Flamenco holiday in Spain. Flamenco is more than dance

Flamenco holiday in Spain. Flamenco is more than dance
Flamenco holiday in Spain. Flamenco is more than dance

This dance and music genre is a symbol of Spain.

The temperamental, the incendiary flamenco will not leave anyone indifferent. The legs themselves will move in tact of passionate music, and the palm has come off the expressive rhythm.

The Flamenco culture was formed in the southern part of the Pyrnethnicist Peninsula, mainly in Andalusia. In general, Flamenco culture includes musical art. To a large extent it is guitar, vocal art, dance, theater and characteristic style of clothing. The term "flamenco" is closely connected with the culture and life of Gypsies, in Andalusia for 150 years he meant this nation. There are other versions of this term: in Spanish Flamenco, except Gypsy, meant "Flemandes" and "Flamingo". There is a version of the origin of the term and from Latin Flamma - fire. Obviously, each interpretation partially corresponds to the truth, and, collected together, they create a holistic image of the entire culture of Flamenco.

History of dancing

For a long time, the only carriers of Flamenco culture were considered Roma. They arrived in Spain in the 15th century from Byzantium, and began to absorb local traditions of music and dance. And in Spain there was a lot of influence of Arab, Moorish culture. So, the Gypsies, absorbing Spanish, Arab, Jewish traditions, and combining them with their own original culture, created such a unique phenomenon as flamenco. They lived closed, separate groups, and the long period of flamenco was isolated art. But in the 18th century, with the cessation of Gypsies, Flamenco "published" and immediately gained popularity.

In the 20th century, Flamenco has been enriched with Cuban traditions, jazz variations. The movements of the Spanish classic dance also began to be used in Flamenco culture. Now Flamenco uses well-deserved popularity: professionals and lovers dance are dancing, Flamenco festivals are held regularly, there are numerous schools of this type of dance.

What is flamenco?

The basis of all Spanish dances is folk art. Flamenco style dances are often performed accompanied by stands, cotton in your hands - palmas, blows to the perplex box (kahon). It is impossible to imagine flamenco without traditional attributes - a long dress, fan, sometimes shawl, which the dancer turns around around his mill, then spins. The urgency point of dance is the game of the dancer with the hen dress. This movement reminds of the Gypsy origin of Flamenco.

The melody of the Spanish dance quite often has a 3/4 musical size, but may also have two-time size 2/4 or 4/4. The flamenco is characterized by Sapadeado movements - specking rhythm heels, pytos - clicks with fingers, palmas - cotton palms. Many Flamenco performers refuse toastnets, as they do not allow to fully show expressiveness of the hands. Hands in Spanish dance work very actively. They give the dance expressiveness and grace. Floo movement - a turn of the brush with its disclosure - just fascinates. It resembles a flower that gradually flashes.

Types of flamenco

Under the general name flamenco, many Spanish dances are united, including Allegriah, Farruca, Garrotin, Bullery and others. There are many flamenco styles that differ in a rhythmic pattern. The most famous of them:

  • Palos
  • Fandango
  • Solea
  • Sagyary
  • Style Cantre Flamenco includes both dancing, and singing, and a guitar game.

The art of Flamenco, being a synthetic, uniting culture of the East and the West, influenced the formation of musical and dance styles around the world. Modern types of flamenco were formed:

  • dzhips-Rumba
  • flamenco-Pop
  • flamenco jazz
  • flamenco rock and others.

Features Flamenco

For dance and music flamenco characteristic of improvisation. A complex rhythmic pattern, an abundance of melodes and variations, make it difficult to accurately record and record dance movements. Therefore, in the art of Flamenco, an important role is assigned to a teacher through which the original culture is transmitted from generation to generation. Flamenco influenced Latin American music, jazz. Modern ballersters and choreographers see in the art of Flamenco large space for self-realization and introduction of new ideas.

