Actress INGEBORGA DAPINE PERSONAL. Ideal and rich Ingeborgi Husband Dappen: a secret wedding and a long-awaited son

Actress INGEBORGA DAPINE PERSONAL. Ideal and rich Ingeborgi Husband Dappen: a secret wedding and a long-awaited son
Actress INGEBORGA DAPINE PERSONAL. Ideal and rich Ingeborgi Husband Dappen: a secret wedding and a long-awaited son

Celebrates anniversary. The star turned 55 years old. In honor of a significant day on the first channel showed a documentary artist " All that write about me is not true" The actress is known for saying little about his personal life in public space. Yet for the document, the artist made an exception, and the conversation went beyond the scope of the favorite topics Dapack - cinema, theater and charity.

The concept of the document "All you write about me is not true" very original. The fact is that the tape is built on the principle of a relaxed conversation ingeborgi, let's notify with your friends: the actress asks questions and responds to them. The conversation is interspersed with chronical frames, fragments from films and performances, as well as video from rehearsals. Thus, the well-known teledis colleagues, with whom she had been to work with: Evgeny Mironov, Alexey Popogrebsky, Tatyana Drubich, Valery Todorovsky, Mikhail Porechenkov, John Malkovich, Maxim Didenko other.

Frame from the document "All you write about me - not true"

At the end of the Ingeborg program, Dapkunayte the surprise for all TV viewers and first showed a little son Alex. The baby ran into the shooting platform to her mother, and the actress immediately took the heir to his hands. It is worth noting that little Alex is very similar to his famous mom.

Note that the personal life of Ingeborgi duplicate saturated. The actress was married three times. The first spouse star was a classmate Arunas Sakalauskaswho became an actor and TV presenter, the second - English Theater Director Simon Stokes.. The third chosen one and the father of her child became a restaurant Dmitry Yampolskywhich is 12 years old younger spouse. Ingeborga and Dmitry got married in 2013 in the UK in the setting of strictest secrecy.

Son Ingeborgi Dapkunayte

Little Alex grows a copy of his famous mom

"Ingeborga Dapkunay. All you write about me is not true. " Documentary

In honor of her anniversary "Channel One" removed a documentary about life and about work. In the film, the actress first showed all his baby. Son is just angel, this baby fascinated everyone!

The actress carefully protects his personal life. She constantly attribute novels with shooting partners, but they cannot prove them. His husband actress does not show anyone.

In the film Ingeborg appeared in an unexpected image. She told that he had always did not like when Inga called her, but was shy shy to fix the said.

Evgeny Mironov, Konstantin Ernst, Alexey Popogrebsky, Tatyana Drubich, Valery Todorovsky and John Malkovich were told about her.

"I am grateful to you for the fact that we are friends for many years and for initiating me to different projects and actions. And I like it when familiar women ask all the time: "What does she do? Why doesn't she change? Take years, and she is exactly the same! " They do not know that you are a wizard, "Konstantin Ernst told in the film.

Incredible, but Ingeborg is already 55! She told her secret of "eternal youth." "My grandmother lived to 103 years without a single wrinkle. But she didn't do anything with him. One, the only advice on her was - the face must be cleaned in the morning and in the evening. And I follow him, "the actress shared.

In addition, the actress never sunbaths, protects the skin, she is constantly engaged in sports and cares for himself.

In the film Ingeborg, first showed her little son Alex. The kid looks like an angel!

Son Dapkin gave birth to Dmitry Yampolsky's restaurant. Their secret wedding took place 5 years ago in the UK.

About actress Ingeborg, you can say a lot of flattering words. How else. She is a talented actress, which is known and love not only in Russia, but also in England and America. Despite his age, the actress looks beautiful.

She has a slim figure and a young face. Many are surprised and ask about the secreet of her success. Ingeborga replies that the main secret is in hard work and lovewhich she feels from fans and from close friends.

