How to draw painting with sponges with children. Original techniques and methods of drawing What to draw a sponge

How to draw painting with sponges with children. Original techniques and methods of drawing What to draw a sponge
How to draw painting with sponges with children. Original techniques and methods of drawing What to draw a sponge

Monotype is an imprint of paints: on a sheet of paper, causing paint stains (with water or without water), then another clean sheet is put on top, pressed and smoothed. Two sheets are obtained with an unusual spotted pattern. It can be used either as a background of the future pattern, or it can be finalized, add details, turning a shapeless spot into a full-fledged pattern.

If you take not two sheets, and one, folded in half, paint is printed almost mirrored. In this version of the technique, watercolor landscapes are very good: a clearer half is, for example, the forest, and more blurred is the reflection of the forest in some reservoir. It remains only to modify the details.

Watercolor and drawing mascara

Since the watercolor and mascara are transparent paints, flowable, requiring the abundance of water, monotype with their use can be done in two ways. First, you can moisten a sheet of paper with water, and then put paint with a wide brush or drops. Secondly, you can apply paint on a dry sheet, and then dilute with water drops. Results in both cases will noticeably vary.

Do not take too much paint and little water - prints are overly bright. If, on the contrary, it is necessary to get rid of the extra liquid, blotto the sheet with a paper napkin or pour a large salt on paper. It also creates unusual textures. After drying, the paint can be simply shaken.

Acrylic and gouache

These paints, in contrast to watercolor and carcasses, dense and opaque. The prints are also obtained by others: they are textured and texture (especially when using acrylic). Acrylic, by the way, absolutely anyone will suit for monotype. If you use thick, undiluted paint, when removing the second sheet (if you remove without shift), you will get beautiful tree or coral structures. If when removing the upper sheet it is slightly moved or rotated, it will turn out the beautiful and woolness effect.

Paper shaping with lemon and milk

This is the "presets" technique, which is used to give paper a view of an old yellowed page. Apply a lemon juice drop on a blank paper, some can smear. Lyme juice is suitable. When the juice gets up, swing the sheet with iron. Lemon juice will dare, creating the effect of the composition. In addition, the sheet is also shrinking slightly, which will give him even greater similarity with the old paper.

Instead of lemon juice, bold milk or cream can be used. This method goes to its roots in ancient times, when milk was used as invisible ink. Apply the milk with a brush on a sheet of paper, let me dry. Then the sheet is ironing the iron or heat in another way. Milk will become brown and tilters a sheet "Under the Starin".

Washing in black carcass

Another way to originally toned paper (attention, the process is very dirty). You will need sheets of paper, white gouache, drawing mascara, big brush. Paper must be very dense, so as not to break when washing. We paint the white gouache the central part of the sheet (you can do not try to make the contour smooth, and chaotic strokes are suitable). We are waiting until the paint is dry. Now black inlet gently paint the whole sheet. Leave to dry again.

Now we take the dry leaf and go to the bathroom. From a leaf under a jet of water, we carefully wash the mascara (you can lose weight with your hands). Wash the middle part of the sheet (masculine masca should be easily flushed). And the edges of the sheet, as the mascara has absorbed into the paper, and remain black. Put the washed leaf on the stack of newspapers and leave to dry. While we are waiting, worry the bath, otherwise the mascara will be very much.

Drawing for shaving foam and ink

You can get very beautiful divorces in this way. You need a foam or gel for shaving and color mascara. Sull the foam on the plastic palette (if the gel, add a bit of water to it and take the tassel), swing a smooth layer on the palette and drop a few drops of the drawing carcass. Tassel handle Make a layout of carcasses on the foam. Now put a sheet of paper on top, press slightly, remove. Remove the foam remnants with paper napkins.

Drawing threads

Very non-standard drawing method, which gives stunning results. You will need paper, mascara and thick knitting threads. Slot a thread into the mascara and spread beautifully on a sheet of paper (but the tip of the thread should go beyond the edge). Cover another sheet of paper, put the book on top and give a slightly hand. Now slowly pull the thread. When you remove the book and divide the sheets, you will see that both sheets of paper are covered with a beautiful intricate pattern. The pattern can be finalized by turning into a full-fledged pattern.


Such stains from the carca can be a workpiece for full-fledged work: they can be background, and can and be a picture of the picture that needs to be supplemented with details. Apply a few drops of a colored carcass on a dry sheet of paper (if you want a lot, better apply them all right away). We take a cocktail tube and blow a drop. You can simply blow, trying to stretch the blots as far as possible, and you can try to give a stain some form to use it to create a picture.

"Crumpled" drawing

An interesting effect gives paint on mint paper. You will need paper, wax crayons and gouache (watercolor). Draw the desired object on the sheet on the sheet (contour), the space around the object is also filled with shallow. Now the sheet must be neatly smiling, then straighten. We paint the gouache, and then, with the help of a sponge and water, quickly wash the paint. The paint should remain only in the papers of paper fold on an inoperated area.

