What prayer should be read in the trial. Conspiracy to win in court

What prayer should be read in the trial.  Conspiracy to win in court
What prayer should be read in the trial. Conspiracy to win in court

Conspiracy magic helps in solving everyday issues. When it comes to trial, rituals can provide quick wins or decent monetary compensation. A conspiracy to win a case is used during the preparatory phase, during the trial and after the appeal.

A conspiracy can contribute to a favorable court decision

Magic for victory in court

A good luck conspiracy in court is about channeling energy back on track. Everything that surrounds a person and creates the circumstances in which he has to live is filled with the same power. The conspiracy to win in court works through the direction of energy: a person can influence the decision of higher authorities, ensure good luck and quick success for himself.

The conspiracy has been working from the first days, so you won't have to wait for late results. Universal rituals are suitable both for quick trials and for serious cases, on the solution of which the fate and well-being of the conspirator depends.

Preparing for trial

Litigation is a waste of time and energy. A person goes to court while his case is being considered, invests money in the result. The longer the litigation lasts, the more costs that may not pay off. For this reason, it is effective to use a conspiracy in court if it is necessary to speed up the whole process.

Benefits of conspiracies for litigation:

  • rituals help to win the case if the plaintiff has no evidence or is in a losing position;
  • a slander allows you to properly prepare (find a lawyer or representative, get to a supportive judge);
  • each stage of the process, the party who reads the conspiracy can turn in their direction.

To win the trial, a universal conspiracy is used before the long trial begins. It is read on the eve of the submission of documents. A good time will be during the growing moon, when the heavenly body helps in the development of all new affairs.

The conspiracy the day before

Prayers for a quick resolution of the case are read on the eve of going to court or a few days before the submission of documents. In the first case, they will help to perform well and win over the judge, and in the second, they help to load the application and other related documents to get into the right hands. The conspiracy is read in a half-whisper so that no one hears it. If the court is crowded, the slander is pronounced to oneself - outsiders should not know about magical actions.

Before the speech, the conspirator walks along the corridor and methodically repeats the slander:

“The Orthodox world is in litigation, princes, and the boyars are in litigation. And I, the servant of God (the name of the conspirator) must be judged. My right hand, my right foot, my thoughts are right and my deeds are completely right - this has always been and will be so. As said, it will come true. Amen".

You need to read a hex without haste, without changing the order of words in the text. Prayer creates strong energy flows and at the same time protects the conspirator from external influences. You can read the text every day when the conspirator goes to court. An important condition for the conspiracy to work: when answering in court, you must clench your right fist, you cannot leave your hand unclenched. You can read the text before going to bed if a performance is scheduled early in the morning.

With monetary compensation

A conspiracy will come in handy in cases where a person claims compensation for damage. This is a vast area of ​​litigation - cases that end in monetary compensation. Magic will help resolve issues related to moral and material damage. The conspiracy is read before filing a statement of claim and every meeting.

To win a controversial case, amulets are additionally prepared. These are any little things that easily sweep into the courthouse. On the eve of the hearing, the little thing starts talking:

“What grief comes, it passes by. On other roads, on other paths. I don’t know that grief, I don’t know it, I defend myself. Amen".

Such an amulet will help to avoid outside influence - this is the most powerful protection that will be useful to the plaintiff and the defendant.

Conspiracy for success in court

To win a case with monetary compensation

The conspiracy to win in court must be read directly at the hearing. At this time, his strength is greatest. Conspiracy for such a court, where monetary matters are decided, is learned by heart. You cannot change words in places or add wishes from yourself. When the conspirator is in court, he needs to twist the "fig" with his right hand. This must be done discreetly so that no one can see.

After that, magical strong words are pronounced in a whisper:

“You will have a fig, but I will have full boxes of money, but I will have full houses of gold, full wallets with big money, and chests with silver. I, the servant of God (the name of the conspirator), the prince, I am a merchant, I will have happiness and a crown. Amen".

