The collapse of the Soviet power and the collapse of the USSR. Why collapsed USSR? Causes of decay

The collapse of the Soviet power and the collapse of the USSR. Why collapsed USSR? Causes of decay
The collapse of the Soviet power and the collapse of the USSR. Why collapsed USSR? Causes of decay

On the eve of the celebration of the next New Year, on December 30, 1922, one state was created from the four republics, which received the name of the USSR. Initially, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia (with the autonomous Kazakh and Kyrgyz Republics), as well as the Transcaucasian Federal Republic, was included in its composition, and the Transcaucasian Federal Republic, which was united by Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan by the time. During 1924-1925 In the USSR, the Bukhara and Khorezm Socialist Republics were adopted, which were soon disbanded, and Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan appeared instead. Thus, by that time, the union consisted of 6 powers. As an autonomous region, Tajikistan was part of Uzbekistan. In 1929, he became a full-fledged Soviet Republic - the 7th in the account. Exactly 7 years later, Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan came out of the Transcaucasian Republic, and Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan from Russia.

All of them became separate powers in the USSR. After another 4 years, the RSFSR left the Karelian Autonomous Republic, which became the Caroya-Finnish SSR. During the first decade of August 1940, the composition of the USSR was replenished with Moldova, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

Attention! Until 1944 existed the Tuvinian People's Republic. This formation entered into the structure of the USSR, but not as a separate state, but as an autonomous region in Russia.

By the beginning of the 1950s. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics consisted of 16 powers. However, in the summer of 1956, the Karelian-Finnish SSR recents on the rights of autonomy into Russia. The republics becomes 15, and this amount remains unchanged to the very collapse of the powerful Soviet state. There is an opinion that Bulgaria should become part of the USSR, but it remains at the level of the sentence.

The process of spliting the Socialist Union was not simultaneous: he lasted for several years. The republics were coming out of the USSR as well as were - gradually:

  • initially, the sovereignty declared Estonia, back in 1988;
  • the first of the USSR left Lithuania (March 1990). At that time, the world community was not ready to recognize the new state;

  • another 5 republics managed to leave the union before the coup in August 1991: This is Estonia, Latvia, Moldova, Azerbaijan and Georgia;
  • as a result of August, almost all the remaining republics said about their own independence. By the beginning of December 1991, this did not make Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

Attention! Officially, the Soviet Union ceased to exist on December 26, 1991. However, many historians are confident that 1985 became a kind of irrevocate, when MS was elected the last Gensen. Gorbachev.

Having put forward assumptions why the USSR collapsed, historians do not come to one opinion. Therefore, there are several reasons recognized by the most likely.

Decline of state power. The Union of the Republics founded people, devoted and even fanatically believed in the idea of \u200b\u200bequality of all citizens. The state management was allowed to manage the state, but every year they were less and less. The average age of the leaders was 75 years old, they quickly left life. When Mikhail Gorbachev became the power of power, he was slightly for 50. The only USSR president was not quite ideological, his reforms led to the weakening of the monocentrism of state power.

Desire for independence. The leaders of the republics wanted to get rid of the centralized power to which they have accumulated a lot of claims:

  • decision making occurred slowly because everything was solved at the level of the Union. This was constrained by the activities of the republics themselves;
  • the regions of a huge country wanted to independently develop their culture, national traditions;
  • not without manifestations of nationalism, characteristic of many republics of the USSR, etc.

Attention! It is believed that the split process accelerated the fall of the Berlin Country and the Union of Germany.

Crisis in all branches of life. He expressed:

  • in the shortage of essential goods;
  • in the production of low-quality products;
  • in the ban of the church and tough censorship in the media. Especially the Soviet people outraged the silence of the truth about man-made catastrophes, in particular, the Chernobyl tragedy. In the era of the USSR there were crime, and drugs, but it was not accepted aloud that out loud.

