What the bugs think about. Quotes

What the bugs think about. Quotes

(16 )

Characteristic Ilya Ilyich Oblomov Very ambiguous. Goncharov created it complicated and mysterious. Oblomov separates itself from the outside world, is separated from him. Even his accommodation is little like inhabited.

From early childhood, he saw a similar example from his relatives, who were also separated from the outside world and protected him. In his hometown was not customary to work. When he, being another child, played with the peasant children in the snowball, then it was heated for several days. In the Oblomovka with Otskaya, the new one - even a letter who came from a neighbor, in which he asked the beer recipe, was afraid to open three days.

But Ilya Ilyich gladly remembers his childhood. He worship the nature of the crushing, although this is an ordinary village, no particularly remarkable. He is brought up by rustic nature. This nature instilled in him the poetry and love for beauty.

Ilya Ilyich does nothing, only all the time on something complains and is engaged in verbal. He is lazy, nothing does anything and does not expect anything from others. He takes life such as it is and does not try to change anything in it.

When people come to him and tell about their lives, he feels that in the bustling of life, they forget that they are in vain to waste life ... And he does not need to fuss, act, do not need to prove anyone. Ilya Ilyich just lives and enjoys life.

It is difficult to imagine in motion, it looks ridiculous. Alone, lying on the sofa, it is natural. It looks at ease - it is his element, his nature.

Let's summarize the read:

  1. The appearance of Ilya Oblomov. Ilya Ilyich is a young man 33 years old pleasant appearance, medium height, continued. The softness of the face expression was issued in it of a human-speaking and lazy person.
  2. Family status. At the beginning of the novel, the bugs are not married, lives with his servant Zakhar. At the end of the novel marries and happy in marriage.
  3. Description of the dwelling. Ilya lives in St. Petersburg in the apartment on a pea street. The apartment is launched, the servant Zakhar is rarely pierced in it, which is also lazy, like the owner. The sofa occupies a special place in the apartment, on which the breakfasts are broken.
  4. Behavior, actions of the hero. Ilya Ilyich is difficult to call an active man. Only his friend is a gallery of the gallery. The main character lies on the sofa and only dreams that he will soon rise from it and will do business. He cannot even solve urgent problems. His estate came into decline and does not bring money, so the breakdown even nothing to pay for the apartment.
  5. The author's attitude to the hero. Goncharov with sympathy belongs to Oblomov, he considers him a kind, mental person. At the same time, he sympathizes him: it is a pity that young, capable, not a stupid man lost all interest in life.
  6. My attitude towards Ilya Oblomov. In my opinion, he is too lazy and brighted, so can't cause respect. In places, he just infuriates me, I want to approach and shake it. I do not like people who are so mediocare their lives. Maybe I am so sharply reacting to this hero, because I feel the same flaws in yourself.

Roman Ivan Goncharov "Oblomov" is very instructive.

The lifestyle of Oblomov is a solid routine, and the protagonist does not even try to escape from it on their own. With the help of this character, the author will prove that laziness and indifference ruin the fate of people.

The first meeting

Ivan Goncharov introduces the reader with Ilya Illichi Oblomov from the first pages of the novel. A man lies in his own bed with a detached look. He is trying to force himself to rise, but attempts end to no avail. Promises to get up one hundred and lead to the fact that the day smoothly passes by the evening, and leave the bed is already optional.

Life in a horizontal position

Ilya thinks about the obstigious misfortunes. So a man calls the troubles associated with the activities in the estate, which was delivered from the parents, and the search for a new apartment.

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Orders old Lake Zaharu he gives in bed. Guests, often visited him, Barin takes lying, in the old rodbat.

The former colleagues of Oblomov come. And he does not seem to seem at all from the best side, meeting them vigorous and in beautiful health. Young, beautiful men, he always complains of health.

Disorder in the apartment and in the shower

Rarely coming out of the house. Invitations of acquaintances to visit secular rounds he rejects. Justifies the refusal to poor well-being, barley, drafts and dampness, which is contraindicated.

"When stayed at home - almost always lying, and everything in the same room."

His best friend Andrei Ivanovich Stolz compares Oblomov with animals constantly staying in a dark lair.

"Did you pretend to such everyday that you should sleep like a mole in the hole?".

Zakhar reports Andrei, which has long been exposed to the owner's shoes, and the boots are intact.

