Types of genres. Literary genres of works and their definitions

Types of genres. Literary genres of works and their definitions
Types of genres. Literary genres of works and their definitions

Genres of literature - These are historically folding groups of literature, which combines a set of formal and meaningful properties based on formal signs.

Fable - poems or prosaic literary work of moral, satirical character. At the end of the bass, a brief moral conclusion is contained - the so-called morality.

Ballad - This is a lyrol-epic work, that is, the story described in poetic form, historical, mythical or heroic nature. The plot of ballads is usually borrowed from folklore.

Epics - This is a heroic-patriotic legend songs telling about the exploits of the Bogatyurians and reflecting the life of the ancient Russia of the 9th-XIII centuries; A type of oral folk creativity inherent in a song-epic way to reflect reality.

Vision - This is a genre of medieval literature, which is characterized, on the one hand, the presence of the image of the "clairvoyant" in the center of the narration and the illuminated, other, the eschatological content of the visual images themselves, causing a clairming, on the other.

Detective - This is a predominantly literary genre, the works of which describe the process of studying the mysterious incident in order to clarify its circumstances and the disclosure of the riddles.

Comedy - kind of dramaturgical work. Displays all the ugly and ridiculous, funny and incomplete, ridicules the flavors of society.

Comedy of manners (Comedy character) is a comedy in which the source of funny is the inner essence of the characters and morals of the highest light, a funny and ugly one-sceneness, a hypertrophied feature or passion (vice deficiency). Very often, the comedy of morals is a satirical comedy that rises all of these human qualities.

Lyrical poem (In prose) - the type of fiction, emotionally and poetically expressing the author's feelings.

Melodrama - The type of drama, the actors of which are sharply divided into positive and negative.

Myth - This is a story that transmits people's ideas about the world, the place of man in it, about the origin of the whole, about the gods and heroes.

Feature article - The most reliable kind of narrative, epic literature, reflecting facts from real life.

Song, or Song - the most ancient type of lyrical poetry; Pooh, consisting of several verses and chorus. Songs are divided into folk, heroic, historical, lyrical, etc.

Science fiction - Genre in literature, and other art types, one of the types of fiction. Science fiction is based on fantastic assumptions (fiction) in the field of science, including various types of sciences, such as: accurate, natural, and humanitarian sciences.

Novella - This is the main genre of a small narrative prose, a more brief form of art prose, rather than a story or novel. The author of the stories are customary referred to as the novelist, and the totality of stories - themenestics.

Tale - middle shape; The work in which a number of events in the life of the main character is illuminated.

Oh yeah - The genre of lyrics, which is a solemn poem dedicated to any event or hero, or a separate work of such a genre.

Poem - type of lyroid product; poetic story story.

Message (E. pistolar literature) - This is a literary genre, which uses the form of "letters" or "epistles" (epistolence).

Story - Small shape, work about one event in the life of the character.

Story - this is genre of literary creativity, hin total, magic and various incredible adventures are present in fairy tales. .

Novel - large form; The work, in the events of which many actors usually take part, whose destinies are intertwined. The novels are philosophical, adventure, historical, family-household, social.

Tragedy - kind of a dramatic work that tells about the unfortunate fate of the main character, often doomed to death.

Folklore - The appearance of folk art, which reflects the general patterns of the public development of peoples. In folklore there are three kinds of works: epic, lyrical and dramatic. At the same time, the epic genres have a poetic and prosaic shape (the epic genus is represented only by prose artwork: story, story, ro-man, etc.). A feature of the folklore is its traditionalism and orientation to the oral method of transmitting information. The carriers usually performed rural residents (peasants).

Epic - Work or cycle of works depicting a significant historical era or a large historical event.

Elegy - a lyrical genre, which is contained in the free poems of any complaint, the expression of sadness, or the emotional result of philosophical meditation over complex problems of life.

Epigram - This is a small satirical poem, ridiculeling any person or public phenomenon.

Epos. - This is a heroic story about the past, containing a holistic picture of people's life and representing a certain epic world of heroes-heroes in harmonic unity.

Essay - This is a literary genre, prosaic composition of a small volume and free composition.

Then to:

a) learn mastery in its genre;
b) to know exactly how to offer a manuscript;
c) learn your target audience and offer a book not "In general, everyone", namely, people who may be interested in it.

What is fiction?

Under artistic literature, all works that have a fictional plot and fictional heroes are understood: novels, stories, stories and plays.

Memoirs belong to the poor literature, because we are talking about unseen events, but they are written through the canons of fiction - with the plot, heroes, etc.

But poetry, including lyrics, is fiction, even if the author recalls the former love, which actually happened.

Types of fiction for adults

Artistic works are divided into genre literature, mainstream and intellectual prose.

Genre literature

In the genre literature, the first violin plays the plot, while he fits into certain, in advance known framework.

This does not mean that all genre novels must be predictable. The mastery of the writer is precisely that in the given conditions to create a unique world, unforgettable heroes and an interesting way to get from the point "A" (tie) to the item "B" (omission).

As a rule, the genre work ends on a positive note, the author does not deepen into psychology and other high matters and tries to just entertain readers.

Basic scene schemes in genre literature

Detective: The crime is the investigation - the expulsion of the criminal.

Love story: Heroes meet - fall in love - fight for love - connect hearts.

Thriller: The hero lived his usual life - the threat arises - the hero is trying to escape - the hero gets rid of danger.

Adventures: The hero sets the goal and, overcoming many obstacles, is achieved.

