Hara Maureen KVN team composition. The KVN team "Hara Morin" will give a free concert for the inhabitants of Buryatia

Hara Maureen KVN team composition. The KVN team
Hara Maureen KVN team composition. The KVN team "Hara Morin" will give a free concert for the inhabitants of Buryatia

The name "Buryats" happened from the Mongolian root of "Bul", which means "Forest Man", "Hunter". So Mongols called numerous tribes who lived on both shores of Baikal. Buryats became one of the first victims of the Mongolian conquests and a long four and a half centuries paid tribute to Mongolian Khanam. Through Mongolia, the Tibetan form of Buddhism was penetrated into the Buryat lands - Lamaism.

At the beginning of the XVII century, before the arrival of Russians in Eastern Siberia, the Buryat tribes on both sides of Baikal still did not constitute a single nationality. However, the Cossacks did not soon have been able to conquer them. Officially, Transbaikalia, where the main part of the Buryat tribes lived, was joined in Russia in 1689 in accordance with the Nerchinsky treaty concluded with China. But in fact, the joining process ended only in 1727, when the Russian-Mongolian border was held.

Even earlier, the Decree of Peter I for Compact Accommodation Buryat was allocated "Indigenous Nomads" - territories on the rivers Kerulent, Oneon, Selenga. The establishment of the state border led to the separation of Buryat tribes from the rest of the Mongolian world and the beginning of their formation into a single people. In 1741, the Russian government was delivered for the Buryat of the Supreme Lama.
It is not by chance that the Buryats nourished the lively attachment to the Russian state. For example, when in 1812 they learned about the fire of Moscow, they could hardly be held from the campaign against the French.

During the years of the Civil War, Buryatia occupied American troops, who changed the Japanese here. After the expulsion of the Interventory in Transbaikal, the Buryat Mongolian Autonomous Republic was created with the center in the city of Verkhneudinsk, subsequently renamed Ulan-Ude.

In 1958, the Buryat Mongolian ASSR was transformed into the Buryat ASSR, and after the disintegration of the Union - to the Republic of Buryatia.

Buryats are one of the most numerous peoples inhabiting the territory of Siberia. To date, their number in Russia is more than 250 thousand. However, in 2002, the decision of UNESCO, Buryat language was listed in the Red Book as an extinct - the sad outcome of the Epoch of Globalization.

Pre-revolutionary Russian ethnographers noted that the physique of Buryat is strong, but in general they are located for obesity.

Murder among them is an almost unheard of a crime. However, they are excellent hunters, Buryat Bear is boldly goes accompanied by only his dog.

In mutual passage of Buryati, the courtesy: Healthy, serve each other right hand, and left grabbing her higher brushes. Like Kalmyks, they do not kiss their beloved, but sniff them.

Buryat has existed an ancient custom of worshiping white, which in their representation, personified clean, sacred, noble. To put a person on white felt, meant to wish him well-being. The faces of noble origin considered themselves blonde, and the poor workers. In the sign of the belt to the white bone of rich, the yurts from white felt were installed.

Many will probably be surprised when they find out that Buryat only one holiday in the year. But it lasts long, why is the white month called. According to the European calendar, his beginning falls on the cheese week, and sometimes on the carnival.

For a long time, the system of environmental principles have developed for a long time, in which nature was considered as a fundamental condition for any well-being and wealth, joy and health. According to local laws, the desecration and destruction of nature attracted heavy corporal punishments, up to the death penalty.

Since ancient times, Buryat was worshiped holy places that were anything other than reserves in the modern sense of the word. They were protected by century religions - Buddhism and Shamanism. It was these holy places that helped to preserve and save from an imminent destruction a number of representatives of Siberian flora and fauna, the natural wealth of environmental systems and landscapes.

A particularly careful and touching attitude of Buryat to Baikal: It was considered the imperture of centuries to be a sacred and great sea (Eh Dalai). God forbid on his shores to pronounce a rude word, not to mention Brahi and a quarrel. Perhaps in the 21st century, it will finally come to us that it is this attitude towards nature and should be called civilization.

The culture and religion of Buryat are the synthesis of Eastern and European traditions. On the territory of the Republic of Buryatia you can meet Orthodox monasteries, and Buddhist temples, and also to visit Shaman rituals. Buryats - colorful people with an interesting story that developed on the banks of the majestic Baikal. About religion and will be discussed in our article.

Who are such Buryats?

This ethnic group lives in the territory of the Russian Federation, Mongolia and China. More than half of the total, Buryat lives in Russia: in the Republic of Buryatia, in the Irkutsk region (Ust-Orda district), the Trans-Baikal Territory (Aginsky district). There are also in other regions of the country, but in fewer. Buryats are the most ancient nationality of the Baikal region. Modern genetic analyzes have shown that their closest relatives are Koreans.

According to one of the versions, the name of the people occurred from the Mongolian word "Bul", meaning "Hunter", "Forest Man". So the ancient Mongols called all the tribes who lived on the shores of Baikal. For a long time, Buryats were influenced by the nearest neighbors and for 450 years paid them taxes. Proximity to Mongolia contributed to the spread of Buddhism in Buryatia.

History of the emergence of nation

Buryats occurred from various Mongolian tribes and at the beginning of its formation (XVI-XVII century) consisted of several generic groups. The new impetus in the development of the ethnos came with the arrival in the eastern Siberia of the first Russian settlers. With the accession of Baikal lands to the Russian state in the middle of the XVI century, part of Buryat moved to Mongolia. Later there was a reverse process, and before the beginning of the XVIII century, they returned to their native land. The existence in the conditions of Russian statehood led to the fact that Buryat tribes and groups began to unite thanks to social and cultural interaction. This led to the formation of a new ethnos at the end of the XIX century. Independent statehood Buryat (Buryat-Mongolia) began to form in the first half of the 20th century. In 1992, the Republic of Buryatia was formed as part of the Russian Federation, Ulan-Ude became its capital.


