From the life of wonderful children. From the life of wonderful children your favorite book

From the life of wonderful children. From the life of wonderful children your favorite book
From the life of wonderful children. From the life of wonderful children your favorite book

Valery Valery Veria Mikhailovich - Children's writer and publicist. Born on April 1, 1939 in the city of Leningrad in the family of teachers.

Valery Voskoboinikov - author of more than 60 books for children, historical biographies for children and adults. V. Voskoboinikov - Winner of All-Union and All-Russian competitions for the best children's book, was awarded the honorary international diploma named after G. H. Andersen, S. Ya. Marshak and a prize named after A. S. Green.

The first book (stories and stories for children) came out in 1965.

In the 1970s, he was headed by the Department of Prose and Poetry in the Children's Journal "Koston", for the first time printed works by Yuri Koval, Vasily Aksenova, Sergey Ivanov and other young writers. For many years, is a mentor for young children's writers.
For more than 10 years, he headed the literary association of young writers writing for children, entered the regular journal "Children's literature".

Since 1987, he has headed the section of the children's and youthful literature of the Union of Writers of St. Petersburg.

In the 90s, the writer together with his colleagues implemented his idea of \u200b\u200bcreating series "Stories about Orthodox Saints" For children of younger school age. 16 books, small narratives based on materials of life and research of modern historians: "Nikolai Wonderworker, St. Prince of God" (1993), "Grand Duke Vladimir, equivalent to Saint" (1994), "Equal-Apostles Holy Brothers Kirill and Methodius" (1994 G.) and others.

Since 1998, a member of the Council on Children's Book of Russia. It is part of the jury of the National Children's Literary Prize "Cepete Dream" of the season 2007-2008.

In 2002, the "Illustrated Bible for Family Reading" was published in retelling V.M. Voskoboinikova. The book "Modern Research Bible for Family Reading" received the highest award "Silver Lite" at the International Salon "Nevsky Book Forum - 2003".

For the story of modern children "Everything will be OK" In 2007, he was awarded a diploma of the children's reader jury and the National Prize for Children's Literature.

In 2013, the International Prize named after P. P. Ershov was awarded Series of books "Life of wonderful children" .

Many books of the author are widely known abroad. The story "Notebook in Red Cover", published for the first time in 1971 in Leningrad, was published in Japan, USA, Poland, Romania. The book "Outlessness Island" was reprinted three times in Japan. The historical story about the Avicenna "Great Healer" on the decision of UNESCO was published in many countries to the 1000th anniversary of the scientist.

For schoolchildren of younger, Valery Voskoboinikov wrote an interesting and useful book about childhood outstanding people "Life of wonderful children" (1999).
The book is devoted to the childhood of A. Macedonsky, A. Suvorov, I. Newton, Ch. Chaplin, Peter the first and others. Not all of them were in childhood, they were not all the talents from birth, on the contrary, they were even considered unable, negligible students. However, gradually the talents and the great gift were revealed in them.
For this work, the writer was awarded an honorary diploma of the International Children's Book Council (IBBY) with a book in the list of the best children's books of the world of 2000.

Series of books "Soul of Russia" It is conceived as a living story. These are books about Alexander Nevsky and Prince Dovmontte, Prince Vladimir, Nikolae Wonderworker, Sergius Radonezh, Kirill and Methodius, etc. Having read them, the children visibly will present their most important historical events.

V. Zakoboinikov is the author-compiler more than a dozen popular encyclopedias for children and adults: "Encyclopedia for girls", "Orthodox saints", "how to determine and develop the ability of the child", "Russian holidays", "Encyclopedia of People's Wisdom".

