The organic world of the Atlantic Ocean. Biological resources

The organic world of the Atlantic Ocean. Biological resources



The scientific direction of the geography of the ocean, formed as an independent branch of geographic science in the second half of the twentieth century, was officially approved in the decisions of V and VI congresses of the USSR Geographical Society (1970, 1975) and the I All-Union Conference on the Geography of Ocean (1983). The main tasks of the geography of the ocean was the study of generalographic patterns within the oceanosphere, the establishment of specific dependencies between the natural conditions and the ocean ecosystems, between natural resources and the economy of the ocean, as well as the definition of the abnormal regimes of rational environmental management.
The physical geography of the ocean is engaged in the study of the spatial structure and the main physical properties of the ocean as a single natural system, on the one hand, and as part of a more general planetary system - the biosphere on the other hand. Its tasks include identifying the relationship between the nature of the ocean and the mainland, large-scale connections of the oceanosphere with the other elements of the geographical shell of the Earth, the processes of energy and mass exchange between them and other phenomena.
The twentieth century, especially his last quarter, was marked by a very intensive growth of anthropogenic impact on the environment, which caused the environmental crisis on Earth, which continues in our time. This process covered not only land, but also the world ocean, especially intramaterial and outdoor seas adjacent to economically developed countries. Most of the anthropogenic load is experiencing the Atlantic Ocean.
The above circumstances determine the relevance of the chosen topic. Object research The work is the Atlantic Ocean, subject - His natural wealth.
purpose of work - to analyze the natural wealth of the Atlantic. To implement this goal, we set the following tasks:
- give a general characteristic of the Atlantic Ocean;
- analyze the properties of water, the composition of flora and fauna, as well as to pay attention to the minerals of the ocean;
- reveal the features and problems of the development of the ocean.
This work will be useful for everyone who is interested in oceanology issues, as well as environmental management.