Insolvency of the communist ideology. Propaganda equality and fraternity turned out to be alien to the young generation. People stopped believing in a bright communist future: to buy something in the store was problematic, to speak and think was supposed to be almost template phrases. The old generation on which the Soviet ideology held, left of life, not leaving behind the Yary Fans of Communism.

It is believed that the United States also played a latter role in the split of the Union. Cold War, drop in oil prices - all this accelerated the process. External and internal reasons did not leave the USSR chance to maintain unity. The edges of the state turned out to be natural.

Collapse of the USSR: video

At the present stage of the development of the Russian Federation and neighboring states, which are receivers of the former USSR, there are a lot of political, economic and cultural problems. Their solution is impossible without a solid analysis of events related to the decay process of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. This article contains clear and structured information about the collapse of the USSR, as well as an analysis of events and personalities directly related to this process.

Brief prehistory

The years of the USSR is the story of victories and lesions, economic takeoff and fall. It is known that the Soviet Union as a state was formed in 1922. After that, as a result of many political and military events, its territory increased. The peoples and republics that are part of the USSR have had the right to voluntarize it. The ideology of the country has repeatedly emphasized the fact that the Soviet state is a family of friendly peoples.

Regarding the leadership of such a huge country, it is not difficult to predict that it was centrally. The main body of state administration was the CPSU Party. And the leaders of the Republican governments were appointed by the Central Moscow leadership. The main legislative act regulating the legal status of the country was the Constitution of the USSR.

Causes of collapse of the USSR

Many powerful powers are experiencing difficult times in their development. Speaking about the collapse of the USSR, it should be noted that 1991 in the history of our state was very complex and controversial. What contributed to this? The reasons that caused the collapse of the USSR can be distinguished by a huge amount. Let's try to stay on the main one:

  • authoritarianity of power and society in the state, the persecution of dissenters;
  • nationalist trends in the Union republics, the availability of interethnic conflicts in the country;
  • one state ideology, censorship, ban on any political alternative;
  • economic crisis of the Soviet production system (extensive method);
  • international fall in oil prices;
  • a number of unsuccessful attempts to reform the Soviet system;
  • the colossal centralization of state authorities;
  • military failure in Afghanistan (1989).

This, of course, not all the causes of the collapse of the USSR, but they can rightly be considered fundamental.

The collapse of the USSR: the general course of events

With the appointment of the Secretary General of the CPSU Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev in 1985, the restructuring policy began, which was associated with a sharp criticism of the previous state system, the announcement of the archival documents of the KGB and the liberalization of public life. But the state of affairs in the country not only has not changed, but also worsened. The people have become more active politically, the formation of many organizations and movements, sometimes nationalist and radical. M. S. Gorbachev, President of the USSR, repeatedly entered the conflict with the future head of the country B. Yeltsin on the release of the RSFSR from the composition of the Union.

National crisis

The collapse of the USSR occurred gradually in all branches of society. The crisis has come both economic and foreign policy, and even demographic. This was officially announced in 1989.

The year of the collapse of the USSR became the obvious eternal problem of Soviet society - a commodity deficit. From the shop shelves, products disappear even essentials.

Softness in the foreign policy of the country turns into a drop of loyal to the USSR regimes of Czechoslovakia, Poland, Romania. New national states are formed there.

On the territory of the country itself was also pretty restless. Mass demonstrations begin in the Union republics (demonstration in Alma-Ata, Karabakh conflict, excitement in the Fergana Valley).

Mitigations also occur in Moscow and Leningrad. The crisis in the country plays the hand to the radical Democrats, which Boris Yeltsin is headed. They acquire popularity in displeased masses.

Parade sovereignty

In early February 1990, the Central Committee of the Party stated the annulment of his domination in power. Democratic elections were held in the RSFSR and the Union republics, which defeated radical political forces in the form of liberals and nationalists.

