The conspiracy is white for the guy to start paying attention. Conspiracy to meet a good man

The conspiracy is white for the guy to start paying attention.  Conspiracy to meet a good man
The conspiracy is white for the guy to start paying attention. Conspiracy to meet a good man

Why am I used and not loved? This question worries more than one representative of the fair sex, alas. Why do men take whatever you can give and then go to others? Most women with similar problems have completely violated priorities. What should a normal healthy person's priority scale look like? First he himself, then the husband (if any), children, parents, work, etc. But he himself always comes first. This is not selfishness. This is one of the Lord's commandments: "Love your neighbor as yourself." That is, first myself, and then the rest. Otherwise, you carry and cherish in yourself the program of "unnecessary". But if you do not love and appreciate yourself, then why do you expect this from others? Having met a man, you give yourself up, as if telling him this: "You use me, anyway I don't love myself and I don't want happiness for myself." They use it, why not? This is exactly what you need to change in yourself. Start by taking care of your appearance, go to the hairdresser every month, go for a massage, sign up for the pool, start realizing your dreams. And a man - he himself will be attracted to you when you are sufficiently filled with love for yourself and the world. To help, use the mantra, which you need to pronounce immediately upon awakening:

"I am valuable in myself, I am unique, I find love for the world through love for myself, I love and attract love."

Mirror rite to attract love

If your personal life is not going well, conduct a ritual for 2 weeks in a row - as soon as it gets dark, turn off the light, sit in front of a large mirror, light 3 pink candles and, looking at your reflection, list all your merits aloud. Note, for example, a good figure, beautiful eyes, a patient disposition, listening skills, etc. Finally, say:

"I'm good, very good!
my appearance is beautiful, my inner world is beautiful!
I'm so good that all men
Pay attention to me!
My word is true, so it will be! "

After that, extinguish the candles (you cannot blow out - it is better to press the wick with wet fingers).

Online dating conspiracy

Looking to look for destiny on an internet dating site? In order for you to find a decent person, before uploading a photo, you need to make a mirror image of it and say:

"My face will reflect evil, will not accept the bad, will not take away the good!"

And imperceptibly, using Photoshop, put a cross anywhere in the photo.

Conspiracy to attract the betrothed

A simple ceremony will help you meet love: on Saturday, go to church, buy 2 wax candles, take one home, and put the other on the Mother of God. In your own words, state to her the request and hope for a meeting with the betrothed. Light a candle at home and whisper to it:

“I bless the beginning of the path with fire, it burns in the very heart. Mother Heavenly, bring to me the one who will see my light. Amen".

Put out the candle with your fingers. Cut it in half along the wick and remove the wick. There should be only two halves. Insert your hair between them and join them. Now try to form a ball out of the candle, as if twisting a ball. Finally, wrap this ball with a wick, pressing it with your fingers into the wax to secure it in place. Start with the burnt tip, it should be sunk into your ball.

Go to morning service on Sunday. Whisper into a ball before leaving the house:

“Neither animal nor bird live alone. So my betrothed knocks on all windows. He knocks - he does not find, he dances with anguish. You, ball, roll, roll, Come back with my betrothed. Amen!"

Imperceptibly throw a ball at the church gate, cross yourself and enter the temple. We must defend the entire service, and before leaving, we must again light a candle to the Mother of God. The betrothed is found very quickly.

Witchcraft ritual with a veil

If you have a friend, and she is happily married, then try to ask her for the ceremony of the veil in which she was married. This would be the best, one hundred percent option. But I foresee that nothing will work out, who wants to part with his veil? Then we use the second option to get married.

We buy some white organza or tulle. You also need your photograph, fabric, red thread and a white flower, which must be bought on Friday, the day of Makosha, the Slavic patron goddess of the family. We make a small veil from organza by pulling the fabric on one side. We attach a flower there, tying it with red threads. "Putting on" a veil on your photo. The bottom of the veil must be fastened with a belt. To make it, cut a strip of fabric from your underwear, it can be a nightgown, or even panties. Transpose this segment and the red thread. Tie a double knot at the bottom of the photo to secure the veil. You should have a kind of candy. After that, speak to the amulet:

“Mati Makosh, be a caress, protect And help to find a family, so that our family lasts forever! Glory to Rod! Goy! "

Hide the amulet in the southwest of the dwelling, in any room, you can also in the kitchen, so that no one will find it. After you get married, burn the amulet. Perform the ceremony on the growing moon, in the morning, on an empty stomach.

Bait for the betrothed

To lure your betrothed, cut a flower out of a white sheet of paper, put it in a book with a beautiful love story, say:

"As the flower is white, so bright and pure
My love will come to me
Find me wherever I am.
Happiness on the doorstep, mouth shut. "

Put the book on the window so that the moonlight at night and the sun light on it during the day, and leave it there until you meet your happiness. Do not tell anyone about the ritual, and do not allow the book to be removed, leafed or read.

Spring ceremony for meeting the betrothed

To call love, you need to go to the forest in the spring, take with you three pink candles, 3 branches prepared in advance with the leaves that have appeared (put the cut branches in the water shortly before the ceremony so that they bloom). Find an open clearing, put candles on the ground, light them, stick the branches next to the candles and sing:

“Lado, lovely Lado, come,
Lead love with you!
How Lada is waiting for you, So I'm waiting for my dear, my only one.
May he be like you - faithful and strong,
Kind, yes you dare!
I wait, I call and I click! "

Sing, dance and go home. You will soon meet your future husband.

Rite of passage to attract a man

You will need 2 new mugs and your neckerchief. Before starting the ceremony, paint your lips with red lipstick. Place your neckerchief on an empty table. Light a white candle. Put mugs on the table, let each have a little water. Take a candle in your hands and, circling it clockwise around the mugs, say:

“Water becomes the magic nectar of love. My betrothed will come to drink it, he will stop at nothing. So!"

