Wash the floor with dirty water in a dream. Dream Dream Wash Polish Hands

Wash the floor with dirty water in a dream. Dream Dream Wash Polish Hands
Wash the floor with dirty water in a dream. Dream Dream Wash Polish Hands

Sometimes we see dreams where we have to do the work on the housework: to wash, clean, cook.

And why dream, wash the floors? What do dreams mean about this habitual lesson?

Not always ordinary things in a dream do not mean anything! If the dream is remembered if you have experienced bright emotions, be sure to remember all the nuances of sleep and decipher seen in the dream book!

Cleaning at home

If you dreamed that you wash the floors in your apartment, wait for pleasant events. Do it in the kitchen - to a new position; in the living room - to the premium; In the bedroom - to a good mood.

If you wipe the linoleum, then you will achieve the desired result. Parquet coating suggests that good friends will help you.

And if, in order to wash the floor, you shot carpets, then you are waiting for a fascinating journey, which you will remember for a long time.

  • Use Mop - to a significant event in life.
  • Remove at home under the bed - to a long road.
  • Very dirty floor in a dream - to a misunderstanding in a relationship with a loved one.
  • Use with a rag when cleaning - to a meeting with a long time.
  • It is impossible to wash the stain - to an interesting acquaintance.

If you wash the floor at home and fall under it, it means that you dream of a generous cavalier. And slip during cleaning - it means unanswered to fall in love.

If in a dream on the clean floor you saw the traces, then get ready to receive guests. And the floor who does not dry out for a very long time, says about your reluctance to communicate with people.

Be a cleaner at work

Floor washing around your workplace promises ease and ease in relationships with colleagues. And wash the entire room - to quarrels and gossip.

If you voluntarily caused cleaning, then in reality you are waiting for a fun holiday. And if you forced the authorities, then during the holiday you will have to work a lot.

  • To be used in former work - to minor costs.
  • Lock the boss - to the expensive purchase.
  • Find a jewel during washing - to the realization of conceived.
  • Pour water to visit the doctor.
  • Wash the corridor at work - to the consent and peace in the family.

Other dreams

If you have dreamed that you wash Paul in someone else's house, get ready for clarifying relationships with a close person.

If the house in which you were removed belonging to your friend, the conversation will be short. And if the owner of the housing is an unfamiliar man, then find out the relationship you will be long and to no avail.

Wash the floors in the apartment of a famous personality, it means to be ready for the creation of a family. If the celebrity in a dream you pays for money for cleaning, then soon you will get acquainted with a decent person.

And if you did it disinterestedly, the proposal of the hand and heart will come from you from an unloved person.

  • Wash the floors in the train - to moving to a new place of residence.
  • Clean the bathroom or toilet - to rivalry at work.
  • In harvesting you helps someone else's child - to get rid of the negative and anger.
  • I could have a mop in a dream - to repair in the house.

As the dreams says, wash the floors with dirty water, dream of financial remuneration. And if you spilled this water in a dream, then you quickly spend money on useful things.

Clean, transparent water after rinsing a dirty cloth - a sign that soon you will be asked for a large amount. If in a dream you are home to the whole floor, you can boldly hang out money. If in a dream you were cleaning, be sure to remember where and how it was. After all, the interpretation of dreams depends precisely from small, insignificant at first view of the details. Posted by: fractional vera

In their night, people often commit the actions that they have to fulfill in real life. For example, what does washing the floor in a dream mean? Interpretation depends on the details that it is important to remember. What are male and women guide to the world of dreams?

Wash the floor in a dream: Interpretation of Miller

What thinks about all this Gusting Miller? Wash the floor in a dream - to change in real life. A person should prepare for the fact that important events will soon occur.

The state of the floor covering is the part from which the interpretation directly depends. If it was dirty, there will be something bad in reality. Clean floor - good sign. In the near future, sleeping will be accompanied by luck. Now the right time to engage in the embodiment of bold projects.

Dream of Freud.

What opinion does Zigmund Freud expresses? Wash the floor in a dream - what does this mean? If a person in his Gresses receives pleasure from harvesting, in reality, it is waiting for his trouble on the personal front. The partner has accumulated many complaints about the dream, and soon he will decide to express them. A quarrel that will follow this can lead to parting.