Of course, such a woman could not be alone. It is known that she was married three times. In addition, it was attributed to novels with many men, for example, figure skater Alexander Zhulin and director Emir Kusturia.

The first love

With his first husband, Arunas Sakalauscas Actress studied at the Lithuanian Conservatory. Later, they worked together in the Kaunas Dramatic Theater.

They got married, and later married. They lived together in Vilnius. Arunas played in theatrical productions, Ingeborg was filmed in films and often left for shooting to Russia. But nothing overshadowed their marriage.

So it lasted until the actress was offered a role in one Hollywood film. She did not make a decision independently and decided to consult with her husband about the upcoming trip.

Arunas was hard to let his wife go to someone else's country for a long time. But he understood that the cinema for duplicate Ingeborgi was the meaning of life, so agreed to this trip.

Second marriage and novels

Several months have passed and Ingeborg Dapkunaytely informed her husband that he loved another man. They were the British director Simon Stokes. Their relationship developed very quickly. After some time, the couple got married.

Dappen in no hurry to talk about my family life. Therefore, there are practically nothing to journalists about the period she lived with Stokes. It is known that the couple lived in England. The actress continued to play theatrical productions and film.

It seemed that the marriage of two creative personalities would be successful. But after 10 years of living together, the couple filed for divorce. They died quietly, without any noise. It is said that the cause of their separation was the absence of children. But the pair does not comment on the cause of his divorce.

The most resonant novel was at the actress with Serbian director Emir Kusturia. Their meeting occurred at the film festival. It looked like love at first sight. Couple began to meet, but was not going to make up their relationship. At that time, the actress was already divorced, and Kusturica was married and had children.

Changes occurred when there is a bitch and duplicate the wife of the director. She immediately filed a divorce. The director did not let her obstruct and they officially issued a divorce.

Love actresses and director could not interfere with neither the age difference nor the children of Emir from the previous marriage. But still their union collapsed. About the reasons for this part, I chose not to speak.

True love

Three years after parting with the British director of Ingeborg, you fell in love with. This time her chosen was a distant man from the creative environment. The alkalis of the actress was the lawyer and the restaurant Dmitry Yampolsky.

They got married, and later married. They lived together in Vilnius. Arunas played in theatrical productions, Ingeborg was filmed in films and often left for shooting to Russia. But nothing overshadowed their marriage.

Interesting notes:

Dmitry was the younger actress for 12 years, and at the time of their acquaintance was married and had a daughter. But it could not prevent Ingeborg to gain his happiness. She does not hide that he led her third husband from the familyBut I don't regret my act at all, because he is her true love.

At first, the former family of Dmitry could not accept what he left them. But gradually he managed to establish relations with his ex-wife and daughter. Now he actively participates in his daughter's life and she managed to make friends with Ingeborg.

She was able to forgive Dmitry and his ex-wife actress Olesya Potashinskaya. She believes that he was hard to love one woman. Dmitry may be tired of the well-being in the family and wanted new relationships.

Mystery Wedding and Parting

Dmitry and Ingeborg got married in 2013. Their wedding ceremony passed under strict conspicing. Only the closest relatives and friends were invited to the celebration. They were forbidden to shoot the ceremony, and together with the invitation they signed an agreement about the non-disclosure of the details of the wedding.

After some time, the information was leaked in the press that the couple was married. The rite of wedding passed in one of the old churches in England. But these are not all events that managed to hide a pair.

They managed to hide the birth fact of the child. It is not known when the boy appeared on the light. There are rumors that the pair used the services of a surrogate mother. For the first time about the Son, Daperse Alex, fans learned from the documentary film, which was devoted to actress.

Now the press appeared in the press that Ingeborga broke up with his third husband. In addition, the couple has already managed to officially issue a divorce in one of the vessels of Moscow. The cause of parting, as in the previous cases, the actress is not called.

