Find a drawing on the topic of spring. Drawing in the senior group on the topic: Early spring in Montotypia technique

Find a drawing on the topic of spring. Drawing in the senior group on the topic: Early spring in Montotypia technique
Find a drawing on the topic of spring. Drawing in the senior group on the topic: Early spring in Montotypia technique

Spring is an unusually beautiful and romantic time of the year, when the first flowers bloom, they appear in the snow and fun rings. All about how to draw spring, of course, know professional painters-landscape players. Therefore, before drawing the spring yourself, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the work. famous painters. And still to understand how to draw spring, you can try to make sketches from nature.
Before painting the spring, it is necessary to prepare the following items:
one). Paper;
2). Pencil;
3). Erasing gum;
four). Colored pencils;
five). Black Liner.

It is easiest to understand how to draw a pencil spring if split this process into several stages:
1. Without pressing too much on a pencil, make a preliminary sketch of the spring landscape. Next trees and stone on foreground. Draw the horizon line;
2. Draw a little more clear branch branches. Digit snow drifts;
3. In the background, draw the house and outlines of the forest away;
4. Draw the windows at home, draw it the roof, depict the door and the path coming from it;
5. Put a tree that grows behind the house;
6. Taking advantage of a black liner, circle an image. Add small parts, for example, such as snowdrops growing in Protinal;
7. Delete a pencil sketch with erasing elastic;
8. Blue pencil neatly stitch heaven;
9. Color pencils paint the house, as well as a tree that grows from behind him;
10. Skeleton-green tint. Forest forest in the background. Birchs that are in the foreground, some shadow gray tint. Black pencil draw strips on the birch and they are also coloring the branches;
11. Yellow pencil depict glare on the snow, which are located under the windows of the house. Blue, as well as light-purple pencils, slightly print snow drifts;
12. Gray, green and brown pencils. Skinstone. Protanes Collect pencils of brown and green gamut.
Figure Spring is now ready! Knowing how to draw a spring pencil in stages, you can paint a pencil sketch and any paints. For example, for such purposes, watercolor is ideal, the colors of which are characterized by cleanliness and brightness! Like spring landscape It will be great to look at the wall, if it is gently arranged in the passe and in the frame.

Drawing is one of the few available for little child ways to show ourselves and demonstrate others inner world. In the process of creating an image on paper, the kid learns to concentrate, focus and gently remove thin lines, which, of course, has a beneficial effect on the development of its intelligence, as well as spatial-shaped and abstract thinking.

In addition, it is in drawings that little boys and girls express their attitude, emotions and associations that they have something or another phenomenon. Often, the guys are much easier to reflect their thoughts on paper than to formulate and convey and words.

It is for these reasons for children fine art Encourage all schools and kindergartens. In these institutions, exhibitions and contests of students and students confined to a particular topic are often held. In particular, the topics to create his own masterpieces are seasons.

With the arrival of each of them, boys and girls very often give the task to draw how the child sees the changes occurring in nature. Make it can be done different ways. In this article we will tell you what can be children's drawings on the theme "Spring" with paints and pencils, and which associations most often causes children and adults this time of year.

Children's drawings about spring pencil and paints

Of course, in such drawings, children are trying to reflect what they see on the street while walking. Most often, the arrival of spring is associated with the kids with the advent of the bright sun, the melting of snow and ice, the emergence of the first green leaves and herbs, the return of migratory birds in native places and so on.

As a rule, children's drawings on the topic "Early Spring came" are a landscape at which the transition from a cold snowy winter is clearly traced to a warmer season. At the same time, a bright sun shines in the sky, the first snowdrops make their way from under the snow, and fast riverwhich is no longer complained by a thick layer of ice, takes the remaining sleeves of a small size.

In addition, the arrival of spring can be associated with the kids with the holiday of Maslenitsa, because on the last day of the passenger week adults and children accompany cold Winter And meet the next season. Although this holiday in most cases is celebrated in February, it is inextricably linked with the onset of spring and can be used as the main idea of \u200b\u200bchildren's drawing.

At the beginning of Spring also celebrates International Women's Day - March 8. On this day, it is customary to give women beautiful flowers and gifts, so the child can create with his own hands beautiful and hand it over or paint it with the help of pencils, paints or any other tools immediately on a sheet of cardboard or on paper, which subsequently stick to the cardboard basis postcards.

In general, the "flower" topic is the main idea of \u200b\u200ball similar drawings. It is spring that nature begins to play new paints, and all the plants come to life. The vast majority of flowers bloom and delivers great joy to adults and children.

