Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples script. The Day of Indigenous Peoples was celebrated in the regions

Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples script.  The Day of Indigenous Peoples was celebrated in the regions
Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples script. The Day of Indigenous Peoples was celebrated in the regions

Today, 9 August 2018, is the International Day of the World's Indigenous People. The holiday was established by the resolution of the UN General Assembly on December 23, 1994. The commemorative date refers to the first meeting of the United Nations Working Group on Indigenous Issues, which was established in 1982.

International Day of the World's Indigenous People is celebrated all over the world. Indigenous peoples live on the territory of about 90 states. Their number reaches 370 million people. Each nation has its own language, traditions and customs. Today in Russia there are up to 50 ethnic groups, where 40 indigenous peoples live. A significant part of them, over 65%, live in rural areas.

Congratulations on the International Day of the World's Indigenous People can be in poetic form:

On the day of the world's indigenous peoples

I wish you great joy

Great wisdom and strength,

Protect unity with all your soul.

To keep the warmth, comfort of tradition,

Do not forget your native language,

Safely keep in the very heart,

Send them over and over again.

Day of the World's Indigenous People

Today we are celebrating.

There are few of them, but there is strength in unity,

So be, you, friends, are strong!

Your wishes are simple:

Peace, luck, peaceful home,

And in the house so that everything is cute

And so that happiness lives in him.

Protect your language sacredly

All traditions and speech.

Protect from attacks

Identity to assert.

Increase the number for everyone,

Observe the law to be personal.

To triumph among all

Live, love and prosper.

International Day of the World's Indigenous People refers to the first meeting of the UN working group

International law does not clearly define indigenous peoples. On the other hand, they have some signs and characteristics. Indigenous peoples are historically linked to their area of ​​residence. In addition, indigenous people recognize that they are different from other parts of the population. Of course, indigenous peoples have their own language, culture, etc. They strive to preserve their identity in the future.

For a long time, indigenous people were treated as underdeveloped and underdeveloped. Often this situation was associated with the adoption of decisions that infringed on their rights to varying degrees. The situation changed in the 70s of the last century.

The UN Sub-Commission, which was engaged in the prevention of discrimination and the protection of minority rights, recommended a large-scale study on this issue. Upon its completion, the opinion of the society changed radically.

In 1982, the UN established a working group on indigenous peoples. The day of the first meeting of this group later became International Day of Indigenous Peoples. A few years later, the UN General Assembly declared 1993 the International Year of Indigenous Peoples.

Declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples adopted at the UN

The UN General Assembly established the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples on 13 September 2018. The document does not include the concept of “indigenous peoples”. The Declaration stipulates that it is enough for representatives of indigenous peoples to realize their belonging.

The document states that indigenous peoples have the full right to freedom, independent determination of their status, beliefs, religion, and territory of residence. In addition, they can take part in solving issues that affect their lives.

Indigenous people make up less than 5% of the world's population. At the same time, about 15% of the poorest inhabitants of the Earth belong to them. Indigenous peoples are the bearers of 5,000 unique cultures. In addition, most of the world's languages ​​(about 7 thousand) belong to them.

On the territory of Russia up to 50 thousand people. identify themselves as separate ethnic communities. They live mainly in the North, Far East and Siberia.

International Day of the World 's Indigenous People was established on December 23, 1994 by a resolution of the UN General Assembly and is celebrated annually on August 9.

This date marks the first day of the meeting of the UN Working Group on Indigenous Populations, established in 1982.
Each year, International Day of the World's Indigenous People has a theme. The main focus of the International Day in 2016 is on the theme “The right of indigenous peoples to education”.

There is still no clear and generally recognized concept of "indigenous peoples" in international law. At the same time, some characteristics of indigenous peoples have developed. First, the most important feature is the historical connection (continuity) of the indigenous peoples with the territory of their present residence. Secondly, it is self-awareness of oneself as such. That is, indigenous peoples deliberately indicate their belonging to indigenous peoples and consider themselves to be different from the rest of the population. Thirdly, it is the presence of their own language, culture, customs, traditions and other social, economic and political institutions that fully or partially regulate their life. Fourth, it is the desire to preserve their land and ethnic identity as the basis for the continuation of their existence as a people.

For a long time, indigenous peoples were viewed as inferior, backward and in need of development. Often these arguments were used to justify certain legal concepts, laws, and international decisions that oppress their rights.

