Dmitry Olenin: biography and personal life (photo). Dmitry Olenin - personal life of the leading "Russian Radio Anna: Dim, tell me what she is - the wedding of your dreams

Dmitry Olenin: biography and personal life (photo). Dmitry Olenin - personal life of the leading
Dmitry Olenin: biography and personal life (photo). Dmitry Olenin - personal life of the leading "Russian Radio Anna: Dim, tell me what she is - the wedding of your dreams

"Curiosity I prevails over the feeling of fear"

We talk in a small negotiation in the office of "Russian Radio". Dmitry glances at the clock - he will soon go on the air - and talks about how life led him to the radio, where he worked already thirteen years: "I studied at the institute, and I got a job on the regional" Russian Radio "in Cherepovets. A year later, I threw my studies and went to Moscow. Now I will prove, get education. "

How did you get colleagues in the capital?
The team of "Russian Radio" is one big family. In Moscow, first time I had to tightly, and colleagues with a shy view put money for me or invited to visit and said: "Well, you will stay on the day or different." They knew that I had nowhere to live. ( Smiles.)

Remember whether you were worried when the microphone was first?
Sure. My mentor Alexander Karlov, who took me to work, five seconds came to the first ether and said: "Remove the headphones. All you say now will hear the whole country. Do you understand that? " It is necessary to say that the already shaking hands and legs simply jerked! Cooking something into the microphone as a frog. Then, of course, everything became good. Everything needs experience.

Your relatives stayed in Cherepovets?
Yes, my closest people are older sister and her two children, my nephews, "live there. I don't have parents, I am an orphan. The rest of the relatives are aunt, cousins \u200b\u200band sisters, their children - in different cities. At the beginning of this year, in January, I removed the house in Kharkov, and all twenty-five relatives gathered there to spend time together. In winter, we will gather again. I hope that now it will be our family tradition.

What about to start your family?
I am in the youngest family, and I still do not leave the feeling that I am still a Pazanenok who needs to grow. I think you should not go against your church, you need to do something, if only hesitated. Recently there was such a period: I terribly wanted my children were born now. My friends were excited: "Do not hurry, listen to us, have time!" - And they began to come to me with their young children. I realized that I am withstanding them for two to three days, and then ... ( Laughs.)

Well, it is still someone else's children.
You know when I tried to do something contrary to my feelings and intuition, I was punished. I did not make up my relationship, everything ended in unpleasant. I concluded: Do not live in favor of society - subscribers in social networks, grandmother next door. Everything should be only at will and love. I have no such thing yet.

But, judging by the photos in social networks, you have a lot of girlfriends. With girls you are easier to be friends?
Now I am friends with everyone, it's in childhood only with girls. My mom's girlfriends were mostly daughters, and I myself have been dancing for many years and in the evenings, when everyone walked and played, went to the rehearsal. In the courtyard, because of this, I was a little outcast, the boys even beat me at school. After the graduation, they admitted that they did because I was friends with the girls and liked it - it was just a shame! When we walked home together with some girlfriend, I asked her to go along the other side of the street. ( Smiles.)

Dancing, speak, did?
Yes, from five to twenty years. I was propheted that I would become a ballet artist. But the fat point in the dance career put my departure to Moscow for the sake of work on the radio.

Now could you dance?
(Smiles.) Sure. True, no longer as before ... there was one case here. We sat in a restaurant, the company was different, and it was about the ballet. I stated: they say, see how it is done! And began to show. The guys nodded, laughed. I asked: "What are you laughing? Exit and try yourself! " They say: "Yes, we will not even try, but these four are soloists of the Bolshoi Theater." It's me, it turns out, taught ballet stars to dance!

Dmitry, you are such a cheerful person, did Moscow really have influenced you with her aggression?
There is such. If before I tried to live for everyone and everything, now I understand that this is not worth doing this, because everyone does not care for you. People for some reason believe that they have the right to demand something, and when you give it, do not express gratitude. Conditionally speaking, they can replace a person with a thing, can confess in love, and then just do not come for a birthday and so on. And they absolutely do not think about the fact that the sense of man rushed into his act. At some point, I realized this and thought: Well, okay, I will not smile twenty-four hours a day.

It does not seem that now you have become evil and intense.
I have a presumption of good in people. This prettier can be easily stretched out. In Moscow, people at first meet aggression, and if you smile to a person, you will make him a few sincere compliments, oh and he will bloom! And everything, you already have a different attitude. So, in fact, a good man, good, just for some reason it puts on a shell and produces spikes.

You brought up very well.
Once, when I was twelve for years, I had a serious swelling with my mother. It seems that she did not let me go for a walk, and I said to her: "Well, the fool!" And got a savory slap. It was explained in detail that in no case under no circumstances would the woman call a fool and shout at her. It so memorifies it that further all communication with people began to be based on the principle "no matter how a person did not insult, but draw conclusions." ( Dmitry looks at the clock and reports that he is time to ether. We move to the studio, he welcomes the listeners, launches music and returns to our conversation.)

Dima, do you always speak expression?
You see, I have no pieces. ( Smiles.) The microphone is included - and I am flying on the air, as in the ocean!