Take one and drink water from there. You can drink it all, or leave a little, it doesn't matter. Then put both mugs in the cupboard, and do not wash lipstick from "your" in any case. Let them stand side by side. Then take a scarf and tie it to one of the table legs. It can be removed only on the last lunar day of the month! The ceremony should be performed on the new moon, preferably on women's days - Wednesday, Friday, Saturday.

Love conspiracy on the growing moon

To meet love, put on a new shirt for a young month, stand by the window and read 3 times:

"Mother moon, night hostess,
Help me, light the path to love.
Bring your betrothed to me, only
I have one faithful husband! "

Then close the curtains and go to bed imagining your husband-to-be.

Conspiracy on a dress for an early marriage

If the girl is unlucky with the guys, you can try this way to change fate. For its implementation, 2 conditions are required. The first is a white dress or nightgown. The second is for a rainbow to shine in the sky. If such a coincidence happens, go outside in a dress, turn to the rainbow and say:

“I went out to see Mark, the dress is unmarked, The sky is bright, I'm not hot alone. Find someone who will warm me! "

Whatever time of day, go to bed and try to sleep. Until another day (at least up to one minute after midnight), do not talk to anyone. Remove the dress in the morning and take it to the trash heap. Tell him:

"I was married to anyone, I'm taking a divorce, I'm waiting for a new husband!"

Throw the dress away. Soon fate will find you.

Conspiracy to attract suitors

To get married, go to the market and, without bargaining, buy a broom and a yellow scoop, do not take change. On the waxing moon, go out the door and take a good sweep outside the doorstep. Collect the trash in a yellow scoop, put it in a white bag with the words:

"I collect litter, I attract suitors - they are fine, flexible, generous and nice!"

Store garbage in the house under the bed until the new moon, and when the young moon rises, take it out into the yard and bury it under an old tree.

Conspiracy for a guy to find a bride

There are universal rituals that can be used to attract love to both men and women (only you need to change the words according to your gender). And there are special ones, like this one for men. Read the plot on Monday and Tuesday:

“I will rise, servant of God (name), I will pray,
I cross myself before the icon of the saint,
I will go to the wide field, I will stand to the east
Face, westward ridge, I will see an arrow
Fiery. Oh you, arrow, you
Like the wind is fast.
Fly to the right side, find me
My betrothed, kindle her blood, awaken her mind.
Let her look for me and find me.
Let love descend on us.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

Love conspiracy for bindweed

Summer is the best time for one love conspiracy, but you need to find a bindweed for it, a plant that twines around pillars, fences, trees. Pick so that the stem has an odd number of leaves and 2 flowers. It is necessary to tear after sunset, when the moon is growing. At home, take a pink candle, wrap a bindweed around it, light it and say:

“Not around a pillar, not around an oak tree,
And around you, hot, smart,
Kind, rich.
I will change forever
Get out, grief-misfortune.
You burn, warm me,
To protect me, keep warm! "

It is important that the stem does not break when you wrap the candle, if this happens, transfer the ritual to another day! Take the bindweed candle under your pillow for the night, then tear off the flowers and carry them in your purse in a white envelope until you meet your destiny.

Kupala rite of love

2 days before the night before Ivan Kupala - July 5 - the time for enchantment comes. That's when you can find your happiness for life! The main thing is not to conceal evil and envy in the heart, not to be afraid of anything, and to perform the ceremony correctly. Go to the forest, it is better to have it at sunrise, choose a tree - healthy, strong and to your liking, just not an aspen. Take off your shoes, lean your back against the tree, and shout so that the echo responds:

“I call, the cry of the best, dear, kind, beloved, rich, noble, generous, beautiful. I don’t know by name, I recognize by face. Will respond, find, will not pass by! "

If the echo does not answer, then do not count on a meeting yet, but if you answered, you will soon meet your betrothed, and for this, take a branch or a piece of bark from your tree and carry it with you. Leaving the tree, bow down to the ground, do not forget to thank the forest for your help, otherwise you will call trouble!

Shyness conspiracy when meeting

If you really like a guy, but you just can't get to know him, find a bright scarlet piece of paper, cut out a heart from it and write on it by hand in as small a handwriting as possible:

“Strengthen me, God Almighty, with your word and covenant, give me strength to overcome rabbit timidity. As I speak to my beloved and my betrothed, cover me, Lord, with your vestments, protect me from fear and evil intent. No one will stop me from accomplishing my plans on my way. Amen".

Cross the paper heart, fold it in four and hide the pocket of your clothes before you are going to get acquainted with the chosen one. And it is better to do this on any day on the growing moon, then a charmed heart will quickly help create new relationships.

Rite of passage for a rich groom

This ceremony helps those who wish to grab a rich groom for themselves. You need to buy 2 wedding rings, find a beautiful casket and present the image of your future husband (you can also cut out a photo of a handsome rich man from a magazine). Sit at a table covered with a white tablecloth, light a red candle and think about your betrothed (or put a cut-out photo on the table), then hold the rings in your right hand and say:

“As the sky cannot live without the sun,
As the earth cannot live without rain,
So you don't have a happy life either
Without me. I will not call, I will not search,
I won't guess at you, you will understand everything yourself,
You will find the path, but you will come to me.
To be us together, inseparable, while I myself
I want that. I speak the truth, I prophesy the truth. "

Blow out the candle. Tie the rings firmly with a white woolen thread, put them in the box together with the extinguished candle and hide in a secluded place.

Conspiracy from failure in love

If failures in love are pursuing, you need to pick 3 large flowers (asters, peonies, chrysanthemums, etc.), put them in a vase in front of a mirror, pick one up and say:

"I see love, I breathe love, I feel Love, I am filled with love!"

Then mark the flower, tying a red ribbon on the stem, and put it back, he has already given up his energy. For the next two days, repeat the ritual with the remaining flowers. If it doesn't help, start over after a month.