The 1970s were a turning point in the protection of the rights of indigenous peoples at the international level, when the United Nations Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities recommended a comprehensive study on discrimination against indigenous peoples. The results of these studies had a strong influence on public opinion, and in 1982 the UN Economic and Social Council established a Working Group on Indigenous Peoples under the UN Commission on Human Rights.

In 1990, the General Assembly proclaimed 1993 the International Year of the World's Indigenous People. Subsequently, the General Assembly established two International Decades of the World's Indigenous People, from 1995 to 2004 and from 2005 to 2014. The aim of both decades has been to strengthen international cooperation to address the challenges faced by indigenous peoples in areas such as human rights, the environment, education, health, economic and social development.

On September 13, 2007, the General Assembly adopted the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

The Declaration does not include a definition of "indigenous peoples". According to the Declaration, the fundamental criterion is one's own self-awareness as an indigenous people. The Declaration states that indigenous peoples have the right to define themselves or their ethnicity in accordance with their customs and traditions.

© AP Photo / Dario Lopez-Mills

© AP Photo / Dario Lopez-Mills

The Declaration recognizes fundamental human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous peoples - the right to freedom and equality; to freely determine their political status and implement their economic, social and cultural development; the right to respect and revive their cultural traditions and customs; the right to create and control their education systems; the right to participate in decision-making processes at all levels on issues that may affect their rights, life and destiny; the right to lands, territories and resources and the right to guaranteed use of one's own means, ensuring their existence and development.

According to the UN, there are about 370 million indigenous people in the world living in 90 countries. While they make up less than 5% of the world's population, they account for 15% of the world's poorest people. Indigenous peoples are carriers of 5 thousand different cultures and the vast majority of world languages, the total number of which is approximately 7 thousand.

© AP Photo / Thomas Kienzle

© AP Photo / Thomas Kienzle

In accordance with the generally recognized principles and norms of international law and international agreements.

In development of these provisions, three special federal laws were adopted: "On guarantees of the rights of the indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation" of April 30, 1999, "On the general principles of organizing communities of the indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation" of July 20, 2000 and "On the territories of traditional nature management of the indigenous peoples of the North of Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation" dated May 7, 2001. In addition, the rights and interests of small peoples in the field of traditional nature management and the use of living biological resources were partially enshrined in the Land, Forest, Water and Tax Codes, in a number of legislative acts and decrees of the Russian government.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources

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Equipment: headgear (deer horns, mosquito mask headgear, African animal mask, feather headgear.) Berry picking baskets,

fake horses, envelopes with letters.

The decoration of the hall: the coat of arms of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, a rainbow of balloons, posters with the image of deer, a surprise balloon.


Ved. Dear Guys,

We have gathered with you today,

to celebrate a wonderful holiday,

day of the world's indigenous peoples.

And what kind of holiday this is, we will now find out

We invite the owner of the tundra and taiga to visit us.

Enter the hostess.

Household. antorova,

Hello guys,

How many guests I have

And I am very glad to everyone.

All my name is Heiro, which means ... ... sunshine

I send congratulations to all the indigenous peoples of the world,

And our Yamal, our beloved land, will not be an exception.

Indians, Nenets, Eskimos, the whole world dances and sings.

Khanty, Mansi and Selkups will all join in a friendly round dance.

And may our holiday be bright, cheerful and beautiful,

Yamal gathered in a circle of friends - joyful, happy.



Charles. Landing come on, oh come on landing,

Otherwise I'll crash

Oh, quickly save.

Hello everyone, here I am,

Hello my friends.

Ouch…. And where did I end up,

I haven’t been here yet,

Household. an-torova, hello, kind person.

you got to the North,

To our beloved land ... ... Yamal

Charles. Oh, how wonderful, and very interesting, I know nothing about Yamal ... ...

I'd like to know how you are doing ……. Can tell.

Household. Of course we can,

it is good for us to live in the harsh tundra,

Everything that grows on it is our wealth,

Chum is not a palace, but we feel warm in it,

And because this place is sacred to us.

Our tundra is immense

Lakes, rivers ...

Mighty cedars, many berries,

Fishing, hunting and permafrost,

The wealth of Yamal cannot be measured,

Yamal ... .. our priceless land.

We love him, protect him,

We call our homeland.

