Avril Lavigne and Melissa. Avril or not Avril? Replies plastic surgeon

Avril Lavigne and Melissa. Avril or not Avril? Replies plastic surgeon
Avril Lavigne and Melissa. Avril or not Avril? Replies plastic surgeon

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Fewalts about famous people have appeared long before the Internet, and with his appearance there are hundreds of times more. Some of them stuck so much that they became like truth.

websitei found 9 such stories and came to the conclusion that smoke without fire is still happening, so you should not believe everything you hear.

9. Singer Lord - 45 years

The unusual appearance of the New Zealand singer Lord (real name - Ella Yelich-O'Connor) gave rise to a lot of rumors about her "present" age. Some believe that the singer is already in 40, although at the time of release of the debut album it was only 17. This is confirmed by her birth, but even the date of birth of the Lord - November 7, 1996 - convinced not all.

8. Avril Lavigne replaced double

This legend was born in 2015. The Brazilian site appeared on the network, dedicated to Avril Lavin, where it was argued that the singer had died back in 2003 and was replaced by a twin named Melissa Vadella.

7. Stevie Wonder not really blind

Some believe that the singer is only pretending to be blind, because he visits basketball matches, buys televisions, and somehow once I tried to catch the falling microphone . The only thing that supporters of this theory cannot explain is that Wonder Would need to play the blind for 67 years.

6. Marilyn Monroe wore the 50th clothing size

The Body Marilyn Monroe is considered a sample of a classic feminine figure, and sometimes they are attributed to the category "Plus Size". But Marilyn parameters differed little from the standard 90-60-90. Its clothes and the records of the costumes are preserved, from which it follows that according to today's standards, the actress would be 44-46 size.

Marilyn weight hesitated - for example, during pregnancy (which, unfortunately, was unsuccessful), but she was never complete. In addition, the dimensional grid in the United States did not correspond to the current one.

5. Katy Perry is Johnbenet Ramsey

The fans of the singer there is a theory that she is not at all Katie Perry and not even Catherine Hudson (Katie decided to take the Mother's name to the Mother's name, so that she was not confused with the actress Kate Hudson), and Jonbenet Ramsey is the winner of children's beauty contests.

Unfortunately, Ramsey left life at the age of 6, and the mystery of her death to this day remains undisclosed. Apparently, this fact and the extraordinary similarity of Jonbente and Katy caused the appearance of absurd theory. However, it is very easy to refute: when Johnbenet Ramsi appeared on the light, Katie was already 6 years old.

4. Beyonce has never been pregnant

These rumors appeared after participating at that time pregnant first child Beyonce in the Australian TV show. The dress of the star failed the hostess, creating the illusion of the "overhead belly", which gave rise to malicious languages \u200b\u200bto reproach Beyonce in pregnancy simulation due to "fertility problems".

Well, quite recently, the singer bore two more children. This fact left no doubt that with its reproductive health everything is in perfect order.

3. The present floor McCartney died in 1966

Supporters of the conspiracy theory believe that the present Paul McCartney died in a car accident still half a century ago and was replaced by a twin. It is allegedly confirmed by numerous hints in the creativity of The Beatles.

For example, that on the cover of the album "Abby Road" the floor does not keep up with everyone and also barefoot (and the dead are often buried without shoes). Over such "evidence" you can only laugh, and Siro Semi McCartney wish for many years of life.

2. Walt Disney body was frozen

Another story from the category of urban legends states that the body of the Great Multiplier was frozen with the aim of resurrection in the distant future, when the relevant technologies appear.

Probably, this hearing appeared due to the fact that the death of Disney coincided with the advent of cryoconservation, and he himself was supposed to be interested in this method during his lifetime. But in fact, the body of Walt Disney was not satisfied with cold, but fire. After cremation, his remains were buried in one of

Perhaps you remember how in the 2010, the expanses of the Internet stirred the news that the famous singer Avril Avalanie was dead and producers replaced her by another girl. For a very long time, the fans of the Musolili this information were found different "evidence" in favor of this theory, studied under the microscope photos of the favorite artist, but did not really find out ...

Over time, the hype subsided, and the existence of Avril Avalani some and forgot. And now, in 2019, one of the most popular theories of the conspiracy of modernity was again revived. Read more - in our material.

It is unknown that it is unknown who dissolved rumors about the death of Avril Avan, but this information managed to rush literally around the world. For the first time, this is supposedly perfect suicide, the popular singers spoke in 2012. Then the stars fans guessed that the loud news is actually a fake. But some suspicions still crumbled into the bright heads of her fans.

They began to study the photos of the singer "before and after" and find almost invisible, but characteristic differences. Basically, they concerned the location of the moles on the body and the proportions of the face.

Heated rumors also the fact that the singer practically disappeared from the stage. Avalanie stopped writing songs, giving concerts and did not even appear on social networks. The rare public speeches of the girl fans explained this way: the producers hired an actress of Melissa Vantell on her "role".

Explain to fans that the cause of the sudden creative pause of the singer was Lyme's disease, it was useless. Lavin himself later admitted: the ailment took away all her strength.

