Description of the boundaries of the public hunting grounds of the Moscow region. General use hunting grounds

Description of the boundaries of the public hunting grounds of the Moscow region.  General use hunting grounds
Description of the boundaries of the public hunting grounds of the Moscow region. General use hunting grounds

All field, forest and wetland areas that serve as habitats for animals and birds and can be used for hunting are considered hunting grounds. These lands are leased to the hunting user. In the concept of hunting grounds, two sides should be distinguished: ecological - lands as a habitat for hunting animals, and hunting grounds - as a production area where the hunting process is carried out. Hunting grounds cannot include territories that are unsuitable for the habitation of hunting animals (settlements, roads, quarries). These lands are not leased out to the hunting user.

To characterize hunting grounds, categories and types of hunting grounds are distinguished.

Type of hunting grounds - these are areas of the territory with similar habitat conditions for hunting animals (mainly feeding and protective conditions). With the same intensity of economic use, the sites assigned to the same type of hunting grounds have a homogeneous composition, equal density of animals and birds, and require the same biotechnical measures.

All lands of the branch of the UO BSTU - "Negorelsky training and experimental forestry" (fund of hunting grounds) are divided into three main categories:

    Forest hunting grounds.

    Field hunting grounds.

    Wetland hunting grounds.

Forest hunting grounds - Forested lands of the State Forest Fund (SFF) and other land users. They serve as a habitat for ungulates, white hare, upland game, some fur-bearing species of hunting animals and partly the European hare.

Table 1.2 shows the distribution of hunting grounds by type as a whole for the hunting sector.

Table 1.2 - Distribution of hunting grounds by category and type

Name of the types of hunting grounds


Young pine trees

Boron dry

Boron complex

Boron wet and marsh

Continuation of table 1.2

Elnik complex

Spruce tree damp and wet

The birch forest is dry and complex

Raw and boggy birch forest


Broadleaf plantations

Resumed felling

Total forest


Total field


Upland swamps

Lowland swamps

Transitional swamps

Total wetland

Total hunting grounds


Area within approved boundaries

As can be seen from Tables 1.2, leased forest hunting grounds occupy more than half of the hunting grounds (67.5%). Of the forest types, the most widely represented is the complex boron (34.1%).

Although the area of ​​oak forests and other broad-leaved plantations is small (0.6%), their participation significantly increases the quality of forest lands for ungulates (wild boar, deer, roe deer). It should be noted that oak is often found in other plantations as an admixture, as well as in significant quantities in the undergrowth.

The field hunting grounds of the established economy can be characterized by a significant number of fields used in agriculture.

The main wetlands are concentrated in the floodplain of the Ussa and Peretut rivers. There are no large and medium-sized lakes on the territory of the farm.

The reclamation network in the farm is very wide, but it is not very suitable for the habitation of near-water mammals and waterfowl, since it does not have a constant water level, is 80% devoid of coastal woody vegetation and is subject to the negative influence of the anthropogenic factor.

Lands unsuitable for the habitation of game animals (settlements, of which there are 28 on the arranged territory, roads, quarries, operating peat extraction) occupy 1400 hectares or 6.1% of the total area of ​​the constructed object.

        Division of the territory of the hunting economy into hunting economic zones.

There are 4 hunting economic zones on the territory of the hunting farm:

    rest zone;

    zone of preferential hunting for hoofed animals (seven sites);

    zone of preferential hunting for fur animals, upland, field and waterfowl;

    area for training, surging and (or) holding competitions for hunting dogs, birds of prey and decoy animals (three sections)

The area of ​​the dormant zone is 2021.5 hectares, or 8.6% of the area of ​​the farm, which is located in the south of the Negorelskoye forestry. By the decision of the Uzdensky district of the executive committee No. 759 in the Litvyansky forestry on June 13, 2008. a biological reserve of local importance "Lenchino" was formed with an area of ​​288.8 hectares (1.1%). On the territory of which hunting is prohibited, except for hunting in quarters 113 and 133. The territory of this sanctuary should be included in the resting zone (except for quarters 113, 133). This means that the total area of ​​the dormant zone is 2262.5 hectares (9.7% of the farm area).

The boundaries of the biological reserve of local importance "Lenchino" are as follows: in the north - from the north-western corner of the square 111 of the Litvyansky forestry of the Negorelsky training and experimental forestry enterprise in the western direction along the northern border of blocks 111, 112 and the northern border of the allotment 2 quarters 113 of the Litvyansky forestry of the Negorelsky training and experimental forestry; in the east - along the eastern border of plots 2, 6, 11, 15 of quarters 113, further along the eastern border of quarters 133, 149, 166 of the Litvyansk forestry of the Negorelsky training and experimental forestry enterprise; in the south - along the southern border of block 166, along the western border of blocks 166 and 149; along the southern border of quarters 148 and 147 of the Litvyansk forestry of the Negorelsky training and experimental forestry enterprise; in the west - along the western border of blocks 147 and 130, along the western border of block 111 of the Litvyansk forestry of the Negorelsky training and experimental forestry enterprise to the starting point.

Seven plots of predominant hoofed farming have been identified. The area of ​​this zone on the farm is 13087.5 hectares or 56.2% of the territory.

Surgery zone, training of hunting dogs (3 sites) with a total area of ​​725 hectares or 3.1% of the territory.

The rest of the area is reserved for hunting small game, which is 7215.0 or 31.0% of the territory where hunting for ungulates can also be carried out.

Public hunting ground of the Shchelkovsky district

Area: 20 333 ha

North: from point 38 ° 8 "32.985" E 56 ° 5 "59.92" N up mid. current B.I. tributary Vorya up to point 38 ° 10 "41.963" E 56 ° 5 "40.95" N, then in a straight line to point 38 ° 11 "22.648" E 56 ° 5 "27.531" N, then in a straight line to point 38 ° 11 "35.655 "E 56 ° 5" 49.516 "N, then in a straight line to point 38 ° 14" 35.462 "E 56 ° 7" 1.147 "N, then in a straight line to point 38 ° 15" 7.416 "E 56 ° 6" 55.866 "N, further in a straight line to point 38 ° 18 "54.362" E 56 ° 8 "55.581" N, then in a straight line to point 38 ° 19 "0.091" E 56 ° 9 "18.197" N, then in a straight line to point 38 ° 19 "22.053" E 56 ° 9 "24.478" N, then in a straight line to 38 ° 20 "8.648" E 56 ° 9 "24.73" N.