A spell to attract the love of a man

There are stories when girls are guessing about the groom, and the prediction becomes disappointing - loneliness. A simple recipe for happiness will help you cope with such a diagnosis and attract the groom. After bathing, you must enter your room, spread a piece of red velvet on the floor. Arrange and light 12 pink candles. Pour holy water into a glass, light incense. Throwing off all your clothes, stand on the velvet, raise your hands up and say the spell:

“Tetragrammaton! I command the earthly spirits! By the powers of heaven I conjure! Angels of the East, Rise! Angels of the West, pull yourself together! Angels of the North, wake up! Angels of the South, Look Back! Gather your mighty strength! Find my betrothed, wherever he is. At this moment, without delay! Through the mountains And the seas, find the heart of the one who will bring me Happiness! May my word be fulfilled! Amen!"

Then you need to rotate around yourself, mentally counting 55 turns, then kneel down and drink water from a glass. Go to bed right away and don't talk to anyone until morning. In the morning distribute alms, mentally repeating:

"This is my ransom for the fulfillment of desire."

You can’t be stingy. And a piece of velvet will have to be kept under your pillow until the wedding itself.

A rite of passage to attract love on a full moon

Are you struggling to arrange your personal life? Beg the love of your ancestors! On a full moon night, you need to cook kutya (sweet rice with raisins) and bake pies with any filling. Then put everything cooked on a rag and tie in a knot. After that, go to the bridge, taking with you a bundle and an unfilled pack of salt. You need to stand at the end of the bridge, hang a knot on the elbow of your left hand, and pick up salt with your right hand and sow in front of you, gradually moving your back to the beginning of the bridge. At the same time, read the hex:

“Hear me, who gave flesh to my mother and father. Hear me, my first parents! I am opening the way for you across this bridge, so come to my aid. Take supper from my hands and listen to my loneliness. Find a spouse for me and marry me for a good life. Wherever he is, open all the doors, Look into all the windows, find and bring to me for happy love. So that my generation does not end, and my blood does not disappear, forever and ever. Amen!"

Pronounce a hex 9 times. Get 2 pies from the bundle, leave the rest at the end of the bridge. Leave without looking back. The pies should spend the night at the head of the bed. On this night, a prophetic dream may occur. In the morning, you need to treat any person with pies and ask them to remember their departed ancestors.

Conspiracy to meet a good man

To attract a caring man to the new moon, twist a ring out of copper wire, do as you can, think about love. Take a new red candle, put a ring on it (halfway down), light the candle and read:

“Goddess Rada, I have no harmony in love. I praise you, I call on your strength for love, for family, for fidelity. Truly so! "

Let it burn out to the level of the ring and extinguish. Go to bed. Place this candle so that you can see it first when you wake up. When a man enters your life, burn the candle to the end.

Love conspiracy on lipstick

Before using a new lipstick, talk about making your lips look sexy. To do this, sit in front of a makeup table and put your new lipstick on. Arrange 5 red decorative candles on the table in random order, lay out all your gold decorations, especially if they are with red or pink stones, but so that it looks beautiful. Jewelery with reddish blotches should be in the most conspicuous place. Light the candles from the match and, looking at yourself in the mirror, read the conspiracy:

“I am a red maiden (your name). Attractive, beautiful, sexy. My lips are the most desirable. As soon as the Beloved meets my heart, he will immediately fall in love with my lips. "

Now, whenever you go on a date or a party, use one of the charmed lipsticks, and also tint your lips if you meet an attractive young man.

Mother's word for the daughter of a good groom to find

This rite is performed by mothers for their daughters in order to attract good suitors for them. Light a wax candle, put a photo of your daughter in front of you, a new wedding ring on it, cover it with your left hand, and hold your heart with your right. Feel love with your whole being and read:

“As a thread stretches from my heart to the heart of God's servant (name), so let it continue to stretch. Let love be drawn into her life. Let her never part with her betrothed. Let her be betrothed by her temper and liking. She delights, but my heart delights. Amen".

Reading favorably on the full moon. Then extinguish the candle with your fingers and put it together with the photo in a secluded corner. After the daughter finds happiness, put a candle to the Mother of God for this, and use the ring at your discretion.

The girl sincerely tries to create strong and reliable personal relationships, and all efforts are destroyed in the bud. She wants to fall in love and meet her one and only, but it doesn't work. If a girl has pure desires, then a conspiracy to attract love will help her. This is not a love spell, not black magic and not evil. A conspiracy is able to attract male attention when it is not enough, and find its only one among men. The betrothed. The one whom God has chosen to be your husband. This conspiracy will open up the girl's potential as a woman, help enhance her attractiveness. Reading a conspiracy to attract love will fully reveal the energetic feminine magnetism.

Then the girl's energy will attract male attention, attraction and attraction. The execution of conspiracies to attract love can speed up a meeting with your soul mate.

Attracting male attention

You should start looking for love with reading conspiracies to attract men. If they pay attention to us, then we will try to choose a worthy one. Reading conspiracies to attract love requires complete loneliness. The best time is closer to midnight. Because - a conspiracy at midnight is more effective than at other times of the day.

Sit back and relax. You are wearing home clothes, which can be light, comfortable, and do not hinder your movements. Try to breathe evenly, and then close your eyes. Get all extraneous thoughts out of your head, meditation helps in such cases.

Imagine the meaning of the spoken words of the conspiracy:

“My happiness drowned in the river. The river turned back - now it flows to me, my love and happiness will certainly lead to me.
My joy has lost its way. As soon as dawn came, the red sun came out, my joy stretched out into the light, goes, hurries towards me.
Every living creature helps my happiness, joys, they show the way to me. Night haze. Bringing sadness - disappeared, dissolved, there is no more return to it.
I go out on the porch - meet my love and happiness and take to my home.
All the elements help me - they shelter me from troubles, protect me. Love and my happiness are protected. They help me to be happy. "

Talismans and conspiracies that can attract male love

When you can't find true love in any way, then reading a conspiracy to attract love can make a difference for the better.

Wait for the waxing moon and start the ritual. We need these things:

  • Your photo in 3 × 4 format;
  • Green thread;
  • Fresh basil leaves.