Also, such dreams may indicate that the sleeping itself is tired of the ordinary and boredom. Current relations are rather tired of it, than bring pleasure. The dreams seriously think about parting with a partner, dreams of changes and new acquaintances. It is possible that the gap will bring benefit.

Floor coating color

What does washing the floor in a dream mean? The answer to this question depends on many details. First of all, it should be remembered which color there was an outdoor coating.

  • If the floor was white or black? Such a plot testifies to the wisdom of sleeping. A person practically always takes faithful decisions, he has no reason to not trust himself.
  • Light shades are a sign that the dreams soberly appreciates the right one. It does not belong to the number of people who hide in the clouds and build air locks. Thanks to this, sleep will not miss a rare chance, which will soon provide him with providence.
  • Wash or see in a dream the floors are red - what does it mean? Such dreams can disturb the night of a person who allows their emotions to take over them. The dreams behave aggressively, allows himself one incorrect act by one. If the sleeping does not learn to keep himself in his hands, he risks stay alone. Friends and relatives will turn away from him, and to blame themselves in this person.
  • Dark floor - a symbol that strong experiences will proper. Man is inclined to exaggerate his problems. He needs to get rid of the accumulated stress, learn to enjoy life.

State of flooring

What other details is important to consider? Suppose that a person accounts for clean floors binds it with the internal experiences of sleeping. He is irritating due to the fact that the surrounding people do not want to recognize his merit. A person should learn to restrain his anger.

Dreams to clean the dirty floor? Such a plot testifies to the preparedness of change. A person is going to leave the past in the past and start a new life. It is not worth postparting, because in the near future luck will be on his side.

Clean the reliable and solid flooring - what does this mean? Such dreams are proof that man has devotees. In whatever difficult situation, the dreams were not, to help him certainly come. If in a dream, a person washes an unstable floor, in reality, he should look at the nearest surrounding. Perhaps the enemies came to him too close to him, give themselves for friends and preparing to harm.

Pure or dirty water

What does washing the floors in the house mean? Sleep with such a plot can be a good or poor prediction. Much depends on whether the water was clean or dirty.

Suppose she was clean and transparent. Such a dream warns that someone will soon try to borrow with sleeping money. The likelihood is high that the debt is not returned. Consequently, the risk is not worth a major amount. If the water was dirty, then such a plot prophesies change to the better.

Roying, mop, washing vacuum cleaner

Suppose that a person falls in a dream to wash the floors with his hands. If the sleeping rag uses an ordinary rag in his golden during harvesting, such a plot indicates that he is mired in Routine. The dreams lost the ability to enjoy life, nothing more brings him joy.

Wash the floors with a mop - hide your head in the sand. Sleeping long ago lost control over the situation, however, trying to pretend that it is not. A person has problems, and he does not find strength in herself to deal with their decision. Nothing good such a position will give.

Cleaning with the help of a washing vacuum cleaner is a good sign. Such dreams indicate that a person keeps everything under control. No one can influence the dream, he accepts all solutions independently. Such a position will definitely lead to success, so you should not give up it.

Official agencies

  • Wash the floors at work - a dream that should be considered a good omen. Such a plot predicts his suggestion of his merit. He will finally be able to attract the attention of the leadership to his talents. However, if cleaning causes unpleasant emotions from a dream, it should be prepared for the worst. The duties that he will be performed unpleasant for him will be taken. Remuneration for the works should not be expected.
  • In his Gresses, a man or woman can wash the floors at school. Such a plot is a warning that a person in vain rejects other people's advice. Friends and relatives wish the dream of good, sincerely want to help him. Why not take into account their recommendations?
  • Cleaning in the church is a bad sign. In the life of the dream, the black band will soon come, failures will literally pursue him. Also, the plot can warn that it's time to think about the atonement of sins, to start a righteous life.
  • Washing the floors in the hospital - a good sign. The financial position of the dream will soon improve. However, it is not necessary to rejoice if in the process of cleaning the sleeping failure to get rid of the spots. Such dreams warn that soon the dream will have to lie to loved ones. A man will decide on the deception of a good motivation, but it will not lead to anything good.


