiative, which is an embryo of future creative activity, with an explanation of the task, the educator invites children to choose what paint draw, how many smears to do in the corners of the square, etc.
A sample in the subject and scene drawing cannot be applied, as it will fight the initiative and the imagination of the child.
Using artistic word In the middle group it takes a greater place than in previous groups.
On the one hand, an artistic verbal image can be used due to the theme of drawing in order to awaken interest, revitalize the images previously perceived in life. In these cases, the Sensual Image must mainly affect the feelings of children and at the same time it is clear to transmit external features of the subject, pointing to any one visible sign.
For example, starting an occupation with reading a poem:
Fall, fall leaves,
In our garden, leaves,
Yellow, Red Leaves
In the wind go on, fly, -
The educator tries to reproduce in the memory of children visited by them leaf fall.
In another case, the educator chooses a riddle, which gives an image with some distinctive features, for example:
Summerly sulfur
Winter white,
No one offends
And everyone is afraid
- And it proposes to draw a gifue. In this case, the verbal image will be the content of children's work. For final Analysis Pictures At the end of the lesson, this mystery will serve as a criterion for the correctness of the drawing.
In the medium group, the drawings analysis at the end of the lesson can be built in different ways.
Children of four years will not be able to give a detailed, reasonable analysis of the drawings, but they are already able to choose the drawing on their own, which they like to say, it looks like or not on the image or sample, is neatly drawing. Justify why it's beautiful, like or not, a teacher will help.
In the middle group, you can arrange an exhibition of all drawings after classes and then analyze the individual works that children choose. Bad work, as well as in the younger group, it should not be shown not to reduce the interests and mood of the child. But with the authors of weak work, the teacher can do individually in his free time when the child wanted to draw.
The children of the middle group can notice the advantages and disadvantages in the works of their peers, but it is still difficult to evaluate their own work, since the drawing process itself gives them greater joy and more often they are satisfied with the result of their labor. A self-critical approach to work is produced later, in 6-7 years.
IN senior group Much attention is paid to the development of independent creativity of children. The creative work of the imagination can be based primarily on the wealth of experience. Therefore, the question of the development of the perception of children is central. For children of the senior group, the game still remains one of the methods of learning drawing. For example, at the beginning of the painting in the group, a letter from Santa Claus, in which he asks to draw animals to the Christmas Tree Invitation Tickets.
As a nature, more complex and varied items can be used here than in the middle group. At first, the nature is simple - fruits, vegetables, but if in the middle group when drawing an apple, attention was paid to its main signs - a round shape and color, then in the senior group of children teach to see and transmit the characteristic features of that apple that lies in front of them, form Round, elongated or flattened, etc. In order to pay these features, two apples of different shapes can be offered as a nature.
In addition to the objects of a simple form, in the older group it is necessary to use more complex nature - indoor plants with large leaves and a simple structure: Ficus, Amarillis, plectogul. The selected instance should have some leaves (5-6, Amarillix 1-2 flower).
You can draw from nature a branch of trees and shrubs with leaves or flowers (willow, mimosa, spruce, poplar), some field and garden flowers with a simple form of leaves and colors (chamomile, dandelion, cosmeya, daffidss, tulip, lily).
Draw such items more difficult than items that have the right geometric shapes with symmetric construction, such as, for example, a nevosha and others. Complex plant building, from which the leaves are attached by beams, the branches have many branches, the children of the older group will not be able to convey, but see and draw One leaflets raised up, and others are available to them available.
Even more difficult to nature - toys depicting different items. If any animal is drawn, you should take plush toys with simple shapes - elongated paws, oval torso, round head, such as a bear, hare.
The location of the nature before children depends on the task. If you need to transfer the correct proportions, the nature should be in a static position, turned to children so that all parts clearly visible. Sometimes it is necessary to change the position of the parts if the children are given a task to pass the movement.
In the senior group, children can learn to portray only uncomplicated movements of living objects.
The main structure of the subject in this movement should not be changed greatly, as well as the shape of the parts. Hands in the form of a simple, oblong shape, but only raised up, the legs are turned with socks in one direction and so on.
The need to change the form when drawing makes children more carefully peer into nature, compare the drawing with it.
For even greater clarification of the concept of the nature of the movement and the linked position of the parts of the body, the educator can offer to someone who finds it difficult to draw bending hand Or the leg, to take this posture itself and explain the movement in words, for example: "I took the checkbox, bent it in the elbow and raised, the other hand is lowered down, it remained straight."