Place the photo on the windowsill. Wrap in basil leaves, and then tie with thread. The photo should stand on the windowsill all night. In the morning, when our photo is charged with the moonlight, we wrap it in green cloth. Let the leaves remain. Now we have a talisman that will greatly speed up the meeting with our betrothed.

Another such talisman is made from an apricot kernel. We take ripe and juicy fruit for our ritual. The fruit should be free of wormholes and damage. We take out the pit from the apricot, rinse it well and dry it.

Easy, so as not to break it into small pieces, divide the bone into two halves. We take out the nucleolus from it and glue the halves. The fruit itself must be eaten. We give the kernel to the birds. When you eat the fruit, say:

"Love for me."

When you give the kernel to the birds:

"Failure is outside!"

Color the glued bone red. Make a hole in it and pull a red or pink thread through it. We got a talisman, putting it on the neck, read:

“I tie men to myself - I oblige myself to love them. Help me a talisman - disperse any deception. "

The ritual part is simple, because in this method, the work is done on the personal strength of the performer.

That's it - now remove the amulet from your neck and hide it in a place inaccessible to people. When a young man you like is in your field of vision, then take out your talisman. Again we repeat the words of conspiracies to attract love. As you read the words, imagine the desired outcome. In a couple of weeks, from the moment you read the conspiracy to attract love, you will get what you want.

Conspiracy to get married

A woman naturally wants to be a mother. To become her you need a husband, which means you need to get married. Here's what to do to find love and get married quickly.

You will need to buy a new broom. Days to buy a broom: Wednesday or Friday. When you buy a broom, remember - do not take change.

Wait for the new moon and sweep all the trash in your yard. And if you live in an apartment, then sweep the staircase. Collect all trash in a yellow scoop. The material of the scoop does not play a big role, it can be either wooden or plastic. When you take revenge, be sure to read conspiracies to attract men. You can read these words:

“I drive good fellows into my house, Not lazy, not curmudgeonly, not thieves. Come to me - suitors. From their own, other people's yards. Rock Paper Scissors. Amen. Amen. Amen".

A conspiracy for male attention is pronounced an odd number of times when it is swept. The cleaner you sweep the yard, the faster the result of love plots will be. The more suitors will be dedicated to you.

Collect all the trash and take it to your home. Put the trash in a small canvas bag and put it in the farthest corner. Be careful when pouring. Read the "Our Father" over it 9 times, and hold the bag until the next new moon.

Soon you will have many suitors, and you will be able to choose the most worthy, your own - the only one. Garbage, when it becomes possible, must be taken out and bury away from your place of residence. Try to make this mission so that people cannot see you.

Rules for conducting love conspiracies

By following these rules, you can attract true love into your life:

  • Most of the rituals are performed during the growing moon - then their effectiveness is at its peak;
  • Pay special attention to the place and time of the conspiracy. When the time is not specified, select midnight. You must be alone when performing the ceremony;
  • Believe in the power of the conspiracy, without faith there will be no result;
  • You should be in high spirits during the ceremony, a good mood is the key to success;
  • Complete silence about the fact that you performed a ceremony or conspiracy.

Follow these simple rules and any ceremony will be as effective as possible. Act, and then a conspiracy to attract love can give you love.

Finding the man of your dreams is not easy. The search can drag on for years, and no one wants to live alone. Knowing how to attract a man into your life, conspiracies at home can make the task easier. Men, like bees to honey, will begin to swarm around in swarms, showing signs of attention. It remains only to choose the most suitable, the one to whom the heart will reach.

You can meet your love with the help of magical rituals

Love magic is in greatest demand. Girls and women, and sometimes men in search of brides, turn to witches and fortune-tellers in an attempt to change their personal lives for the better, but not always successfully. It is much easier and cheaper to read a conspiracy to attract the attention of the opposite sex at home.

Using white and black magic, you can meet your betrothed anywhere. He may turn out to be a colleague at work, a tenant from the next doorway, a wealthy businessman with ample opportunities, an employee of a large company, or just a casual passer-by. A conspiracy for the attention of men helps to attract the right groom - rich, smart or handsome.

In order for the ceremonies to be effective, they must be performed according to the rules:

  • use female or male days of the week;
  • conduct love rituals on the days of the growing moon;
  • rituals (white and black) to be performed at the appropriate time;
  • read the conspiracy the right number of times;
  • if necessary, change clothes for the ceremony;
  • keep secret your magical actions, etc.

Many girls are disappointed in magic, forgetting that they whispered to their close friend about the ritual in secret, which absolutely must not be done.

A conspiracy to attract men is an effective way, the main thing is to carry it out exactly. If something unexpected happens during the ceremony - a candle fell, the phone rang, a neighbor came for salt, etc. - then this is a sign that the ritual should be postponed to another, more suitable day.

Conspiracy for an early marriage

Rituals for attracting a rich groom with a solid capital have been used since ancient times. Any girl wanted to marry a wealthy guy. Naturally, each of them dreamed not only of wealth, but also of true love.

This ritual is performed in the evening, before going to bed, during the new moon. For a conspiracy you need:

  • church candle;
  • salt;
  • Holy water;
  • mug;
  • round bread;
  • salt shaker;
  • red tablecloth or cloth.

To attract the betrothed and quickly marry a wealthy guy, a red tablecloth is spread on the table, a candle is lit and bread is laid. When performing the ritual, the hair should be loose, the nightgown should be worn inside out and backwards, the legs should be bare.

Round bread is placed on a tablecloth and a candle is lit

A small hole is made in the center of the loaf, where the salt shaker is placed. A little holy water is poured into a mug.

Pour some water into the palm of your hand and sprinkle the bread and salt. After that, you need to read the conspiracy three times:

“A rich groom is going to my hut, he rings like gold and silver, he is loyal to me. I greet him, greet him with bread and salt. He eats, drinks, leads me down the aisle. Language. Stone. Key".

The candle must be extinguished with the fingers of the left hand and removed. Break off a piece of bread, dip it in salt (to make it very salty), eat it and wash it down with holy water. Go to bed without talking to anyone. In the morning, take the bread and leave it on the porch of the church, pour the salt into a bag and store it in a secluded place until marriage. It is a strong and proven ritual using white magic.