In 1990 and early 1991, a wave of performances rolled around the Soviet Union, which then historians called the "parade of sovereignty". Many of the Union republics at the specified period adopted the sovereignty declaration, which meant the rule of republican law over the public-union.

The first territory, which dared to leave the USSR - the Nakhichevan Republic. It happened in January 1990. It followed: Latvia, Estonia, Moldova, Lithuania and Armenia. Over time, all the allied states will issue a declaration of their independence (after the coup of the GCCP), and the USSR will finally collapse.

Last President of the USSR

The central role in the process of the collapse of the Soviet Union played the last president of this state - M. S. Gorbachev. The collapse of the USSR occurred against the background of the desperate activities of Mikhail Sergeevich on the reform of the Soviet society and the system.

M. S. Gorbachev was from the Stavropol Territory (s. Promotable). The statesman was born in 1931 in the simplest family. After graduating from high school, he continued his studies at the Law Faculty of Moscow State University, where he headed the Komsomol organization. In the same place, he met his future wife - Rasa Titarenko.

In the student years, Gorbachev was engaged in active political activities, joined the ranks of the CPSU and already in 1955 he took the position of secretary of the Stavropol Komsomol. Gorbachev moved through the career staircase of the civil servant rapidly and confidently.

Rise to power

Mikhail Sergeevich came to power in 1985, after the so-called "era of the deaths of the Generals" (three years old have died three heads of the USSR). It should be noted that the title "President of the USSR" (was introduced in 1990) wearing only Gorbachev, all previous managers were called the Secretary-General. Mikhail Sergeevich's Board was characterized by solid political reforms, which were often not particularly thought out and radical.

Attempts by reform

Such socio-political transformations include: Dry Law, the introduction of selfishness, money exchange, public policy, acceleration.

For the most part, society did not appreciate the reform and relate to them negatively. Yes, and the benefit of the state from such radical actions was little.

In the foreign policy course, M. S. Gorbachev adhered to the so-called "policy of new thinking", which contributed to the discharge of international relations and the termination of the "Arms Race". For such a position, Gorbachev received the Nobel Prize of the World. But the USSR at that time was in a terrible position.

Augusta Putch

Of course, attempts to reform the Soviet society, and in the end and completely unpacked the USSR did not support many. Some supporters of Soviet power united and decided to oppose those destructive processes that took place in the Union.

PUTF GKCP was a political presentation, which occurred in August 1991. His goal is the restoration of the USSR. The 1991 Putch was regarded by the official power as an attempt of the state coup.

Events occurred in Moscow from August 19 to 21, 1991. Among the many street clashes, the main bright event, which ultimately led the USSR to collapse was the decision to create the State Committee on Emergency Regulations (GCCP). It was a new body formed by the officials of the state, which was headed by the Vice-President of the USSR Gennady Yanaev.

The main causes of the way

The main reason for the August coup can be considered dissatisfaction with Gorbachev's policies. Perestroika did not bring the expected results, the crisis was deepened, unemployment and crime grew.

The last straw for future tacitors and conservatives was the desire of the president to transform the USSR to the Union of Sovereign States. After departure, M. S. Gorbachev from Moscow disgruntled did not miss the possibilities of armed uprising. But it was not possible to keep the power to conspirators, the coup was depressed.

The value of the Putch GKCHP

In 1991, the Pulling of 1991 launched an irreversible process on the collapse of the USSR, which was so in a state of continuous economic and political instability. Despite the desire of the ticks to preserve the state, they themselves contributed to his collapse. After this, the events of Gorbachev resigned, the structure of the CPSU broke up, and the Republic of USSR began to gradually proclaim their independence. The Soviet Union replaced the new state - the Russian Federation. And 1991, many are understood by many as the year of the collapse of the USSR.

Belovezhsky Agreements

Belovezhsky agreements 1991 were signed on December 8. Officials of the three states - Russia, Ukraine and Belarus were put on them under them. The agreements were a document that legally enshrined the collapse of the USSR and the formation of a new organization of mutual assistance and cooperation - the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).