When we are talking about fiction, fantasy, historical or modern novel, we are not so much about the plot as about the scenery, therefore, when determining the genre, two or three terms are used, which allow you to answer questions: "What happens in the novel?" And "where is it going?". If we are talking about children's literature, then the corresponding mark is made.

Examples: "Modern love romance", "Fantastic fighter" (a fighter is an adventure), "Historical Detective", "Children's Adventure Tale", "Tale for Junior School Age".

Genre prose is usually published by the series - either by copyright or common.


In mainstream (from English. mainstream. - Main flow) Readers are waiting for the author of unexpected decisions. For this type of books, the most important thing is the moral development of heroes, philosophy and ideology. Requirements for the mainstream author are much higher than to writers working with genre prose: it should be not only an excellent storyteller, but also a good psychologist and a serious thinker.

Another important feature of mainstream - such books are written at the junction of genres. For example, it is impossible to unambiguously say that "the wind gone" is only Love novel or only Historical drama.

By the way, the drama itself, that is, the story about the tragic experience of heroes, is also a sign of mainstream.

As a rule, novels of this type are produced outside the series. This is due to the fact that serious works are written for a long time and form a series of them is quite problematic. Moreover, the mainstream authors are so different from each other that their books are difficult to group on any sign, except for the "good book."

When specifying the genre in the mainstream-novels, it is usually done not so much on the plot, how many distinctive signs of the book: a historical drama, a novel in letters, fantastic saga, etc.

The emergence of the term

The term "mainstream" himself arose thanks to the American writer and criticizing William Dina Howells (1837-1920). Being the editor of one of the most popular and influential literary logs of its time, The Atlantic Monthly.He gave an obvious preference to works written in a realistic key and focusing on moral and philosophical problems.

Thanks to Howells, realistic literature entered the fashion, and for some time it was her mainstream. The term entrenched in English, and from there switched to Russia.

Intellectual Prose

In the overwhelming majority of cases, the intelligent prose has a gloomy mood and is released outside the series.

The main genres of fiction

Approximate classification

When applying for publishing house, we must specify the genre - so that our manuscript will send the appropriate editor.

Below is an exemplary list of genres, as they are understood in publishing houses and bookstores.

  • Avant-garde literature. It is characterized by violation of canons and linguistic and plot experiments. As a rule, the avant-garde comes out very small circulations. Closely intertwined with intellectual prose.
  • Action. Oriented mainly on the men's audience. The basis of the plot - fights, chase, salvation of beauties, etc.
  • Detective. The main storyline is the disclosure of the crime.
  • Historical novel. The time of action is the past. The plot is usually tied to significant historical events.
  • Love story. Heroes take love.
  • Mystic. The basis of the plot is supernatural events.
  • Adventures. Heroes are binding to the adventure and / or go to a risky journey.
  • Thriller / Horror. The heroes threatens the deadly danger from which they are trying to get rid of.
  • Fiction. The plot is spinning in the hypothetical future or in the parallel world. One of the varieties of fiction is an alternative story.
  • Fantasy / fairy tales. The main signs of the genre are fabulous worlds, magic, unprecedented creatures, speaking animals, etc. often based on folklore.

What is non-grateful literature?

Eldly books are classified on topics (for example, gardening, history, etc.) and types (scientific monograph, collection of articles, photo album, etc.).

Below is the classification of non-Fikshn books, as is done in bookstores. When submitting an application to the publisher, specify the topic and type of book - for example, a textbook on writing skill.

Classifications of non-counselible literature

  • autobiographies, biographies and memoirs;
  • architecture and art;
  • astrology and esoteric;
  • business and finance;
  • armed forces;
  • education and education;
  • house, garden, garden;
  • health;
  • history;
  • career;
  • computers;
  • regionalism;
  • love and family relationships;
  • fashion and beauty;
  • music, movies, radio;
  • science and technology;
  • food and cooking;
  • gift editions;
  • politics, economics, right;
  • travel Guides and Travels;
  • religion;
  • self-development and psychology;
  • agriculture;
  • dictionaries and encyclopedias;
  • sport;
  • philosophy;
  • hobby;
  • school textbooks;
  • linguistics and literature.

All literary genres are unique, each of which has a complex of inherent in its qualities and characteristics. The first famous classification was suggested by Aristotle, ancient Greek philosopher and naturalist. In accordance with it, the basic literary genres can be connounced in a small list that is not subject to any changes. The author working on any work should simply find similar features between its creation and the parameters of the specified genres. Over the next two millennia, any changes in the classifier developed by Aristotle were taken into the bayonets and were considered offset from the norm.

In the XVIII century, a large-scale literary restructuring began. The rooted types of genre and their system began to undergo capital modifications. The established conditions were the main prerequisite for the fact that some of the literature genres were riveted in the fly, others got a crazy popularity, the third and at all began to form. The results of this transformation ongoing and now, we will face with our own eyes - the types of genres, unlikely in meaning, by genus and many other criteria. Let's try to deal with what genres are in the literature and what are their features.

The genre in the literature is historically established many literary creations, combined with a combination of similar parameters and formal characteristics.

All existing types and genres of literature can be visually submitted to the table in which large groups will appear in one part, and its typical representatives will appear. 4 main groups of genres by childbirth are distinguished:

  • epic (mainly prose);
  • lyrical (mostly poetics);
  • dramatic (plays);
  • larepic (something average between lyrics and epic).

Also, the types of literary works can be classified by content:

  • comedy;
  • tragedy;
  • drama.

But to understand what kind of literature are, it will become much easier to deal with their forms. The form of the work is the method of filing the ideas of the author laid in the base of work. There are external and inner forms. The first, in fact, the product language, the second is a system of artistic methods, images and means, with the use of which it was created.