Drawing about spring in kindergarten It may be an image of a separate flower, bouquet or composition, as well as any plot situation associated with the onset of this time of the year. So, the child can portray himself while walking with her mother and outline everything that happens at this time with nature.

In our photo gallery, you can familiarize yourself with examples of drawings made by children for spring topics.

Spring time - time of updates and new beginnings. Nature wakes up from the winter hibernation, melting snow drifts, the spring rain from the roofs is heard outside the window, the kidneys bloom on the trees.

I would like to capture all this beauty in your memory, to then remember with being applied and admiration. Wonderful time - beautiful it turns out literally in every hour.

Pictures on the desktop are now very popular, where you can see the beauty of spring in the photo. Or, for example, download a high-quality picture on the phone. You can also use the services of the artist and hang pictures and paintings on the topic of spring at home.

Quality photos about spring on the desktop

Lovely photos Spring for desktop can be downloaded on our website site. Now there are many photographers who remove the landscapes and the nature surrounding us. Nice pictures Spring's theme can be downloaded for free and install both wallpapers for spring desktop.

Thanks high resolution and large sizesSuch an image will look great on the computer or tablet screen.

Pictures about the spring often include small details, for example, such as drops, small kidneys, pesting from under snow snowdrops, the first small berries. All this tenderness and beauty will be able to transfer the photo on the desktop.

Beautiful spring images on the phone

It is possible to admire the spring sometimes not only on the computer or tablet screen, but also on the phone. For this, different images will be suitable even a small resolution. Even small pictures of spring on the phone will look spectacular and winning.

Here can be like urban landscapes with houses, with the roofs of which are hiding icicles with droplets and paintings of wide prostrate fields and forests with trees dropping snowy covers with their branches.

Also an excellent solution will stop your choice on images small detailsFor example, such as small rivers resulting from melting of snow cover, peeling kidneys or the first birch leaf appeared.

Spring, pictures on the phone: They make wake up and get out of winter hibernation, start acting, performing conceived, embody dreams into reality.

Drawn beautiful spring in pictures

Many artists chant this time and depict it in their paintings. The beginning of the new pore, the renewal of the Earth inspires them to create something new affectionate and light.

A variety of landscapes gives a wide space for ideas and fantasies. Artists who were born in places remote from noisy cities love to portray in their paintings as spring in the village comes.

These rivers, melting glaciers on them, symbolize thaw, reset the accumulated negative and the beginning of a new life in the new river. Domestic, decorated with melting icicles, look like out of old good fairy taleswho told us our grandmothers before bedtime.

Spring in the forest is no less beautiful! These mighty trees, waking up from sleep and dropping snow covers from their branches, like people who throw off the burden of old and are ready for everything new.

Such pictures are pleasantly hanging at home on the wall and admire them, enjoying the nature of the world around us.

Beautiful spring, pictures and photos of which will always raise the mood and push to the new endeavors and the incarnations of old ideas, it is worth capturing it and enjoy these species in rare minutes of sadness and sadness, raising themselves.

Abstract Node in the educational field "Artistic and aesthetic development" in the senior group.

Kind of activity: Fine.

Form of activity organization: Workshop.

Theme Node: "Spring has come."

Purpose: Formation of presentation in children about the genre of painting - landscape.


1. Learning to create a landscape composition, depicting nature in the spring.

2. Find the knowledge of children about the years, about changes in nature in the spring.

3. Develop vividly - creative thinking, attention, speech, creativity.

4. Railing careful attitude to nature.

Equipment: magnetic board, blanks (sun, tree, flowers, streams, birds) for modeling a landscape, slides with the image of landscapes, still life, book K. Shushinsky, watercolor paints, brushes, unpolivatives, white paper sheets, lining oils, napkins.

Travel course.

1. Calculation.

Greeting ritual:

Hands a friend of a long time (children stand in a circle),

Touch the hands tightly (hold hands).

To the right and left to each other (turn and look at each other),

It turned out friendly circle (raise hands up).

Good afternoon to you, defortion,

I am glad to see you always!

- The sun not only remains longer in the sky, but also heats every day noticeably more. In the fields appear first, they appear first: but soon the earth, wet, soaked with water, is shown everywhere from under the snow.It will take another week, the other - and the snow will remain unless somewhere in a deep ravine, where the sun does not look at the sun. Trees are also awakened by winter sleep And, heated by the sun, filled with juices. The sky becomes all blue, and the air is all warmer.

What time of year tells the author? (Spring).

And now in all countries of spring?

But she is not everywhere like us. Who knows what spring, for example, in Africa? (All year round is hot and there is no snow, and it does not melt in the spring, they have no first colors).