Nature contributes to the assimilation of the correct design of the pattern on the sheet. To this end, the nature is placed in front of a colored sheet of paper or cardboard of the same shape and shade, as in children, only more than a larger size. When viewed by Nature, the teacher draws the attention of children to the fact that it is located in the center of the sheet, the edges of the paper are visible on the sides. It makes it easier for the guys to find the place of drawing on the sheet.
Consider and analysis of the form and position of nature is accompanied by outlining gestures, educational institutions for children. Drawing from nature in the older group does not usually require additional display of drawing techniques, with the exception of the development of new technical techniques, such as the neutral hatching hatches during the drawing of the branch of the branch, or showing sanguine when it is submitted for the first time.
After looking at nature, the educator explains the children's sequence of parts. To find out if the guys understood the explanation, the educator asks some of them, where they will begin to draw, and at the beginning of the classes primarily approaches those who started working incorrectly.
Natura is used and at the end of the lesson for comparing the results of working with the subject. For the tutor, the evaluation criterion will serve as the software tasks, and for children - a specific resemblance to nature.
The use of paintings in class painting in the older group not only helps the educator in clarifying the ideas of children about one or another subject, but also introduces them with some visual techniques. For example, the girl plays the ball - her hands raised up.
Sometimes the picture can be used in the process of drawing, when the child has forgotten the form of any part, the item details; After viewing, the teacher removes it to avoid copying children. The picture, as well as the replacement of its drawing drawer, cannot serve as a sample for children's drawing and apply to handling. The perception of the picture should be based on observations in life, helping the child to realize seen.
A sample made by the educator is used in the senior group mainly in decorative drawing.
Depending on the purpose of drawing, the method of using the sample may be different. For accurate repetition, it is given in cases where children get acquainted with any new composite reception or element of the pattern. For example, they learn by "adjustment" to create a flower, symmetrically placing petals around the center. All attention should be focused on performing this task, so it is quite justified by the copying of the teacher's sample painting, supported by a visual show of the petal drawing sequence - at the top below, to the left and right, between them.
But more often in the senior group, the sample is used only to explain the task. Pattern Children are performed independently, using all its elements, color, etc., not disturbing the task.
So that the new task is understood by the children and they realized that the drawings could be different, to give 2-3 samples well and compare them among themselves, revealing that they were general and what is the difference.
In order to encourage children's initiative when analyzing drawings at the end of the class, the educator draws attention to those of them, where there are elements of creativity, despite the fact that the copied patterns can be accurately accurate. Children will quickly feel the approving attitude of the teacher to their work and will strive to work independently.
Often using nature, pictures, sample requires image methods. Full show of the entire drawing in the older group is applied less frequently than in the middle group. It always follows some part of the job to leave for independent decisions.
The show can be complete when it is necessary to explain the sequence of the image parts. For example, explaining to children how to draw a truck, the educator begins a drawing from the cabin, which is the center of building a picture, then draws all the main parts of the machine, children remain independently portrayed only small parts.
The same show of the main construction of the subject and when drawing other items when their image is given again.
The partial show is also used. For example, when drawing a two- or three-story house, where children learn how to portray multi-storey houses, having a row of windows, the tutor does not draw the whole house. On a pre-drawn rectangle, it shows how easy line to separate one floor from another and over this line to draw a number of windows. All windows also should not draw, just like the roof, windows and other parts are not drawn. Children are invited to remember which houses they saw, and draw as they want.
In decorative drawing when building a pattern from the center of a circle or square after viewing several samples, the tutor partially shows where to start drawing a flower, how to symmetrically placed the petals. The teacher draws not the whole flower, but only 2-3 rows of petals, the full drawing of the flower children see on the sample.
A child who does not cope with the task, the educator helps. At the same time, he must remember that it is necessary to show a non-responding element in its drawing, but on another sheet of paper. In this case, the child sees how to draw, and can repeat this reception.
When explaining the location of the drawing on the sheet is best not to draw the educator, but simply an outlining gesture to show how it is necessary to perform this or that task. For older children, it is enough for them to understand the task and tried to fulfill it on their own.
