Options for conspiracies with a mirror and their proper use. Conspiracy for beauty in front of the mirror

Options for conspiracies with a mirror and their proper use. Conspiracy for beauty in front of the mirror
Options for conspiracies with a mirror and their proper use. Conspiracy for beauty in front of the mirror

Immediately after the invention, the mirrors occupied a special place in the existing world. Throughout the century, magical properties were attributed to this accessory, and so far such a statement is rarely who tries to challenge.

Magic properties of mirrors are used in magical rites of different orientation. Most often, the conspiracy on the mirror is used to attract good luck in the life and removal of damage. But there are many other very effective rites.

Such widespread use of mirrors in magic is due to the fact that it is believed that these attributes have a mirror memory and are able to display events that occurred in the past. In addition, magicians emphasize mirrors to reproduce future events under the influence of certain magic rites.

Such properties lead to the fact that the mirror can, how to give positive energy, and accumulate negative energy in itself. Namely it is believed that if you are putting together to a house where there are other people's mirrors, they must be neutralized by a special way using water charged in full moon.

Conspiracy for luck

In its own bedroom, you should hang a new mirror and speak it for good luck. Such a plot of the mirror is performed necessarily in full moon on the night from Saturday to Sunday. The time of the rite is within three hours after midnight.

It is necessary to approach the mirror with a burning church candle in hand and speak three times such a plot of the mirror:

"I pray you, the Lord God of the Most High, to save me, the slave of God, (his name), from the seduction of the nasty and temptations coming from the cunning antichrist. I pray you, hide me from all unwanted to you, in the intimate desert of salvation. Give me, Lord God Most High, courage for the clear confession of your faith. I won't let me get back from the Church of God and renounce you, my Savior. Get rid of me in my life from losses, but let me and in the day and night I will tears to shed my sins, but only to spare me, Lord Most High, from Kara at the time of the terrible court. Amen".

After that, the candle's grinding must be wrapped in a white fabric napkin and put under the mattress. Be sure to follow, so that it does not disappear anywhere, as this means that a person who took him, has conceived something and puts evil intent against you.

There is a rite, after which, all mirrors and glass that have an attitude to you acquire special protective force.

On ordinary water scored in the container, these words should be spoken:

"You, glass, transparent, smooth and clean, similar to natural water in the lake. Your strength will help me, the servant of God, (his name), Lich in life not to know. Wealth around me and good, and any deception I recognize immediately. I ask you, the glass is magical, all the thoughts of others are bad to show me, nothing to shade and do not tear. Let my eyes be clear to remain really the world surrounding. And my life will take place without well and calmly. Amen".

After that, all mirrors and glass should be wiped with a napkin moistened in conspiracy. Be sure to remember about the pocket mirror, which is available in every woman in the handbag.

To strengthen financial position

With the help of a rite using a mirror, you can strengthen your financial position. In the rite you need to use a small mirror and a five-core coin. During the full moon, when the moon will shine in the sky, the mirror should be installed on the windowsill, and put the coin in front of it. Place attributes in such a way that the moonlight falls on them.

It is impossible that in the process of holding a rite your image viewed in the mirror, it can take over the lunar energy and the impact will be less efficient.

It is necessary to become behind the installed mirror and speak such magic words:

"Mother Night Moon, you are stronger. Fill my wallet money, so that your treasure is mine. Money for money. Amen".

The rite needs to be held at midnight and then you should immediately go to go to bed, without talking to anyone. After the rite, the mirror can be used in the usual way, and the coin must be put in the wallet and carry it there a month. It is impossible to spend a conspiracy coin. A month later, the next full moon, rites need to repeat again. After that, the coin will finally turn into a cash talisman and starts to attract money to you.

It should be remembered that if the mirror was covered with dark stains and for inexplicably caused the reasons, it must be urgently discharged. This means that it was overwhelmed with the negative and will soon begin to give it. You can remove negative energy, periodically washing the mirror with water, and only after that we should use special means that improve the view of the household accessory.