Technologies in action

You can draw a regular toothbrush. And you can draw electric. A massage brush is suitable. It turns out unusual concentric patterns that can be used as a background for drawing (especially if you take not one color). The necessary paint is gouache or acrylic.


With the help of various stamps (by the way, there can be almost all small and not very objects) you can create an interesting background to the drawings, drawings themselves and even decorate the clothes and interior. You can use both faded items with an interesting texture, and the stamps made independently: cut them out of the eraser or from potatoes (at once). Then you just stay to dip the stamp in the paint and start creating.


Sprinkle paint on the sheet in two ways. The first is splashing on a stencil when a piece of paper is put on a sheet of paper, and its contour is printed by splashes. The second is splashing targeted, with different intensity, paint concentration, drop size. So you can create whole drawings, and, quite presentable and not "children's".

Spot technique

Looks like a stamping. In addition, the technique gives a rather unusual result, it is also a great way to remove its stress. You will need cotton wands, sheets of paper, paint to your choice. Saving a cotton wand in the paint and begin the rhythmic movements to apply a drawing on paper. Very interesting in this technique try to mix colors and shades.

Patrolone drawing

Texture background or "Fluffiness" in the figure can be created using an ordinary sponge. You can try this technique and with a soft foil or thin cellophane package: a small piece of sponge (if a foil or a package is a small lump) to dry into the paint and make the surface of the sheet.

"Collection of paint"

To create a texture, try to spend more raw paint scallop with cloth or ordinary fork. Lines can be done both straight and wavy. Just do not cease, so as not to damage the paper.


This is also scratching with an acute subject, only a texture is created here, but the drawing itself. A thick sheet of paper should be gratened with a candle, on top of the wax layer we apply mascara or gouache (so that it completely closed the sheet, without cleansing). You need to add a few drops of liquid soap to the mascara, so it will fall better. When the paint is dry, we take a sharp object and scratch the drawing.

Drawing using a food film

On a sheet of paper, we apply large stains of the paint, cover over the edge film. But it is not necessary to smooth out, on the contrary, slightly datched it. When the paint is completely dry, remove the film. The sheet will remain thin dashes and bubbles that the sheet covers the sheet.

Believe me, these are not all techniques, methods and equipment drawing, which you can try, if you want something unusual in creativity. In the end, no one bothers you to include fantasy and try to come up with something your new!

Fluffy panda

You will need:
Sponge, color cardboard, gouache or acrylic paint

Do not wet the sponge! Everything is done without water!

1. Cut the sponge so that there are several figures: a circle or oval, similar to the size of rectangles and small triangles.

2. Draw a big oval on a sheet, then dip a round sponge into white paint and, pressing a sponge to a sheet of paper, draw a torso. At the edges of oval, the sponge is not too much - then the skin of the bear will be fluffy.
3. The basis of small triangles to dip in black paint and make clear prints depicting ears and stains around the eyes.
4. With rectangular pieces of sponge and black paint, you will show four paws.
5. Apply paint to the tip of the triangular sponge and depicting claws.

6. Draw a white eye with a thin brush, a black pupil can be depicted using toothpicks.
7. From black paper cut a small oval or a circle - the resulting nose stick into place.

Also in such a technique you can draw:

It is said that all children are like drawing, but if your baby has a type of multicolored pencils and felt-tip penny enthusiasm, congratulations, most likely you have a creative and creative person, which is not looking for simple paths in art.

Especially for those who are boring to draw in the usual way, we offer several fascinating techniques of creative development: we create a masterpiece with fingers, sponges and rollers.

Draw your fingers

This method of creative self-expression is most often close to the kids, but the parents have such children's "gusts" sometimes cause concerns, due to the fact that it is much longer to wash the child after them than.

We know how to organize everything and make the drawing with fingers and adults, and children. The most important rule - the child needs to be allocated creative space The state of which will not worry parents.

If the baby draws at the table, shook it with a glue, newspapers, or old wallpaper, so as not to worry if the paint drops fall on the worktop. Better, if the table, for which the child draws, will not stand on the carpet, but on the tile or linoleum - such a surface is much easier to remove, the fallen drops of paint can be simply witching the wet cloth, but the blurred carpet will have to be cleaned more thoroughly.

Do not forget that you want to wear a child better in such clothes that you will not feel sorry if the baby is blocked. Also for such lessons of creativity, special aprons are perfectly suitable, which are several species: with sleeves, without them, and with special handwriters.