Chapter 1. Characteristics of the Atlantic Ocean

1.1.Gogographic position, climatic and hydrological conditions

The Atlantic Ocean is the most studied and mastered people. He received his name named Titan Atlanta (according to Greek mythology holding the heavenly arch). At different times, he was called in different ways: "Sea behind the heracles", "Atlantic", "West Ocean", "Sea of \u200b\u200bMraka", etc. The name "Atlantic Ocean" first appeared in 1507 on the Wald-Domaller map, and since then the name has established in geography.
The borders of the Atlantic Ocean on the shores of the continents (Eurasia, Africa, both Americas and Antarctica) are natural, with other oceans (Northern Arctic, Tikhim and Indian) - to a large extent conditional.
With the Arctic Ocean Atlantic borders 70 ° C. sh. (Baphinova Earth - Oh. Disco), then from Cape Bruster (Greenland) on the Icelandic Farrera Threshold to 6 ° C. sh. (Scandinavian P-B); With the quiet ocean - from about. OSTE (Fire Earth) to the Sternoise Cape (Antarctic P-B); With the Indian Ocean - at 20 ° C. d. from the cape needle to Antarctica. The rest of the ocean is limited to the coastline of Eurasia, Africa, North and South America, Antarctica (Fig. 1.). The above borders are officially adopted in our country and are indicated in the atlas of the oceans (Publisher of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR and the Navy, 1980). In the limits of the Ocean area indicated 93.4 million km 2, the volume of water is 322.7 million km 3. Water exchange occurs in 46 years, which is 2 times faster than in the Pacific.
A significant role of the Atlantic in the life of people is largely due to purely geographical circumstances:
a great length (from the Arctic to Antarctic) between four continents, and it discovers mainly the plain areas on continents, convenient for the settlement of people and have long been mastered;
The fact that large and medium rivers (Amazon, Congo, Niger, Mississippi, St. Lawrence, etc.) are falling into the ocean, which served and serve as natural ways of communication;
The large slication of the coastline of Europe, the presence of the Mediterranean Sea, the Gulf of Mexico, which contributed to the development of navigation and the development of the ocean.
The Atlantic Ocean has several seas: Baltic, Mediterranean, Black, Marble, Azov, Caribbean and 3 large bays: Mexican, Biscay and Guinean. The largest islands - United Kingdom, Ireland are located off the coast of Europe. Especially large clusters of the islands are located off the coast of Central America: large and small antilles, Bahamas; from the coast of South America - Falkland, in the southern part of the ocean - the Southern Orkney and South Sandwichi; At the shores of Africa - Canary, Green Cape, Azores, Madeira, Principe, San Tome, and others. In the Ocean Ocean Zone are located about Iceland, Ascension, St. Helena, Tsana-Da-Kunya, on the border with the North Arctic Ocean - The biggest island of land is Greenland.
The climates of the Atlantic are largely determined by its large meridional length, the peculiarities of the formation of the baric field, the uniqueness of the configuration (more in moderate latitudes than in equatorial-tropical). In the northern and southern outskirts there are huge regions of cooling and the formation of highly atmospheric foci. Over the ocean water management, constant areas of reduced pressure in the episcopal and moderate latitudes and increased pressure are also formed - in subtropical.
This is Equatorial and Antarctpical Depression, Icelandic Minimum, North Atlantic (Azore) and South Atlantic Maxima 1.
In the southern hemisphere, where the surface of the ocean only on relatively small spaces is interrupted by land, all major baric systems are elongated along the equator in the form of sub-luminous belts separated by front areas, and during the year only somewhat shifted after the sun in the direction of the summer hemisphere.
In winter, the South Hemisphere Southeast Passat penetrates the equator and several northeries, towards the Guinea Bay and the northern part of South America. The main precipitates at this time fall out in the northern hemisphere, and dry weather prevails on both sides of the southern tropics. South 40 ° Yu.Sh. Western transfer actively acts, winds blow, often reaching storm forces, are observed thick clouds and fogs, abundant precipitation falls out in the form of rain and snow. These are "roaring forties" latitude. From the side of Antarctica in high latitudes, southeastern and eastern winds are blowing, with which icebergs and sea ice are taken to the north.
In the warm half of the year, the main directions of the movement of air flow are preserved, but the Equatorial Napa is expanded to the south, the Southeast Passat increases, rushing into the area of \u200b\u200breduced pressure over South America, and precipitation falls along its east coast. Western winds in moderate and high latitudes remain dominant atmospheric process.
Natural conditions in subtropical and moderate latitudes of North Atlantic differ significantly from those characteristic of the southern part of the ocean. This is due to both the peculiarities of the water area itself and the size of its limiting sushi, the temperature and pressure of the air over which they change dramatically during the year. The most significant contrasts of pressure and temperatures are created in winter when the Eurasia Centers covered by Greenland, North America and the internal parts of the Eurasia, are formed, the high pressure centers are formed and the temperature is not only above the land, but also over the locomotive ice walls of the Canadian Arctic archipelago is very low . The Ocean itself, with the exception of the coastal north-western part, remains even in February the temperature of surface water from 5 to 10 ° C. This is due to the influx in the northeast part of the Atlantic of warm water from the south and the absence of cold water intake by the Northern Ocean.
In the north of the Atlantic Ocean, a closed area of \u200b\u200breduced pressure is formed in winter - Icelandic, or north-Atlantic, minimum. His interaction with the 30th parallels of the Azores (north-Atlantic) maximum creates over the North Atlantic, the prevailing Western wind stream, which is in the ocean on the Eurasian Mainland, wet-unstable relatively warm air. This atmospheric process is accompanied by precipitation in the form of rain and snow at positive temperatures. A similar situation applies to the ocean water scatism to the south of 40 ° C.Sh. And on the Mediterranean, where the rains fall out at this time.
In the summer season of the northern hemisphere, the high pressure region is only preserved over the ice shield of Greenland, low pressure centers are installed above the continents, the Icelandic minimum weakens. Western transfer remains the main circulation process in moderate and high latitudes, but it is not expressed as intensively as in winter. The Azores maximum increases and expands, and most of the water area of \u200b\u200bthe North Atlantic, including the Mediterranean Sea, turns out to be under the influence of tropical air masses and does not receive precipitation. Only off the coast of North America, where the periphery of the Azor maximum comes in humid-unstable air, the monsoon-type precipitates fall out, although this process is not expressed at all so brightly as in the Pacific Eurasian coast.
In the summer and especially in autumn over the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Atlantic Ocean between the Northern Tropical and Equator (as in the quiet and Indian Oceans on these latitudes), tropical hurricanes are born, which with a huge devastating force rush over the Caribbean Sea, the Mexican Bay, Florida, and sometimes penetrate far north, Up to 40 ° C.Sh.
In connection with the high activity of the atlantic ocean observed in recent years, the repeatability of tropical hurricanes has increased significantly. In 2005, three hurricane - "Katrina", "Rita" and "Emily" collapsed on the southern coast of the United States, the first of which inflicted the huge damage to New Orleans.