The use of literary works expands the theme of children's drawings and is simultaneously the method of their training that promotes the development of a creative initiative.
Sensual artistic image reveals concrete features of any object or phenomenon and at the same time makes it possible to the listener to sensitize and the image itself, and the situation in which the action occurs. For example, for a heroine of a fairy tale sh. PERRA "Red Cap" is required Exterior signs: Red cap, basket with a handful for grandmother, all the rest comes up with a child himself - a girl's pose, her face, hairstyle, clothes, shoes.
The children of the older group successfully copes with the image of such verbal images, the idea of \u200b\u200bwhich relies on the perception of homogeneous objects in life: a red hat - a girl, a doll; Greedy bear - toy bear; Teremok - a small house, etc.
Some fabulous images are presented in toys - Buratino, Dr. Aibolit, etc. The game with them makes these images alive for children acting, concrete, which facilitates their image.
But for the children of the senior group, such a direct visual reinforcement of the verbal image is not necessarily. Their imagination can be based on several signs available in the artistic image, to create it entirely.
The use of artistic images helps in the disclosure of the plan. Before the start of drawing on its own design or a given story, a child should be helped from the entire mass of impressions to select what relates to this topic, since a completely independent choice is sometimes random, incomplete, incorrect.
The literary work should be divided into a number of episodes, where the texts themselves are defined by the text, the place and time of action. Children of five years can not always cope with this. The educator at the beginning of the classes takes over with them, what pictures can be drawn on this product, which was first, then, how it ends. The educator can offer himself a topic of any episode or give children to choose several episodes. For example, when drawing on the topic of the tales of "Teremok", the educator proposes to portray, as one after another animals are knocking on the door, and who exactly chooses the child at his own request. Or from the fairy tale "Fox, hare and cock" children offered to portray the crying bunny near the hut, and to whom it complains - a bear, dogs or a rooster - choose the guys themselves.
Preschoolers of the senior group with the help of the leading issues of the caregiver in the analysis of work can already be noted and positive parties in the figure, and errors by comparing with nature, and with ideas that are conscious. This indicates the increased intelligence of children and ability to independently thinking.
Children of the senior group can justify their response using acquired knowledge about beautiful combination Flowers, location of objects, pattern of pattern.
Unsuccessful work should not be discussed collectively, it must be analyzed individually with its author.
In children of five years, the critical attitude towards the results of the activity increases, so it is possible to summarize them to analyzing their work on the basis of comparing it with kind or sample. The child may notice the inconsistency, the error; Although it is necessary to give a complete, objective assessment of your own drawing - right or not it is completed - it can not yet. And this is not necessary to achieve it, since it is more important that the child keeps the sense of satisfaction from his work. If he found and realized what his mistake is, it is necessary to give him the opportunity to fix it now or in his free time.
To capable children, quickly absorbing techniques and well-performing tasks, it is necessary to make greater requirements for the quality and maintenance of work, expressiveness of the picture. The constant capture of children is also harmful to their creative development, as well as constant censure, since both prevents them from striving for the best results. Here the teacher must observe the beat and sense of measure.
Among the methods of teaching children preparatory to school group A great place is given to drawing from nature - the leading learning method at school. In the preparatory group, it is combined with other methods, since otherwise the implementation of all educational tasks facing the kindergarten is impossible.
The method of using nature in the preparatory group differs from school. In kindergarten, the tasks of learning the volumetric image, transmission of lighting, promising abbreviations, complex persons are not set.
In the preparatory for school, children are capable of visually examining nature, allocating its main features. The experience of 6-7 years old is so increasing that they can already give an analysis of the general form, parts, their provisions on the basis of only visual perception without the additional participation of other senses. It is assumed that the proposed subject or similar to him were familiar with children earlier; Unknown, for the first time, perceived objects cannot be drawing.
Children can be learned to draw nature from a certain point of view if its position is not very difficult.
In the visual art, every drawing begins with a lung outline - the position of the entire object, its parts, their proportions.
The preschooler is easier to build a drawing, moving from one part to another, which leads often to violation of proportions. Therefore, in the preparatory group, it should be learning children to perceive the object as a whole, highlighting the most characteristic in its forms, to make sketch independently and only after that proceed to the transmission of accurate forms and details.