Washing floors in your own home or apartment - what does such a dream warn? In real life, a person surrounds the negative, from which he seeks to get rid of. Sleeping seriously decided to change his life for the better. Good luck will accompany him, positive changes will not make himself wait.

The room in which all this happened, also plays an important role. What dreams of cleaning in the kitchen? Such dreams are prophesied by sleeping rapid advancement on a career staircase or an increase in wages. Washing the floors in the living room is a plot that predicts a valuable gift. Cleaning in the bedroom dreams of a pleasant pastime, it is not necessary to refuse friendly invitations in the coming days. Washing floors under the beds is a sign that the dreams will soon go on a long journey or business trip. He will have the most beautiful memories of this trip, he will spend the time and will expand his horizons.


Wash the floors in someone else's house - a dream that can warn about health problems. Do not postpone the visit to the doctor, even if there is no disturbing symptoms yet. Also, cleaning in someone else's house or apartment can be in view of someone who is trying to change another person. The attempt will not provide the result to which the dreams seek.

Washing floors in the entrance - what does this mean? Such a plot will prophete a sleeping speeding, a person will change the place of residence. The dreams can move both on the neighboring street and in another city.


It is advisable to remember both of what material the floor covering was made. Interpretation depends on this.

  • Tile. Such dreams foreshadow changes in life. The dream will be able to get out of the difficult situation in which he got on his own fault. Good luck will turn to his face again.
  • Wood. Such a dream warns that man does not like his life. He dreams of changes for the better who will not make himself wait. To begin with, put an end to communicating with people who cause negative emotions.
  • Linoleum. Wash such sex in a dream - to gain the desired independence in real life. A person will be able to solve all his problems himself, will acquire control over the situation and confidence in its own forces. Support for relatives and friends he will not need.
  • Carpet. Missing it by hand in a dream - to heavy work. On the way to the goal of the goal there will be obstacles that will have to overcome. If the dreams in his golden enjoys the washing vacuum cleaner, such a plot will proper improvement in housing conditions. If a person has long been thinking about buying an apartment or at home, then the right time has come to realize this project into reality.

Girls and women

Suppose a young girl in a dream of soap floors. Such a plot predicts her change in his personal life. Soon the representative of the beautiful sex will get acquainted with a man with whom her romantic relationship will begin. At first, the dream will not take the new fan seriously, but everything will end the wedding. Do not doubt that the marriage will be happy and strong.

What prophes to such dreams of ladies who are married? Such a plot indicates that the woman does not like her family life. Snovediga is tired of constant disagreements with the second half, it has accumulated many complaints. If the spouses are not solved on the conversation in the souls, they hardly manage to establish relationships.

Many who saw such a dream did not think about his interpretation, as such ordinary things sometimes seem completely insignificant. But if you dream that someone washes the floor, this kind of sleep can mean something important, despite the usability of this classes.

What if you dream someone washes the floor?

The dream that someone washes the floor in his own home or is engaged in general cleaning in the apartment, can mean fast pleasant events for sleeping. Guidelines in the kitchen or dining room can foresee a new position or an increase in the old position. Wash the floors in the bedroom or living room can foreshadow a good mood, if the linoleum is set on the floor, it additionally talks about the immediate achievement of good results in an important thing for sleep. If on the floor of the parquet, it promises help from friends or relatives.

The floor in a dream often symbolizes the foundations of a person, all that is based on its real life, dreams and achievements. Therefore, a dream in which for washing the floors has previously needed to remove carpets, means that a person is currently not in his place and feels a stranger, but I would not really like to hide my inner beliefs. The dirtier the floor, naked under carpet, the worse the situation, but the desire to wash the floor from the dirt means that not everything is lost. To see the dirty floor in its apartment most often foreshadows also quarrels, misunderstandings, scandals with family and loved ones. If a spot has been discovered in a dream on the floor, which is not amenable to laundering, it can be interpreted by suddenly collapsed ideals, disappointment.