What are the Genres of Books in the form: Essay, Vision, Novel, Epopea, Oda, Piece, Epos, Essay, Skatch, Opus, Roman, Tale. Consider each in detail.


Essay is a slight essay of prosaic orientation with a free composition. His main goal is to show the personal opinion and the concept of the author for a specific occasion. At the same time, the essay is not obliged to fully disclose the problem of presentation or clearly respond to questions. Basic properties:

  • figurativeness;
  • approach to the reader;
  • aphoristism;
  • associativity.

There is an opinion according to which the essay is a separate type of artistic works. This genre dominated the XVIII-XIX centuries in British and Western European journalism. Famous representatives of that time: J. Addison, O. Goldsmith, J. Worton, W. Godwin.


Epos is simultaneously generated, the view and genre of literature. It is a heroic tale of the past, showing the then life of people and the reality of characters from the epic side. Often in the epic it is described in detail about some kind of person, about an adventure with his participation, about his feelings and experiences. It also describes the attitude of the hero to what is happening around him. Representatives of the genre:

  • "Iliad", "Odyssey" Homer;
  • "Song about Roland" Turold;
  • "Song about Nibelungah, the author is unknown.

The ancestors of the epic are the traditional poems of the songs of the ancient Greeks.


The epic is large works with heroic subtext and those that are similar to them. What is the literature of this genre:

  • narration about important historical moments in poetic form or prose;
  • the story of something, which includes several descriptions of different significant events.

There is still a moralizing epic. This is a special type of narrative in literature, characterized by its prosaic and raising the comic state of society. They include "Gargantua and Pantagruel" Rabela.


Sketch is called a short play, in which there are only two (rare three) main characters. Today, the sketch is used on the stage in the form of a comedic show with miniatures lasting no more than 10 minutes. Such a show regularly appear on television of Britain, USA and Russia. Famous programs - examples on TV - "Unreal History", "6 frames", "Our Russia".


Roman is a separate literary genre. It seems to be a detailed presentation of the development and life of key characters (or one hero) in the most crisis and complex periods. The main types of novel in the literature - a particular era or country, psychological, knight, classic, moral and many others. Famous examples:

  • Evgeny Onegin Pushkin;
  • "Dr. Zhivago" Pasternak;
  • "Master and Margarita" Bulgakov. "


Novel or story - a key genre of fiction, having a smaller volume than a story or novel. The main properties of the work include:

  • the presence of a small number of heroes;
  • the plot has only one line;
  • cyclicity.

Creator of stories - Novofilist, and a meeting of stories - novelistics.


Piece is a representative of drama. It is designed to display on the theater scene and in other performances. The play consists of:

  • speeches of the main characters;
  • copyright notes;
  • descriptions of places where the main actions go;
  • characteristics of the appearance of participating persons, their manners of behavior and character.

The play includes several acts that consist of episodes, actions, paintings.


The story is a work of prose character. It does not have special limitations in volume, but is located between Novella and Roman. Usually the plot of the story has a clear chronology, shows the natural course of the character of the character without intrigue. All attention belongs to the main person and the specifics of his nature. It is worth noting that the line of the plot is only one. Famous representatives of the genre:

  • "Baskerville Dog" A. Konan-Doyle;
  • "Poor Lisa" N. M. Karamzin;
  • "Steppe" A. P. Chekhov.

In foreign literature, the concept of "tale" is equal to the concept of a "short novel".

Feature article

Essay - a compressed truthful artistic tale about several events and phenomena, thought out by the author. The sketch base is an accurate understanding of the observation object directly by the writer. Types of such descriptions:

  • portrait;
  • problem;
  • ways;
  • historical.


Opus in general understanding - play, accompanied by music. Main characteristics:

  • internal completion;
  • individuality of the form;
  • thoroughness.

In the literary sense, opus is any scientific work or the creation of the author.

Oh yeah

Oda - poem (usually solemn), dedicated to a specific event or person. At the same time, the ODA can be a separate work with similar subjects. In ancient Greece, Odami considered all the poetic lyrics, even the singing of the choir. Since the Renaissance, it was so started to call exceptionally highly lyrical poems, focusing on antiquity images.


Vision is the genre of literature of the Middle Ages, which is based on the "Clairvideo", telling about the afterlife and unrealistic images that he is. Many modern researchers include visions to the didactics of narrative type and journalism, since in the era of the Middle Ages the person could thus convey his considerations about the unknown.

These are the main types of literature in the form and what their variations are. Unfortunately, all genres of literature and their definitions are difficult to accommodate into a small article - there are really a lot of them. In any case, everyone understands the need and importance of reading a wide variety of works, because they are real vitamins for the brain. With the help of books, you can enhance your level of intelligence, expand the vocabulary, improve memory and attentiveness. Brainapps - a resource that will help develop in this direction. The service shows more than 100 efficient simulators, which easily pump the gray substance.

The school in the lessons of literature study stories, stories, novels, essays, elegances. The cinemas demonstrate various films - militants, comedies, melodramas. And how do all these phenomena combine one term? For this purpose, the concept of "genre" is invented.

Let's figure it out what kind of genre in the literature, what kind of types there are and how to determine what direction this or that work belongs.

The division of works by childbirth is known since the time of antiquity. What is genre in ancient literature? It:

  • tragedy;
  • comedy.

Fiction was practically inseparable from the theater, and therefore the set was limited to what could be translated on the scene.

In the Middle Ages, the list expanded: now it includes a novel, novel and story. A new time refers to the appearance of a romantic poem, Roman-epic, as well as ballads.

