Dmitry Shepelev entrusted his son with a new choices. Anonymous source said that Dmitry Shepelev entrusted the education of his son's new chief of rumors about the new relations of Shepelev

Dmitry Shepelev entrusted his son with a new choices. Anonymous source said that Dmitry Shepelev entrusted the education of his son's new chief of rumors about the new relations of Shepelev
Dmitry Shepelev entrusted his son with a new choices. Anonymous source said that Dmitry Shepelev entrusted the education of his son's new chief of rumors about the new relations of Shepelev

On the days of the TV presenter and civil husband, the late Zhanna Friske Dmitry Shepelev was noticed on a show with a spectacular blonde. Dmitry's romantic meeting with a mysterious stranger took place in the metropolitan cafe. It turned out that the last few months the couple regularly appears in this institution. Lovers cute flirted with each other, while holding hands. According to journalists, the new chief Choveleva - 33-year-old designer Ekaterina Tulupova, the creator of the women's club "Creative breakfasts" and the former head of the studio "ARH PEDET". According to the authoritative edition of AD, Toulupova is included in the list of the best designers of Russia.
Alexander Dfl.

Last year, immediately after the first anniversary of the death of Zhanna Friske, Shepelev published an open letter on the network, in which he thanked the woman who helped him all this time to survive the pain of loss. Dmitry called her "My only angel" and the "tender Savior":

Only she is the only one dared to be with me beside me and divide this terrible time. How it was important to me that after so many years I finally care. I probably had to fall in love, but I could not.

Later, journalists managed to figure out the name of the one that helped Shepelev in difficult times is Oksana Stepanov, a famous star cosmetologist, who was very friendly Jeanna Friske. Father Friske in one of the interview admitted that Stepanova "Spere with Shepelov":

Ksyusha, Oksana Stepanova, a long-time friend's daughter, now all the time with Plato. When Jeanne was sick, Ksyusha cared for her. And I thought she was a close friend Zhanna, and it turns out that she was sleeping with Shepelov. Ksyusha is at home now constantly ...

However, the last summer Shepelev was seen with another girl in the Pushkin Museum, and it was not Stepanov. The personality of the stranger was not able to find out.
  • Talking that Shepelev met with someone else's life Zhanna Friske existed before. So, on the air of one popular talk show with an unexpected statement performed Familiar singers Alena Kravets. She stated that Shepelev changed his bride, mother of their common son Plato. According to the woman, he started his mistress while the singer's lifetime. True, she refused to give any evidence.
  • The total amount of donations for sick brain cancer Friske amounted to 69.2 million rubles. At the request of Zhanna 32.6 million were sent to pay for the treatment of nine cancer children.
  • Russian legislation does not allow charitable funds for longer than the year to keep targeted donations on their bank accounts. Therefore, money to continue treatment - the remaining 25 million - were translated into a personal bank account of the singer under the contract with it. Relatives of Friske refused to provide the Rusflow Documents confirming that donations were sent to pay for medical services. However, the agreement concluded with the native Friske, obliged close singers to provide a report on treatment costs, and the remaining money return the fund.

I decided to spend in Italy. On vacation, he went along with his son Plato. And only now to journalists managed to figure out that his girlfriend flew to her rest Ekaterina Tulupova. Couple has been visiting secular events together for several months, because of what the girl consider a new lover TV presenter.

A little bit known about Catherine Tulupova: she was born in Yekaterinburg, graduated from the Moscow Energy Institute, brings up her daughter and organizes creative breakfasts for businesswoman. As Journalists told the source close to the TV presenter, the relationship with Tulupova is so serious that Shepelev, flying to Moscow on shooting, left Plato with Catherine, refusing the services of Nyan and educators.

Ekaterina Tulupova

"Dima spends a lot of time with Katya. Their novel has become known even in early February. In general, their relationship for about a year. In the Italian region of Tuscany, they shot a spacious house with a swimming pool. Both adore an active lifestyle, so they constantly disappear somewhere. We went on excursions, visited Lucca town, Florence. Katya loved photographing Dima and Plato against the background of local attractions. True, geolocation on the page in instagram guys put different in order not to cause unnecessary issues. In the evenings, they arranged gastronomic sites, tried local cuisine - pasta, pizza, salads ... By the way, Kati had a small daughter, so the children were not bored, "said" Starhit "surrounded by TV host.