Interesting facts about the writer

V. Voskoboinikov about choosing a profession:
"Usually people first learn to read, and out loud, and then - to write. But the opposite happened to me. Having lived a blockade in Leningrad, my mother and I came to the Urals, where the father was walking in the hospital, injured on the front. Father soon went to the front again, and my mother became a teacher of the Russian language. I was four years old, I didn't have any toys, but something I had to take a child, who remains one for the whole day. And Mom gave me a newspaper, a pencil and a piece of wallpaper - they were a lot of neighbors who handed us the room. She returned from the school and saw the articles of the newspaper rewritten on the pure side of Wallpaper. So I learned to write and decided that I would definitely, as soon as we grow up, I will become a writer. I then thought that Writers write newspapers - how many newspapers, so many writers. And I didn't even guess about the existence of books - we didn't have them. "

B. Voskoboinikov about the favorite character:
"A lot of them. I do not write anything to my personality without passionate. The first passion came in 1966, when I learned a little about the life of the great healer and scientist Avicenna. But in order to write about him a book, I studied the history and culture of Islam, visited the cities in which Avicenna lived 1000 years ago, even went with a caravan on the sands of Kara Kum ...
One of my hobbies was the prince Dovmont Pskovsky, Wise and brave Litvin, a stranger, who was ruled by Pskov thirty-three and defended Russian lands, to the joy of local residents ... If you take closest - then Prime Minister Witte. All my favorite characters are distinguished by the desire for creating through overcoming many difficulties. "

Books Valery Zakobobnikova About Prince Dovmont

"Dovmont, Prince Pskovsky"

The book tells about the life, writings and wonders of the Holy Prince Pskovsky Dovmont.
Never had an ingenic prince did not sit down to rule in Pskov. But in the summer of 1266, Pskovichi did not find a decent challenger in Russia and called Lithuanian Prince Dovmont with a friend - before that he was a prince in Lithuania, fled from Lithuania from revenge Son Mindovga to Pskov, where he married Alexander Nevsky's granddaughter.

Being a skilled warlord, Dovmont organized the defense of Pskov from the attack of German knights and Lithuanian feudalists. Many times the German knights deposited Pskov and every time they suffered defeat. For many years of calm and prosperity of the North Territory, the Lithuanian prince repulsed his new homeland.

"Dovmontov Sword"

Never in an ingenic prince, not from Rurikovich, did not sit down to rule in Pskov, but in the summer of 1266, Pskovichi called on the OPLA Lithuanian Prince Dovmont with a friend. And not mistaken.
Neither once a fortune skill and the skillful policy of the prince saved the city from enemies.
A lot of invaders flew in the Pskov turns before reassured their premont in these lands to search.

"Saints Licks"

Prince Vladimir Red Sunny, Alexander Nevsky, Kirill and Methodius, Dovmont Pskovsky - the names of these outstanding people are firmly connected with the history of Christianity and the Russian state. In the book "Licks of Saints", Valery Voskoboinikov recreates bright, reliable images of historical personalities, the spirit of the past days. Book written by live language based on interesting facts will be particularly interesting to readers of secondary and older school age.

"Pskovo-Pechersk Monastery" (Sensains "Shrine of Russia")

The first monasteries in Russia appeared about a thousand years ago and since then has become its main support. Throughout the Russian history, they were centers of the spiritual and cultural life of the people. The presentation of books-gifts talks about the life of ancient monastery, about their founders and shrines, about the role of monasteries in the history of the Russian state.
For children of middle and senior school age. For family reading.

Valery Zakoboinikov about his favorite character - Prince Dovmont and Pskov shrines

Gilgamesh is the first (actually lived) the hero of mankind, about which songs and legends were recorded about five thousand years ago. Risching by himself, he tried to know the mystery of life and death, and not open until now. The story "Blonde Gilgamesh" is written on the reasons of the ancient and the Akkada epic.

Every year in May, in Bulgaria, the day of writing in the memory of the creation of the Slavic alphabet for the educational people of their time, brothers Kirill and Methodius (in Bulgaria there is an Order of Cyril and Methodius, who are awarded outstanding figures of literature and art).

The story of the life of the greatest scientist of antiquity - astronomer, mathematics, geologist, philosopher, poet and doctor, whose "canons of medical science" Medical world enjoys and today. Published to the 1000th anniversary of the birth of Avicenna. The book is designed for children of middle school age.