The plot is repeated three times, after which the fist is unclenched. Before such a court case, it will be useful to clean the house: if you free up space, there will be room in the house for the monetary compensation that a person expects. A conspiracy is read at every meeting.

Correctly pronounced conspiracy will help you get monetary compensation

Court for the defendant

Being sued in court is more difficult than making a claim. We need additional protection that will not allow violating his legal rights. In order for the court to justify a person, a conspiracy is used on a homemade amulet.

The defendant prepares the amulet with his own hands: you cannot trust such a responsible matter even to relatives. The conspiracy to win the court is read on the finished amulet and before the meeting. The attribute cannot be removed during the entire trial.

Special conspiracy

The amulet lasts for a year, so the necessary ingredients are prepared in advance. For him you will need:

  • chestnut fruit;
  • dried tobacco;
  • dry sage herb.

A hole is made in the chestnut fruit, into which the dry powder is placed. It is easy to make: dried sage herb and tobacco are ground. The chestnut is sealed with fresh church candle wax. Before the ritual, when the conspirator makes the amulet, the church must be attended. The defendant confesses, asks higher powers for help and takes one candle with him. If the chestnut is not at hand, it will not be possible to replace it with another fruit - this is an important attribute that reads a conspiracy to win the court.

The amulet speaks like this:

Let (name of the defendant) go to court, where the harsh bosses will not be strict with him. As the fire of a candle goes out, so let the hatred go out, so the mouths of the one who speaks evil speeches dry up. "

The attribute is taken to court (they hide it in a pocket or hang it around the neck in the form of an unusual pendant). In court, it should be periodically touched with the left hand. You cannot forget such a thing at home.

Court for the plaintiff

Asserting your rights is not easy, so a conspiracy to win in a future court will help protect your honor and prove you are right. One long candle is prepared for the ritual. It is brought from church or bought in any store. New scissors will also come in handy, with which they did not cut anything: you cannot take old things, otherwise the conspiracy in front of the court will not work for the plaintiff.

One reads such a conspiracy against any person who offended: a neighbor, a former loved one or a loved one. This is a universal way of winning when the truth is on the side of the plaintiff. The ritual is not suitable for defending the defendant.

Magic text

A candle is lit on the eve of the court session. The ritual is performed all alone so that no one knows about magical help. With the help of new scissors, the fire is cut, as if it were being cut. At this moment, the conspiracy is read:

“As the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos is beyond the power to take, so may the servant of God (name) be strongly protected from revolting people. I put my trust in the Holy Lord. Bless and save. Amen".

The hex is repeated until the candle goes out from the scissors. Magic words attract luck, which will be needed in court. A conspiracy is read for oneself and a person acting as a plaintiff in an important matter. A ritual will come in handy when a large monetary compensation is at stake.

Universal rites

One of the universal rituals helps in solving the monetary matter. The most effective conspiracies are read:

  • on a scarf;
  • for salt;
  • on the water.

An effective ceremony will allow you to win in any case, be it a civil lawsuit or a pecuniary proceeding. If a person is guilty but wants to avoid punishment, a universal rite will also help.

Wizard on a scarf

To win, they speak with a handkerchief. This is a simple little thing that is bought before the ceremony. A white handkerchief is chosen, a symbol of purity, especially if the conspirator is guilty and trying to avoid punishment. At night, after the sun has set, the attribute is spoken with special words:

“I, the servant of God (name), will get up in the morning, blessing, I will go out of the doors of my relatives, crossing myself. From door to door I go, from door to gate, from gate to open field I will go out. When I stand in a wide field, there are steel locks, damask locks, huge gates. I, the servant of God (name), will stand between those locks, I will put a golden crown on my head - a clear month. Nothing superfluous will come to me, nothing will fall on me beloved. Everything that is controversial in the direction of the month leaves, everything that is useful comes to me. May it be so. Amen".