Indeed, the microblogger of Catherine Tulupova in Instagram is a shot by photos of Italian landscapes. True, the geometry does not always coincide with those that are supplied by Shepelov. Nevertheless, according to published photos, it can be concluded that in Italy, the girl is resting not alone. In addition, if you compare the pictures of Tulupova and Shepelov, you can detect a lot of coincidences: for example, a field with sunflowers, which for some reason called Poppies, and his intended chosen dandelions.

Dmitry Shepelev on the background of sunflowers

The same sunflowers in the microblog of Catherine Tulupova

Rumors about their novel whispelov does not comment in any way, however, judging by his last posts in the microblog in Instagram, he remains in the perfect arrangement of the Spirit and feels happy. So, for example, the TV host has written (The spelling and punctuation of the author is given unchanged. - Approx. ed.) : "What happiness to disconnect from everyday life and, finally, including thanks to the books, stop and think about yourself, about our desires and what actually makes me happy."

Dmitry Shepelev with his son

However, "Starhit" became known that, together with him, his new Passasya enjoyed the snowy beaches and warm sea - the charming blonde Ekaterina Tulupova. She suits creative breakfasts, which collects businesswoman.

"Dima spends a lot of time with Katya," they told them surrounded by the TV host. - Their novel has become known even in early February. In general, their relationship for about a year. In the Italian region of Tuscany, they shot a spacious house with a swimming pool. Both adore an active lifestyle, so they constantly disappear somewhere. We went on excursions, visited Lucca town, Florence. Katya loved photographing Dima and Plato against the background of local attractions. True, geolocation on the page in Instagram guys put different in order not to cause extra questions. In the evenings, they arranged gastronomic sites, tried local cuisine - pasta, pizza, salads ... By the way, Kati has a small daughter, so the children were not bored. "

As it turned out, the beloved Shepelev quickly found a common language with his son. And now helps Dmitry in the upbringing of the heir. "In front of its official holiday, Dima flew every weekend to Italy to see the plates. He sent him a bit more early, "Tea Shepelev say. - By the way, there was no nanny or governess. What for? Katya gets great with children. Dima trusts his beloved one hundred percent, so leaves a calm son with her. "


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Zhanna Friske - Brief Information

Name: Dmitry Shepelev
Date of birth: 01/25/1983
Age: 34
Place of birth: city Minsk, Belarus
Weight: 74 kg
Height: 1.75 m
Activity: Radio and TV presenter, actor, DJ
marital status: Not maried

The native of Minsk Dmitry Shepelev and his new girl, living with him after the death of Zhanna Friske, were drawn into a scandalous story continuing in 2017.

The civil husband went abroad, taking with him the son of the famous singer shortly before the tragedy. According to the relatives of the late star of the Russian pop, Dmitry grabbed a huge amount with him and kidnapped the child. It also became known that his new girlfriend Ksenia went to rest along with Shepelov.

Relatives Zhanna Friske believe that he entered immorally, staining their daughter's memory. But, despite all statements in the press and rumors, Dmitry's criminal responsibility could have attracted. He provided an irrefutable evidence that he acted within the law, fulfilling the last will of the singer and defending the interests of her child.

Biography "Fugitive"

Dmitry Shepelev was born on January 25, 1983 in the family, which did not have any attitude to show business. Since childhood, he was actively fond of sports, visiting the Big Tennis sections and the pool. In the field of sports, he achieved great success by entering the top ten junior tennis players of Belarus.

After graduating from the gymnasium, immediately after the ninth grade, ambitious and confident young man entered the faculty of journalism on a state basis. The study did not prevent Dmitry to earn a living by applying his talents.

