Wanted young taming: a set in the fifth season of the show "Voice. Children! How to get to "voice

Wanted young taming: a set in the fifth season of the show
Wanted young taming: a set in the fifth season of the show "Voice. Children! How to get to "voice

He took only 2 months from the date of the end of the adult "voice" and now the first channel launches the new season of the children's version of the show. This show had ambitious successes all 5 previous seasons, and now it returns to the country's screens. The continuation of the program promises to reveal the new talents of young performers who will undoubtedly conquer lovers of such a show by force and unheard of talent.

As already known, the "voice of children" is a children's analogue of an adult show "Voice". Children gifted with a unique voice will come to the capital and try to defend the right to get into the team of the star coach of the project. Children who passed the selection will be honored to fight for the honorary title of the best children's singing voice of the country. In the show there are restrictions on age: only children from the age category from 7 to 14 years old have the right to take part in the competition.

2018 started with new changes in the members of the jury. Pelagia's beloved by many spectators again took their place in the chair of the mentor. Despite the fact that the performer is difficult to work with children, after his own motherhood experience, she is ready to fight again. Instead of Dima Bilan, the chair took Rapper Basta, he is Vasily Vakulento. He was already a mentor of an adult "voice," but now I tried my hand in working with children. And only Valery Meladze continued to delight his presence and beautiful musical taste in the anniversary 5 season of the show "Voice Children".

Loboda, Pelagia and Meladze: a new "voice. Children "on the first channel

In the 6th season of the "Voice" program, personnel changes took place among mentors. Now the red chairs are occupied by Pelagia, Valery Meladze and Svetlana Loboda. For light, this is not the first mentoring experience, since she took part in the first season of the Ukrainian version of the show. Also in order to maintain children behind the scene, helping Dmitry Nagiyev to keep the project will be Aglaya Shilovskaya. The rules of the program remain the same. Mentors are selected by 15 participants to their team, but only 2 contestants from everyone will be in the final, and one child can save the audience.

Every week, the audience will have the opportunity to see and hear dozens of young talented performers. Children's experiences and emotions, tears of happiness and tears of joy, unforgettable excitement and not children's fear of young performers will not leave anyone indifferent, and will make an empathy, and root for their beloved participant.

- This is an near-earth object with a diameter of about 30 meters. On August 29, 2006, when 4.5 million km was at a distance. from our planet. Scientists observed the celestial body for 10 days, after which the asteroid stopped being visible to telescopes.

Based on such a short observation period, it is impossible to accurately determine the distance on which the asteroid 2006 QV89 approaches the Earth 09.09.2019, since it has not been observed asteroid since then (since 2006). Moreover, according to various estimates, the object can approach our planet at all, not at all, and at another date of September 2019.

As for the 2006 QV89 with Earth on September 9, 2019 or not - the probability of a collision is extremely small.

Thus, the Sentry system (developed by JPL Center for Neo Studies) shows that the probability of body collision with the Earth is 1:9100 (those. about one ten thousandth percent).

The European Space Agency (ESA) estimates the chance of intersection of the asteroid orbit with our planet as 1 to 7300. (0,00014 % ). ESA placed 2006 QV89 on the 4th place among the celestial bodies representing the potential danger to the Earth. According to the agency, the exact time of the "Spanlet" of the body on September 9, 2019 - 10:03 Moscow time.

Both in Orthodoxy and Catholicism, Easter always falls on Sunday.

Preceded by Easter 2020, a great post, which begins 48 days before a bright holiday. And after 50 days, the trinity is celebrated.

The popular pre-Christian customs, which came to the present day, can be attributed to the dyeing of eggs, making kulukhai and cottage cheese.

Easter treats are sanctified in the church on Saturday, on the eve of Easter 2020, or after serving on the day of the holiday.

To welcome each other for Easter, the words "Christ Risen" follows, and answer - "truly resurrected."

For the Russian team, this will be the fourth game within the framework of this qualifying tournament. Recall that in previous three meetings, Russia "at the start" lost to Belgium with a score of 1: 3, and after two dry victories won over Kazakhstan (4: 0) and above San Marino (9: 0). The last victory was the largest largest for the existence of the Russian football team.