The XX century with his vast variables, the point in the life of society and a separate person, gave rise to new literary forms:

  • thriller;
  • fighter;
  • fiction;
  • fantasy.

What is genre in literature

The combination of some features of groups of literary forms (signs can be both formal and meaningful) - this is the genres of literature.

According to Wikipedia, they are divided into three large groups:

  • in content;
  • in form;
  • by childbirth.

Wikipedia calls at least 30 different directions. These include (from the most famous):

  • story;
  • tale;
  • novel;
  • elegy,


There are less commonly consulting:

  • sketch;
  • opus;
  • stans.

How to determine the genre

How to determine the genre of the work? If we are talking about a novel or Ode, we do not get confused, but something more complex - sketch or stories - can cause difficulties.

So, we have a revealed book. You can immediately be correctly called well-known literary forms, in the definition of which we do not even need. For example, we see a surround creation, which describes a large period of time in which many characters appear.

Silent lines are somewhat - one main and unlimited number (at the discretion of the author) minor. If all these requirements are observed, then every high school student will say with confidence that the novel before us.

If this is a small narrative, limiting the description of any event, while the author's attitude to what he says is clearly visible, then this is a story.

More difficult, for example, with opus.

The interpretation of the concept is ambiguous: most often it means something causing a mockery, that is, an essay, a story or story, whose advantages are doubtful.

In principle, many literary works can be attributed to the concept of "opus", if they do not differ in the clarity of the syllable, the wealth of thought, simply speaking - inflated.

And what is the stons? This is a kind of poem-memories, a poem-thinking. Remember, for example, Pushkin "stons", written by him in a long winter road.

Important!To correctly classify this or that literary form, be sure to consider both external signs and content.

Let's try to reduce literary genres together, and for this we will collect the types of works in the table known to us. Of course, it is not possible to cover everything - the most fully literary directions are presented in serious philological works. But a small list can be made up.

The table will look like this:

Determination of the genre (in the generally accepted meaning) Characteristic signs
Story Accurate plot, description of one bright event
Feature article The species of the story, the task of the essay - to reveal the spiritual world of heroes
Tale Description Not so much events, how many of his consequences for the spiritual world of characters. The inner world of heroes is revealed in the story.
Sketch Short play (most often consisting of one act). There are minimal persons. Designed for the scene
Essay A small story where a considerable place is given to the author's personal impressions
Oh yeah Solemn poem dedicated to any person or event

Types of genres in content

Before, we concerned the question of the form of writing and divided the birth of literature on this basis. However, directions can be treated wider. It is very important to the content, the meaning of the written. At the same time, the terms in both lists can "echo", intersect.

Let's say, the story gets into two groups immediately: the stories can be allocated according to external signs (short, with a clearly pronounced author of the author), and in content (one bright event).

Among the directions separated by the content, we note:

  • comedy;
  • tragedy;
  • horrors;
  • drama.

Comedy is perhaps one of the most ancient directions. Definition of comedy multifaceted: it can be a comedy of provisions, a comedy character. Also distinguish comedies:

  • household;
  • romantic;
  • heroic.

Tragedies were also known to the ancient world. The definition of this genre of literature is a work, the outcome of which will certainly be sad, hopeless.

Genres of literature and their definitions

The list of literary genres can be found in any textbook for philologists. Who is important to know which directions are literary forms allocated?

This information is needed by the following specialists:

  • writers;
  • journalists;
  • teachers;
  • philologists.

When creating a artistic work, the author subordinates his creation to certain canons, and their frameworks are conditional boundaries - allow you to attribute the "novels", "essay" or "ode" created to the group.

This concept is of attitude not only to the creations of literature, but also to other types of art. Wikipedia explains: this term can also be used in relation to:

  • painting;
  • photos;
  • movie;
  • oratorical art;
  • music.

Important!Even the game of chess is subject to their genre standards.

However, these are very large individual topics. We are also interested in what genres are in the literature.


Any concept should be considered with examples, and the types of literary forms are no exception. We will get acquainted with examples in practice.

Let's start with the simplest - with the story. Surely everyone remembers the Chekhov's work "I want to sleep."

It is a terrible story written by deliberately simple, the everyday syllable, is at the heart of it - a crime committed by a thirteen-year-old girl in a state of affect, when her consciousness bolds from fatigue and hopelessness.

We see that Chekhov is observed all the laws of the genre:

  • the description is practically not beyond the same event;
  • the author is "present", we feel his attitude to what is happening;
  • the story is one main heroine;
  • in terms of volume, the essay is small, you can read in a few minutes.

As an example, you can take the "hanging waters" of Turgenev. The author argues more here, as if helping the reader draw conclusions, unobtrusively pushing it to these conclusions. In the story, an important place is given to the issues of morality, ethics, the inner world of heroes - all these problems come to the fore.

- Also the thing is quite concrete. This is a kind of sketch where the author expresses his own thoughts on a specific occasion.

For essay, bright imagery, originality, frankness are characteristic. If you have ever read Andre Morua and Bernard Shaw, you will understand what we are talking about.

The novels and their characteristic features are the length of events in time, multiple storylines, chronological chain, the author's periodic retreat from a given topic - do not allow the genre to be confused with any other.

In the novel, the author affects many problems: from personal to witness. When mentioning the novels, L. Tolstoy, "Fathers and Children", "Gone" M. Mitchell, "Thunderstorm Pass" E. Bronte, immediately come to the mind.

Types and groupings

In addition to the grouping in content and form, we can use the proposal of philologists and subdivide everything created by writers, poets and playwrights by childbirth. How to determine the genre of the work - to which kind it can relate?