Have you ever worked in another sphere?
Only in adjacent areas. Now I am the leading charter "Super 10" on the music channel RU.TV, DJ, leading events. If we talk about the first earnings, then it was in the fourth grade. At the lesson, we made iron scoops, sold them and received four rubles. I still keep them like Scrooge McDak. Then I began to pay for the dancing - I performed with a professional team. I am generally a workaholic, I love to work and buzz when I come home and cut down from fatigue. I like to obey the creative process of a common cause. I am an excellent team player. Now I want to use this quality in another area - in the movies.

Want to famous even more?
I never asked to become famous. Until now, coming to the event, I am surprised: you really want to take a picture of me, did not confuse anything? (Smiles.) People sometimes emerges dissonance, because I feel shy in life, and the constraint is often mistakenly taken for Ponte. I come somewhere where I do not know anyone, waiting for friends. And then people are told: "Olenin came, stood aside, not communicating with us."

And how are you going to shoot in the movies then? There is a bunch of people, operators, cameras.
This is an experience. I can go on stage and say: "Hi, Kremlin!" And once it was scary. I have a switch between me-artist - let's call it so - and by me - an ordinary person.

Now the feeling of fear you are unknown?
My curiosity prevails over the feelings of fear and self-preservation. I'm bungless. Relatives say, this is because my mother, when was in the last weeks of pregnancy, considering the ring on an elongated hand, lost the balance and fell ... right on me. ( Laughs.) Somehow we shot the program about extreme sports. For the plot, it was necessary to jump onto the rope from the operating railway bridge, along which there were trains every ten minutes. The height of thirty meters, the rope does not stretch, and it is necessary to jump not down, but aside - like a pendulum, otherwise you can break your back. The guys said: "Yes, he will not jump." Jumped. With obscene cries. I would like to jump with a parachute, fly into space or plunge into the ocean. In general, if I leave the media, then only in Extreme. ( Smiles.)

His voice sounds from many radio receivers of our huge country. He is the owner of fascinating green eyes and black curly hair. He involuntarily smashed thousands of maiden hearts and saved millions of death. Who is he? This is Dmitry Olenin. His biography consists of a list of high creative success. He is a radio host, DJ, leading weddings and corporate events. In his career, it is even a member held in the main hall of the Kremlin. But first things first.

Dmitry Olenin: Biography

In 1979, November 13, in the distant city of Cherepovets, a wonderful boy appeared to the world, whom parents called Dima. His childhood has passed like all children: there were bruises, and rolling knees. And one of the days of birth, Dmitry grandfather gave him a calf. Everyone who knew about it was called the boy Uncle Fedor ("Three from Prostokvashino"). But he was not offended, and so far this gift remains the most unforgettable and original in the life of the popular leading.

After school, Olenin decided to become a programmer. I went to learn, but the boring profession was still not like him. In parallel, he was professionally engaged in dancing, than driving girls crazy. By the way, his gorgeous curls appeared only after he moved to Moscow. Up to this point, he always cut briefly.

Decisive meeting

According to a happy coincidence, he was invited to work on the radio in the hometown of Cherepovets, and later in Moscow, fate gave him a meeting with Svetlana Kazarina, which changed his whole life. Everything happened on the Manezh Square, Svetlana invited Dmitry to visit the Russian Radio Studio. Of course, he willingly agreed. It was out of the studio of Olenin already in the intern. If it were not for this girl, many would not have learned that there is such a glorious small - Dmitry Olenin. The biography of the artist just begins, because he has a whole life ahead!

How it all began - the first broadcast and subsequent work on the radio

In one of the numerous interviews, Dmitry Olenin told about how his first ether was held. He admitted that Alexander Charles helped him (leading Radio "Lighthouse"), which something else reminded him that everything that Dima says now will hear a whole country, millions of listeners. It simultaneously and strained, and held in a tone. But in spite of everything, the first ether passed without a hitch.

Then different situations happened: and curiosities, and reservations. Here, for example, a man got through to the air, but did not understand that he was already live, and it was obstended to the whole country. At that moment, Roman Trakhtenberg was nearby, which was not confused at all, and with the phrase "and we will listen to the song ..." disabled an emotional man.

There was a lot of effort for your success Dmitry Olenin. The biography of other DJs is not so rich. Maybe therefore, Olenin is rightfully considered the most popular leading at events.

Dmitry Olenin. Personal life

It is not known about it as much as I wanted. Apparently, the man does not really like to frank on this topic and only in some interviews it intrigues all with his ambiguous phrases or actions. For example, a kiss with Lolita Milyava. From Lola it was expected, but Dmitry was surprised. Of course, it did not go further.

Dmitry Olenin since childhood wanted to like all girls. For this reason, he really wanted to be like Timur (from the work "Timur and his team"). And in the life of the artist there is a woman named Irina. Dmitry Olenin always listens to her opinion. Photo of girls whom journalists are that and it is to prophesy to him in the bride, constantly fall into printed publications. But in no case there was no official confirmation.

Failed wedding

A few years ago, all the popular domestic media were Pepling headlines "Dmitry Olenin married!" The singer, participant in the project "Star Factory", a young and beautiful girl with an interesting name of Dakota became his chief. In the newspapers even appeared photos of artists in wedding dresses. But in fact it was a promotion, and they played a wedding not really. Although they had fun in accordance with all traditions: the newlyweds even threw the buckwheat - to succeed in the family.

All the wedding was all: and wedding rings, and limousines, and even the oath of loyalty, these to each other. Since then, five years have passed, and the joke is still alive in memory.

