Consultation for parents "Non-traditional drawing techniques - the path to free creativity. Consultation for educators "Non-traditional drawing techniques in prim equipment of non-traditional drawing

Consultation for parents
Consultation for parents "Non-traditional drawing techniques - the path to free creativity. Consultation for educators "Non-traditional drawing techniques in prim equipment of non-traditional drawing

Vlada Saldakeev
Consultation for parents "non-traditional drawing forms. "If there are no brushes at home."

Consultation for parents Non-traditional drawing forms" If there are no brushes at home"

Consultation Piece for Parents"If there are no brushes at home. " ()

Preschool childhood is a very important period in the life of children. It is at this age that each child is a small researcher, with the joy and surprise of an unfamiliar and amazing world around for itself. The more diverse children's activity, the more successful there is a versatile child development, its potential opportunities and the first manifestations of creativity are being implemented. That is why one of the closest and most affordable work with children in kindergarten is visual, artistic and productive activities, creating conditions for the involvement of a child in their own creativity, in the course of which something beautiful is created, unusual. It is necessary to teach step by step, from simple to complex.

Fine activity brings many joy to preschoolers. Need in drawing in children at the genetic level; Copying the world around, they study it. As a rule, classes in children's preschool institutions are more often reduced only to the standard set of fine materials and traditional methods of transmitting received information. But, given the huge leap of mental development and the potential of a new generation, this is not enough to develop creative abilities. And because initially all kindergarten is reduced by the fact that paint, and what and what, and fantasies and imagination in modern children more than enough. Our task is to teach children to manipulate with a variety of quality, material properties, use.

Painting Unusual materials and original techniques allow children to feel unforgettable positive emotions, as you know, this is the process, and the result of practical activities, especially artistic creativity. By emotions, you can judge that at the moment I am pleased, interests, it turns into a despondency, worries the child, which characterizes its essence, character, personality.

We, adults, it is necessary to develop a sense of beauty in the child. It is from us that the rich or poor - will be his spiritual life.

To instill love for visual arts, cause interest drawing Starting with the younger preschool age, I use unconventional ways of image. That non-traditional drawing It gives children a lot of positive emotions, reveals the possibility of using well-known objects as artistic materials, surprises its unpredictability.

Unusual ways drawing so fascinating childrenWhat, figuratively speaking, the present flame of creativity begins in the group, which is completed by the exhibition of children's drawings.

What kind unconventional drawing methods Used in our kindergarten? Cleaxography, drawing fingers, salt, soap bubbles, splashing, etc.

Paint You can anything and as you like! Lying on the floor, under the table, on the table ... on a piece of wood, on a newspaper ... a variety of materials puts new tasks and makes something invent all the time. And from the Karakul and Mazni, in the end, suggested The recognizable object is me. No clutter joy of satisfaction from the fact that I did it - all this is my! ".

Having learned to express your feelings on paper, the child begins to better understand the feelings of others, learns to overcome timidity, fear of drawing, Before that nothing happens. He is sure that it will turn out, and it will turn out beautifully.

But in general paint can be everywhere and wisdom: Print by different objects, create compositions with candle, toothbrush, hands, fingers, lipstick, feet ... dare, fantasize! And joy will come to you - the joy of creativity, surprise and unity with your children.

Our main goal is with you - to teach a growing person to think, fantasize, think boldly and freely, fully showing your abilities, your individuality.

But ... - Maybe someone from parents- all this in the case is useful to my child, if a He will want to become an artist.

Let you argue, dear moms and dads. Painting Helps the baby to overcome psychological problems, express himself and its vision of the world.

Of course, not everyone will become artists. This is the case of talent and conscious choice. But you can not be an artist, but to love and understand the beautiful, comprehending the magical world of creativity.

Elena Merkulova

Consultation for parents and teachers on the use of non-traditional drawing techniques

"We draw unusual things without difficulty"

Prepared the educator of the MBDOU DS "Blue Tracks" of Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Merculova Elena Anatolyevna

Dear Colleagues!