First, they learn to analyze the object with the help of an educator, then gradually children begin to do it yourself. In the first few lessons after looking at nature, the educator himself shows how to make an outline. When children will digest the main rule - outline the general line of nature without details, the need to show the teacher disappears. The educator helps children compare the drawing with kind, to find errors and ways to correct.
The preparatory group becomes diverse and the very nature itself, and its production. Items can be of different sizes: larger, which are made at a distance for the whole group of children, and small, which put on tables for 2-3 children. Older children already have a skill of visual perception of nature, they do not need to feel it, as children are made 4-5 years old. A sprigs with leaves, flowers, berries, toys and other variety of solid objects can be used as a nature in the preparatory group. The close location of the nature more often attracts the attention of the child: it compares it with a pattern.
In addition, the value of such "individual" nature is that it allows you to focus on her characteristic features. The educator picks up a homogeneous nature with small variations: on one branch - 3 branches, on the other - 2, one - all the leaves look up, and in the other - in different directions. The attention of children is drawn to this distinction when explaining the task and analysis of nature; They are invited to draw their branch so that later it was possible to learn it. At the end of the lesson, an interesting analysis of finding the drawing of nature or by nature of the picture can be carried out. The attention of children to all the details increases here.
Drawing the nature helps to develop a sense of composition when transmitting space. Children very quickly master the ability to have items on a large space near and away when painting with nature of the surrounding nature. For example, they are viewed with a tutor from the window space between two trees: the lawn is close to children, behind her - the river, then - the field, and where the sky is like to converge with the ground, a narrow strip of the forest is visible, where individual trees can not be disassembled . Children begin to draw, moving from nearby items to remote, starting from the bottom edge of the sheet. It becomes clear, which means drawing on a wide space. The emptiness between the ground and the sky disappears.
The painting as a means of enriching ideas and knowledge of children is widely used in the preparatory group in preliminary work before the start of drawing.
For example, such a complex composite task, as the location on a wide band, becomes clearer children when viewing the picture. The educator draws their attention to how the artist divided it into two parts - the Earth and the sky; How objects are depicted at the bottom; Why distant items are drawn above, almost without details. Children see that trees can be drawn throughout the earth, and not just on the same line. You can consider several pictures on one topic, where the same placement is used so that the children have better learned it. When drawing an educator, recalling the seen in the picture, it invites children to think how much space the sky will occupy, the earth. Then, dividing them with a thin line, the guys begin to draw.
In the picture, they see what a variety of shades can be painted the sky, and after showing the paint erosion tutor, they are trying to draw the sky with clouds, clouds, sunrise and sunset.
Under the influence of works of art in children, the ability to bind perceived in life with an artistic way, which concentrates the most important, specific for this phenomenon. V. A. Yezikeev based on a special study developed a didactic manual - an album "Illustrative material for children's fine creativity." It presents specially created paintings on various topics from the surrounding life: " Late fall"," Early Snow "," Northern Light "," Iceshop "," Cleaning Sen "," Salute "," City in the evening "and others. The author recommends using in classrooms, except for these paintings, various reproductions of pictures of famous artists available to children. By content and visual means.
A valuable manual for drawing are books-pictures with gaming actions, in which children see how the meaning of the image depicted or the appearance of the subject is changing from changing some detail, such as a doll book, where the pages represent different dresses. When turning, their children see a doll in different outfits. Or a book-picture "Funny Mats", where the faces of the depicted dolls, dolls, parsley and other characters change the expression - crying, laughter, fright, etc. Thanks to the rotating circle, you can see that crying faces, then laughing. Such a picture helps children draw a toy more expressive.
The use of the sample in the preparatory group is even more limited than in the older group. In decorative drawing, objects of folk decorative art are used, on which children get acquainted with the composition, using color, various elements of painting. The sample is given in cases where it is necessary to select any element of the pattern from the overall composition to show the features of its execution. For example, you need to teach children to draw the curl - an indispensable element of Khokhloma painting. He draws a pattern consisting of some curls on the strip, and offers the guys to copy it. They exercise in a pattern of the educator, producing the rhythm of movement, creating curls. Other elements that require special exercises for free mastering can also be highlighted.