Buryats were under the influence of the Mongolian tribes for a long time, then the period of Russian statehood followed. It could not not affect the religion of Buryat. Like many Mongolian tribes, initially Buryats were adherents of shamanism. For this complex of beliefs, other terms are used: Tengryanism, Pantheism. And the Mongols called him "Hara Shashin", which means "black faith". At the end of the XVI century, Buddhism was distributed in Buryatia. And from the mid-XVIII century, Christianity began to develop. To date, these three religions of Buryat harmoniously coexist on one territory.


The local people have always been a special attitude towards nature, which was reflected in their ancient faith - shamanisme. They worshed forever blue sky (Huha Munha Tangri), which was considered the Supreme Divine. Nature and natural forces were considered lightweight. Shaman rituals were carried out in certain open air objects to achieve unity between man and water, land, fire and air. Taivelangany (ritual festivals) were arranged to the nearby Lake Baikal territories in particularly revered places. Through sacrifices and compliance with certain rules and traditions, Buryats affected the spirits and gods.

Shamans were a special cask in the public hierarchy of the ancient Buryat. They combined the skill of the healer, a psychologist, manipulating consciousness, and the narrator. They could only become the one who had shaman roots. The rituals made a strong impression on the audience, which was collected up to several thousand. With the spread of Buddhism and Christianity, shamanism in Buryatia began to be oppressed. But this ancient belief that underlies the globility of the Buryat people could not be completely destroyed. Many the traditions of shamanism have survived and reached our days. The spiritual monuments of that period, in particular sacred places, are an important part of the cultural heritage of the Buryat people.


Residents of the Western Coast of Baikal remained adherents of this religion, Buryaty, who lived on the eastern shore, turned to Buddhism under the influence of neighboring-Mongols.

In the XVII century, Lamaism penetrates through Mongolia in Buryatia - one of the forms of Buddhism. As follows from the name, in this religious direction a large role is given to Lamam. They revered as teachers and conductors on the way to enlightenment. For this new, a special pomp of the ceremonies is characterized for the Buryat religion. Ritals are held on strict rules. A vivid example is the ritual of Tsam-Khural. This theatrical division of worship included the execution of sacred dancing and showing a pantomim.

The devotion of Shamisanism among Buryat was so great that even in Lamaism they brought such attributes of ancient belief, as the spiritualization of the natural forces and the reverence of the Keepers of the Guardians of the genus (Ezhin). Together with Buddhism, Tibet and Mongolia culture comes to Buryatia. More than 100 Tibetan and Mongolian Lamps arrived in Transbaikal, Datsans (Buddhist monasteries) began to open. Under Dácanov, schools functioned, books were published, applied art developed. And also they were peculiar universities who were preparing future clergy.

1741 is considered to be swivel in the history of Buddhism as a religion Buryat. Empress Ekaterina Petrovna signed a decree that recognized Lamiam from one of the official religions in Russia. Officially approved the state of 150 Lam, who was released from paying taxes. And Datsans became the center of the development of Tibetan philosophy, medicine and literature in Buryatia.

For almost two centuries, Lamaism has actively developed, gaining more and more followers. After the revolution of 1917, when the Bolsheviks came to power, the period of decline of Buddhist tradition Buryat began. Datsans were closed and destroyed, and the lamas are repressed. Only in the 1990s began the revival of Buddhism. 10 new datsans were built. However, in 1947, not far from Ulan-Ude was founded and again earned Aginsky.

Now the Republic of Buryatia is the center in the Egituy Dácane is the Buddha statue made of sandalwood. For her, it was even built a room in which a certain microclimate is supported.

Buddhist temples and monasteries

Buryats were nomads. They lived, like many Turkic tribes, in yurts. Therefore, initially they did not have permanent temples. Datsans were located in the yurts equipped with a special way, and "nomadic" with Lamami. The first stationary temple, Tamcha Dacan, was built at the end of the XVI century. Monasteries are divided into several categories:

  • Dugan is a monastic temple, the name happened from the Tibetan word meaning the "assembly hall".
  • Datsan - Buryat means "Monastery", and in Tibet, the training faculties with a major monastery called that.
  • Hurul is so called all the Buddhist temples of Kalmykov and Tuvintsev. The name happened from the Mongolian "Huhral", which means "meeting".

Interesting architecture of Buddhist monasteries and temples of Buryatia, in which 3 styles are traced:

  • Mongolian style is represented by buildings reminiscent of yurts and tents. The first temples were mobile and were located in temporary facilities. Stationary temples were first built in the form of six or twelve-grade buildings, and then became square. The roofs were performed in a form resembling the tent top.
  • Tibetan style is characteristic of early Buddhist temples. The architecture is represented by rectangular structures with white walls and a flat roof. Temples made in purely Tibetan style are infrequent.
  • Chinese style - suggests luxurious decoration, single-storey buildings and duct roofs made of tiles.

Many temples are built in a mixed style, for example, Aginian Datsan.

Ivolginsky Monastery

This datsan was founded in 1947 40 km from Ulan-Ude. He served as the residence of the spiritual department of Buddhists of Russia. The sacred statue of Buddha and the throne of Dalai Lama XIV is located in Dácane. Every year large hurals are held in the temple. At the beginning of the spring, the new year is celebrated on the Eastern calendar, and in the summer - the Maidari holiday.

