Cooking in the middle group Cheburashka. Subject drawing "Cheburashka" plan-abstract drawing classes (senior group) on the topic

Cooking in the middle group Cheburashka. Subject drawing
Cooking in the middle group Cheburashka. Subject drawing "Cheburashka" plan-abstract drawing classes (senior group) on the topic

Technological card of directly educational activities in the older group.

Education area: "Artistic and aesthetic development."

Integration of educational areas: "Socio-communicative development", "speech development".

MBDOU Kindergarten combined type "Popolak".

Educator: Clechenko I.V.

Topic: "Cheburashka".

Purpose: To form the ability of children to create the image of a favorite fabulous hero in the figure: transmit body shape, head and other characteristic features.


    learn to draw contour with a simple pencil (not hard to press, do not circle lines twice).

    fasten the ability to carefully paint the image without leaving the contour, evenly, without lumen, overlapping the strokes in one direction: from top to bottom or left to right, or by oblique, internal hand movements.

Material: Listed paper sheet, simple pencil, color pencils, crayons, Cheburashka toy.

- Guys, look at each other and smile, you go to the Kindergarten "Spark" and live in one village.

In the circle wide, I see, I got up all my friends. We will now go to the right, and then go to the left, in the center of the circle we will gather, smile, we will begin to work and work.


- Guys, do you love riddles?

Now I will make you a riddle, and you try to guess it, just listen very carefully!

This cute, strange dull

Unnamed toy

Was sometime in the store,

The fairy tale was waiting for the showcase

And waited. Became famous

His fairy tale wonderful

You are me, baby, listen:

He has big ears,

He is brown,

Everything is loved in the world!

Knows every frank,

Men's friend ......... (Cheburashka)

That's right, well done! Of course, this is Cheburashka! Guess!

Answers children


Motivational- intensifying

Guys, and you know, this very cheburashka in the house there is no mirror, and he can't look at himself. He never seen himself! And not even what he is color, and that he is very cute and beautiful!

How to help him?

Maybe we can help him?

Responses of children.

Responses of children.

Actualization. Perception and assimilation of the new, expansion of available representations.

- Let's think together what to do to see himself.

Yes guys, he can see himself in water reflection or see

cartoon "About Crocodile Geno and Cheburashka," you can give him a mirror, and he will see himself in it, and you can draw it yourself.

What do we need to draw Cheburashka?

Responses of children.

Actualization. Perception and assimilation of the new, expansion of available representations

What do you think, what color do we need to take a pencil?

Jora, where will you start drawing Cheburashka?

What should I draw later?

Guys, while we talked about Cheburashka. He sat on the shelf and us

listened. Let's take it to us in class?

Now you can consider it closer. Please note what your ears have.

How many legs do he have?

What else do we see him?

Does it have a tail?

Why is Cheburashka so sad?

Responses of children.

Responses of children.

Children's answers: Large, are on the heads on the sides, remind

the shape of the semicircle.


Answers children: he has good and beautiful eyes, the spout of the triangle.

- Not.

Responses of children.

Independent work of children.

So let's quickly proceed to work. Draw Cheburashka I.

give him. It is only necessary to remember one important rule: first we draw a contour with a simple pencil, and then very carefully paint the image.

I remind you to children: impose strokes, in one direction not

leaving the contour.

- Take your leaflets, pencils and proceed to work.

Children draw.

The final stage

Consider work.

Do you think I liked Cheburashka your work?

What kind of cheburashka liked more and why?

Guys, who did we draw with you today?

Why did we draw it?

Do you think we helped Cheburashka?

Let's say goodbye to Cheburashka, let him show his friend Gene

What artists in our group.

Responses of children.

Responses of children.


Responses of children.

Abstract classes

Educator Marchenko Tatyana Sergeevna

"Cheburashka". Abstract drawing classes in the senior group

Software content: Continue to develop the interest of children to the visual activity. Improve the visual skills and skills, pass the objects in the picture, character fairy tale characters. To draw the attention of children to distinction in the form, magnitude, proportions of parts, encourage these differences in the picture. Learn to draw watercolor. Learn to draw a brush in different ways: wide lines - all pile, thin - brush end. Draw end brush minor specks (eyes, nose). Continue to improve the ability of children to consider work, rejoice in the result.

Material for work: white paper sheet A-4, watercolor, brush. Visual material: Portrait of Cheburashka, Cheburashka toy.

Claudion: On the board hangs the picture with the image of Cheburashka. Showing children toy Cheburashka.

Educator: Children, you all know Cheburashka, love watching cartoons about him. And Cheburashka loves to come to visit children to kindergarten. Today, he came to us and was very happy when he saw his portrait (I show the picture with the image of Cheburashka). Do you, children, like his portrait? Let's make a gift to Cheburashka, let each of you draw a portrait of Cheburashka so that he can give a drawing with all his friends. And for this you need to look at the toy well.

I specify the shape and size of parts with children: round head; torso oval; ears oval, large; Lips oval, small.