And how to make kids living there, learned about what we have in Siberia in Siberia? (You can tell this passage that the author wrote, but you can draw a picture and send by writing).

And if the painting depicts forests, fields, seas, rivers, lakes, mountains, city, village - what is the name of such a picture? (scenery)

2. Potion.

Today we will draw with you watercolor paints Beautiful spring landscape. And then put in the envelope and send the guys from Africa and Antarctica!

3. Sign of the teacher and children.

Now ... Read the poem:

If you see in the picture
River is drawn,
Or spruce and white frost,
Or garden and clouds,
Or snow plain,
Or field and slab, -
Mandatory picture
Called ... .. (landscape).

Let's talk together this word (pronounce).

Now look at the slides carefully. Think what picture is superfluous? (Slide number 1: Landscapes: Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Portrait).

Why exactly this picture? (This is not a landscape).

Tell me, what time of year is painted at each picture? (Slide number 2: Landscapes: Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn).

As can be said differently, knowing that the picture of nature is a landscape? (Winter landscape, spring, summer, autumn).

Tell me, please, beautifully pictured artists in nature in these pictures?

What do you need to do so that she always remains the same beautiful? (Carefully treat it: not cut down trees, do not burn fires in the forests, do not break the branches, etc.)

Of course, nature needs to love and take it!

Show the picture with the Spring Landscape. (Slide # 3: Spring Landscape).

Why did you decide that Spring is depicted? (Children's responses).

What else is happening in nature in the spring? (The sun warms up stronger, protaly appear, the day becomes longer, the kidneys swell, the first herb and flowers appear).

And now I suggest compile (simulate) your spring landscape.

What will be sure to be in the picture, if it's spring and every day it gets all the warmer? (Children choose the sun out of three proposed blanks: without rays, with short rays, with long rays).

What else can you draw if the landscape is a picture of nature? (Children choose a tree out of three proposed: autumn, spring and New Year's fir).

What else? When the snow only melted in places, what is it called? (Protalyki)

Snow melts and turns into what? (In streams)

And flowers can be painted in our picture? Choose what. (Children choose the desired of three: tulip, snowdrop, chamomile).

What else can still draw? Who flies to us in the spring? (Grache and bullfinch are offered children).

This is what landscape we turned out.

Well, now let's break out.


The sun began to harb, (hands up, stretched)
Steel droplets knock. (Fists are knocking)
Drop - times, drop - two, (hands alternately forward, palm up)
Drops slowly first, (clapped in palm)
And then, and then, (jumping)

All run, run, running (slow run on the spot)
All faster, faster, faster (quick running on the spot)
Run a little stream! (Squat)

Now I suggest you go to our workshop and draw your landscape.

4. Independent activities Children.

Let's remember how to sit, keep the brush. How do you need to draw a brush, so that it turns out a thin line? (Tie to the brush line).

And if I need grey colour, but not, how to get it?

And if you worked one paint and you needed another thing to do? (Rinse good brush).

And so that your landscapes get beautiful, it is necessary to work carefully, do not smear the paint with your hands on a sheet of paper.

(The guys perform work on music, the educator assists with difficulties).

Please take your drawings and become a circle.


What did we draw today? (Nature or landscape)

What is the name of the picture on which nature is depicted? Or what is a landscape?

Why did we paint the landscape?

If children from Africa look at our paintings, they will understand that we painted the spring? What are the signs you can determine what we painted the spring landscape with you?

We coped?

Tell me, did everyone finish their drawings or some of you wanted to draw something else? We will rest and definitely finish your work.

Well done! Thank you for your job!

Abstract organized educational activities In the senior group on the topic:

Signs of spring. Drawing "Spring came, birds flew."

Views Child activity: Game, Fine, Communicative, Cognitive, Research, Music, Perception fiction and folklore.

Goal: clarify signs of spring; Learn to transfer pictures of nature in the figure; exercise in a beautiful image arrangement on a sheet; Fasten the ability to use to express the topic different materials; develop aesthetic perception; To form ideas about the spring as a period of awakening of nature: show the dependence of the growth of the plant from environmental changes associated with the arrival of spring (increase in the amount of light and heat, snow melting, water power, plant roots); Secure the name of the first spring colors.

Target orientations preschool education : Expresses positive emotions (surprise, joy, admiration) when reading the poem Y. Moritz "Spring" and listening musical Work "Like spring with winter"; knows how to keep a conversation about signs of spring, express his point of view; Interested in visual children's activities (drawing on the topic "Spring came. Birds flew").

Materials and equipment: drawings and pictures depicting spring colors, birds; Colored wax crayons, Watercolor, Gouache (Belil).