Mirrors have a special force and energy, so they are often used for rituals. Strong conspiracies will help you attract beauty and wealth, and good luck will go to your hands.

Every day we look at the mirror several times. Few people know about its energy properties that are able to provide us with both positive and negative impact. It is believed that the mirrors are a portal between the two worlds, which is why people attach them a special meaning. Their use in rituals has long acquired popularity. Thus, people attract good luck, money and even beauty. Site Team Site recommends that you take advantage of conspiracies that will change your life for the better.

Conspiracy on the beauty mirror

When we look good, we feel more confident. Sometimes we wish to fix some drawbacks in our appearance, and expensive procedures do not afford to us. In this case, you can use the effective conspiracies and with their help to significantly transform your appearance.

For the ritual, you will need a desktop mirror, holy water, napkin, or a cotton disk.

Wipe the mirror with holy water with a mold or napkin. The most important thing is that after that it does not have divorces left. While you wipe the mirror, say:

"Water saint will wash me all the flaws. I will become the most beautiful (since) and the most happy (s). Let me in my life everything will be clean and light as the mirror is mine. My idea will be fulfilled, my desire will be fulfilled. "

Repeat the ritual for a week, and soon you will notice a positive result. Attention from the opposite sex is guaranteed.

Conspiracy on the mirror for good luck

Without good luck, our life will lose all meaning. Success and the top of happiness will help you with a strong conspiracy.

You need to purchase a new mirror and church candle. Before you go to sleep, burn the candle and look at your reflection in the mirror. After that, it's a bit of wax on it and tell me:

"My luck will never leave me. My success will always be with me. I, the slave (a) of God (s) (name), strive and achieve happiness trying. Let them take me. Amen".

The mirror must be buried on the river bank. If there is no such possibility, do it in the yard of your home. If over time you will not notice improvements in your life, it means that the ritual should be repeated.

Conspiracy on the mirror for money

Sometimes even daily stubborn labor does not help us improve your financial situation. It is easy to get rich, the main thing is to believe in your strength and periodically use an effective ritual who will attract money to your life.

After you received a salary, set aside several bills. On the same day, take postponerable money and put them on the mirror. Then say:

"How much money is twice again, so much and I will have. Let the wealth in my life comes, and the poverty forever my house leaves. No one can take anything to take away, the enemies of my weakness will not get. Key. Lock. Language".

The ritual is advisable to repeat every month. Thus, you can quickly achieve the desired result and must attract financial success.

The mirror is a unique subject for rituals. His power and energy are able to completely change your life. Looking at its reflection, never utter words forbidden, so as not to attract failures and defeat in your life. We wish you success and new discoveries, and do not forget to click on the buttons and

24.11.2017 06:56

The shints are a good time to attract good luck, money and love. To fulfill all the innermost desires will help ...

The house should be the safest place for family members. But often there are unkind people at him, trying to harm. The house can smooth the envious, on the family can stick the unfortunate of the grumpy neighbor. Therefore, each hostess should be able to defend his dwelling from evil, to know a conspiracy to protect the house from danger.

It is necessary to put protection at the entrance door. Evil comes through the door along with ill-wishers, therefore the protection of the entrance door is the most important housing over the housing and any evil.

It will help us with nails, as protective conspiracy on iron have a big coastal force from evil intents. On the growing moon you need to buy three nails without surrender. If exactly three nails do not work, you can buy more. The main thing is not to take delivery.

Wheel one nail at the top of the door, and the other two are below. Nails must form an equilateral triangle. After that, enter the room, close the door and tell the conspiracy and protection of the house from the evil people:

"Three nails in my door.
The first all enemies is set,
The second of all unhondudues exists,
The third will all unfit.
All words in the case turn
All nails in favor of turnover. "

While the nails will be in the door, the protection conspiracy will be reliably guarded housing from witchcraft, damage and evil thoughts.