Let me present to your attention advice for parents, which was held at the final parent meeting in the form of a master class. The event was very interesting. I liked both parents and children. On the recommendation of the Senior Educator later held a similar consultation for teachers.

Purpose: Expand the knowledge of parents in questions about the use of non-traditional techniques in the visual activities of children.


1. To form the parents from the parents to the activities of children in drawing classes.

2. To convey to parents the importance of using methods of non-traditional visual techniques in the development of figurative thinking, sensual perception, creativity of children.

3. To introduce parents with some non-traditional drawing techniques and give the opportunity to show their artistic creativity.

Materials and equipment:

In the music hall, an exhibition of children's work in various non-traditional techniques was issued. On the tables are visual materials and tools:

1. For a chipping brush: Hard brush, gouache, paper of any color and format, silhouettes of a fluffy or barbed animal.

2. For finger painting, familiar form - a new image: bowls with gouache, tight paper of any color, small sheets, napkins, pencils.

3. For printing: Paper, Bowls with gouashe colors; cotton wands, markers, oilcloths, napkins.

4. For drawing a candle + watercolor (photocopy, wax shallow + watercolor: candles, wax chalk, watercolor, wide brushes, water jars, watercolor paper, pieces of foam rubber or foam roller.

5. For monotopia: dense paper of any color, brushes, gouache or watercolor.

6. For plasticography: cardboard of any color, plasticine, stacks, napkins.

7. For drawing semolina: cereals, adhesive pencil, dark tones cardboard.

Teacher:Dear parents, I am very glad to welcome you in our meeting!

It is no secret that many parents would like to have a universal, "magical" recipe for educational, developed, talented children. We would like to see children happy, emotionally prosperous, successful in affairs, versatile, in words, interesting personalities. And an interesting person is a knowledgeable, confident and its abilities, a constantly developing person. In the formation of such an personality, visual art plays a considerable role.

During drawing to work, visual, motor, muscularly tangible analyzers are included. In addition, drawing develops memory, attention, a small motorcy, teaches a child to think and analyze, compose and compare, compose and imagine.

Drawing plays a big role in the formation of speech in a child.

A little - a lot has passed a lot of how to find a recipe that helps to improve the creative abilities of the child. These are non-traditional fine technics.

Such techniques are unusual because they include not only visual materials in the educational process, but also various household items: cocktail tubes, sponges for washing dishes, candles, semolina, glue, cotton wool and much more. You can ask a completely natural question: why do you need it? Allow me to tell you about it in verses:

There is a drawing normal:

Traditional in everything.

Materials to us are familiar.

But today is not about him.

About alternative methods

I want to tell a little.

His great efficiency

They managed to prove.

Nontraditional classes

Include many ideas.

Sometimes provocative,

But interesting for children.

They are unusually combined

Material and tool.

And everything is fine,

And indifferent not exactly!

Such classes are interested in children and give excellent results. You see them now at the exhibition. With all these techniques, I introduce children as during classes and free activities.

And now let me introduce you to some unconventional artistic - graphic drawing techniques.

Unconventional drawing techniques:

1. Stick with a rigid semi-dry brush.

Age: Any.

The way to obtain an image: You need to lower the brush into the gouache and hit it on paper, keeping vertically. When working, the brush does not fall into the water. Thus, the entire sheet, contour or template is filled. It turns out imitation of the texture of the fluffy or barbed surface.

If a silent poke,

That is, draw a tych,

That will turn out to be Murlyka

With a soft teddy tail.

2. Finger painting.

* Drawing with fingers.

Age: from two years.

A way to obtain an image: You need to lower your finger into the gouache and apply points, specks or lines on paper. Each finger is gaining paint different colors. After working, the fingers are wiped with a napkin, and then the gouache is easily flushed.

Older children can be offered using cotton wands.

* Drawing with palm.

Age: from two years.

Method of obtaining an image: You need to omit in the gouache palm (all brush) or paint it with a tassel (from five years old) and make a print on paper. Drawn and right and left hands painted with different colors. After work, the hands are wiped with a napkin, then the gouache is easily flushed.

