How old is crude now. Egor Cre - an incredible way to the success of the country's main heart

How old is crude now. Egor Cre - an incredible way to the success of the country's main heart
How old is crude now. Egor Cre - an incredible way to the success of the country's main heart

Egor Creid - Popular Russian Hip-Hop performer. The singer cooperates with the Music Label "Black Star Inc." And regularly publishes new compositions that become hits among young people.

How old is Herra cround in 2018: age and career

In the summer, June 25, 2018, Hirura Crida will be 24 years old. Despite the fact that Egor is so young, it is one of the most sought-after executors of the Russian pop.

The first glory of Egor Cred received thanks to the Internet. In 2011, he posted in "Vkontakte" the song of his own essay - "Love on the network" (originally it was called "the word" love "lost its meaning"). With the help of friends for 2 days, Egor removed the video, which in a few weeks scored a million views. At the time, these were huge indicators.

In the same year, the 17-year-old Rapper recorded a Cavern version of Timati's song "Do not go crazy" and took the clip on it. It drew attention to this one of the producers of label Timati Black Star Inc. And contacted Egor.

In 2013, Egor sang a duet with a popular singer Alexey Vorobyev. The composition was called "more than love." In April 2014, Creed presented the Single to the Single to the Listeners - he conquered all Russian charts and became the most recognizable hit of the singer. In February 2015, Egor Crond won the nomination "Breakthrough of the Year" in the Sound Track Music Prize. At the beginning of April 2015, the Contractor released his debut solo album "Bachelor" in which the songs "the most", "Bride", "Jealousy" and others entered. In total, the plate includes 19 compositions. After a month, the song "The most" won a victorious place in the nomination "Best Song Song" on the 5th RU TV Prize.

On the New Year's blue light of 2016, Egor fulfilled the song "Hope" along with Joseph Kobzon. In the same year, the joint song of Cre and Timati was released "Where are you, where I", later a clip was released, who scored millions of views on YouTube. This composition entered the album of Timati "Olympus". In May 2017, the light saw the second album of Egor Cree yes "What they know", which entered 12 songs, including a duet with a rapper Motor "Fall". Soon, the singer presented a joint composition with Olga Seryabkina "If you do not like me," later he recorded the song "Team 2018" with the participation of DJ SMASH and Polina Gagarina.

How many years have crude in 2018: interesting facts about singer, and what kind of girls do he like

A 23-year-old Crend, despite his still young age, has already earned his dealer's reputation. The artist has met with the singer Nyusha for two years, but the lovers broke up because of different views. Love relationships associated Egor and with the models of Diana Melisson, Delhi Ksenia, Vika Odintova. The Black Star artist even attributed a novel with Olga Seriabquina and Victoria Daineko, however, according to Rapper himself, with his colleagues on the workshop, he is connected exclusively friendly relations.

The singer told about what girls I like. According to Egor, a certain ideal of the girl does not exist. The main criterion - the girl should have his point of view, his goal, his dream and its own business of activity. "I do not say that it must fully provide itself, but not completely commercially dependent on the man. I can hooking a girl who do not need anything from me, "said the new singer.

The artist confesses that it is a perfectionist not even 100, but for all 300%. This also applies to: both personal life and workflow. Therefore, girls will have to try hard to impress.

"Even small misses or hackturi someone from the workflow participants can knock me out of the rut. I do not know why this happens, but everything should always be at a maximum, and for this you need to get better and better, steeper and cooler every day. Development should be constantly stopped, it is impossible to stop, "said Egor.

The artist also spoke out about his hot-tempered character. Crend admits that he has no "Stop" in his head, which is why he often throws sharp statements in anyone else.

"I can not restrain and express something to people who do not like, or hard to refuse to someone in the photo, a person who visits me to the camera, when I, for example, I sit at the airport," said Egor.

It is part of the top 20 richest Russian stars. The income of the singer is about 3.5 million dollars.

Egor Creed is a popular Russian hip-hop performer. The singer cooperates with the Music Label "Black Star Inc." And regularly publishes new compositions that become hits among young people.

In 2018, the artist became a member of the TV show "Bachelor."

Childhood and youth

Egor Nikolayevich Bulakin (real name of the singer) was born on June 25, 1994 in the city of Penza. The boy grew up in a secured family, where he did not refuse anything. His father Nikolai Bulakin was a famous businessman, he owned the largest fish processing factory in Russia.

The rest of the family was somehow connected with the music: Mother sang in youth, the older sister of Polina Michaels was a singer and actress, and even a serious father-businessman played in the group. Yegor himself tried to learn how to play guitar and sing the song "Kombat".