Lurers in the preparatory group have classes on which children independently create patterns based on acquaintance with objects of decorative art. Sometimes the sample can be used in the subject or scene drawing, but not to copy, but to enrich the drawings of children with a variety of details of the form. For example, when drawing the streets, there are samples of various patterns of cast-iron lattices, forms of windows and window bindings, etc., i.e., not a complete image of objects, and various options for any details. When drawing, children use these samples, fully engage in some part in their drawing or partially changing it.
The showing of drawing techniques in the preparatory group is carried out less frequently than in other groups, since the children of this age can learn a lot on the basis of only a verbal explanation.
If there is a need for this, the tutor partly explains and shows certain drawing techniques. For example, in the image of a person in the profile, the educator does not draw the whole figure, but only a profile of a person, explaining all the curves of the form. Well and children to offer first to practice only a profile on separate sheets, and then start the image of the whole figure. The same partially educator can show bending legs in the knee when walking or running. Such assistance does not interfere with the child to work creatively on creating an image in accordance with its ideas.
When teaching new technical techniques, the show is necessary in all groups. In the preparatory group, the educator teaches children to work with paints and pencils, for example, to divide the colors on a large surface, put strokes or strokes in the form of the subject, etc.; Enjoy new materials - Sangina, Pastel.
One of the effective techniques of visual learning is the drawing of an educator, that is, the process of working on it. It is easier for this to organize in the summer when the tutor in the site draws something from nature - landscape, house or individual items. Children are watching the process of work, and the tutor attracts them to the discussion: what should I draw? Where? What colour? Etc. Children can observe how the teacher prepares decorations for the holiday, drawing ornaments with national patterns. They see how it builds a pattern, picks up paints. During the practice, preschoolers usually enjoy the techniques we remember. In the preparatory group, more opportunities in the use of artistic verbal images.
The educator must select such fairy tales, poems for children, where one or another image is presented the most bright. Children at this age have already acquired some life experience and captured certain skills in the visual arts. That is why the verbal image (without a visual manual), they already cause the work of thought and imagination.
Children may be given a task to collectively perform work, illustrate this or that product, draw some or other episodes from cartoons. For example, by choosing the topic from any work, each draws one episode.
The educator can distribute the themes between children, but it will be more useful if the guys independently distribute them. Such collective work requires great consistency of actions, even if the topics gave an educator; Children must agree on how to portray the hero (his costume, the corps turn). When drawings are ready, they are combined into a common line or a book that children use in games.
Fine skills allow older guys to use verbal images not only to create individual characters, but also in plot drawing with a large number of objects, transmission of the surrounding environment. For example, a very visual image created by M. Clook in the poem "Santa Claus". The image of Santa Claus is clearly visible: his growth is "huge"; Clothing - "All in the Ranuznov, all in the stars, in a white hat and in the dwarf boots. All in silver boards icicles, he has a whistle from ice in his mouth "; The movements are visible - "From the Christmas tree tears," "came out due to Christmas trees and birches. So flooded, grabbed the pine and patted the snow moon. There are also details of the environment - "At night in the field, the snow is flying, silence. In the dark sky in soft clouds sleeping the moon. Quiet in the field, dark, dark looks in the forest. " Fine techniques used by the author will help children make a drawing with shaped, expressive.
The guys of the preparatory group are able to create an image corresponding to the literary, to feel and convey the mood of the work, using various color combinations. For example, before drawing on the topic "Winter", children with the educator were seen several times, as the staining of snow changes from the sky illumination, the time of day. They then read the poem A. S. Pushkin:
Under blue skies
Magnificent carpets
Shiny in the sun, the snow lies,
Transparent forest one black
And spruce through frost green,
And the river under the ice shines.
When children started drawing, the poem caused in their memory what they observed in nature, it revived the previously tested aesthetic feelings and helped recreate an expressive image. Snow in their drawings is loss with all sorts of paints - yellow, pink, blue.
When analyzing the drawings, the children of the preparatory group are already able to evaluate the quality of the work performed. At first, the educator helps questions correctly or not drawing. In the future, children independently justify positive and negative evaluation.
Preschoolers of the preparatory group appears self-criticism. For example, when selecting the best drawings for the exhibition in the parental corner, they may even reject their drawings, prefer the drawing of another, where the image is given more expressive, correctly.
The teacher should encourage the works of guys in fiction, fantasy, the ability to think independently, that is, that, without which it is impossible to conscious, creative attitude to any work and, in particular, to school training.