Attracting male love

This powerful rite will require a little preparation. First you need to recharge the male energy. This must be done on the eve of the ritual. If there are men at work, then the task is to sit a little on the chair where he sat. Another option is to take a minibus or bus, wait for the sitting man to get up, and sit in his place.

The ceremony is performed on the growing moon. To complete it, you need:

  • a lighter stolen from a man;
  • new mirror;
  • water from a spring or river;
  • new hairbrush or comb;
  • bright red lipstick;
  • two candles (red)
  • paper.

You can steal a lighter in different ways - ask and not give it back, or take it off the table from a smoking man at work.

In the evening, close the windows with curtains, lock the door, change into a nightgown (according to the rules) and light candles with a stolen lighter. Pour your hair with spring water and, looking in the mirror, start combing your hair, uttering the words of the conspiracy. Read by heart, chanting, aloud:

“Mother water, intercessor moon, help me find my love. Bring in a handsome, noble guy. In everyday life he is thrifty, in family life he is not grumpy. Not crooked, not oblique, handsome daring. We will live with him for a century, we will not know grief ”.

On a piece of paper (without interrupting your combing), write any man's name that comes to mind with lipstick.

A man's name needs to be written with lipstick on a piece of paper

“Hair to hair, darling to the court. I already know your name, how I stole this little thing (take a lighter in your hands), so I took your heart. Come quickly, feel sorry for your feet. "

Having finished the ritual to attract love, put the mirror and lighter in your purse - these are talismans. Put out the candles, hide the comb under the pillow and go to bed. In the morning, you need to try to remember the dream, there should be a hint or an image of the betrothed. In the rite there is no compulsion and the name of a specific person, white magic is used.

Rite of passage with a red thread

Red thread and white magic will help to attract a guy's love. The thread should be from natural, preferably woolen, yarn. For a man to pay attention to you, you will need:

  • church candle;
  • new men's slippers;
  • Red thread;
  • sugar.

The conspiracy will be strong if sugar is asked from a young married couple living without quarrels and scandals. For the ceremony you need 1 glass.

On a new moon, you need to open a window at night, sprinkle sugar on the windowsill, light a candle and take a red thread in your hands, read the conspiracy:

“Men are beautiful, kind, skillful and strong, grasping for business, like wasps flying to me for sugar. And I sit, choose the groom. I bought him slippers so that my little legs would not freeze. I will tie the narrowed one with a red thread, I wear it on the wrist. This is a sign to the dear, so that he would not miss me, he would not wander around the world for a long time. I want to find love, but I don’t need more, let the dear one be always there ”.

Tie the thread on the left wrist, making 7 knots. Wear it as a talisman to attract love. Leave the sugar until morning, put out the candle with your fingers. In the morning, collect the sugar in a bag and store in a secluded place.

For a rich groom

A strong and handsome man is good, but I want him to be rich as well. A ritual performed in the summer, when an ear of wheat is formed, will help to attract a rich groom. You need to prepare:

  • a piece of white material;
  • two candles - green and red;
  • wheat ear;
  • holy water.

The ceremony is performed on the growing moon or on the new moon. Place white material near the window (on the floor). Put candles on it and light them from a match. Put a cup of holy water next to it and put an ear of wheat. Looking at the flame of a candle, read three times:

“The merchant's wife came out to the bazaar to look at some goods. The product is not simple, but the groom is single, strong, rich, not a curmudgeon, not a hunchback. She beckoned with her finger, bought a husband for herself. He has a lot of inheritance, he built a house for her, but he always stayed with her, kept away from others. "

A spikelet of wheat needs to be dipped in charmed water

Dip an ear of wheat in holy water, spray yourself and the room with the words:

"The water has spilled, the wheat has spilled, my wish has come true."

Leave the water and wash with it in the morning. Tear off a few grains from a spikelet and store them in your wallet. Hide the remaining ear in the kitchen. Wrap the candles in the material and bury them deeply in a deserted place, under a tall tree, and then read the rest of the plot:

“I buried my happiness under a tree, hid it from prying eyes. I will water it, my room will flourish. Quarrels and squabbles will never be in it. "

This strong conspiracy will attract a rich and beloved person into your life, with whom you will be happy.

Rose Petal Ritual

You can attract the attention of men with a ceremony that makes a woman desirable. To complete it, you need rose petals and a glass of milk. In the evening, on the growing moon, the bath is filled with water of a pleasant temperature, a glass of milk and rose petals are added there. It is enough to "pluck" 5-10 flowers.

While taking a bath, you need to relax and feel beautiful, desired and happy. When the desired state is reached, the conspiracy is read:

“As I, a beautiful girl, young bodies, bathed in roses, watered myself with milk, I tried for you, my Falcon. Turn to me, appear as my husband. I will be loved by you, kept by fate. May it be so".

After the procedure, the water is drained, and the petals are dried and scattered under the bed.

The ritual can be repeated as many times as desired. Very soon, the men around you will begin to notice the changes that have happened to you and show attention.

On a ripe pear

This ceremony attracts a specific man; it is carried out in several stages. To perform the ritual, you need to buy a ripe, large and juicy pear on the market. Don't take change. In addition to pears, you will need:

  • three church candles;
  • matches or toothpicks;
  • red cloth;
  • Holy water;
  • cosmetics that are used daily.

Arriving home, cut the fruit in half (lengthwise) and read the first part of the conspiracy:

“The whole was divided, the connection was broken. I sit alone and sad. I want to find strong love ”.

The pear needs to be cut lengthwise into 2 parts

Put the pear halves together and fasten them with three toothpicks or matches, sticking them into the fruit. Read the second part of the conspiracy:

“Once again, the halves of the pear joined together, locked tightly together. I will also find (name) my soul mate, get rid of loneliness. And so it will happen. "

Spread the cloth on the table, collect and place cosmetics on the table: shampoos, scrubs, creams, lipsticks, etc. Put candles around and light them.