Eastern: from the point 38 ° 20 "8.648" E 56 ° 9 "24.73" N along the road to the intersection with the river. Shirenka at 38 ° 20 "20.283" E 56 ° 10 "25.158" N, further down the middle. the river. Shirenka to n.p. Golovino, then along a straight line to point 38 ° 24 "40.038" E 56 ° 6 "53.455" N, then along a straight line to point 38 ° 25 "2.498" E 56 ° 6 "43.805" N, then in a straight line to point 38 ° 24 "59.151" E 56 ° 6 "8.557" N, then in a straight line to point 38 ° 24 "36.158" E 56 ° 5 "50.019" N, then down average. the river. Dubenka to the junction with adm. border of Chernogolovka GO.

South: from the junction of the river. Dubenka with adm. border of Chernogolovka GO in the southwest direction along this adm. border BC Makarovo.

Western: from Makarovo settlement along the road towards Bogorodskoe settlement to point 38 ° 15 "23.536" E 56 ° 0 "54.73" N, then in a straight line to point 38 ° 14 "46.117" E 56 ° 0 "38.242" N, then along a straight line to point 38 ° 14 "18.986" E 56 ° 0 "40.243" N, then along a straight line to point 38 ° 13 "29.906" E 56 ° 0 "26.928" N, then along straight to point 38 ° 12 "1.809" E 56 ° 0 "29.618" N, further up the middle. the river. Stealing to the point 38 ° 8 "32.985" E 56 ° 5 "59.92" N.

Public hunting ground of the Shatursky district

Area: 10,016 ha

North: from the point 39 ° 31 "7.841" E 55 ° 47 "14.401" N in the eastern direction along the adm. border of Vladimir and Moscow regions. to 39 ° 47 "40.943" E 55 ° 49 "49.081" N.

Eastern: from point 39 ° 47 "40.943" E 55 ° 49 "49.081" N further in a straight line to point 39 ° 46 "38.862" E 55 ° 49 "26.36" N., Then in a straight line to point 39 ° 46 " 35.253 "E 55 ° 48" 49.88 "N, then in a straight line to point 39 ° 44" 57.273 "E 55 ° 48" 48.865 "N, then in a straight line to point 39 ° 44" 55.209 "E 55 ° 48" 16.431 "N, then in a straight line to point 39 ° 43" 5.717 "E 55 ° 48" 14.65 "N, then in a straight line to point 39 ° 43" 4.657 "E 55 ° 47" 17.063 "N, then in a straight line to point 39 ° 42 "9.868" E 55 ° 47 "12.513" N, then in a straight line to point 39 ° 42 "15.836" E 55 ° 46 "4.34" N, then in a straight line to point 39 ° 41 "12.517" E 55 ° 46 "3.887" N, then in a straight line to point 39 ° 41 "34.203" E 55 ° 43 "43.42" N.

South: from point 39 ° 41 "34.203" E 55 ° 43 "43.42" N westward in a straight line to point 39 ° 31 "18.67" E 55 ° 43 "42.186" N, then in a straight line to point 39 30 "17.822" E 55 ° 43 "26.185" N.

Western: from the point 39 ° 30 "17.822" E 55 ° 43 "26.185" N in the northern direction along the adm. border of Orekhovo-Zuevsky and Shatursky districts to the junction with adm. the border of the Vladimir region, further in the northeastern direction along the adm. border of Moscow and Vladimir regions. up to 39 ° 31 "7.841" E

Public hunting ground of Solnechnogorsk district

Area: 18 140 ha

North: from the intersection of adm. borders of Solnechnogorsk and Klinsky
r-new with r. A roll in a northeastern direction along the adm. border of Solnechnogorsk and Klinsky districts before crossing with B.I. tributary of the river Istra, and further down through its environments. upstream BC Golovkovo.

Eastern: from the settlement of Golovkovo upwards on Wednesdays. the river. Istra BC. Sudnikovo, further along the road through the Np .. Melechkino, Kurilovo, Novaya BC .. Polezhaki.

South: from the settlement of Polezhaki along the road through the settlement of Lopotovo to the Istra reservoir to point 36 ° 48 "45.228" E 56 ° 4 "35.407" N further in a straight line to point 36 ° 48 "23.029" E 56 ° 4 "22,177" N, further in the northwest direction along adm. border of Istra and Solnechnogorsk districts to the junction with adm. the border of the Klinsky district.

Western: from the junction of adm. borders of the Klinsky, Istra and Solnechnogorsky districts in the northern direction along the adm. border of Solnechnogorsk and Klinsky districts before crossing the river. Reel.

Where to hunt animals? It's clear with the protected area - there is no need to meddle there. Where can you officially hunt animals? If ducks are swimming in a city park, is it appropriate to come there with a gun and shoot them? Alas, in this case, it is highly likely that the person will be held accountable. Even if she's a hooligan. But it will be. After all, you cannot shoot in broad daylight and frighten law-abiding citizens. You can drive off and look for prey in the fields. But this also has its own peculiarities. The best option is specialized land. They have created the necessary conditions for the development of living creatures. Distinguish between private hunting grounds and common areas. Let's focus on the second.

Introductory information

It should be noted that in terms of regulatory support, this is all bad. For example, now there are quite topical issues of the legality of transferring certain territories to private use. After all, a lot of such events took place in the dark, in violation of the current antimonopoly legislation. But before you disassemble all this, you should refer to the regulatory legal acts. Namely, the federal law No. 209 of July 24, 2009 "On hunting and on the preservation of hunting resources and on amending certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation." According to this Federal Law, the following division is provided:

  1. Anchored hunting grounds. These include objects that are used by individual entrepreneurs or legal entities on the basis provided for by federal law.
  2. Public hunting grounds. These include objects on the territory of which individuals have the right to freely stay for the extraction of animals.