Drawing in the older group, depending on the directions of the kindergarten, can go according to a standard and non-standard path. That is, a traditional child learns to draw pencils (simple, wax), paints

And in creative circles, children use different techniques (splashes, switches of threads and tubes, drawing with soap bubbles, tiles, fingers, palm, candles, leaves, "wet" drawing, airbrushing, bruitting, monotype, writing) and mix materials (for example, crayons with watercolor). Now, many modern teachers of state kindergartens are trying to diversify classes on

Preliminary work on visual activities

Drawing in the older group is aimed at securing and detail the knowledge gained earlier. Children can draw forms of geometric shapes (circle, cylinder, triangle, square, rectangle) and transmit them through the image of vegetables, animals, people, birds. In the older preschool age, it is necessary to more detail the transmitted image, focusing on its signs.

For example, the child freely depicts his family. Then you need to suggest that dad is above the mother, which is higher than children, and their smallest is a daughter. In addition, it is necessary to help with the proportions of the body: torso is divided into two parts, the elbows must end where the "belt" is located. The face must also be harmonious and correct.

In order for children to better understand the signs, the proportions, the properties of the items depicted, the educator works every day to work on the development of the perception of the world around them. Without this, there is no drawing (senior group). Kindergarten provides required Material For classes, and teachers with parents should expand the horizons in children.

Fine abilities of a senior preschooler

Educators together with the guys on the street study the weather phenomena, consider items, in the group they enshrine the knowledge gained through the modeling, applique, cutting forms and figures, circuit in templates. As soon as the children remembered all signs, they try to draw themselves.

Then an analysis of the errors of the figures obtained. Based on this, one or another drawing technique is selected. For example, you need to circle at points, numbers or draw a symmetrically depicted pattern by cells. Children must learn to place all items harmoniously in space, transmit realistic images on a sheet.

In addition, drawing in the older group should develop a color feeling, aesthetic taste. This helps a variety of techniques. For example, children are made from spray, transmitted through the prints of leaves, traces of tassels. Can paint with soap bubbles (shampoo mixed with paints), candle, and then painted with watercolor background. All this contributes to the development of creative abilities, fantasies, expansion of the horizons from senior preschoolers.

Draw vegetables

The child is easier to master the drawing of vegetables. In the senior group, the occupation is built on the growing complexity:

  • children study the shape and appearance of the vegetable in pictures, visual allowances, real objects (feel, pronounce);
  • preschoolers draw a geometric shape;
  • adjust the appearance of the vegetable;
  • we have a pencil, bulk, bulges and other small elements;
  • color paints, pencils, wovers, marker.

For example, the cucumber resembles an oval form. Then one end of the oval is lengthened, narrow. Then, from the other end, the tilt of the vegetable is drawn, outlined on the body of "pimples" and lines-grooves. Then paint the cucumber, showing dark and light shades of the peel.

Or take, for example, carrots. A triangle is drawn. Then one side is rounded, the borders of the vegetable make more smooth. Then depict leaves and roots. Then the carrots are paint.

As soon as the drawing of vegetables in the older group is mastered, children go to the image of still lifes. At first it is drawing linear visual objects, then vegetables on a plate or other dishes. The most difficult level is an image of memory items. To do this, before the occupation, the features of the appearance of vegetable / vegetables are pronounced, after which children begin to perform the task (immediately with paints).

Playing animals

Senior preschoolers are already able to portray animals, but more often they are fabulous, animated (in dresses and costumes, walk on two legs, eat with paws). The task of the educator is to achieve realistic image transmission. For this, the visual activity passes in parallel with applications, modeling, reading, familiarizing with the outside world.

For a start, the children study the characteristics of the body structure, then try to find general properties with already familiar forms (for example, the head round, the body is oval, the ears are triangular). In addition to similarity, attention is focused on the existing discrepancies, the inclination of objects, their spatial position.

Consider drawing animals in the older group on the example of the hedgehog, sheep and puppy. To draw hedgehog in the meadow, you need to do the following:

  • find a leaf center where the animal will be located;
  • draw oval (body);
  • from one edge outlines the nose in the form of a carrot;
  • draw a round eye, nose, oval legs, chopsticks, needles;
  • outline grass, sun, tuche;
  • next color paints, taking into account the color transitions.

Lamb image, puppy

  • draw a circle (torso);
  • determine the head slope;
  • outlining oval (head);
  • torso, outlines Zigzag, creating curls;
  • on the head draw eyes;
  • outlined with chopsticks four legs;
  • draw the "feet" paw, nose dots, eye pupils, ears;
  • decrade.

The most difficult stage is the detailed drawing in the older group. Here:

  • depict an oval torso, round head, taking into account the slope;
  • in the middle of the circle (face), lines, mark the neck, paws with rectangular strokes and ovals (feet);
  • schematically identify the symmetry of the muzzle, the outstanding position of the eyes, the nose, draw the ears;
  • picture eyes, mouth;
  • instead of circles on the paws, draw your fingers, try the tail;
  • will erase the extra lines, make the direction of the wool.