Parents gave a boy to a specialized school with an in-depth study of English. At 8 years of age, Egor began to attend the chess section, where he was engaged in 4 years and participated in youth tournaments.

At one time, the crid was passionate about the sport: she was engaged in basketball, football, big tennis and even played billiards. The future artist took part in the competitions arranged by the International Federation of Sports, Aerobics and Fitness, where, together with his team, ranked 5th.

As a schoolboy, Egor became interested in a genre of rap music, which largely determined his future musical biography. He was inspired by the compositions of the American artist Kurtis Jackson, better known as, in particular his track "Candy Shop". Crend began writing the first texts for 11 years and record them to the recorder.

After graduating from school, Yegor moved to Moscow, where he entered the Gnesins Music Academy to the specialty "Producer". In connection with the development of a musical career in 2015, the musician took an academic vacation in the university.


The musical career of Egor Crea began on the Internet. As a teenager, he came up with and recorded the song "The Word" love "lost his meaning," he added to his social network page "In contact with" . The composition was popular with the listeners, and Crend caught fire with the idea of \u200b\u200bremoving her video clip. He gathered friends, found an operator with a decent equipment, and in 10 hours the guys recorded the first music video.

Egor Crond in Youth

To further intrigue to the public, the guy has changed the name of the song in the clip on "love online". From this video began the growing popularity of the popularity of Egor Cre and his "YouTube" -canal.

In just a week, the composition gained more than a million views on YouTube, making Creation with an Internet celebrity. He continued to shoot a video to his songs and spread them to the World Wide Web.

Egor Cre - "Love on the Web"

In 2012, the rising rap star became the winner in the "Star Vkontakte" competition in the nomination "Best Hip-Hop project". He managed to get around more than a thousand other contestants and get the cherished prize. The musician was also invited to speak on the October stage in St. Petersburg with his song "Inspiration".

In the same year, Egor Cred recorded a clip on a cover version of the "Do not go crazy" a popular Russian artist. To universal surprise, its version of the composition enjoyed great success.

When the guy was 17 years old, he was noticed by the producers of the Russian label "Black Star Inc.", founded by Timati musician. Him made a favorable offer, and 3 months after the start of the negotiations, the guy came to Moscow to sign a contract with a famous studio.

Already in the spring, a clip for the song "Starlet", shot under the auspices of the Studio "Black Star Inc." came out on the screens. Egor Cre has become a regular participant in music festivals and events. In the summer, rapper held a party for his fans, where she shared plans for the future.

Egor Cre - "The Maamie

In April 2015, the world saw the first solo album by the artist "Bachelor". His composition "The Samemaya" was recognized as the best song of the year as part of a musical award on TV channel RU TV. In addition to the hits of the musician who have already fallen into the rotation, the composition "I need", recorded in Duet C, "Close Eyes", "Remeasure", "Jealousy", "Remeasure", "Jealousy", "We just loved so" and others.

In February 2016, Egor Cred gave a large solo concert, attracted to the artist, universal attention.

Also in 2016, the musician recorded the track "Where are you, where I" in a duet with rapper Timati, and then presented a video clip on this composition. The new song also came out under the Black Star Inc. label. Since the beginning of this successful cooperation, new tracks and video of Egor Cre is regularly appearing on the official website of the studio.

Egor Crend and Timati - "Where are you, where I"

In 2017, Egor Cred participated in the shooting of the 2nd season of the show "" on TNT. In addition, at the beginning of the year, the guy was invited to a creative evening, where he performed the song "Samba White Motyl".

In March 2017, the singer repeated his own concert success - Creed announced a solo concert at Crocus City Hall.

Soon the musician presented a clip on the song "Coast", and in a month he released the video on the "Cream" track.

Egor Crd - "Cream"

In the spring of the same year, the crid recorded the song, and then the music video for the composition "What do they know?", Which became the title for a new solo album of the musician. The same plate appeared in March of this year. In addition to the compositions published by singles and clips, the songs "Lighters", "fall asleep", which he recorded in a duet with rapper, "Hello", "Stand", "Do not deceive", "What will mom say?" other.

Egor Cre - "Hello"

In early July, the musician became a participant in the social musical project "Live". For him, Egor Creed, and recorded a new joint composition "Team 2018" and starred in a music video for a song. The patriotic video is dedicated to the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia, as performers explained.