Wubble on gypsy needles

On the growing moon, buy two gypsy needles without passing. Fold them with the cross down, tapping white thread, and say the conspiracy to the house and preservation of property from evil people and witchcraft:

"As a spear of a cross, so the enemies are all a prick.
Who is with good - he will pass.
Who with evil - hooked the cross .. "

Hang the needle over the door indoors or hide them under the upholstery of the door outside. After three months, remove the needles, rinse with flowing water or roll over the candle flame, and read the plot to protect your room. Thread burn.

How to protect the threshold of the house

The entrance door and threshold should be reliably protected from the penetration of evil. On the threshold of the house, the unkind person will already lose a part of the evil strength from which came. Going for the threshold, his remaining black force will lose its power, reflected in the conspiracy mirror.

Therefore, the mirror is desirable to hang opposite the front door. And what to do with the threshold of the house, what is the conspiracy to read on protection?

First of all, the threshold needs to be cleaned from the accumulated dirt: fitting and wash. Take the rule to keep the threshold, knobs of the entrance door and the door itself. Then you are not afraid of no evil, and luck will often look into such a house.

Winched the threshold of the house by a broom, read a plot:

"I swell a breath, disease, damage and corti,
The evil eye is proper and apparent.
My threshold is done, God blessed.

Salted water conspiracy

The next method of cleaning the threshold needs to be made of salted water. To do this, throw in a bucket with water three slices of salt and wash the threshold three times, saying a plot:

"Salt won, the water was smoked.
As salt does not rot, it does not stick to the threshold.
Skalce, turn back, turn back!
Won went!
I did not call you! "

Then the dirty water should be pulled out on the clutch. Do not take care of what people will think about you! Poured and went home without turning around.

Protection against unkind people and penetration evil

And now, when the threshold is cleared, you need to protect against unkind people and the penetration of evil. To do this, take a threshold salt and sprinkle the threshold. At the same time you need to read a plot:

"Salt from the Great Thursday!
I expel from the home of the birth and pain!
Hold on the threshold all evil, all misfortune and lich!
Excellence This house will cost.
As I said, this will happen! "

Also under the threshold you can hide a new blade. It will cut off evil.

Holy water to protect

Holy water has a great strength, especially Epiphany. Pour some water in a bowl and add a pinch of the threatening salt, and also put any silver object. Then the prayer is read on the water and any conspiracy protection against unkind people, witchcraft, for the preservation of property.

Wubble on pins

  • portnovo pins;
  • church candle;
  • icon.

In this case, we will need tailor pins to protect the placement from the witchcraft of unkind people, but without balls at the end. Purchase pins on the growing moon. The pin should be enough to have enough for all windows and the front door (four pieces per object of protection).

Now pins need to be consecrated. To do this, put the icon on the table and light the church candle. We look at the candle, pins and the icon and read the prayer for our 7 times in a row. Now you need to stick pins on four sides of the windows and the front door (two at the top and two below).

If you fail, you can join with plasticine or tape. The main thing is that the sharp tip looks down. Protective conspiracies can not read. Three months later, the pin to remove and bury into the ground, and newly attach to the defense of the room from the witchcraft of ill-wishers.

From the depths of the centuries, knowledge of the mighty strength of the coated herbs reached us.

Put the wormwood under the rug at the entrance. With another harvest, throw it away from housing and put a new one.

A beam of a hunter or mint should be hung in the hallway near the mirror or at the hanger.
In the summer, stocking thistle and keep it all year in the house.
St. John's wort will miss a person with malicious intent.
If you hang the branches of the windows on the windows and the entrance door, it will destroy evil spells.

Conspiracy on the protection of the house on the mirror

You can protect housing from negative energy using a round mirror. To do this, buy a new mirror or twist the old one. Operate mirror with flowing water, dry and burn the church candle in front of it.

This will be enough to cleanse from unnecessary information. Then put the mirror on the table, and put eight church candles on the sides.

Light one of them and tell me:

"I define you to reflect evil."