The conspiracy is repeated three times, after which the conspirator lies down to sleep and does not speak to anyone until morning. In court, a scarf is used at every opportunity. It is impossible to give a charmed object into the wrong hands, otherwise the case will not be won. The conspiracy helps so that the beloved is justified by the court: the charmed scarf is put into the man's pocket. Such magic is effective if the conscience is tortured, and it is necessary to complete a long process in court, which morally exhausts a person.

For a conspiracy, you need a clean white scarf.

Impact on salt

An effective ceremony that will help decide the case in your favor is performed with a handful of salt. On the eve of the trial, it is necessary to pour a little salt into a saucer and sprinkle it with holy water. Then a candle is lit (any that is at home), while it burns, the salt starts talking:

“For a clear month I will put a red sun, a bright sun, no one will be angry with me, no one will be upset from me, as no one will be angry with a clear sun. I fall asleep with salt, I call for success. All the bad things are left on the saucer, I'm saving myself. Amen".

For a court case, a little salt is poured into a pocket, a pinch is eaten. Such actions will help to avoid the "bitterness" of litigation.

Water ritual

Water is a versatile conductor. Many conspiracies are carried out on it (it stores the required charge of energy). In the early morning, before the dawn of the sun, the conspirator takes a glass of clean water out into the street and reads the text over it:

“You, water, are pure, transparent, like my conscience. No one will be upset from me, neither kings, nor queens, nor worldly courts, nor the whole Orthodox world. They will be before me, like a leaf before the grass, below the cut grass, below the low water. The trouble tormented me, but it receded. Heaven is my key, earth is a lock, I will lock my words so that no one can open them. As said, it will come true. Amen".

After that, the conspirator crosses himself to all 4 cardinal directions and drinks 12 sips of water. The ritual is performed every morning while the entire trial lasts. You can spend it at night, referring not to the rising sun, but to the moon.


Litigation is a difficult stage in life for both the plaintiff and the defendant. White magic is used to speed up the process and obtain the desired result. It is safe and will not do any harm. With the help of universal and special conspiracies, luck, the favor of a judge and good monetary compensation are attracted. The ritual is carried out in secret from strangers: secrecy is a guarantee of the effectiveness of the rite. Simple attributes are used to enhance the work of the conspiracy: a handkerchief, water or salt. A homemade amulet is being prepared for protection.

In Russia, people have always said that one should not fight the strong and sue the rich. But what should a person do if suddenly in his life everyone took up arms against him and sent the “unfortunate and deprived” person to court for response and punishment?

What should a person do if they want to plunder his property and at the same time remain unpunished, and the help of lawyers is incredibly expensive? Here a person can only rely on the mercy of God.

If you find yourself in such a situation, remember the higher powers over which the earthly rulers have no power. And in this case it will not matter at all how you call your God, in what language you speak to him. The main thing is that you, with all your heart and soul, ask God for help in matters in order to win in court, then luck will be on your side.

What prayers to read before the judgment?

If you are an Orthodox Christian, such prayers as the prayer at the icon to increase the mind, the mother's prayer to protect the son and prayers to the saints will suit you. Let's consider some of them in more detail.

Prayer before the court for the good luck of the son at the icon to increase the mind... To our greatest regret, in our law enforcement system, the court passes only two percent of acquittals. This indicates how responsibly the investigating authorities are approaching their work, identifying and arresting everyone in a row, and not just criminals.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos "Before the Judgment"

"The Most Pure Mother of God,
Pray for Thy Son and our God,
yes they grant -
to our authorities wisdom and strength,
to the judges the truth and impartiality,
Strengthen me on the day of judgment
Darken the minds of my wicked enemies
Into Thy hands, and thy Son, I commend my spirit and my body
You bless me, you have mercy on me
so be it, now and forever, and forever and ever.
salvation is not tempting to attain. Behold, creatures of vain enslavement, love sin and weakness from the evils that have consumed us. You have shown you the inexhaustible riches of mercy in your earthly life. We believe that even after your departure you have acquired the greatest gift of mercy for the needy. Even so, now, when we come running to you, we tenderly ask thee, holier than God: he himself was tempted, help us who are tempted; by fasting and vigilance, he corrected the demonic power, and defend us from the attacks of the enemy; nourished with the hunger of the perishing, and for us ask the Lord for the abundance of the fruits of the earth and all that is needed for salvation; shaming the heretical wisdom, protect the Holy Church from heresies and schism and embarrassment with your prayers, so we all think in the same way, with one heart glorifying the Holy Consubstantial, Life-giving and Indivisible Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen."