Triglav, PA this time in the image of a black rider, Lord of rats and the glory, is trying to conquer the world again, and, as always, the first blow to the dark forces should be taken by Sinegorea.
The situation is complicated by the fact that one of the great sorcerers of the insight, the radio station, fell under the influence of the trilly and became a blind gun of his will ...

Valery Zakobnikova Bright, funny and slightly sad. This confidence story about the adventures that occur with a person when he has not yet fulfilled eleven years, in complete terrible dangers and unexpected joys of the world, will remain in memory of the reader for a long time.

"Girl, boy, dog" - the history of the rescue of the Red Irish Setter named Bul. This is an exciting and at the same time touching story about the missing dog and the guys who care about it.
Valery Zakobnikova's story "Girl, boy, dog" was published in the magazine "Bonfire" Nos. 6-8 in 1981.

Never before ingenic prince, not from Rurikovich, did not sit down to rule in Pskov. But in the summer of 1266 did not find Pskovichi worthy challenger in Russia. So called the OPLA Lithuanian Prince Dovmont with a friend. And not mistaken. Many times the intelligence and skillful policy of Prince saved the city from enemies. A lot of invaders flew in the Pskov turns before reassured their premont in these lands to search.

Valery Voskoboinikov - paintings from the village of Gavrilova

Valery Zakobnikova's story "Pictures from the village of Gavrilova" was published in the journal Istorka Nos. 8-10 in 1986.

The city is scared. During the election race of its inhabitants, mysterious killer dogs terrorize.
Their victims one after another are candidates for the governors. Among them is a famous politician who, which, in due time, refused to kill a person, strikingly similar to the "noble international super holer" skunk. A miracle to avoid death succeeds and the famous surgeon is another failed sacrifice of skunk.

This fascinating story tells about the mysterious fate of the expedition of Captain Haltusov and its unusual participant - a speaking parrot.

Valery Mikhailovich Voskoboinikov - famous children's writer, historian. Born in the family of teachers. One of his hobbies at eight years old was the story, and the first book - Robinson Kruzo Daniel Defo. For his life, he read Robinson once a hundred times, then her daughters and son read out aloud. The first story appeared in the magazine "Change", and the first book was the collection "I am going to rest." Cottric Vosoboboinikova is not only a story and stories, but also scientific and educational literature, plays. Valery Mikhailovich wrote an interesting and useful book about the childhood of outstanding people "the life of wonderful children."

The book is dedicated to the childhood of Alexander Macedonsky, A. Suvorov, I. Newton, Ch. Chaplin, Peter the first and others. Not all of them were in childhood, they were not all the talents from birth, on the contrary, they were even considered unable, negligible students. However, gradually the talents and the great gift were revealed in them. The writer loves to travel - traveled and took it off the whole country, including polar stations, the northern coast, the Urals and Siberia, as well as the Kara-Kum desert. Valery Mikhailovich is the author of more than sixty books for children, historical biographies, popular encyclopedias ("Encyclopedia for girls", "Holidays of Russia", "Encyclopedia of People's Wisdom"). He was awarded the honorary international diploma named after G. H. Andersen, the S. Ya. Marshak and a prize named after A. S. Green.

This fascinating story tells about the mysterious fate of the expedition of Captain Haltusov and its unusual participant - a speaking parrot.

"Girl, boy, dog" - the history of the rescue of the Red Irish Setter named Bul. This is an exciting and at the same time touching story about the missing dog and the guys who care about it.

Valery Zakobobnikova's story "Girl, boy, dog" was published in the magazine "Bonfire" Nos. 6-8 in 1981.

The train stopped. It became audible as a bumblebee buckled in the window curtain.

What station? Sonom voice asked from the coupe.

We stand on the way, - the conductor replied.

He hurriedly walked through the wagon and wiped his hands pakrels ...

Valery Zakobnikova Bright, funny and slightly sad. This confidence story about the adventures that occur with a person when he has not yet fulfilled eleven years, in complete terrible dangers and unexpected joys of the world, will remain in memory of the reader for a long time.