The temperamental, the incendiary flamenco will not leave anyone indifferent. Legs themselves will move in tact of passionate music, and the palm of the expressive rhythm

The Flamenco culture was formed in the southern part of the Pyrnethnicist Peninsula, mainly in Andalusia. In general, Flamenco culture includes musical art. To a large extent it is guitar, vocal art, dance, theater and characteristic style of clothing. The term "flamenco" is closely connected with the culture and life of Gypsies, in Andalusia for 150 years he meant this nation. There are other versions of this term: in Spanish Flamenco, except Gypsy, meant "Flemandes" and "Flamingo". There is a version of the origin of the term and from Latin Flamma - fire. Obviously, each interpretation partially corresponds to the truth, and, collected together, they create a holistic image of the entire culture of Flamenco.

History of dancing

For a long time, the only carriers of Flamenco culture were considered Roma. They arrived in Spain in the 15th century from Byzantium, and began to absorb local traditions of music and dance. And in Spain there was a lot of influence of Arab, Moorish culture. So, the Gypsies, absorbing Spanish, Arab, Jewish traditions, and combining them with their own original culture, created such a unique phenomenon as flamenco. They lived closed, separate groups, and the long period of flamenco was isolated art. But in the 18th century, with the cessation of Gypsies, Flamenco "published" and immediately gained popularity.

In the 20th century, Flamenco has been enriched with Cuban traditions, jazz variations. The movements of the Spanish classic dance also began to be used in Flamenco culture. Now Flamenco uses well-deserved popularity: professionals and lovers dance are dancing, Flamenco festivals are held regularly, there are numerous schools of this type of dance.

What is flamenco?

The basis of all Spanish dances is folk art. Flamenco style dances are often performed accompanied by stands, cotton in your hands - palmas, blows to the perplex box (kahon). It is impossible to imagine flamenco without traditional attributes - a long dress, fan, sometimes shawl, which the dancer turns around around his mill, then spins. The urgency point of dance is the game of the dancer with the hen dress. This movement reminds of the Gypsy origin of Flamenco.

The melody of the Spanish dance quite often has a 3/4 musical size, but may also have two-time size 2/4 or 4/4. The flamenco is characterized by Sapadeado movements - specking rhythm heels, pytos - clicks with fingers, palmas - cotton palms. Many Flamenco performers refuse toastnets, as they do not allow to fully show expressiveness of the hands. Hands in Spanish dance work very actively. They give the dance expressiveness and grace. Floo movement - a turn of the brush with its disclosure - just fascinates. It resembles a flower that gradually flashes.


Under the general name flamenco, many Spanish dances are united, including Allegriah, Farruca, Garrotin, Bullery and others. There are many flamenco styles that differ in a rhythmic pattern. The most famous of them:

  • Palos
  • Fandango
  • Solea
  • Sagyary

Style Cantre Flamenco includes both dancing, and singing, and a guitar game.

The art of Flamenco, being a synthetic, uniting culture of the East and the West, influenced the formation of musical and dance styles around the world. Modern types of flamenco were formed:

  • dzhips-Rumba
  • flamenco-Pop
  • flamenco jazz
  • flamenco rock and others.

Features Flamenco

For dance and music flamenco characteristic of improvisation. A complex rhythmic pattern, an abundance of melodes and variations, make it difficult to accurately record and record dance movements. Therefore, in the art of Flamenco, an important role is assigned to a teacher through which the original culture is transmitted from generation to generation. Flamenco influenced Latin American music, jazz. Modern ballersters and choreographers see in the art of Flamenco large space for self-realization and introduction of new ideas.

Spain, Flamenco. What is this dance style, which is known far beyond his homeland and does not leave anyone indifferent ... originated in the south of Spain, in Andalusia, combining emotional dance, guitar, percussion and singing, flamenco won the souls of many ... More about the history of flamenco Read in this article ...

Flamenco is represented by many varieties, this is a dance, musical accompaniment in the form of a guitar and percussion (kikhon, casstans and rhythmic beating in your hands) and emotional singing. Since 2010, this dance has World Heritage Status (UNESCO).