Therefore, the judicial system prefers to pass convictions more often than to find the real culprit in criminal cases. And innocently convicted people often sit in prisons for years. To read a miraculous prayer in order to win the lawsuit of a son, it is necessary to prayerfully address the Lord and the Mother of God. The Prayer "Mind Addition" will help in the trial, make its outcome fair and bring good luck to the prisoner's life.

Miraculous prayer of a mother to protect her son before the court for a successful outcome... Regardless of the criminal case, reading a prayer before the court is necessary for every suffering person who wants to win in court and seeks protection. And in this case, luck will be on the side of the one who can provide more evidence. But collecting this forensic evidence is often a hassle.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos "For a successful outcome of the judgment"

“The Most Pure Mother of God, Home, the Wisdom of God created for Himself, spiritual gifts to the Giver, from the world to the premium, our mind is elevating and everyone to the knowledge of reason! Receive a prayer song from us, unworthy Thy servants, who worship Thy most pure image with faith and tenderness.
Pray for Thy Son and our God, may we grant our power wisdom and strength, to judges truth and impartiality, spiritual wisdom, zeal and vigilance for our souls, a mentor of humility, a child of obedience, to all of us the spirit of reason and piety, the spirit of humility and meekness, spirit of purity and truth. And now, all-singing, our all-beloved Mother, give us an addition of mind, subdue, unite in enmity and division of existence and put them in an insoluble union of love, convert all those who are delusional from foolishness to the light of Christ's truth, teach the fear of God, abstinence and diligence, teach the word of wisdom and soul-beneficial knowledge to those who ask, grant us, autumn us with eternal joy, the most luminous Cherubim and the most honest Seraphim. We, the glorious deeds and the many-minded wisdom of God in the world and our life, see, we will eliminate earthly vanity and unnecessary worries of life, and we will raise our mind, our heart to Heaven, as if by Your intercession and help glory, praise, thanksgiving and worship for everything in the Trinity to the glorified God and all the Creator we send, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

And it is much easier for many to collect everything that lies on the surface, and not to carry out additional technically complex examinations.

Often because of the low salary, law enforcement agencies are too lazy to spend time collecting evidence in order to divert suspicions of a crime from the poor mother's son and win the case. In order for the unsolved case not to hang, it is necessary to quickly find someone who will take on the role of the accused. And often criminal acts are blamed on innocent homeless people, teenagers from dysfunctional families or people who have become accidental witnesses to a crime. And the term of imprisonment upon arrest can last for many years.

Therefore, it is necessary to read a prayer here in order to win the son's case in court. The prisoner must, in his prayer addresses, ask for help from Nicholas the Wonderworker, John the Baptist, Anastasia the Patterner. The prisoner's relatives should also unite and read a joint prayer before the court for good luck.

How to read a prayer before the judgment?

Before you are going to read a prayer before your son's judgment, you should know that not every prayer and prayer is a prayer for judgment. Even if you stand in front of an icon in a church and bow down, this will not be a prayer, but only its belonging. Even reading a prayer by memory or from a book is also not a prayer, but just an instrument.

A true prayer appeal should cause the emergence of such feelings for God as self-abasement, devotion, thanksgiving, praise, forgiveness, zealous prostration, contrition, obedience to the will of God.

All that a person needs while reading a prayer appeal is to fill the soul with feelings so that the heart does not remain empty and, so that it is filled with feeling, is directed towards God. When all these feelings are collected in a person, prayer can rightfully be called prayer, and it will provide considerable help to a person.