However, there is one interesting clarification. So, according to the current legislation, public hunting grounds must occupy at least one-fifth of the entire territory of the subject allotted for prey. It also provides for the possibility of changing the hunting grounds issued before the adoption of the regulatory framework from the option of long-term licenses for hunting agreements.

Controversial points

The state of affairs discussed above has drawn a lot of criticism. For example, in the Voronezh region, the number of publicly accessible hunting grounds is only three percent of the total amount of the allotted territory. The transfer to hunting economic relations from licenses leads to the fact that the norm required by law is unlikely to be fulfilled. After all, such a change does not lead to the emergence and formation of public lands. It turns out that the actually distributed licenses will now be unlimited. This causes quite a significant heat of passion. Now information about this has been transferred to the Constitutional Court in order to somehow influence the situation. Why is this so important? The fact is that, according to the Tax Code, a permit for hunting in such common areas costs only 650 rubles. Whereas the fixed territories operate according to a different principle - the price in them is determined by the tenant. And in such cases, as a rule, the cost is ten times higher.

On the allocation of territories

Many people are concerned about the issue of boundaries. Common hunting grounds often do not have a clearly defined boundary. Although it is important for planning, territorial hunting management and conservation of natural resources. Sakhalin Oblast is an example of good work. There they prepared a document that described the physical and geographical data of the territory, the number of hunting resources, the socio-economic characteristics of the subject, as well as an action plan for their rational use. A map was attached to the scheme showing land (both public and fixed), green areas, and so on. In addition, it considers separately where it is possible to create such a territory in the future. Moreover, the electronic version of the map is available on the official website of the Ministry of Forestry and Hunting of the Sakhalin Region. Therefore, anyone can familiarize themselves with it and even download it. The Tyumen region has proved itself quite well. They decided to work there through auctions. The Ivanovo region evokes mixed feelings. So, all the territories that were transferred under the license were recognized as public lands. Whereas the matter did not go further: no map with borders was drawn up, no auctions were held. As a result, I had to reap my own mistakes - many local decisions have to be canceled through the courts. Instructive information for officials came from the Tver region. There, in connection with non-compliance with federal legislation and through administrative hitch, Deputy Governor Melnikov resigned. And after him and the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Protasov.

Implementation of legal requirements

Public hunting grounds are being created slowly and with a creak. In many regions, there are still no envisaged territories or they are present in insufficient quantities. So, the same can be said about Moscow, Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod, Ryazan, Tula, Smolensk, Kaluga and many other regions. By the way, for several years the information that public hunting grounds are literally absent in Russia has been actively discussed. And then suddenly the heads of the responsible persons began to fly. At the same time, the transition period created a number of peculiar situations. For example, money does not go to the state budget due to the fact that the situation is suspended. At the same time, tenants, on the basis of previously concluded licenses, continue to receive funds, while almost all of them go to them as net profit. In fact, this situation has led to legalized lawlessness. Without schemes of placement, use and protection, hunting grounds turn into a real stumbling block between various "muddy" personalities with people who want to live according to the law, and not according to concepts. It is very important. After all, a scheme is a document of a territorial structure, which should contribute to the rational use and preservation of natural diversity.

Viewing from different points of view

Public hunting grounds should be considered not only as a place where animals can be hunted, but also as a habitat for wild animals. They play a forage, protective and nesting role. In the first case, it all depends on the amount of food available. Protective properties are manifested in how well you can hide from enemies and bad weather. Nesting suitability shows how suitable the territory is for the birth and rearing of young animals. In this regard, the type of hunting ground plays an important role. It is determined by a set of features that have a certain value for the life of animals and the process of their production. As a rule, habitat conditions are taken into account, mainly feeding and protective. This takes into account the composition of birds and animals. In addition, there is no need to discount the wide variety of natural landscapes. The category is considered the largest unit here. On the territory of the Russian Federation there are:

  1. Tundra.
  2. Steppe.
  3. Forest.
  4. Swamp.
  5. Water.
  6. Alpine.

Each of the listed categories is divided into classes and groups. What are they? Classes are allocated depending on what biological forms of forest-forming species are in the land. In this case, deciduous, mixed, dark coniferous and light coniferous are distinguished. At the same time, non-forested forest areas (felling, dryness and burning) are an independent class. Now about the groups. In this case, the typological division is carried out depending on the prevailing tree species: cedar forests, birch forests and pine forests.

What does the participation process look like?

The hunting grounds of the Leningrad Region were chosen as an object. You can find a diagram that shows clear boundaries. In this regard, the situation is not bad. True, this scheme, even in 2018, is still not in the “approved” state. At the moment, more than 150 hunting farms have been established. Their popularity and activity are due to the fact that, despite the difficult climate, the prey of the animal is quite effective. In addition, a large territory has been allocated for hunting. Thanks to coniferous forests with a large number of fur and hoofed animals, the Leningrad region has developed hunting tourism quite well. People come here not only from other regions of the Russian Federation, but also from neighboring Baltic states. There are also many swamps, rivers and lakes. For example, wild boar hunting is popular. True, this popularity also has a number of negative consequences. For example, the same wild boar hunt will cost from 10 to 25 thousand rubles per unit on a private territory. And with public lands, as mentioned above, there are significant problems. Although in some places the cost may be even higher. The size of the public areas is not very large. Several small plots are located near St. Petersburg. The rest, large in area, are located in the Podporozhsky and Tikhvin districts. A fee must be paid to obtain permission. Although, as an alternative, you can agree on the spot with the forester or gamekeeper on duty. If you are interested in renting hunting grounds, then this option will not work. Everything will have to be solved centrally within the framework of the order established since 2012.