Shepelev settled to work on the TV channel and regularly conducted the transfer to Alpha Radio as a DJ. But, after some time, he was invited to work on a radio station "Unistar", where he was lingering much longer.

In 2004, Dmitry Shepelev, working on ONT, took an invitation from another, the favorite channel "M1". He was called for the position of leading morning transfer "Guen Morgen". Not wanting to leave the favorite radio station, Dmitry has been "chasing two hares for a very long time," working leading and on radio and television stations in different countries.

He had to fly regularly from Minsk to Kiev to please the audience and listeners with their unique performances.

In 2008, tired of throwing between two countries, Dmitry Shepelev decided to move to live in Kiev. The reason was the invitation to take part in the show "Star Factory-2" as the lead. And after the end of the project, the young man immediately accepted the offer from the "New Channel" to perform in the same role in two programs - "You play or don't play" and "Star karaoke".

Upon completion of work in projects, in 2012 shepels easily passes to the Inter channel as the second leading show "Red or Black". And a year later, it appears, as the face of the program "Summer cuisine with Dmitry Shepelev", where he shows his new talents and fascinates housewives, fond of cooking.

In parallel with this project, he acts as leading in the most interesting music show "One family", where several families are fighting for a pleasant cash reward, showing their talents in the field of music.

Love story

Rumors and scandals accompanied the relationship of Zhanna Friske and Dmitry Shepelev from the very beginning. In August 2011, journalists first tried to tell fans of celebrities about creating a new pair among stars. But the public perceived this news, as another way to increase the popularity of the singer.

But after six months, journalists have published snapshots on which the couple spent time in sharing in Miami.
Despite all the facts, Jeanne and Dmitry continued to prove that they are just friends. And in May 2012 they again noticed on a joint SPA procedure.

A little later, the first rumors appeared that the date of the wedding was already appointed: 12.12.12. Trying to explain the secrecy of the idols, the fans decided that Friske was pregnant and does not want to advertise his position. And in July, everything fell upside down when the singer and the presenter appeared at the Film Festival apart. How to commented on this situation by Friske, the couple at that time broke up. But the quarrel did not last long. Several days and Zhanna refused a profitable contract with MTV for the sake of a joint holiday in Italy with Shepelov.

Birth of a son

Rumors that appeared in the first half of 2012 on pregnancy Zhanna Friske resumed in November of the same year. And only a month later, Dmitry Malikov confirmed that the singer was located on the 5th month, because of which he suffered a joint work for a later date, when he could recover after delivery.

Shortly before the New Year, one of the members of the filmmaker of the blue light told reporters, as if Zhanna was pregnant not from Shepelev.

The source of information believed that the father of the kid was a certain businessman associated with the crime. But in April 2013, all rumors were silent, because the singer gave birth in Miami, and Shepelev was recorded in the column "Fatherhood".

True, until the death of the singer, the pair did not show up, because of which many disputes and legal proceedings arose between the native Frisk and its civil husband.

Circumstances of what happened

After the terrible tragedy in June 2015, when Zhanna Friske died from brain cancer, Dmitry Shepelev immediately left the country.

He substantiated his behavior and the absence of a funeral that he performs the will of the late civilian wife. Before the death of Jeanne gave Shepelev to his custody over their son Plato and asked him to take away the child and fence him from pain. The boy did not have to see how his mother dies and attend a funeral.

Despite the condemnation from the relatives and friends of Friske, Dmitry Shepelev, his new girl after Zhanna and son Plato went on a fascinating journey.

When the newly coupled married couple returned, it turned out that the leading of his civilian wife began to meet her girlfriend and a beautician - Ksenia Stepanova began to meet her girlfriend and beautician.

Dmitry Shepelev and his new girl after Zhanna do not hide their relationship and laid out a photo of a family of three of the family, including the son of the dead singer. A nanny was also fired, which replaced the dad at that time he was at work. Now he does not need the help of outsiders who will raise the child Friske.

Dmitry Shepelev and his new girl after Zhanna live together, in the house of the Novoyed Guardian Plato.