Ingeborg Dapkunayte (lit. Ingeborga Dapkūnaitė). Born on January 20, 1963 in Vilnius. Soviet and Lithuanian actress theater and cinema. Honored Artist of the Lithuanian SSR (1989).

Father - Peter-Edmund Dapkunas, diplomat.

Mother - meteorologist.

Parents worked for a long time in Moscow, and the daughter came to them only on vacation. In Vilnius, Little Ingeborg remained in the care of her grandparents, as well as aunt and uncle (musicians in the theater orchestra), who did everything so that she did not feel a long lack of parents.

In the four years in Geborg, in the protection of your grandmother, bring Sablin, the administrator of the Vilnius Opera and Ballet Theater, first came to the scene as a son of Madame Butterfly in the Opera Puccini Opera "Chio-Chio-San". After the "Opera Debut", dramatic art at first seemed like a little girl not so interesting, due to the lack of dancing, songs and music. In addition, childhood and youth passed with a focus rather to the sports career: Ingeborga was not without success engaged in figure skating and basketball - a national sport.

On Mount Tauras, near the house where Ingeborg lived, there was a palace of trade unions, which was the theater studio, where Ingeborg was engaged in 3 years.

Immediately after school, Ingeborg enters the Lithuanian Conservatory at the Faculty of Choral and Theatrical Art, Yonas Weitkus. She was also going to enter the Institute of Foreign Languages, but the Conservatory exams were a month earlier.

"She was always immediate, very fun, and I don't even remember that she was angry with someone. This" deadly "smile killed everyone, and the nickname was Gaga. I don't know why it was called it, but stretched for She has a nickname from school, "her first husband told about Ingeborg.

After graduating from the Conservatory in 1985, it begins to work as an actress in the Kaunas Dramatic Theater.

Then - in the Youth Theater in Vilnius under the leadership of Eymuntas Nyakroshus. He participated in the productions of Chekhov "Seagull", Gogol "Nose", rehearsed Cordelia in the "King Lira". Later he played in the play of John Malkovich "Mistake of Speech", "Monologists of Vagina" Yves Ensler (dir. Roman Kozak), "My Blue Friend" Catherine Kovaleva (Theater. Pushkin).

In the State Theater of Nations (Moscow) plays a capital role in the play "Zhanna" in the formulation of the Ilya Rotenberg, as well as Prince Myshkin in the premiere of Maxim Didenko "Idiot".

The movie debuted in 1984 in the film Ramundas Banionis "My Little Wife."

The first fame received after the picture "Interdestochka"in which she played the role of a prostitute Kisuli. "Because there were no sex in the Soviet Union, especially prostitutes, and we are talking about the film, which was the Soviet" beauty. " It was the story of Cinderella in the USSR. I love this film, although now he looks a little naive, "said it later.

The actress told about a funny episode during work on the Interdevochka. Several scenes of the film in which Elena Yakovlev was a nurse, and Dapkin and Rozanov played women of easy behavior, starred in an ordinary hospital. Having finished late in the evening the next episode of the picture, the deadly tired actresses decided to drink coffee in the nearest open cafe. Women did not take into account that in the images of currency prostitutes look a little strange - in very short dresses, with bright make-up, disheveled hairstyles and long overhead nails. Yakovlev also stayed in a white medical coat. Sit down for a free table, the ladies were waiting for twenty minutes while the staff of the cafe would pay. Finally, the waitress approached the table and stared at Dapkin.

Dapkuny asked the girl three cups of coffee, but she asked, from which surgery they declared in a decent cafe, and refused to serve two defiantly dressed women and the "doctor." The actresses tried to explain that these are just scenic costumes, but the waitress was adamant and asked them to leave the room. "Have you seen yourself in the mirror? We know you, such actipers! Ladies, I ask for a way out! ", - said the waitress.


In 1992, he became a laureate of the Golden Aries Prize as the best actress of the year for the film "Cynika".