1.2.Relph DNA

Through the entire ocean (approximately equal distance from the coordinary continents) passes the mid-Atlantic ridge (Fig. 2).
The outlines of the Atlantic Ocean are extremely noteworthy. If Africa and South America, Europe and North America move close to each other, so that their coastal lines are combined, the contours of the continents will compare, like two halves of a broken ruble. This coincidence in the outlines of the banks led some scientists to a fairly simple and original conclusion that the listed continents used to be a single supercontinent, in which a giant crack arose under the action of the Earth rotation. America separated from Europe and Africa and opened on viscous deep rocks to the West, and the collar formed between them was filled with water and turned into the Atlantic Ocean.
Later, when it was found that in the Atlantic Ocean from the north to the south there was a huge mining system - the middle of the Atlantic Ridge, to explain the origin of the Atlantic Ocean, the Draif of America turned out to be not so simple. The question arose: if America sailed from Africa, where did the ridge of 300-1500 kilometers come from between them, whose vertices rise 1500-4500 meters above the fall of the ocean? Maybe there was no drift of continents? Maybe the waves of the Atlantic walk over the flooded continents? It was this opinion that most geologists adhered to.
But the more accumulated information about the structure of the mysterious ridge, about the details of the Relief of the bottom and the clashes of his rocks, the more clearly the scientist became the difficulty and seriousness of the problem. It was also aggravated by the fact that the scientific data obtained was often contradictory judgments.
In the process of studying the ocean, it turned out that on the axis of the middle of the Atlantic ridge there is a deep valley - a crack, disseminating the ridge along almost all of its entire length. Such valleys usually arise under the influence of the tectonic forces of stretching and are called rhyps. They are the zones of active manifestation of tectonics, seismicity and volcanism in the geological history of the Earth. The opening of the rift valley at the ocean bottom reminded the gigantic crack in the hypothetical supercontinent and drift of the continents. However, these new information and, above all, the features of the relief of the ridge demanded another explanation of the mechanism of the continental drift.
Schematically, the middle of the Atlantic Range Now began to represent in the form of a symmetric mining structure, where the axis of symmetry is the rift valley. Interestingly, the earthquake arising in the Atlantic Ocean is mostly associated with the Middle Atlantic Range, most of them are timed to the rift valley. Exploring the relief of the ridge and slices raised from the bottom of rocks, scientists noticed the surprising of their pattern in the geological structure of this mountain structure, namely: the farther - whether to the West or east - from the rift valley, the older the relief of the bottom and the oldest are mountainous Breeds, compound mysterious underwater mountainous country. Thus, basalt rocks raised by geologists from the ridge crest and from the rift valley, as a rule, have ages of several hundred thousand years, some samples of basalts - several million years, but not more than five million. In a geological understanding, these breeds are young. On the flanks, the basalt ridge is much older than on the crest; Their age reaches 30 million years or more. Even further from the axis of symmetry, closer to the continents, the age of rock raised from the ocean bottom is defined in 70 million years. It is important to note that breeds are not found in the Atlantic Ocean older than 100 million years, whereas on land the age of ancient rocks is defined by more than three billion years.
The above information about the age of ocean breeds makes it possible to consider the Military Atlantic Range with a rather young mining formation, which currently continues to develop and change.

The Atlantic Ocean is inferior in size only to quiet. From other oceans, it is distinguished by the strong stencil of the coastline, forming numerous seas and bays, especially in the northern part. In addition, the total area of \u200b\u200briver basins flowing into this ocean or its outskirts is much larger than that of rivers flowing into any other ocean. Another distinction of the Atlantic Ocean is a relatively small amount of islands and a difficult terrain that, thanks to the underwater ridges and raising, forms many individual boilingns.
The Atlantic Ocean is located in all climatic belts of the Earth. The main part of the ocean water area is between 40 ° C.Sh. and 42 ° Yu.Sh. - Located in subtropical, tropical, subevatorial and equatorial climatic belts. Here all year round high positive air temperatures. The most severe climate has subnutrctic and antarctic latitudes, to a lesser extent - amateur, northern latitudes.

