Main tourist attractions of the Netherlands (Holland). Cultural features

Main tourist attractions of the Netherlands (Holland). Cultural features
Main tourist attractions of the Netherlands (Holland). Cultural features

In the XV century Most Dutch lands were part of the Duchy of Burgundy. His ruler Karl brave tried to create a major European power, competing with France, but in 1477 he died, and as a result of the marriage of his only heiress Maria Burgundy with Maximilian Habsburg, Holland was soon included in the sacred Roman Empire.

Under the grandson of Maximilian, Carlo V, Holland as one of the individual component parts His gigantic possessions were expanded by joining them from the north of six more regions. After the renunciation of Karl V from the throne, the country as part of the 17 provinces was inherited in 1556. The son of Charles, King of Spain Philip II. The population of Holland was then almost 3 million people. Its density was very large, there were about 300 cities in the country and 6,500 villages.

The number of residents of the main port of Antwerp countries exceeded 100 thousand in 1550. According to the development of cities and their culture, Holland has yielded only Italy in Europe.

The distribution of the Reformation, including Calvinist, caused in Holland with Philip II, who milles Catholic, especially cruel persecution, exacerbated atmosphere in the country. In 1566, the speeches of the noble opposition and the iconocrocial movements in different cities began a uprising in Holland, which turned into a liberation war against the Gneta of the Spaniards in the decades.

In 1579, the southern provinces, abandoning the further struggle, went to an agreement with Philip II and remained under his power, while the Nordic Provincial Group created his own republic and lowered Philip II. After the armed struggle, Spain in 1609 was forced to conclude a truce with dismissed, and in 1648, after the thirty-year-old war in Europe, the Republic of the United Provinces received an international legal sanction of its independence.

The increasing economic power facilitated the great flow of culture. Worldwide is known, for example, famous dutch painters seventeenth century: Rembrant, Vermeer, Hals.

For the development of the culture of Holland - a very rich country. The leading position among other arts here occupied painting. It was she who opened the world to the Dutch and the world of the Dutch. Already in the first decades of the XV century. There are geniuses of Van Eykov brothers, Van der Waiden, Van der Gus, Mamlinka, Jeronimus Bosch. I think listed names are enough to understand what scale was from the Dutch school of painting.

Music. Dutch polyphonic school XV - XVI centuries. He had a huge impact on the European Renaissance Epoch. It was the Dutch Duples, Okhem, Obrecht, Willart, Lasso became the Rodonarchists of Polyphony Schools in France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, the Czech Republic; It was the Dutch who created classic samples The most important musical genres: Mass, Motta, Madrigala, Chanson, thereby laid the foundations of the instrumental music of the new time. It is clear that the school of polyphony for music is the same as the prospect for painting.

The period from the end of the first third of the XV century. And to the last third of the XVI century. (Creativity P. Breygel) - this is the temporary boundaries of the Renaissance in Holland.

A distinctive phenomenon in the history of the literature of this country was the active activity of rhetorical circles, so-called raidgers (ritizer cameras). It was riters who have improved to the virtuosity of the vehicle technique, the rhymes, introduced new forms: ODU, sonnet, epigram. They laid the foundation national Theater. Many humanists came out of their environments, because the scholarship was valued there.

At the beginning of the next century, in the works of Anna Banes (1493 - 1575) already manifests a real poetry. Topics Poets: Unhappy Women's Love, Passionate Hate Catholichka to dissenters, Protestants.

Flemish cleric Mattas de Castells became famous for his songs (he composed and poems, and music), he was the author of a big poem "The Art of Rhetoric". Castells, the first in Holland turned to metric poems.

Antwerp Van Syuterle translated Terentation, Sofokla, Ovid, Virgil and Horace.

There were also many of the folk poets of the era of the Dutch bourgeois revolution and the Anti-Sispan War, those who called themselves Goezi. Roman Charles de Koster "Til Unelenzpigel" is talented, colorfully and enforceively talks about life in the country.

Not all goose today is unnamed. The names of Adrian Valerius, Philippe Marniks, Yana Utenkwe, Petrus Dane are preserved.

As for the main creators of the Renaissance - Humanists, then in Holland they were going to special unions, or communes - "Brotherhood of Life". The first such fraternity was founded in 1374 (just a year of the death of Petrarki) of the son of Deventery Patricia Hertie Grota (1340 - 1384).