Flamenco's dancer is called Bailaora (Bailaora), and the traditional dress in which it is dancing - Bata de Cola (Bata de Cola), the length of which comes to the floor, with ruffles and swans, which resembles the robe of the Gypsies. The hein dresses are gracefully used during dance, as well as shawl with long brushes, which is an important part of the female Flamenco dance. Bailaor (Bailaor) -tantzor flamenco, dressed in a white shirt with a wide belt and dark pants.

History Flamenco

The roots of the appearance of flamenco go to the distant past - at the time of the Board of Moors and the appearance of Gypsies in Spain, however, the exact date of the appearance of flamenco is difficult to say. It is also believed that the appearance of flamenco in its classic form played Jewish and Christian culture, Gypsy and Spanish. Each culture brought something to this emotional dance. And in the 20th century, Flamenco has absorbed Cuban melodies, jazz motifs, and some elements of classical ballet appeared in the dance.

There are two main categories Flamenco:

  1. CANTE JONDO (KANTE HONDO) - Flamenco branch. It includes the following Flamenco forms (Palos) - Toná, Soleá, Seguiriya, Fandango.
  2. CANTE FLAMENCO (Kant Flamenco), to which Alegrías, Bulerías, Farruca belong.

There are 3 types of singing, guitar and dance, however, there are practically no musical accompaniment in the ancient types of flamenco. In the modern types of dance, it is often possible to meet a variety of musical instruments - from violin to exotic tools of Latin America, such as Kachon, Darbuk, Bongo.

Flatva flamenco.

Once every 2 years, in Seville, you can visit the most significant Flamenco-Bienal de Flamenco festival, which began to be held since 1980. However, other festivals flamenco and guitars pass throughout Spain every year. The main cities of holding is Cadiz, Cordova, Jerez,


The origins of Flamenco should be founded in Moorish musical culture. It was significantly affected by this style and Gypsy music - many are considered the main, true carriers of the style of Spanish Gypsies. In the XV century, Gypsy arrived in Spain from the Swing Byzantium, they were settled on the southern coast of the country in the province of Andalusia; According to her custom, they began to adopt and rethink local musical traditions, such as Moorish, Jewish and Spanish itself; And from this alloy of musical traditions, rethought at the beginning of the Gypsies, and then the Spaniards, Flamenco born.

For a long time, Flamenco was considered "closed art", as Roma lived in an isolated group; Flamenco was formed in narrow circles. But at the end of the XVIII century, the gypsy persecution was stopped, and Flamenco came to the tavern layout and Cafe Canthan, gained freedom.

In Russia

International Flamenco Festival "¡Viva España!". The largest Flamenco festival in Russia is held in Moscow (since 2001).

1- Russian Flamenco Festival " eN MOSCU »"- For the first time in 2011, the festival will collect only the outstanding world stars flamenco.

In St. Petersburg, the annual festival under the name "North Flamenco" is held.

In the world of modern guitar music in Kaluga since 1997, the annual festival "The World Guitar" has been operating, whose participants are various flamenco groups from Russia and Spain, and many bright names of foreign guitarists, from world-famous, such as Al di Meola (2004), Ivan Smirnov ("Talisman" of the festival), Vicente Amigo (2006), Paco de Lucia (2007), etc.

In other countries

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    Flamenco, also that Kant Flamenco ... Modern encyclopedia

    - (Span. Flamenco) in music, see Kant Flamenco ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - [Sp. Flamenco] music. Spanish performing style, as well as music, songs, dances associated with South Wisp art. Dictionary of foreign words. Komlev N.G., 2006. Flamenco (Span. Flamenco ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

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    FLAMENCO - South Wispanic musical, song and dance style of Gypsy origin. Forest in Andalusia to the Middle Ages. Salt's singing and dance are accompanied by playing guitar, casstars, risks with fingers. From the middle of 19 century. distributed by … Ethnographic Dictionary

To the question of what Flamenco, many of us, without thinking, will immediately answer: Spanish dance in a polka dot dress. And only in part will be right. Flamenco is much more than just dance. This is a cry of the soul, output emotions. And emotions can be expressed by voice, movement, playing musical instruments, and even look.