Makeup items need to be sprinkled with holy water and read the final part:

“I ask the Creator of the human race to bless these objects and help me to carry out my plans. The Lord Himself helps me, he overshadows these things with a sign. As I lather with soap, the melancholy will disappear. When I open the shampoo, my beloved will remember me. As I wipe myself off with a towel, God's servant (name) will run to my house. The power of heavenly intercessors is with me. Amen".

Put out the candles with your fingers and go to bed. In the morning, charmed cosmetics can be used as intended. The conspiracy texts should be memorized in advance and read from memory.

Call for love

This romantic ceremony is simple to perform, but requires a certain attitude. It is performed at sunset, alone.

In the evening, you need to lay a white tablecloth on the table and put two chairs and two glasses opposite each other. Pour red wine or juice. Wash off makeup or shower. Wear loose, clean clothes and loose your hair.

Light a candle and, looking at the flame, read the conspiracy:

“I’m waiting for my beloved falcon, I don’t sit down for a meal without it. As my dear looks like, he will turn to me. He will leave his business, he will find me, it’s not for nothing that he is prowling the world. I am called your name, I wait, I look out the window, without looking up. "

Drink some wine or juice from your glass, throw the rest out the window. Leave the second glass on the table until morning. Put out the candle.

In the morning take a close look at the remaining wine. If turbidity appears in the glass or its amount has decreased, very soon you will meet your love. If everything is unchanged, then the ceremony can be repeated.

When choosing a conspiracy or rite, preference should be given to white magic - it is not only effective, but also safe. If any ritual is in doubt, then you should not use it, just choose another.

Conspiracies to attract men

Attracting suitors

You should wait for the appearance of a young month and spin on the heel of your left foot, repeating: "A month, a month is young, wind the suitors around me, as I wind around you."

On the feast of the Intercession, it is necessary, entering the church, to cross and mutter, crossing the threshold: "Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, cover the earth with snow, and me with a bridegroom."

For men to pay attention

In order for men to pay their attention to you, you need to slander a ring with a red stone. After the spell, wrap the ring in red cloth and keep it with you at all times. It is important not to show or tell anyone about this ritual, otherwise all the attraction will go to the one to whom you told.

The dialect on the ring is as follows: "Get together, good fellows, for the honest holiday of Christ, but from all sides. As they look at the crosses, at the domes, at the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, so the good fellows would look and look at the servant of God (their name), so the servant of God (the name of the beloved) would look and look, so the servant of God (his name) would seem to him more beautiful than the red sun, purer than pure silver. Be my words firm and strong, forever indestructible. ...

Conspiracy to attract a loved one

Here they are, these words:

"As the dew is destroyed from the rising sun and the earth dries up, so you dry, servant of God (name), about me, servant of God (name), so that you have no rest day or night, neither in joy, nor in trouble, not in a meeting, not in festivities, not at work, not in a holiday. Think always, always think of me! I conjure you in the name of the Lord God and all the saints! I conjure you with the creation of the world, I conjure you on the day of my birth! I conjure you on the day when I I will end all these earthly joys, all worldly sufferings and close my eyes forever! I conjure you with all the forces of heaven and earth, conjure you with all the spirits of malice and hell! Amen! "

Swearing on the pie:

"On the sea, on the okiyan, on the island of Buyan, there was a tree. On that tree there was seventy, like one bird. These birds plucked branches; these branches threw them on the ground; these branches were picked up and brought to Satan Satanovich. You are a thin demon! I bow down I worship you, do me a service and make friendship: light my heart (name); and light all this oven and lung, and all the joints for me (name), wake my word strong, stronger than joints in everything! And tell me to eat this piece of cake Four lightnings, four sisters: the first Marya, the second Martha, the third Marina, the fourth Makrida - come on, take the longing and great sadness from the guests, from the authorities, from the rude, but prison people, recruits soldiers and from small babies who are titties sucked and remained from their mothers; impose that longing and bodily dryness, great sorrow, on the servant of God (name), so that she, the servant of God (name), without me, the servant of God (name of the rivers), could neither live nor drink , neither sleep, nor walk, nor lie, but only for me, the servant of God (name), yearn and yearn. the word words are amen, amen, amen. "

Attraction of the betrothed

For the new moon, you need to buy new men's slippers, which your boyfriend (husband) will then wear
Slippers should be "infused" in the corridor for 3 days, do not allow anyone to wear them at this time.
After 3 days, at exactly 12 o'clock in the morning, get on all fours in the corridor, opening the door ajar.
Put your hands in the slippers, with their socks pointing inward.
Now you need to stomp your hands in slippers 3 times and shout:

The betrothed-mummer, show up!

Everything, wait, soon someone will definitely appear in your life.

The ritual should be done energetically and with emotion.

Cleansing from negativity, to finding a betrothed

During the ceremony, beauty, charm and sexuality are restored, lost by damage or an unsuccessful love spell.

For the rite of purification and removal of damage, three church candles are needed.
In the evening, when no one is at home, close the curtains tightly in the small room so that no light from the street can interfere.
Sit on the floor in the center of the room and place three candles at a distance of bent at the elbow from you: one should be in front of you, one behind you on the right, the other on the left.
The candles must be the tops of a regular triangle, that is, the distances between every two candles must be the same.
Substitute any saucers under the candles (but they should not have black and gold colors) or you can use circles cut out of cardboard.
Rectangular sheets of paper should not be placed, only round ones should be used.
When all the candles are placed, light the first one.
Without looking up, look at her flame, do not think about anything.
When the candle burns out by a third, you need to say quietly and quickly:

Fire, father, golden bee,
Give me peace, but protect me from evil,
Enlighten my head
Free me from bad thoughts
Burn bad thoughts
And help good thoughts to be born,
Deliver me from mental anguish,
Direct to joy and happiness.
As long as this fire burns
let everything that is bad in me burn out,
And when it goes out, I live with renewed vigor.
Forever and ever. Amen.