You can form such a list of varieties:

  • epic;
  • lyrical;
  • dramatic.

The first is distinguished by a calm narrative, descriptive. Epic can be a novel, essay, poem. The second is all related to the personal experiences of the heroes, as well as with solemn events. These include ODU, Elegy, epigram.

Dramatic is a comedy, tragedy, drama. For the most part, the theater expresses "right".

Summarizing the said, you can apply such a classification: there are three major directions in the literature, covering everything that ever was created by prose, playwrights and poets. We are divided by:

  • form;
  • content;
  • childbirth written.

Within one direction there may be a lot of completely diverse essays. So, if you take division in the form, then we will take the stories, novels, essays, odes, essays, tale.

We determine the belonging to any direction on the "external structure" of the work: its size, the number of storylines, the author's attitude to what is happening.

Division by childbirth is lyric, dramatic and epic works. Lyric may be a novel, story, essay. To the genus of epic belongs to poems, fairy tales, epic. Dramatic are plays: comedy, tragicomedia, tragedy.

Important! New time makes adjustments to the system of literary directions. In recent decades, the development of a detective genre originated in the XIX century. In contrast to the utopian novel, which arose in the period of the late Middle Ages, the anti-nightopia originated.

Useful video

Let's summarize

Literature today continues to develop. The world is changing at a huge speed, and therefore changes in the form of an expression of thoughts, feelings, the rate of perception. Perhaps in the future new genres will be formed - so unusual that while it is difficult for us to imagine them.

It is possible that they will be at the junction of several species of art, for example, cinema, music and literature. But this is in the future, but for now, our task is to learn how to deal with the literary heritage that we already have.

One of the founders of Russian literature was VG Belinsky. And although there were also serious steps in antiquity in the development of the concept of literary soda (Aristotle), it was Belinsky who owns a scientifically based theory of three literary clauses, with which you can get acquainted in detail by reading the article by Belinsky "Separation of Poetry for Birth and Types".

There are three kinds of fiction: epic (from Greek. Epos, narration), lyrical (Liru was called the musical instrument, accompanied by the versatile verses) and dramatic (from Greek. Drama, action).

Introducing the reader one or another subject (meaning the subject of the conversation), the author chooses different approaches to him:

First approach: you can detail tell about the subject, about events, with it related, the circumstances of the existence of this subject and I.T.; At the same time, the position of the author will be in one degree or another removed, the author will act as a kind of chronist, the narrator, or choose someone from the characters with a storyteller; The main thing will be the story in this work, narration About the subject, the leading type of speech will be the narration; such a genus of literature is referred to as epic;

Second approach: you can not tell so much about events as impresswhich they produced on the author about those feelingsthey caused; picture inner world, experiences, impressions and will refer to the lyrical family of literature; exactly experience becomes the main event lyrics;

Third approach: you can pictitate thing in action, show him on stage; submit to the reader and the viewer him surrounded by other phenomena; Such a genus of literature is dramatic; In Drama, the author's voice directly will be less common to sound - in remarks, that is, copyright explanations to the action and replica of heroes.

Consider the following table and try to remember its content:

Birth of fiction

(Greek - narration)

story On the events, fate of the heroes, their actions and adventures, the image of the outside of what is happening (even feelings are shown on the part of their external manifestation). The author can directly express his attitude towards what is happening.

(Greek - action)

picture events and relationships between heroes on the stage (A special way to record text). A direct expression of the author's point of view in the text is contained in remarks.

(from the name of the music tool)

experience events; An image of feelings, inner world, emotional state; the feeling becomes the main event.

Each family of literature in turn includes a number of genres.

GENRE - This is a historically established group of works united by general signs of content and form. Such groups include novels, stories, poems, elegances, stories, feuethons, comedies, etc. In literature, the concept of a literary species is often introduced, this is a wider concept than genre. In this case, the novel will be considered a type of fiction, and genres - various varieties of novel, for example, adventure, detective, psychological, novel-parable, novel-antiutopia, etc.

Examples of rode-species relations in the literature:

  • Rod: dramatic; View: comedy; Genre: comedy provisions.
  • Genus: epic; View: Tale; Genre: Fantastic Tale, etc.

Genres, being categories historical, appear, develop and over time, "go" from the "active stock" artists depending on the historical era: antique lyrics did not know the sonnet; Nowadays, the archaic genre has become born in antiquity and popular in the XVII-XVIII centuries. Romanticism of the XIX century caused detective literature for life, etc.

Consider the following table in which views and genres related to various types of art of the word are presented:

Births, species and genres of artistic literature

National Author's National Author National Author
Poem (Epos):

Historical ...
Small genres:

Fees ...
Small genres:
Lit. story...
The game
Folk drama

Masks ...
Song Oh yeah

Modern literary studies also distinguishes fourth, concentration of literature, combining the features of epic and lyrical childbirth: laro-epicTo which belongs poem. And indeed, telling the reader some story, the poem manifests itself as an epos; Revealing the depth of feelings before the reader, the inner world of the face telling this story, the poem shows itself as a lyrics.

Lyrical Call the way of literature, in which the attention of the author is given to the image of the inner world, feelings, experiences. The event in the lyrics is important only inspired because it causes an emotional response in the soul of the artist. It is the experience that becomes in lyrics the main event. Lyrics as a birth of literature originated in ancient times. The word "lyrics" of Greek origin, but does not have a direct translation. In ancient Greece, the poetic works depicting the inner world of feelings and experiences were performed under the accompaniment of the Lyra, and the word "lyrics" appeared.