Criticism of the public area

Why is this happening? Why do critics have no rest? The matter here is simple - problems arise with security, biotechnology is not carried out, and there is a risk that poachers will kill the game. But at the same time, the task is to preserve nature for children. This is much more important than holding various world football championships and Olympics. Moreover, the nature, which helped the formation of our ethnos, should not only be preserved, but also multiply. This applies not only to plants, but also to the animal world. That is why it seems like it is not necessary that the lands occupy a large territory.

Correcting the situation

The creation of public hunting grounds is unlikely to lead to the extinction of living creatures. Despite criticism that there is no one to protect and monitor the growth of natural resources. Is it so? When hunting in this area, you have to pay money. And not only for the opportunity to hunt, but also when hunting licensed species of animals. And all this money goes to the owner - the state. Therefore, if you think logically, it is on his shoulders that the concern for the protection and enhancement of natural resources that are in public lands should lie. How to use the available opportunities? A likely solution to the current situation will be a situation in which publicly accessible lands will become landfills, where the system of state management of the hunting economy will be worked out. The gamekeeping service could take on the responsibility for the protection of the territory. Game managers will be able to draw up plans for the relevant work. For this, it is possible to attract not only specialists, but also everyone who wishes to hunt game. Of course, it will require the empowerment of state coercion, uniforms, communications, transport and service weapons. But before attempting such a thing, it is necessary to establish the boundaries of hunting grounds throughout the country and approve them by decisions of authorized structures.

Continuing thought about development

How do you fund your events? As an experiment, you can create some kind of structure, for example, the All-Russian Fund for the Augmentation of Wildlife in the Territory of Public Hunting Grounds. Financing will come from payments from natural resource users. You can find many sources of income if you wish. For example, ordering excursions, escorting experienced shooters. For this purpose, it is possible to create forestry and carry out the required work on the arrangement and preservation of existing natural resources. In this case, it is necessary to take care of the presence of a rigid vertical of power. This is necessary so that local bureaucrats do not establish their own rules and regulations, ruining a good idea in the bud. It is desirable that it be a federal structure with direct subordination to the government. It is possible to define there not only foresters, fish conservation and similar structures, but also scientific institutions. This will allow you to make complex, rational decisions. For example, it was decided to cut down a section of the forest. But there is a wood grouse on it. Or a road is planned. In such cases, it is necessary to carefully study all the factors and derive competent, scientifically based decisions. Provision should be made for compensation for damage caused to nature. And only taking into account numerous factors will a permit for hunting or a decision to suspend it for population growth be made.


As you can see, there is still a long way to go until the situation in the hunting sphere is completely resolved. To start at least with a full-fledged introduction of the regulatory framework both at the federal level and at the local level. After all, the unaccepted maps and many other points to this day do not allow you to calmly enjoy the process of hunting. There are complaints about the designations used, the speed of work, and the implementation of laws in full. Moreover, after a rather substantial period of the law, voices are increasingly heard about abolishing the practice of securing hunting grounds. As an argument, the facts are used that hunting users often get money for themselves both from ordinary people and from the state. At the same time, funds are not invested in the development of the economy, which entails the depletion of natural resources.

The fund of hunting grounds, that is, territories and water areas suitable for the habitation of hunting animals and the conduct of hunting on them, is enormous in the USSR.

According to D.N.Danilov (1972), it is over 2,200 million hectares and is divided as a percentage as follows: forests and shrubs - 46.1%, hayfields and pastures - 16.9, arable land - 10.2, swamps - 5.4, water-covered areas - 3.9, other lands (tundra, stony placers, sands) - 17.5%. The aforementioned subdivision of land according to large, not similar to each other categories of land, objectively, but, of course, not in sufficient detail to serve as the basis for hunting. Forests, open spaces and reservoirs are too diverse in their natural and ecological properties to be able to give any generalized assessments.

Therefore, in the matter of knowledge of lands, the first stage was attempts to develop their typology.

It was necessary to identify such taxonomic units of land, which in the territorial, ecological and economic plans would meet the requirements of the hunting industry. The greatest contribution to the solution of this problem was undoubtedly made by D. N. Danilov. He built the typology scheme of hunting grounds on the phytocoenological principle, arguing that vegetation is the best exponent of the entire set of natural conditions, including forage and protective properties. Especially in detail he and his followers developed a hunting typology of forests, which was based on the typology adopted in forestry. The latter, in accordance with the specifics of the hunting economy, is greatly simplified. Foresters classify forest stands by age into classes at intervals of 10 (for deciduous trees) and 20 (for conifers), years. For the hunting industry, such detailing is excessive.

In terms of feeding, protectiveness and nesting suitability for animals, the three successional stages of the forest are most realistically different from each other: young stands, middle-aged and old forest stands. The first of them are characterized by the fact that the trees that form them are low and, therefore, the branches and shoots on them are accessible to animal dendrophages. On the other hand, these same branches are still thin and it is inconvenient to sit on them to peck on needles, buds or catkins, which make up the winter food of such birds as wood grouse, black grouse and even hazel grouse. Trees do not bear fruit, which means they do not promise anything to those animals that feed on seeds or fruits. But under the canopy of young stands that have not yet closed, the plants of the herbaceous cover develop well, including the berries, insects are found in abundance. All this creates favorable conditions for summer and autumn feeding of upland game.

Middle-aged forests, especially those at the stage of the so-called poles, are the poorest in terms of food. The crowns of trees have already risen in them so high that branches and shoots are not accessible even to such large animals as moose. The branches are still not strong, and large birds find it difficult to fatten on them. The plantations still do not bear fruit, and the shading of the soil, associated with the closure of tree crowns, leads to the impoverishment and disappearance of plants in the canopy. The only thing that attracts many animals here is high protection. In the thicket of the perch, on the one hand, it is easy to hide, on the other, it is easy to notice the approach of danger.