Ksenia became mom for the boy, replacing him a real mother. She tries to take an active part in the life and education of the child. Such behavior saddles the relatives of Friske and causes many sense on this topic. But according to the law there are no prohibitions to bring a new woman to the house, which will be able to accept and understand the child.

Dmitry Shepelev and his new girl, the cosmetologist Oksana Stepanova, supports the policy that her beloved leads. She does not respond to phone calls of FRESK's relatives and does not come to contact them. Dmitry and Oksana do not want the Son of the famous singer Plato to communicate with people who can cause a moral injury.

Failed meeting

Parents Zhanna Friske turned to the help of guardianship and guardianship authorities to defend their grandparents. In response, they received an official statement that Dmitry, as the only and official guardian of Plato decides who to resolve, and who to ban the child. If, according to Shepelev, a meeting with relatives can harm the psychological health of the boy, he has the right to refuse them to meet.

After some time, Dmitry Shepelev and his new girl agreed to organize a meeting of Plato with relatives from the ex-wife, but only on their conditions. In contact with Grandmother, grandparents can in the territory of the child and only in the presence of a security guard, which, if necessary, interrupt unwanted communication.

At the same time, Dmitry strongly asks not to raise the question of his native mother and her death when child.
Restricted by this decision, the parents Zhanna Friske expressed Dmitry that their grandson is obliged to know the truth. But, according to the father and the guardian of the child, in this case there will be no meeting with Plato. Therefore, to finally see the grandson, grandmother and grandfather agreed to the condition of the boy's guardian. They love Plato very much and bored on it, so agree to any conditions, just to see the child.

Will the meeting take place, to solve Dmitry Shepelev and his new girl who appeared after Zhanna Friske. At the moment it is constantly transferred, and the reasons and arguments are not exhibited at the public before the public.


The desire to see the grandson is not the only reason for disputes between the relatives of Friske and Shepelev. The singer's treatment was collected a huge amount of 68,000,000 rubles.

She was able to go through the most difficult operation in America, as well as to travel around the world, restoring his health. Unfortunately, it did not help. And after the death of Zhanna, most of the remaining money was mysteriously evaporated.

Parents Zhanna still lead legal proceedings with Shepelov

Parents Friske accused of what has happened Shepelev. But Dmitry Straightly denied what happened, after all, the evidence was found that the mother of the patient was ordered for money. Based on this, RusFong won the court and ordered the older generation to pay everything to a penny.

Also, during the proceedings, twice Dmitry Shepelev has tried to deprive paternity. For the first time, it was a lawyer Yuri Gacchin from Kostroma, who was a sperm donor. He believed that there were chances of pregnancy celebrity from his hereditary material. But after the statement of Plato's guardian, that grandfather and grandmother will see the grandson when Gachchin stops his attempts to sue the Son, the statement of the Kostroma lawyer was quickly recalled.

But soon a new attempt began. Now it was announced that the father of Plato is the predecessor of Shepelev. There is no evidence or refutation of this fact. Therefore, Dmitry Shepelev with his son and a new girl continue to keep the siege.

Zhanna Friske - Rare Interesting Facts

The name Friske took the girl with the beginning of a career in the group "Brilliant". Friske - Grandmother's singer's surname on the father's line. Subsequently, the surname Friske also took the relatives of the artist.
The producer of the "Brilliant" group Andrei Grozny, having acquainted with Zhanna Friske, first offered her to become a consultant of the choreography project, and then asked to enter the team.
In 2004 and 2005, Jean Friske played the role of the "dark" alice of the Donnikova in the blockbusters "Night Watch" and "Day Watch". For his role in the "Day Dosor", the singer received the MTV Russia Movie Awards award in the nomination "Best Women's Role".
In 2007, a triple victory for the Muz-TV awards, having received awards in three nominations: "The best absorption", the "best video" and "best duet" (for the song "Malinka" together with the "Disco Accident" group).
The father of the child was the civil husband of singer, showman and TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev.
Part of the assembled funds of Zhanna Friske translated to the treatment of children suffering from cancer.
At the same time, the animal brought the unrest, so the star itself began to leave him different yums. The favorite delicacy of the singer was "Kiev Cake".
Zhanna had a twin brother, they were born with him sevenonee, but he died at birth.
He studied at the choreography department of the Moscow Institute of Culture, then at the correspondence department of the Faculty of MSU journalism, but did not graduate from both educational institutions.
He worked as a sales manager in the company engaged in office furniture.
After the departure of Zhanna from the group "Brilliant" her place in the team took the younger sister Natalia Friske.