The most important character lyrics is lyrical hero: It is his inner world and is shown in a lyrical work, from his behalf, the Lirik artist speaks with the reader, and the world is depicted in the context of the impressions he produces on the lyrical hero. Note! Do not confuse the lyrical character with epic. Pushkin reproduced in detail the inner world of Evgenia Onegin, but this is the epic hero, a member of the main events of the novel. The lyrical hero of Roman Pushkin is the narrator, the one who is familiar with Onegin and tells his story, deeply surviving it. Onegin only once becomes the lyrical hero in the novel - when he writes a letter to Tatiana, as well as she becomes a lyrical heroine when he writes a letter to Onegin.

Creating an image of a lyrical character, the poet can make it personally very close to itself (verses of Lermontov, Feta, Nekrasov, Mayakovsky, Tsvetaeva, Akhmatova, etc.). But sometimes the poet seems to be "hiding" for the mask of the lyrical hero, completely distant from the person of the poet itself; So, for example, A.Blok makes the lyrical heroine of Ophelia (2 poems called "The Song of Ophelia") or the street actor Arlequin ("I was all in the Pestreh Losca ..."), M.TSvetaeva - Hamlet ("At the bottom she, where IL ... "), V. Brisov - Cleopatra (" Cleopatra "), S. Jenin - Peasant Guy from a folk song or fairy tales (" Mother in a swimsuit went through the forest ... "). So competently, arguing about the lyrical work, talking about the expression in him not the author, but a lyrical hero.

As other literature, Lyrics include a number of genres. Some of them arose in distant antiquity, others in the era of the Middle Ages, some - quite recently, one and a half or two centuries ago, and even in the past century.

Read about some Lyrical genres:
Oh yeah (Greek. "Song") - a monumental solemn poem, the famous great event or a great man; There are spiritual ODDs (Psalms), moral, philosophical, satirical, OD-messages, etc. Ode three-part: necessarily has the topic declared at the beginning of the work; The development of the theme and arguments are usually allegorical (second part); Final, didactic (instructive) part. Samples of ancient ancient OD are associated with the names of Horace and Pindara; The Ode came to Russia in the XVIII century, classical became ODD M. Lomonosov ("on the day of the modern day of the Russian throne Empress Eldisabeth Petrovna"), V. Northakovsky, A.Sumokova, Istrovin (Felitsa, "God"), and .Radishcheva ("liberty"). Gave the tribute to Ode A. Pushkin ("Volost"). By the middle of the XIX century, Oda lost the relevance and gradually moved into the category of archaic genres.

Anthem - poem of laudatory content; Also came from ancient poetry, but if the antiques were composed in antiquity in honor of the gods and heroes, at a later time the hymns were written in honor of the solemn events, festivals, often not only a state, but also personal character (A. Pushkin. "Pirifying students" ).

Elegy (Frigiysk. "Cane Flute") - genre of lyrics dedicated to thinking. Originated in antique poetry; Originally called crying over the dead. Elegia was based on the vital ideal of the ancient Greeks, which was based on the harmony of the world, proportionality and equilibrium of being, incomplete without sadness and contemplation, these categories and moved to modern eleph. Elegy can embody both the life-affirming ideas and disappointment. The poetry of the XIX century still continued to develop an elegy in the "pure" form, in the lyrics of the twentieth century Elegy occurs, rather, as a genre tradition, as a special mood. In modern poetry, Elegy is a unmavable poem of a contemplative, philosophical and landscape nature.
A. Pushkin. "To the sea"
N.Nekrasov. "Elegy"
A.Akhmatova. "Martov Elegy"

Read the poem A. Block "From Autumn Elegy":

Epigram (Greek. "Inscription") is a small poem of satirical content. Initially in antiquity epigram called inscriptions on household subjects, tombstones and statues. Subsequently, the content of epigram has changed.
Examples of epigramms:

Yuri Olesha:

Sasha black:

Epistle, or message - a poem, the content of which can be defined as a "letter in verse." The genre also came from the ancient lyrics.
A. Pushkin. Pushchina ("My first friend, my friend is invaluable ...")
V.Markovsky. "Sergey Yesenina"; "Lilichka! (Instead of a letter)"
S. Jenin. "Letter of Mother"
M.TSvetaeva. Poems to block

Sonnet - This is a poetic genre of the so-called tough form: a poem consisting of 14 lines, specially organized in the stanza, which has the strict principles of rhythm and stylistic laws. The form distinguishes several types of sleep:

  • italian: consists of two quarters (katrenoes), in which riffs are rhymes according to the ABAB or ABBA scheme, and two three-time (tercets) with the CDD or CDE CDE CDE rhythm;
  • english: consists of three katrenins and one two-octic; General rhyme scheme - abab CDCD EFEF GG;
  • sometimes it is distinguished by French: the stroke is similar to Italian, but in Teretstech another rhyme scheme: CCD EED or CCD EDE; He had a significant impact on the development of the following type of sonnet -
  • russian: Created by Anton Delvig: Stroika is also similar to Italian, but the rhyme scheme in Terectets - CDD CCD.

This lyrical genre was born in Italy in the XIII century. His creator was a lawyer Yakopo da Lentini; After a hundred years, Sonate masterpieces of Petrarks appeared. Sonnet came to Russia in the XVIII century; A little later, he receives a serious development in the works of Anton Delivia, Ivan Kozlov, Alexander Pushkin. Of particular interest in Sonnet showed the poets of the Silver Century: K. Balmont, V. Bryusov, I. Annensky, V. Ivanov, I. Bunin, N.Gumilev, A.Blok, O. Madelshtam ...
In the art of poems, the sonnet is considered one of the most difficult genres.
In the last 2 centuries, the poets rarely adhered to some kind of strict rhythm, often offering mixing various schemes.