As mentioned earlier, the PUTC of the GCCP only weakened the central authorities and thus accompanied the disintegration of the USSR. In some republics, separatist trends began to be called, which were actively promoted in regional media. As an example, you can consider Ukraine. In the country on a nationwide referendum on December 1, 1991, almost 90% of citizens voted for independence of Ukraine, and L. Kravchuk was elected president.

In early December, the leader made a statement that Ukraine refuses the agreement of 1922 on the creation of the USSR. 1991, thus, the Ukrainians became the starting point on the way to his own statehood.

The Ukrainian referendum served as a kind of signal for President B. Yeltsin, who began to more persistently strengthen its power in Russia.

Creating the CIS and the final destruction of the USSR

In turn, the new chairman of the Supreme Council S. Shushkevich was elected in Belarus. It was he who invited the leaders of the neighboring states of Kravchuk and Yeltsin to Belovezhskaya Pushcha to discuss the emerging situation and coordinating follow-up actions. After minor discussions between delegates, the fate of the USSR decided final. The agreement on the creation of the Soviet Union of December 31, 1922 was denounced, and instead, a plan of the Commonwealth of Independent States was prepared. After this process, a lot of disputes emerged, since the Treaty on the creation of the USSR was supported by the Constitution of 1924.

However, it should be noted that the 1991 Belovezhi Agreements were taken by no will of three politicians, but at the request of the peoples of the former Soviet republics. Two days after the signing of the agreement, the Supreme Tips of Belarus and Ukraine adopted an act of denunciation of the Union Treaty and ratified an agreement on the establishment of the Commonwealth of Independent States. In Russia on December 12, 1991, the same procedure was held. Not only the radical liberals and democrats, but also the Communists voted for the ratification of Belovezhsky agreements.

Already on December 25, the President of the USSR M. S. Gorbachev folded the authority. So, relatively simple, destroyed the state system, which existed for years. The USSR, although there was a state authoritarian, but the positive parties in his history were definitely. Among them, social security of citizens can be distinguished, the availability of clear state plans in the economy and excellent military power. Many people and to date with nostalgia recall life in the Soviet Union.

In which year, the USSR broke up? Who led a powerful state to collapse? What are the reasons for this decay? These and many other questions had to meet the authorities in the early 90s of the last century. For Russia, this age has developed extremely contradiction: the beginning and the end marked the collapse of the previous regime, and the middle - prosperity and the fame of the new one.

Collapse of the USSR: Prerequisites and Date

In which year, the USSR broke up? The officially this date is considered December 1991, but we can safely say that this phenomenon began with the new course of the next Secretary-General. Mikhail Gorbachev boldly introduced his reforms in the country, and did it completely inconsistently. This can be said about this, based on his actions: he sought to introduce new methods of managing the country into different branches of life, but retained the system of power of the old regime. The deep political crisis has affected the disintegration, which increased which economic instability. The growth of national movements in the republics also led to the acceleration of the collapse of the once of the Great Union. The central government has already lost its entire strength, and the ambitions of many political leaders allowed us to talk about the folding of multiparty. Thus, Mikhail Gorbachev only encouraged all these phenomena and, when the USSR broke up, did not particularly pay attention to the new state - unstable and weak. All these actions laid the beginning of a new era, which will later be referred to as the "dashing 90s".