Egor Cre and Molly - "If you don't love me"

Also in 2017, Egor Cred recorded a new composition "If you don't like me" in a duet with singer (Molly). In June of the same year, the Duet Track received a video compliance.

In July 2017, the musician announced another unexpected duet. Creed posted a joint photo with a combined photo with a word "video blocks" in the "Instagram". The intrigued fans waited for the results of the video conversion, although some of the Crered subscribers are unhappy, the reproach of the musician is that he decided to warm his own popularity on an unpleasant scandal and therefore began cooperation with the "expert of software", as Sobolev's "expert.

Personal life

A lot of rumors go about the personal life of Egor Crea, he is attributed to novels with popular Russian actresses, singers and models. In 2012, the media wrote about his novel with the famous model. About the novel between young people became known thanks to photographs that the couple laid out on their pages on social networks.

Beautiful couple caught the attention of subscribers. Egor can boast of growth in 185 cm, so harmoniously looked next to the girl. Diana starred with Egor in a photo shoot for a collection of clothing. In 2013, they broke up.

According to the model, the main reason for the cessation of relations was the jealousy of Egor: the girl was regularly starred for the collections of the underwear, which is incredibly angry hip-hop artist. The musician dedicated 2 songs to her - "flew away" and "do not stop".

Later he was attributed to novels with, the daughter of a famous actress, singers and.

Relations with the last Egor did not advertise for a long time and did not comment on the rumors in the musical environment. As the singer himself later admitted, he often spoke about Nyche in his interview, hiding her for a faceless "she," and dedicated her whole album, where in the lyrics of the songs told the whole story of their love. Gossip about the relationship of Egor Crea and Nyushi would remain unchecked if it were not for loud parting.

In February 2016, Egor announced their gap, and later at his solo concert, he performed the song "Only" written by the Nyusha song, in which he added his own verse. Creed from the scene called the singer's "father's daughter" and in the text of the song explained the reason for which they broke up: the family of already successful and popular actress did not approve the poor and at the time of an unknown musician.

Nyusha herself at first did not comment on the act of an ex-boyfriend, but later he told the press that Egor turned the cause of separation. From her point of view, young people diverged without any pressure from the Nyushi family - just looks for the future, priorities and values \u200b\u200bfrom artists did not coincide, and the joint life was no longer possible. In addition, Nyusha called the act of Crea unworthy man and forbade the use of her text in such a version and with this meaning.

Egor Cre and Nyusha - "Only"

Soon after that, the Creed began to meet with the model. Lovers tried to hide the relationship, but still posted several joint photos in "Instagram".

The novel did not last long, and soon Ksenia married the Egyptian oligarch. Then, as the paparazzi found out, the relationship with the other model was followed - with which the Crem met during the filming of the clip on his song "I like". But these relationships ended with parting.

In 2017, the question of journalists when the musician marries, Egor Semisuti replied that he was waiting for, when he would agree, a soloist. This joke has become an indirect confirmation of popular rumors about the novel between musicians.

The guy himself is on questioning, who is found with Egor Cre, states that at the moment his heart is free. A tight schedule of tour and records does not allow him to fully devote himself to relationships. Nevertheless, the artist does not plan to abandon the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a family and the birth of children.

Events and stages of life are reflected on the body of Egor Cre. The musician made a number of tattoos and continues to apply new images. Hydra Crea is covered with images right hand, shoulder left and chest. Among the tattoos prevails the musical theme: microphone and portrait, 8 notes. Other images are on the sublime theme: wings on the chest, the inscription "Save and Save".

But in detail the meaning of Tatu Egor Press does not explain, so fans only guess the exact values \u200b\u200bof tattoos.

Daria Kurkin and Egor Cre

In the spring of 2018, Egor Crd became the hero of the 6th season of the Bachelor project. As the singer himself explained, who became the youngest Hero of the show, he came there not to find his wife, but to meet a loved one. The satellite of the artist claimed others. The action unfolded in Spain and Dubai.

The winner of the season was. However, after the final, young people decided to complete communication.

Egor Cre now

In 2018, the repertoire of the Rap-scene star was replenished with the hits "The family said", "Million Scarlet Roses". Together with Timati Cred, he performed the musical composition "Guchi", with the performer - "future former". Another original collaboration was the song "ASIKA", which a rap musician sang together with.

Timati intervened to the conflict, but for criticism in his address fighter. At the tour of the Rapper's tour, this situation did not affect anywhere, I had to cancel only 1 concert in Makhachkala. Later, the misunderstanding was established not without the help of the head of the Chechen Republic.