    Such content dictation features of the Sonetny language:
  • vocabulary and intonation should be sublime;
  • rhymes - accurate and, if possible, unusual, rare;
  • renal words should not be repeated in the same meaning, etc.

Special difficulty - and therefore the vertex of poetic equipment - is wreath of sonnets: A cycle of 15 poems, the initial line of each of which is the last line of the previous one, and the last line of the 14th poem is the first string of the first. The fifteenth sonnet consists of the first strings of all 14 sonnets cycle. In Russian lyrics, the most famous steel wreaths of Sonetov V.Ivanov, M.Voloshina, K. Balmont.

Read the "Sonnet" of A. Pushkin and see how the Sononta shape disassembled:

Text Stanza Rhyme Contents (topic)
1 Stern Dante did not despised sonnet;
2 In Him, the fever of love Petrarka poured;
3 game he loved the Creator Macbeth 1;
4 They mournful thought Kamense 2 enchant.
katrer 1. BUT
History of the Sone Genre in the past, themes and problems of the sonnet of classics
5 And in our days, he captures the poet:
6 VORDSWORT 3 His gun elected,
7 When away from the bay light
8 Nature He draws an ideal.
katrer 2. A.
The meaning of the sonnet in the modern Pushkin of European poetry, the expansion of the circle of topics
9 Under the Mountains of Tavrida Mountains
10 Lithuanian singer 4 in the size of his constant
11 His dreams instantly concluded.
Development of the topic of the 2nd Katro
12 We still did not know his virgin,
13 How for him, Delvig forgot
14 Hexameter 5 Sacred Tunes.
Soneten value in modern Pushkin Russian lyrics

In school lideogments is called such a genre of lyrics as lyrical poem. There is no such genre in classical literary criticism. It was introduced into the school curriculum for some simplification of a complex system of lyrical genres: if the bright genre signs of the work cannot be isolated and the poem is not in the strict sense, nor a hymn, nor an elegy, nor sonnet, etc., it will be defined as a lyrical poem. . In this case, attention should be paid to the individual features of the poem: the specifics of the form, the topic, the image of the lyrical hero, the mood, etc. Thus, the lyrical poems (in school understanding) should include the poems of Mayakovsky, Tsvetaeva, Blok, etc. Under this definition there is almost the entire twentieth century lyrics, if the authors did not specifically comply with the genre of works.

Satire (Lat. "The mixture, all sorts of little") - as a poetic genre: the product, the content of which is the impact - public phenomena, human defects or individuals - by ridicule. Satira in antiquity in Roman literature (Satira Juvenal, Marziah, etc.). New development genre received in the literature of classicism. The content of satire is characterized by ironic intonation, allegority, esopov language, often uses the reception of "talking names". In Russian literature in the genre, A.Kanthemir, K. Batyushkov (XVIII-XIX centuries), in the twentieth century, as the author of Satir became famous for Sasha Black and others. Many poems from "Pychs about America" \u200b\u200bV.Makovsky can also be called satriram ( "Six nuns", "Black & White", "Skyscraper in the section", etc.).

Ballad - Laro-epic plot poem of fantastic, satirical, historical, fabulous, legendary, humorous, etc. character. The ballad arose in antiquity (suggests, in the early Middle Ages) as a folk ritual dance and song genre, and this is due to her genre features: strict rhythm, storyliness (in the ancient ballads about heroes and gods), the presence of repetitions (repeated lines or individual words as an independent stanza), called refrenomes. In the XVIII century, the ballad became one of the most beloved poetic genres of literature of romanticism. Ballads created F.Shiller ("Cup", "Glove"), I. Mouth ("Forest Tsar"), Vzhukovsky ("Lyudmila", "Svetlana"), A. Pushkin ("Anchar", "Groom") , M.Lermonts (Borodino, "Three Palmies"); At the turn of the XIX century of the centuries, the ballad is reborn again and becomes very popular, especially in the revolutionary era, during the revolutionary romance. Among the poets of the twentieth century, ballads wrote A.Blok ("Love" ("Kingana lived on a high mountain ..."), N.Gumilev ("Captains", "Varvara"), A. Aakhmatova ("Seruoglasian King"), M.Svetlov ("Grenada") and others.

Note! The work can combine the signs of some genres: a message with elements of Elegy (A. Pushkin, "to *** (" I remember a wonderful moment ... "), lyrical poem of elegic content (A.Blok." Motherland "), epigram-message and t ..