A dream, in which a person is watching the washing of floors, often means fast changes in the life of a dream. If the rag is used, it may mean the arrival of friends from afar.

Wash the floor and in the process fail through it - to paint your initial beliefs. This dream does not always symbolize the moral drop in a person, it may happen that the views, whims from birth, were not the right.

Slip in the process of washing the floors foreshadows an awkward position in which a person can put his insufficient awareness in some matters. Sometimes such dreams pursue a person, very fearing their own incompetence.

If on the floor to be washed, in a dream, a man sees distinct dirty footprints or paws - such a dream speaks about the ambulance to conduct conversations for distracted topics, in the process of which you can question anything. Washed half, which long remains wet, Says about the unwillingness of the sleeping change and come to contact with people, whose worldview differs from his own. Wash the floor at work means to defend its interests, similar dreams are often filmed before the working team occurs in advance known changes, such as the change of the head or transfer to another place.

A man who in a dream is caused by a volunteer in order to clean the workplace, wants to be useful and comfortable for all his colleagues. If in a dream a man ishes and removes the office of his boss, it can designate his desire to stay at work longer, especially if there is a fear of dismissal. Floor washing in someone else's house foreshadows familiarity with something very unusual, which can happen at the dream soon.

If a person when washing floors finds a jewel or a gem, then this person has a healthy self-esteem, which is few people will be shaken. Water spilled during washing can be heading gossip, unnecessary conversations, unpleasant rumors.

What does foreshadow?

A dream in which the person himself washes or watches the washing of floors and the guidance of purity in the house of a famous person speaks of readiness to resist public opinion. If you dreamed of washing the floors in the train, then this can mean the speedy moving to a new place, perhaps far enough.

Cleaning a bath or toilet, especially if you dream to remove not at home, but at work or in some unfamiliar room, means the possibility of rivalry and a dishonest game at work. If a person sees how the floor washes on his workplace, someone else is that it may be fear of dismissal and replacement by another employee.

If in a dream, the floor washes or helps with cleaning a small child, it can symbolize the getting rid of anger or negative thoughts. To break the mop or break the cloth foreshadows repairs in the apartment.

Wash the floor and at the same time not to wash the water taken for washing, indicates the impossibility of changing the situation in which the dreams turned out to be. If the water is very dirty, and sleep sees how pours it and changes to a new one, fresh - such a dream denotes financial well-being. But if it goes on many times in a row and the water does not become cleaner - the sleeping should be wondering if he spends his strength by the way, trying to prove his point of view to someone who does not want to listen to him.

Sometimes in dreams a person sees incredible things, but most often it is quite ordinary items. And with the right interpretation, even such a familiar action, like washing floors, allows you to learn a lot of interesting and important information about the future. In order for it to be more complete, it is necessary to take into account other details of the dream, an emotional load, as well as trace a connection with the events of reality.

What dreams of washing floors?

Sleep, where you are thoroughly my floors, predicts advancement of the career stairs. Dream Interpretation says that you can achieve the desired if you insist on your own and not conflict with management. If someone else is removed, then you will miss the chance and will get to the opponent. Night vision, where you wash clean floor, prevents the emergence of various troubles and diseases. There is information that the dream, where the floor washed, indicates disappointment in life.

If you decide to wash in a dream, dirty floors are a positive sign that promises changes in life. There is both opposite information, according to which such a dream prevents the death of a loved one. To be cleared at work in a dream, it means that the authorities have long noticed your efforts. There is another interpretation, where such a dream can be interpreted as a symbol of disgust. Most likely, in the near future, new responsibilities are welcomed, from which you will not be delighted. Sleep in which you need to wash the floors in the hospital, prevents the improvement of the material condition. Night vision, where you tried to wash the floor from the stains, indicates that the reality has to attempt to hide the facts of life to seem better. If I had to be removed in someone else's house, then my behavior will be able to change the life of another person. I had to wash the floor in a dream mop, such a night vision has a negative meaning, according to which there is a risk of falling into an unpleasant situation.