Egor Cre - "Million Scarlet Roses" (Premiere of Clip, 2018)

In the summer, Egor surprised fans, cutting his hair into white. Not to all fans failed to taste a new image of the singer, but there were fans who were delighted with the appearance of the artist. Now the rap artist returned to the familiar shade of hair.

  • Name: Egor
  • Surname: Bulakin
  • Middle name: Nikolaevich
  • Date of Birth: 25.06.1994
  • Place of Birth: Penza
  • Zodiac sign: Cancer
  • Eastern horoscope: Dog
  • Occupation: singer
  • Height: 185 cm
  • Weight: 80 kg

Egor Cryd. - Young singer and by the author of his songs, in the middle of the Russian scene. He managed to become the most young representative of the producer center "Black Star Inc.". Thousands of fans, his songs and clips are recruiting thousands of fans, his songs and clips are being gaining popularity. The singer himself admits that his career started on the Internet.

Photo of Egor Crea


Egor Bulakin, speaking under the pseudonym Cre right from Penza. His family has always been pretty secure. Father is the owner of a large business, he owns a company engaged in the processing of Nutrons nuts, and the mother helps her husband in his affairs. Polina's sister lives in America and tries himself on an acting field.

Egor often visits the family and shows photos with parents

In school years, Egor was an active guy, visited various sections, took part in sporting events. In the circle of his hobbies, chess, basketball, he even tried himself in large tennis.

The pseudonym "Creed" The singer invented himself in adolescence. Then he was very passionate about hip-hop culture, this style is key to him. One of his favorite groups was the "50 Cent" team, whose work was greatly affected by the taste of a young guy. Egor began to write texts and record them on the recorder. Later they turned into entire songs.

Start career

First roller of a novice artist "Love on the network"

Good luck smiled at Him and he was able to find the road to the show business. The first step was the victory in the category "Best Hip-Hop Project" at the "Star VKontakte" contest. The victory was so loud that the singer was invited to Peter to speak on the stage of the Oktyabrsky Hall. Then he recorded the Cavern version of Hita Timati "Do not go crazy." The growing popularity of the young guy did not pass the party past the rapper Timati. Soon his producer center "Black Star Inc." And Seventeen-year-old Creed concluded a contract and Egor to become under the label of the famous Rapper.

Egor Crr and his "mentor" Timati at the MUZ-TV ceremony

He moved Moscow and began to actively conquer the Russian scene. In 2012, the aegid of the label was removed the video series on the song "Starlet". The clip scored a huge number of views on the network. Crere is often invited to perform on large music venues, festivals and concerts. Despite the tight schedule, the singer finds the time and to communicate with fans of his creativity.

  • in 2014, according to the Internet portal, Egor Creid received the title of "Stylish Men";
  • in 2015: - The main prize in the category "breakthrough of the year" on the "golden tracks";
  • victory in the category "Best Song of the Year" ("The May-Maja") on the fifth premium of the musical channel RU.TV;
  • victory in the "breakthrough of the year" category at the Muz-TV awards ceremony.

In the first studio album of Egor Crea "Bachelor" (2015) included such hits as the "most-most" and "bride". Both songs are removed clips that are successfully broadcast on music channels. Many of their compositions, Egor pierces, gives them a new life in a completely different interpretation.

On the set of the clip "Bride"

Back in 2012, immediately after moving to Moscow, the promising artist became a student of the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins (Producer Faculty). However, due to the rapid development of their creative activity and a tight schedule of tour, in 2015 wrote an application for academic leave.

At the end of 2015, the piggy bank of his work replenishes the video sequence of the "Alarm clock". Already no one surprised that he instantly entered the chart-parades of the body and radio stations.

Egor Cre and his girls

Young handsome guy earned the attention of millions of fan girls. Egor himself repeatedly said that in the first place he now has creative activities. But no matter how tightly was the schedule, the time for the personal life of Egor still finds.

Like many other stars of show business, Creed does not tell the details about the relationship with their chosen. According to some versions, he met with Miroslav Karpovich (Masha from the "father's daughters"), which became the heroine of the Roller "Starlet". Also in the media discussed his relationship with the model of Diana Mellson and the daughter of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk Anna.

Miroslava Karpovich in the movie "Starlet"

In 2014, one of the most prolonged crude novels was declassified. Egor met with the singer Nyusha. The couple looked very happy and harmoniously, but in the spring of 2016 it became known about their parting. There is a version that I am fault - the father of the singer Vladimir Shurochkin, but the couple commented on this "different interests."