As for the upcoming meeting, in the opinion of the bookmakers, the favorite in it is the Russian national team. Cypriots are objectively weaker than Russians, and nothing good islanders from the upcoming match do not have to wait. However, it must be borne in mind that the teams have never met before, and therefore unpleasant surprises can expect us.

Meeting Russia - Cyprus will be held June 11, 2019 in Nizhniy Novgorod At the stadium with the same name built to the 2018 World Cup. Beginning of the match - 21:45 Moscow time.

Where and how much I play national teams of Russia and Cyprus:
* Venue of the match - Russia, Nizhny Novgorod.
* The start time of the game - 21:45 Moscow time.

Speech by artists show "Voice. Children "on the" first "- a grandiose action that fascinates at first glance. Participants and fans frozen in anticipation of the new season of 2018. They do not fail to know when the casting of applicants begin, how will blind listening be touched and who will be chosen to mentors? In order not to tomboy, the audience, the founders prepared a number of announcements and news.


Young talents in the best project "First Channel"

Children's version of the "Voice" competition gives every talented child a unique chance not only to speak on a big stage, but also to gain invaluable experience, which are shared with the winners of the winners of star mentors. Participants pass a long and difficult path, so it is important for them to know exactly when the casting is started, where the questionnaire is posted and how an application for participation is applied. Not superfluous information about the project itself and its essence.

Transfer comes on Russian television since 2014. February 28 started the first stage of the competition. This reality show does not apply to the category of copyright, so the organizers are not limited to fantasy. The main rules of the project include:

  • selection of vocalists aged from 7 to 14 years;
  • presence in each release of three mentors (pop stars or famous producers);
  • the purpose of each jury member is to form a group of 15 applicants.

Those who want to apply for participation. To do this, the special questionnaire is filled and the date is set when the casting begins.

Stages of television fights

The winners of the qualifying rounds overlook the big scene and pass a series of tests:

  1. blind audition;
  2. fights between participants;
  3. "Song for departure";
  4. speech in the final.

The main difference of the Russian competition "Voice" is a spectator vote. The innovation appeared in the second season. Thanks to him, the audience received the right to help three dropped back to the scene. Domestic teleproject is charitable. The means spent on payment of SMS goes to the funds of assistance to patients and needy kids.

Interesting facts about the main children's show

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe famous franchise belongs to the Dutch. The homeland "The Voice Kids" comes from 2010. During the years of its existence, the idea of \u200b\u200b50 countries of the world was separated. On the "first" preparation of each new season begins with the formation of the concept and selection of mentors' candidates. In this process, the Channel General Director of Konstantin Ernst and the music director takes part. The jury is set a number of tasks aimed at showing the talent of the wards in the most advantageous light.

The origins of the program stood a famous producer, composer and singer Maxim Fadeev. Whether the most successful mentor returns to the program in 2018 until it is unknown. However, in the announcements of the new season, the organizers have repeatedly promised to land in the Red Chairs "Golden" Troika:

  • Dima Bilan.
  • Pelagia
  • Maxim Fadeev

The competition gives "Green Light" to implement the abilities and cut the voice for free. During the existence of the show in Russia, his leaders were:

  • Svetlana Zeynalova
  • Dmitry Nagiyev
  • Valeria Lanskaya
  • Natalya Vodyanova
  • Nastya Chevazhevskaya

To get on shooting as a viewer, you can apply on the project website. This step allows not only to penetrate the performances and see the "vocal kitchen" from the inside, but also get a small fee. The program is removed by portions. The screens fall in advancely mounted video and the most spectacular episodes.

In February 2018, the fifth season of the fifth season franchise "Voice. Children". The founders report that the questionnaire for those who want to shine talent is no longer available, since the acceptance of applications for participation is over. For those who passed the casting, it begins a difficult period, because happiers will have to keep the bar after festive concerts.

Very soon, the viewers will be able to once again enjoy the grand show, full of sparkling rooms and nonsense passions. Many consider the project too heavy for the teenage psyche, but what can be compared with happiness to show themselves to the whole world, chat with real stars and get priceless lessons?

"Voice. Details" 2018: Soon on the screens!