The place for the artist is ready? Then get paints ! Finger-paints are offered by many well-known brands and manufacturers, such as Crayolas SES, "Tsvetics", "Gamma", "Kid". Certified finger paints safe for children They are environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic, their composition is carried out on a water basis using natural nutritional dyes.

However, if you want to buy an artistic set of unknown to this company, do not forget about simple security rules : Carefully read the information on the box, check the expiration date and rules of use. Try not to buy paints of unnatural acid colors, proven manufacturers do not use such colors in their products, red, Yellow, Green and Blue Color - Favorites among finger paints. If it is possible, open the paint, it should be homogeneous consistency and do not smell quite sharply. Economy to buy paints in jars or tubes, so you can lay out a small artist the required amount of paints on the surface for drawing.

Now omit your finger in a jar with paint and begin to create! The paints are easily mixed, so there will be a lack of a color scheme in the masterpieces of the young artist. You can draw not only, but with the whole palm and even with the help of the feet.

What a space for creativity opens here! Not only young, but also absolutely adult artists can not resist and begin to create amazing heroes. For example, look at these pretty animals and birds, bugs and butterflies. Via fingerprints It is easy to draw familiar fruits and vegetables, vehicles, and a variety of little men can be invented simply without restrictions.

Developing task for adults - Take part in the creative process and make from children's "Kalyak Malyak": horse, lemons, pizza, scrambled, cat. Too easy? Complete the task: First, the adult draws the contour, and the child with finger paints makes it as he sees in his imagination. And here you will not argue if the sun will be green, and the water in the lake is reddish-pink - this is the solution of a small artist.

No less pretty drawings can work out if prints do palm or leg - The main thing is to enable fantasy and think in advance what exactly you want to see on a sheet of paper. Therefore, first, before getting into the paint, offer the child to play the game "what it looks like," choose the most pretty image and then already begin to image.

Draw sponge

An ordinary sponge for washing dishes, which can be easily bought in any store, it turns out, can help us in creating original and amazing paintings. Painting paint with a sponge An excellent exit for those kids, which until it turns out to be able to keep in your hands a brush, and not all the kids like to get the hands of paint. Learning to draw a sponge just: Put the necessary number of colors of different colors on the palette and try to paint a large contour pattern with the sponge.

Show the child how can you apply a sponge paint on paper : Ringfully touch or swallowing, depending on the technique of paint will be mixed in different ways, which will give the figure originality and individuality.

Another assistant for a young artist can become friendship of sponge and wooden kitchen blade . Out the sponge blade and secure the rubber band - you have a new tool for a small artist in your hands. Such a "brush" easily captures a large leaf area, with its help the child can easily tint the surfaces, paint the sky, prepare the background for another drawing and do a lot of interesting things.

If, by the idea of \u200b\u200bthe author, a bright drawing should appear on the sheet, then the sponge should be wetted and squeezed very carefully. Want to make a drawing less expressive and slightly translucent? Then the sponge should be more humid, and the image will be similar to watercolor work.

With the use of sponge convenient to create pictures using a template . Choose your favorite draw, print it on thick paper, cut out and color with a sponge. After coloring, remove the template, and as a result you will get an original bright picture.

Do you want the imprint to be more neat? Insert a piece of foam rubber into the cap from the marker, and you will have a neat round mark. Makazy him in paint and begin to create it.

How to draw?

Together with the children, we cut cuttings: different sizes and shapes turned out. Elder child even cut out several letters!

I invited children to try different drawing techniques:

Dip the sponges in the paint and draw them, pressing them to paper, like a brush;

Screw up as much as possible paint as possible, and then "stamping" it figures on a piece of paper;

Pour some paint on paper and smear it with sponges;

Publish not only on paper, but also on your own body;

Combine different techniques - for example, apply different "stamps" with sponges, and draw the rest with the help of brushes or fingers.

Advantages of drawing with sponges:

Self-expression and development of creative abilities;

Development of coordination of eyes and hands;

Development of shallow motility;

Encouragement to experiment and non-standard thinking;

Development of taste and feeling of color;

Training figures, colors, letters, etc.

Helpful advice:

To clean after this occupation it was easier, I advise you to give every child on a rag so that he can wipe hands about her as needed. Also, I also advise you to set the area (table or floor), on which children will draw, adhesive tablecloth or newspapers, and children or as much as possible, or put on special bathrobes on them.

This method is used to give a drawing of the type of puff, lochmatiness, thrust. For this method, a tough, dry brush is used. The paint on it needs to be scored quite a bit, at the tip of the pile. Start drawing from left to right, leaving the gaps and keeping a brush vertically.

You will need: gouache, landscape sheet, jar with water (it is better to take unpolevoy), palette, hard brush, napkin to wipe the brush.


■ Help the child draw the contour of the mouse.

■ Now the "Tychkov" method, the child paints the mouse. Watch it to be slightly leaving the contour, it will give the picture even greater "lochmatiness."