Finally, in old forests, the ecological situation is changing again. The trees that form them begin to produce seeds and fruits. The branches easily support the weight of birds perching on trees. The thinning of the stand that occurs with age contributes to the development of undergrowth, undergrowth and cover plants, so that, in comparison with pole stands, the stocks of tree-branch and other types of fodder are noticeably increased. It is believed that the young stands under the age of 20 years, the middle-aged forests - from 20 to 40 years, and all the older stands belong to the group of old forests. In some cases, such a subdivision is arbitrary, since under different growing conditions, a 15-year-old stand can be close to a pole in character, a 25-year-old looks almost young, and a 35-year-old bears fruit. One or another character of forests of different ages, in addition to the conditions of their growth, is determined by the closeness of the canopy. The more densely the crowns of trees close, the less light and heat penetrates to the soil, the weaker the lower tiers of the forest develop and the poorer the invertebrate fauna in them. Foresters distinguish 10 grades of closeness from 0.1 to 1.0. According to this criterion, it is enough for game experts to divide forests into three groups: dense, moderately closed and sparse, i.e., according to forestry standards with fullness from 0.1 to 0.4, from 0.5 to 0.7 and from 0.8 to 1. , 0.

Characterizing the species composition of forests, forestry workers use a special formula, where the numbers indicate the share of this species in the composition of the stand, and the letters correspond to a particular tree species. So, the formula 10E - corresponds to a purely spruce plantation, the formula 5C3B20s says that in this stand 50% (or 0.5 composition) are pines, 30% birch and 20% aspen, etc. Variations in the species composition of forests in nature infinitely many. Since the silvicultural and forest exploitation values ​​of individual tree species are very different, foresters also distinguish a very large number of its differences in composition. For the needs of the hunting industry, such a fragmentation of the division of forests according to their constituent species is not needed. In works devoted to the typology of forest hunting grounds, it is considered sufficient to divide old and middle-aged forests into only two groups: coniferous and deciduous. At the same time, plantations with an equal percentage of the participation of coniferous and deciduous species belong to coniferous forests, since conifers have a stronger effect on the conditions formed under the canopy of the stand. Plantations of some species that are of particular importance for certain representatives of the fauna (oak, cedar, pine, etc.) can be distinguished into separate types. Young growths are also subdivided by species, since their role in the life of animals is very great, and individual tree species have very different fodder values.

The principle of subdivision into types and treeless lands is similar. The basis is the composition of natural (on uncultivated areas) or derivative (composition of agricultural crops) vegetation, often supplemented by information on the nature of the use of the corresponding areas (hayfields, pasture, inconvenient land).

Water-covered areas, in addition to their general characteristics (river, lake, pond), are subdivided according to the type of overgrowth. It can be: coastal-zonal, when the vegetation gradually changes from the coast to the center (near the coast there are reeds, reeds or cattails, and then a zone of plants with floating leaves, even closer to the center - a zone of plants with submerged leaves); overgrown, when tall emerging plants form continuous or mosaic thickets; flooded, when on the shores of a reservoir, and sometimes over its entire area, floats are formed from the watch, white roll, reed, reed or cattail and rhizome sedges; carpet, when the entire water surface is covered with leaves of a capsule, water lily, pondweed, water nut or nymphaean; underwater meadow, formed by plants completely submerged in water; algal (mainly in salt and alpine lakes).

Often, as types of water bodies are considered areas of water bodies, characterized by a different nature of overgrowth. So, on sufficiently large lakes and rivers, one can distinguish clean deep-water reaches, reaches overgrown with submerged vegetation or plants with floating leaves, shallow waters overgrown with sedges, dense reed, cattail or reed thickets, etc.

In the practice of game management, water areas are most often subdivided into: open deep-water reaches, shallow, overgrown with aquatic vegetation, reed supports, coastal reed-sedge thickets and rafts.

The phytocenological approach to the typology of lands has found wide application in modern hunting management and in the work of the ecological plan. Nevertheless, attempts were made to approach the typology of hunting grounds from other positions. So, V.N. Skaloj and N.M. Krasny (1970) proposed to go from the species of animals that are the main object of hunting, highlighting sable, squirrel, muskrat, etc. plant associations, the authors actually could not get away from these boundaries. So, "mature sable cedar forests", of course, stood out within the boundaries of the old cedar stands. “Squirrel larch trees” coincided with the divisions of old foliage trees, etc. This is understandable, since if we have to abandon plant groupings and delineate the boundaries of land types in nature in the inventory of land, there will be nothing to substantiate the determination of their areas and mapping. The latter applies entirely to attempts to approach the typology of land from the standpoint of the landscape principle. The difficulty of identifying in nature the boundaries of individual landscapes and their parts leads to the fact that the supporters of this method ultimately propose to single out the types of land according to the phytocoenological scheme, and only then to impose the boundaries of subpurples and landscapes on the boundaries of these types.

Practice shows that the typology of hunting grounds, built on the phytocenological principle, fully justifies itself. It makes it possible to clearly identify the boundaries of individual types of land, plot them on a map, and determine the area of ​​the obtained allotments. True, the question of which taxonomic units it is advisable to distinguish in certain conditions has not been fully worked out. The fact is that we are faced with the task of identifying taxa that could be assessed for several animal species at once, each of which makes its own and often contradictory requirements for the quality of land. So, for elk it is very important to carefully subdivide the category of forest young growth into types. They are the main stations of this species in the most difficult winter period of the year, and the elk reacts very sensitively to their composition, closeness and height. Suffice it to say that the population density of elk in young stands of different types varies greatly.At the same time, in different types of old forests, which differ sharply from each other in the composition of the stand and closeness, the population density of the elk changes little, and almost all their types could be combined into a group of lands of similar quality.

However, when developing a typology of the same lands for squirrel, it is necessary to carefully detail the subdivisions into typical groups of precisely old forests. This has to be done because old fruiting plantations are the main squirrel lands and any change in their composition, height and density affects the value of these forests for squirrel habitat.

In cedar, spruce and fir forests, the density of the squirrel population is almost five times higher than in pine and larch forests, and over the years in the former it is more stable than in the latter. For the squirrel, it is also very important to change the height, closeness, and the developed crown in plantations of the same breed. So, in low-quality (swampy or growing on stony soils) forests, be it spruce or pine forests, squirrels are always 2-3 times less than in forests of the same species, but confined to places with rich growing conditions.