Andalusia is a melting boiler, which for centuries got a different peoples. And Flamenco - a "plaintive book", where each of them left his record.
Arabs, expelled from the Earth, which became home to them; Jews forced to take someone else's faith to save lives; Gypsies, who were subjected to constant persecution ... they had to merge with another culture, lose tradition, adapt to new realities. Their music has become a hidden protest against injustice, a complaint on fate, longing for the lost ... so Flamenko was born.

The folk image of a cheerful Andalus dancer with a bright flower in her hair is only an external, glossy side. But having listened to what he wakes up in Flamenco, we will see the other side - quite unhappy and dramatic.

Although the origins of Flamenco lie in Moorish culture, the greatest influence on its formation was given by Gypsies. Reaching in the XV century. Before Andalusia, they rethinkled local musical traditions in their own way.
A kind of singing - Kanta - live dialogue, communication, improvisation, "rod" flamenco. Having gathered in the courtyard at home, more similar to shack, relatives and neighbors were shared by the sorrows and joy, sang about fate and freedom, prison and death, love and treason. Flamenco began with Kant, dance and guitar accompaniment came later.

From the backyrs of the Gypsy regions flamenco gradually goes to the street. By the end of the XVIII century. It already sounds in the taverns and on the borough courtyards of Andalus roads. Professional singers appeared - cantaores who have earned the mental performance of sad songs. They are invited to weddings and other family events.

In Seville, in 1842, the first cafe, "specializing" on Flamenco, opens. Soon such cafes, called Cafe Cantant, are already everywhere and extremely popular. The audience appreciated the passion with which songs were performed, music found a response in the hearts of the Spaniards.

Cafe Cantant turn into a kind of creative workshops, where the verge of flamenco art is honored, where it rises to unprecedented vertices.
Competition between singers, dancers and guitarists contributed to the development of various performing styles, genres and forms inside Flamenco.
The role of dance has increased: now there are songs (atraces), specially designed for dance accompaniment.

Epoch Cafe Cantant - Golden Age Flamenco. Everything that was created then is a benchmark; All that was created later, no longer considered the "clean" flamenco.

But by the end of the XIX century. Cafe Cantant begin to decline. The greatest income brings those institutions where customers themselves dictate the repertoire on the principle "who pays, that and music orders." I could not be any creative growth of performers and speeches. The content of songs dropped to frank vulgarity.

Kant stopped being the voice of the soul. Previously, Cantuary should only and his heart. Now his repertoire is "intertwined pop." Texts Flamenco songs turn into a solid melodrama of unfortunate love.
Slow and coarse voices leave the scene, giving way to more melodic and beautiful. This fracture occurs in recent years.
There are no strict rules in the Flamenko dance: the dancers are improvised, the second in the flooded feelings.

The contingent of the listeners also changed. Born as the music of the poor and eternal Skaltsev, Flamenco is becoming more and more popular among the "golden youth", which superfits only his aesthetic side as a genre that does not have a history or drama. Settling in big cities, Flamenco turns into a product of mass consumption, into the entertainment industry.
Flamenco transformation into a spectacular performance could not not affect his artistic level and purity of style. Flamenco searched for a new form of expression and found it on the scenes of large theaters and improvised sites on the arons for the battle of bulls. In the history of Flamenco, a new era began - the most criticized for all the time of its existence.
This direction got the name of the Opera Flamenka, it was interesting in its own way, but the depth of expression flamenco was lost, and with it and spiritual content.

And on this we would put a fatty point ... But the place was survived, where the right tradition of Kant continued to live. Many performers sought to preserve the purity of the style. They were not professionals and shook their skills only for themselves and the narrow circle of connoisseurs.
The real flamenco sounded without a random public in some innocent, his strength was in the ability of Cantaore himself to enjoy his singing and transmit all his depth to listeners. By giving a part of yourself. Thanks to such cantaories, Kanta has been preserved in its traditional form and to this day.