Such complex classes are carried out individually with children, in classrooms in paintings on drawing.

Drawing "Mushrooms" in the senior group

Children often depict mushrooms vertical and horizontal oval. Especially they like to figure out the amanita. It can be depicted with a convex oval or triangular hat. To draw an amoor with an oval hat, you need to determine its location on the sheet, mark the ellipsoid oval with a vertical stick. Next, draw the leg of the agony.

Ellipse divide diagonally: on top of a hat draw a circle, and at the bottom, on the leg, a white collar. Thus, you can draw large and small mushrooms in the meadow. To get a triangular hat, the top of the amamor makes a holloch. Under the hat depict an oval outline of the inner layers. Such a "figured" mushroom has a leg at the bottom with thickening. This is simple drawing.

Mushrooms in the senior group can be depicted more naturally. To do this, do the following:

More often mushrooms grow in the rain. How to draw it realistic, without "sticks", consider further.

Drawing "It's raining"

The older group already determines the features of rain (mushroom, blind, pouring, autumn, summer). Teacher only need to focus on the fact that drops are depicted in one direction. At first, the children draw clouds with raindrops, then depict people with an umbrella, at the last stage, preschoolers depict the rain "on the other side of the window."

What to pay attention to the image of rainclutters.

  • If clouds are near, then rain depict the oblong drops of different sizes, but in one direction. Begins drops from the middle of the clouds, and not from the edge. The bottom and up clouds are darker in color than the foreground.
  • If clouds are far away, then under them we grow abstract with a pencil, forming a solid rave stream. Then on it with strokes, determine individual raindrops.

This is simple drawing ("It's raining"). The older group may well depict "natural" weather phenomena. This will be helped by the following rules.

  1. Rain always depict on a dark background, regardless of whether paints draw paints, pencils, pastel, butter.
  2. Rain lines depict parallel to each other.
  3. Bright drops pass through pressure erat, a candle, a different color scheme or a special bristly fan brush.

If you need to portray rain like a natural phenomenon, then draw a landscape, and on top of it after some time apply light paint Drops with solid tilted strokes. If the drops make an eraser, then first spend the directions with a wide face, and then a sharp corner with a strong pressing create a glare drops.

People under torrential rain depict the same way. But attention is paid not only to the direction of rain, the form of drops, but also puddles, the power of splashes. This is trained by preschoolers on individual drawing classes.

Draw autumn

October is a month of autumn contests. Pedagogue needs to consolidate weather properties through drawing ("Autumn"). The older group compares all the autumn months, finds similarities and differences, remembers the color transitions. The simplest task is when children depict a lonely tree. For this, it is first determined by its place, the barrel and branches of the "slingshot" are noted.

Then small ticks are also sketchically applied on the branches. With the help of paint, the thickness of the barrel and the branches are "increasing". On top of the branches depicts foliage with different colors (red, orange, yellow). Now it remains to draw the lawn, sky, clouds, sun and shadow from the tree.

Autumn can be depicted by drawing a leaf fall. Here children enshrine knowledge about trees. The easiest option is to depict autumn prints (this method prefers the most senior group).

Drawing: Theme "Autumn"

  • Collect different lists from trees.
  • Distribute them on a sheet of paper.
  • Next, take a sheet, smear it plentifully from the wrong side of red, yellow, orange paint (especially thoroughly obscure streaks).
  • Put the leaf painted with an insane sheet on the landscape sheet, press the palm.
  • Do this work with other sheets, choosing another color.
  • Now the leaves are no longer needed. Prints draw a brush, paints. Please note that the lifts of the sheet perform the role of the barrel and tree branches.

You can draw trunks of trees with branches, and put point-leaf points with your fingers. This also likes preschoolers of any age. For the competition, many children, showing fantasy, draw an image of autumn with a female face and leaves instead of hair. So the knowledge of the proportions are fixed. human face, leaves, trees and colors of autumn.