Chapter 2. Natural Wealth Atlantic Ocean

2.1. Water and their properties

The zonality of the aquatic masses in the ocean is complicated by the influence of sushi and sea currents. This is primarily manifested in the distribution of surface waters. In many areas of the ocean, the isotherms off the coast will be drastically deviated from the latitudinal direction.
Northern half of the ocean is warmer south, the temperature difference comes to 6 ° C. The average temperature of surface waters (16.5 ° C) is slightly lower than in the Pacific Ocean. The cooling effect is the water and ice of the Arctic and Antarctic ice.
In the anti-essential latitudes there are two trade-offs - the Northern Passatown and South Commerce, moving from the east to the West. Interpassate countercourse is moving between them. Northern Passatown Pass passes near 20 ° S.Sh. And the coast of North America is gradually deviated to the north. The southern trade house, passing the south of the equator from the shores of Africa to the West, reaches the eastern protrusion of the South American mainland and at Cape Kabu Branka is divided into two branches running along the shores of South America. Its north of its branch (Gwiank Current) reaches the Gulf of Mexico and, together with the North Passage, participates in the formation of a system of warm currents of the North Atlantic. The southern branch (the Brazilian current) reaches 40 ° S., where it is found with the branch of the circumpolar flow of the Western winds - the cold Falkland current. Another branch of the flow of Western winds, to the north relatively cold water, is included in the Atlantic Ocean in the south-west coast of Africa. This is the Bengelege course - an analogue of the Peruvian Pacific Power. Its influence can be traced almost to the equator, where it is poured into the southern trade in the current, the closure of the southern cycle of the Atlantic and significantly reducing surface waters at the coast of Africa.
The overall picture of the surface currents of the North Atlantic is much more complicated than in the southern part of the ocean.
The branch of the Northern Passat, strengthened by the Guiangue penetrates through the Caribbean Sea and Yucatan shed in the Mexican Bay, causing there a significant increase in water level compared to the ocean. As a result, there is a powerful wasteful course, which, rich Cuba, through the Floridian Strait goes into the ocean called Gulf Stream ("Flow from the Bay"). So in the south-eastern shores of North America, the greatest system of warm superficial flows of the oceans is born.
Golf Stream at 30 ° S.Sh. and 79 ° zd merges with the warm antillest flow, which is a continuation of the Northern Passat. Next, the Gulf Stream passes along the edge of the mainland, wept about up to 36 ° S.Sh. At Cape Hatteras, deviating under the influence of the earth's rotation, he turns to the east, the rich edge of a large Newfoundland bank, and goes to the banks of Europe called the North Atlantic current, or "Golf Stream drift".
When leaving the Floridian Strait, the Gulf Stream width reaches 75 km, the depth is 700 m, and the flow rate is from 6 to 30 km / h. The average temperature of the water on the surface is 26 ° C. After a merger with the antil flow, the width of the Gulf Stream increases 3 times, and water consumption is 82 million m 3 / s, i.e., 60 times the consumption of all rivers of the globe.
North Atlantic flow in 50 ° S.Sh. and 20 ° zd divided into three branches. North (Irminger's current) is sent to the southern and western banks of Iceland, and then envelopes the southern coast of Greenland. The main middle branch continues to move to the northeast, to the British Islands and the Scandinavian Peninsula, and goes to the Northern Arctic Ocean called the Norwegian current. The width of his stream to the north of the British islands reaches 185 km, the depth is 500 m, the flow rate is from 9 to 12 km per day. The water temperature on the surface is 7 ... 8 ° in winter and 11 ... 13 ° C in summer, which is 10 ° C average higher than on the same latitude in the western part of the ocean. The third, south, the branch penetrates the Biscai Bay and continues to the south along the Pyrenean Peninsula and the Northeast Coast of Africa in the form of a cold canary flow. Pouring into the northern trade house, it closes the subtropical cycle of the North Atlantic.
The north-western part of the Atlantic Ocean is mainly influenced by cold waters coming from the Arctic, and there are other hydrological conditions. In the area of \u200b\u200bNewfoundland Island, the cold water of the Labrador flow is moving towards the Golfstrum, the warm water of Golfstream from the north-eastern coast of North America. In winter, the water Labrador current is 5 ... 8 ° C colder than golphustrum; The whole year their temperature does not exceed 10 ° C, they form the so-called "cold wall". The alignment of warm and cold waters contributes to the development of microorganisms in the upper layer of water and, therefore, the abundance of fish. A large Newfoundland Bank is especially famous for this, where they catch a cod, herring, salmon.
Approximately 43 ° C.Sh. Labrador Current takes out icebergs and sea ice, which in combination with the mist characteristic for this part of the ocean is a greater danger to shipping. The tragic illustration of the Titanic liner liner is served by a crash in 1912 at 800 km south-east of Newfoundland.
The temperature of the water on the surface of the Atlantic Ocean, as in the quiet, in the southern hemisphere is generally lower than in Northern. Even at 60 ° C.Sh. (With the exception of northwestern districts), surface waters are fluid during the year from 6 to 10 ° C. In the southern hemisphere on the same latitude, it is close to 0 ° C and in the eastern part lower than in Western.
The warmer surface waters of the Atlantic (26 ... 28 ° С) are confined to the zone between the equator and the northern tropical. But even these maximum values \u200b\u200bdo not reach the values \u200b\u200bnoted on the same latitudes in the quiet and Indian Oceans.
The salinity indicators of the surface waters of the Atlantic Ocean differ much more variety than in other oceans. The greatest values \u200b\u200b(36-37% o is the maximum value for the open part of the World Ocean) are characteristic of tatropic areas with small annual amounts of precipitation and strong evaporation. High salinity is also associated with the admission of salted waters from the Mediterranean Sea through the shallow water gibraltar strait. On the other hand, large areas of the water surface have an average oceanic and even reduced salinity. This is due to the large amounts of atmospheric precipitation (in the hexavatorial regions) and the ceiling exposure to large rivers (Amazon, La fees, Orinoco, Congo, etc.). In high latitudes, the decrease in salinity up to 32-34% o, especially in the summer, due to the melting of icebergs and floating sea ice.
The features of the structure of the northern Atlantic, the circulation of the atmosphere and surface water in subtropical latitudes caused the existence of a unique natural education here, called Sargasso Sea (Fig. 2). This is the mysterious region of almost standing water, lies in the southwestern part of the Northern Atlantic, between the Bermuda Islands and West India. This sea received its name from the Portuguese word "SAGGGAO", which means "marine algae". In almost standing, but clean and warm water, sargassic algae, capable of living and multiplying on the poor (Fig. 3). Thanks to them, the conditions here more resemble a tidal zone, not an open ocean. Microscopic plankton does not live here, since the water temperature is too high.