The relationship of Killer Skuns with the secret service "Aegis - Plus" continues to develop and her chief Plescheyev. On the one hand, the Egidians have a strict order: track skunks and physically destroy. On the other hand, they feel the increasing sympathy for this step. Specially for interested readers we inform: this and only this book is a direct continuation of the novel "The same and Skuns". Other editions from the series about Egid and Skuns are independent works of the Lords of co-authors and have no relation to the main plot lines.

The story-chronicle is dedicated to one of the founders of scientific communism, a fiery fighter for the work of the working class, a scientist and revolutionary Friedrich Engels.

For mid-school age.

The security service of a major tycoon enters the difficult position. Showing the wonders of possession of military equipment, the mysterious person saves it, according to the descriptions similar to the famous skunk. By order of the oligarch, hunting begins to relocate to his side. Almost simultaneously a person, so "similar to skunk", receives an order to eliminate the oligarch.

New characters, new fate, memories of the past, love, hatred, power of money and an attempt to improve people - everything was awake together in an exciting plot.

Every year in May, in Bulgaria, the day of writing in the memory of the creation of the Slavic alphabet for the educational people of their time, brothers Kirill and Methodius (in Bulgaria there is an Order of Cyril and Methodius, who are awarded outstanding figures of literature and art). In the distant IX century, they have devoted all their lives to the creation and dissemination of writing for non-confidentially, the Slavic peoples and the approval of Slavic culture as equal to the cultures of other European peoples.

Necessary questions

1. Date and place of birth.

Born on April 1, 1939 in the city, which was called Leningrad at that time. Almost all life here and live.

2. Where did you study and "who" worked (except for vocation)?

After the seventh grade, I graduated from the Chemical Technical Academy in 1957, then in 1965 he graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Technology. Lensovet (evening office), in the break between the first and second course of the institute, in the army, graduated from the sergeant school of artillery intelligence officers in 1959, and at the beginning of the seventies graduated from higher literary courses in the literary institute. He worked in various chemical laboratories of closed (terribly secret) enterprises of their hometown. He started a laboratory assistant, reached the rank of the chief of the problem laboratory.

3. Your first publication.

The date of the first publication, like a lot of the very first, I remember by heart - March 24, 1962. It was a story about a high school student who looked at the girl all summer, dreamed with her to meet and did not know how to do it. And when the summer ended, he became aware that everything was the same with her. Story suddenly for me immediately awarded award at the city competition.

4. Your pseudonyms (if you want to call them).

It's a secret. But one pseudonym will cut - Valery Mikhailovich.

5. What kind of works would you like to see in our bibliographic list?

For more than forty years, I was made to everyone: probably, pieces for sixty books, and even pieces under three hundred articles, essays and stories. Therefore, oddly enough, it is quite difficult to answer this question - after all, you need to choose the most. But what is expensive to me is also not necessarily interested in the reader. That is, it will pass only those people whose passions are close to mine.

Today's brief list looks approximately as follows:

I am going to rest: Tale and stories. - L.: Children. lit., 1966.

The strongest in the yard: Tale and stories. - L.: Lenzdat, 1969.

Other autumn: Tale. - L.: Children. lit., 1969.

Notebook in a red cover: Tale. - L.: Children. lit., 1971.
The same, 1975.
Published also in Japan, USA, Poland, Romania. Released ed. "Rainbow" in many languages, including European.

Girl, boy, dog: story. - L.: Children. lit., 1988.
He was awarded an honorary diploma at the All-Union Competition for the Best Children's Book of 1989.

Great Healer: East. Tale about avitenna. - M.: Mall. Guard, 1972.
Reprinted in 1980 by the decision of UNESCO to the 1000th anniversary of Avicenna. Published in national languages \u200b\u200bin Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan (twice), Tataria.

Call of the Arctic: East. Tale. - M.: Mall. Guard, 1975.
The same, 1984.

Morning walks: Tale. - L.: Children. lit., 1976.
Published in Japan.

Cyril and Methodius: East. Tale. - M.: Mall. Guard, 1979.

Sleeping Island: Tale. - L.: Children. lit., 1981.
Three times published in Japan.