It must be said that Dmitry Olenin (the personal life of the popular leading and DJ remains a mystery for many) is in no hurry to devote journalists and fans in their heartfers.

Fans of Dmitry Olenina

The fact that Olenina has a whole army of fans, there is nothing surprising. The owner of such an appearance is destined to be a pet in women. But is it so good? According to the artist, sometimes it is even dangerous. Also in one of the interviews, Olenin spoke about the interesting case, which occurred in the territory of the "Russian Radio" studio.

It was so: Dmitry called his colleagues and said that he was awaited by a girl. That allegedly has a business meeting with him, although in fact it was not true. Dima never arrived, and then he learned that she came with things, with the hope that he would take her to live. Long, then everything was interested in, where Dmitry Olenin and his girl. There are such fans.

Basically, of course, the girls are recognized to love him through live ether, and also write messages on social networks. Dmitry reads them, but can not yet be represented by anyone.

Creative achievements

Dmitry Olenin, whose biography has 543 events held for 14 years, did not allow a single breakdown, not a single delay. Among the companies that are ordered to their holiday this lead, Gazprom, Rostelecom, Samsung and others.

Dmitry Olenin is no longer the first year of beauty contests, including the popular "Beauty of Russia". The artist is proud of the event conducted on which the congress was dedicated to

As Di-Jay Dmitry Olenin began to develop relatively recently, but already has two large sets on his account, which he worked in Izhevsk, where the number of those who gathered exceeded 7,000, and Seth in Moscow before the 5000th public.

And this is just the beginning, because the artist, who last year noted the 35th anniversary, everything goes according to plan! It remains only to wish him creative success and enormous love.

Dmitry Olenin is the main voice that is coming from the radio reception device of each house. Dmitry Olenin is a leading on a radio, famous DJ, charismatic leading celebrations, weddings, corporate events.

Dmitry Olinin's birthday falls on November 13, 1979. In the small and famous city of Cherepovets, a future talent in the field of show business was born, a boy named Dmitry. Little Dima was the most ordinary child: she was also rushed in the yard, sniffing into the blood of his knees, played with friends to the war and hide and seek, fell from the trees and got bruises, fought, fell in love. When the boy had another birthday, his native grandfather came with an unusual gift. He presented a little grandson as a dealer's present. Since then, everyone who was aware of this funny and unusual event called Dmitry Uncle Fedor from Prostokvashino. Dmitry did not hold any offense and even on the contrary, now recalls this situation with warm feelings.

At the end of the average educational institution, Dmitry firmly decided to learn from the programmer's profession, but in the future, when he felt in practice all the subtleties of this case, every desire to continue learning in this industry by itself. Also, a great passion of Dmitry had dance classes, which was very liked to girls in his surroundings.

Quite unexpectedly, Dmitry received a proposal to work on the radio in the hometown of Cherepovets. It was a great opportunity, it would be silly to refuse. A little later, in the life of Dmitry, a meeting was held with Svetlana Cossack. This acquaintance significantly changed the fate of Dmitry, discovering new opportunities in terms of career growth. Olenina was invited to the studio known to this day "\u003e

First ether

On one of the interviews, Olenina was asked a question: "How was your first way out of the radio waves?". Dmitry willingly told that despite the fact that the first broadcast was held without any championships, every subsequent way out to the radio waves was for him as in the first. Also, the presenter told that Alexander Karlov (the Radio Summer "Lighthouse") very much helped him in this matter.

Dmitry says: "We had such a case. One day, a man who didn't immediately understand the radio, who did not immediately understand that he was live and clearly cursed in obscene words. I was confused, but the situation was saved near Roman Trachtenberg, which is calm Turn off the "conversation" with a swearing man, replacing it to the song. "

In one of these moments, Dmitry Olenin understood how hard this kind of career is given and put every effort to achieve greater success. At the moment, the guy is listed in the list of the most sought-after leaders, probably, thanks to the invaluable experience of the speech before such a wide audience of radio listeners.

Personal life

Despite all its charm and the ability to support the conversation, Olenin does not like to upload all the cards on the table. He will never answer right and with all the details on questions about his personal life. Sometimes trying to confuse the press and intrigues all the ambiguity of phrases and extraordinary actions.

Some time ago, such a title was walking among the sources of the press: "Dmitry Olenin married!". As a spouse, the radio officer chose the participant in the project "Star Factory" girl named Dakota. The media promptly found photos of "Newlyweds" in wedding outfits. However, it turned out that the artists just participated in the promotion.
It's no secret that Dmitry St. Dmitry Oban has no. And this is not at all surprising, because he owner is not only an endless charm, but also a memorable appearance.

Fans are delivered in the live broadcast "Russian Radio" and write letters with recognition in love and devotion.

Creative achievements

During his career as a lead, Dmitry spent more than 500 holidays and events. And this is just 14 years old. Among the companies that would like to see at their celebration of Dmitry Olenina, such giants are listed as: Gazprom, Rostelecom, Samsung and many others.

His voice sounds from many radio receivers of our huge country. He is the owner of fascinating green eyes and black curly hair. He involuntarily smashed thousands of maiden hearts and saved millions of death. Who is he? This is Dmitry Olenin. His biography consists of a list of high creative success. He is a radio host, DJ, leading weddings and corporate events. In his career, it is even a member held in the main hall of the Kremlin. But first things first.