The vegetation of the ocean is very diverse. Phytobenthos (bottom vegetation) takes about 2% of the bottom area and is distributed on the shelf to a depth of 100 m. It is represented by green, brown, red algae and some higher plants. The ocean tropical belt is distinguished by a large species diversity, but a small amount of biomass compared to cold and moderate geographical zones. For the northern littoral zone, brown algae are characterized, and for sublittoral - laminaria. There are red algae and some types of marine herbs. Green algae is very common in the tropical belt. The greatest dimensions are different types of marine salad. Porphira, parental, Haidrus, angellation are widely represented from red algae. For many animals, a kind of biotop form free floating sargassy algae, typical of Sargasso Sea. Of the brown algae in the sub-zone in the northern part of the ocean, gigantic representatives of macrocysts are characterized. Phytoplankton, unlike phytobenthos, develops throughout the water space. In cold and temperate ocean belts, it focuses at a depth of 50 m, and in the tropical belt - up to 80 m. Presents 234 species. Important representatives of phytoplankton are silicon algae characteristic of temperate and olochalar regions. In these areas, silicon algae represent more than 95% of the total phytoplankton. Near the equator the amount of algae is slightly. The phytoplankton mass is from 1 to 100 mg / m 3, and in high latitudes of the northern and southern hemispheres during the mass development period (blooming of the sea) reaches 10 g / m 3 or more.


The animal world of the Atlantic Ocean is rich and diverse. Animals inhabit the whole thickness of the ocean water. The variety of fauna increases towards the tropics. In polar and moderate latitudes, they have thousands of species, in tropical - tens of thousands.
In moderate and cold waters, large marine mammals live - whales and lastonous, from fish - herring, cod, ocupal and cambal, in zooplankton, there is a sharp predominance of weary crustaceans and sometimes glooping mollusks. Between the fauna of moderate belts of both hemispheres is a great similarity. More than 100 species of animals are bipolar, that is, they only live in cold and temperate belts, they include seals, cats, whales, sprats, sardines, anchovies, many invertebrates, including mussels. For the tropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean characteristic: Cachelot, sea turtles, crustaceans, sharks, volatile fish, crabs, coral polyps, scamphoid jellyfish, sifoforphors, radolaria. As much dangerous for man inhabitants: sharks, Barracud, Muren. There are fish-hedgehogs and invertebrates sea hedgehogs, whose needles injections are very painful.
Very peculiar world of corals, but the coral buildings of the Atlantic are insignificant in comparison with the Pacific Ocean. At a depth of about 4 meters off the coast of Cuba, the coral "Sea Fan" lives, having the type of lops-like leaves, penetrated by the network of vessels, is the soft coral of the Hongonary, forming whole thickets - "submarine forests".
Deep-sea areas of the Atlantic, as well as other oceans, represent a special environment of huge pressure, low temperatures and eternal darkness. Here you can meet crustaceans, iglozzy, ringed worms, silicon sponges, sea lilies.
In the Atlantic, there is also the "Ocean Desert" ("Ocean Sugar") is Sargasso Sea, where the biomass value is not more than 25 mg / m 3, which is primarily due to the apparently with a special gas regime of the sea.

2.4.The fossils

In the Atlantic Ocean and its seas, a large number of naval deposits of oil and gas are opened, which are intensively developed. The richest marine oil and gas regions of the world include: Mexican Bay, Maracaibo Lagoon, North Sea, Guinean Bay, which are intensively being developed. Three large oil and gas provinces have been identified in Western Atlantic: 1) from Devisov Strait to the latitude of New York (industrial reserves of Labrador and south of Newfoundland); 2) on the shelf of Brazil from Cape Kalkanyar to Rio de Janeiro (openly more than 25 deposits); 3) in the coastal waters of Argentina from San Jorge Bay to Magellanov Strait. According to estimates, promising oil and gas areas are about 1/4 of the ocean water area, and the total potential extracted oil and gas resources are estimated by more than 80 billion tons. The eastern coast of Newfoundland is the largest iron ore deposit of Woban (total reserves of about 2 billion tons). Tin fields are developed off the coast of Great Britain and Florida. Heavy minerals (Ilmenite, rutyl, zircon, monazit) are mined from the coast of Florida, in the Gulf of Mexico. From the coast of Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Scandinavian and Pyrenean Peninsulas, Senegal, South Africa. The shelf of southwestern Africa is the area of \u200b\u200bindustrial diamond production (reserves of 12 million carats). At the Peninsula, new Scotland found gold-bearing placer. Phosphorites found on the US shelves, Morocco, Liberia, on the bank of Agullas. Diamond deposits were found off the coast of southwestern Africa on the shelf in the nanos of ancient and modern rivers. Ironarganic concretions found in the bottom of the bottom of the coast Florida and Newfoundland 2. From the seabed also mining coal, barite, sulfur, sand, pebbles and limestone.
As with the entire World Ocean, the Atlantic is characterized by the abundance of biomass at the relative poverty of the species composition of the organic world in moderate and high latitudes and a much greater species diversity in the interdropic space and subtropics.
The composition of zooplankton presents the grinding races (krill) and pteropods, diatomic algae dominate in phytoplankton. For the corresponding latitudes of the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean (the north-Atlantic biogeographic area), the presence of the same groups of living organisms as part of the organic world, as in the southern hemisphere, but they are represented by other species and even childbirth. And compared with the same latitudes of the Pacific North Atlantic, the North Atlantic is distinguished by a large species diversity. This is especially true of fish and some mammals. Many areas of the North Atlantic have long been and continue to remain intensive fisheries. On banks off the coast of North America, in the North and Baltic seas they catch the cod, herring, halibut, sea perch, thief. From a long time, the Atlantic Ocean was hunting for mammals, especially on seals, whales and other marine animals. This led to a strong depletion of Atlantic fishing resources compared to the quiet and Indian Oceans.