It is also necessary to achieve success in life, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of other people. If you are soaping the floor in an official institution is a positive sign that enlisions improves. Sleep, where the floors had to wash in the apartment, recommends to forget about the errors of the past and start life with a clean leaf. One of the dreams suggests that the night vision, where you soap the floors in the house indicates discussions behind your back and in the future you will have to participate in a meaningless scandal. If you are soaping floors with clean water, it means that in the future you can count on success in work, perhaps you will get an increase or an increase in wages.

The dream in which it was necessary to wash the floors in the church is a warning that in the future you will have to endure something. If the floor soaps another person, then it is worth being alert, since the enemies are developing behind his back The attack plan is possible at work, someone claims to your place. Night vision, where you soap the floor for another person without much desire, warns that and in life will have to give up your place. He dreamed of a dream where the floor washed at the request of another person, which means that you are a true friend on which you can rely at any time.

What does a woman dream of washing the floors?

For a married representative of a beautiful sex, a dream, where she is cleaned in his own home, indicates that she is not satisfied with family life. Dream interpretation recommends to make any changes to restore relationships with your loved one. For single women, the general cleaning predicts the appearance of a new fan and that most importantly - relationships can end the wedding.

Why dream that my floor?

Any dream, which comes out of the subconscious, is probably designed to inform the person about something very important. It is not necessary to treat all dreams to all dreams. If the dream is bright and memorable, you should carefully look at all the little things and details to correctly interpret.

Such a dream is the floor washing. If someone asks a question: "What dreams, what is my floor?" You can confidently say that this dream is not as simple and to the interpretation it is worth a very meaningful, making emphasis even on the most seemingly minor details. In real life, the floor is the basis, the foundation on which the person stands is moving along it. The floor in real life is associated with a solid base, which is intended to hold numerous items. Also in a dream, it is positioned as a kind of fundamental basis, which is designed to keep many areas of life. So, if a person dreams that he washes the floor, then this dream is interpreted, as his attempt in real life streamline all aspects of his being. If a man washes the floor in a dream very carefully and at the same time his actions independent, without attracting additional people, then in real life it is waiting for an incredible increase in service. Moreover, all attempts and desire to find some highly efficient solutions will be approved by management and appreciated at the highest professional level. Also, some dream interputes offer a different interpretation of floor washing. Such actions may be a symbol that a person is preparing in life to a very important event for him or very important changes.

In the interpretation of such a dream, it is worth paying special attention to the water that the floor is washed. If the water is clean and transparent, it means that changes will be favorable, and if dirty, then, most likely, they will carry a negative imprint.

If you dreamed that my sex in a dream, it means that a person seeks to change his position in real life, move forward, not to stop on the already achieved. With the characteristics of such a dream, it is worth paying special attention to the feelings that a person experienced by doing such a procedure. As far as the floor washing was pleasant and important, the room in which he washed the floor, as well as from what material the flooring is made. If a person dreams that he washes the floor in his own home, then this can be interpreted, as a complete readiness for fundamental change in personal life, to a new turn in professional activity and even global change on the love front. If you dreamed that the person washes the floor in an unfamiliar room, then in real life, he will show himself as a reliable and devoted person who can be reeded in any situation. Such a dream is interpreted as a sign that behavior, actions and decisions are able to provide the most significant impact on the lives of other people. If a person in a dream was asked to wash the floor in some unfamiliar room, then Kego, if he did not refuse, can be considered a reliable friend who is able to help at any time. In addition, it is focused on the formation of the room, in which floors are washing: training, office, office, apartment and more.

If this is an official type establishment, then with the help of this institution in real life in a person who is washing there, the floor can go to the way. Making conclusions about a dream in which a man is engaged in washing, we can say that such a dream will be favorable if the actual emotion does not cause negative emotions, and the person sees that the surface becomes really clean, and the water that was cleaned, not too much Dirty.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that such dreams may have a negative value. So, some of them can be interpreted as the desire of other people to get individual benefits, if a person dreamed that, for example, a colleague or a stranger washes the floor in his personal apartment. Or wash the floor from a friend or an unfamiliar person in an apartment or house may mean some concessions that can lead to losses and discomfort in real life.