The Ivolginsky Temple is famous for the fact that Lama Ityigelova is stored there. According to the legend, in 1927, Lama visited his disciples to inspect his body after 75 years, then sat down into meditation and went to Nirvana. He was buried in the same pose in the cedar cube. According to the will in 2002, the cube was opened, and the body is inspected. It was unchanged. Relevant rites and ritual actions were carried out, and the immense body of Lama ITIGELOV was transferred to the Ivolginsky Datsan.

Aginsky Monastery

This Buddhist Datsan was built in 1816 and lit by the Lama Rinchen. The complex is the main temple and 7 small sum. Aginsky Daman is known for the fact that since the foundation in it, Maani Khural (worship of the Bodhisattva Arya Bala) was committed 4 times. In the monastery, books on philosophy, medicine, logic, astronomy and astrology were printed. In the late 1930s, the temple was closed, some buildings were partially destroyed, and some were busy under military and secular needs. In 1946, the Anginsky monastery was again open and acts so far.

Gusinozero monastery

Another name is Tamchinsky Datsan. Initially was not stationary, but was located in a big yurt. In the middle of the XVIII century, the first temple on a permanent place was built. And after almost 100 years, the monastic complex has already consisted of 17 temples. From the beginning of the XIX and to the middle of the 20th century was the main monastery of Buryatia, which was called Buryat Mongolia at the time. Constantly lived 500 Lam, and 400 more were coming. With the arrival of the Bolsheviks, Datsan was abolished, like many other religious objects. His buildings were taken by the needs of the state. There was a prison for political prisoners. In the late 50s of the 20th century, the Guisinozero Daman was recognized as an architectural monument and work began on its restoration. Repeated the temple again for believers in 1990. In the same year he was consecrated.

A monument is kept in Dácane, representing high historical and cultural value. This is the so-called "deer stone", whose age, according to archaeologists, is 3.5 thousand years old. This stone received its name due to the images of the raid deer, which are carved on it.


In 1721, the Irkutsk diocese was created, with which the spread of Orthodoxy in the Baikal region began. Of particular success, missionary activity reached from Western Buryat. There were distribution such holidays such as Easter, Christmas, Ilyin Day, and others. Active promotion of Orthodoxy in Buryatia prevented the commitment of the local population shamanismium and developing Buddhism.

Russian power used Orthodoxy as a way of influence on the worldview of Buryat. At the end of the XVII century, the construction of the Embassy Monastery began (in the photo above), which contributed to the strengthening of the position of the Christian mission. Such methods of attracting followers as exemption from taxes in the event of the adoption of Orthodox faith were used. Inter-ethnic marriages between the Russian and the indigenous population were encouraged. By the beginning of the 20th century, about 10% of the total number of Buryat were methis.

All these efforts led to the fact that by the end of the XX century there were 85 thousand Orthodox Buryat. Then the 1917 revolution was followed, and the Christian mission was eliminated. The active figures of churches were shot or exiled to the camps. After the end of World War II, the revival of some temples began. And the official recognition of the Orthodox Church occurred only in 1994.

Selenginsky Trinity Monastery

The opening of churches and monasteries has always been an important event in strengthening Christianity. In 1680, by decree of Tsar Fyodor, Alekseevich was instructed to build a monastery on the shore and make it the center of the Orthodox mission in the region. The new abode received support in the form of government funds, as well as money, books, utensils and clothes from the king and nobility. Holy Trinity Seleginsky Male Monastery owned land, fishing grounds, first. People began to settle around the monastery.

As planned, the monastery became the focus of the Orthodox faith and lifestyle in Transbaikalia. The abode among the population of nearby villages was revealed for the fact that the icon of the Wonderworker Nikolai Millytsky was kept. The monastery attended outstanding religious, political and government figures. The monastery was extensive at the time of the library of 105 books.

In 1921, the Holy Trinity Seleginsky male monastery was closed. His buildings have held a children's house for some time, and from 1929 to 1932 the monastery was empty. Then there was a pioneer sanatorium here, and later children's specialties. During this time, many buildings of the monastery lost the former appearance, some were destroyed. Only since 1998, the monastery began to revive.

Old Believers

In the middle of the XVII century, church reform began in Russia. Rites changed, but not everyone was ready for these changes, which led to the split of the church. Disagree with new reforms were pursued, and they were forced to run to the outskirts of the country and beyond its limits. So the old property appeared, and his followers were called the interns. They hid in the Urals, in Turkey, Romania, Poland and in Transbaikalia, where Buryats lived. Old Believers settled large families mainly in the south of Transbaikalia. There they cultivated the land, built houses and churches. There have been up to 50 such settlements, 30 of which exist now.

Buryatia is a distinctive, colorful region with a beautiful nature and a rich history. The charming waters of Baikal, Buddhist temples and sacred places of shamans attract people who want to plunge into the natural and spiritual atmosphere of the region.

An initial place of settlement of protoburyat tribes, obviously, should be considered a pre-biccale, although the point of view was quite popular, which the Buryat tribes are arrived from Mongolia. Today's data allow us to talk about the existence in the late Neolithic (about 2500 BC) proto-district tribes shono and nohoy. These names are totem, and are translated as wolf and dog. Some researchers consider Schono's tribe ancestors and, and nobody - ancestors. Probably, during the long processes of movements of the tribes, the east side went to the eastern side, where they were included in the empire. Shono were in denuncial addiction.