At the same time, forest lands of the young elk category, subdivided into a number of types, are almost equally of little value for squirrels, regardless of their composition. For most species of game animals, all old spruce stands can be considered as a single type of land. However, for the wood grouse, such a combination turns out to be unsuccessful. In winter, this species is closely related to the presence of pine in the stand, the needles of which it feeds on. Therefore, for him, for example, spruce forests with the composition 7E3B and 7E3C are far from being equivalent. Undoubtedly, since each species of hunting animals has its own and often very specific requirements for the quality of hunting grounds, the species typologies of hunting grounds should differ markedly from each other.

The total number of types identified per elk or wood grouse, wild boar or black grouse would probably be close, but the principles of combining typological differences into types of land would be different.

If in scientific research aimed at studying a particular species of animals, the development of a typology of lands for this particular species is fully justified, then this path is unacceptable for hunting. A hunting farm needs a unified typology, suitable for working with all the representatives of the hunting fauna available in it. That is why we have to put up with the fact that for each individual species of animals, the typology of hunting grounds in some cases turns out to be excessively fractional. The boundaries of various plant associations in nature are expressed quite clearly, this is both the advantage and the danger of the phytocenological approach. Its positive aspects have already been mentioned. The danger lies in the fact that there is a full opportunity to infinitely detail the typology of land, bringing it almost to the accuracy of identifying geobotanical differences. With outward harmony and validity, such a fractional subdivision is essentially useless. We do not yet know the ecology of most representatives of the hunting fauna deeply enough to catch a qualitative difference for any of them, say, between a blueberry pine forest and a cowberry pine forest, a herb birch forest and a sedge-sphagnum birch forest. We can easily notice the external difference between them; we cannot yet catch the differences in their ecological value. In addition, with the accuracy of the research methods at our disposal, we are not able to reveal even the difference in the density of the population of similar taxa by animals.

Differences in the obtained indicators of the density of the population of animals usually fall within the error of accounting. The typology of hunting grounds is not an end in itself. It pursues the allocation of such taxonomic units, which in the course of hunting management would have real value, could be evaluated with full objectivity. For the main species of game animals and used in hunting appraisal, planning biotechnical activities and organizing hunting. That is why the typology of hunting grounds should be built and refined in strict accordance with the level of our ecological: knowledge and needs of the hunting economy.

In particular, commercial hunting farms with their vast territories, a weak degree of land development and a limited variety of hunting objects do not need that detail of the typology of land, which is quite appropriate for farms of a sporting direction. Therefore, in them, not even types are usually distinguished, but large groups of types of lands, such as dark coniferous or light coniferous taiga, lands of high-mountain complexes, etc.

On relatively small areas of sports hunting farms, characterized by good development of territories, a variety of hunting objects, the need for intensive biotechnology, the specification of the typology of the grounds is more justified. However, even here it is rarely advisable to single out more than 10-15 typological differences.

The work in the field of the typology of hunting grounds was accompanied by the study of their quality, that is, feeding, protective and nesting properties, since it is precisely in the qualitative difference of individual taxa that the expediency of their identification lies. The studies performed, as a rule, allow an objective approach to the assessment of the ecological value of lands for one or another representative of the hunting fauna. The best quality (for a certain season) lands are always distinguished by the highest feeding capacity, higher protection and the most favorable conditions for nesting. However, attempts to use such materials (in particular, feed stocks) to determine the capacity of land, that is, to determine the number of animals that can live in them, most often end in failure. This is natural, since the scheme of calculus presented here is usually simple to the point of primitiveness or simply not logically justified.

As an example, let us consider an attempt to determine the possible number of ungulates-dendrophages based on the available stock of woody and twig forages. The applied calculation procedure is as follows: the gross feed stock per unit of land area is divided by the amount of feed required for one animal during the winter season. For example, if there are 30 tons of feed per 1000 hectares, and the seasonal consumption rate for one moose is 3 tons, then all these feed could provide nutrition for 10 moose. Since the full use of fodder threatens to lead to complete fodder degradation of the land, this rate is reduced by three times, that is, to 3-4 moose per 1000 hectares, which is considered the normal fodder capacity of these lands for moose. At the same time, several very significant circumstances are completely overlooked. The first of them is that not everything that we evaluate as food (annual shoots of all trees and shrubs eaten by the elk) can be used by the elk. Some young pines, aspens, willow bushes, etc. will remain intact either because they are too scattered over the territory, or because they grow in places where elks avoid feeding, or, finally, for some unknown us reasons (inferiority of the chemical composition, excessive stiffness of the shoots, etc.). So, moose stop using young pine forests if the number of undamaged trees in them is less than 600 per 1 ha - the energy consumption for forage is not compensated by the amount of the latter. They also do not feed in continuous thickets, highly closed pine forests, where the lack of visibility does not allow the animals to feel calm. During all examinations of damages caused by moose trees and shrubs, along with completely seized specimens of plants, completely intact ones are found.

In the process of winter feeding, the elk uses many species of trees and shrubs and, apparently, in some combinations necessary for it. Such species as spruce, birch are eaten by it, but only in limited quantities. The inclusion of the entire stock of shoots of these and some other species in the potential forage stock will inevitably lead to an overestimation of the forage capacity of the land. It is for the above reasons that the winter starvation of moose, deer or roe deer begins long before the counts of stocks of woody and twig fodder show their insufficiency. With other types of food and other representatives of the fauna, the situation is even more complicated. In some cases, in certain seasons of the year, the feed available on the land is hundreds and thousands of times higher than the needs of animals. For example, with an average blueberry yield of 200 kg per hectare and the seasonal consumption of this berry by one hazel grouse and 1.5-2 kg black grouse, a hectare of land could feed, from 100 to 130 birds - the population density in nature is not real.