  1. Creator Macbeth - William Shakespeare (tragedy "Macbeth").
  2. Portuguese poet Luiste de Kamense (1524-1580).
  4. Singer Lithuania - Polish Poet-Romantic Adam Mitskevich (1798-1855).
  5. See the material of the topic number 12.
You should read those artworks that can be considered within this topic, namely:
  • V.A. Zhukovsky. Poem: "Svetlana"; "Sea"; "Evening"; "Inposable"
  • A.S. Pushkin. Poem: "Village", "Demons", "Winter Evening", "Pushchina" ("My first friend, my friend is invalid ...", "Winter Road", "To Chaadaev", "In the depths of Siberian ore ...", "Anchar "," Reliets the clouds of the flying ridge ... "," prisoner "," a conversation of the bookcard with a poet "," poet and a crowd "," autumn "," ... I visited ... "," Will I go along the streets of noisy ... "," The gift is in vain, the gift is random ... "," October 19 "(1825)," on the hills of Georgia "," I loved you ... "," K *** "(" I remember a wonderful moment ... ")," Madonna " , "Echo", "Prophet", "Poet", "To the sea", "from Pindimony" ("Introduction I appreciate the loud rights ..."), "I have erected a monument to myself ..."
  • M.Yu.lermonts. Poem: "The death of the poet", "Poet", "How often, the Mother of God is surrounded ...", "Duma", "and bored, and sad ...", "Prayer" ("I, Mother of God, now with a prayer ...") "We broke up, but your portrait ...", "I will not humiliate before you ...", "Motherland", "Farewell, unwashed Russia ...", when the yellowing Niva is worried ... "," no, I do not bayron, I am another ... "," Listka "," Three Palm "," From under the mysterious, cold half mask ... "," Plated Knight "," Neighbor "," Testament "," Tuchi "," Rock "," Borodino "," Tuchka Heavenly, eternal pages ... "," prisoner "," prophet "," I go out one on the road ... "
  • N.A.Nekrasov. Poems: "I don't like the irony of your ...", "Knight for an hour", "I will die soon ...", "Prophet", "Poet and citizen", "Troika", "Elegy", "Zina" ("You are still on Life has the right ... "); other poems of your choice
  • F.I. Tyutchev. Poem: "Autumn Evening", "Silentium", "Not that Manty You, Nature ...", "still lands Peacon look ...", "How good you, about the sea night ...", "I met you ...", " Whatever the life of us neither taught ... "," Fountain "," these poor villages ... "," Human tears, about human tears ... "," the mind of Russia is not understood ... "," I remember the Golden time ... "," What are you talking about Are you all the wind of the night? "," The shadows of the SIZY have shifted ... "," How sweetly dormant garden dark green ... "; other poems of your choice
  • A.A.Fet. Poem: "I came to you with greetings ...", "More May night ...", "whisper, timid breathing ...", "This morning, this joy ...", "Sevastopol rural cemetery", "cloud wavy ...", "learn They have oak, in the birch ... "," poets "," autumn "," What a night, like the air is clean ... "," Village "," swallows "," on the rail "," fantasy "," the night shine . Moon was full of garden ... "; other poems of your choice
  • I.A. Bunin. Poem: "Last Shmel", "Evening", "Childhood", "still cold and cheese ...", "and flowers, and bumblebees, and grass ...", "Word", "Vityat on a crossroads", "the bird has a nest ... "," Twilight "
  • A.A. Block. Poems: "I enter into the dark temples ...", "Stranger", "Solveig", "You are like a szvuk forgotten hymn ...", "the earthly heart is still ...", "Oh, spring without end and without edge ...", " About the values, about the exploits, about glory ... "," on the railway ", cycles" on the field of Kulikov "and" Carmen "," Rus "," Rodina "," Russia "," Morning in the Kremlin "," Oh, I I want to live madly ... "; other poems of your choice
  • A.A.ahmatova. Poems: "Song of the last meeting", "You know, I'll tormented in captivity ...", "in front of the spring there are days such ...", "Flanged autumn, like a widow ...", "I learned just, wisely live ...", "native land "; "I have nothing to rather rather ...", "Not with those I who threw the earth ...", "courage"; other poems of your choice
  • S.A. Jenin. Poem: "Goy You, Russia my native ...", "not to wander, not to mive in the bushes of the crimson ...", "I don't regret, I don't call, I don't cry ...", "We are now going to gradually ...", "Mother's letter", " The grove was dissuard Golden ... "," I left the birthday house ... "," Kachalova's dog "," Rus Soviet "," drank trees drools ... "," uncomfortable liquid lunity ... "," sleeping a nick. Plain dear ... "," goodbye , my friend, goodbye ... "; other poems of your choice
  • V.V. Mamakovsky. Poem: "Did you think?", "Listen!", "NATE!", "YOU!", "Violin and a little nervously", "Mom and killed by the German evening", "cheap sale", "good attitude to horses "," Left March "," About Dryani "," Sergey Yesenina "," Jubilee "," Letter Tatyana Yakovlev "; other poems of your choice
  • 10-15 poems (according to your choice): M.TSvetaeva, B. Pasternak, N. Gumileva.
  • A.Vardovsky. Poem: "I am killed under Rzhev ...", "I know there is no my guilt ...", "the whole point in the same Testament ...", "Memory of Mother", "to the insults of the bitter person ..."; other poems of your choice
  • I.Brodsky. Poems: "I entered instead of a wild beast ...", "letters of the Roman friend", "to uranium", "stons", "you will jump in the darkness ...", "to the death of Zhukov", "Nothing with love ...", "fern notes "

Try all the literary works that are named in the work, read in the book, and not in electronic form!
By performing tasks to work 7, pay special attention to theoretical materials, as you perform the tasks of this work on intuition - it means to correct yourself for an error.
Do not forget to make a metric circuit to each disassembled poem, repeatedly checking it.
The key to success in performing this complex work is attention and accuracy.

Recommended literature for work 7:
  • Kvyatkovsky I.A. Poetic dictionary. - M., 1966.
  • Literary encyclopedic dictionary. - M., 1987.
  • Literary criticism: reference materials. - M., 1988.
  • Lotman Yu.M. Analysis of poetic text. - L.: Enlightenment, 1972.
  • Gasparov M. Modern Russian verse. Metric and rhythm. - M.: Science, 1974.
  • Zhirmunsky V.M. The theory of verse. - L.: Science, 1975.
  • Poetic building of the Russian lyrics. Sat - L.: Science, 1973.
  • Skripov GS About Russian verses. Manual for students. - M.: Enlightenment, 1979.
  • Dictionary of literary terms. - M., 1974.
  • Encyclopedic dictionary of young literary critic. - M., 1987.