Paint feathers

Poultry drawing in the older group occurs on the same plan as the occupation on the image of animals. First, all parts are compared with geometric shapes, attention is focused on the movement, head slope, location on the landscape sheet. Here is an example (peacock drawing):

  • draw an oval torso;
  • on top round head;
  • the neck comes from head to Oval;
  • on the torso draw triangular wings;
  • to Oval, add paws with three fingers;
  • on the head draw round eyes, triangular beak;
  • from one wing to another outlining a loose tail similar to daisy petals;
  • coloring

Drawing in the senior group allows you to portray birds from a different side, in action. This is what the profile of the rooster looks like. Get started from my head. Draw a circle, mark eyes, triangular beak with a transverse line, an oval beard and a scallop of three petals.

From the head draw your neck with a collar, similar to the shape of an arched skirt. From him, continue a concave body, resembling with the neck of the crescent. Next, draw the tail of eight feathers: the first long, raised up, four feather starts from the end of the body, the last short, enter the third of the body and hang down.

On the body is drawn by the linus of the wing, legs with four fingers and spurs. On the wing, fright horizontal arcs are denoted, and the vertical lines are long feathers. On the fingers drawn claws with small arcs.

How to write a summary of visual activity

The abstract of drawing in the senior group is written according to the following plan.

  • The subject of classes. Usually taken from the program.
  • purpose. Three or five tasks of this classes are prescribed, implying new knowledge and fixing the existing skills.
  • Material. It is indicated toolkit, right up to the last brushes. What techniques will be applied which equipment will be needed.
  • Travel course. Theoretical part Begins with pre-work on the topic. So, it can come to a visit a fabulous character, which must be drawn or who needs to be able to portray something. With the help of poems, stories, viewing paintings, visual material, the necessary properties of the subject, which must be drawn are revealed. Next, in practice, children perform a task, and at the end of the lesson are drawn conclusions about the knowledge gained.

Now in kindergartens, classes are called the term "direct educational activities" (NOD). Drawing in the older group from this did not change its essence. Also applied didactic games, game techniques, various techniques in order to cause children a desire to draw the desired object or phenomenon.

Master class on drawing. Unconventional drawing by a piece of textile

Topic: "Landscape with a piece of textile - in 3 minutes"

Master class designed: for children of senior preschool age, teachers preschool education, parents.

Purpose: This drawing, made with your own hands in unconventional equipment, is an excellent gift to relatives and loved ones, can be used to design the interior of the room, the exhibitions of children's creativity.

Goals and objectives: Development of artistic - creative abilities of preschool children through the use of non-traditional drawing techniques, development small Motoriki fingers and coordination of movements. Raised the level of pedagogical skill of teachers and parents.

Materials: Paper White format A - 4, Gouache black, palette, a piece of textiles with a size of 10 x5 cm, glue white PVA, color cardboard sheet.

Description Master class:

We opened the workshop.

Adjust - That's what!

We invite everyone to learn

Together mercy to work!

Only brave and resistant

Get to goal cheerful.

I suggest you today in practice non-traditional techniques drawing, become direct members of our master class.

And I want to introduce you to non-traditional technician Drawing - drawing textiles, that is, tissue. And I suggest you today to write landscapes, without the help of a tassel - a simple piece of fabric.

As we know, the landscape is a drawing of nature, that is, forests, rivers, fields, meadows, lakes, mountains.

If you see in the picture

River is drawn,

Or spruce and white frost,

Or garden and clouds.

Or snow plain,

Or field and slab,

Mandatory picture

Called ... scenery.

After all, as Chinese wisdom says.

I hear and forget, I see and remember, I do and understand.

Therefore, I propose to press.

To work, we will need: black gouache, as we will draw in black tone, pieces of cotton fabric, white paper sheet A - 4, glue white PVA, color cardboard sheet (for work).

We take a piece of fabric with a size of 10 x5 cm, ferment, do something like a tampon.

Find the tampon from the fabric into the black gouache paint and spend on a sheet of the line of the horizon.

The horizon we call the border line of the sky and the earth. The higher the horizon line, the more space is open to our view.

Drew the horizon line by pulling.

Now we need to draw the forest away, for this we print the trees and shrubs in the making movements, while we get textured prints.

Forest and shrubs on the horizon line are ready.

It is important to remember that in the distant plan it seems small, and in the near foreground larger, distinct. Now in the foreground, we draw a swapping through the traction line of the shore.

Shore is ready.

We proceed to the printing of bushes.

Bushes are ready.

We draw a broaching method, chaotic blancing piece of fabric in the sky clouds or clouds.

Clouds drew.

We proceed to drawing ripples on the lake.

Ryaby is ready.

Now we draw the sun and reflected in the water.