In general, this is, of course, monasteries who approved the idea of \u200b\u200bpersonal appeal to God and Faith by inner conviction, such fraternities soon spread throughout the country, they organized Latin schools, and from the end of the XV century. Temsenther's printers began to publish a geyode, Plutarch, Ezop, Vergil, Petrarca, Lorenzo Valla and others.

Thus, humanism and the reformation (with the Spaniards did not fought not least for the freedom of faith, and the monastic communes embodying the freedom of individual faith - also heresy from the point of view of the Vatican) in the Netherlands had common origins. During the XV and early XVI century. They are differentiated, and the famous controversy of the 20s. XVI in. Between Erasmus and Luther about freedom of will spends the final border between humanists and reformints.

The successors of the grotto, the pupils of the Latin school in Groningen Vessel Hansfort and Rudolph Husman on the nickname of Agrikola ride Italy, where they join the Renaissance culture.

Agrikola (1443 - 1495) - Poet, painter and musician - spent ten years in Italy (1469 - 1479), styling and translating antique authors. Written in Ferrara for students of the University "Speech to the glory of philosophy and other arts" became the manifesto of humanistic philosophy. He was the first Netherlands Homo Universalis. He was the first criticism of Scholastov. His work "On the art of the dispute" had a tremendous influence on many humanists. Erasmus considered Agrikov "Father of German Humanism."

By the end of the XV century. Lyuven, and from the beginning of the XVI century. And Antwerp acquire a European reputation as cultural centers.

The world glory of the Dutch Humanism brought Erasm Rotterdam. This is a pseudonym Glert Gersenna (1466 - 1536), who wrote to Latin and the former one of best masters Latin prose of the Renaissance.

Erasmus was a citizen of the world (cosmopolitan), he lived and studied in different countries of Europe: in France and England, Switzerland and Germany; He was one of the leaders of the pan-European humanism, and for German - had an exceptional meaning.

The largest representative of the Dutch realism of the middle of the XVII century. Is Great Rembrandt (1606 - 1669). His multilay painting (pictures on mythological scenes, portraits, landscapes) are imbued with a subtle understanding human psychology ("The night Watch", " Holy Family"," Dana "," Return of the Prodigal Son ", etc.).

Traditions of the "Golden Age" dutch painting continued in subsequent epochs. It is enough to remember the name Van Gogh (1853 - 1890), a representative of postmingnessism ("Night Cafe", "Landscape in Over Rain", etc.). Far outside the country knows the name of Erasma Rotterdam's enlightener (1466 - 1536).

His work " Boarding word Stupidity "contains acute criticism Churches and feudal orders.

The Netherlands gave the world famous names of painters and philosophers, athletes and mathematicians. Culture of the Netherlands Rich heritage, which is available for admiration for the whole world. Every schoolboy knows from the course of mathematics about the system of Descartes, but no one made an emphasis that this Frenchman - a physicist and mathematician - did scientific discoveries in the Netherlands. Painting Van Gogh and Rembrandt is estimated in millions of euros and is kept in the Museum Gallery of Amsterdam. Spinoza philosophical works are subject to study at universities, and its originals are kept in central Library Amsterdam. We can say that culture This country belongs to the whole world ...

Religion Netherlands

The composition of the population for religion is very different in the country, so it is clear to say what religion Netherlandoin impossible. The largest share of believers of as much as 33% belongs to Protestants, then the Catholics, Muslims, Hinduism and Buddhists are followed in descending order. There are other religions, they are in common lineup 2,2 %.

Economy Netherlands

High development agriculture, crop production, animal husbandry, and also competently used geography of the Netherlands, make planned high indicators of the annual increase in the country's GDP . Economy Netherlandsstable, as it rests not only on natural resources, prey natural Gas, oil, and develops high technologies in medicine, electronics and construction, makes profit from tourism to the country. High industrialization of the country is concluded with government programs environmental protection of environmental management high level development of the Netherlands Society.

Science Netherlands

The Netherlands is famous for their hydraulic inventions on the whole world. Science Netherlandsand their research of sea depths are financed at the state level, and the development programs of the sea, studying its secrets spelled out for decades ahead.

Art of the Netherlands

Netherlands Rich and are known not only by works of art of the Middle Ages, but also modern. The art of the Netherlands today includes museums of modern art in Amsterdam and Hague, the embankment of futuristic sculptures under open sky In Rotterdam, Amsterdam ballet, considered to be rightfully the best in Europe, Amsterdam and Hague symphony royal orchestras, too, part of the music art of the Netherlands.