Especially wide popularity to actress came after the film "Tired by the Sun"Where Dapkunaytely performed the role of Marusi, Kotov's Combridge Wife. The film itself received the Oscar Prize.


A big success in the audience and film critics used the picture "Moscow Nights", in which the actress brilliantly performed the role of Kati Izmailovaya. The tape collected many different prizes. The actress itself was awarded the special prize of the jury of the "Star of tomorrow" at the International Geneva Film Festival (1994) and received a statuette of Nick (1994) for the best female role.

In 1993, a debut took place in Hollywood, in the television series "Alaska Kid". In the same year, she moved to London, where he begins to play in the London theater.

Its partners in the West at different times were the best American actors: in the film "Mission Impossible", she played with, in the picture "Seven years in Tibet" became the wife of the main character -.

Directors have always been valued in actress grace and cold chic.

In 2014, Ingeborg Dapkin became the winner of Oleg Yankovsky Prize.

Starred in the role of Impertaritsa Mary Fedorovna in the film "Matilda".

The actress was invited many times as a member of the jury to prestigious film reforms. In particular, she was a member of the Jury of the Sinefondson program of the Cannes Film Festival of 2003, the International Berlin Film Festival of 2005, International Film Festival in the 2005 Mar-Del Payment, the 67th Venice Film Festival of 2010.

Worked on television. In 2005, he was the leading Russian version of the realistic show "Big Brother" on the TNT channel. Within 95 days, Ingraborg and the audience followed the life of the participants, and on Friday, the actress led a live broadcast, during which the fate of one of them was solved.

In 2006, he was a member of the project "Stars on Ice", rushed paired with Alexander Zhulin. Also repeatedly was the guest of a TV show, such as "at night looking", "ProjectorParisHilton", "Evening Urgant" on the first channel.

In the final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2009, held in Russia, announced points that received the participants of the competition by voting viewers.

He is engaged in charity, is the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Moscow Characterization Foundation for Help Hospitage "Vera".


Ingeborgi growth check: 166 centimeters.

Personal life Ingeborgi Dappen:

The first husband - Arunas Sakalauskas, her fellow students, subsequently - the actor and TV presenter, in 2001 he starred in the band "Bi-2" on the song "My Love".

"We are friends with Ingia, and we have a long-standing agreement - do not spread about each other," Sakalauskas said.

Second husband - Simon Stokes, British theater director. They met in 1992. Officially divorced in 2009, although before this has already lived separately.

The actress had a novel with Serbian director. According to rumors, because of this, the Roman Director broke up with his wife maya. But before the wedding between Ingeborg and Emir, it did not come.

In February 2013, married for the third time for the lawyer and the restaurant Dmitry Yampolsky. He is 10 years old. In February 2018.

He has a son, whose name is Alex. For the first time, the actress, who was removed to the 55th anniversary of the actress. Blond boy ran to the set. After that, Ingeborga with a smile took him to his hands.

Alex - Son Ingeborgi Dapkunay

Filmography Ingleboragi Dapkunay:

1984 - My little wife - Auks
1985 - Electronic Grandmother - Electronic Grandmother
1985 - Zodiac - Girl
1985 - Night whispers - Inga
1986 - Chameleon - Veronica Game
1987 - Sunday Day in Adu - Ingeborg
1987 - Mysterious Heir - Asya Yerichonova
1987 - Costers - Veronica Bergs
1987 - 13th Apostle - Maria
1988 - Red Fern - Kama-Basya Zalevskaya
1988 - Autumn, Chertanovo ... - Maria Avavarina
1988 - Crossing - Kama-Basya Zalevskaya
1989 - Interdestochka - Kisulya
1989 - F Minor - Katya
1990 - Nikolay Vavilov - Natalia Karlovna Lemke
1991 - Cynic - Olga
1992 - Good Guys (The Good Guys) - Sanda
1993 - Rock False: Mrs. Lee Harvey Oswald (Fatal Deception: Mrs. Lee Harvey Oswald) - Luba
1993 - Alaska Kid - Sally
1994 - Moscow Evenings - Katya Izmailov
1994 - Tired by the Sun - Marusya
1996 - On Dangerous Earth (On Dangerous Ground) - Asta
1996 - Mission Impossible (Mission: Impossible) - Hannah Williams
1996 - Letters from the East (Letters from the East) - Maria / Mother
1997 - seven years in Tibet (Seven Years In Tibet) - Ingrid Harrer
1999 - Sunburn (Sunburn) - Karolin Kramer
1999 - Sex and Death (SEX "N" Death) - Sean
2000 - Moscow - Masha
2000 - Rostov-Dad - Elya
2000 - Shadow of the Vampire (SHADOW OF THE VAMPIRE) - Michelin
2002 - War - Margaret
2002 - Loneliness of blood - Maria
2003 - Kiss of Life (Kiss Of Life) - Helen
2003 - Chic - Asya
2004 - Winter heat (25 degrés en hiver) - Sonya
2005 - Night seller - owner's wife
2006 - on stage - faith
2007 - Hannibal: Climbing (Hannibal Rising) - Mother Hannibal Lecter
2007 - on stage - Vera Tunin
2008 - Morphy - Anna Nikolaevna
2008 - New Earth - March
2009 - farewell business (L "Affaire Farewell) - Natasha
2009 - Merchant - Margo, mother of genes
2009 - Volunteer - Lena
2009 - Katya: Military History - Maria Alekseevna Barsukova
2010 - Orange Juice - Dasha
2010 - Cadence - Lisa
2011-2014 - Heavenly Court - Morpheus
2012 - 30 beats (30 Beats) - Alice, call girl
2012 - Moscow 2017 (BRANDED) - DUKCHEK
2012 - Vallander (Wallander) - Baiba Liepa
2013 - Sherlock Holmes - Mrs Hudson
2013 - winter will not
2014 - Grigory R. - Empress Alexander Fedorovna
2014 - Smell "Moscow - Russia" - conductor
2015 - Occupied (OKKUPERT) - Irina Sidorova
2016 - The artist kills himself (Bloody Cakes) - Clarissa Stern
2017 - - Inga Veerma, Detective Division of the Murder Police Narva
2017 - Zhanna - Zhanna
2017 - Matilda - Maria Fedorovna

Ingeborga Edmundovna Dapkuny - Favorite by many actress of Lithuanian origin. Spectators know her for theatrical productions and roles in the cinema. Lives and works in England and in Russia. Known and in demand in Hollywood, which managed quite a few actresses from the former republics of the Soviet Union.

Improved duplicate images carry tragedy and mystery, refinement and courage, attractiveness and mind. Actress with a huge talent of reincarnation is easily given any roles.

A peculiar manner of execution, the speech with a light Baltic accent attract the attention of the director to her person, they increasingly give the roles of our heroine.

Growth, weight, age. How old is ingeborg dapkin

On January 20, 2018, Dapkunayte the 55 years. She is still good and slight, as in his youth. Fans have always been interested in growth, weight, age. How many years ingeborg dapkunate everyone knows. The audience does not cease to surprise the fact that the appearance of the actress and the figure over the years do not change. INGEBORGA DAKUNE: photo in youth and are now completely identical. The actress does not hide that proper nutrition and sport is the secret of her youth.

Ingeborga Edmundovna Dapkin for many years remains in one weight - 48 kg. The growth of the actress is 166 cm.

Biography Ingeborgi Dapkunayteite

The future actress was born in 1963. Biography Ingeborgi Dapkunayte originated in Vilnius, Lithuanian SSR. At that time, Lithuania was one of the republics of the Soviet Union.

Father - Petras-Edmundas Dapkunas was a diplomat.

Mother - Ingeborg Sabalite worked as a meteorologist.