Atlantic Ocean

Geographical position. The Atlantic Ocean stretches from north to south by 16 thousand km from Subarctic to Antarctic latitudes. The ocean is wide in the northern and southern parts, narrows in equatorial latitudes up to 2900 km. In the north, communicated with the Northern Arctic Ocean, and in the south is widely connected to the quiet and Indian Oceans. Limited to the shores of North and South America - in the West, Europe and Africa - in the East and Antarctica - in the south.

The Atlantic Ocean - the second largest among the oceans of the planet. The coastline of the ocean in the northern hemisphere is strongly dissected by numerous peninsulas and bays. About the continents a lot of islands, internal and outdoor seas. The Atlantic includes 13 seas that occupy 11% of its area.

Relief bottom.Through the entire ocean (approximately equal distance from the coordinary continents) passes Mid-Atlantic Range. The relative ridge height is about 2 km. Cross faults dismember it into separate segments. A giant rift valley from 6 to 30 km and a depth of 2 km is located in OS. The rhythm and faults of the mid-Atlantic ridge are confined both underwater existing volcanoes and volcanoes of Iceland and the Azores. On both sides of the ridge lie with a relatively smooth bottom, separated by sublime raising. Shelf area in the Atlantic Ocean is greater than in quiet.

Minural resources.Oil and gas reserves are found on the shelf of the North Sea, in Mexican, Guine and Biscay Bay. The deposit of phosphorites is open in the area of \u200b\u200braising deep waters off the coast of North Africa in tropical latitudes. Outstanding fields of tin near the coast of Great Britain and Florida, as well as diamonds - off the coast of Southwestern Africa were revealed on the shelf in the nanos of ancient and modern rivers. Zavozomarganian concretions were found in the bottom of the bottom of the coast Florida and Newfoundland.

Climate. The Atlantic Ocean is located in the air climatic belts of the Earth. The main part of the ocean water area is between 40 ° C.Sh. and 42 ° Yu.Sh. - Located in subtropical, tropical, subevatorial and equatorial climatic belts. Here all year round high positive air temperatures. The most severe climate has subnutrctic and antarctic latitudes, to a lesser extent - amateur, northern latitudes.

Flows. In the Atlantic, as in the Pacific, two rings of surface currents are formed. In the northern hemisphere, the Northern Passatom, Golf Stream, the north-Atlantic and Canary currents form the movement of water clockwise. In the southern hemisphere, the southern trade house, Brazilian, the flow of Western winds and Bengelskoe form the movement of water counterclockwise. Due to the considerable length of the Atlantic Ocean from the north to the south, meridional flows of water are more developed than latitudinal.

Waters.The zonality of the aquatic masses in the ocean is complicated by the influence of sushi and sea currents. This is manifested before all in the distribution of surface water temperatures. In many areas of the ocean, the isotherms off the coast will be drastically deviated from the latitudinal direction.

Northern half of the ocean is warmer South, The temperature difference comes to 6 ° C. The average temperature of surface waters (16.5 ° C) is slightly lower than in the Pacific Ocean. The cooling effect is the water and ice of the Arctic and Antarctic ice. Saltness of surface waters in the Atlantic Ocean high. One of the reasons for increased salinity is that a significant part of the moisture evaporating from the water area is not refunded again into the ocean, but is transferred to the SOSE of the continent (due to the relative narrowness of the ocean).

A lot of big rivers fall into the Atlantic Ocean and his sea, Congo, Mississippi, Nile, Danube, La Plata, etc.
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ʜᴎʜᴎ put in the ocean huge masses of freshwater, suspended material and pollutants. In the desalinated bays and seas of subogenous and moderate latitudes in the winter of the western coast of the ocean, ice is formed. Numerous icebergs and floating sea ice hinder shipping in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean.

Organic world. The Atlantic Ocean has poor views of the flora and fauna than quiet. One of the reasons for this is its relative geological youth and noticeable cooling in the quaternary period during the remediation of the northern hemisphere. At the same time, in quantitatively, the ocean is rich in organisms - it is the most productive per unit area. This is connected before all over the wide development of shelves and shallow cans, which lives a lot of bottom and bottom fish (cod, flabble, perch, etc.). The biological resources of the Atlantic Ocean in many areas are exhausted. The ocean share in world fisheries in recent years has decreased significantly.

Natural complexes. In the Atlantic Ocean, all the zonal complexes are distinguished - natural belts, except for the northern polar. Water northern subpolar beltrich in life. It is especially developed on shelves at the coasts of Iceland, Greenland and Labrador Peninsula.
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Temperate zone It is characterized by intensive interaction of cold and warm waters, its water is the most productive areas of the Atlantic. Extensive Warm Waters Two subtropical, two tropical and equatorial belts Less productive than the water of the northern moderate belt.