On a large sheet, I show the methods of drawing, pay attention to how to properly pick up the paint, dull the brush about the napkin, do not draw on raw paint. I emphasize that for the portrait of Cheburashka we will need a brown paint, and when the drawing will dry up, we draw the eyes and the nose of black paint, and the mouth is red.

I propose to start an independent work, follow the kids to perform the task correctly.

When children draw a toy, I suggest it to wait until the paint dry and play along with Cheburashka. Children get up in a circle.

Educator: Children, each of you on the table is a box in which many multicolored paints, but you painted only brown. Cheburashka wants to know what color other paints, let's say it.

I give in my hands one of the children Cheburashka. Child: "I have a yellow paint in my box." Sends toy to the next child: "I have a green paint in my box", etc.

Educator: Guys, and now Cheburashka gives you riddles, and you try to guess what cartoons are these heroes.

1. On the harmonica he plays, the song sings fun. And he is not sad, he likes to listen to all the people. He promises you that once a year will play for you. (Crocodile Gena)

2. Long nose, dumb look, very loves all the guys of Karabas, is not afraid and ready to fight him (Pinocchio)

I invite children to sit down again at the tables and draw your eyes, nose and mouth. I draw attention to the fact that you need to rinse the brush well before tying another color paint. At the end of the lesson, Cheburashka, together with the children, considers his portraits, praises children, is surprised how well they know how to draw. Educator: Children, let's sing for our guest song. I turn on the song from the cartoon about Cheburashka. Children overlook the carpet, dance and sing along with Cheburashka.

Cheburashka thanks children

collects drawings

says goodbye and leaves.

Pokichenko Inessa ValerievnaEducator
clauses of the Vaninsky District of the Khabarovsk Territory

Objective: To form the ability of children to create in the figure the image of a favorite fairy-tale hero: transmit body shape, head and other characteristic features. Tasks: Learn to draw contour with a simple pencil (not to press it hard, do not circle lines twice). Fasten the ability to carefully paint the image without leaving the contour, evenly, without lumen, overlapping the strokes in one direction: from top to bottom or left to right, or by oblique, internal hand movements.

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Technological card of directly educational activities in the older group.

Education area: "Artistic and aesthetic development."

Integration of educational areas: "Social and communicative development", "speech development".

MBDOU Kindergarten combined type "Popolak".

Educator: Cleichenko I.V.

Topic: "Cheburashka".

Objective: To form the ability of children to create in the figure the image of a favorite fairy-tale hero: transmit body shape, head and other characteristic features.

learn to draw contour with a simple pencil (not hard to press, do not circle lines twice).

fasten the ability to carefully paint the image without leaving the contour, evenly, without lumen, overlapping the strokes in one direction: from top to bottom or left to right, or by oblique, internal hand movements.

Material: landscape sheet paper, simple pencil, color pencils, crayons, Cheburashka toy.

Stages of activity

Actress of the teacher

Children's activities

Psychological setting

Guys, look at each other and smile, you go to kindergarten "Spark" and live in one village.

In the circle wide, I see, I got up all my friends. We will now go to the right, and then go to the left, in the center of the circle we will gather, smile, we will begin to work and work.


Guys, do you love riddles?

Now I will make you a riddle, and you try to guess it, just listen very carefully!

This cute, strange dull

Unnamed toy

Was sometime in the store,

The fairy tale was waiting for the showcase

And waited. Became famous

His fairy tale wonderful

You are me, baby, listen:

He has big ears,

He is brown,

Everything is loved in the world!

Knows every frank,

Men's friend ......... (Cheburashka)

That's right, well done! Of course, this is Cheburashka! Guess!

Answers children


Motivational- intensifying

Guys, and you know, this very cheburashka in the house there is no mirror, and he can't look at himself. He never seen himself! And not even what he is color, and that he is very cute and beautiful!

How to help him?

Maybe we can help him?

Responses of children.

Responses of children.

Actualization. Perception and assimilation of the new, expansion of available representations.

Let's think together what to do to see himself.

Yes guys, he can see himself in water reflection or see

cartoon "About Crocodile Geno and Cheburashka," you can give him a mirror, and he will see himself in it, and you can draw it yourself.

What do we need to draw Cheburashka?

Responses of children.

Actualization. Perception and assimilation of the new, expansion of available representations

What do you think, what color do we need to take a pencil?

Jora, where will you start drawing Cheburashka?

What should I draw later?

Guys, while we talked about Cheburashka. He sat on the shelf and us

listened. Let's take it to us in class?

Now you can consider it closer. Please note what your ears have.

How many legs do he have?

What else do we see him?

Does it have a tail?

Why is Cheburashka so sad?

Responses of children.

Responses of children.

Children's answers: Large, are on the heads on the sides, remind

the shape of the semicircle.

Answers children: he has good and beautiful eyes, the spout of the triangle.

Responses of children.

Independent work of children.

So let's quickly proceed to work. Draw Cheburashka I.

give him. It is only necessary to remember one important rule: first we draw a contour with a simple pencil, and then very carefully paint the image.