Kitchen Netherlands

The solid, simple rustic, sometimes strange product compatibility, will not leave an indifferent traveler. The Russian soul will be nice to enjoy a favorite herring, which is a traditional Dutch dish - Haring. The kitchen is rich in seafood dishes baked on fire with potatoes. A lot of Netherlands use dairy products. Vegetables fill various soups from peas, celery, with sausages. Salo and pork legs, meat sausages are popular in the Netherlands, and are similar in this with the kitchen of Germany.

Customs and traditions of the Netherlands

Dutch love to relax families, so the most main holiday Families with children on December 5 - Santa Claus's Day, absolutely all the Dutch are celebrated. Christmas Only believers mark the church and a family calm dinner, and the pyrotechnic explosions are rich in the streets at this time. In the second place of the traditional celebration from the Dutch Day of the Queen on April 30 - on custom is the day orange color. Customs and traditions of the Netherlandsall painted in bright colors of good mood.

Sport Netherlands

Football love in many countries of the world, but the Netherlands in the level of football enter the top ten teams of the world. Sport Netherlands rich famous names In tennis, skating sports, hockey, golf.

Culture and traditions of Holland

Going on holidays in Holland, do not be surprised in deep differences in our cultures.

It can be like a cliché, but the Dutch is frantically liberal and believe that a person should be free and independent, to do what he wants until it causes anxiety to other people. Social relations In Holland, it is easy to illustrate the presence in the free sale of so-called "soft" drugs. They are also liberal to eat and all sorts of diets - without any remorse eating cholesterol meat, desserts and drink all alcohol.

The Dutch is very restrained and tolerant to someone else's opinion, their politeness entered the saying.

Luxuriously dressing in Amsterdam is not accepted: this is a sign of waste, which means a bad tone. In addition, Amsterdamians - the people are simple, and believe that even if anyone has big funds, I absolutely no need to put this fact at the bottom and seek someone's location.

Painting has always occupied the first places on the agenda in Holland. Netherlands gave rise to a whole kingdom famous painters - Rembrant, France Hals, Johainns Verine, Vincent Van Gogh, drinks Mondrian, Maurice Eshort.

The world glory won the Netherlands ballet. Big successes achieved in the area opera Art. About ten work in the Netherlands symphony orchestras.


On the eve of New Year, the Dutch celebrates the Day of St. Sylvester. On December 31, everyone is in a hurry to get up early: the one who got the latter receives the nickname "Sylvester" and must pay a fine. In the old days, the girls tried to be particularly diligent and fulfill all their work before sunset, so that in the coming year would definitely marry. And Dutch children are most like the day of St. Nicholas (December 5). On this day, they arrange costume marches and get bags with traditional sweets as a gift. Nevertheless, the main holiday is December 25th, Christmas.

Dutch tulips

Tulips were delivered to Holland from Turkey, so they began to call "tulip" (from a distorted Turkish "Turban" - a headdress). In the golden age of the tulip became a symbol of the welfare of the Dutch. In the 30s. XVII century The three bulbs of the Semper Augustus semper (Semper Augustus) were sold at an auction for 30 thousand guilders (the same house was worth the house in the most prestigious area of \u200b\u200bAmsterdam).
History with tulips - perhaps the most famous casewhen people for the sake fast enrichment Made a rapid act. This story began in 1593, when a kind of Dutch professor brought home from Turkey on the bulb of unusual colors. In the next decade, the flowers had big success, and soon their price has increased sharply. Many of the colors were exposed to specific floral diseases, which led to the appearance of tulips with more original color, which were even more expensive.

Soon "tulip" scored unheard of revolutions. Traders purchased more and more tulips. The prices of the bulbs grew faster. People began to see in tulips a very attractive investment tool. This process was involved literally all strata of society. The peak "hobbies" of tulips fell on 1634-1637. People sold their lands, houses, jewels, hoping that tulips will make them richer. Everyone expected that soon other countries would also start buying bulbs, and prices will increase even more. In 1637, some investors decided to fix part of the profits and began selling tulips. Although the government assured that there is no reason for concern, no one has listened. Prices declined with catastrophic speed. Soon the price of a tulip bulb was practically no difference from the price of an ordinary onion.