In the northern subtropical belt stands out special Natural Scale Complex of Sargassov Sea. It is worth saying that it is characterized by an increased salinity of water (up to 37.5 ppm) and low bioproductivity. In transparent water, pure blue-eyed color grow brown algae - Sargassa, giving the name of the water area.

In a moderate belt of southern hemisphere, as in Northern, natural complexes are rich in life in areas where water is mixed with different temperature and water density. In the subanrtarctic and antarctic belts Characterized by the manifestation of seasonal and constant ice phenomena, reflected on the composition of the fauna (krill, cetacean, not standard fish).

Economic use.In the Atlantic Ocean presented in all types of human activities in marine waters. Among them are marine transport, then the underwater mining of oil and gas, only then - the catch and the use of biological resources.

At the shores of the Atlantic places more than 70 seaside countries with a population over 1.3 billion people. Many transoxanic routes with large volumes of cargo and passenger traffic pass through the ocean. On the coasts of the ocean and its seas are the most significant ports of the ports of the world.

Already explored MINECULAR OCEAN resources are significant (examples are above). At the same time, oil and gas fields on the shelf of the Northern and Caribbean seas are intensively developed, in the Biscay bay. Many countries that have not previously had significant reserves of these species of minural raw materials are now experiencing an economic rise at the expense of their production (England, Norway, the Netherlands, Mexico, etc.).

Biological resources The ocean has long been and intensively used. At the same time, due to the transfer of a number of valuable fishing species, in recent years, Atlantic is inferior to the Pacific Ocean for the extraction of fish and seafood.

The intensive economic activity of a person in the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Atlantic Ocean and its seas causes a noticeable deterioration in the natural environment - both in the ocean (water pollution, air, reducing stocks of fishing species) and on the coasts. In particular, the recreational conditions on the ocean shores deteriorate. In order to prevent further and reduce the existing pollution of the Natural Environment of the Atlantic Ocean, scientific recommendations are developed and international agreements on the rational use of ocean resources are concluded.

The Atlantic Ocean is a concept and species. Classification and features of the category "Atlantic Ocean" 2017, 2018.

Climate and hydrological regime of the water of the Atlantic Ocean. Hydrological resources.

Diversity climatic conditions On the surface of the Atlantic Ocean is determined by its large meridional length and circulation of air masses under the influence of four major atmospheric centers: Greenland and Antarctic Max., Icelandic and Antarctic minima. In addition, two anticyclone are constantly in subtropics: Azores and South Atlantic. They are divided by the equatorial area of \u200b\u200breduced pressure. Such a distribution of the Baric regions determines the system of dominant winds in the Atlantic. Not only its large meridional length is the greatest effect on the temperature regime of the Atlantic Ocean, but also water exchange with the Northern Arctic Ocean, the seas of Antarctic and the Mediterranean Sea. For tropical latitudes are characterized by tempera. - 20 ° C. To the north and south of the tropics there are subtropical belts with more noticeable seasonal (from 10 ° C in winter to 20 ° C in summer). Frequent phenomenon in the subtropical zone - tropical hurricanes. In moderate latitudes, the average temperature of the warm month is held in the range of 10-15 ° C, and the coldest -10 ° C. Precipitation is about 1000 mm.

Surface flows. Northern trade machine (T)\u003e Antilles (T)\u003e Mexico. Bay\u003e Florida (T)\u003e Golf Stream\u003e North-Atlantic (T)\u003e Canary (X)\u003e Northern Passing current (T) - northern cycle.

Southern Passatom\u003e Guiangian heat. (North) and Brazilian warm. (South)\u003e Tech. Western Winds (X)\u003e Bengelsk (X)\u003e Southern Commerce - southern Course.

In the Atlantic Ocean there are several tiers deepwater flows. Under the golfraim passes a powerful countercover, the main sheen of which lies at a depth of up to 3500 m, at a speed of 20 cm / s. The powerful deep Louisiana course is observed in the eastern part of the Atlantic Ocean, formed by the bottom drain flow of more salted and warm Mediterranean waters through the Gibraltar Strait.

The largest values \u200b\u200bof the tides are confined to the Atlantic Ocean, which are noted in Canada's fishing bays (in the Ungawa Bay - 12.4 m, in the Gulf of Frobisher - 16.6 m) and the United Kingdom (up to 14.4 m in Bristol Gulf). The largest magnitude of the tide in the world was recorded in Fandy Bay, on the east coast of Canada, where the maximum tide reaches 15.6-18 m.

Salinity. The greatest saline of surface waters in the open ocean is observed in the subtropical zone (up to 37.25), and the maximum in the Mediterranean - 39. In the equatorial zone where the maximum amount of precipitation is marked, salting decreases to 34. A sharp deterioration of water occurs in thessic areas (for example, in the mouth of the LA 18-19).

Education. Education in the Atlantic Ocean occurs in the Greenland and Buffinov of the seas and the pointerctic waters. The main source of icebergs in South Atlantic is the Filter Shelf Glacier at Weddell Sea. Floating ice in the northern hemisphere in July reach 40 ° C.Sh.