He wakes up late. Eats and drink tea in bed. Socks helps to wear a lackey. Homemade shoes are standing near the bed to lower the legs easily get into them. Bakes are very lazy. Never pick up. In his room there are mountains of dirty dishes, which a man is difficult to attribute to the kitchen. Since childhood in his family, it was started to sleep during the day. Ilya and now adheres to such a routine.

"After lunch, nothing could break the sleep Oblomov. He usually went down on the sofa on his back. "

Positive changes

After acquaintance with Olga Ilinskaya obgal, changes for the better. It is painted with new feelings. Love gives him strength, inspires.

"He read several books, wrote letters to the village, replaced the elder in his own estate. I did not dinner, and for two weeks it does not know what it means to lie in the afternoon. Gets in seven hours. On either sleep nor fatigue, nor boredom. He cheerful, sings. "

Such a state lasted not long. Ilya again begins to capture the past life. He understands that he will not be able to give Olga confidence and strength that the girl is waiting for him.

Life with a widen wheat

Soon he marries the widow Agafier Matveyevna Wentycina, who removes the room in the house at Vyborg Street. A similar type of woman suits him much more than Ilinskaya. Agafya is ready to fulfill all his whims, without requiring anything in return.

"Oblomov, noticing the participation of the hostess in his affairs, proposed, in the form of a joke, take care of his food on himself and save him from the hassle."

Ilya Ilyich dies at the age of forty years. He often compared himself with old cafetan, already unsuitable for good. His sedentary lifestyle led to the fact that his health was so early. A person was given a chance to change his own destiny, but Lena was stronger.


(Roman. 1859)

Oblomov Ilya Ilyich - The protagonist of the novel, the young man "years of thirty-two - three from the genus, middle growth, pleasant outfacie, with dark gray eyes, but with the lack of any definite idea, any concentration in the face ... Softness was a dominant and main expression, not the face only, but all the soul; And the soul is so open and clearly shone in the eyes, in a smile, in every movement of the head, hands. " So the reader causes the hero at the beginning of the novel, in St. Petersburg, on the pea street, where he lives with his servant Zakhar.

So, O. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel is connected, about which N. A. Dobrolyubov wrote: "... no God knows what an important story. But it reflected Russian life, it appears in front of us alive, modern Russian type, minted with merciless rigor and correctness, it affected the new word of our social development, uttered clearly and firmly, without despair and without childish hopes, but with full consciousness Truths. The word is a breakdown, we see something more than just a successful creation of strong talent; We find in it ... a sign of time. "

N. A. Dobrolyubov was the first to consider O. to "Extra People", leading his pedigree from Onegin, Pechorin, Bel-Goods. Each of the above-mentioned heroes fully and reliefly characterized a certain decade of Russian life. O. - Symbol of the 1850s, "Afternoon" times in Russian life and Russian literature. In the Personality of O., in his inclination to the inactive observation of the vices of the era of the era, we clearly distinguish the fundamentally new type introduced by Goncharov in the literary and social resource. This type of this personifies the philosophical Noschelian, aware of the alienation from the environment, which the soul is rejected and the mind of the young provincial, which has fallen from the sleepy crushing to the capital.

"Life: Good life! What is looking for there? Interests of the mind, hearts? - explains O. His worldview to a friend of childhood Andrei galley. - You look where the center, about which it rotates all:, no, there is nothing deep, hiding behind the living. All this is the dead, sleeping people, worse than me, these members of the Council and society! What leads them in life? After all, they do not lie, but they will sink every day, like flies, back and forth, but what is the point? .. Under this all-enabling emptiness, there is no sympathy for everything! .. No, it's not life, but the distortion of the norm, the ideal of life, which Indicated nature to man goal. "

Nature, according to O., pointed out the only goal: Life, as it proceeded from the century in a crushing, where they were afraid of news, traditions were observed strictly, books and newspapers were not recognized at all. From Sleep Oblomov, called the author "Overtuju" and published much earlier than the novel, as well as from individual, scattered through the entire text of the strokes, the reader will find out quite fully about the childhood and youth of the hero spent among people who understood life "not otherwise as an ideal Peace and inaction, violated at the time of different unpleasant chance ... The work was demolished as a punishment imposed on our forefathers, but could not love, and where there was a case, always got rid of it, finding it possible and due. "

Goncharov portrayed a tragedy of a Russian character, deprived of romantic traits and not painted by demonic dimensions, but nevertheless, in the side of life, in the fault of his own and the fault of society, in which there was no place for Lomov. Not having predecessors, this type remained unique.