"Inside and around from evil protection.
The world is coordinating from one to eight,
From eight embodiment. "

Clean the candles with your fingers and hide in a secluded place. Mirror hang on the wall. From now on, all the unkind views, evil thoughts and words spoken in your home, will not harm any or your loved ones. After a year, the conspiracy against unkind people is repeated again after cleansing the mirror with water.

How to protect the house from damage

On the growing moon until noon, buy a coil of white threads and new needles. Remember that items for witchcraft cannot be used for domestic purposes. Therefore, the remaining threads and needles put in a separate box and store for other rites.

To ingue the thread in the needle (take off the coil on the elbow length) and tie three nodes. Spend the needle tip along the door jacket and stick it at the top, saying a plot of protection:

"You can stand guard.
All our enemies beat! "

Three months later, I will remove the needle and go to the ground away from my housing. Take another needle and repeat the conspiracy of your premises to protect against witchcraft of unkind people.

Help the houses

If you have a house in your house, then it can be asked to protect the house and property. Before going to bed, do the following. Put a piece of bread and bracelet on a plate and tell me the following:

"Host-Domovick, in the house, come in, family my defense.
Our richness is Odari, peace and paws in the store.
Soft bread I give you, in return I will ask you. "

Go to bed. In the morning, the bread dries, and the bracelet is put on your hand.

Mirror for happiness children. Our children are reflected by our on earth. Therefore, in the mirror you can see the future of your children, as well as speak them from different troubles. The mirror is our twin, which is why there is a sign that the one who breaks the mirror, seven years will be unhappy. To avoid this, fragments (those more than more) need to paint black, or throw in flow water.

But there is a person another double on Earth - his child.

Therefore, spokening on the mirror, you can transfer a conspiracy to your child, to protect it from any misfortunes, attract well-being, success.

Also through the mirror you can see what will happen in the future. At the mirror, ancient is guessing. But you can also determine through the mirror, whether there is a damage, evil eye or other witchcraft on you or your children, and then through the mirror it is to remove this attack.

If you want children, it does not work in any way, then the mirror will be in this helper. Hang it in your home, and after the twin, the mirror will come to you and the real is your child.

The mirror must be purchased new. If someone looked with bad thoughts in the mirror or, God forbid, what misfortune happened in the room, where the mirror hung, then all this in the mirror will remain.

Clean the mirror from evil, which is reflected in it, is very difficult. Here it is necessary to carry out special rites, which are not for the newcomer. Therefore, from sin away, buy a new mirror.

You can even small. Mirrors should be in scraps - salary, so as not to injure you and your deubs. Therefore, the mirrors without frames do not buy. After buying a mirror immediately, wrap and carry home, how come - to substitute it under the flow water and let it dry, and even then wipe.

Choose a day when a complete or growing moon in the sky is not clouded, the sky is clear. Put the mirror before the opened window so that the lunar light reflects. Sit before the mirror and crosses three times

Tell the words of conspiracy

I sit in front of the lake, I look in the water. Chista, I pray to the Mother of God: "How are you for the child of Cohovo suffered, so I don't suffer how you loved you, so I will be honored, so you will read me, like you don't want to read me, so I wonder. "Mapanese.

After that, the mirror will be faithfully and serve to serve.

Mirror need to hang on the wall.

Only you can not hang it over the headboard and opposite the door.

Hanging mirrors should not lower the head of the head of the highest family member. Once a week, the mirror must be washed with simple water and wipe with a clean white rag. Modern chemistry is better to your conspiracy mirror.

You can approach the mirror every morning and, spending over it with your hand (the distance between hand and the mirror should be no more nail on the mother's), ask for: mirror, reflect all the bad thing that will come to this house.

Walkers all our family (list the names, first yours and her husband, and then children) "work with a mirror can both father and mother, but the maternal conspiracy, he, of course, will be more accurate. But there is one condition: Mother can create a conspiracy only in those Days when she has no monthly.