The year of the second birth of flamenco can be called the 1922th, when a group of enthusiasts organized the festival of Kant Hondo. Kant Hondo is especially emotionally expressive, dramatic, expressive songs. The festival gathered the authentic tunes of Kant Hondo, opened new talents and revived interest in the ancient art of Flamenco.
Professionals at the festival were not allowed: the true spirit of Flamenco implies a feeling, and not honed performance.

Romantic Granada turned out to be an ideal place for the festival. For the first time on Flamenco, they spoke as an independent genre and folk art, and such visual competitions of amateurities appeared in other cities.
In the image and likeness of the former cafes, Cantant were created by the tableo - cafes or small theaters with the stage for ideas.
Singing - Flamenco Rod. But no need to offend attention and dance. Moreover, it is he who all over the world serves as one of the main brands of Spain. And flamenco is associated primarily just with a dance, or rather, with a classic manner of the Flamenco - Baylaora dancers. Baylaora et al. Baylaora, famous for us on films and books - Bata de Cola is a traditional dress to the floor. Often from multicolored polka dot material (although it is not necessary), decorated with frills and swans. The prototype of this dress was the clothes of Gypsies. An elegant game with a heater is an integral component of the presentation.
Spanish shawl is an important attribute of Flamenco female dance. Shawl is twisted around the dancer's mill, it drops away from the shoulders, drawing a silhouette of a large and rolling bird. And, of course, the flower in the hair.

Traditional dancer-man clothing - dark pants, belt and white or dark shirt with wide sleeves. Short vest-bolero, called "Chalco", sometimes put on top of a shirt. If a woman performs a male dance, she puts on a male suit.

Sapateado - rhythmic drum sound of impacts with heel and boot sole on the floor - the characteristic feature of the flamenco dance. Previously, Sapateado was performed only by men's dancers, since such a technique requires a lot of physical strength. And for a long time associated with masculby. Women's dance were more peculiar to the movement of hands, wrists and shoulders.

Graceful movements of the hands express feelings, subconsciously very much affecting the overall perception of dance by the audience. A kind of hypnosis.
It is believed that kastagnets are a mandatory element of Flamenco dance. However, this is not the case: the castanets are borrowed from classic Spanish dances. The cleaner forms flamenco avoid the use of caxtivity: they limit the possibility of passionate and expressive game of hands.
The local saying reads: "Who speaks about the guitar, talking about Andalusia."

Flamenco magic - in the trinity of guitar, songs and dance. The guitar is not just an accompaniment, but the Creator is so necessary singer atmosphere inspiration.
Spain - Motherland Guitar. In Andalusia, she became a loved folk instrument in the XIII century, but the union of the cantair singer with the guitarist turner occurred only at the beginning of the XIX century.

At the party, on the street or on the square, it was worth someone in his hands to be a guitar, as people immediately gathered, ready to sing and dance. Walking around the city, you can always meet a guitarist surrounded by dancing people.

Standal wrote: "Here is an old man, it sits on a shop before the invented courtyard, sets his guitar and is taken carelessly to brack in strings. Passing by the maid with a jug on the head, having heard the sounds of the guitar, first steps in the tact of heating, then begins to jump, and, finally, when she grew up with the blind, she already dances with a jug with water on Earth.
The mullet drivers, who crossed away the courtyard, carrying a coating saddle, also postponed his burnt and in turn began to dance. Thus, less than half an hour around the blind guitarist danced 12 Spaniards.
They had little business to those surrounding, not a gliblue, everyone danced for her own pleasure. " Such is the mysterious Spanish soul.

Most flamenco tokators do not have musical literacy and do not know the notes. But thanks to congenital musicality, they create improvisations, ecliping the pre-reheated game of "classics".