Morning bells: East. novel. - L.: Children. lit., 1983.
The same, 1989.
Published in national languages \u200b\u200bin Lithuania, Ukraine, Tataria.

Nine hundred days of courage: stories about Leningrad blockade. - M.: Kid, 1984.
The same, 1985.
The same, 1986.
The same, 1989.
Published in Ukrainian in Kiev. Common circulation - 3 million.

The main books of recent years:

Brilliant Gilgamesh: East. Roman based on the ancient Holumers and Akkadian epic. - M.: Terra, 1997.
He entered the list of "Book Foundation" as "the most-most".

Life of wonderful children: (stories about the childhood of great people). - SPb.: Education-Culture, 1997.
The same, 1998.
The same, 1999.
Awarded a prize at the Arctia-1998 All-Russian Competition and an honorary international diploma IBBY (Andersen).

The Ancient East: East. Tale. - SPb.: Respex, 1998.

Dovmontov Sword: East. novel. - SPb.-M.: ABC-Terra, 1998.

Stories about Orthodox Saints: a series of small historical leaders for children: (John Baptist, Nikolai Wonderworker, Cyril and Methodius, Prince Vladimir Saint, etc.). - SPb.: Lyceum, 1993-1996.

Stories about Orthodox Saints: The book of historical leaders. - St. Petersburg: Golden Age, 1999.
The same, 2003.

Illustrated Bible for Family Reading: Published on the blessing of the Holy Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II. - SPb.: Golden Age, 2003.
He received the highest award "Silver Lite" at the International Book Fair "Nevsky Forum" 2003.

St. Petersburg: Illustrated History for Children. - SPb.: Golden Age, 2003.
Several campaigns came out.

Seraphim Sarovsky. East. Tale. - M.: Rosman, 2003.

6. What artists-illustrators do you like to work?

I would dream to work together with a wonderful artist Nikolai Ustinov or, for example, with a brilliant Viktor Bivovarov. But alas! More often with artists I am not lucky. Of those artists, to whom I am grateful for joint creativity, Nazova David Borovsky, Vladimir Lyubarova and St. Petersburgers: Mikhail Belinsky, Vitaly Anikina, Alexander Lykina, Vladimir Alekseeva.

7. Does your books exist on the basis of your books:

art films;



theatrical statements;

musical works?

At the very beginning of the seventies in several of my stories, plays were put on theaters and on the radio. On the radio in those years they were repeated frequently. I was not lucky with the movie. Twice, together with the director wrote scenarios, then the creative group was going to, the actors were selected, but suddenly a new bosses came out, and everything broke away. I realized that it was more interesting to write prose, and no longer succumbed to the temptation. In the early 1990s, about 20 of my radio tracks were delivered to Russia in the early 1990s. I wanted to engage in enlightenment of compatriots, and I came up with such cycles: "Reformers of Russia", "Entrepreneurs of Russia", "History in the judicial mantle" and "Creator Catastroph". The plays told about the great genus of Stroganov, about Alexander the second, about the engineer of Putilovo, about the Nobel family, about Bailisa, about Stalin, and so on. Then they were passed on Sundays in the middle of the day, they repeated very often, and many of them listened. They even got some kind of premium. These plays from time to time are scrolled on the radio and now.

8. Could you give us your photo with an autograph?

Questions to choose from

1. Who did you want to become in childhood?

From 1947 to 1954, I dreamed of flying on the planet Mars to explore it. Then in Russian there was no word astronaut, and I believed that astronomers would be injured by this work. Then I became interested in chemistry and became a chemist. The fact that I will become a writer, I knew from five years old. But before twenty nothing for this did.

2. Why did you go to school?

School does not necessarily love, but you need to go to it.

3. Who do you want to tell you from the elders: parents, teachers, neighbors? ..

About parents and senior comrades. Mom saved me in blockade, his father remained absolute moral authority all his life, and the senior comrades are very young and very talented (Igor Efimov, Vladimir Maramzin, Valery Popov, Sergey Dovlatov, Alexander Kushner, Andrei Bitov) - accepted me to his "Tusovka" . I was immediately impossible and grateful to them all my life. And I'm happy because many young and very talented writers of St. Petersburg are my friends.