Dmitry Olenin: Biography

In 1979, November 13, in the distant city of Cherepovets, a wonderful boy appeared to the world, whom parents called Dima. His childhood has passed like all children: there were bruises, and rolling knees. And one of the days of birth, Dmitry grandfather gave him a calf. Everyone who knew about it was called the boy Uncle Fedor ("Three from Prostokvashino"). But he was not offended, and so far this gift remains the most unforgettable and original in the life of the popular leading.

After school, Olenin decided to become a programmer. I went to learn, but the boring profession was still not like him. In parallel, he was professionally engaged in dancing, than driving girls crazy. By the way, his gorgeous curls appeared only after he moved to Moscow. Up to this point, he always cut briefly.

Decisive meeting

According to a happy coincidence, he was invited to work on the radio in the hometown of Cherepovets, and later in Moscow, fate gave him a meeting with Svetlana Kazarina, which changed his whole life. Everything happened on the Manezh Square, Svetlana invited Dmitry to visit the Russian Radio Studio. Of course, he willingly agreed. It was out of the studio of Olenin already in the intern. If it were not for this girl, many would not have learned that there is such a glorious small - Dmitry Olenin. The biography of the artist just begins, because he has a whole life ahead!

How it all began - the first broadcast and subsequent work on the radio

In one of the numerous interviews, Dmitry Olenin told about how his first ether was held. He admitted that Alexander Charles helped him (leading Radio "Lighthouse"), which something else reminded him that everything that Dima says now will hear a whole country, millions of listeners. It simultaneously and strained, and held in a tone. But in spite of everything, the first ether passed without a hitch.

Then different situations happened: and curiosities, and reservations. Here, for example, a man got through to the air, but did not understand that he was already live, and it was obstended to the whole country. At that moment, Roman Trakhtenberg was nearby, which was not confused at all, and with the phrase "and we will listen to the song ..." disabled an emotional man.

There was a lot of effort for your success Dmitry Olenin. The biography of other DJs is not so rich. Maybe therefore, Olenin is rightfully considered the most popular leading at events.

Dmitry Olenin. Personal life

It is not known about it as much as I wanted. Apparently, the man does not really like to frank on this topic and only in some interviews it intrigues all with his ambiguous phrases or actions. For example, a kiss with Lolita Milyava. From Lola it was expected, but Dmitry was surprised. Of course, it did not go further.

Dmitry Olenin since childhood wanted to like all girls. For this reason, he really wanted to be like Timur (from the work "Timur and his team"). And in the life of the artist there is a woman named Irina. Dmitry Olenin always listens to her opinion. Photo of girls whom journalists are that and it is to prophesy to him in the bride, constantly fall into printed publications. But in no case there was no official confirmation.

Failed wedding

A few years ago, all the popular domestic media were Pepling headlines "Dmitry Olenin married!" The singer, participant in the project "Star Factory", a young and beautiful girl with an interesting name of Dakota became his chief. In the newspapers even appeared photos of artists in wedding dresses. But in fact it was a promotion, and they played a wedding not really. Although they had fun in accordance with all traditions: the newlyweds even threw the buckwheat - to succeed in the family.

All the wedding was all: and wedding rings, and limousines, and even the oath of loyalty, these to each other. Since then, five years have passed, and the joke is still alive in memory.

It must be said that Dmitry Olenin (the personal life of the popular leading and DJ remains a mystery for many) is in no hurry to devote journalists and fans in their heartfers.

Fans of Dmitry Olenina

The fact that Olenina has a whole army of fans, there is nothing surprising. The owner of such an appearance is destined to be a pet in women. But is it so good? According to the artist, sometimes it is even dangerous. Also in one of the interviews, Olenin spoke about the interesting case, which occurred in the territory of the "Russian Radio" studio.

It was so: Dmitry called his colleagues and said that he was awaited by a girl. That allegedly has a business meeting with him, although in fact it was not true. Dima never arrived, and then he learned that she came with things, with the hope that he would take her to live. Long, then everything was interested in, where Dmitry Olenin and his girl. There are such fans.

Basically, of course, the girls are recognized to love him through live ether, and also write messages on social networks. Dmitry reads them, but can not yet be represented by anyone.

Creative achievements

Dmitry Olenin, whose biography has 543 events held for 14 years, did not allow a single breakdown, not a single delay. Among the companies that are ordered to their holiday this lead, Gazprom, Rostelecom, Samsung and others.

Dmitry Olenin is no longer the first year of beauty contests, including the popular "Beauty of Russia". The artist is proud of the event conducted on which the congress was dedicated to

As Di-Jay Dmitry Olenin began to develop relatively recently, but already has two large sets on his account, which he worked in Izhevsk, where the number of those who gathered exceeded 7,000, and Seth in Moscow before the 5000th public.

And this is just the beginning, because the artist, who last year noted the 35th anniversary, everything goes according to plan! It remains only to wish him creative success and enormous love.

11:50 10.07.2008

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Exclusive photo report of a special correspondent Site Kirill Zykov's voice sign to all listeners "Russian Radio". What does the owner of this voice look like, what he lives out

Exclusive photo report of a special correspondent Site Kirill Zykov

His voice sign to all the listeners of "Russian Radio". What the owner of this voice looks like, what he lives out of airtime, not everyone knows. But today we will talk about the privacy of Dmitry Olenina. For more than three years, Dima Olenin is one of the most sought-after metropolitan DJs. He was submitted by the best world platforms, and it is hardly to come to the public, who is not a professional musician who is not a professional musician behind the console, and an ordinary guy who just knows how to set their goals and seek them with his work.