Someone may argue that there are wins and losers in this story. In fact, those who were at the beginning of this process received ultrahigh income. Those who joined later and did not have time to sell, lost almost everything. But, ultimately, all residents of the country were the losers, since soon after the end of the "tulip" in Holland, a cruel economic crisis has occurred.

Most of the population of the Netherlands Lives in cities. Old Dutch cities are very peculiar, but similar to each other, and it rushes into the eyes primarily in residential areas: houses here from dark red stone, and to revive them architectural appearance Staining windows frames on the facade. All wooden details of white oil paint.

One of the attractions of modern Netherlands cities, which causes the special interest of tourists is a tower with a fight and music (usually folk). In Amsterdam, for example, five such chimes, and across the country there are more than seventy.

As in other capitalist countries, in most industrial cities allocated quarters of wealthy, built up with beautiful mansions or comfortable multi-storey houses, and workers, like, for example, Yordan in Amsterdam with its narrow and curve streets and old overcohole houses. Part of the population has no own housing and is forced to shoot it.

In the Netherlands, the lack of apartments and their great . In the old urban quarters, part of the residential foundation does not meet modern requirements.

Old Types of rural buildings almost completely disappeared in the Netherlands, they can be seen mainly only in the famous ethnographic museum near the city-one. Here the open sky is collected from all parts of the country peasant homes and objects national Most. In so-called frieze and lower houses, residential and economic premises are combined under a high binary pyramid tiled roof. In the exposition of the museum "play out" household scenes, and the role of actors are perfectly performed by large clockwork dolls; So it creates a complete and however that the traditional life of the Dutch different regions and provinces.

As in other countries, in the families of Catholics the Netherlands many children. Not uncommon, such as families with 5-6 children.

Load married women - Maintain household and children. It is noteworthy that in the village care for cattle, daisy cows, work in the greenhouses is carried out mainly by man-farmers.

In the Netherlands, mainly in countryside, Some family customs are preserved. Until now, often the first child is called the name of the parents of the Father, and the second is the name of the parents of the mother, so there may be children with the same name in the family.

In many family customs Nicely echoes of old community relationships. For example, active participation is taken by fellow villagers in the construction of any of them of the new house, help to get a job new familymoving in their village. The preparation for the wedding is often engaged in all women of the village or the urban quarter, where there are newlyweds. In the village constructs for young, the house is decorated with greens. In cities, the wedding is carried out at least solemnly. In an elegantly removed carriage, drive up to the town hall, where the civil registration of marriage is held. The subsequent wedding in the church is not always carried out. It is necessarily a celebration in the bride's house, which has recently launched two days.

In the Netherlands, many youth unions and societies, including house clubs, uniting young men and girls at the place of residence.

In recent years, more and more layers of the Netherlands population, especially working, participate in political life countries. Mass rally and manifestations noted the Day of International Solidarity of the Workers - May 1 Progressive public community, and above all the Communist Netherlands, demonstrating high consciousness and in the struggle for life rights.

From national holidays, the most popular on April 30 - the birthday of the queen and 5 - the day of the liberation of the Netherlands from the fascist occupation. For the Netherlands, where they have long been engaged in flower growing, a summer holiday of flowers is very characteristic. On this day, all houses, fences, cars are decorated with bouquets and garlands from the living colors. The streets are moving through the streets with the flower figures of animals and people - the heroes of folk fairy tales.

The Dutch has long been customing annually celebrating the third Tuesday of September. On this day, the King (or Queen) triate speech opens in Hague the next session of general states. According to the established tradition, the queen drives up to the palace in the "golden" carriage, she is met by the royal guardsmen in medieval costumes; Round, the nearby streets are filled with the people.

The Dutch also mark a lot calendar holidays. Among them are the greatest popularity of St. Nicholas and St. Martin. These winter holidays are even more popular than Christmas and; A lot of customs and rites are connected with them - both ritual lights, and noisy festive processions, and traditional dishes.

Large spring holiday -, or, as often refer to this holiday meeting of spring in the southern provinces. In North Brabant, the carnival is a holiday of fun, fun, jokes; On this day, the "Prince of Carnival" is selected. Holiday - masks, and many of them - the expectation of acute political satire.

Folk Gulia, the processions of outer, dancing are arranged on the days of Kermes - once religious, and now almost everywhere of secular holidays, very common in the Netherlands.

