Television program "Time". Dossier

TV program
Television program "Time". Dossier

Three Emodi with air kisses - so TV presenter Ekaterina Andreeva responded to the request of one of his instagram subscribers to return to the time program.

"My" time "will not end - from the Volga and to Yenisei - I lead the" time "to the whole country. And Moscow, as you know, this is not all Russia. All Russia is much more than Moscow! " - said Andreeva.

In the meantime, the press service of the first channel said that Andreeva will continue to work in the "Time" program: it does not leave the channel, but only for a while leaves the "European orbit" of the news telecast. According to the head of the press service of the first Larisa Crimean, the reason for the statement was rumors that Andreeva will cease to lead the popular program leading to which it was more than two decades.

Together with TV presenter Vitaly Eliseev Andreeva will lead the Saturday issues of "time" and try the studio in other time zones of Russia, transfers Rt. .

Temporary change of the leading program is associated with the re-equipment of the studio, reports Fan . In connection with re-equipment

temporary leading is the news chief of the first channel Kirill Kleenov, which is a curator of a new technology.

On Monday, February 19, the challenges after 10 years of break returned to the work of the lead, reported in the official account of the first in instagram. .

Photo report: Ekaterina Andreeva and her "time"

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"Today, the" time "program will begin to get out of the new studio equipped with the most modern technologies that will appear on domestic television for the first time. Changes in the studio will change and work the leading - now they may not just report news, but also interact with graphics, moving around the studio, "reports the TV channel.

Sources of "BBC" argue that Kirill Kleenov will lead the "time" to the "day of silence" to the presidential elections, and Andreeva and Eliseev will return after the new studio opportunities will come back. Also, the source reported that Andreeva could leave due to the more complicated relationship with the director of the canal by Konstantin Ernst.

For more than 20 years, Ekaterina Andreeva is a permanent leading "time" program. Before it, Anna Shatilova, Aza Lakhitchenko, Vera SHebeko, Svetlana Morgunova, Irina Mishin, Tatiana Sudetz, Jeanne Agalakova and others.

"Working with Catherine Andreva is a great honor for each of us, since personally for me is already the legend of Russian television. Her professionalism and confidence in us as professional inspired us even more, "Alexey Sukharev said earlier the main stylist of the transfer.

For an anniversary in social networks and on the website of the first channel, a video appeared with Catherine Andreva, which is trying on the images of leading different years. Recreation of the main fashion trends of each decade managed to be in a special project on the site of the first channel, thanks to the stylists of the Fashion Sentence program.

"It was very interesting to change in the frame, especially with such a super-team of stylists," Ekaterina Andreeva noted the leading program "Time". - It turned out almost a time machine. For me, it was also an opportunity to express love and respect for people who have been led by this program for 30 years. The result was very pleased with me. "

Ekaterina Andreeva works on the first channel since 1995. In early 1997, it began to work as the leading information program "Time". Also in parallel, by the end of 1998, ordinary news releases were led, mainly morning and evening.

Since December 1998, Andreeva has become the permanent leading program "Time" - it was appointed to this position by the main producer of the Information Program Directorate and director of the Ort Sergey Dorenko information service. According to the results of the Internet survey conducted in 1999, it was recognized as the most beautiful leading television in Russia. At the end of 2010, he entered the top ten of popular TV presenters.

The oldest in the history of the domestic TV information program "Time" appeared in the domestic television of half a century ago. The first release was released on January 1, 1968 - to the music of George Sviridova for the movie "Time, Forward!" The globe rotated on the screen. "Gazeta.Ru" recalls how it all began, and who stood at the origins of the country's information journalism.


"January 1, 1968 ... the closer 9 o'clock in the evening in Moscow, the stronger everything is becoming, the head goes around. In the release department is a continuous chime. From the GUMA is preparing a direct exit to Ether Georgy Kuznetsov. Iran Kazakova is already on Pushkin Square - she needs to talk to the people (darkness gathered!) And striving - for Shabolovka ... - recalled the television journalist Alla Melik-Pashayeva, who worked in the program from 1967 to 1973. -

But the broadcast is question: at the last moment thousands of technical problems are detected!

Press service of the first channel working process, installation of light in ASB-1, 1979

But some incomprehensible way everything is like in a fairy tale, will end well! Iran will have time to go to the studio, Hera will hold his report and the first release will ride, as oil, and we, his participants, we will go, coming out of the studio, as people, in whose lives something very significant happened ... ".