I remind you to children: impose strokes, in one direction not

leaving the contour.

Take your leaflets, pencils and proceed to work.

Children draw.

The final stage

Consider work.

Do you think I liked Cheburashka your work?

What kind of cheburashka liked more and why?

Guys, who did we draw with you today?

Why did we draw it?

Do you think we helped Cheburashka?

Let's say goodbye to Cheburashka, let him show his friend Gene

What artists in our group.

Responses of children.

Responses of children.


Abstract Node on drawing in the senior group on the topic

"My favorite toy is Cheburashka," 07.12.2015g.

Purpose:development of the ability to draw a fabulous character;


Learn to transmit body shape, head and other characteristic features;

Learn to draw contour with a simple pencil;

Fasten the skill gently paint the image without leaving the contour;

Develop attention, perfection, fine motor skills;

Fasten the ability to hold the right pencil.

Structure occupation

1. Organizational moment:

Listening to Songs about Cheburashka.

2. Main part:

Show toys.

And how did you find out? (He's small, and his ears are big, etc.)

Consideration of Cheburashka.

Story teacher about the appearance of Cheburashka.

Far, far, in the rainforest, people collected oranges in drawers and boxes. Cheburashka wanted to enjoy oranges, climbed into the box, but fell aparts and fell asleep. People took all the boxes, plunged on the ship and the Black Sea brought to us. In this way, Cheburashka fell to us.

Cheburashka makes riddles about their friends:

1. On the harmonica, he plays

The song sings fun.

And he is not sad

Loves to listen to all the people.

He will promise you

That once a year will play for you.

(Crocodile Gena)

2. Long nose, dumb look,

Loves all the guys

Karabasa is not afraid

And ready to fight him (Pinocchio)

3. Here is a funny little man

On his back his motor

He lives under the roof,

Loves to eat a delicious cake.

To visit children arrive

And visiting everyone comes


4. Bear love honey

Loud song sings

Bees hear - do not understand

Who is so planted here

(Winnie the Pooh)


I was once strange

Toy unnamed

To which in the store

No one will fit. (semi-trades with a turn of the body to the left of the hands bend in the elbows, thumbs are pressed to the ears, the remaining fingers set the palms turned forward (Cheburashka ears)

Now I am Cheburashka,

I have every jook

When meeting immediately, the paw applies. (In the foot stand apart Rotate with flipping with a slope to the left-right, hands to the sides)

Practical part: Drawing.

A: We will draw Cheburashka using geometrically figures. What? (Circle and oval)

A: Right. What parts of the body will we draw with a circle? (Head, ears)

And what is the help of oval? (Torso, paws)

A: Well done boys. Now look, in what order we will draw. Show tutor.

3. Final part. Outcome.

Farewell to Cheburashka to the music. Consideration from Cheburashka.

Unconventional technique: a stitch with a rigid semi-dry brush + applique

Software content: Improve the visual technique to a rigid brush. Develop the ability to perceive color and form as fixed assets of artistic expressiveness. Improve applicative equipment. Brigade careful attitude to toys.

Materials and equipment:

Toy Cheburashka, illustration in books. Sheets (A3 format) With drawn silhouettes of Cheburashka. Gouache, rigid brush, silhouettes of multicolored balloons, pencil glue, eyes, unpolivatives, cloth napkins.

Musical accompaniment.

Travel course:

(Song of Cheburashka sounds "Happy Birthday" , Cheburashka toy appears)

Cheburashka: - Hello, guys. Did you find out me? You have so interesting and fun, I decided to look at you. I have a birthday today, and there are no friends near, to share this wonderful holiday together.

Pedagogue: - Do not be sad, Cheburashka. See how many kids here, you are talking to them (children together with the teacher will smoke him, smile at him).

Guys, so that our birthday man is not sad, we will make a gift for him. What do you think he will like it? (children's responses)

- Tell me, please, what kind of cheburashka? (Soft, fluffy) - What color? (brown). - Right.

(on the tables lie sheets with cheburashka silhouettes)

Pedagogue: - Look, Cheburashka, we just have your portrait, the children will paint it and give you balloons.

Cheburashka: - That's great, thank you guys, and I sit quietly and look.

Pedagogue: - What is wrong here with our drawing? (no eyes, you need to glue them).

Right, he comes to life and see us, and we smile to him and give him a smile (TB when working with glue, children glue eyes, draw a smile with cotton wands).

Well done, I suggest you color Cheburashka. (Pedagogue explains the rules of operation of unconventional equipment "Stick with a rigid brush" Children draw).

Pedagogue: - Look, Cheburashka, what beautiful you turned out. Now children will give you balloons. (Children imitate balloons and inflate them).

Cheburashka: - Wow, what big balloons are.

Pedagogue: - Let's glue our balloons to our drawing and give a birthday. (Children stick paper balloons silhouettes, draw threads).

Pedagogue: - Dear our friend, did you like drawings?

Cheburashka: - Of course, thanks guys. I also have a gift for you, I brought pictures coloring (distributes to all guys). Bye! To new meetings!