4. Your favorite book:

at 7 years;

"Robinson Crusoe".

at the age of 15;

Dickens novels - everything that was then translated into Russian.


The list changes depending on the state of the soul.

5. The most decisive act in your life.

There are several of them: 1 - Act of Birth, 2 - Parting with favorite chemistry for the sake of favorite literature, 3 - marriage number two, 4 - voluntary standing together with like-minded people in August 1991 all night under dull, cold, small rain in order to protect democratically elected lens From the armed assault of gacchipists. I do not repent in any of these actions.

6. Damage character that prevents you most of all.

The desire for compromise - and helps, and interferes. I could never and now I can not hit a person in the face. For me it is simply impossible. Therefore, since childhood I preached pacifism.

7. Which of the writers are alive and past - would you like to collect for a friendly conversation under the green lamp?

I would be glad to invite them, but I don't know, it would be interesting to them with me. And yet: the author of the first in the history of mankind, the story of the "Wandering of Sinauchet" (he would now have been 4 thousand years old), Homer, Herodotus, Plutarch, as well as Luke, who wrote an "Acts of Apostles" and one of the Gospels, and Ibn Hisham, who had time to gather Memories of the prophets of the Prophet Muhammad and create his lives. I am afraid to seem arrogant, but, most likely, it would be useful for us to exchange some thoughts. It is a pity that all these people left us too far.

8. What should be the weather to write a good book?

9. Who is the first reading your new book manuscript?

At the time of happy youth first read friends. For example, I was the most first reader of Viktor's story "My Good Dad" and some poems Oleg Grigorieva. And now sometimes the first read the one who first bought the book, for it happens that in the publishing house neither the editor, nor the artist, nor the corrector read the text at all. But the book and comes out with anecdotal typos, in which only the author is to blame.

10. Why do you like to be a writer?

I would never have been able to explain why I loved any person. Just loved. And that's it. Also with writing. After reading, this is the most favorite lesson. Although sometimes I get tired of it terrible. But it is the main thing for life.

And in conclusion - several lines of without any questions or "A little letter to the reader about anything"

Once I discovered with horror that I don't know why, why I live on earth among people. I was then twelve years old, this terrible discovery painted me in the tram, and I had long rushed through the streets, not wanting to go home and hoping that I still cool something about the goal of my life. Finally, I was tired, I did not see to the apartment and, without answering the questions of the mother, I bought to sleep. At night I woke up from my own moan. In the following years I read quite a lot of books. They told about anything: about the story of inventions, about the life of an ancient man, about mammoths and insects, but not about me. I guessed that people know some kind of secret about what I live, but I could not ask them - I didn't have such a person who would have entrusted my question.
The discovery came in a dream - exactly as Mendeleev. He also suffered for a long time because of his table. I saw myself standing on the top of the hill. For the left hand, my parents, parents - grandparents and grandfathers were kept, and they are the following my ancestors, which I didn't even really know. And all this endless chain of people went into a foggy distance - in the past of mankind. For my right hand, I kept my children (I really didn't have any children then, these are three of them), and they are their children, and those next. This chain was also hiding in a foggy gave - the future of humanity. And I - connected them all.
Something I understood about my own destination and goals of the life of every person: any of us connects all past people with people in future and transfers everything good to them what was done before. Every person on Earth has its own chain. And all together these woven chains are called humanity.
Waking up, I already knew what was born not in vain. And I also realized that anyone would be: even though writers, though plumbers or shepherds, the main thing is our thing to-put everything good and good in the future. We are all different people, each of us is the only person in the entire history of the universe. Never of such a person, as any of us, was not on earth and will not; We share distant distances and many years, and yet we are strong, we are alive when we are all - together when we are woven into one humanity.
Since then, how many years has passed, and I learned that wise philosophers came up with their answers to the question that tormented me. Perhaps your answer is in general every person. But if you have no such answer yet, take at least mine - it helps me great.
Thank you.