1. Introductory word Educator.

- Listen to the poem of Yunna Moritz "Spring".

Ding! Don!

Ding! Don!

What is it for a gentle ringing?

This is a snowdrop

Smiling through sleep!

This whose fluffy beam

So tickles because of clouds,

Forcing kids

Smile to ears?

This is whose heat,

Whose kind of kind

Makes smile

Hare, chicken, cat?

And what about?

Spring is coming

In the city!

And the poodle is smile!

And in the aquarium fish

Smiled from the water

Smiling bird!

- Look, what kind of beauty Spring came to our kindergarten. (The tutor puts three dolls on the table, decorated with snowdrops, birds, cherry berries.) Why did the author gave the spring such names: Martovna Svyneznikova, April Skworeshnikova, Maevna Cherchykhnikova? (Name - the name of the spring month, and the patronymic is the name of the main sign of this month.)

- When will the snowdrops bloom? (In March.)

- When do the starlings arrive? (In April.)

- When is the cherry spit? (In May.)

- Let's get acquainted with spring guests - Martov Snowdrophry, Aprelevine Squoreshnaya, Maevic Cherry!

2. Familiarization with signs of spring.

- Guys, tell me, what is the name of the first spring month. And the people were called "in the morning of the year." Why? Celebrated Spring meeting always. Spring was going to a long time ago, so come, come, they asked people. Children culked the spring by climbing higher at the hedge or the roof of the barn. Let us face the spring.

Come to us, Spring, with joy! Spring-red

With great grace to us! What did you bring?

AU, AU, Aucham, Warm Sun,

Spring apart. Red pilot!

March, March - Spring-red,

Sun is glad! What did it come to?

April, april on what came?

Open the door. On the pranchka

May, May, on the harrowing,

How much do you want, walk! On oat spikes,

On a wheat pitch.

- But spring leisurely turns his march. Guys how we learn that spring is coming? Who will name the first spring signs? (The sun is high, shines brighter; the day becomes longer; the sky is blue, clear; icicles; snow drawn, melts; rings droplets.) The people of March called the dripper. Who can say why? Guess the riddle: "White carrot in the spring grows." How did you guess what is this icicle? About the icicle is a playful song. We sing it.

Playful icicles sat on the cornice.

Playful icicles looked down.

We sat. Things to do?

Steel throw drops.

The whole day is the sober:

Cap Cap, Din-Don!

- Guys, the snow melts, and what will we see? (Earth.) What will it be after winter, appearing from under the snow? (Black, wet.) And where is the grass? What do trees look like? What happens to them? (Water nourishes land, roots of plants and trees, fills them with moisture, nutrients.) What can be noted? (The kidneys swell on the branches of the trees, the first spring flowers appear, in some places the grass makes itself.)All nature seems to be awakened from a long winter sleep. What are you knowing the first spring flowers? (Snowdrops, mother-and-stepmother, sleep-grass, stitching.)Find these flowers on the illustrations.

- Guess the riddle:

He has a wonderful golden color,

He is a small sun portrait.

What is it? (Dandelion.)

- Find this flower in the picture. What is the dandelion flower in the morning and in the evening? For whom this flower is useful? Like little light bulbs sparkle these flowers on the clearing and as if they say to everyone: "Don't get me away! Let bees and flies drink my sweet nectar. " Think that it would be if all began to tear these first spring flowers? Read the poem about it.

If I lay a flower, if you break the flower,

If all: I and you, if we break flowers,

Empty all the glades and there will be no beauty.

3. Horovoda "like spring with winter".

- Spring will come, crap drunk, and guys are beginning to drive dance girls, to put spring.

Like spring with winter they met.

How winter with the spring spread up.

Ay, Luli-Luli, met.

Ai, Luli-Luli, said goodbye.

As spring, the streams poured

Like spring flowers bloomed.

How old sun rose early.

How it luminous people it is affectionate.

How spring we are glad for her affairs.

Glory to her that she gave it warmly.

4. Drawing on the topic "Spring has come. Birds flew. "

- What poems about the arrival of spring do you know?

- Let's draw a picture on the topic: "Spring has come. Birds flew. " Think up the composition of the pattern. How to lay a sheet of paper and images on it? What can be portrayed? (Trees, Protinal, Sun, Birds, Nests, etc.)

Children begin to draw. The educator helps children to come up with a pattern of drawing.

5. Reflection.

- Consider the drawings at our exhibition and select the most expressive and neat. What is shown on each picture?

- Let's say goodbye to the spring guests of Martova Snowdrophry, Aprelevine Squoreshnaya, Maevic Cherry!