History of Buryat tribes

More detailed information about the ancestors belong to the IX-X centuries of our era. It is believed that the Western tribes of the ancestors of Buryat were part of Tribal Union, and the eastern constituted strong hori-Tumatsky Union. There is a point of view that there were long military collisions between the Kuryan and Chori Tumatsky unions, which lasted more than 100 years with different intensity. After the defeat from the Hori Tumats, the Protoburyat tribes of Pre-Bicolas remained, and Kurykan (ancestors and) were part of the north, part west. Other researchers consider Tumatov Kurrykan ancestors, and reject the assumption of war. However, the influence of ancient Turks on the formation of Buryat nation is undoubtedly.

Later, in the "Chronicles Collection" of the Persian scientist Rashid-Ad-Dina, it is mentioned about the forest tribes of the Boublerins and Caremucin, who lived to the west of. Obviously, we are talking about the ancestors of Echirites and Bujdatov. These tribes were part of Rashid-ad-Dina to the country Moglistan, inhabited by Mongolian-pagan tribes.

Also refers to the terrain of Bargudzhin-Tukum. By this term, Mongols were designated an extensive area on both sides. It was entered, apparently, judging by the Barguta, Chori, Boubler and Caremucins and other small tribes or living separately from their companions, Mongols, Merkites, Kiden Migrants. During the Mongolian rule in the area, the echyritis tribes, Bujdatov and Hongodorov were formed. Hori was formed earlier, and by the time of the emergence of Russians lived in Transbaikalia. Their initial residence still causes hot spores from historians, ethnographers, archaeologists. According to many scientists, the fact of the joint residence of the three main Buryat tribes in ancient times. Apparently, in the process of further development, Hori was in the territory of Transbaikal, and then from the X century were again in the pre-corner, and during the time of Genghis Khan, some of them went back to Transbaikalia. This is evidenced by the residence of several chorin births in the territory of the current areas of the Ust-Orda district.

In Russian documents, Bujlags, Echirites and Honagrators are called "big braoty people" and referred to the existence of the tribe of rams, by whose behalf there were other pre-bicolay tribes.

At that time, large groups of the Bugbatch and Ikinati, who lived in the valleys of the Uda and Oka rivers (current, and areas) were at the stage of forming their own tribes, so some researchers allocate them into separate tribes. However, ashashabbatch and Ikinati are still buckets.

History Buryat

(Bryoiaudud) - The Mongolian people of Siberia. The total number of them in the world is 520 thousand people. The bulk of the people is concentrated in the Republic of Buryatia (249.5 thousand people), in (49 thousand people), in the Aginsky Buryat Autonomous District of the Chita region (42.3 thousand people) and in a number of areas of the same regions, Not part of autonomy. Outside the Russian Federation, Buryats live in Mongolia (35 thousand people) and China (about 10 thousand)

Archaeological and other materials allow for the assumption that individual proto-workry tribes (Shono and Noah) have developed at the end of the neolithic and in the bronze era (2500-1300 years BC). According to the authors, the tribes of the farmers - farmers were then adjacent to the tribes of hunters. In the late Bronze Age, on the territory of all Central Asia, including the Baikal, the tribes of the so-called "Tilenikov" - prototurnists and protonongols lived. Starting with the III century. BC. The population of Transbaikalia and Predibical is drawn into the grand historical events that turned around in Central Asia and Southern Siberia, related to the formation of early non-state associations of Gunnov, Xianby, buzz and ancient Turks. From this time, the spread of mongony-language tribes in the Pribaikal region and the gradual mongoization of the aborigines begins. In the IX-XIV centuries, Transbaikali turned out to be in the center of Mongolian political events, including in creating a single Mongolian state led by Genghis Khan.

The ethnonym "Buryat" is first mentioned in the Mongolian essay "Failed Mongol Tale" ("Mongola Nuus Tobsho"), along with such tribes, such as Hori Tumata, Barguts, Orata, etc. More reliable information about the ancestors Buryat appears in the first half of the 17th century in Communication with the arrival of Russians to Eastern Siberia. During this period, Transbaikalia was part of North Mongolia, which was part of Sessen-Khanovsky and Tushetu-Khanovsky Khanni. The dominance of them occupied the Mongolian-speaking peoples and tribes, divided into actually Mongols, Halha-Mongols, Barguts, Daurov, Horins, and others. Pre-Bicaalier was in denuncial dependence on Western Mongolia. The main ethnic group-tribes here were echyritis, buckets, honodors and ikinats. All these tribes on both sides of Baikal did not make a single nationality, had differences in language, life and culture.

Military affair from Buryat

From the very beginning of the formation of the Buryat tribes, it was necessary to defend its independence, independence, to protect their land from neighbors raids and, that sin to hide, attack smaller and weak tribes.

The first mention of wars in the territory of the Baikal will go back to the Huns, which included ancestors of Buryat. Later, the ancestors of Buryat-tribes Chinos (Shono) and Noah, often subordinate to those or other easily neighbors - Xianby, Zhuzhany. In the time of Turks, the protoburyat tribes that were part of the Kuryan, and the Bargut tribe, initially submitted to Turks, later, when the Great Turkic Kaganate was decayed, fought against Turkuts. Then there were wars with those who came to their lands, which, in turn, fought with the chores, the tribes of PRABIKOLAL reflected the aggression of the Yenisei Kyrgyz.

At the time of the Mongolian Empire with Mongols, Hori-Tumata fought, Chinos was forced to participate in the campaign of Genghis Khan on Central Asia. During the times of Genghis Khan, the victims of Hori, Bujales and Echirites were divided into dozens, fiveteen and hundreds, Mongols have established their military organization.