The first time the program came out only 3 times a week and without leading - work in the studio replaced direct inclusions of journalists from the scene. The usual format appeared only at the beginning of the 70s, when the editor was headed by the legendary journalist, the creator of the Radio "Mayak" Yuri Letunov. Studio moved to "Ostankino", and the transfer itself became color. From the 1972th timekeeping "time" - 30 minutes.

"It is difficult to imagine now, in the era of the Internet, which price achieved efficiency.

If it came about an important political event that did not happen in Moscow, the film was needed to deliver to Vnukovo, from there to urgently bring to Ostankino, to show, dry and only after that see what exactly was removed, there is no marriage, it is possible to start installation. Every two minutes of letunahs or duty release rang into the washing: "Well, the film is already ready? Still dry? What are you going there! The ether is burning! ", - told the chief editor of the" time "from 1977 to 1983. Victor Lyubov.

Screensaver program "Time" 1985-1990

Name and politics

With its name, the transfer must be the main director Alexei Petrochlenko.
"In the late 1967, four conspirators were gathered in one of the editorial rooms in Shabolovka: Iranian Kazakova Observer, Senior Editor Levan Dzaridze, Chief Director of Petrovich (Alexey Petrochlenko) and the author of these lines.
... Where did the name come from the brand? The debates in the group of conspirators were short.

Dozens of options, one worse than the other, flashed like shots when Suddenly Petrovich had fallen out: "Time!".

And it seemed to everyone that it was this option to be spinning in their own language! ", - recalled the first released editor Leonid Zolotarevsky.

In the post-transfers 90th, the name of the program was changed along with a political course. The main information program of the country began to be called "TV Inform", from 1992 - "News Ostankino", then - "Ita News".

"And then the name came back. Do you know how we rejoiced? It's just ... it was an event! After the ether thought!

We were all very happy that we were returned to our "time"! "," Alexander Onosovsky told, who worked in different years, the browser, senior editor, specialcor and the commentator "Time".

Time and numbers

The first 10 years the program went out once a day in the evenings. The transfer was collected from the screens almost all the adult population of the country - Ether at 21.00 became a national tradition and the window to the world of propaganda.

Since then, the time of the final issue does not change for 50 years.

The schedule was violated only in some years on May 9 - then the program was put an hour later, after a festive salute in honor of the Victory Day. Several times airtime was shifted due to direct sports broadcasts.

Since 1978, in addition to the evening, the morning news issues appeared. In the mid-80s, the "time" began to show 10 times a day, the famous first televisions and permanent rubrics appeared, among whom - the news of sports and weather forecast. Last on the background of landscapes and species of cities read a woman speaker, and only on Fridays in the form of an exception - a researcher of the USSR Hydrometeorological Center.

The program had correspondent bureau in more than 40 countries around the world. Now reports for "time" remove almost 70 correspondents in 22 cams in Russia and 12 cams abroad. The directorate of information programs of the first channel works more than a thousand people.

Channel One TV Presenter Ekaterina Andreeva in Studios "Time", 2017

Speakers and leading

First, the "time" pairly conducted speakers - Igor Kirillov and Nonna Bodrov, Anna Shatilova and Yevgeny Suslov. Viktor Balashov, Aza Lakhitchenko, Vera SHebeko, Svetlana Zhiltsova, Vladimir Biryukov, Yuri Fokin, Leonid Zolotarevsky, Yuri Galperin, also worked in the program. In the 90s, the transmission began to broadcast with one presenter, and the speaker department was closed.

Thinks of journalists were held through the school "time": Tatyana Mitkov, Arina Sharapova, Irina Zaitseva, Oleg Doblyow, Vladimir Molchanov, Alexander Gurnov, Mikhail Oskin, Jeanne Agalakova and many others.

Since 1997, the permanent leading and face of the program is Ekaterina Andreeva.

Before becoming the leading "time", Andreeva worked in the "news". According to her, the first ether in the new capacity was dramatic.

"When in June 1995, a terrorist attack occurred in Budenovsk, two issues of" news "should have been released at different orbits. But the second presenter did not come to Ostankino. Here someone remembered that I used to work in the Dictatorian department.

And me as a puppy was thrown into the water for this most complex ether. I still remember how the pulse beat around the throat so that it seemed to die from horror.

They watched the ether and leaders, and they liked how I worked in the force majeure situation, the next day I was placed on Ether. But I did not come to him, I said, remain the editor. Because I understood that being TV presenter, especially the "time" program, very difficult. I treat yourself demanding. Only a while I was lured for this position. And in 1998, I said yes, first of all myself. Over the years, I worked on Cyril Kleimenov, Andrei Baturin, Peter Marchenko, Jeanne Agalakova, Olga Kokorekina and now - with Vitaly Eliseev, "said Andreev.