With a good harvest of cedar, there are up to 500 kg of nuts per hectare. The daily requirement of protein in this type of feed does not exceed 30 g. So, even if we assume that the protein throughout the year will eat only pine nuts, then it will eat them no more than 10 kg. Let the predominant part of the nuts (80%) be used by other species of animals - all the same, the remaining 100 kg per 1 ha could feed 10 squirrels. The actual population density of squirrels in stone pine forests does not exceed 200 per 1000 hectares, or 0.2 animals per hectare. The same applies to stocks of birch buds for black grouse, pine needles for capercaillie, etc.

On the other hand, there are undoubtedly types of feed, the reserves of which limit the possible number of animals. However, we either do not know how to take them into account (insects, earthworms, etc.), or we do not know enough about their meaning, interchangeability, the rate of their consumption, which is necessary for animals, due to which we are not able to use data on their reserves to determine the feed storage capacity. The situation is complicated by the fact that, as already mentioned in the example with squirrel and cedar, the same types of feed can be used by different types of animals. It is generally not possible to use indicators reflecting the protection of lands to calculate the capacity of the latter for any representative of the fauna. Indicators of nesting suitability in this regard could turn out to be very useful if we knew how the size of the nesting or individual site changes in different species of animals and birds under different habitat conditions. But, firstly, we know very little about this so far, and secondly, it is possible that it would be impossible to tie these indicators (even if we had them) to the types of land, since the habitat of an individual or a married couple hardly limited to one type of land.

All of the above indicates that knowledge of the ecological properties of certain types of lands allows them to give a correct qualitative assessment, but does not make it possible to talk about their potential capacity for certain representatives of the hunting fauna.

Hunting enthusiasts are often worried about the question: "How to rent hunting grounds?" Somewhere, where, but in Russia there really is plenty to choose from!

The total area of ​​hunting grounds, i.e., habitats of wild animals, in the Russian Federation is 1.5 billion hectares. The number of species of animals for which hunting is permitted (hunting resources) is 228. The hunting sector provides a trade turnover of 80–100 billion rubles.

It is more profitable than feeding minks and polar foxes in open-air cages. The traditional classification distinguishes between open, forest, marsh and water hunting grounds. Public relations associated with their exploitation are regulated by the Federal Law "On hunting and on the preservation of hunting resources ..."

The most demanded are forest resources. In their midst, private hunting grounds are most often organized. There are several classifications of them. The first of them (according to the age of the stand) uses a ten-year gradation for deciduous trees and a twenty-year gradation for conifers. (Grades 1 and 2 - young, 3 and 4 - middle-aged, then - ripening, ripe and over-mature stands).

The second classification, according to DN Danilov, distinguishes between swampy, mossy, floodplain, complex, dry and lichen, rocky forest. These are the most general classifications, in fact, there are many more.

The legal classification assumes three groups: the first - public hunting grounds (which by law occupy at least 20% of the total), the second - assigned to individuals and legal entities (in fact, the subject of this article), and finally the third - lands, hunting in which is limited or prohibited by the established regime of protected areas.

Those interested in how to rent hunting grounds should focus on the second group.

Selection of land for rent. Pre-planning

It is obvious that an entrepreneur in the field of the hunting business chooses for himself such a lease of forest land, which is promising and potentially profitable, while using the methods of hunting management work. The activities that it includes are subdivided into preparatory, field and office activities.

Of course, you have to "measure seven times" before you rent a hunting area. During the preparatory measures, documents of land departments of district executive committees, environmental organizations, veterinary services, and agricultural departments are studied. The meaning of field work is to qualitatively assess the populations of the leased area.

The final stage of the assessment process is desk work, during which the information of the preparatory and field stages is generalized, forest lands are estimated in value terms, the hunting economy is geographically planned, rationing of shooting is carried out, biotechnical and security measures are planned, and opto-economic maps and schemes are drawn up. The species abundance of hunting resources, the way they are spatially distributed, and the sufficiency of natural food are estimated.

Thus, those who are interested in how to rent hunting grounds cannot do without a huntsman survey of the grounds.

What area should you rent? Opinions, of course, may vary. We believe that the point of view of Aleksey Danilkin, Doctor of Biological Sciences, deserves attention, who believes that an area of ​​ten thousand hectares in the temperate zone is suitable for effectively regulating the number of ungulates. A more moderate approach assumes an area of ​​thirty thousand hectares. The cost of such a lease in its moderate version will cost the entrepreneur $ 600.

Lease registration

If you answer from a legal point of view to the question "how to rent hunting grounds", then, of course, we will talk about documentary operations. The main stages of lease registration are the acquisition of the status of an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity, the selection and lease of specific lands, the conclusion of a hunting agreement with the State hunting inspectorate (as a result of winning the auction), obtaining a state license for the use of hunting resources.

Licensing will require you to submit an application to the relevant executive body of state power, containing information about the future hunting business, as well as the expected quality and time parameters of the use of the animal world (shooting and restoration). It is reasonable to draw up such an application based on the results of desk work. In fact, this is a draft hunting business plan.

It is possible to acquire ownership of hunting grounds, but it is an order of magnitude more expensive, and, accordingly, the question of profitability here can only go on for long periods of time. It is rather an investment than an enterprise.

Ways of development of modern hunting economy

After acquiring the rights to use, the question of how to organize a hunting farm becomes relevant? An entrepreneur, having rented a hunting farm, not only makes a profit from it, but also purposefully works to increase this profit.

Of paramount importance is the accuracy of determining the number of animals in a given farm at the beginning of the hunting season. This is the cornerstone from which all the main indicators of the hunting sector are planned. First of all, fur-bearing animals are taken into account, as well as large artiodactyls. Their number is estimated in the number of individuals per thousand hectares of land. To do this, first, the count is made on sample plots and routes, and then this sample is rounded up for the entire territory of the lands.

The criterion for the quality of hunting farms is the coefficient of productivity of the land (this indicator is calculated for each type of animal).

For good lands it is 250, for those with a quality above average - 165, for average - 100, for quality below average - 50, for bad - 15. In practice, this means, for example, that in good hunting farms there are 2.5 times more animals, than the average.