The subject of learning should, respectively, the age increases due to the training of their drawing by several fingers of the working hand, a slim, edge of the palm, and the whole palm.

The recipe for finger paints is interesting and safe.

Mix with a mixer of 0.5 kg of flour, 5 tablespoons of salt, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and water, to a concentration of thick sour cream, then the resulting mass to pour into separate jars, add food dye (beet or carrot juice, alternate - Easter sets, mix up to homogeneous mass.

3. Familiar form - a new image

Age: from five years old.

Method of obtaining an image: You need to circle a pencil selected item. Then turn it into something else by teasing and coloring by any suitable materials.

To convey, you can use various items: scissors, spoons, cups

etc. You can also circle palms, feet, cams, shape.

4. Printing.

Age: Four years old.

Method of obtaining an image: To perform work, "silt" from coils from threads, plugs, cotton wands, caps from markers, cotton wands, etc. Each drawing, depending on what is printed, it turns out different.

Prepare from spent markers, special "stags" by inserting pieces of foam rubber in them, you can introduce children with the reception of "pointism" (an image from a variety of points)

5. Magic technique drawing (drawing with reserve).

* Candle + Watercolor (Photocopy)

Age: Four years

A way to obtain an image: draw a candle on paper. Then paint a watercolor sheet into one or more colors. A drawing drawn with a candle remains white.

* Wax crayons + watercolor

Age: Four years old

A method of obtaining an image: draw with colored wax chalk on white paper. Then paint a watercolor sheet into one or more colors. The drawing drawn in shameles remains impaired.

You can get the same effect by drawing first by stationery glue or a piece of economic soap.

It is important: to pay attention to the power of push - the stronger it is pressure on the crayon, the more clear the image.

6. Monotopia

* Subject

Age: from five years

Method of obtaining an image: You need to fold the sheet of paper twice and on one half of it to draw half of the displayed item (items are selected symmetrical). After drawing each part of the subject, until the paint dried, the sheet is again folded in half to get an imprint. Then the image can be decorated, also leaf folding leaf after drawing several decorations.

* Landscape

Age: from six years.

The way to obtain an image: a sheet is folded in half. On one half of the leaf, the landscape is drawn, its reflection in the lake, the river (imprint) is obtained. The landscape is performed quickly so that the paints do not have time to dry. Half of the sheet, intended for the imprint, is wiping with a wet sponge. The original pattern, after it is made of impression, is animated with paints, in order to be more distinguished from the imprint.

7. Plasticography

Age: Four years

Method of obtaining an image: Drawing with plasticine on a solid surface

(I get acquainted with each new drawing technique The teacher gives parents the opportunity to express their artistic creativity in practice.)


You look at the easel

The outcome of the master class.

Teacher: Dear Parents!

Non-traditional drawing techniques help to feel free, overcome their fear, see and convey on paper what is harder to make us. And most importantly, they give children the opportunity to be surprised and rejected the world. After all, any opening of something new, unusual brings joy, gives a new impetus to creativity.

Our master - class came to an end. I see wonderful work in unusual techniques. You can show them your children, and I am sure - they will like your creativity! I dare to hope that now in conversations with children about classes drawing you can show your considerable awareness!

Allow me to spare:

Good luck to wish you

If you like it,

Come to us again!

Thank you all for your attention!

During the master class offered parents to try in practice to apply those or other drawing techniques. Parents and attendants who were present at the meeting gladly showed their creativity. It turned out the wonderful drawings they took up.


Creative success!

Workshop for parents "Draw together" non-traditional drawing

Insert pattern

Compiler: Malanh Irina Dariyevna, Pedagogue of additional education

Public general educational institution Khanty - Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra "Nyaganskaya School - boarding school for training with disabilities"

Nyagan 2015.

purpose : Attracting the attention of parents to the value of the pictorial creativity of children, to the benefits of non-traditional drawing techniques. Tasks: introduce parents with non-traditional drawing techniques; Contribute to understanding the importance of the development of children's creativity.