Awards and anniversary

In 1977, the "time" program was awarded the USSR statehood. Three times the program was awarded "Teffi" in the nomination "Best Information Program".

For the anniversary, the first channel launched a special project "50 years on the air" on his website dedicated to the program's history. Any viewer can see the famous studio with an interactive panorama and go on a time trip.

On January 1, 1968, on the central television, which in the history of domestic television not only broke all records on the longevity, but also was the great-grandinant of modern information and analytical programs.

Before the appearance of the "time" on domestic television there was a sharp deficit of news programs. On July 28, 1957, "the latest news" began to be published, in the early 1960s they were changed by "television", which lasted only 10-15 minutes. In December 1961, the weekly information program "Estaft News" was released. It was a review of current events for the week. By the mid-1960s, the popularity of the TV show went to the decline, in 1970 it was closed.

On January 1, 1968, the Screensaver of the program "Time" appeared on blue screens of Soviet citizens and called her call sign: to the music of George Sviridov for the movie "Time, Forward!" The globe rotated on the screen.

Material prepared on the basis of RIA news and open sources

The oldest news program of Russian television. Transfer goes on the first channel since 1995.

History of the Time program

Program " Time"Was founded in 1967 by the famous radio and television journalist Yuri Letunov. The first release was released on the screens on January 1, 1968 on the first central television program. Initially, "time" went out in black and white, but in 1970 he passed on the color version. From 1968 to 1978, the program came out only once a day, at 21-00. Correspondents covered current news from the country and peace, cultural events, sports competitions. Even in the 70s, the first releases of the weather forecast appeared.

In 1978, the first program began to repeat the evening issue of news in the morning. From January 1, 1982, after the second program also became the world-union, "time" began to broadcast on both channels.

In 1987, morning repetitions were disabled, and instead of the "time" began to leave the morning entertainment and news program " 90 minutes" In the same year, a survival began to work in the transmission. The first translator was Nadezhda Kvyatkovskaya.

In 1991, in connection with the incorrect political events in the country, the program changed the name on " TV Inform"And in this form, it was published until 1994. The name "Time" she returned Vladislav Leaves in 1994. In 1995, the transfer began to enter the ORT channel ("Public Russian Television"). Saturday issue was called " Time with Sergey Dorenko"And was a lot of copyright transmission of a journalist. In the same year, ORT was renamed the first channel, and the "time" became the main news teleow country.

In 1977, the "time" program was awarded the USSR statehood. In 2002, 2006 and 2007, the transfer received the Teffi Award in the "Best Information Program" nomination.

In 2017, the program was 50 years old. In honor of this event, the first channel released a comic roller in which Ekaterina Andreeva Tasted the images of leading different decades, starting from the 60s. For the anniversary, the first channel also published a special project on its website dedicated to the history of the time program: anyone can move into the famous studio with the help of an interactive panorama and go on a time trip.

"I am glad that on the evening feuds who complete our working day and where our work is supplied per day, I usually have a reason to say to my colleagues that they are the best information team of the country. I am grateful to everyone who gave a particle to ensure that this program becomes better. I want to believe that, unlike the human half-century anniversary, the program "Time" will just meet many more dates and will celebrate its century. She has already proven that he knows the secret of eternal youth. And in the new year will come out of the new studio equipped with the most incredible modern technologies, which she will try on the first on domestic television for itself, "said the Deputy Director General, Director of the Directorate of the Information Program of the Channel Kirill Klemenov.

Leading programs Time

One of the first leading programs was the record holder of the Soviet and Russian television Igor Kirillov. He began to lead news releases in his youth, winning the announcers contest shortly after coming to TV. Kirillov led the program until 1989. Later it was replaced Nonna Bodrovand Anna Shatilova.