Dmitry: I started to deal with DJ after I visited Spain, where he fell in love with one DJ, fell in love with her music, then I met her. And I say: "I want this music to be in Moscow, no one plays such music in Moscow." She says: "So be DJ". And I somehow thought: "Why not?"

KM TV: Does the Love play a significant role in your life? You say that they fell in love, and all - a passion appeared immediately. In general, what role does love play in your life?

Dmitry: You always know that you can return to Moscow, and there is love. That is, you will come, that's how you lie, you will be hugged, and everything immediately becomes good. Most likely, this is soothing such a moment.

Love led him to the studio of the radio station. Dima came to the radio because he really wanted Mom to be proud of them.

Dmitry: Was winter, I come home in the evening, and my mother tells me a serious voice: "Go here, I need to talk to you." And, I think my mother learned that I smoke. And Mom says: "Anya came." "What?" - "Well, Anya Turchaninova." And Anya lives at the other end of the city. On the street there was somewhere around the minus thirty, and we agreed that she would come to visit me. She arrived, but I was not at home, I walked somewhere. And Mom says: "Here you have the wind in my head, and even Anya said that you have a wind in my head, you never achieve anything in life."

Dmitry (speaks on the air): Hello everyone! My name is Dmitry Olenin, you are listening to "Russian Radio". I am pleased to spend the next four hours with you. I wish you all a great day, good mood, of the most beautiful well-being. And let your face there will be a smile, seeing all your enemies will die from envy. Have a nice day, let everything be fine!

And I wish the audience KM TV. Right now, together with you, Dmitry Olenin. Hello.

Happy radio, night music. It seems that Dima Olenin does not sleep at all, and everything is already accustomed to it. But it was not always so. He likes that only memories remained from the past.

Dmitry: I studied on the ACS programmer, this is an automated control system, but at the same time I still danced. I left the dances and got on the radio, plunged into the world of music and realized that it was mine. When I studied in the fifth grade, I asked the teacher who led the computer science: "Can I go to you?" She says: "You will study computer science in grade 9, that's when you study, then come." "Well, I so want, I like it now." She says: "Well, come to optional classes, but I will not explain anything to you." And I came and looked popular then programs, for example, written by Basik, who wrote high school students, and nobody explained anything to me, I myself looked, and I began to get it, I began to write programs. And I was still fond of graphics, figures, etc. Posted by a program that consisted of 15 lines, it was a program of solving square equations. Then only introduced variables from the textbook and solved. I received answers, I look, right, right.

Dima man is honest and kind. Alien will not take, but also will not give out. From difficult situations, he can go out with proudly raised head.

Dmitry: I conflict, but I just know how these conflicts decide that they give some positive result. Because if you just scream, nothing will happen.

Now, Dima has even its own army - the army of envious. Not surprisingly, everything always turns out. The secret of success in luck, without him, of course, nowhere. But on one luck will not leave. It comes to everything that is called, with a soul. Maybe, so he manages to achieve excellent results? Even in programming, he saw an interesting game.

Dmitry: Programs serve creativity. The smaller the lines, the program is better, the better the best programmer. This is appreciated. This element of creativity is some kind - to write a program, tricks there is your own. Creative profession is actually.

KM TV: This is completely out of your life, or still fond of something like that?

Dmitry: I am more like a computer now I use the computer in terms of music: Write your music, something to do something. Now there are such programs when there is no musical education at all, you just collect music like a designer, and that's it. This, of course, is frivolous, but crayfish - and music can be made.

Typ-Lyap is not for him. If Dima took up for something, will work with full responsibility. And already if it comes to music, he just lives it.

Dmitry: I'm periodically traveling in Europe, and, coming to any country, I will definitely find a musical store there, buy a plate. Here is the last time I was in Cologne, and before that in Brussels. I came, I ask: "Where is your store with plates?" I went, found a store and bought many plates. I came here and was very pleased, they say, was now in Brussels, here are new plates. And with pleasure they played. Play from a DJ CD is much cheaper, because you buy one track on the Internet costs two dollars, buy one plate costs 12 euros. That is, one plate is one song, one track. That is, I spend on one song of 12 euros, and DJ that plays from a CD, these 12 euro buys a whole collection of themselves.

His personal taste addiction is unchanged. And as DJ he tries to keep up with the times. Good faith and curiousness are never superfluous, and Dima thanks to this increases their level of professionalism.

Dmitry: My favorite music is jazz. As for club music - it should all be positive, only positive, fun, people do not need problems. There is a music that loads, but the people who came here, to the club, came to relax, relax, throw out their emotions. And I as DJ give them such an opportunity because my music is all positive. Love for Jazz remained so far. Attitude towards club music is changing a little bit, i.e., I began to understand the nuances. If I used to say "Oh, what a fucking there is", now I know subtleties, I can explain than one of the two tracks seemingly, at first glance, the same, better than the other worse.

To explain now he can not only. Especially for the audience KM TV Dima arranged a small excursion to the world of DJ.