You need to quickly pull out a hair from your head and burn it over a candle, and if there is ash in your hand, rub it thoroughly between your fingers.
Then you need to wait until the first candle burns out.
The first candle will clear your mind of bad thoughts.

If, after uttering the conspiracy, the flame begins to spark strongly, it means that too much of everything bad has accumulated in you.
Then it is better for you not to continue the ritual, but to take the remaining candles and read the same conspiracy over them in turn.
The flame of the third candle is sure to be quiet and calm.
But at least three days must pass before the main ritual of the Rite can be repeated.

Turn to the second candle, light it.
Close your eyes, remember your loved ones, what kind of help they need.
Then open your eyes and focus on the flame.
When the candle is half burnt out, quietly, slowly, pronouncing each word very clearly, say:

Quiet light, Savior evening,
Help us in our sickness,
And in sorrow, and in hopelessness,
And in adversity.
Burn us with a quiet beacon
In our days, and in our dreams,
Be our consolation
And the representative.
Light up our life
Burn our sorrows
And ailments, and anxiety, and talent.
Happiness is in the house.
Woe - return home, to the one from whom it came.
Key, lock. So be it.
Till the end of time. Amen.

Close your eyes again and imagine all the relatives you listed: they are looking at you and smiling. Extend your hand over the candle so that the flame is under your palm. Lower your palm over the flame as low as you can tolerate. So hold your hand for a few seconds, then hold your second palm over the candle (first there should be left, then right).

The next day, have each of your loved ones touch your palms. When the second candle burns out, sit for a while in the dark.

After that, the ritual of cleansing from an unsuccessful love spell and removing damage can be considered complete. If you feel comfortable, continue. Light the last candle, and as soon as the first drop of wax drains off, say quietly at your usual speed three times:

I am my candle
I want to ask:
Of the betrothed-mummer
My long-awaited
Give me my harmony,
Bring me to the porch
Bring me under the window
Show me the path to the darling!
Key, lock. So be it.
Forever and ever. Amen."

Look closely at the flame. At some point, the candle flame will twitch to the side. It means that you are destined to meet in that direction.

Read Our Father nine times.

The ceremony is over.

You are cleared of the consequences of a love spell, damage and very soon you will meet your loved one.

The next day, go in the direction where the candle showed.

Walk three days in a row and you will certainly meet your betrothed.

Conspiracies to attract love

Do you want to leave an indelible mark on the souls of people, to be the queen of hearts? A ritual to create love, beauty and harmony will help you achieve this. Remember: under no circumstances can it be used for revenge!

On a piece of paper, write the plot:


Write the same words below, just backwards, starting with the last line:


After that, fold the leaflet finely-finely, so that it can fit in the palm of your hand, tie it with a red ribbon or thread. It is advisable to read the same conspiracy aloud before that - 3 times its first version and 3 times the text-"changeling". Then put a piece of paper under your pillow for 6 days, and on the seventh day, bury it in the ground with the words: “Let love for me grow and grow, my love and love arriving,” and leave without looking back.

A ceremony that will help any lonely heart to find a friend and find love.

For 15 days in a row before going to bed and in the morning after waking up, light any red candle and read the conspiracy as many times as you are: “LITATO VISTA (your name) DRILLOT NISALO. As a red sun without a month, as a bright month without stars does not exist, so I, the servant of God (s), will find a person by heart, by life and by fate. Amen. Amen. Amen". The candle must be gradually burned over 15 days so that it completely burns out during this time.

Looking in the mirror, whispering to your reflection, admiring it: "I should be with a couple, half of mine is not old."

On the water for washing or washing your clothes, whisper an even number of times: “Water is a beauty; take me, (your name), as a friend (friend), help to attract a friend (friend)! "

When communicating with a person of the opposite sex that you like, take a second and secretly whisper two times in your left palm: “So that you were with me” and then, under a plausible pretext, put this palm on any place of this person's body (usually this preposition handy before starting a dance).

Conspiracy to attract love

"You are dawn-lightning in the evening, you walk high, you see far away, where is my betrothed, where is my mummer, where is my lawful, where is my wedding, where he walks and where he walks, where he drinks, where he eats, and then his take it and get it, tighten it up from behind, spread it in front, into a zealous heart, into a black liver, into hot blood, into clear eyes, into black eyebrows and into popliteal veins.
And remove from me, from the slave (name), melancholy, dry dryness, sad torment, put and spread it in a zealous heart, in a black liver, in hot blood, in clear eyes, in black eyebrows and in popliteal veins. And he could not live and not be without me, without a slave (name), and not think, and advise advice, and love to love. And on a white day, I would not eat bread, I would not drink tea, and I would not smoke cursed tobacco, and would not fall asleep on a dark night. I, a slave (name), would have everything on my mind and mind. "

Read these conspiracy words over a comb or other thing that you can always carry with you:

Treasure, you are my treasure

Love pledge

Put you down

Not into a dungeon-land,

I speak to you

The girl.

In the name of an angel

In the name of the archangel

Pull the suitors to me

God's servant (name).

I would

Like the dawn of blush

Like a drunken grass duhmyana,

Any male

Desirable to the heart.

Would grieve for me

Yearned for

Not seeing me, they grieved:

In the world, in a feast,

On land and water. Everywhere!

If I am like the sun

Like a clear moon

Like a light warm wave.

Among all

Girlfriends are so alone.

My words cannot be hammered

Don't whisper

How to bow

People to the mother church,

So that guys can me

Love and respect,

Meet with a smile

See off with your eyes.

My first word,

My work is strong.

What I didn't say

What I didn't say

That I did not conjecture in my thoughts,

All my conspiracy will finish.

If you want to meet a worthy person who will then propose to you, go out to Pokrov (October 14) on the street and sweep the ground with a new broom towards your door. While you are sweeping, read this conspiracy:

How the Holy Protection came

So the groom would find me.

I, God's servant (name),

Metu, I sweep

Of the betrothed-mummer

I'm calling.

There is a lot of snow today,

So that I don't stay

Without a groom.