Couple Creed and Nyusha often and actively discussed fans

Now Egor Cre is successfully toured, writes new compositions and clips. One of the last works was the song and the clip "Where are you, where I", recorded in a duet with Timati. Previously, a soundtrack for the film "Breakfast at Pope" was recorded. And the crowd fans continue to closely follow his life in the hope of find out the details of the life of enviable bachelor. But the young artist is in no hurry to advertise his relationship, although it was noticed with a new passion - Ksenia Delhi. In any case, Egor admits that his plans include the construction of the family and the birth of children.

Egor Cre, Song "Puzzle", video

The young Russian singer and musician Egor Creed (Kreed) was born twenty-fifth June 1994 (06/25/2014). This year, the singer celebrates his twentieth. Crend is a creative pseudonym Egor, his real name - Bulakin.

Egor Crond works in the genre Pop-R`N`b. He is an artist of Black Star, which belongs to the known Raper. It is curious that when Egor Cred shot a parody clip on the song Timati, then the parody of Youtube gathered much more views than the original. Yegor Creed himself told about it in an interview with reporters of the LifeNews news channel, which took place on June 7, 2014. Yegor also spoke about how I met Victoria Boni, who starred in his musical clip. And, despite the greater difference in age, everything turned out to be organically and "sexy", as Egor Creed himself put.

The choice of musical style in which Yegor has now, has influenced the composition of the 50cent group, which is called Candy Shop. Her Egor heard when he was eleven years old. And a year later, he began to compose the texts of his songs, which the boy recorded on an ordinary voice recorder.

Egor Crond Interesting Facts

  • Real Name - Egor Nikolaevich Bulakin
  • Egor wrote his first song for 12 years and was called "Amnesia"
  • posted the song the most in 10 minutes
  • March 6, 2016 gathered a full Crocus City Hall. 7.200 spectators. SOLD OUT!
  • Born in the city of Penza.
  • Have a sister. Her name is Polina
  • in childhood, Mom called his "yogurt", Egor-yogurt.
  • Posted by the song "Not we" for 10 minutes, and "the most" he wrote for a long time on the line every time. So it turned out our favorite "most-most"
  • Yegor has a chess discharge
  • I wanted to become a musician after heard the track 50 sentent - Candy Shop
  • Favorite dish - cheese pasta
  • At the age of 14 made a tattoo with the inscription "CUM DEO"
  • madly loves his cridorans
  • Dreams to become a young father !!!
  • Negatively refer to smoking
  • Wants to find his "most and most" and kids
  • Favorite dish for breakfast omelette
  • favorite color-black
  • Always joking at concerts
  • Number of stories (fan fiction) about it exceeds a huge number of history written about stars
  • Previously afraid of heights, but as often flies, then this fear "disappeared".
  • Believes that the best gift girl is he himself)
  • Egor is considered one of the very first video blocks on YouTube. He laid out his first video in 2011. But he threw his channel, and only in 2016 began to lay out the sovereign.
  • Clip Alarm clock scored more than 80 million views on YouTube
  • March 07, 2017 collected full Crocus City Hall
Egor Cre is the favorite of the Women's Audience, a talented artist and the author of the songs, one of the participants of the Black Star label. By 20 years, Egor became one of the most sought-after executors of the Russian pop.

In his youth, love for music and personal experiences led Hydra on the Internet, with the expanses of which his career began. Crend is a scenic pseudonym that Yegor came up with 14 years. This surname of the artist - Bulakin.

Childhood of Egor Crea

Egor Nikolayevich Bulakin on June 25, 1994 in Penza. Hydra Father, Nikolai Bulatkin, who is now known as the owner of a major factory for the processing of nuts, began his business when Egor was still a baby. He devoted his free time to creating songs in the genre "Chanson". Mother, Marina Bulakina, helped her husband in business and on leisure was singing.

Senior for 3 years sister Egor Polina is now known as Polina Michaels and Polina Faith - she is a beginner actress. In 2012, she sang a duet with a brother in the song "Distances".

The guy's family was considered rather secured and very musical, which contributed to the early immersion of Egor into the world of music. But the young men had many other hobbies: he studied in a lyceum with an in-depth study of English, was fond of chess, she was engaged in football, basketball, tennis and billiards.

Despite the prosperous financial position of the family, the parents of the Son did not pour and forced him to just seek their work. His mobile phone appeared the last in the classroom, there were never household gadgets at home, but now the performer knows the price of each penny and is scattered with money.