Upwelling. Along the entire west coast of Africa, a particularly powerful area of \u200b\u200bAprilling zone is stretched, due to the wind sagon of water,<связан. с пассатной циркуляцией. Также это зоны у Зелёного мыса, у берегов Анголы и Конго. Эти области наиболее благоприятны для развития орг. мира.

The bottom flora of the northern part of the Atlantic is represented by brown (mainly fucoids, and in the subdomino zone - laminaria and Alaria) and red algae. In the tropical zone, green (caulelepa), red (lime lithotamia) and brown algae (sargassov) predominate. In the southern hemisphere, bottom vegetation is mainly represented by laminaria. The phytoplankton of the Atlantic Ocean has 245 species: periodines, kokkolitoforids, diatoms. The latter have a clearly pronounced zonal distribution, the maximum amounts live in moderate latitudes of the northern and southern hemispheres. The most tightly population of diatoms in the stream of the flow of Western winds.

The distribution of the animal world of the Atlantic Ocean has a pronounced zonal character. In subanutrctic and antarctic Waters from fish have the commercial importance of notioning, Putassu and others. Benthos and plankton in the Atlantic poor and views and biomass. In the subnutrctic zone and in the adjacent band of the moderate zone of biomass reaches a maximum. In zooplankton, wearlute wraps predominate, Pteropods, in necton - from mammals of whales (blue whale), laston-either, their fish - not-data. In the tropical belt zooplankton is represented by numerous types of foraminifera and pteropod, several types of radilation, weakly, larvae of Molas and fish, as well as siphonophores, various jellyfish, large charts (squid), and among bental forms - octopus. Fishing fish are represented by mackerel, tuna, sardines, in the fields of cold flows - Anchovys. To tropical and subtropical Corals are confined zones. Moderate latitudes The northern hemisphere is characterized by an abundant life with a relatively small variety of species. Fishing fish have the greatest value to herring, cod, pike, halibut, sea bass. For zooplankton, the most characteristic of the foraminifera, the crepes. The greatest abundance of plankton in the Newfoundland Bank and the Norwegian Sea area. Deep-sea fauna is represented by crustaceans, oskulkin, specific species of fish, sponges, hydroedes. In the horror, Puerto Rico discovered several types of endemic polyhetes, isopodes and holotours.

In the Atlantic Ocean, 4 biogeographic areas are isolated: 1. Arctic; 2. North-Atlantic; 3. Tropic-Atlantic; 4. Antarctic.

Biological resources. The Atlantic Ocean gives 2/5 world catch and its share decreases over the years. In the subnutrctic and antarctic waters, commercial importance has not flow, Putassu and others, in a tropical belt - Mackerel, Tuns, Sardine, in the areas of cold flows - anchovies, in moderate latitudes of the northern hemisphere - herring, cod, pike, palus, sea bass. In the 1970s, due to the fleet of some species of fish, the volume of the fishery decreased sharply, but after the introduction of strict limits, fish reserves are gradually restored. In the Atlantic Ocean pool, there are several international fisheries conventions that are intended to be effective and rational use of biological resources, based on the application of scientifically based measures for the regulation of fishery.

The organic world of the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean has a lot of total (Fig. 37). Life in the Atlantic Ocean is also distributed zonally and focused mainly off the coast of the mainland and in surface waters.

The Atlantic Ocean compared to quiet more poor biological resources. This is explained by his relative youth. But still the ocean gives 20% of world catch fish and seafood. These are primarily herring, cod, sea \u200b\u200bbass, merlude, tuna.

In moderate and polar latitudes, many whales, in particular coushlots and tales. Characterized sea cancers - omar., langustov.

The economic development of the ocean is connected with mineral resources (Fig. 38). Much of them is mined on the shelf. Over 100 oil and gas deposits were found in the North Sea, hundreds of drilling wells were built, they were laid on the bottom of oil and gas pipelines. Over 3000 special platforms from which oil and gas are produced on the shelf of the Gulf of Mexico. In the coastal waters of Canada, the UK is extracted by stone coal, and the southwestern shores of Africa are diamonds. Frequently from sea water mined a cook salt.

Recently, not only the shelf, but also at the considerable depths of the Atlantic Ocean, huge reserves of oil and natural gas were opened. Fuel resources were rich in fuel resources, in particular, the coastal areas of Africa. It is also extremely rich in oil and gas other areas of the Atlantic - from the north-eastern shores of North America, not far from the eastern shores of South America.

The Atlantic Ocean in different directions crosses important sea highways. It is no coincidence that the largest ports of the world are located, among them and Ukrainian - Odessa. Material from HTTP: //

The active economic activity of a person in the Atlantic Ocean basin caused a significant pollutionhis water. It is especially noticeable in some seas of the Atlantic Ocean. Thus, the Mediterranean Sea is often called the "wastewater", because industrial enterprises are discarded here. A large number of pollutants also comes with a river runoff. In addition, about hundreds of thousands of tons of oil and petroleum products fall annually in its water as a result of accidents and for other reasons.