Charles. What an interesting land you have,

Listen… .this is paradise.

I have certainly seen many countries,

But I have not been to Yamal.

And what do you play,

Do they use sweets?

I’m hungry for something

Oh ... yes I haven't refueled for a long time,

I would not mind jamming.

Household. well, well, we have one game.

To make the jam, you need to pick the berry,

but first it is necessary ... to tie the sledges to the reindeer team

then we choreate the team merrily to drive,

then find a glade in the taiga,

you can still meet a little girl in the forest,

a bunting can sing its song on a branch

Well, while you are picking the berries, you can chew on the nannies.

Well, in general, it seems that that's all,

And what kind of berry do you want to pick,

We have a lot of it, but let's list our northern berries:

Lingonberry, cranberry, blueberry, blueberry, cloudberry, mountain ash, stoneberry, blackberry.

Charles. Oh no, something's a little hard for me

Tell me in order

What to tie, who to drive and at the end whom I can meet.

Household. well, guys, let's show Carlson what and how to do,

To collect the berry. And what kind of berry did you decide to pick.

Charles. I will collect cranberries

She is said to be the most helpful

Household. well, listen carefully again.

The sledges are the sleigh, the trochee is the stick, drive the deer,

Evrazhka is a tundra mouse, a bunting is a sparrow

And nannies are bread, and cranberries are gathered in the swamp.

Charles. Well, now everything is clear to me, I will jump from bump to bump,

Collect cranberries quickly.

Household. you must first collect the reindeer in a team

THE GAME "KILLING THE DEER" (we throw the ball at the children who hit, that deer)

Household. The teams are ready, bold forward.

The cranberry berry has been waiting for us for a long time.


Household. and here is the swamp, cranberries ... like beads, on the bumps lies

Ripe, red ………. Who will collect, let him hurry to me.

And of course Carlson.


Charles. And I liked picking berries,

Household. the main thing is that I didn't have to be bored,

To live in the North - you need to be strong and patient,

In winter - frost, and in summer - mosquitoes and midges. Life is not easy at all.

Charles. Mosquitoes are not scary at all.

Household. you are not afraid of mosquitoes

Charles. Nonsense. Well, it will bite a little, so what.

Household. okay, we'll look at you now,

Then don't scream ... ... save me.

GAME "KOMARA" (6 children are chosen, they catch up with Carlson, they nip)

Charles. oh, save, help, oh-oh-oh, drive away the mosquitoes.

Household. you see, Karlson, taiga doesn't like jokes,

You have to be careful and very attentive.

Charles. Now I realized that the Northern Territory, very harsh, do not yawn here.

Household. oh guys look how many letters we received,

Charles. This is probably congratulations on the holiday,

Household. Here is a letter from Australia, from my Aboriginal friend Dougie,

Well, let's read: "Dear Heiro .... Congratulations on our day,

May there be a lot of happiness in him

let everything. that you want.

And let your dreams come true. Now we are playing with the kangaroo, which is what we wish for you,

And since you do not have a kangaroo, I send it to you in contact, hug it tightly,

Your friend Aboriginal Dagi "

Household. oh, how interesting, well, let's see what kind of contact kangaroo is,

Charles. Yes, it's a dance, let's dance

Fun to be mischievous.


Charles. Heiro look, here's another letter

How hot it is

Probably there is a warm congratulation,

Cake, pie, or baked goods.

Household. well, what are you Carlson, this is not sent in letters,

All the guys know about this.

Charles. Well, read it soon,

Household. Hello dear Heiro, accept congratulations ... ... from my tribe.

May the ray of the African sun always shine on you

And in the northern summer and in the winter cold,

Let it warm you in the plague

Protects from all troubles.

Take my hot hello

No warm greetings.

I send you masks as a gift,

I really like to play Safari

Hope you like it too

In your opinion, this is called a hunt.

your friend ... ... pygmy Mabuk.

Charles. What an interesting name, ……

I've been to Africa, a famous country,

can i be an elephant

with such a huge ho-bot.

Household. thanks for the gift,

Well then, let's play

We will start hunting on Safari.


Household. oh, and this is a letter from my friend Joni,

American Indian

Charles. He probably congratulates you too,

Household. probably let's read it,

"My ancient family.,

sends congratulations,

may the spirits of the forest help you,

and protect from evil.

I send you the feather of the sacred bird Condor,

It will always help you

But you can also play with him.