The indispensable part of the folk holidays. Often are arranged competitions in running, in throwing spears, in shooting from onion or gun. In the Netherlands, about 450 rifle clubs, many of which are "heirs" of rifle guilds.

In the Netherlands very popular. More than 2 million Dutch are included in various sports clubs. Truly national sports and at the same time favorite entertainment of people of all ages. The natural conditions of the Netherlands are favorable. In the frosty winters, when numerous channels and lakes freeze, the whole country is turning into one huge rink. Before the skates were an important means of movement: it was often possible to see an elderly dutiner in the ice, hurrying to the market, or postman, a doctor. Among the repeated champions on skating a lot of Dutch athletes.

The biggest popularity in the country won. The Netherlands national team refers to the number of strongest in the world, and club teams have repeatedly been the owners of various cups played in Europe. Widely developed in the country. In recent years, judo enjoy greatly popular. Netherlands athletes winked in this sport even the best Japanese fighters.

Well delivered children in schools. Large attached to the artistic, aesthetic education of children.

In the Netherlands, a mandatory eight-year-old is introduced - from 7 to 15 years. Preparation for school from 4 to 6 years is often obtained in kindergartens. First school learning - Six-year. Full secondary general education give gymnasium and real schools (Atheniums). With a six-year learning. After the end of these schools, students get the right to enter. There are secondary schools with a duration of training from 3 to 4 years, which do not give the rights to enter higher education institutions.

Secondary education can be obtained or in public, or in private schools; The latter are often divided into Protestant and Catholic. Give 15 higher educational institutions Countries, among which are 6 universities.

Natural sciences are developed especially well in the Netherlands. In this area, scientists have made a great contribution to world science. The mechanic, physicist and Mathematics Guygens (XVII century) created a wave theory, was one of the first researchers in the field of probability theory. His merits are huge in astronomy: he worked on the creation of a "planetary" machine - the prototype of a modern planetarium. An outstanding physicist, the creator of the electronic theory was Lorenz (XIX-XX centuries). In the field of biology, the levenguka is widely known - the founder of scientific microscopy (XVIII century).

The Dutch can be proud and that in their country in 1618 began to go out in Europe. There were also the first European state in which from 1919 began to regularly transmit radio programs.

Perhaps, in no region of world culture, the Netherlands did not make such a significant contribution as in the visual arts.

Works of the Netherlands Masters of the XVI-XVII centuries. still admire the audience. In the Dutch Art School formed during this period, a huge impact For all further development of European art, the realistic direction prevailed.

In the pictures of Yana, Iohannes, Vermeer, Peter Hoha and other famous masters of that era, the casual people are displayed with a lot of accurate parts that give pictures of the shade of particular confidence. In the canvases of the Van Eykov brothers, the founders of the Netherlands art of the XV century, and Peter Bruegel appears deep to native country, To the image of the life of simple people.

Realistic is even more clearly traced in the first half of the XVII century, in the greatest heyday dutch painting. In this "golden" in the Netherlands, all the genres are developing. visual arts. Big success reached portrait genre, including group. One of the best portraits of that time was France Hals. associated with the name of Adriana Van, who portrayed the plots from his canvas peasant life. In the genre of the landscape, Yang Van Dyek, Herkyles Segers worked. and others are widely well known to such masters of the Dutch still life as Peter Clas, Bill Heba, and others. The largest representative of the Dutch realism of the middle of the XVII century. The Great Rembrandt is considered. His multilay-headed (paintings on mythological and historical plots, portraits, landscapes) are imbued with deep realism and a subtle understanding of human psychology.

The traditions of the "Golden Age" in painting continued in the Netherlands and in subsequent centuries. It is enough to remember these prominent painters like Van Gogh and Jan Bartold Yongkind (XIX century). In the XX century Montrian - a representative of "Neolasticism" (species "was greatly popular in the Netherlands. abstract painting) And abstractionist K. Appel. International recognition received masters of the Netherlands painting and sculpture of Kuzane and Visser.

Among the charts are the most popular Maurice Esher, whose engravings were shown in many countries of the world.

The worker, the fighter is especially a great place in the work of the famous Dutch sculptor Communist Frederick Siger. Among his works - images public figures, workers, resistance wrestlers (including he himself). Siger - from the first foreign sculptors, embodied), Gerard of the root-fox Wang Heat Revea, Volkers, Wil-Lem Hermans and Harry Mulisha.