Start of broadcasts February 2018.
Where and when to see? "Channel One" on Saturdays
What time does it start? After the program "Time"
Genre Realistic Show Beginner Vocalists
Duration of the season Three months (February, March, April)
Number of releases 41
Time of each show 100 minutes
Age limit for viewing From 12 years old

Creators of the show "Voice. Children "did not yet torment the fans of the television super project by the unknown and revealed the hottest details of the fourth season. The producers of the children's "voices" have already defined the mentors, the date of the show "Voice. Children -4" and told who will be the leading new season of one of the most popular projects on Russian television.

"Voice. Children-4": Mentors and lead

Mentors Show "Voice. Children-4" - Dima Bilan, Nyusha and Valery Meladze

In the fourth season show "Voice. Kids" The organizers decided to update the composition of the Jury of the project, which became a big surprise for the audience. Among the "Starokilov" project remained only. New mentors "voice. Children-4" became - and. Thus, Nyusha replaced, which three previous season revealed new children's talents at the vocal contest, and Valery Meladze took a place, two wards of which in the show "Voice. Kids - 3" reached the final.

Lead Show "Voice. Kids-4" - Dmitry Nagiyev | Gazeta.ru.

The leading "voice. Children-4" will become constant. In the new season, the organizers decided not to put a "pair" him, so he will be the main and only leading leading and supporting young participants on the stage of the country's chief vocal competition.

"Voice. Children-4": Release date

The new Children's "Voice" season will be released on February 17. It is known that the mentors have already begun to shoot the first blind listening. Recall that the format and time of the show "Voice. Children" is different from an adult show - at the stages of fights one song vocalists do not sing together, and threesome, and there is no chance for the participants to save from the mentor.

Also in every match show "Voice. Children" only one team participates. Immediately after the end of the fights, the stage of the "Departure Song" starts, in which the five compositions that they performed on blind auditions sing the participants. According to the results of the stage, the mentor chooses two finalists.

Premiere of the new season in February

So comes February 2017. Already soon spring, which means to the screens to go to the new release of the show the voice of the voice: Russia 2017. As we all know, the participants of the 4th season of this show love to show themselves on stage. All kids are very artistic, funny and most of all love to sing. By the way, the songs of the children choose themselves with their parents, teachers or simply based on the most successful performances of previous seasons. Often, participants speak with foreign songs in which you can reveal the entire potential of your young voice. But in recent years, more and more kids discover the power of Russian songs, thanks to which the development of people's vocals become absolutely new.

New coaches at the Russian Children's Voice of 2017

In general, enough about the participants and their songs. Let's talk about the coaches of the new season. In the show Voice Children: Russia 2017 We will meet new faces. Valery Meladze, Nyusha and Starked Dima Bilan will sit in large red chairs. A permanent mentors in the face of Leonid Agutina, Maxim Fadeev and Pelagei producers of the first channel decided to send on vacation. Now the kids will judge and take into his team the legend of Russian pop Valery Meladze and the popular pop singer Nyusha.

Nyusha - New Mentor Show!

If Valery Meladze is not particularly worth representing, then a few words can be said about Nyush. This girl is pretty pretty, good and has a beautiful voice. She became known only 5 years ago, when he was popular on Russian television and on a musical scene. Of course, she walked at all to success - a rich relative was promoted her, but in the end it turned out a rather interesting singer. Why was it taken to the role of coach at the most important vocal children's television show - it is not clear. Surely, someone decided her "push".

Dima Bilan - Recommendant Show!

Together with these new faces, Dima Bilan will take their place. Of course, he will not seem new to anyone. This singer who over the ten years spends all over Russia and all over the world. He traveled to Eurovision where he took the second place by giving way to the first Ukrainian jamale. Jamal's villager with difficulty displaced our pet from the first place. But now it is the fourth time becomes a coach of the voice of the voice Children: Russia 2017. Can he show us anything new, or how will it always be just stupid to joke? Let's see when the season 4 will begin.

Valery Meladze - a new coach on the show!

And finally, let's still remember Valery Meladze. This is the legend of the Russian pop, which fell into love with the whole generations of Russian citizens. The news about the appointment of his mentor was very pleased with all the audience. After all, we all remember how beautiful he sang along with Via Gray and other Russian pop stars and musicians. The music of this singer love and adore. He is really the most legendary musician of the entire CIS for the past 20 years! Our congratulations!