Before Mongols, the troops of the ancestors Buryat - Kuryankan, Hori Tumatov, Barguts - was basically a militia, only with the generic leaders and tribal leaders consisted of small detachments of nucers. The troops were equestrian, in service there were a complex bow. (no mo) With martial arrows (tried)having iron tips (ZEBE), Kolchuga ougon, iron or leather helmet, shank sidak (hadag), iron spear or rogat (Jade), Saber (Halma)Long throwing knives (Madaga), Paleza (Gould), battle ax (HUU).

The militia - the ulus people who gathered on the protection of the lands armed who could, rarely, who had a complete set of combat equipment. Basically, they had bows with arrows, a spear, rarely who had even a helmet and leather armor, who were protected only from arrows, and even then on a rubbish. Boat squad of the leader - nuhherud., were armed much better, had a challenge with iron or bronze plates, an iron pointed helmet, fed, calent - leather armor with plates, round wooden or iron shield, etc.

The tactics of the battle was the same as in Mongolia - an attack, then a feigned retreat and an attack with the environment. The maneuverability of the troops allowed to overcome considerable distances, Buryat warriors themselves, no longer as part of the Mongolian troops, went to the tribes of the Tungusov, Kacintsev who lived in the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, often threatened hackasam and tuvints. But they themselves later suffered from the raids of Mongol Neuons.

The emergence of Russians in pre-bical

In the days of the arrival of the Russians, the pre-Bichal Buryats were often faced with their detachments, walked under

Glossary of Buryat words

Life before the arrival of Russian colonializers
Buryat and Mongolian languages
The first information about Buryats among the Russians
Entry into contact with Russian
Two main Buryat tribes
Miscellaneous attitude to Russian colonizers
Fight against Russians
Etnonym Buryats
Buryat-Mongols in 1700-1907gg
Russian policy in relation to Buryat
Charter of 1822 on the management of foreigners of the Speransky
Buryats guard the border
Differences between Eastern and Western Buryats
Religious question (2 churches)
Culture and education
Literacy in Western and Oriental Buryat
Start of the 20th century
Buryats after World War II

Glossary of Buryat words

AJL House, Yurt, Family, Group Yurt
Ajmak. Mongolian province
Ajrag milk in the state of fermentation (often mare)
ARXI Milk-based alcohol
Burxan. spirit, sometimes Buddha
Duun. song
Ëxor buryat dance circle
Taabari. mystery
Mangadxaj. antiger, evil zoomorphic creature
Nojon. mongolian aristocrat
Oboo. place worship (holy places). Rag of stones or knitting twigs often at the foot of the hill
Sèržèm. the liquid that is presented during the sacrifice
SURXARBAN. summer Buryat games
Tajlgan. summer Shamansky Ritual
Ül'gèr. Buryat epic
Ulus. family, Yurt, House, Group Yurt

Origin and settlement Buryat

V. A. Ryazanovsky in his book "Mongol Law" so sets out its version of the origin of Buryat:
"The first historical information about Buryats belong to the emerging, by the XII century. In the chronicles of the Yuan-Chao-Mi-Shea, Sanan-Seatzen and Rashid Eddin mentioned the submission of the Genghis-Khan of the Buryat tribes who lived in Baikal. So, in the chronicles of Sanan-Seatzen under 1189, Shikgushi's leader says, incorrecting Chingiz-Khan Sokol (Yastreb), as a sign of submissions of the Buryat people who lived at the time of Baikal in the Chronicles of Rashid Eddin under 1188, reported the victory of Gengiz Khan over Tyjzhiyuti near the river Ingoda, on the side of which the leader of the tribe Hori-Sumyzhi fought, and under 1200-1201 (594 G. Gugdry) it is said that Wang Khan broke the Tucht, who went into place, called "Bargudzhin"; " This place behind the Selenga river east of Mongolia, to one tribe from Mongols, which is called Bargut, this name is learned for the reason that they lived in this Bargudzhin; and they are still called this name "). Thus, according to the most ancient, dreeshed to us, the historical information of Buryats originally dwell in Transbaikalia, from where they, who had come, moved to the Genghis-Khan south). Domestic interworking in Mongolia, external attacks on it, the search for new pastures forced the Mongols of the Halhi to move to the north, settle the p. Selengue, oh. Baikal and Baikal (XV-XVII century). Here, new aliens pushed one local tribes, conquered others, mixed up with the third and formed modern to us, among which two branches are one with a predominance of Buryat type - Mongols, ch. arr. Northern Buryats, others with the predominance of Mongolian-type-Mongol-Buryats, mostly southern Buryats. "
Wikipedia we learn that:
"Modern Buryats have formed, apparently, from various mongony-language groups on the territory of the northern outskirts of the Khanate to Altan-Khanov, which established at the end of the XVI - early XVII century. By the XVII century, Buryats consisted of several tribal groups, the largest among which were bucled, echyritis, chorins and honodors. "
"The pastures east of Lake Baikal were the house of pasture nomads from time immemorial and in fact, Chingis Khan was born to the south of the modern Russian border. (Oneon Oneon Goal) is a river in Northeast Mongolia and Russia. Upper current Onon is one of the estimated places where Genghis Khan grew up and grew up. According to the legend, he is also buried. Wikipedia) So this fact gives Buryats living in the east Baikal reason to consider themselves "clean Mongols." These tribes included "The Tabanut, Atagan and Khori" (Tabanut, Atagans and Chori) - the latter also lived on the West Bank of Baikal and on the Big Oikhon Island (Russian Olkhon). Other Mongolian tribes - "The Bulaagat, Ekherit and Khongodor" (Bujads, Ekherit and Honoggodor) - settled around Lake Baikal and the Valley of the River Angara that follows from the southern end of the lake. Here and in the neighboring valleys, reaching the ridge of the Lena River, they found a meadow steppes that could be used as pastures for their horses and horned cattle. These Mongols, settled on Tungusk and other residents of forests, and became Western Buryats. "₁