Also, it is also impossible to dwell on the mirror 40 days after delivery, since on such days in front of it "the grave is open." These days the woman is weak, and the mirror is even more relaxed, opening the path of illness, misfortunes and poverty. If the mirror crashed or cracked, immediately carry it on the garbage, but first fill in black paint so that no one could look into it. Children in a conspiracy mirror are also better not to look, therefore hung it high.

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The mirror surface from ancient times was considered something magical. The mirror is a container of human energy. Everything that sees the surface is saved in its memory, as if in the computer. In various magic rituals, it often appears precisely reflective surface. The conspiracy on the mirror is able to bring well-being and love in your life.

How it's done?

Conspiracy for money is the most sought-after magical impact, if you consider witchcraft tool that will be able to send the energy to the right direction and give impetus to establish the correct chain of events. All that is required to achieve the goal is faith in the success of the achieved and practice. How can I make a monetary magnet? How to find love and stop being lonely? Many are asked by these questions.

Most underestimates the strength of monetary magic, and in vain. Often, the impact of independent rituals is very noticeable. There are many ways to attract money. Mouth experienced businessmen and sellers have long and successfully enjoy spells. Not only money conspiracies are often used, but also witchcraft spells to attract happiness and well-being.

A woman needs to perform actions to make money on the even days of the week (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday), a man in odd (Monday, Wednesday, Friday). The ritual is held in the evening alone at the curtained windows and doors. If there are mirrors in full growth in the room, it should also be drilled with a dense cloth. For the ritual to attract money, you need:

  • wallet of large sizes;
  • two small mirrors;
  • three coins with a maximum diameter.

Mirrors put, so that a mirror corridor came out. Money put so that they can be seen in the mirror corridor and pronounce the spell:

"From one mirror to another I will walk, the slave of God (name your name). I will walk and collect money. To pick up yes in the wallet to fold, you need to drive from myself, so that never see it. Lord, humbly, I'm not angry with me. Save my soul and save from sin. Amen".

After folding both mirrors in the wallet, coins are investing between them. Wearing all this with you, as often as a talisman, attracting money. The result will not wait long for a long time. Before bedtime, you need to read nine times the prayer "Father our".

How to attract well-being?

"Lord God, I hope for your help, Low before you bow. I ask you to save my soul and protect against the temptations that the Antichrist every second sends. Hide me, cover from everything that is alien to you and disagreeable. I will pray for my salvation every day. Spend me through life, get rid of losses, mercy. Amen".

Sparking candles to wrap in a white cut of the fabric, folded under the mattress. It is necessary to ensure that the grinding is not gone anywhere. If someone deliberately takes it, it means that a person is negatively configured against you, perhaps even wants you trouble.

Let's put protection against lies

To protect against lies and negative impacts from the surrounding, you can make all reflective surfaces that have a direct relationship, a powerful defender. In any vessel, gain water and read a plot.

"Glass, smooth, crystal, like lake water. Your power to help me (name) will come, all adversity round. I beg, the magic glass, all that thinks is in the blackhouse, show me, do not hide a drop and do not embellish. My mind will not be clouded, and my eyes are clear and the mind is always really looking at the world. And my life will be calm, like water in the lake. "

After reading words, all reflective surfaces should be wiped with a rag moistened with a conspiracy fluid. Do not forget about the cosmetic mirror from the lady's handbag.

On material well-being

Suspend financial success and attract more money to the rite with a small mirror and a coin of any nominal. In the full moon, when the night disk will be visible in the sky, you need to install the mirror on the windowsill, to put the coin. Moonlight should fall for each attribute. It is important that you are not reflected in the mirror during the ritual, otherwise, part of the energy of the moon will enter it, and the rite will become less effective.

Stop up the mirror, say plot:

"Mother, Moon! I draw my gaze and request to you. Fill my chest to wealth, give me your treasury. "

Immediately then go to bed. The mirror can be used in everyday purposes, and place the money in the wallet, where she needs to be stored for about a month. After this period, the rite should be repeated. Now the coin will finally become a cash talisman.