Dmitry: DRIVESE TV viewer, guys, from all the soul I express one big request, because there is such a law of meanness: always someone suits something to ask the DJ at that very responsible moment, in the same 20 seconds, when it is impossible to distract him. So, do not be distract. Let's go. Everything that is here is a standard set, but it is considered the best. Of course, you can shift and put something cooler, but it makes no sense. Standard "technics", this vinyl player players seventy some year, since that time they did not change much, they are what they are, such. The company "Pioneer" also released players at one time, but stopped producing, and now only "technics", they are the best. "Pioneer" "Thousands" is called because the model "DJ 1000". Pioneer console is the most convenient and most reliable apparatus, the sound quality is good, the most convenient and easy to use for DJs. That's it all is located. Two years ago, everything would face the contrary, there would be a remote control, vinyl turntables and CDs. Now, since most of the DJs play with CDs (unlike me, I am still an old school, I basically play on the plates), put CDs and vinyl. Why do you need a third vinyl player? First, one song plays, then the second one, in turn. The third player is needed to put some sound, and a chapel song to decorate your set. These are very wise cars, which are still not able to use DJ Olenin.

Dima belongs to the old school of DJs. And it's not about the experience. The main thing is the technique.

Dmitry: All of us at school studied physics, what is the sound. Sound is a wave. Digital sound is coding on a CD, i.e. binary calculus system. This is a set of 1 and 0, i.e. 1, 0, 1, 0. If you are portrayed on the scale, it will be such a step. Here is a CD - these are steps. Vinyl consists of glass and path. The track accurately copies the musical wave, not the squares, but what is it. Due to this, the sound is softer, more rounded and a boiled, juicy. The CD still makes a slightly flat sound, adds high frequencies, and the sound is not so deep and juicy, so let's say. If you raise my suitcase - a small one would seem to have a bag, "you will feel that he is heavy. Weigh 26 kg. And always at the airport, when you ask "you have a luggage?", We answer: "No, we have only manual sting." And we pretend that it weighs 4 kg. Heavy.

Heavy in his musical activity is generally a lot. But Dima learned to fight these difficulties - whether the experience helps, whether the character is so.

Km Tv: Are there any fears? So you go to the public, still fear of the audience should be?

Dmitry: Yes. DJ should understand what kind of music likes most to put it next.

Now Dima will not be disappeared. If anything can always be afraid of psychologists. After all, with such hobbies, he learned to feel people, see them through.

Dmitry: Moscow public is generally very funny, positive. She is lazy and loves something funny, funky. In St. Petersburg, a completely different public. There, people will succumb to the club, even if it is 40 km from the city, far away. Our Muscovites, if the club is outside the Garden Ring, do not go there. They need it to come out of one club, here the road switched, got into another. Our audience is very heavy on the rise and is very shy of their emotions.

People fail. The public or like DJ, or not. But with the technique of affairs it is much more difficult.

Dmitry: When you come to an unfamiliar city, the club, at once it does not work, the other does not work, here you are inconvenient. Instead of thinking which track to put, you think about how it would have done here, no matter how it left, did not drive, did not go down, etc. Such moments are.

But Dima is not nipple. For him, the whole process has a special meaning.

Dmitry: This is not self-expression, i.e., what is pleasure from. People enjoy the fact that they came to dance, someone in nature eats kebabs, someone sits someone at home. My pleasure is when the full dance floor of people, I play, and everything is done like this. I achieve it every time. I try to get, guess the musical tastes of these people. And when it turns out - this is a buzz.

There is no time for other pleasures at all. Therefore, they have pleasure, strict hierarchy. The next thing is that Dima prefers ...

Dmitry: sleep.

Km Tv: Do you like to sleep? And it would seem, a nightly resident ...

Dmitry: The fact of the matter is that I do not have enough time to sleep, so when there is an opportunity to sleep, I do it with great pleasure, with greed. In general, music, music, music.

At the coming dreams of a special property: they become a reality. And side by side with reality always goes routine. Therefore, even the most long-awaited life can be simply bought.

Dmitry: already think that you need to tie. Still, I have television, there is a radio. But I can not.

Dima Olenin is used to setting goals and seek them with his work. And maybe the secret is still in the fact that his goals are not selfish?

Dmitry: I want to sleep. And in fact, I have this dream: I want to become a good DJ, I want to make a good project, a good group of musicians. Make this so that it brings joy to others so that you can arrange a holiday.

: Dmitry Olenin! I so often hear this name for the favorite "Russian Radio". But today we will imagine you with a less well-known side - as excellent lead weddings. And it is about this celebration that I want to talk to you.

: I am very serious about the wedding. I always explain to my couple that it happens once in life: you should not try to check everything, responsible for the timing of the day and all cooking. At your wedding you need to sit at the table and have fun of the holiday. For everything else, the organizers and presenter must be responsible. Here, by the way, it is worth adding that the presenter is not an artist leaving the scene. The presenter is a person who combines different events taking place at the wedding, knows how to take a pause or, on the contrary, to fill it with something.

Anna: Are there any techniques that you use at weddings most often? Maybe there is something yours, "branded"?

Dmitriy: The point is not in the "branded" receptions. The fact is that all guests must feel comfortable. But everyone is afraid of the same thing: that they will suddenly cause saying that the master will unexpectedly ask them to do something. That is, in one word, they are afraid of unknown. Therefore, in gastronomic pauses, I always try to communicate personally with the guests, I warn you before all the toast, I always see - whether a person is ready to say something or yet to contact him early.