In his book, La Chasse à l'Âme dedicated mainly to Buryat Shamisanism, Roberte Hamayon talks about the first references to Buryats:
"P.44 Sources Anciennes
The names of the tribes that will form later Buryat ethnos appear in the secret history of the Mongol "Histoire Secrète des Mongols" (it is about the text made in the Mongolian environment, but known only by Chinese transcription dated 1240 year (...) In this text, the Ekires or Ikires tribes appears in this text. The part of which was joined for a long time to the future of Genghis Khan, this part of the tribe was included in 1206, along with Bulugan (Bulugan (La TRIBU BULAGAZIN?)) In the fuel tentreis de feutre), the ancestors of Echirites and the Ribus Aux Tentures Baucale's buckets; the Qori-Tümed tribe, mentioned among the "forest people" conquered in 1207, whose descendants are Chori Transbaikalia; as well as the Borijad tribe (Burijad), also counted to the "forest people", and conquered in 1207, Historically different from the previous ones), the genealogical narration about the genus Genghiz Khan. This chronicle is considered to contain data on the relationship between tribes and clans in the domestic era, on the relationship of cooperation and revenge, which fit into the frame of shamanic actions, and which are found in a similar form in the Baikalia of the 19th century. In this era, the Mongolian yard with favorables took all foreign religions, at the same time seeking to curb shamans, not wanting more assumptions of the section of power with them (the section of power that is peculiar to shamanism, and therefore incompatible with state centralization); The Mongolian yard was tolerated to marginal, but Chingiz Han during his sunrise to the highest power eliminated Shaman Kököcü on the nicknamed Tegnery, who intended to put into the course of his authority.
The mentioned tribes are forgotten before their entry into the Russian empire in the middle of the 17th century.

Life before the arrival of Russian colonializers

Buryats in the east of Baikal retained the traditional Mongolian lifestyle based on the breeding of horses and livestock, nomadic between pastures and living in portable awnings of the inhabitants of felt [yurts]. On the West Bank of the Lake, however, some of them took a seventory lifestyle, learned how to build wooden houses - octagonal with a hole for smoke in the center of the pyramidal roof - and cultivate a dry forage and such agricultural crops as millet, barley and buckwheat. Hunting played a significant role in the life of all Mongols, it is known that Buryats organized large joint hunting with several clans. In a relatively developed culture, the use of iron was an important feature since ancient times, and as in other Siberian communities, the blacksmiths who have shown weapons, axes, knives, pots, sabs and silver jewelry enjoyed almost supernatural status.
As all Mongols up to the 16th century, Buryats were shamanists. Nevertheless, it took a more complex form compared to other Siberian communities, as they not only revered spirits related to nature phenomena (in honor of which they built pyramids from stones (Oboo) in sacred places) But also had a multi-line pantheon consisting of 99 Deities as well as their numerous proceeds and offspring. In highly developed mythology, the fire was especially revered. The shamans themselves are mainly hereditary campala, they were divided into two types: "White" shamans served as celestial deities, and "black" who served the gods of the Underworld. Buryat shamans differed from Tungusky and Katov, that their ecstatic dance was not accompanied by Tamburin, they used a small bell in their rituals and a wooden horse (Hobby Horse). The central ritual in religious practice, as well as all the Mongols-Shamanists, was the blood sacrifice of the Blood Sacrifice to the Heavenly God Tengri, during this sacrifice the horse (usually white) killed and her skin was suspended for a long pole. Shamanism, Religion Genghis Khan, remained until the end of the 16th century, when Buddhism from Tibet, quickly spread among the Mongols. Buryats, as it were, left their generic religion only through the century, and in reality Buryats lived on the eastern shore of Baikal adopted Buddhism, while the forest Buryats west remained faithful shamanism.
Living on the border between the northern forests and the steppes of inner Asia, the Buryat Mongols were intermediaries in barter trade, exchanging their horned cattle, a hardware and Grain for Furs (from Tungus and other forest residents), these goods in turn exchanged Chinese textiles, jewelry And silver.
Buryats were numerous people (at least 30,000 people in the 17th century), in contrast to the majority of the Aborigines of Siberia. Their social organization was also highly developed. The heads of clans (Khans or Taishis) were formed by the hereditary aristocracy, which had a significant authority over the usual members of the clan; The class of rich cattle breeders (Noyons) also existed, especially in Eastern Buryatia. Nevertheless, the rights to pastures and meadows were considered common, inside the clan operated the mutual assistance system (Russian Marxist writers argued that it was just a preposition to operate poorly rich). In the 17th century, in the social structure of Western Buryat, which contained many traditional tribal properties, the differences have already developed; As for the eastern Buryat, their connection with the Mongols brought them to feudalism
Being Mongolian tribes, Buryats were included in the borders of the Empire Genghiz Khan in the 13th century, but historians disagree in the opinion of the participation of Buryat in the Cengiz Army campaigns [and yet, it seems to me, the most popular opinion is that Buryats were from Mongols in The position of vassals, like Russians]. Clear what they shared. Even in the West, nevertheless, the hereditary heads of clans used their power to conquer the neighboring tribes, forcing the latter to pay tribute. The Buryat heads of clans also formed armed people from their vassals in case of war. Thus, before the arrival of the Russians, many tribes of Tungus, Samoyloov and Ketov lived between Lake Baikal and Yeniseem were on the situation of subjects of peoples, either in Buryat Mongols, or in Kyrgyz Turks.
mongolian tradition of military organization, effective equestrian tactics and the use of onions and arrows. As a result, they represented a much more impressive enemy for Russians rather than primitive tribes of Central Siberia. At a certain point during the Russian war against Buryat, seruners in the Verkholskaya fortress were so deposited, which wrote a letter to the king Mikhail: "Spare US, Your Slaves, Lord, and Command That In The ... Fort Two Hundred Mounted Men Be Garrisoned ... (... ... Because, Lord, The Buryats Have Many Mounted Warriors Who Fight In Armour ... And Helmets, While We, Lord, Your Slaves, Are Ill-Clad, Having No Armours ... "[could not find the original in Russian] from" Colonial Policy in Yakutia. "