Clearance for love and beauty

It is clear that the beauty is rapidly with a conspiracy to make out of you will not work. However, this ritual will help adjust the attitude towards himself, improve well-being and look at itself in a new way. The simplest rite for which only a new small mirror will be required. No need to wait for the full moon or evening. It can be done when it swings.

Having come home with a mirror, you mumble in the room so that no one prevents you. Look in the mirror, focus on the thoughts that it reflects a beautiful, happy man. After the successful passage of this stage, put an attribute in front of you and say a plot:

"Beauty looks at himself in the mirror, smiles. Love already tries in tricks, going to go on the way. Going along the track. I know for sure, I will meet her. I will see the reflection of my sneaking, every man wants to unravel my riddle. I will be skillfully doing my job. Good luck and love will be bold. Love dust in the hearts of male breeding, no one will leave anyone. "

You need to read the words at least 13 times. Now the attribute becomes your talisman, it's your defense and a faithful assistant in achieving goals. You can conquer your favorite ways in various ways. Privors and conspiracies with mirrors can be like white and harmless and black, accompanied by unpleasant consequences, to remove the action of which is very difficult, and sometimes it is absolutely impossible.

To attract a specific guy

To carry out powerful lifting spells with mirrors:

  • two mirrors;
  • wax candle.

The magical action is involved the power of natural elements of air and fire. Altar will serve the windowsill. After sunset, it should make a mirror corridor. The window must be slightly apertured so that the breeze can slip between the main attributes, but it could not extend the candle. Hair dissolve and dispel your curls, break, sneeze in front of the altar and burn light.

Looking at the fire, think about the guy. When the Svetok starts to melt, take a candle and assemble the wax in the left hand and soda the mirror to them, saying the conspiracy:

"The beloved, naughty wash not with water, but with my tears, but wrap my hair instead of a towel. I will put your beloved by the window, let it look and understand that only my love he needs, and someone else leaves. Beloved Fire Light Light will attract. He will see him and comes to me. "

Making such love spells are quite dangerous. You can bring trouble on yourself and the guy bring harm.

A little about mirror surfaces

To be able to protect against negative influence from outside, each person should know some signs of mirrors:

  • you can not take them as a gift or use strangers;
  • if still, it is impossible to refuse a gift from the gift, then it is better to pronounce a protective conspiracy: "I wash off everything that was, the owner replacing, the bad will, dirty water," wipe dry and speak more three times: "Clean light, gift, magnificence of glass. Serve and true to me (name) ";
  • you can not spin enough before the nude mirror - it can drive money and bring poverty;
  • back to the glass turns not worth it - it can pull your life forces;
  • it is impossible to admire it too long in the days of menstruation, being in a position, as well as after childbirth;
  • in the mirror should not reflect the entrance door - it repels good luck and money from the threshold.

As you know, everyone is if the mirror crashed, you are waiting for a generic curse, seven years of bad luck. The famous healer of Stepanov, in his writings, he says, the broken mirror should not stand and even more so look at him. It is necessary to collect fragments as soon as possible and get rid of them. This means that the glass was too much filled with a negative and burst, it's just time to replace it, so you should not immediately think about the bad.

If you dreamed a broken mirror, and did it exactly, you will be waiting for you luck, it means you will defeat your enemy, you will quickly find a way out of a difficult situation and you can navigate at the right moment.

Conspiracies on the mirror, beauty, good luck and money.

Plot on the mirror to look good

Conspiracy for good luck on the mirror !!!

If a woman's mirror dictates - this is a deception, quarrels, often foreshadowed a divorce or family problem. When the self-reflection in the mirror surface displays, you need to rely on the sensation. The frightening feelings mean that disagreements will begin with loved ones, and maybe the cause of your sadness will become a severe disease of the relative. When a bad dream had dreamed, the surest way to protect against the negative is a prayer.