Netherlands music has rich traditions associated with the activities of talented medieval composers of Iohannes van Okheghem and Jacob Obrecht. Worldwide is known to Amsterdam philharmonic, which is led by an outstanding conductor Bernard Heitink. The Philharmonic orchestras of the Hague and Rotterdam enjoy considerably. Among the modern composers are the most popular Bill Paper and Henk Badings.

In recent years, significant successes in the field of choreographic art have been achieved in the Netherlands. 'Two main ballet troupe achieved international recognition. The Netherlands National National, leading Rudy Danzig, especially popular.

Moscow. 5 January. Site - Director of the State Museum of Fine Arts (GMII) named after A.S. Pushkin Marina Szotov told Dari Morozova in an interview with a special correspondent of Interfax about how cooperation with museums of Europe and the United States is going on against the background of deterioration of relations in the political sphere, will continue Sharing collections with Dutch museums in case of non-return of the exhibition of gold Scythians in Crimea, as well as about preparing exhibitions in the museum in 2018.

It is no secret that in the international arena between Europe and Russia, the United States and Russia, the relationship is not the most cloudless. Does this atmosphere affect cultural cooperation? With what countries cooperation and exchange of exhibitions continues, and with what - no? Didn't it have to reduce interaction with US and Europe museums due to the complex situation?

The external political situation does not affect the relations in the field of culture, with the exception of some individual moments. In particular, for more than five years there is no intermouse exchange with the American museums, with whom we always cooperated very fruitfully. This is due exclusively with the situation around the Schneerson library. In all other cases, relations with US and Europe museums in GMI them. A.S. Pushkin is beautiful, even better than they were before. People associated with culture clearly understand that all pigeons of the world are now on their side: everything that needs to be done to balance this unstable situation depends on the actions of serious cultural and public institutions. Therefore, in the sphere of culture, it is still more active than before, work. Now everyone is ready to do much more than in those times when the situation was calmer.

As for cooperation with American museums, it continues in certain areas: we do not have the opportunity to exchange collections, but there is an opportunity to interact on the field of education in the field of culture. Recently, the three of my colleagues returned from the educational trip to MOMA (New York Museum of Contemporary Art - IF). Over the past years, this museum is the largest museum contemporary art in the world, invites employees of museums from around the world and gives them the opportunity to work in the archives, in the museum, chat with colleagues, sort out the most important aspects their activities. For three weeks of this educational program, our employees have developed the necessary connections, knowledge and experience. The program is carried out at the invitation of MOMA and their funds. We also plan to negotiate the exchange of educational programs with the Californian Museum of Getty (Paul Getty Museum - Large Art Museum of California - IF). There are plans for cooperation with the Los Angeles County Art Museum (LACMA), we plan to make joint exhibitions, together to form collections of contemporary art on multimedia material, Russian and American artists will create their own projects. Their works will be the basis of our collections - one copy will be in Russia and in the United States.

Therefore, you can not talk about availability serious problems In intermouse cooperation. On the human I. cultural level Museums work very actively. We live in a museum as a special territory, in our own country, and if not the media and not the Internet, the horrors of the outside world could not be guessed.

I love to say that everything is not as bad as it seems sometimes, and there are many reasons for optimism. If it is so easy, so nice and effectively work in the field of human communication, in the field of culture, then why does this not apply to other spheres? I really want our message to be perceived by society.

All the museum plans are built on optimism and understanding that the museum cannot exist in an unstable society. We are responsible for huge values. Therefore, stability and stability are a necessary condition for our existence.

You mentioned that the exchange of collections with American museums is impossible due to the situation with the Schneerson library, do you see the opportunity that this problem can be settled?

There will be a lot of chances that this problem will be solved. Diplomats and politicians are engaged in the decision of this problem, and we hope for their strength.

How much is the relationship of the GMIA. A.S. Pushkin with Museums of Europe influenced the situation with the Gold Scythians, which was detained at the Amsterdam Museum and did not return to his native Museums of the Crimea, did cooperation decreased with the Dutch museums?