Buryat and Mongolian languages

Tongue Buryat refers to the Mongolian family. Mongolian is currently based on the Khalhas dialect. Many words are identical in Buryat and Chalhas, for example, Gar "Hand", Ger "House", Ulaan "Red" and Khoyor "Two", but there are some systematic sound differences. For example, water in Buryat language - UHA, whereas in Mongolian it is US. Other similar differences:
HARA month SAR
SESEG Flower Tsetseg.
Morin Horse Mor.
Üder day Ödör.
In the grammar of the Buryat language, personal verbal endings are preserved, for example. Bi Yabanab, Shi Yabanash, Tere Yabna "I am going, you go, he goes," while Mongolian has only one Yabna form for "I go, you go, he goes."
the Buryat language contains a lot of Turkic words (the result of a long contact with the Turkic peoples of internal Asia and Western Siberia), as well as borrowing from Chinese, Sanskrit, Tibetan, Manchursky, etc. languages.
The first information about Buryats among the Russians
The first rumors among the Russians about Buryats appeared in 1609. The Russian experiment in Tomsk was sent to subordinate the tribes on the eastern shore of the Yenisei and put them with tribute. Russians found out from Ketov and Samoyloov, that those already paid Yasak Buryats, who lived in the mountains in the Idi Valley and sometimes came for the tribute. Therefore, the Russians met the Idinsky Buryat only 20 years later. [Must be, Buryats even had a rumored serious enemy by rumors]
In 1625, Russians from Yeniseisk taking Yasak from Tungusov for the first time heard Buryat Mongols in this region.
They followed the so-called they decided to explore and conquer this land.
buryat wars - a series of campaigns, raids and counter-attacks. The main stimulus of Russian conquer the Buryat lands was a rumor about silver deposits
The first meeting of Russians with Buryats occurred in 1628 at the mouth of the river in this area.
[FORSYTH]. At that time, the Russians did not receive Dani from Buryat, but defeated them, taking their wives and children as a prisoner. In the next year, the Cossack commander of Beketov (far advanced on the OK) successfully took the lifts with Buryat. By the end of the capture of the Angarsk Valley, the Russians were already founded: Bratsk (from the word "brother"), Idinsk, Irkutsk (was founded in 1652 as an Yasak Outpost (Yasak Outpost)).
Buryat resistance continued in other territories. On the hangar, the main anti-Russian campaigns occurred in 1634 (when the fraternal fort was burned), they continued during 1638-41.
The largest Buryat uprising occurred in 1644. Russian aliens represented robbers and marauders. The big riot occurred in Buryat territories in 1695-1696, when Irkutsk was besieged.
Because In the 1640, hope for the expulsion of the Russians evaporated, some of the Echimi Buryat moved down the Baikal in Mongolia. In 1658, the Russian settlers defeated the tribes of Amehabat Buryat, forcing them to leave the territory from now on occupied by Russians. In the same year, most of the Bukala Buryat also moved to Mongolia
The occupation of Russian Trans-Baikal lands forced indigenous residents (those who did not want to pay Yasaka) to leave their territory.
Numerous Hori tribes Buryat after several years of fighting Russian hayrs were forced at the beginning of the 1650x. To get out of their lands on both sides of Baikal and move to Northern Mongolia. Unfortunately, at that time Mongolia was not a hospitable refuge.

Entry into contact with Russian

Two main Buryat tribes
Miscellaneous attitude to Russian colonizers

In the west, Echirit-Bujdata, seeing in them at first the invaders during the first meetings in 1627-1628, they were poorly accepted and made the life of the Cossacks quite difficult. They will organize uprisings against their presence, such as on Lena in 1644-1665. They are at the most dawn, they live hunting, they have horses that allow them to increase their yields. They hold in obedience to the small peoples of Toflavar, Ketov, Tungus. Therefore, they perceive Russian as rivals. In addition, the Valley of the Angara, in which the buclands were valuable for fertile land. It attracts Russian settlers. Echirija Bujdata began to pay to submit in 1662, and after 2 years they declare as obeying, although they themselves recognize it only in 1818.
Opposite the chori who want to protect against the Mongols, they are good enough to receive the first Cossacks, the Russian presence is less dense than on the Baikal and weight of it is felt slower.
Ryazanovsky's version looks a little different:
"Found at the beginning of the XVII century. In Eastern Siberia, Russians found Buryat in modern places. The first information about the Buryats of the Russians received in 1609 from "Desarel people", which paid Yasak "fraternal people." In 1612, Buryats attacked the Arinov tribes submitted by the Russian. In 1614, the other native tribes deposited Tomsk are also mentioned by "brothers". In 1621, we also meet the mention of Buryats that are disturbing Tomsk servants. By 1622, information about the fact that Buryats are among the 3rd thousand people, not counting Danikov, walked war on Arincers and other Canine foreigners. Thus, Buryats represented a militant and numerous people who could not pay Russian conquerors. In 1628, Sotnik Peter Beketov from Yeniseisk with 30 Cossacks I got to the mouth of the Okey River and took the first yasak from living here. Buryat. From that time, the gradual submission of the Buryat tribes of Russian power begins. This submission did not immediately and rarely voluntarily. "