Some dream interputes, treating floor washing, foreshadow the dead man, however, such a prediction can come true if there is a seriously ill person in the house, or someone is in critical state in the hospital. If a person dreamed of washing the floors, then the interpretation should be focused on numerous trifles, and the more such details, the better, since they will play a decisive role, and it will be possible to more accurately determine the events that predicted this dream.

Do not take everything written to heart. Dreams can also be outdated, and the interpretation of each dream can be absolutely different, depending on the level and type of life of each person separately. You always need to be attentive and active in any situation to achieve the desired one.

Dreams are warned, call on, reported, but can never categorically regard and take it to heart all written anywhere. The most important thing is the attitude of a person to their dreams. Let it always be quite positive.

Wash the floors in a dream by the dream of Miller

Wash the floors - a career symbol.

In a dream, washing the floors foreshadows a successful career, which will have to build with their own hands. Many mandatory rules and requirements have to follow. It will take full submission to the management. But the result will not make himself wait and bring moral and material satisfaction. Career will completely change life for the better.

What dreams of washing the floors - to not reaching the goal, if in a dream you have to get out in the house with someone else's person. This dream foreshadows that a planned position will take someone else. Namely, a more successful colleague, which will be before the intended goal.

Board the floor talks about the performance of work without making it effort. Such actions do not deserve rewards, so no profit is expected. Also, it is not foreseen and an increase in position.

Miller's dream book washing the floors treats how a warning that someone tries to spoil their career. In a dream, sleeping is rocked and falls on only the washed floor.

The situation can be corrected if you have patience and exposure. In this case, everything will be affordable and possible.

Miller's dream book online warns that if in a dream to wash the floors to other people, do it after the sleeves or throw the started business at all, then in real life it is not necessary to expect a prestigious position and high salary. To do this, you will have to start work again and do it already in a double pace and with maximum efforts. Only after that it will be possible to enjoy the result and rejoice in their own achievements.

Dream Interpretation Wash Floors

What dreams of washing floors in a dream in dream?

Wash the floors in a dream - change for better at work, raising, receiving a premium or fee, change in life.

Walking along the washed floor is the lack of barriers, obstacles to the achievement of long-standing purposes, the easy production of the desired, the embodiment of dreams into reality.

Where did you wash the floors in a dream? What did you wash the floor in a dream? What floor did you wash in a dream? Who soap floor in a dream?

Where did you wash the floors in a dream?

Wash in a dream floors in someone else's house

Wash the floors in someone else's house Dreamnik characterizes as an influence on the owner of the house. Your impact brings results, changes are positive, traced the dynamics of improvement.

Wash in a dream floors at work

I dreamed that the floor washed at work - recognition of you as an indispensable employee from the employer, your value and exclusivity. The work done will be assessed by merit.

What dreams Wash the floors in school

Sleep, where you wash the floors in school, foreshadows the inevitable changes in the place of study. The event will bring smaller emotional stress if you prepare in advance.

What dreams to wash the floor in the entrance

Wash the floors in the stairwell in a dream - to change the place of residence. Moving was noticed for a long time, it was time to embody old plans to reality. Focus on the main thing, do not be distracted by the little things.

Dreamed washing floors in the kitchen

It dreams that we wash the floor in the kitchen - to new relations with the opposite sex, the strengthening of mutual feelings and affection. It is possible to obtain a new long-awaited position at work, an increase in service.

What did you wash the floor in a dream?

Wash the floor mop in a dream

Wash Paul Mopper Dream Interpretation describes as the presence of conflicts in life, quarrels with loved ones or relatives, workers scandals and clarifying relationships. The dream warns of possible unpleasant situations in the future.

Wash the floors with hands in a dream

He dreamed that washing the floor with his hands - difficulties in life are coming. Before changes occur, you will have to cope with existing problems, having deciding long-standing questions and cases, time for new projects has not yet come.

What floor did you wash in a dream?

Wash clean floor in a dream

It dreams that my pure floor is to deteriorate the health, the appearance of troubles, problems. Show more attention to yourself, listen to the desires and needs of the body, it signals the potential troubles.