Igor Kirillov: "In September 1957, there was a competition of announcers on television and I was offered to take part in it. Among the teitics in those years there were no men - some women. And lead the "latest news", which went twice a day, the men's speakers were invited with radio. I prepared for the competition quite thorough - I learned almost by heart half of the newspaper "True". After declaring the results of the competition, I went to the exit from the studio in complete confidence that I still have two weeks in the renew. In the doorway, encountered Zakharov, one of the oldest televisers. He blocked my way and asked where I was going. "You have two hours after the last news! How was the release, I did not remember with fear. In memory of the first days of my work, a photo is preserved: eyes, full of horror, and raised hair. So began my speaker life. "

Vitaly Eliseev, which is leading from 2007 to the present: "First of all, this is a work with a capital letter, which give most of the time. Because, even if you are at the weekend, you still watch the time program. You can not fall out of the information field. Watch all the issues. And at work ... it is, first, study. Every day I recognize something new. Every day I try to change something a little in myself. Of course, this communication with amazing people who saw the whole world, unlike me, and have tremendous experience in journalism. For me, communication with people who own the word is the most expensive. "

At the end of December each year a large analytical project comes Results of the year"As part of Sunday Time.

Program "Time" It turns out every evening at 21:00. This schedule was violated only on May 9 in 2005-2015, when "time" went out at 22:00 after Salute. Also, the beginning of the exit on the air has been shifted several times due to direct sports broadcasts.
- There are only two days a year when the "time" program does not go on the air - December 31 and January 1.
- The very first releases of the program went out without speakers, direct air from the scene had passed the Word to each other. At first, the program went out only 3 times a week. Brand "Time" made an outstanding Soviet radio journalist Yuri Letunov.
- In 1970, the "time" program moved from Shabolovka to the television center "Ostankino" and soon became colorful.
- At first there were two speakers in the program - a man and a woman. The first leaders - Igor Kirillov and Nonna Bodrov, Anna Shatilova and Evgeny Suslovalso the program led Victor Balashov, Aza Lakhitchenko, Vera Shebeko, Svetlana Zhiltsova.
- In the 80s, the speakers added a sports commentator. On Fridays, the weather forecast passed the scientific officer of the USSR Hydrometeorological Center, on the other days of the weather against the background of landscapes and species of cities, a woman speaker was read.
- In the 90s "Time" began to broadcast with one presenter. In 1994, the Dictator department was closed. Now the program is on the air with one presenter: it is shifted by Ekaterina Andreevaand Vitaly Eliseev.
- From the mid-80s, the program is moving away 10 times a day, constant rubrics and first televisions appeared. For many current television stars and leaders "Time" has become a school of professional skills. Tatiana Mitkov, Arina Sharapova, Irina Zaitseva, Oleg Doblyowev, Vladimir Molchanov, Alexander Gurnov, Mikhail Oskin, Jeanne Agalakova and many others worked in the "time" program.
- Two melodies are firmly associated with the program - "Time forward!" George Sviridova, which was used in most screensavers of the program since the USSR, and "Manchester and Liverpool"which sounded the weather forecast background. Since 1994, in the screensaver again used "Time, Forward!". In 1996, after the formation of the Directorate of Information Programs, the music was rearranged, and in this embodiment it is still used in the screensaver.
- Daily program "Time" Collects the screens of almost all adult population of the country. Starting from 1972, its constant timing (30 minutes) and the broadcast time (21.00) did not change.
- Today, reports for the program are removed in 22 cams in Russia and 12 buildings abroad. Almost 70 correspondents work on the plots of the program. The directorate of information programs of the first channel works more than a thousand people.
- In 2018, the "time" will be broadcast from the new studio - fully re-equipped, but preserved the famous corporate identity.

Tass dossier. January 1, 2018 marks the 50th anniversary of the first exit to the broadcast of the TV program.

"Time" - Soviet and Russian information television program. Her first issue was shown on January 1, 1968, "Time" is the oldest of the larger information transmissions emerging in domestic television.


In the 1960s, the information broadcasting of the Central Television (CT) of Gostoreradio of the USSR included short news programs, as well as a weekly review of the current events of the news relay (launched from 1961).

At the end of 1967, a meeting on the preparation of a new information transmission was held in the main editorial board of TST information in Tsel Bulletter. Its participants were the main director Alexei Petrochenko, the editors of Leonid Zolotarevsky and Levan Dzaridze, as well as the Observer of Iran Kazakov. According to the results of the discussion, the Gosteraradio management was proposed to use for the future program of reporters of direct ether and the possibility of mobile television stations. On the editorial board, its name was chosen - "Time".

The first edition of the program "Time" was broadcast on the first program of the USSR CT on January 1, 1968. Reporters of correspondent points of Gosperary from all over the Soviet Union, as well as from abroad, transferred to each other the Word in Light Ether. Mostly the release was devoted to New Year's topics. Initially, the program came out three times a week.