GMIA them. A.S. Pushkin is a very active relationship with the Museums of Holland, we exchanged and exchange exhibitions. Many exhibitions took place in the cross year of the culture of Holland and Russia (2013 - IF). Next year, we will open the exhibition in the main building of our museum, on its main axis, which will be one of the blockbusters of the new season: the pictures of Dutch artists will be presented on it from the collection of American collector. We hope that the opening will arrive director of the Main Museum of the Netherlands - State Museum (Rijksmuseum).

Will the GMII be. A.S. Pushkin continue to cooperate with the Museums of Holland in case of the irregular of Scythian gold in the Crimea? Previously, calls to refuse to interact with Dutch museums ...

We will not stop cooperation, but, nevertheless, we were touched by the situation that created around the exhibition "Gold Scythians". Provide things and objects of art for Dutch museums of the GMI. A.S. Pushkin now has become more difficult.

When organizing exhibitions in Europe, what measures are being made to protect Russian works of art from delays and de facto arrest of collections for various reasons?

The art objects exported abroad are protected by laws and state guarantees of those countries where the exhibition is sent. When we send a collection there, we are sure that they will return.

Recently, with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Taro Cono, you talked about events in the cross-year crust of the culture of Japan and Russia. What other large-scale events should be waiting for visitors to GMI them. A.S. Pushkin, In addition to the Edo Epoch Exhibition?

Future 2018 in GMI them. A.S. Pushkin will be saturated with various interesting exhibitions. The season will start with the opening of the exhibition of Art Leiden (City in South Holland, Rodina Rembrandt - IF) XVII century - the era of Rembrandt Harmenes Wang Raina and Jan Vermeer. We will present a meeting of the American collector of Thomas Kaplan, who in a short period - a little over ten years - gathered a unique selection of paintings. It includes a top ten works of Rembrandt, one canvas Vermeer, as well as masterpieces of Dutch painting of this time. The exhibition will enter almost 80 works. The collector himself will arrive at the opening, as well as the director of the Dutch Reynxmuseum. We are preparing for this exhibition a large-scale educational program. It seems to me that this project will be a discovery for our viewers and will be greatly popular.

For lovers of Italian art, GMI them. A.S. Pushkin is preparing an important and interesting project together with the artistic museum Vicenza (city in the Italian region Venice - IF). The exhibition will introduce the work of masters related to Venice of the XVII-XVIII centuries. Last year we showed the art of artists more early periodNow I will submit to the public of the work of Giovanni Battista Tapolo, Giovanni Antonio Channel (Canaletto), Francesco Guard and others. This is an amazing art, filled with venetian decorativeness and blue color - the color of the sky and the sea. The exhibition will be connected by the collections of the Museum of the Vicenza and GMI them. A.S. Pushkin - 25 works from each museum. Opening will take place in June 2018.

Then, in GMIA, A.S. Pushkin will take place a huge and impressive exhibition of Japanese art, because the next year is the cross-year of Russia and Japan. In Tokyo and Osaka, we open this year by the exhibition of French landscape of the XVII-XX centuries from the GMIA assembly. A.S. Pushkin - 65 works of various periods and schools french art, including the canvas of impressionists. In Moscow, in the main building of the museum we will operate in early September large-scale exhibitionconsisting of two parts that will be called "the art of the EDO era." The exhibition will cover the period of Japanese art of the XVII-XIX centuries and will demonstrate all the variety and individuality of different art schoolswho existed in Japan at that time. In fact, this project will become a kind of advantage of japanese art This period. The Ministry of Culture of Japan will provide us with four exhibits with status national Property Japan, which extremely rarely leave the territory of the country. The exhibition will be exceptional equal to which in Russia has never been.

We also show the exhibition that we are preparing in partnership with the Picasso Museum in Paris. The project is called "Pablo Picasso. Olga Khokhlova". We are talking On the history of life and creativity of the great artist Pablo Picasso and his Russian wife - Olga Khokhlova ballerina. This story is not only about their livelihood and love, but also about the period in the work of Picasso, which is associated with Russian culture. In the exposition you can see very well-known works, and those that have never been demonstrated by the Russian public, including archival materials. The exhibition will be a big gift to our audience.

In addition, many exhibitions will be held in 2018 in the art gallery of Europe and America of the XXI-XX centuries. The first of these will be devoted to the work of the British photographer William Henry Fox Talbot, who stood at the origins of art photos and made many essential technical inventions in that area. Talbot call Leonardo da Vinci photos. At the exhibition, which GMI them. A.S. Pushkin prepared together with british museums More than eight years, 150 vintage fingerprints and negatives made by Talbot will be presented.