Disintegration of the USSR: date, occasion acting

The collapse of the USSR, as already noted above, began to "prepare" new reforms from the very beginning of the restructuring. All the actions of the authorities were told that the time was the time of the Soviet Union: the conclusion of the troops from Afghanistan, the cessation of the Cold War and, as a result, defeat in it, worship the West - the entire policy of Gorbachev was aimed at weakening the role of the Union in Europe. The reason for the breakdown was the attempt of the state coup of the GCCP. This authority in August 1991 tried to cut down Gorbachev from information and seize power into his hands. However, Boris Yeltsin played a big role here, of course, not without protecting his interests. The organizers of the GCCP were arrested, and the attempt to overthrow Mikhail Sergeevich failed. Despite this, the USSR continued to exist. Moreover, even a referendum was held, in which the people expressed their opinion on the preservation of the Soviet Union. It is worth noting that the majority voted "for saving". In which year, the USSR broke up? The opinions of the people did not take into account and already in December 1991, the Supreme Council of the USSR announced the fact that the declaration was signed to terminate the existence of the Union. This is how the history of the great, powerful state ended. That's how the entire era of the Union was reduced.

In which year, the USSR broke up?

Who played a major role in this? Now you know the answers to these questions. What did the decay led? First, the formation of 15 new independent republics. Secondly, to the exacerbation of interethnic conflicts and to deterioration of economic ties between districts. Third, to the weakening of the prodocability of each new country. It was hard and long to solve these problems.

Termination of the existence of the USSR (Belovezhskaya Pushcha)

held in secret from the Soviet president, the leaders of the three Slavic republics B.N. Yeltsin (Russia), LM Kravchuk (Ukraine), S.S. Shushkevich (Belarus) announced termination Dixia of the Union Treaty of 1922 and the creation CIS - Commonwealth of independent states. IN separate Interstate agreement said: "We, the heads of the Republic of Belarus, the RSFSR, Ukraine, noting that negotiations on the preparation of the new Union Agreement went into a standstill, an objective process of the Republic of Economics from the SSR Union and the formation of independent states became a real fact ... We declare education Commonwealth of independent states, as parties on December 8, 1991, an agreement was signed. " In a statement of three executives it was said that "the Commonwealth of Independent States in the Republic Belarus, RSFSR, Ukraine It is open to joining all Member States of the SSR Union, as well as for other states that share the goals and principles of this Agreement. "

December 21 at a meeting in Alma-Ata, on which the Soviet president was not invited, eleven Former Soviet republics, and now independent states, announced the creation of the Commonwealth, in the advantage of coordination functions and without any legislative, executive and judicial permission.

Evaluating these events later, the former President of the USSR said that he believed that in the question of the fate of the USSR, some acted for the preservation of the Union State, taking into account his deep reform, transform into the Union of sovereign states, others. In Belovezhskaya, in the back of the President of the USSR and the Parliament of the country, all opinions were crossed, and the USSR was destroyed.

From the point of view of economic and political feasibility, it is difficult to understand why the former Soviet republics needed to "burn down" all state and economic ties, but we should not forget that in addition to the pronounced processes of national self-determination in the Soviet republics, there was a fact fight for power. And this fact played not the last role in decision B.N. Yeltsin, L.M. Kravchuk and S.S. Shushkevich, adopted in Belovezhskaya Pushcha about the termination of the USSR Union Treaty of 1922. The collapse of the USSR made a line under the Soviet period of modern domestic history.

The collapse of the Soviet Union He led to the most impressive since the Second World War of the geopolitical situation. In fact, it was real geopolitical catastrophe, the consequences of which today are reflected in the economy, politics and social sphere of all former republics of the Soviet Union.

Borders of the Russian Federation by the end of 1991

Collapse of the USSR - Processes of systemic disintegration, which occurred in the economy, national economy, social structure, public and political sphere, which led to the cessation of the existence of the USSR on December 26, 1991. These processes were caused by the desire of the bourgeoisie and their gender to capture power. The second nomenclature redistribution of the CPSU, conducted under the leadership of M. S. Gorbachev, did not allow to successfully confront the attempts of collapse.

The collapse of the USSR led the 15 republics of the USSR to "independence" (and de facto to the dependence of many republics like Georgia from the United States and other imperialist powers) and the emergence of them on the global political arena as independent states.