Dear Parents!

Today we will visit the country of creativity, get acquainted with the traditions of this country and its features. Someone will tell us all this know, but I really hope that some discoveries are waiting for everyone. Did everyone paint in childhood? And who continues to draw and now?

Drawing is a mandatory stage in the development of each person. We all painted as a child: someone in albums, someone in chalk on asphalt, someone on wallpaper or linoleum. Creative activity is of great importance for the development and education of children. The products of the visual activity (drawings, crafts, etc.) is an image of reality that reflects the inner world of the child, its mental experiences, the relationship with the outside world, in drawings, you can determine the state of intelligence, its performance, the level of mental development, mood. Creative activity can play a major role in the development of the child due to their availability. How to teach a child to draw if you do not know how? Do not hurry to get upset. There are many techniques with which you can create original work, without even having artistic skills. And you and your child will receive not only pleasure from such classes, but also a lot of benefits.

So, learn to draw unusual drawings by conventional items!

Rain drops with PVA glue and hang vertically drawing to dry, when the glue dries, there will be transparent droplets on paper, similar to the rain .

Drawing fingers


Drawing tych

Plyonom printing

Foam pump (small)

Foambone big

Leaves of plants (trees, colors)




Tubes, fork

Plastic tube

Plastic bottle

Our task is to help children open the door in the most amazing world - the magical world of children's creativity!

Dare , fantasize!

Thanks for attention!

Consultation for parents "Unconventional drawing techniques - the path to free creativity"

I paint a white cloud chalk,

I draw, there will be a day for sure ...

Drawing is a way of self-expression of the inner world of the child. And as far as the inner world of a small artist, so vividly the incarnation of his ideas, fantasies, images. Children love to draw, because through this type of activity there are creative possibilities of an unpropered still fully small talent. Everyone freely expresses its feelings, desires, enthusiasm, dreams, premonitions, ... fears. Drawing in itself fascinating, informative, brings joyful notes of the feeling of the surrounding world.

Children begin to draw early, and already by 2.5-3 years old they are bright enough and can accurately express their thoughts and fantasies. Podral, the child can declare "I do not know how to draw" and remove it from this activity, since he said "does not see significant results." Here the fear of the child is expressed before the assessment of adults of his work, uncertainty reflects, caution in the assessment of creativity. Why is this happening? The reasons, in my opinion, may be different, and are as follows:

An adult often imposes certain stereotypes (the house is only one, the grass is all this), etc.

Is being implemented by an algorithm of visual activity (sample repetition);

The possibility of self-expression of a reservoir in the line, color.

Perhaps some fear to provide a child a variety of diverse material for drawing.

Most often, the child is offered a conventional drawing kit:

Dad will give me a pencil,

Mom will give me paints,

I will easily sit at the table

Collect coloring ...

The famous artist V.Pavorsky noted: "When the child appeals to art, he gives pencils, paints and paper, and this is a mistake; it is necessary to give him all sorts of materials. Let him draw on paper on the wall, makes drawings for his dress, makes outfits from newspapers. "Remembering your childhood, which of you did not try to draw the first pebble, clove, stick

What unusual materials do I turn on the children's creativity? There are a lot of them: toothbrush, fluff, hollow tube, cellophane, cotton wand, seats, threads, bottles, pebbles, leaves, wax candles, soap foam, flagella, palm, tampon. Any new material and every new acquired skill is a subject of pride for a child.

So, the toning of the sheet for the subsequent drawing turns into an interesting game when leaning the paper and making a hard tampon from it, it is dipped into the paint and fills the entire sheet. Fascinating for preschool and toning a leaf cellophane. Paint is applied to cellophane, and then the painted cellophane is applied to the sheet, the palm is smoothed and removed the background is ready, very unusual. To quickly draw the waves, I suggest a "magic bottle". The plastic bottle of pva glue is glued along the oblique line of the thread, then they are painted. When rising bottles on a sheet of paper, waves remain. We enjoy the remnants of foam tiles, put paint on the tile and printed with them all the sheet. The background is obtained unusual. You can toned sheet with colored small, coal, foam rubber.