You should also remember that you need to read a prayer appeal for good luck before the court every day throughout the entire time of the inquiry and investigation. The reading of the prayer can take place in any language; you must have an icon of the Virgin Mary and a Christian cross with you. You can pray both in church and at home, and the prisoner himself can turn to God in his cell and even in the courtroom.

Different situations can occur in a person's life. Fate often connects the lives of different people. Lawsuits are considered serious and difficult. The verdict may be unfair, but the process is always exciting. For a better outcome, you should use the Higher Forces.

Prayer to Saint Spyridon

In the event that you need help in court cases, you should use the prayer lines to Saint Spyridon.

People turn to him quite often, because he is revered as a Wonderworker. From historical sources it is known about his appointment during the reign of Tsar Constantine as the chief bishop in the city of Trimifunta. He combined good qualities and strict character traits. During spiritual communion with God, the Holy One died. After being buried in the city of Trimifun, his remains were transferred to the island of Kofru.

A prayer before the court for a successful result sounds like this:

“O Great and wonderful saint of Christ and miracle worker Spiridon, the praise of Kerkir, the whole universe is a bright lamp, a prayer book warm to God, and a quick intercessor to all who come running to you and pray with faith! You gloriously expounded the Orthodox faith at the Nicene Council among the fathers, you have shown the unity of the Holy Trinity with miraculous power, and you have completely shamed the heretics. Hear us, sinners, to the Holy Hierarch of Christ, praying to you, and by your strong intercession with the Lord, deliver us from all evil of the situation: from gladness, flood, fire and deadly ulcers. Thou didst save thy people from all these calamities in thy temporary life: thou hast saved thy country from the invasion of the Hagarians and from gladness, thou hast rescued the king from an incurable disease, and thou hast brought many sinners to repentance, thou hast gloriously resurrected the dead, for the holiness of thy life the Angels invisibly in the church you had singers and co-workers. Sitse ubo glorify you, your faithful servant, Lord Christ, for you understand all the secret human deeds given to you and expose unrighteous living. You assiduously helped many who live in poverty and lack, poor people abundantly nourished them during the gladness, and you have created many signs with the power of the living Spirit of God in you. Do not leave us, to the saint of Christ, remember us, your children, at the Throne of the Almighty and beg the Lord, may he grant us forgiveness of many of our sins, may grant us a comfortable and peaceful life; us, let us take out glory and thanksgiving to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

Note! Such a prayer before the court carries enormous weight if it is uttered by a truly innocent person. It is important to pronounce the lines before each trial. It is then that the result will be positive.

It is worth preparing for the recitation of a prayer to win in court. Purify your thoughts, the words you have spoken should come from a pure heart. Bow down before the Image, sincerely ask and believe the spoken prayer book.

Prayer service to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Often they turn to Nicholas the saint to win the trial. In addition to the innocent convicts, those who are guilty but repentant also pray to him.

A prayer is pronounced to win the judgment in the temple, church walls, or at home near the image of Nicholas. For a better mood, you should buy candles in the church, put them near the image. You should concentrate, clear your thoughts from unnecessary things and start spiritual communication.

An appeal to the Saint

Those people who sincerely need this turn to Anastasia the Patterner. After all, the Saint is known as the intercessor, the helper of all imprisoned people.

During her earthly life, the prisoners in the dungeon, whom the Saint helped, addressed to Anastasia the Patterner. Secretly making her way into the cells, the Saint granted help. If a person was injured, then she would bandage the wounds, quench their thirst. Prisoners who suffered from mental wounds turned to Anastasia Uzoreshitelnitsa. She healed them of longing, spiritual suffering, gave hope.

A prayer is recited to Anastasia the Patterner from the court to alleviate the fate of a person imprisoned. It is worth asking the Saint for forgiveness in prayer.

Video on the topic: Strong prayer to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

It is worth praying from the court for victory from the Lord. It is necessary to ask for forgiveness, help in a successful outcome is important. If the defendant is not familiar with the text verbatim, then you can open your heart to the Lord and speak in your own words. It is necessary to approach him sincerely, with strong faith. Pure thoughts of a person will be blessed.