By the nature of the father's parents, the parents lived in Moscow for a long time, worked in other countries. At home they almost never have been. Little Ingeborg lived with grandmother and grandfather. Aunt and Uncle Girls were musicians, and her grandmother worked at the Opera and Ballet Theater. They introduced a girl with opera music, theater, that soon so loved in Geborg.

Like all the children, let's love to skate, play basketball, went to theatrical circle.

After graduating from school, the girl entered the conservatory, which was successfully completed in 1985. For several years he worked in the theaters of Lithuania, was engaged in chief roles. He married the actor and TV host Arunas Sakalauskas.

In 1984, her debut took place in the cinema, and already in 1991, Ingeborg Dapkunay, at the invitation of John Malkovic began to play on the stage of the London theater.

In London, she was waiting for success and a new marriage. Second husband actresses became theatrical director Simon Stokes.

The main role in the London theater made a well-known role. She was invited to Chicago, to the theater at Liebru. There, the versatile talent of the actress revealed even stronger.

The game in theatrical productions, INGEBORGA Dapkunayte successfully combined with filming of the movies.

Filmography: Films involving Ingeborgi Dapkun

The actress filmography includes many paintings, most of them are Russian. Popularity at the audience brought the Interdevochka tape. Then there were "Cynic", "Moscow evening".

After the role of Marusi in the film "Burnt by the Sun", Hollywood producers drew attention to the actress. The roles in the films "Seven Days in Tibet" followed, "the mission is not executed."

List of film actresses annually replenish. In 2002, a picture of "loneliness of blood" is coming out, in 2003 - the French film "Winter heat", "Kiss of Life". Then there were tapes: "Young Hannibal: under the mask", "orange juice". The series "Heavenly Court", stretching for several years and many other paintings.

In cinema and on stage, let them accompanied success, and in their personal life they boels passion. In 2009, after 16 years of marriage Actress and director Simon Stokes divorced. The cause of the divorce has become a love link Dapkin. The famous director from Serbia Emir Kusturica turned out to be beloved.

In 2013, Lithuanian beauty connected himself to marriage with Dmitry Yampolsky. He was engaged in advocacy and had his own business.

Currently, INGEBORGA DAVE AT ALL SUCCED Actress. Removed in Russian and foreign films, participates in television shows. She also opened a school of acting skills in Moscow for young talents.

Personal life Ingeborgi Dapkun

Spectators are always watching the creativity and the lives of their idols. I did not exception and personal life ingeborgi dapkin.

Charming woman, Ingeborg, always attracted men. After a divorce with husbands, she stayed with both in good relationships, and still supports communication.

In the life of the actress was a big love with Emir Kusturia. The age difference did not interfere with love relationships. Communication lasted for several years. At the time of dating, the director was married and two children smasted in the family. It destroyed the family of Emir, but with Dapkin, they later broke up.

Family Ingeborgi Dapkunayte

Personal life Dappen was stormy. Now the actress is married. Family Ingeborgi Dapt this mystery, which she carefully protects from prying eyes.

The husband of the famous actress is a businessman, has a network of restaurants. The contact of the actress and Dmitry Yampolsky began when he was still married, and Dapkin had already been 50 years old. After the divorce of the Yampolsky couple secretly registered marriage in London. By the way, the actress is older husband for 10 or 12 years.

In 2017, it became known that the Ingeborgi gives the Son Alex. Until that time, nothing was known about him. The famous actress loves to keep everything in secret.

Children Ingeborgi Dapkunayte

Despite three marriage and love novels, the actresses nor in one of them did not appear children. Perhaps children ingeborgi dapkin, or rather, their absence, were one of the reasons for the separation of married couples. Ingeborg itself does not interview this topic. Her husbands also do not comment.

The celebrity does not hide that he saw the meaning of life only in the work. Cinema and scene, career has always been in the first place. Apparently, therefore the birth of children was postponed until the last moment. But it is only the assumptions of journalists.