To get 10 rubles from Pope for your favorite ice cream, I needed to work hard: wipe the dust, wash the dishes.

In high school, the guy was fascinated by rap culture. Egor has heard the compositions of Rapper 50 cent, who managed to awaken in the guy's talented author's chambers of the "Songs that go from the heart." At 11, Bulakin first wrote the text and recorded his song on the recorder - it was called "Amnesia".

In 2008, when Egoru was 14 years old, he invented his pseudonym Kreed. According to the author himself, his stage name is simply a consonant combination of letters, he has no deep attack.

Carier start

The first glory of Egor Cred received thanks to the Internet. In 2011, he posted in "Vkontakte" the song of his own essay - "Love on the network" (originally it was called "the word" love "lost its meaning"). With the help of friends for 2 days, Egor removed the video, which in a few weeks scored a million views. At the time, these were huge indicators.

Egor Creed - Love on the Web (2011)

In the same year, the 17-year-old Rapper recorded a Cavern version of Timati's song "Do not go crazy" and took the clip on it. It drew attention to this one of the producers of label Timati Black Star Inc. And contacted Egor.

At about the same time, Friends persuaded Egori to take part in the "Star VKontakte Star" contest. The guy became the winner in the nomination "Best Hip-Hop Project", leaving behind thousands of talented performers. After the loud victory, the guy began to invite to speak at the best concert venues Penza, and in April 2012, Egor Creed signed a contract with the producer center of Timati and moved to Moscow.

In the capital, he entered the Production Faculty of the Russian Academy of Music the name of Gnesins, but in 2015 he took an academic leave, referring to a dense touring schedule.

Career flourishing

In 2013, Egor sang a duet with a popular singer Alexey Vorobyev. The composition was called "more than love."

In April 2014, Creed presented the Single to the Single to the Listeners - he conquered all Russian charts and became the most recognizable hit of the singer.

Egor Cre - "The Most Most" (2014)

In February 2015, Egor Crond won the nomination "Breakthrough of the Year" in the Sound Track Music Prize.

At the beginning of April 2015, the Contractor released his debut solo album "Bachelor" in which the songs "the most", "Bride", "Jealousy" and others entered. In total, the plate includes 19 compositions. After a month, the song "The most" won a victorious place in the nomination "Best Song Song" on the 5th RU TV Prize.

June 2015 replenished the awards of Egor to the prestigious Award "MUZ-TV" in the nomination "Breakthrough of the Year."

The project "Egor Cre" is successful in every sense - in 2015 he won 4 prizes and became one of the most sought-after artists of Timati's musical label.

On the New Year's blue light of 2016, Egor fulfilled the song "Hope" along with Joseph Kobzon. In the same year, the joint song of Cre and Timati was released "Where are you, where I", later a clip was released, who scored millions of views on YouTube. This composition entered the album of Timati "Olympus".

Timati FT. Egor Cre - "Where I, where you"

In May 2017, the light saw the second album of Egor Creus "What they know", which included 12 songs, including a duet with a rapper Motor "Fuckup".

Soon, the singer presented a joint composition with Olga Seryabkina "If you do not like me," later he recorded the song "Team 2018" with the participation of DJ SMASH and Polina Gagarina.

Personal life of Egor Cre

The Hero of the Devichy Dream, Egor Cre does not lack women, but it still failed to build a strong family, although the singer himself already dreams of trying himself as a father.

In 2012, on the set of the clip "Starletka", the crude has a relationship with actress Miroslav Karpovich, who was older than the singer, at that time still a schoolchildren, for 8 years. Lovers met for half a year and broke up because of great amusement and inconsistent graphs.

In the spring of 2013, Egor Crend began to meet with VKontakte star, model Diana Melisson. As the girl recalled, Egor was an incredibly romantic lover, asked her flowers and thoroughly thought out every date, trying to surprise her. Alas, the relationship did not hurt a long time - the singer was against the fact that his beloved is removed in candid photo shoots and terribly jealous. Melisson stated that Egor had not yet matured for adult relationships.

Then several months Creed met with a colleague on the scene - the singer Victoria Daineko, but they had too different characters so that the feelings would pour into something serious.

Then the singer was not long together with the daughter of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk - Anna Straikova. She has not yet been twenty, and gentle age has become the main cause of their parting. The girl chose to devote free time to study, not a relationship.

The bright and discussed event was the novel of Friend Crea and Nyusha, who began in 2014, the guy later responded: "This, from which I wanted children." Although none of the pair confirmed the relationship officially, their novel could not be a secret.