Anna: Comfort is good, but sometimes there are incumbent situations. Tell me, was such a case so that you saved the event?

Dmitriy: There were cases when, for example, for one or another, artists speeches were detained. In this case, you can fill in a pause with some interactive. Due to the fact that I work on the "Russian Radio", I always have a lot of funny song contests in stock.

Anna: I know that you have some kind of copyright approach to the preparation of interactives for each wedding. What is he?

Dmitriy: To offer a pair of some interactive, I spend a lot of work. We are discussing various possible contests with a couple, I clarify all the nuances: there are religious families, there are their ban on some jokes. This is all done for guests, and for newlyweds, who are important to know how the host will work.

Anna: What about improvisation?

Dmitriy: We do not approve the word texts into the Word, but we say a lot to have no surprise for young people. Of course, if a certain force majeor happens, it is necessary to quickly navigate, then I can spend some unplanned interactive, but in this case I prefer to do something neutral that no one will cause any shocking emotions, but at the same time take some time.

Anna: Last year, you spent the wedding Anna Netrebko. Let's talk about her. What was the work on such a responsible event? After all, all Russia discussed this wedding.

Dmitriy: The biggest excitement was not at the wedding itself, but on the engagement, when we learned that Nikolai Baskov, who was supposed to be on her leading, will not be able to come, because he had any force majeure circumstances and he did not reach Salzburg. I successfully turned out to be "at hand." He spent the engagement, and with the weddings, the question was no longer the question: it was unanimously decided to trust her, because I already knew guests. The question decided by itself.

Anna: And at the wedding of Anna was the interactive?

Dmitriy: At the wedding itself - no. She was a solemn, official, moreover, there were guests from different countries, that is, she was held in several languages. This is a completely different celebration format.

Anna: Were there any Russian speaking during the evening?

Dmitriy: I just helped Ana to find artists. She called and said that three months no one could find girls who sing Russian folk songs. Yusif represented his country with tea ceremony with dancing and removal of Plov, and Anna also wanted to show his Austrian and German colleagues than rich in Russia. So I was very happy to assist this and quickly found speakers; They immediately liked Ana.

Anna: What traditional moments were in the program? What do you remember most?

Dmitriy: No, there were no traditions. I remember the most very beautiful ceremony: the registration itself was held in one place, after which it was on fifteen caters, hidden with horses, guests went to the wedding dinner.

Anna: how unusual! Surely it was amazingly beautiful - such a tuple! ..

Dmitriy: It is worth noting that transport must be safe. I had such a case: the bride had to drive up to the ceremony on a beautiful white horse. And at the rehearsal, the horse suffered forward, the bride fell and injured the face. The wedding ended up. So it is better not to risk.

Anna: Dim, you lead Star Weddings, work on "Russian Radio", "NTV", RU TV ... Do you raise your fee after each project?

Dmitriy: I know how to negotiate the price is quite flexible. For example, I recently called me from Sochi Mom Groom and said that I had a little since childhood, her son had dreamed that his wedding leading was me. Of course, I came to spend this wedding, because I knew that I didn't just work on her, but I fulfill someone's dream.

Anna: What about your rider?

Dmitriy: There is practically no household ride, as such: only a hotel and a plane. At the event I need water without gas at the time of holding and lunch.

Anna: Dim, tell me what kind of wedding of your dreams?

Dmitriy: I am always in the pictures seemed very beautiful weddings on the seashore or the ocean. But I looked, as it happens in fact: the wind, sand, everything will be picked from the blinding sun. Honestly, I did not really like it. I led a lot of events in the castles: as soon as the evening comes and the sun comes, it becomes very cold there. So, too - no. I would choose some kind of flowering garden and summer season.

Anna: Who would be the leading on it?

Dmitriy: No one! In all my days of birth (and there usually happens about 250 guests) I ask the same question: why don't you have a lead? Why do you behave yourself? The fact is that friends come to me who have not seen some time and want to just talk to each other. And I want them to do it in their pleasure, nothing to do with anyone. My wedding would also be friendly.

Anna: But still without a leading wedding - no way ...

Dmitriy: I know! I would choose Lerre Kudryavtsev. This is a person to whom I can trust absolutely one hundred percent. She is megaprophide. I can say the same about Nonn Grishava, Tine Kandelaki.

Anna: You call the leading girls, but there is such a stereotype that one girl wedding will not hold.

Dmitriy: Why? The same Lera will play a wedding alone! She has the tremendous experience of the events of the most different scale. For example, you need to understand: there are leading "from the TV", which have no experience of events. You just get a specific symbol, that is, a person whom everyone knows and with which then everyone is photographed. Many of these media are honest and they themselves ask themselves into a couple of people who will actually have events. Therefore, choosing the lead, you must first of all rely on his experience!

What are the most common myths do you know about leading radio? Most likely, in this profession are complex young people. Poor! He, probably, did not come out face, since he had to hide all the time for a radio micronophone. The leading radio performs the role of Tamada - the cheerful of the listeners, he hides their way away. And, definitely, any radio-winning dreams of getting to television! Did you have a similar opinion about the people of this profession? But the wrong opinion you have! What is only worth the gold voice of the most popular radio radio - Russian radio.