Son Ingeborgi Dapkunaite - Alex

To the 55th anniversary of Ingeborgi, dapkunate the first channel of Russian television issued a documentary. A few minutes before the end of the film, the director showed how blonde runs on the stage, curly boy and a half or two years old, very similar to the jubilex. Ingeborga took him on his hands and kissed

It turned out that this is the son of Ingeborgi Dapkuny - Alex. No one before that moment knew about the birth of a baby's pair. Family life actress keeps for seven seals. So this news was unable to leak into the press until I wanted it myself.

Former Husband Ingeborgi Dapkuni - Arunas Sakalauskas

Former Husband Ingeborgi Dapkunas - Arunas Sakalauskas during the years of study was her fellow students in the conservatory. Arunas was secretly in love with Ingu (so he called it). It turned out that the girl also experienced mutual feelings towards him. They lived together, parted. They came together and even married. Career Inhi walked to the mountain, and the husband was behind. The actor himself admits that at that time could not focus on work, he only watched his wife's successes. One day, Arunas realized that soon they would break up with Ingi. Soon it happened.

The young man was seriously worried about the divorce with Ingeborg, but gradually pain from the separation of duck. The actor went to work with his head, and life began to improve.

Now Arunas Sakalauskas works in several theaters, goes on tour, filmed in the cinema. Several times was in the nomination for a better theatrical role and three times was awarded it. He is a famous actor, says that now understands the former spouse: Popularity is heavy burden.

Two years after the divorce Arunas Sakalauskas met his new love. Her name is Iolanta ... Dappen! Together they have been more than 20 years old.

Former Husband Ingeborgi Dapkin - Simon Stokes

Theatrical director Simon Stokes became the second husband of the famous actress. Arriving in London on the samples in the play "Mistake of Speech" Dappen on the very first day I met a director. The actress was approved for the role, and she remained working in London for six months.

Soon, let the divorce divorced and married the Englishman. Former Husband Ingeborgi Dapkuny - Simon Stokes was older than her, and became famous. The couple lived in marriage from 1993 to 2009. They divorced without scandals and still support friendships.

Husband Ingeborgi Dapkuni - Dmitry Yampolsky

In 2013, it became known that they got married for the third time. Dmitry Yampolsky became the chosen one of the celebrity. Practitioner and businessman, co-owner of several restaurants and clubs, public figure.

Dmitry and Ingeborgi relations began when the lawyer was married to actress Oles Potashinskaya. In this marriage, a businessman was born a daughter, there is also another child from the previous marriage.

Husband Ingeborgi Dapkuny - Dmitry Yampolsky is a popularizer of the construction of children's hospices in Russia. Gives a lot of strength, time and means of working the faith charity foundation.

He is fond of glider, oriental martial arts. He loves to travel, meet friends.

For a long career, the actress published a lot of her photos. Ingleborga Dapkin in the magazine Maxim was never shot. Kinosovezde has repeatedly proposed to arrange a photo session for the journal readers, but dapperate categorically rejected such proposals. She never starred on a photo naked or in a swimsuit. Never appeared to her frank photo on the Internet.

Although let me be considered a sex symbol of Soviet cinema, she did not suit the candid photo sessions. You can see bed scenes in films with her participation, but it is not able to change the script. Ingleborga Dapkunay carefully protects not only family life, but also a reputation.

Instagram and Wikipedia Ingeborgi Dapkunay

Stage in Instagram and Wikipedia Ingeborgi lettuate exist, like almost all celebrities. In Wikipedia, you can read official data, see the date of birth, the time of the release of films and performances. Instagram fills the actress itself. There are many photos from rehearsals, performances. There are photos with friends and colleagues, but there is almost no information about the family.

Smiling, a miniature actress with a cute Baltic accent became the favorite of the audience for many years. Ingeborg Dapkunayte continues to actively remove and play on the stage of theaters, and will soon please the audience with new images. The article was found on