In the photo Dmitry Shepelev and Oksana Stepanova

The fact that Dmitry Shepelev and his new girl after Zhanna, Ksenia Stepanov, do not hide their relationship, rumors go long ago. In the next interview with open sources of information, Father Friske accused the lead and his new girl in thoughtful shares against relatives who died of singer's cancer.

After the death of Zhanna, it was she who helped the molded man to take himself in hand, they were familiar to the long time ago - Oksana Stepanova was friends with the artist and her husband. The girl met the soloist group "Brilliant" in the process of working with a once popular team, being their makeup and makeup artist. It is thanks to the talent of Ksenia on all speeches, the artists looked so attractive, justifying their role.

After the transition to Zhanna Friske on solo work, Ksenia Stepanov became not only a personal cosmetologist of the artist, but also her close friend. The girl accompanied the singer on the tour, no concert was not held without her. Gradually, the singer and her subordinate began to fit so much that the subtle line in their relations of the employer and hired personnel erased finally. Ksenia Stepanov became in the house of Zhanna on the rights of an old friend, whom the actress has unconditionally trusted.

After Friske learned about his illness, touring activities stopped, but friendly relations with the faithful girlfriend remained still trust.

Photo: Zhanna Friske and Oksana Stepanova

Dmitry Shepelov did not pay much attention to a girlfriend of the Civil Wife, at that time all his thoughts were engaged in the struggle for the life of the spouse. Therefore, it was almost not familiar with Oksana, perceiving her like a person.

Death of singers

Dmitry Shepelev has a new girl appeared after Zhanna, since the photo with Ksenia Stepanova was not captured together with TV.

For several years, Dmitry Shepelev was next to the dying Jeanne, without thinking about his future and about who would become his new girl after the friction side. A terrible diagnosis was made by the singer in 2014. Then Jean disappeared from TV screens, possessed posters with her name in all cities of Russia. As it turned out a little later, the singer learned about the fatal diagnosis, being pregnant. It was terrible for all time - in anticipation of the decision of the Friske literally hid the breath and whispels, and the parents of the artist, and her friends and colleagues. Doctors promised a high percentage of healing only if pregnancy is interrupted.

Friske has long wanted a child, they with Dmitry many years have crossed the thresholds of all sorts of clinics in the desire to find out the reason for the lack of children. Therefore, for Friske, the choice between the life of his child and painful illness was obvious - she refused to interrupt pregnancy.

After the birth of the son of Plato, the woman went to treatment in the States. For this, huge amounts were required - chemotherapy stands insanely expensive and in Russia, and abroad. To help a woman on the live broadcast "Let them talk", all project participants asked for no-indifferent people to help assess money to save the life of a dying friece. The collected amount was much greater and was removed 2 weeks before the death of the artist her parents.

Zhanna Friske with Son Plato

All this difficult time of Oksana Stepanova was next to the dying girlfriend, cared not only about Joan, but also about a little Platon - a sick woman could not care for the baby. According to the native actors, Jeanne died almost in the hands of Oksana.

Rumors about new relations Shepelev

For the first time, Dmitry Shepelev, after the death of Zhanna and his new girl, spoke to speak, quite by chance that a joint visit to the lead and cosmetologist of one of the art exhibitions. By this time, the presenter published a farewell letter on the network to the deceased spouse, trying to express all his pain from the loss of beloved. In it, Dmitry thanks a gentle angel who saved him from depression and supporting a man in the most bitter minutes of his life.

He noted that for the first time he felt the real concern about himself, whom he lacked very long.