In the form of O. there are also autobiographical features. In the track diary, "Fregat Pallada" Goncharov admits that during the trip, you would be more readily lying in the cabin, not to mention the way, with how difficulty decided on the world swimming. In a friendly circle of Mikey, gently liked the writer, Goncharov had a multi-valued nickname - "Prince de Leng".

Path O.; - the typical path of the provincial Russian nobles of the 1840s., Called to the capital and did not appear. Service in the Department with an indispensable expectation of increasing, from year to year the monotony of complaints, stages, tying relationships with columns - it turned out not for the forces of O., who preferred the movement on the "Career" stairs and "Fortune" lying on the sofa, no hopes and dreams Not painted.

In O., the dreamet is dreamed, which rushed out in Alexander Atuyev, hero of the Goncharovsky "Ordinary History". In the soul of O. Alsi Lirik, man; Caught deeply to feel - his perception of music, immersion in the captivating sounds of Aria "Casta Diva" indicate that not only "pigeon meekness", but also passion is available to him.

Each meeting with a friend of childhood Andrei gallez, the full opposite of O., is able to stir it, but for a while: the determination to take something, somehow to equip your life to master them for a short time until Stolz beside him. And the Stolts lacks neither the time nor the perseverance "lead" from O. from the act to the act - there are others who are ready to leave from Ilya Ilyich for mercy. They ultimately determine the channel for which his life flows.

Meeting with Olga Ilyinskaya for a while changed O. Because incredible transformation happened under the influence of a strong feeling - the salted robe, O. rises from bed, as soon as he wakes up, reads books, looks through newspapers, energetic and actors, and moves to the country Near Olga, several times a day goes to meet with her. "... It appeared fever of life, strength, activity, and the shadow disappeared ... and the sympathy of Bila again is again a strong and clear key. But all these worries did not leave the magic circle of love; His activity was negative: he is not asleep, reads, sometimes he is thinking of writing and plan (improvement of estates. - Ed.), walks a lot, goes a lot. The further direction, the most thought of life, the case - remains in intentions. "

Love, carrying the need for action, self-improvement, in the case of O. is doomed. He needs another feeling that there would be today a reality with long-standing children's impressions about life in a native crushing, where from the existence filled with anxieties and unrest, they are filled with any means where the meaning of life is stacked in the thoughts about food, sleep, reception of guests and experiences fairy tales valid events. Any other feeling seems violence over nature.

Not realizing this to the end, O. understands what it is impossible to strive to strive for a certain warehouse of his nature. In a letter to Olga, written almost on the threshold of deciding about marriage, he speaks of fear of future pain, writes bitter and piercing: "And what will happen when I learn ... When you can see - it will not be a luxury life, but when love is crying in the heart? How to break yourself then? Will you survive this pain? Had will be me. "

Agafia Matveyevna Pshenitsyn, the hostess of the apartment, which I found for O. His countryman undergoing tarantyev, is the ideal of grunce in the widespread value of this concept. She is also "Natural", like O. About the wheat can be said to the same words as Olga says O. Stolz: "... honest, faithful heart! This is its natural gold; He has no passive to carry him through life. He fell from the jokes, cooled, fell asleep, finally killed, disappointed, losing the power of living, but did not lose honesty and loyalty. None of the false notes did not publish his heart, the dirt did not stick to him ... it is a crystal, transparent soul; There are few such people, they are rare; These are pearls in the crowd! "

Features, brought together O. with wheat, are indicated here for sure. Ilya Ilyich must be most of all the sense of care, warmth, they do not require anything in return, because he attached to his hostess, as a dream of a dream about returning to the blessed times of happy, fused and serene childhood. With Agafie Matveyevna are not connected, as with Olga, thoughts about the need for anything to do, somehow change the life around and in itself. O. Explains its ideal, comparing Ilyinskaya with Agafie Matveyevna: "... she will sing" Casta Diva ", and the vodka do not know how! And this cake with chickens and mushrooms will not do! " And therefore, realizing firmly and it is clear that there is no place to strive for him, asks for gallery: "What do you want to do with me? With the world, where you go to me, I broke out forever; You will not save, you will not make two torn half. I am a survey to this pit sick place: try to tear - there will be death. "

In the house of the wheat reader sees O. More and more perceiving "true life, as a continuation of the same Oblomovsky existence, only with another flavor of terrain and in part. And here, as in the Oblomovka, he managed to get quarreled from life, to overthrow her and insure himself unmatributed peace. "

Five years after this meeting with the gallery, "again they pronounced their cruel verdict:" Oblomovshchyna! " - And Osta-Vivn, O. alone, Ilya Ilyich "died, apparently, without pain, without torment, as if the hours that forgot to start" were stopped. Son O., Born by Agafie Matveyevaya and named after Andrey, is taken to raise gallets.