What dreams wash the wooden floor

Wet wooden floor - sleep foreshadows mental harmony, peace, serenity of the Spirit. Do not lose vigilance, otherwise you can get on the tricks of a fraudster who wants to put out your financial resources. Show maximum care and caution.

Who soap floor in a dream?

Mom washes the floor in a dream

Mom washes the floor in a dream - you can count on timely help from the parent. Do not hide your problems from loved ones, they are always ready to support and participate as their strength.

Neighbor washes the floor in a dream

He dreamed that the neighbor washes the floor - the previous relations with patrons could break due to gossip. Attempts to disadvantages to harm you will suffer fiasco and will not bring the expected results.

Husband washes the floor in a dream

Dusted how the husband washes the floor - the distribution of responsibilities, the spouse will take on the solution of most of the problems available. Show participation and support, it is necessary to maintain good relationships.

Grandma washes the floor in a dream

Sleep, where the grandmother washes the floors - temporary difficulties passing adversity. You will overcome the problems and find the right decision. Do not hurry, the time will come and you will find the right decision.

Man washes the floor in a dream

A man washes the floor - such a dream dream interpretation treats as an unexpected timely help. A successful completion of the case will bring positive emotions, joy and approval.

Daughter washes the floor in a dream

The daughter washes the floors in a dream - the readiness of the child to silence the guilt, repent of the overall act in relation to you. Show condescension and goodwill to her spiritual impulse.

How do other dreams interpret?

Dream Miller

Dream interpretation Wash the floors, dishes, what dreams of washing floors, dishes in a dream to see

Small Velezov Dream Interpretation Why in a dream dream of washing the floors, dishes:

Wash what dreams - gossip to dissolve; Wash - health, wealth, downhill, change for the better // People of bones are brutged, troubles in the family, losses, will be crushed; hot water - trouble; In clothes - trouble; in pure water - health; in dirty - illness; In the river - troubles, debts give.

Dream Soglunya Medele Wash the floors, dishes in the dream book:

What does it mean to see in a dream to wash what you dream - wash yourself - avoid conflicts during this period to wash someone or wash someone - you have a chance to establish relationships with your loved ones. Use them

Dream interpretation wash or be washed - your sadness will go into joy.

Dream Interpretation Wash the floor - to departure from your home.

Dream Stranger

Wash the floors to what dreams - to the scandal; to death.

Autumn Dream Interpretation What dreams Wash the floors, dishes in the dream book:

What to dream of floors to gossip.

Summer Dream Interpretation What dreams of washing floors, dishes in the dreams:

Wash the floor - to see in a dream, how you wash the floor in all rooms - to the reception of guests.

Dream Interpretation Wash dish - reconciliation in the family.

Islamic dream book What dreams Wash the floors, dishes in a dream?

What does it mean to see in a dream-dealing washing, washing - his vision in a dream is a sign of getting rid of worries, anxiety and misfortunes.

Wash half parents

Dream Interpretation Wash Paul Parents Dreamed, what dreams in a dream washed half the parents? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream to wash Paul to parents, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams at the Sun House!

Dream Interpretation - Wash Paul

To see in a dream, how you wash the floor in all rooms - to reception.

Dream Interpretation - Wash Paul

To gossip.

Dream Interpretation - Wash Paul

To departure from your home.

Dream Interpretation - Wash Floors

To the scandal; to death.

Dream Interpretation - Wash the floor in Sberbank

This dream promises wealth and honor

Dream Interpretation - Wash the floor by the dead man

Bad sleep; foreshadows death

Dream Interpretation - Washing

Wash in a dream dishwasher means the onset of unwanted events for you. If you see, how wash the car or other technique - come across a dirty business or unclean on your hand.

Wash in a dream hand means you get rid of many worries that do not give you peace. If you wash in a dream legs - I will get a good protection. A flown fresh face means a pleasant company, interesting interlocutors. Another, dirty man in a dream foreshadows a scandalous incident that can undermine your reputation.

Wash in a dream with warm water - a sign of a hypocrisy that will be sideways to see such a dream. Wash in cold water - cope with a serious ailment. If you wash in the river - this is to the hassle associated with money.