So, we present to you Dmitry Olinin, the leading "table of orders" in Russian Radio (everything will be fine), recognize his velvet bariton fans of such programs as "teachers against classmates" and "game without words". Most likely, not one fan of his voice convinced himself in his "probably repellent appearance." Nevertheless, Dmitry Olenin, on our modest taste, looks like God. Or a decent Barbie husband. As for the rest of the stereotypes, talking to the lead, we prompted them. Speak, the Radiomycrophone is hiding unsure of himself clown-mastering, which is playing with jokes? But Dmitry Olenin claims that he opens the soul to his listeners, not a gram in the truth. And, you know, we believe him - no reason not to believe.

As for the last stereotype, they say, the bad one radio host who would not dream to become a television driver, we also have something to say. As early as recently, Dmitry refused the tempting sentences to reach a wide screen of television - they say, he appreciates his very personal time to devote the whole day by shooting, so explained. However, whether he refused poorly, or very much asked - as a result, we have the co-host program "Cosmopolitan. Video version "on the TNT channel and the leading program" Cultural exchange "on the TV Center. Alone is often glowing in Comedy Club, Comedy Woman and other TNT programs. His cute person can be seen on channels RU TV and MUC-TV, MTV and MusicBox. He took an active part as an expert in the filming of the program of the First Channel, the channels "Russia 1" and "home", was part of the Russian jury of the famous Eurovision contest.

How did he come to such a life, fame and popularity? No other way, as Providence helped him. Or it was fate. So what, that his career of the radio team began at the local Radio of the Skorec native city? It did not give any right to assume that the provincial DJ something "shines" in the capital. "Yes, you never know such boys! - Maybe a lot. But bicycles are not for each give "- more precisely, the phrase from the cartoon is prokobvashino, you can not say. Here, for such a boy, like Dmitry Olenin, did not give a bike, but a whole scooter in the form of a sentence to work on the largest radar country "Russian Radio". Happy Dima happily agreed, immediately moved to the capital, without changing even registration in the passport. By the way, despite the fact that it lives in Moscow for about 10 years, he remained Cherepovetskaya.

At the moment, Dmitry, besides the fact that radio and telecoms are conducted, is a recognized musician in the House of HOUSE, his sets sound in world famous clubs of Anfora and Sun-Rise (Ibiza), Heaven, Cheloe (Grand Canaria), Staff (Madrid) and Trailer (Sitges). DJ O! Lenin can pill and the Russian record - a two-hour set, to listen to a few thousand people, Seth on the central square of Izhevsk in front of the crowd of 7,000 spectators and speaking in the park of Gorky Moscow in front of the 5,000 audience speakers. In addition to all other roles, Dmitry It is also the most enviable fiance, despite a comic wedding with a glamorous singer Dakota.

Member name: Dmitry Olenin

Age (birthday): 13.11.1979

City: Cherepovets, RSFSR, USSR

Education: Cherepovets State University

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The best friend of celebrities, a talented radio host and just a charming young man - this is exactly that many talented young people in Dmitry Olenina. But what is he really and how did his image?

Dima was born in Cherepovets in 1979. This boy with expressive eyes and gentle chestnut curls always attracted attention, especially since he was distinguished by short artistry and the ability to communicate.

Unfortunately, his parents early left life and the elder sister was engaged in education Dima. To direct the creative energy of his brother in the right track, she gave him to the dance section, where he was propheted a big future in this area.

But at some point, Dima became interested in programming and decided that this was his fate.

Having finished the secondary school of Olenin, he entered Cherepovetsky State University precisely on the department programming and seriously configured to get a red diploma.

True, this attitude of the young man was enough for the first course! After a year of study, Dmitry saw an announcement of the casting of radio hosts for the local branch of a large station "Russian Radio" and decided to try himself in this role.

It turned out that Olenin is very organically "looks" in the radioHis listeners love him and therefore he began to rule a big future.

For some time, worked in the Cherepovets branch and having honed their skills, Dmitry goes to conquer the capital. At the same time, in Moscow, Dmitry Olenin's radio station does not change - continues to build a career on the "Russian Radio".

It should be noted that Dmitry's popularity grew not by day, but by the hour. In just a couple of years, he became one of the most popular leading on his wave!

In parallel with the career on the radio, there should be other successes of venison. As mentioned above - he is an incredibly charming young man. If you add to this the ability to keep yourself and communicate with any public, then it goes great leading events and corporate.

Dmitry understood it for a long time and does not lead not only private parties, but also the major events of show business.

Behind the shoulders of Olenina beauty contests, presentation of prestigious premiums, the maintenance of prefabricated concerts of pop stars.

There are in the piggy bank Dmitry and working on television. Dmitry Olenina can be seen on the channel RU.TV (this is a video version of the "Russian Radio") and NTV, where it leads a provocative transmission about the life of Celibriti "You will not believe!".

Another side of the life of Olenin is the work of the DJ.

Of course, many celebrities in recent years are enjoyed by this type of art, but Dmitry's talent in this area is not questioned because of its speech in the most prestigious clubs not only in Russia, but also Europe!

Despite its external data, in the personal life of Dmitry Lones - he is not married officially and does not have children.

It is difficult to say what the reason for this fact lies, Olenin himself on questions about his beloved is always deployed.

Dmitry Olenin in a joke bi'm married to singer DakotaTheir wedding was not real.

Of course, in the press there are rumors about his novels with the stars of the Russian show business, but there is no confirmation of any of them.

Therefore, the fans of this bright radio officer can safely hope that someday one of them will conquer his heart.