Avril and Melissa, really, very similar. But does this make a reason to argue about any substitution?

Despite all the absurdity of this theory, the materials on this topic still emerge on the Internet. For example, this video appeared on the network more recently, January 21, 2019, and gathered thousands of views.

Heself, Avril Avalanov declares that she is real. In an interview with one Canadian publication, the singer said:

"Yes, some people think that I'm fascinating, and this is complete nonsense! I do not understand how they can think so? "

It does not sound too convincing, but the singer can also be understood. Just imagine how many people give her the same question daily.

Even the "twin" Avril Lavigne - actress Melissa Vadella - did not stand the onslaught of curious fans and limited access to his page.

We do not undertake to say that the truth is, but what is not. Make conclusions yourself.

Before, last year, the singer decided to resume his career and for the first time in five years he released the video for the song "Head Above Water". Now you can consider in detail the appearance of the girl, her features of the face and moles on the body, and decide whether it is true or not.

Avril or Melissa? How do you think?

Have you believed that Avril Avalani has long been dead? Then I urgently see what happened to her!

Photo: Dr.

For a couple of days, Avril Lavin is discussed in the network. "Killed" the singer, oddly enough, their own fans, confident that the last 13 years the star replaces the dublersh. To participate in the investigation to clarify the situation we asked the President of The Platinental Aesthetic Lounge, Plastic Surgeon Andrei Eroshev.

Opinion Andrei Eorpev

"The Hollywood Rejuvenation Standard includes a constant rule - start with endoscopic lifting. This is such an approach when the tissues are pulled through intrarocratic and temporal punctures, so interventions remain invisible. This operation makes the face of fresh, but without the effect of tensile tissues. It is possible that the actress took advantage of this approach, plus a little worked over the form of the nose. But! In plastic surgery to assess appearance, as in criminalistics, the so-called anthropometric map of the person is used (the ratio table between different intervals on the face) is used. In the photo of the singer of different years, one can notice the complete correspondence between the so-called face height and the intercoule distance. Also almost identical to the shape of the lips, eye cut, the height of the nose and the height of the forehead. So the minimum changes in appearance Avryl are associated with natural mature, but definitely not with the presence of a twin in her life "

November 2, 2018, 19:58

For the first time, rumors that Avril avalanch is non-real, crawled over the network in 2015. The source for the theory of conspiracy was the study of like-minded people from Twitter, who said the following: Young Avril Lavigne died back in 2003, shortly before her second and best album Under My Skin was released. However, the record-company considered that it was a rare case when it is more profitable to keep the artist alive than making money on the wave of universal sympathy and nostalgia (as it was in the case of Michael Jackson, who after death already had three new plates).

The cause of death Avril is all unanimously called suicide, although the motives for hanging are very different (mainly turmoil in personal life). In confirmation, a whole ohaper of facts and evidence was collected. Some are very stupid, and some closer to reality - for example, wonderfully disappeared poor moles. Changed growth and other shape of nails.

One of the visual studies of the inconsistency of the appearance of the new and old Avril.

For a fundamentally new round, this theory recently recently, after the alleged twin was calculated. She turned out to be an actress Melissa Vandel. Moreover, Veldele became a twin Avril during the last time: in 2002, Avreil had a nervous breakdown and not to cancel the planned concerts, Melissu was put on her place. Avril herself after that apologized to fans.

Melissa Vandel

Hints on real events were found even in the songs of Melissa, and there are a lot of those. We bring one of them - Slipped Away, which Melissa devoted to the deceased Avril:

... it was not a fake,

You really died.

No, you died, now died

And went there, went there,

Where did you get back not back.

The Internet is now so crowded with this kind of testimony that it does not work past, even if you want. The case went so far that even the Brazilian, the first in 2015 expressed a hypothesis about the twin, now goes to the opponent and claims that he was joking. Traitor!

However, the theory has already come out of his control and lives his life.

For the first time about the death of the star spoke two years ago, after which the inquisitive users of the network were assembled a real evidence base. Proponents of the Conspiracy Theory are confident that Avalanie died at the peak of his popularity in 2004 and the producers did not want to lose such profits, so the death of the singer was hidden and replaced her twin.

According to fans, it happened after the release of the second rating album Avril "Under My Skin". And the cause of death is called suicide. An even more believable, this theory became after it turned out that one day avalante, indeed, replaced the twin at the concert. The singer sharply became ill and on stage instead of Avril came out very similar to her actress Melissa Vaddela.

The case occurred in 2002, even before the alleged death of the star. Fans are confident, Vaddela and now stands for a dead avalanche. As evidence, the singer who believes in the death of her photos of different years, on which many moles disappeared and the nose shape changed.

All this seemingly can be corrected using doctors. But the conspirators did cut the concerts of different years, where the voice of Avril Lavigne is very different. In the network, serious disputes broke out on this. It is worth noting that the performer leads an active life in social networks, but there it does not comment on this version. But Melisa Vadella repeatedly laid out a photo on this topic.