Why did the guitar become the main tool in Flamenco? And just imagine the song Kant Hondo, performed on the piano ... On the guitar, every note can be removed in different ways, the guitarist creates them, the next note sounds no way as the previous one. The guitar is close to the human voice: she can speak, sing, shout ... She makes us perceive in different ways

There is a case when Glinka arrived in Spain to get acquainted with folk patches. After talking with one of the Tokastor known at that time, he wanted to record his works. But from this nothing happened: every time he asked to repeat some phrase, the guitarist always played her in a new way.

Tokoras often protrude and solo. The greatest guitarist of modernity Paco de Lucia initially accompanied the Cantaories, and then began to speak independently.

Now let's talk about where you can see and listen to Flamenco. Unlike the Corrida, there are plenty of options. Arena is not required, numerous creative teams mobile and omnipresents. And if you are too lazy to look for flamenco, then it will find you. Right at the hotel. In the Season "Flamenco Show" will always be in yours a couple of times a week. Only now it's not worth spending your precious spectacle time and lubricate the impression. Let the German pensioners entertain. And we will go, sorry, in Tablao.

As you already know, Tablao is such a cafe with a small scene, where they perform flamenco. Sometimes quite a bit. On the coast, they are plentifully, just say Taksist's magic phrase "Flamenco Tablao". The guide can also suggest where it makes sense to go in the evening. Well, we will offer several addressing.

Malaga "Vista Andalucia"
Avenida Los Guindos, 29
Calle Arenas, 1
Marbella "Donde Maria"
Calle Vicente Blasco Ibanez, S / N
Plaza San Francisco, S / N
Torremolinos "PEPE LOPEZ"
Plaza De La Gamba Alegre
"Los Tarantos"
Avenida Playamar, 51
"La Carreta"
Benalmaden "Fortuna Show"
This is not at all a tablao, and not quite flamenco. Spanish ballet - the action is beautiful and spectacular, to the visiting recommended.

Flamenco Festival emblem in Seville

Thoughtful and theoretically prepared readers will notice: so it is probably also "Lubok" for tourists. Every day playing the same pro. And where is the improvisation on which Flamenco is built? Where is the suffering and creative flight?
Well, firstly, we are with you tourists and there. And secondly, for the first acquaintance with the art of Flamenco, quite enough. And it's not necessary to go anywhere.

Another Ferious business is holidays and traditional fairs, during which Flamenco goes to the streets. Literally. Here is amateur, and improvisation, and dance songs for your own pleasure.
The most grandee Feria passes in April in Seville: Capital status obliges to keep the brand. In general, Feria is even in the very spent Andalus town. After all, as the classic said, rest - do not work.

Seville Sunday after Easter and two weeks further.
Cordoba from 19 to 27 May.
Granada is the first week of June.
Malaga from 14 to 25 August.
Ronda First Week of September.
Marbella Week "Around" June 11th.
Fuengirola first week of October.

Well, if the feries do not please you - then the straight road is not festivals, view contests of talents, on which the real flamenco actually sounds.
Flamenco's largest festival in Spain is every two years, naturally in Seville (www.bienal-flamenco.org). From all over the world, True Flamenco lovers come here to see the best Bayleors, Cantahors and Tokarov. The event is so large, which is comparable to the Olympiad in the world of sports. In 2008, the festival will be held from September 10 to October 11. Lucky to visit - we envy you.

You can see the schedule of other festivals on the website www.flamencofestival.info or www.flamenco-world.com - the largest online portal on Flamenco.

Flamenco is very often confused with Sevlyany - incendiary folk spanish dance. Many believe that this is one of the types of flamenco. The same bright dresses, castanets, roses in hairstyles ... and at the fairs most often dance just Sevlyan. But even inexperienced in the subtleties of choreography, the viewer will immediately see the difference: Sevilyana - a pair dance with a certain "pattern", and flamenco ... the state of the soul.

The first dress for dancing girl in Andalusia can buy already a year. And just for your life, individual ladies manage to change to 15 dresses worth 300-700 €. And although they can easily fit into them, mainly during the fairs, no one regrets about the money spent.

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