Your friend Joni, from the Navajo tribe "

Charles. How wonderful when you can play

And also to be naughty,

I know Indians are dashing riders

So we will play with you now,

Who will gallop the fastest, well, for example, in Kansas.


Household. What wonderful friends I have

I also need to congratulate everyone,

And I can't do without a gift.

What should I give them.

Charles. Look at the sky, the rainbow is shining

Such, as in Yamal, a rainbow, nowhere else.

And may it shine on all people on the planet,

And let both adults and children smile at her.

Household. And you can also give a song,

A rainbow of desires will amuse everyone.


Household. that's come to an end

Our fun holiday

Charles. We've all played enough today

A henchman and a prankster

Household. congratulations again to all indigenous peoples.

Together. We wish you good luck, happiness and goodness,

And good mood.


(International Day of the World's Indigenous People), celebrated annually, established in 1994 by the UN General Assembly (resolution A / RES / 49/214). On this day in 1992, the first meeting of the Working Group on Indigenous Peoples of the Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights was held, which stated:

“On this International Day of the World's Indigenous People, we pay tribute to the richness of indigenous peoples' cultures and the special contribution they make to the world's family. We are also mindful of the enormous hardships that many indigenous peoples face, from unacceptable levels of poverty and disease to deprivation of property, discrimination and denial of fundamental human rights. ".

The First International Decade of the World’s Indigenous People, launched in 1995, has helped to better hear the voices of indigenous peoples around the world and raise awareness of indigenous peoples' concerns.

In 2004, the UN General Assembly proclaimed the Second International Decade of the World’s Indigenous People for the period 2005-2014 with the theme “Decade of Action and Dignity”. The purpose of the Decade is not only to focus on action to protect the rights of indigenous peoples and to support the improvement of their situation in terms of their lands, their languages, their livelihoods and their cultures, but also to further strengthen international cooperation in solving problems, confronting indigenous peoples in areas such as education, health, human rights, the environment and social and economic development.

And in 2015, a System-wide Action Plan to Promote the Rights of Indigenous Peoples was developed. Its goal is to ensure a coherent approach to achieving the goals set out in the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, including by strengthening support for UN Member States and indigenous peoples.

The Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples itself was adopted in 2007. According to it, the fundamental criterion for distinguishing one or another indigenous people is their own awareness of themselves as an indigenous people. Indigenous peoples have the right to define themselves or their ethnicity in accordance with their customs and traditions.

Also, this Declaration recognizes the fundamental human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous peoples - the right to freedom and equality; to freely determine their political status and implement their economic, social and cultural development; the right to respect and revive their cultural traditions and customs; the right to create and control their education systems; the right to participate in decision-making processes at all levels on issues that may affect their rights, life and destiny; the right to lands, territories and resources and the right to guaranteed use of one's own means, ensuring their existence and development.

Currently, the total number of indigenous peoples on the planet is approximately 370 million, who live in more than 90 countries and represent many languages ​​and cultures. In Russia, indigenous minorities are recognized as peoples living in the territories of traditional settlement of their ancestors, preserving the traditional way of life, farming and crafts, numbering less than 50 thousand people on the territory of the country and realizing themselves as independent ethnic communities. There are 47 such ethnic groups in our country, where 40 indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of Russia stand out. They live compactly in more than 30 constituent entities of Russia, more than 65% of them in rural areas.

And although indigenous peoples make up only 5% of the world's population, they account for 15% of the world's poorest people. After all, they continue to face many problems, their rights are often violated. And it was to draw the attention of the general public and authorities at different levels to these issues, and to direct efforts to solve the problems of indigenous peoples around the world, and this holiday was established.

By the way, every year the events held within the framework of the Day are dedicated to a specific topic. Thus, over the years, the Day's mottos were: “Reconciliation and partnership between states and indigenous peoples”, “Indigenous peoples and HIV / AIDS”, “Creativity of indigenous peoples: a worthy appreciation of traditions and cultures, creating our own future”, “Building alliances of indigenous peoples: compliance with the provisions of treaties, agreements and other constructive agreements ”and others.

On the day of the world's indigenous peoples
We wish you great joy
Great wisdom and strength,
Protect unity with all your soul.

To keep the warmth, comfort of tradition,
Do not forget your native language,
Safely keep in the very heart,
Send them over and over again.