Roman Goncharov "Oblomov" is a sign of the 19th century literature, affecting both witness and many philosophical problems, remaining relevant and interesting to the modern reader. The ideological meaning of the novel "Oblomov" is based on the opposition of an active, new social and personal start with obsolete, passive and degrading. In the work, the author reveals these starts in several existential levels, so for a complete understanding of the meaning of the work requires a detailed consideration of each of them.

Public meaning of the novel

In the novel of "Oblomov" Goncharov, first introduced the concept of "Oblomovshchina" as the generalized name of obsolete patriarchal-obstrive obstacles, personal degradation, and the life of the whole public formation of the Russian branchism, who won't make new public trends and norms. This phenomenon was considering this phenomenon on the example of the main character of the Roman - Oblomov, whose childhood was held in a distant crushing, where everyone lived quietly, little, more than wondering and almost nothing worried about. The Hero's Native Village becomes the embodiment of the ideals of the Russian Old Asian Society - a peculiar hedonistic idyll, "canned paradise", where it is not necessary to learn, work or develop.

Depicting Oblomov as a "excess person", goncharov, unlike Griboedov and Pushkin, who have the characters of this type ahead of society, introduces the hero in the narration of the hero who is lagging behind the society that lives far away. Active, active, educated Wednesday oppresses Oblomov - he is alien to the ideals of the gallery with his work for the sake of labor, even the beloved Olga is ahead of Ilya Ilyich, going to everything from a practical side. Stolz, Olga, Tarantyev, Mukhoyarov, other familiar Oblomov - representatives of the new, "urban" type of personality. They are more practicing than theorists, they do not dream, but do, create a new one - someone honestly working, someone deceiving.

Goncharov condemns the "Oblomeness" with her grave to the past, laziness, apathy and a full spiritual death of the person, when a person in essence becomes a "plant" around the clock lying on the sofa. However, the images of modern, new people of Goncharov also depicts ambiguous - there is no peace of mind and inner poetry, which was at Oblomov (remember that gallets only resting this calm, and already married Olga sadness for something far and afraid to dream , justifying the husband).

At the end of the work of Goncharov does not make a certain conclusion, who is right - practiced gallery or a dreamer of bugs. However, the reader is clear what exactly because of the "Oblomovshchina", as the phenomena of a sharply negative and long ago, "disappeared" Ilya Ilyich. That is why the public sense of Roman Goncharova "Oblomov" is the need for continuous development and movement - both in the continuous construction and creation of the world and work on the development of self.

The meaning of the name of the work

The meaning of the name of the novel "Oblomov" is closely connected with the main theme of the work - it was named by the name of the main character of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, and also conjugately described in the novel by the social phenomenon "Oblomovshchyna". The etymology of the name is interpreted by researchers in different ways. So, the most common version is that the word "brooms" comes from the words "chip", "peeling", "breaking", denoting the state of the spiritual and social character of the landlord of the nobility, when it turned out in the borderline state between the desire to maintain the old traditions and the foundations and necessity To change the requirements of the era, from a creator person becomes a person-practitioner.

In addition, there is a version of the title of title with the Old Slavonic root of "Oblom" - "round", which corresponds to the description of the hero - its "round" appearance and its quiet, calm character "without sharp corners". However, regardless of the interpretation of the name of the work, it indicates the central storyline of the Roman - the life of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov.

The meaning of the crushing in the novel

From the plot of the novel "Oblomov", the reader from the very beginning will recognize many facts about the crushing, about what this is a great place, as it was easy and good hero and what is important to return there. However, throughout the entire narrative, the event never tolerates us into the village, which makes it in the truth of the mythical, fabulous place. Picturesque nature, gentle hills, a calm river, a hut on the edge of the ravine, which the visitor needs to be asked to become "to the forest with the back, and to him before" to enter the inside, - even in the newspapers about the crushing never mentioned. No passion was worried about the inhabitants of the crushing - they were completely torn off from the world, conducted their boredom and tranquility, arranged on permanent rites.

Childhood Oblomov took place in love, parents constantly indulged Ilya, hidden all his desires. However, Nianny stories, who read him about the mythical heroes and fabulous heroes, had a special impression on Oblomov, who was closely related to the native village with folklore in memory of the hero. For Ilya Ilyich, the crushing is a distant dream, the ideal, comparable, perhaps, with the beautiful ladies of medieval knights, who were angry, who sometimes had never seen. In addition, the village is also a way to escape from reality, a certain semisradant place, where the hero can forget about reality and be yourself - lazy, apathetic, completely calm and renounced from the world.