All journalists instantly grabbed these lines, trying to find out at least something about Dmitry Shepelev and his new girl after the death of Zhanna. The general photo at the entrance to the popular gallery, has become indirect proof of the relationship of the lead with another woman. Some editions diligently detected the version of the long relationship between a man and a beautician of his late wife, arguing that such a dedication to someone else's family cannot be founded only on friendly relations.

Dmitry Shepelev and Zhanna Friske

On the defense of a young man in 2016, the sister of the artist Natalia got up. In an open interview, the woman stated that Oksana Stepanov could not be a new girl Dmitry Shepelev, and her appearance on the street along with the lead was connected with the general visit to the exhibition, no more. According to a woman, Stepanov - an exemplary mother of two sons, a faithful spouse and a young grandmother.

New scandal

Not so long ago, the father of Zhanna, in the next speech, accused Dmitry Shepelev and his new girl in setting up the son of Plato's singer against grandparents. According to an elderly man, Dmitry and Stepanov have long consist in close relationships. Allegedly, their novel began long before the death of Zhanna, and the lover stolen in a sick girlfriend the blanks of the documents, which then appeared in court after the scandal with the return of money. According to Vladimir Borisovich, Shepelev hired a nanny for a long time, helped to care for Plato in his absence.

Now Dmitry returned to television after a long break in his career, it works on a new project on the central channel, which takes a lot of time in a man. He wants to provide his son with all necessary for its full-fledged development and a comfortable existence.

Not so long ago, according to the former testa, Shepelev fired a servant who confessed the education of Plato's son Oksana Stepanova. It hurts Father Friske. He believes that a woman, together with the former son-in-law, tunes the grandson against him and his wife. As reporters of Olga Orlova, a close friend of the late Jeanne and the Cross Mom Plato, Stepanova refuses to go to contact and simply does not respond to calls and does not respond to messages on the answering machine. They say, so the father of the boy, half the mother orphaned after the death of Mom, remained and without the support of the godfather.

D. Shepelev and Son

Neither Dmitry Shepelev, nor his new girl, in 2018 these rumors did not comment in any way. After the death of Zhanna, the presenter was not very actively expressed in open sources of publication about the mud, which the relatives of Friske drank him and the deceased daughter with enviable regularity.

The opinion of the lawyer

A lawyer who helps the FRESK family in all judicial peripetias categorically denies the possible connection of Shepelev with Stepanova. We remind you that after the departure of Zhanna, a terrible scandal was broken about money from the Rusfund allocated for the treatment of the famous singer. The organization itself allocates funds exclusively for the treatment of children with oncology. For the universal favorite, an exception was made and huge funds were made to her accounts, collected as soon as possible from all over the world.

When Jeanne died, it turned out that about 21 million rubles was gone in an unknown direction.

The court charged the parents of the singer and her little son, the guardianship over which Dmitry designed immediately after the death of the civil wife. At the same time, the relatives of the artist hurried to blame the Shepelev, telling terrible stories to all the means of the mass media about his far-speaking mercenary plans towards the deceased daughter and her son.

Vladimir Borisovich, not shy in expressions, even threatened with leading murder.

They sued Dmitry, trying to deprive his guardianship over the grandson and take the boy from a lawful father, motivating their behavior to defend Plato and the property to him belonging to Shepelev. A whole investigation was conducted, which was proved that a man is a decent father to his child, loving, caring and attentive.

Therefore, the parents of Friske remained with anything, in terms of earning a reputation for inadequate personalities.

According to a lawyer, Shepelev simply distracted the publication of the public from his judicial problems mentioning the care of a gentle girlfriend, who became a faithful assistant to a man in difficult moments. In addition, guardianship organs regularly track any changes in Plato's life. The appearance of a woman who applies to participate in his education on the basis of personal relations with Shepelov, should have reflected in Dmitry's reports to inspection instances, but this action did not follow.

Dmitry Shepelev and his new girl after Zhanna, Ksenia Stepanov, maybe hide their relationship so as not to become "food" for journalists and negative comments about them ...