Wash in the bath foreshadows strong disappointment with unfulfilled promises. If you wash in the bath with a man - this means strong excitement because of the fear of losing the location of your beloved person.

Wash in a baby's bath - revealed to be deceived by going to a long trip with random fellow travelers. Wash in a bath - to an unexpected illness away from the family and at home. To see in the bath a lot of washable men together with women - you are waiting for the motley society of people of various interests and tastes. Wash in the pool - get an unexpected premium or prize and universal admiration.

Wash in the dream of animals foreshadows good health and abundant feast away, where you will soon invite you. Wash under the hot shower means that your modest services will be generously paid. Cold souls foreshadows a pleasant surprise. If you wash, getting under the shower in clothes, is to the disease and the mistress of enemies.

Wash, latching the whole body, - you will have someone on the blisters, if you are scattered - you will become a victim of a pattern of deception and treachery from the imaginary friends. To wash a rigid washcloth - in reality trying to rod your guilt in front of my husband demonstrating repentance and unquestioned humility. If you are my child with a soft sponge - you will have to come with your principles for the acquisition of a strong patron.

Wash in a dream head - sign of married treason. If when washing a head, you use a good shampoo - it means that you shake into a dirty case under the threat of blackmail and exposing a mystery of a love link. Wash my head someone or see her wash others - soon go on an interesting trip, which will take you a lot of pleasant.

Sometimes in dreams a person sees incredible things, but most often it is quite ordinary items. And with the right interpretation, even such a familiar action, like washing floors, allows you to learn a lot of interesting and important information about the future. In order for it to be more complete, it is necessary to take into account other details of the dream, an emotional load, as well as trace a connection with the events of reality.

What dreams of washing floors?

Sleep, where you are thoroughly my floors, predicts advancement of the career stairs. Dream Interpretation says that you can achieve the desired if you insist on your own and not conflict with management. If someone else is removed, then you will miss the chance and will get to the opponent. Night vision, where you wash clean floor, prevents the emergence of various troubles and diseases. There is information that the dream, where the floor washed, indicates disappointment in life.

If you decide to wash in a dream, dirty floors are a positive sign that promises changes in life. There is both opposite information, according to which such a dream prevents the death of a loved one. To be cleared at work in a dream, it means that the authorities have long noticed your efforts. There is another interpretation, where such a dream can be interpreted as a symbol of disgust. Most likely, in the near future, new responsibilities are welcomed, from which you will not be delighted. Sleep in which you need to wash the floors in the hospital, prevents the improvement of the material condition. Night vision, where you tried to wash the floor from the stains, indicates that the reality has to attempt to hide the facts of life to seem better. If I had to be removed in someone else's house, then my behavior will be able to change the life of another person. I had to wash the floor in a dream mop, such a night vision has a negative meaning, according to which there is a risk of falling into an unpleasant situation.

It is also necessary to achieve success in life, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of other people. If you are soaping the floor in an official institution is a positive sign that enlisions improves. Sleep, where the floors had to wash in the apartment, recommends to forget about the errors of the past and start life with a clean leaf. One of the dreams suggests that the night vision, where you soap the floors in the house indicates discussions behind your back and in the future you will have to participate in a meaningless scandal. If you are soaping floors with clean water, it means that in the future you can count on in the work, you may receive an increase or an increase in wages.

The dream in which it was necessary to wash the floors in the church is a warning that in the future you will have to endure something. If the floor soaps another person, then it is worth being alert, since the enemies are developing behind his back The attack plan is possible at work, someone claims to your place. Night vision, where you soap the floor for another person without much desire, warns that and in life will have to give up your place. He dreamed of a dream where the floor washed at the request of another person, which means that you are a true friend on which you can rely at any time.

What does a woman dream of washing the floors?

For a married representative of a beautiful sex, a dream, where she is cleaned in his own home, indicates that she is not satisfied with family life. Dream interpretation recommends to make any changes to restore relationships with your loved one. For lonely women, the general cleaning predicts the appearance of a new fan and that most importantly - can end the wedding.