With the exception, none of the Central Asian Union republics did not have organized movements or parties, which aims to achieve independence. Among the Muslim republics, with the exception of the Azerbaijani Popular Front, the independence movement existed only in one of the autonomous republics of the Volga region - the Ettifak party in, which with the independence of Tatarstan.

Immediately after the events, independence proclaimed almost all the remaining allied republics, as well as several autonomous out of Russia, some of which later became t. Unrecognized states.

Legislative registration of the consequences of collapse

  • On August 24, 1991, the United States Office was destroyed. Distrust of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR was initiated. The new Cabinet of Ministers was not formed. The Committee on Operational Management of the National Economy of the USSR was created. Only 4 General Union Ministers remained in it: Bakatin Vadim Viktorovich - Chairman of the State Security Committee of the USSR, Shaposhnikov Evgeny Ivanovich - Minister of Defense of the USSR, Baranniki Viktor Pavlovich - Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR (all three are appointed Decrees of the President of the USSR on August 23, 1991 as Members of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR, but the consent to their appointment is given by the decision of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of August 29, 1991 No. 2370-I after the resignation of the entire composition of the Cabinet of Ministers), Pankkin Boris Dmitrievich - Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR (appointed by Decree of the President of the USSR on August 28 1991 No. UE-2482).
  • On August 24, 1991, Ukraine comes from the USSR. The Supreme Council of Ukraine decides -

"The Supreme Council of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic solemnly proclaims the independence of Ukraine and the creation of an independent Ukrainian state - Ukraine. The territory of Ukraine is indivisible and inviolable. From now on, on the territory of Ukraine, there are exclusively the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine».

  • On August 25, 1991, Belarus comes out of the USSR (taking the declaration of independence).
  • On September 5, 1991, the Committee on Operational Management of the USSR national economy was formed as the Emergency Economic Committee of the USSR.
  • September 19, 1991 - the name of the country and state symbols changed in Belarus.
  • On November 14, 1991, the Interrepublician Economic Committee of the USSR already officially calls himself an interstate committee. In fact, it is already an add-in between independent states.
  • December 8, 1991. De facto Independent Ukraine and Belarus conclude an agreement with Russia on the creation of the CIS, which allows partially to declare the situation of affairs and create an authority to which the remaining all-Union ministries can be subordinate to the people. The Supreme Council of the USSR is deprived of a quorum, because Delegates from the RSFSR are withdrawn from the Supreme Council.
  • December 21, 1991. Central Asian republics are moving from the USSR to the CIS.
  • December 25, 1991. Presidential resignation USSR M.S. Gorbachev and the official cessation of the existence of the USSR
  • December 26, 1991. Supreme Council of the USSR self-pressed.
  • January 16, 1992. The troops of the USSR changed the oath to "swear to fulfill the Constitution and the laws of my state and the Commonwealth state, in whose territory I perform military debt." The process of mass transition of the USSR troops on the service of independent states as part of entire divisions begins.
  • March 21, 1992. In the formation of the USSR troops, only 9 countries participate. Renaming them to the "combined Armed Forces of the CIS".
  • July 25 - August 9, 1992. The last performance of the USSR national team (combined team) at the Olympic Games.
  • December 9, 1992. Russia introduces the inserts to Soviet passports to separate their citizens from the USSR citizens.
  • July 26, 1993. The ruble zone of the USSR is destroyed.
  • August 1993 - the USSR troops are finally disbanded, only air defense systems remain union. Also, border guards of Russia continue to work in some countries.
  • January 1, 1994. Ukraine began to exchange Soviet passports into Ukrainian.
  • February 10, 1995. The Union Defense Air Defense confirms its status as the United CIS air defense. At the same time, the troops have the oath of their states. At that time, troops from 10 countries were at that time union air defense. For 2013, the Agreement was operating in the following countries - Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan.
  • January 1, 2002. For Ukraine, it is forbidden to enter the USSR passport without an overseas passport.