Another project that will be held in the halls of the gallery - the exhibition dedicated to the Paris Salon Baroneles Elena Ettinggen and artistic life Paris of the tenths-twenties of the 20th century. Salon Ettingen was a place where Pablo Picasso came, George Marriage and many other artists of that time. There were also gathered poets-surrealists led by Guide Apolliner. Elena Ettinggen and her brother Serge Fera opened an artist-primitivist Henri Rousseau. The exhibition and book, which prepares GMI them. A.S. Pushkin, together with French curators, will be told for the first time about the salon. The exhibition will be attended by the Paris Center Pompidou, Museum of Contemporary Art of Paris, private collectors. For the first time, works from the collection of the Baroness Ettingen, which will be published in the catalog will be presented.

In 2018 in GMI them. A.S. Pushkin will also feature other no less interesting projects.

- How is the development of the direction "Pushkin XXI", is there any need to look for a special building for him?

For two years now, the direction "Pushkin XXI" is actively working. In the outgoing year there were many projects related to contemporary art. One of the main exhibitions 2017 is the exposition of the works of the modern artist Tsay Gotsian "October". Our museum has developed a variety of educational programsdevoted to contemporary art. We took part in the Venetian Biennale with the project "Man like a bird. Travel images." This we confirm that modern art in the museum can exist in parallel with the traditional.

Of course, we would like to send "Pushkin XXI" from GMI them. A.S. Pushkin was a separate building outside the museum quarter, in which we would like to conduct experiments related to traditional and contemporary art. But while we work in our museum space, although we are closed in it. Talking about the location of the new building for modern art outside the museum is too early.

As work is currently promoting to create a museum town in the territory of GMI. A.S. Pushkin, Are you satisfied with the progress of work, are there any difficulties, whether the former construction period remains? Did the fire happened to the course of work that happened in November does not lead to an increase in their implementation?

The construction time of the museum town is prolonged because there are problems related to restoration studies, discoveries that it was impossible to predict and which require technical expertise. All this increases the timing. We are perfectionists, we understand that we are building the Museum of the Future, so we want it to be modern. However, there is a danger that due to the lags, the complex by the time of discovery may already be insufficiently modern; Therefore, we try to keep up with the times. While the discovery is transferred only for a year. The fire did not affect the deadlines, in general everything goes according to plan, we already plan exhibitions in a new space, we dream about how we will live and work there.

In one of his interviews, you talked about the need to replenish the collections of the museum, acquiring missing works to fill Lakun. Is work in this direction now, do you find support in this from the Ministry of Culture? What new art objects can be expected in the near future in the museum?

Yes, we acquire artwork, not so much as we would like. We are helped by the Ministry of Culture, the Museum and Trustees Friends. Things are purchased to expand the future updated exposure of the art of the ancient world. The Department of the Ancient East of GMIA A.S. Pushkin expects to replenish the collection by several works, which we hope we will help to acquire one of the sponsors. Last year, the monuments of Sumerian art were purchased in this way. All items will be presented in the exposition of the new Museum Quarter.

Of course, there are unfulfilled dreams: for example, that in the meeting of the GMIA. A.S. Pushkin turned out to be the famous picture of Titian "Venus and Adonis", which attributed the main researcher Museum Victoria Emmanuilovna Markova. But, unfortunately, it is not so easy to implement - the work is very expensive. Therefore, while we dream, the work is provided by the owner to demonstrate the public and hanging outdoorly available in the hall of the museum, where it can be seen. We would really like to individual items The museum collection appeared their trustees. In particular, we hope that the collection of Italian art will have their own cartridge, which will be able to finance and its replenishment and restoration of works.

- Is it planned to buy any antiquities from Syria?

It is not excluded. But everyone needs to be very carefully examined, to figure out the origin of works, we do it, we are consulted with the Russian Foreign Ministry. Purchases of art monuments in Syria are not the easiest way, since there is always a danger of unfair sales and you need to be very attentive.

- What would you wish to the audience, visitors to the museum in the New 2018?

I would like to wish our audience, as well as myself, to learn to find joy in every day of life, which is infinitely valuable; find joy in those things that sometimes seem orders; To be able to discover new strengths and opportunities, and, coming to the museum, fueled emotionally. We must always try to think about good and thus bringing it to yourself.