Fight against Russians

But despite the resistance of local residents, the Russians are stubbornly moving on to the east
"For half a century (and even longer), militant Buryats provided stubborn resistance to conquerors. They entered into open battles, refused to pay Yasak, defeated again restrained, often caused to this cruelty and the robbing of conquerors, attacked Russians, besieged the ospication, sometimes destroyed them, went to new places, finally went to Mongolia. However, Russians, although slowly, purchased the advantage over Buryats, subordinate them to themselves.
In 1631, Ataman Pontifers built the first Ostrog in the Buryat land, named "fraternal", which, however, in 1635 was destroyed by Buryats and in 1636 renewed again; in 1646, Ataman Kolesnikov got to the hangary and the mouth of . The wasps built Ostrode; In 1654, the Ostrog Balagan was built, and in 1661 Ostrog Irkutsk, almost simultaneously with the promotion promotion began to promote Russians for Baikal from Yakutsk, which emerged in 1632 and soon became independent voivodeship. In 1641 . In 1643, the Russians got to Baikal in 1643 and took Olkhon Island, in 1648, the Boyarsky Son Galkin reached the mouth of the r. Barguzin and built the Ostrog Barguzinsky, which became a supporting point of Russians in Transbaikalia in 1652. Peter Beketov From Yeniseisk, it reached the r. Selsigi and founded the Ost-buzz, in 1653 he got to Halkie and Irgea and built an Irgent Ostrog, and then Nerchinsky. However, next year, it was forced to leave busy places. But Promotion Usskiki east everything went on. In 1658, the Ostrog Telembinsky was built and was again restored by the Tungus of the Nerchinsky Ostrog, in 1665.-Urine, Selenginsky and others. Gradually, all Trans-Baikali was subordinate to the Russians - -to all the Buryat, Tungus and other native tribes inhabited there. But in Transbaikalia, the Russians met with the new enemy, faced the rights of Chalhaski princes, who have long been considered to be transbaikalia and made repeated attempts to force the Russians. In 1687, the Mongols were deposited by Selenginsky Ostrog, in 1688 Verkholsensky, but in both cases suffered severe failure. After that, a number of Mongolian Thai and sites moved to Russian citizenship. In 1689, the Stolnik Golovin concluded a nonsense agreement with China, according to which all Trans-Baikalia with all the people from Mongolia were recognized by Russian hold. As for the Tunkinsky region standing by the mansion, then it happened somewhat later. Tunksky Ostrog was built in 1709 and the region was subordinate to the Russian influence in half of the XVIII century. "
Next, Ryazanovsky notes:
"When conquered by Russian Eastern Siberia, Buryats were divided by three main tribes: the buckets who live mainly in the area of \u200b\u200bthe river. Angara, Echirite-in the area r. Lena and Horinty - in Transbaikalia. This division is saved and so on. The tribes in turn are separated by PA Genship. In addition, there are groups of childbirth experts from Mongolia (on the village of Selenga, in Tunka and other places), mixed with local Buryats, some of them still retain well-known withdrawal. "[Sometimes it seems to me that a variety of" divisions "are a kind of Buryat hobby. Many Buryats know what kind they occur].

Etnonym Buryats

The explanations of the ethnonym "Buryats" are numerous and sometimes inconclusive.
According to Zoriktuyev, Pribaikal Buryats were called Buraad from Buraa, a forest, with a suffix D, which means a group of people, therefore Buraad
Ygunov puts forward another version by which self-breaking - "forest people".
buryyad happened from the Turkic word "Bürè
Only from the 19th century regularly use the name "Buryats" in official Russian documents. The first Cossack registers call them "brothers" or "fraternal" and calling their land of fraternal earth. "(Wolf). The wolf was a totem of some clans of Western Buryat.
[For some reason, a story with "Kangaroo" comes to mind: Russian Cossacks met representatives of one of the Pribaikal tribes asking about who they are. To which the Baikalians answer that they live in the forests, Buraa. Russians, for the best memorization, they are looking for a consonant and most importantly word in his vocabulary. And here he appeared "brothers".]
At least only before the dangeries of colonization, because the Baikal groups are primarily putting their clans identity, there is a rivalry between clans, therefore often the adoption of the "general" name only for the species.
This name has been preserved over time, and due to the vicissitudes of colonization, and also due to linguistic intimacy, it serves as previously isolated groups (and sometimes enemy tribes) of general identity, and later this name will help to form an ethnos.
Even chori will take this name to them to distinguish themselves from the Mongols and contributes to their integration into the Russian Empire, giving them legal personality, already received by Baikal Buryats.
For all this name, it specifies the sense of identity that appeared for some of the Opposition to Russian penetration, for others it is the Opposition to the claims of Mongolis Suspension.
Buryats are called Russians in everyday life "Mangad" This term in the epopery denotes the enemy of the hero, the one who occupies its territory, assigns his property to himself, his wife, and for this harm caused to them, to be defeated, although he is stronger, but in return he was awarded the posthumous The cult "Bon Mâle", because in battle, he showed himself brave (or honest). [This is the most common version, although some Buryats do not agree with this.
In the end, all the names, etc., can be interpreted in different ways, the good has a rich material: legends, songs, written narratives, in which the words of consonant things appear. ]

Part two -->