The meaning of the life of Oblomov in the novel

The whole life of Oblomov is connected only with that distant, quiet and harmonious broom, but the mythical estate exists only in the memoirs and dreams of the hero - the paintings from the past never come to him in the cheerful state, the native village appears in front of him as a distant vision, in its own way, unattainable , like any mythical city. Ilya Ilyich opposes the real perception of his native crushing - he still does not pay the future of the estate, long pulls out the answer to the letter to the letter, and in the dream it seems to not notice the dysfunction of the house - the smoked gate, which has sefed roof, the steasing porch, launched garden. Yes, and he actually doesn't want to go there - the bugs are afraid that he saw the dilapidated, ruined, not having anything to do with his dreams and memories of a crushing, he will lose the last illusions, for which all the forces are enough for the sake of which.

The only thing that Oblom has full happiness - these are dreams and illusions. He is afraid of real life, it is afraid of marriage, which dreamed of many times, is afraid to break himself and become different. Having looked into the old bathrobe and continuing to lie on the bed, he "preserves" himself in the state of "Oblomovshchina" - in general, a robe in the work is a part of that, the mythical world, returning the hero in the state of laziness from the extinction.

The meaning of the Hero's life in the novel of obcomments is reduced to gradual dying - both moral and mental and physical, for the sake of holding their own illusions. The hero does not want to say goodbye to the past that he is ready to sacrifice a full life, the opportunity to feel every moment and find out every feeling for the sake of mythical ideals and dreams.


In the novel of "Oblomov" Goncharov portrayed a tragic history of human extinction, for whom the illusory past became more important than the multifaceted and excellent real - friendship, love, social well-being. The meaning of the work indicates that it is important not to stop in place, the Tesha itself illusions, but always strive forward, expanding the boundaries of the "Comfort Zone".

Test on the work

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According to the novel of Goncharov "Oblomov"

Oblons with the eyes of galley, Olga and Zakhar


    What kind of broom actually? Oblons with the eyes of three people
    Opinion of the gallery about the Obloman opinion Olga Zakhar's opinion
Conclusion What can think about the broom surrounding his people? Of course, everyone will see it different, but, most likely, their opinions will not be very different. Let's see what can be understood about a person, having learned opinions about it from other people. We will consider the opinions of only three people close to Ilya Ilyich. These people are gallez, his best friend; Olga, the girl in which he was in love; Zakhar, servant Oblomov. According to these opinions, it seems to me, it will be possible to look at Oblomov from different sides and consider those characteristics that are at first not noticeable. Stolz, the closest friend of Oblomov, on which the second was very expelled with any problems that he himself was not able to decide, was the exact opposite of his friend, therefore he considered the broken out of the lazy, pessimistic, non-initiative man. And, knowing it, he tried to expand his friend for more active life. But Andrei did not understand Oblom very well, because he himself was a very energetic person and tried to convey this vitality to Ilya Ilyich. Olga found in the broom and good character traits. She considered him a smart, thinking man. I found it lazy, but not always, because he lay on the sofa and did not do a housework not from nothing to do, but because he thought a lot, what and how best to do how to live correctly. For this Olga and was with him. Yes, she wanted to change him, she wanted him to be interested in life, in the end, his thoughts were embodied in reality. Zakhar was always next to his Barin, lived with him under the same roof. And he was a real copy of Oblomov. He, did not make sense in cleaning at home, just like broomels, did not understand the need to ride guests, to be in humans. They were good in life calm, harmonious, without any recession and lifting, exciting events. Zakhar considered his owner Lazy, who do not want to do anything, who could not even wash without the help of his assistant. And now we will summarize. Tell the opinions about the broom and supplement to his. In general, the bugs were a very calm person, did not like the walking and communication, which did not give food for his mind. Because of many thoughts about different matters and lack of time to do everything and immediately, the bugs did not do anything. He was inactive. He did not change his lifestyle, because he had not seen in this sense. I would indicate who this meaning would him, and he would have changed, I'm sure. He elementally lacked motivation. I myself this character is unpleasant, probably because I find him similarities with myself. After all, all his actions begins where they end up - in his head, and then they do not go. Think is good, but do not forget that we live in society. It is sometimes useful to be alone, reflect on life, but communication is also very important in human life.
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