Using a variety of unconventional materials, the teacher himself must work out the drawing technique and show the expected result to children so that they are in their own independently applied to create creative works.

Very interesting in this plan, the reception of klyaxography, when "paint" is driven "on a sheet of paper using a tube when blowing air and an unusual outline appears.

1,2,3-klyax, blots, expect!

Become a mouse soon,

Forest deer

Bunny, bear,

Obedient pig

Or someone else,

I draw good!

Turning and considering drawings, children show their fantasy, imagination and the uncomplicated pictures are obtained, the main thing is to draw the details and the image is ready. There is an opportunity to diversify drawing with paints by adding soap bubbles into it and applying to plexiglas. The sheet is applied, smoothed - drawing with sketches is ready, it remains to draw, turn on the fantasy. In this technique, beautiful landscapes are obtained.

You can offer children to prepare from the exhaust felt-tumbers "Studs", inserting pieces of foam rubber, and draw a bouquet of flowers for moms by March 8, quite unusual. Also, children were offered different non-traditional materials: threads, beads, buttons, cotton wands, wax crayons, foam rubber, gouache with salt, semolia. Each independently makes a choice than to draw.

For now in a row, I'm sicking for two days ...

A lot of money and technicians of different - choose anyone!

I paint white light

In your favorite color ...

Non-traditional drawing techniques help to feel free in terms of choosing ways to implement ideas and creative ideas. They give children the opportunity to surprise and rejoice in the world. Draw as children! Draw together!

(Using new forms and work methods in interactive mode)


  • To give parents an idea of \u200b\u200ba non-traditional drawing program with children implemented in kindergarten.
  • Reveal the significance of non-traditional techniques of visual activities in working with preschoolers for the development of imagination, creative thinking and creative activity.
  • Establish your interest in the activities of children in drawing classes
  • To give the opportunity to parents to show their artistic creativity, using the visual means in their work.

The formation of a creative person is one of the most important tasks of pedagogical theory and practice at the present stage. Encouraging creative manifestations is especially important in preschool age. It is at the preschooler who is permeated with fantasy and creativity. Without receiving proper development during this period, the creative potential will not always manifest itself in the future. In the history of preschool pedagogy, the problem of creativity has always been one of the relevant. After all, creativity is one of the most informative forms of the mental activity of children, which can be viewed as a universal means of developing individuality, providing sustainable adaptation to new living conditions, as the necessary reserve for overcoming stressful situations and active creativity to reality. At all times, creative personalities needed, since they determined the progress of mankind. Our time also requires creative, non-standard people thinking. That is, this problem is not Nova in terms of its production. She is not new and in terms of evidence of the need for its decision in preschool age.
Over the solution of this problem, well-known innovative teachers worked

Amonashvili, Zaporozhets. This noted Aristotle, the outstanding teachers of the past Komensky, Pestalotski wrote about this.

Main motive of children's creativity - This is a desire to express your

impressions, experiences, master them in activities.

Great potential for disclosure of children's creativity is concluded in visual activities. Namely in drawing.

It's true! Well, what to hide here.

Children love, very love to draw!

On paper, on asphalt, on the wall,

And in the tram on the window.

E. Suspensky.

How to achieve positive results in the development of visual skills, skills, so that in each childhood work feels originality and creativity? In my opinion, with the help of non-traditional drawing methods, you can imaginably develop its imagination and creative abilities. Even a low-effective child, penetrating the interesting and new occupation, makes his first successes.

In my work I use the following non-traditional techniques: drawing with fingers of the hands, drawing the palm with the subsequent dressing, drawing with a rigid brush, colored wax crayons, drawing candles and sharpening with watercolor paints, monotype with a dressing, spray on a stencil, dummy with a tube, with a string, black - White bruitting, color bruit, drawing with soap bubbles and many others.

(Showing the presentation "Unconventional ways and drawing techniques".)