After a few weeks after starting the program, its format was converted: speakers appeared in the transmission. Anna Shatilova and Evgeny Suslov were the first broadcast. The practice of testing "time" by two speakers - a man and a woman - persisted until the beginning of the 1990s. At different times, Igor Kirillov, Viktor Balashov, Evgeny Kochergin, Yury Petrov, Evgeny Arbenin, Yury Petrov, Evgeny Arbenin, Yevgeny Smirnov, Victor Tkachenko, Nonna Bodrov, Aza Lakhitchenko, Anna Shatilova, Vera SHebeko, Galina Zimenkova, Dina Grigorieva, etc. According to Igor Kirillova, "in the program there were two leaders to beat one message from the other."

Since 1970, the Studio "Time" has been translated from the Shabolovka to the television center "Ostankino", the transfer began to go out in color. In the early 1970s, the main editorial office of TsT information was headed by the Creator of the Radio Station "Mayak" Yuri Letunov. With his name, the formation of the recognizable style of the program "Time" and its thematic orientation is connected. Since 1971, as part of the transfer, the weather forecast began to publish regularly (the first commentator is an employee of the Hydromet Center of Catherine Chistyakova).

In 1972, the continuous start time was established - 21:00 - and its timing is 30 minutes. Until 1982, she went on the ether on the first public-union program. In 1978-1987, the "time" was repeated the next day during the daytime. In 1982, when the second CT program became the world-union, the release of "time" also began to go out at 21:00 at its frequency (until mid-1990).

In 1970-1980, considerable attention was paid to the official party and state chronicles. Also on the air, there were stories about the national economy, materials about events in foreign countries, cultural and sports chronicle, etc.

Since 1987, the issues of the "time" on the second program of the CT were accompanied by a sorcepore. By the end of the 1980s, the program had correspondent bureau in 40 countries of the world.


In 1991, after the August Putch, the program "Time" was renamed, having received the name "TV inform". Her first edition on August 28, Alexander Tikhomirov's political observer began, and Tatiana Mitkov and Dmitry Kiselev were directly leading. From January 1992, the transfer was published on the "1st Canal Ostankino" as "News Ostankino", from July 28, 1992 - called "Ita News". Unlike programs of previous decades, it was conducted by one TV journalist (Sergey Shatunov, Mikhail Osokin, Tatiana Mitkov, Igor Vakhukhavyev, etc.). The name "Time" was returned on December 16, 1994. Since 1996, the preparation of the transfer was made by the Directorate of Information Programs of Public Russian Television (now - First Channel).

Among the leading programs "Time" in the 1990-2010s were: Nellie Petkov, Igor GMUS, Arina Sharapova, Sergey Dorenko, Kirill Kleenov, Alexander Bratayev, Anna Pavlova, Dmitry Borisov, etc.

Since 2003, the first channel "Sunday time" information and analytical program also has been ether. Among her presenters were Peter Marchenko, Andrei Baturin, Peter Tolstoy and Irada Zeynalova.

In March 2008, "Time" began to broadcast from the studio, where there was a concert hall of the television center "Ostankino".

In 2017, the "time" was led by Ekaterina Andreeva (works in the program since 1997) and Vitaly Eliseev (works in the program since 2007), "Sunday Time" - Valery Fadeev.

Reports for transmission are removed in 22 cams in the Russian Federation and 12 - abroad. Work on the preparation of plots is about 70 correspondents.

Screensaver and music

On the head of the first transmission of the "Time", which came on on January 1, 1968, there was a static picture with a satellite transmitting antenna and the image of radio waves. The screensaver was opened by the first tsites of the suite George Sviridov "Time, Forward!", Created by the composer based on his own music from the same name of the novel Valentina Kataeva (director - Mikhail Schweitzer, Sofia Milkina). Subsequently, the screensaver to the transfer and the music playing in it has repeatedly changed. Caught "Time, Forward!" Sounds at the beginning of the transfer since 1994.

Since the 1980s, a dial with accurate Moscow time has been broadcast before transferring on screens. It was customary to check the clock.


According to MediaScope on December 11-17, 2017, "Time" (Ether dated December 12, rating of 4.9%) took the tenth in the list of the top of the most popular TV shows of Russia and the third place - in the list of the ten most popular programs in the category " Daily news. "


In 1977, members of the team "Time" (director Yuri Letunov, speakers Igor Kirillov and Nonna Bodrov, directed by Yuri Vladiyev and Nina Sevrookes, etc.) were awarded the USSR State Prize ("for the artistic and publicistic coverage of socio-political events").

The transfer was awarded the Russian television award of TEFI in the nomination "Best Information Program" (2002, 2006, 2007, 2017).