To get good land for rent is, of course, great luck. And, as a rule, it does not exist. Be realistic, you will be leased as a maximum average farm.

You have to improve its quality: improve the fodder base, increase the protective and nesting properties by increasing the forest cover and enriching the plantations. It may even be necessary to make land reclamation in a certain area. Only on the basis of a reliable "stern rear" will it be possible to further develop the hunting business.

With a sufficient amount of forage, additional measures for the artificial settlement of land by animals and birds demonstrate a good effect.

Hunting success depends on the gamekeepers

Obviously, the understanding of how to organize a private hunting farm should combine not only the approaches of entrepreneurship, but also the specific aspects of the gamekeeper. Competent hunting management should ensure expanded reproduction of animals and birds.

To do this, one should navigate migrations, know the biology of the main animal species and their ability to restore livestock. However, it is incorrect to believe that it is advisable to increase the population of certain game animals above the optimal one. The food supply is deteriorating, and diseases begin. Such a purposeful activity, which solves the problem of how to organize a hunting economy, is called hunting management; huntsmen are professionally engaged in it.

Some household moments

How to start the economic activity of the hunting economy? First, steps should be taken to minimize the number of roads. Ideally, there should be one left, leading to the forestry, equipped with a checkpoint and a barrier.

Unnecessary roads, even if they are used for deforestation, should be tried to be closed legally. And then - dig up and fill up. This is how auto-poaching is blocked and a certain number of risks are prevented in the future. The cost of clearing the road and equipping the post will be about $ 1000.

Documentary accompaniment of the hunt

What documents do the hunting business serve? Each hunter, according to the Federal Law "On Hunting", must have in his hands an unlimited hunting ticket issued by the State Hunting Inspectorate of a single federal standard. (The restriction for obtaining it is an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for an intentional crime).

The second document received by the hunter is a hunting permit (license). It operates within the framework of the hunting grounds that issued it. In turn, the hunting enterprise receives the forms of vouchers (licenses) from the territorial body of the State hunting inspectorate.

When hunting licensed animals, that is, getting them by tracking and pursuing them in a state of their natural freedom, instead of a permit, the hunter receives a license from the hunting farm or signs an agreement. It should be noted that the validity of both the voucher and the license is limited in time. After use, the forms of these documents are handed over by hunters to the hunting farm. In addition, control over the observance of hunting deadlines, registration of vouchers (licenses) forms is a function of the hunting farm.

Organization of the activities of the hunting farm

In general, the organization of the activities of the hunting farm is regulated and carried out by its staff. It is these people, who know how to organize a hunting farm, who determine the level of service for hunters visiting the respective grounds. The basic range of services provided includes the organization of accommodation and meals, gamekeeping services, as well as handling trophies.

Additional services significantly increase the profitability of the hunting industry: bath services, massage, swimming pool, water routes, games (billiards, volleyball, table tennis), organizing picnics with barbecue, playgrounds for sports games, shooting (shooting range), laundry, internet, transport services, ecotourism for hunting.

The general activity of the entrepreneurship in question is carried out on the basis of a plan that takes into account, in addition to the products obtained directly from the hunting sector itself, also investments in it. It should immediately be noted that the first two to three months after its organization, the hunting farm is working to reach the break-even point. During the same period, entrepreneurs in the field of hunting business are recommended to conclude agreements with third-party organizations in order to increase the flow of financing.

Hunting state

The minimum staff of a hunting farm includes a manager, a gamekeeper and a cook. The manager carries out the planning of its development and monitors the implementation of this plan. Requirements for him: higher education (preferably special), availability of vehicles, experience in the hotel business is welcome.

Personally, he negotiates and concludes contracts with partners, clients, organizes work, controls personnel.

The huntsman must have a higher special or secondary education and two years of work experience in this specialty. He takes into account the number of animals, monitors the observance of hunting rules, conducts protective measures and measures to regulate the number of animals. He prepares feed, salt licks, equips feeding grounds and feeders, artificial nests.

The cook, of course, must be a real expert in the preparation of game dishes. The success of the hunting business will also depend on his skill. The cook and the gamekeeper should arrange the accommodation separately from the guest houses.


Since the main types of costs have already been mentioned by us in this article, it remains for us to show the directions of the profitability of the hunting economy. Each such farm approves its own tariffs for trophies obtained by hunters. Only a small percentage of them are income from the sale of vouchers and licenses (300–1000 rubles).

The main source of income is payment by hunters (clients of the hunting farm) for transport services, huntsman, cook, accommodation, services related to the processing of trophies obtained (salting, smoking, freezing meat, skinning and processing, intermediary services for the manufacture of stuffed animals). If the hunting farm has a reservoir, then it receives additional income from the rental of fishing equipment and payment for the caught fish (tariffing - by weight).

Hunting goods business

Hunting entrepreneurs, especially from the townspeople, are often interested in what it takes to open a hunting store? To do this, firstly, you need to navigate the legal rules governing the sale of weapons. To open a business, you will need to invest about 3 million rubles in it. Documented, you will need permission from the local authorities and the local police department and a license to sell weapons. Its price is 150 thousand rubles.

The rest of the cost items are typical for all entrepreneurs starting their own business. These are state and tax registration, registration with a statistical authority, rent, contract for services of security and fire alarm systems. And, of course, the opening of a hunting store is associated with the purchase of inventory ($ 8-10 thousand) and goods ($ 5-6 thousand).


Organizing a profitable hunting farm is a specific matter. For its successful functioning, it is important to combine the skills of gamekeepers, outstanding organizational skills, enthusiasm in establishing service, and a unique cuisine.

Farms that have concluded contracts with large enterprises for the rest of hunters from among their employees are working successfully and rhythmically. The organization of elite hunting with planned trophies and the development of ecological tourism are also promising.

Word of mouth is of great importance: effective hunting, which guarantees trophies, as well as a well-established service is the key to the commercial success of the hunting industry.

Hunting business plan. How to rent hunting grounds - all the most necessary and useful for business on the site