Preschool age is a sensitive period for development in children of productive activities (drawing, modeling, appliqué, design). In them, the baby can express his attitude towards the world around the world, develop creativity, as well as oral speech and logical thinking.

Children's fine creativity - the world of bright, amazing images. It does not rarely affect adults with its immediacy, originality, the violence of fantasy. Preschoolers draw a lot and with great desire. Children are very inquisitive, their interests go beyond the family and kindergarten, the world around the world attracts them. In productive activities, children are formed a steady interest in visual activities, their abilities are developing.

Nowadays, the most primary importance acquires the comprehensive education of a new person, a further increase in its creative activity. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a sense of excellent, form high aesthetic tastes, the ability to understand and appreciate the works of art, the beauty and wealth of the native nature.

Slide. Monotypia.

The method of paying a lot of tempting for preschoolers. If you briefly say, this is an image on cellophane, which is transferred then to paper. On the smooth cellophane draw paint with brushes, or matches with a rat, or a finger. And immediately, until the paint dried, turn the cellophane down the image down onto white thick paper and, as it were, the drawing is wet, and then raise. Two drawings are obtained.

Slide. Pictures in monotype technique.

Slide. Cleaxography.

Excellent training of imagination. In its example, it is also possible to explain the concept of symmetry and fun to explain the child.

So, we take a tight sheet of paper. Make a klyaks on him. We used a color mascara and gouache. Then we fold the sheet in half. In the process of drawing, spontaneous images are first obtained. Then the child telesses the details to give completeness and similarity with real way.

Slide. Pictures in technique - kleaxography.

Slide. Wax

Cover a sheet of tight paper or white cardboard wax. To do this, just soda his candle. Then apply a layer of black paint to the wax - the gouache is best suited. Now give the child a fountain pen with an empty rod or a wooden wand with a sharpened end. Let him scratch on the wax any image. As a result, it turns out the picture, very similar to the engraving (drawings in the technique of flushing).

Slide. Groat.

Method of performing a picture by turning with a pen or a sharp paper or cardboard tool, filled with ink. Another name of the equipment is a scratching technique. We usually take a tight paper, shaking a thick layer of colored wax chalk. Then we put a wide brush or sponge on the surface of the carcass layer. You can also use acrylic paints. When it dries, a sharp object - a scraper, a knife, knitting needle, a plastic fork, toothpick - they scratch the drawing.

Slide. Pictures in the technique of a routine.

Slide. Strike drawing.

Allows you to develop a sense of rhythm, equilibrium, symmetry, makes it possible to transfer fluffiness, ease, can tell about the nature of the subject, the properties of the material, transfer not only lightness, softness, smoothness, but also the severity, gloom, sharpness, aggressiveness and, most importantly , reveal the image of the hero, his attitude to the surrounding.

Slide. Pictures in the technique of hatching.

Slide. Drawing plasticine.

This is an art at the junction of two classic visual genres: "flat" painting and a surround image, that is, sculptures. Drawing with plasticine, especially childish, in principle does not differ in the nature of these techniques - only parts are stacked on the surface of the pattern of plasticine, and then they are given the desired form and relief of the surface. In addition, the material can be placed in a one-time syringe and, heated it, squeeze the piston perfectly smooth "thread" - so on the picture from plasticine can be applied stems, branches and other linear parts.

Slide. Pictures in plasticography technique.

Slide. Drawing with soap bubbles.

In a small amount of water, add a few children's shampoo and then bottled this soap solution in several jars, in which the gouache has already added. Guasi add not very little to get rich color. Then the tube is lowered into the liquid and bleak so that the foam began to "run away" from the tanks. Then quickly until the foam fell, lowering the leaf on the foam. Traces remain on the leaves. Repeat several times. Drawing by soap bubbles contributes to the development of spatial thinking, fantasy, visual memory, awakens interest in the child to creativity.

Slide. Pictures made with soap bubbles.

Slide. Printing.

We collect various fallen leaves, spread every leaflet gouache on the side of the residences. We press the sheet with a painted side to paper. Carefully remove it by taking the pet. Raispie the leaf and putting to the paper, we get another imprint.