■ Then dorisite the tail, eye, nose and ears. The "Tychkov" method you can draw different animals, salute, snowfall, Christmas tree. You can perform whole compositions, for example, flowers in a vase, etc.

Lesson 4. "Rain on raw", or "Drawings on wet paper"

This painting technique implies paint-applying not to a dry surface, but on a moisturized. Apply water or a layer of still low paint can be sponge or tassel, or just wet the leaf under the crane.

You will need: watercolor, landscape sheet, glass with water ("smaller"), palette, tassels of different thickness, sponge and water for pre-applying onto a sheet.


Stages of work:

■ Moisten a sheet with a wet sponge. These are children with pleasure. The "puddles" should not remain on paper, make sure that the entire sheet is wetted evenly.

■ Paint with watercolor paints, silently silent: first the tree, with foliage, then the sky and grass.

This method is good for nature image: fog, rain, forests and water, night sky, space, night city ...

Breathing color "Klyaxography"

You will need: gouache, album leaf, cup with water ("smaller"), palette, tassels.

Stages of work:

■ Slide the landscape sheet of paint, well diluted with water. To do this, take a wide brush.

■ While the paint does not dry, pour into one place the paint of another color, turned out to be a blossom.

■ Now jump slightly on the klyaks, changing the direction of the flow of your breathing, helping the paint spread, this method and is called the "color breathing".

■ You can take a cocktail tube, bring it to the beak and blow through it. Then the divorces coming from the blots will acquire a kind of thin tracks.

Lesson 5. "Draw a sponge"

For this method, an ordinary sponge for washing dishes is suitable. Prepare so many sponges as the colors will be used in your picture.

You can make a sponge of different geometric shapes and sizes and, if you attach them to a stick or pencil, then the foam brush will turn out. It is necessary to work with it, keeping vertically, using the method of stamping, just like in the "Pepper" method.

The trail left by the sponge can imitate wool and spines, crown of trees, snow, sand.

Show the child how to draw with a sponge, - for starters without the theme, just painted the sheet. Then try to make the thematic drawing together.


You will need: gouache, landscape sheet, bowl for water, palette, sponge, feltaster.

Stages of work:

■ Prepare on the color palette. Green if the tree is summer. Yellow and orange if autumn. Blue - the color of the sky.

■ The child itself or with an adult draws a barrel and a felt-tip pen branch.

■ Then the child gives a sponge with paint foliage and heaven.


You will need: gouache, album leaf, water bowl, palette, sponge, pencil tassel. Stages of work: "Draw a pencil circuit of chicken.

■ Prepare on the color palette.

■ The child paints the contour, slightly going for it. »Paint and tassel Draw a spout, legs and eyes.

This technique is interesting to work with a stencil.

■ Cut in the middle of the cardboard any image, such as a house with a pipe. Attach the stencil on the landscape sheet and offer the baby to paint with the help of a sponge that part of the album sheet, which is visible to the stench hole.

■ When the drawing is dry, draw the window, smoke from the pipe. If the child wants, you can draw a tree, cat, etc.

■ You can do the opposite. Put the carved figures on the landscape sheet, partially closing it. Slide with the help of a sponge all around the covered place, and if the child falls on the paint stencil, then the leaf will still remain clean under it.

Lesson 6. Stamps

Children adore stamps, especially if they are made of unusual material.

"Drawing with the help of leaves"

You will need: leaves of different shapes and size, landscape sheet, gouache, brush, palette (this time it is better to take disposable plastic plastic plates), water container, napkin.

Stages of work:

■ Find beautiful trees on the street outdoors.

■ Loose one side of the leaflet to the diluted paint.

■ Gently apply it to the painted side to the landscape sheet, slightly pressing the paper with a napkin, arrange hand.

■ Remove the leaves and look together prints.

■ Dorisinate them as prompts you imagination.

Stamps from carrot "Flower"

You will need: carrots (from it it is easy to make stamps of different shapes), landscape sheet, gouache, tassel, palette or disposable plastic plates, water containers, napkins.

Stages of work:

■ Make two or three stamps: a circle, oval, and for the petals - the circular sector (only two sides of the triangle need to be cropped, and one to leave rounded).

■ Drain paint with water on the palette, dip the stamp and put prints. Some children like to lubricate stamp paint with a brush.

Potato stamps

■ Cut the potato in half, apply the image to the side of the cut and take an excess one carefully along the office.

■ Cut can be anything, or rather, that allows you your skill - from a house to a beautiful flower. Stages of working with stamps from potatoes are the same

as with carrot stamps.

Stamps from Peroth

If you take a pen, they can draw trees and grass. To do this, the pen is slightly dipped into the paint and put prints on the paper sheet with light touches. Cress the composition as you suggest your imagination.