Word is deed

Metu boldly and briskly.

So that briskly and boldly

To me, God's servant (name),

The groom was walking.

In the name of the Father and the Son

And the Holy Spirit.

Lord bless!

God help me!

My faith is righteous.

Stand around me

The mountain is stone.

And I will put on the clear rays,

The virgin

I will bless you.

The veil-father,

Send me a crown

God's servant (name).

In the name of the Father and the Son

And the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever

The feminine gender cannot be remade. I really want to shine, bathing in the rays of gentle male eyes.

And if you don't get what you want, then it's not a sin to remember about magic.

At no time did they disdain magic means.

Historians claim that Nefertiti had a bathroom lined with lapis lazuli. She basked in it for at least two hours a day. Because of that, her beauty did not fade.

Unfortunately, in our conditions, this is not affordable for everyone.

We will choose another way -. Fortunately, there are many of them, for every taste.

First you need to decide on your desires and ways

But first, decide what you want.

  • so that the whole family of Adam rushes at you with compliments and offers?
  • or are you trying to attract one?

One can interfere with the other. Therefore, one should decide.

It is also important to choose which of the magic schools is more worthy of your trust.

Some prayers are nicer, others only believe in black magic.

Agree, these are completely different rituals. The energy in them is diametrically opposite.

There are people who reckon only with the forces of nature, they prefer other minerals.

This point should be considered. Then choose a suitable ritual.

Prepare in advance:

  • white tablecloth,
  • soap,
  • a new yellow towel,
  • your cream or lotion,
  • three church candles.
  1. Spread a tablecloth on the table.
  2. Light the candles, place them around.
  3. Place soap and a towel on the snow-white fabric.
  4. You can also add cream or lotion. That is, the cosmetics (decorative too) that you usually use.
  5. Read these words three times:

“I turn to God, the all-merciful. I need his mercy and help. As you protect my immortal soul, save me from sin and fall, so give me bodily beauty. Please, cover with your strength, so that life will shine and play, so that a lot of attention will be paid to me. Give your servant (name) beauty. Let the light settle on your face and inside! Amen!"

  1. When you pronounce the formula three times, put out the candles.
  2. Wrap all the accessories in a tablecloth and leave on the table.
  3. Use this makeup in the morning.
  4. But first read Our Father.

the ritual leads to the fact that all representatives of the strong half of the human race will begin to notice you.

If you want to attract a particular guy or man, then perform another ceremony.

This ceremony to attract attention should be carried out in nature. It is, unfortunately, summer.

  1. Get up before dawn and go to the meadow or field.
  2. You need to catch the moment when there will be a lot of dew on the grass.
  3. Take it off with your palms, and wash your face, your body, too, wherever you can get it.
  4. So while doing this, say:

“Under the rays of the sun, the morning dew evaporates from the grasses, and the grass is covered with dryness. Water disappears, dryness sets in. Leaves and flowers languish, waiting for the new moisture of kindness. So the Lord's slave (the man's name) toils for me, thinks and suffers, he does not know what to do with himself. There is no rest for him either in worries, or in walking, or in work. Thinks about me every minute, wants to see, hug, hold all day. As the dew is crowned with the sky, so the two of us will be, not toil. Amen!"

Letters from our readers

Theme: I have more money and more opportunities thanks to the advice from your site!

From whom: Svetlana(sv ****** [email protected])

To whom: Responsible for the site

Hello! My name is Svetlana and I want to tell the readers of the site my story of how I was lucky to get rid of the constant lack of money!

I lived like many of us: home, work, children, worries ... and a constant lack of money. You will not buy toys or new clothes for children once again, nor will you please yourself with a beautiful dress. My husband also has no money work.

In general, every month you just think and plan how to stretch the budget so that there is enough money for your current needs.

Of course, in the family we have learned to live and live with our finances. But in my soul there was always a constant feeling of resentment and self-pity. Why is this, I asked myself. Look, others have money, bought a new car, built a dacha, it is clear that there is wealth.

I was already beginning to lose hope for a good life. But one day I came across on the Internet.

You will simply be amazed at how many positive changes have happened to me! I had no idea that the article would change my life so much!

I have money! And not just a small change, pocket coins, but a really normal income!

Over the past year, we have made an excellent renovation in our apartment, bought a new car, and sent the children to the sea!

But all this would not have happened if I had not got to this site.

Don't skip past. Find a couple of minutes for this information.

And the next morning, perform the ritual again. Then the effect will be stronger.

It is carried out with a silver ring. It should be without stones.

  1. Buy seven candles from the church.
  2. Also, when you go to the temple, be sure to get the "Seven-shot" Icon there.
  3. In the evening, also on the growing moon, light candles in front of the Icon.
  4. Hold the ring in your hands, but do not put it on yet.
  5. Pray in your own words to the Mother of God.
  6. Then just read the conspiracy:

“For the holiday, people dress in outfits, everyone gathers for the Temple of God. They admire the bright face of the Mother of God, everything that they wish will come true. So let the guys get together at my doorstep. Admire the face, woo. Let their path be a dispute, and my girlish age is very fast. I will become brighter than the sun for men. Whom I choose to be my husband, I’ll get that one. Let them admire my camp as soon as I go out into the street. My affection is dearer to them than gold and silver, I will look at the guys without fear. I will seal the words with a ring (put on the ring finger of my left hand), I cannot remove them at any cost. Amen!"

What composition to choose, you ask?

Feel free to include chamomile, tea rose, orange, violet, juniper in it.

The broth is prepared quickly.

  • Boil a liter of water by throwing a pinch of the listed herbs and fruits into it. (Read the article -.)
  • Add a spoonful of linden honey.
  • Drink like tea or other beverage.
  • It is not necessary to speak. And so, believe me, it will help.
  • Freeze the rest of the broth.
  • And wash your face with ice cubes in the morning.

The skin will glow from the inside.

And add to that means any of the listed rituals, men will not be able to pass by.

The real magicians are not always in witchcraft rituals.

There are many more familiar and natural remedies for changing energy.