It is very interesting and convenient to create an ornamental pattern with a stamp. As a stamp, you can use both ready-made items with a specific surface and made from the girlfriend. We can decorate paper napkins and tablecloths, handkerchiefs and aprons with such patterns.

Slide. Pictures in the printing technique.

Slide. Drawing on crumpled paper.

A sheet of paper is carefully mixed to disrupt the paper structure. Place paper and wet it with water. Draw the method for raw background conceived image. The creative potential of the child, the Motoric of the hands, imagination is revealed.

Slide. Pictures on mint paper.

Slide. Drawing coal.

Coal allows you to get a velvety black color line or clear deep black lines.

Slide. Pictures made by coal.

Slide. Drawing wax and watercolor.

Drawing method - draw a candle planted image on a sheet of paper, apply watercolor on top of one or more colors. The lines drawn candle will remain white.

Slide. Pictures made by candle and watercolor.

Slide.Drawing with lip cosmetics.

Lipstick with brightness, ease of application, a variety of shades, is a wonderful visual agent.

Slide.Pictures made by lipstick.

Molding unconventional drawing methods, I came to the conclusion: if you like, when your eyes are brightly shine from delight in class, if you want every occupation to be a holiday, if you want to laugh, wonder and communicate with smart, creatively thinking children - need Watch more with them, draw and improvise. Children love to draw with unconventional techniques because work is very interesting, bright and they like not only for children themselves, but also find responses in contests of different levels. These works will decorate the children's room, and the lobby of kindergarten.

Practical part.

(Give parents the opportunity to try to draw with unconventional ways.)

But the guests came to us. Meet, these are your kids. They want to read you poem.

1 child.

We want to tell you

As we love to draw.

For classes is ready brush, paper and gouache.

What is there new such a teacher invented ours?

It turns out not immediately. Not everyone. And not always.

Unusual things

We draw without difficulty.

2 child.

Brush old tooth

Salt and candle wax.

From under match boxes,

And dried leaf.

Here is a figure of a man

Not drawn in any way.

I will take a template and will come out

I have a funny crank!

3 child.

And rooster and octopus

Get palm.

Forest autumn pore

Print foliage.

And cosmic landscape

Made in equipment.

4 child.

If a silent poke,

That is, draw a tych,

That will turn out to be Murlyka

With a soft teddy tail.

Draw everything we will

And palm drops.

And drawings of their own

I will be admired.

5 child.

You look at the board,

Allow us to decoke:

We will not interfere!

If you like us,

Come to us again!

I live in a black and white kingdom,

Where there are no paints, no colors.

In my great state

Here you will not find a clearing

With green - yellow grave,

And you will not see the trees

With a bugland-red foliage.

Where I live - a solid boredom.

My friend is a great bjaca - beech.

Your name is a wicked colorless Majesty

And I'm doing a unquietial amount.

Today with you, cute guys,

I want to play a little in a hide and seek.

Pencils and paints I hid, do not look for

Think what to do and do not lead time.

Let's see how you can artists become

No brushes and paints landscape draw.

Ha - ha - ha

Dear parents, think, tell us with the guys, what can we paint the autumn landscape?

(Parents offer their own options.)

Show your skills and fantasy in drawing by unusual things, and pass the sad mood of autumn nature. And your kids will help you with this. Take one sheet of paper for two and proceed to work.

(For the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky, everyone depicts a landscape.)

(Clown appears Trepass - Lapus. And brings a box with non-traditional visual materials and means, and it proposes to try to draw those that they liked them more. Children along with their parents choose their material and draw. The general drawings are then postned on the stand in the lobby of kindergarten.)

Dear Parents! Our master class came to an end. I see wonderful work in unusual techniques. You can be proud of your children, they turned out to be good helpers, and I dare to hope that now with children in long winter evenings you will think of many more interesting drawing ways. Pleasant family evenings! And now I suggest everyone together to take pictures on the memory of today's meeting.

(Photo for memory.)

Thank you all for your attention!