It is necessary that the prayer before the court for a successful outcome be voiced. After all, this is a really important church procedure.

A pronounced prayer from judgment relieves a person from punishment, or reduces his measure. A guilty person should also pray when he really repents of his deed. In repentance, prayer for help in court cases lightens the punishment. The clergy recommend praying to the mother of the defendant man. After all, such an appeal carries enormous weight.


A prayer is recited to win in court for the judge to make the right decision, for a positive outcome for the person on trial. It is important to recite the prayer lines sincerely, with a pure heart and strong faith.

The Lord will hear you, bless you. Moreover, both innocent and guilty people can pray. The main thing is sincere repentance for the deeds done.

No one is protected from the sharp turns of fate. Everyone can get to the dock in a sometimes unexpected way. In such difficult times, the Lord does not leave his children, instructing them on the true path. Get God's answer to the questions: “Why? Why me? How did it happen? Where did you stumble? " the great power of Orthodox prayer will help to win the case in court.

In the fate of an Orthodox person, situations arise that require going to court. The division of property, unfair actions of the authorities, civil disputes and many other problems force a person to turn to the law. Sometimes the court makes an unfair decision. Therefore, to resolve the litigation in your favor, read a prayer before the court for a successful outcome of the case. Only the Lord knows whether a person is right or not, and only the Lord's judgment is righteous, and God's punishment leads to repentance. The main thing before turning to God is to clear your conscience, to admit mistakes honestly before yourself. Only with good intentions can one begin to pray in order to win the case in court.

Strong Prayer to the Lord Before Judgment

Lord help, Lord bless.

Lord save me in my judgment case

May they be with me at your call -

Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel and Nicholas the Pleasant, God's helper.

May they protect me from the wrath of the judge

Will hide from the severity of the law,

Forgive me for my sins, voluntary and involuntary

They beg for me the formidable judges, the stern guard, the ruthless tax collectors.

How are you our merciful Lord, you forgive everyone,

so let the servant of God forgive me and let me go home from the court.


You need to start praying as soon as the conflict began to flare up. If it comes to a meeting, you can read a prayer during the trial. You can pray in your own words or read prayers from a prayer book. The main thing is that the prayer should be sincere, repeated several times, sounding in unison with the soul of the person asking. It will help to tune in the right mood, calm the nerves, give strength, make the judge fair and attentive, and make the decision legal.

Injustice will be restored if the worshiper throws away pride and vanity, looks around and asks himself the question: why did this happen in life?

You can turn to the Most Holy Theotokos, Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos to win judgment

The Most Holy Theotokos protects the disadvantaged, will not give offense to the common man to the impudent rich people who use their power and the simplicity of the poor. A prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos for a successful outcome of the trial will help protect against injustice.

The Most Holy Theotokos, leading us all to the knowledge of reason. Accept the prayers of unworthy servants of the Lord, with deep faith and tenderness bowing down before your most pure image. Pray for Thy Son, the Lord Jesus, to grant wisdom and direct the judges to a just decision. And to instill in us humility of spirit and humility before fate. Most Holy Theotokos, lead us through the path of truth and the unification of the warring parties into the union of love of all, deliverance from the darkness of pride to the light of the spirit. We glorify the wisdom and justice of our Lord Jesus Christ and we praise him. Amen!

Prayer for help in court cases to St. Nicholas

Nicholas the Wonderworker, a saint - as the Orthodox people affectionately call him, helps to preserve honor and dignity, protects against a miscarriage of justice. Once Saint Nicholas saved the lives of people who were accused unjustly. The prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for help in court will support and direct in a difficult period of life.

O all-holy Nicholas, the most splendid saint of the Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper. Help me, sinful and sad, in this present life, pray to the Lord God for granting me forgiveness of all my sins that have sinned greatly from my youth, in all my life, in deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul with help, the accursed one, pray the Lord God, all creatures of the Creator, to save me from airy ordeals and eternal torment, but I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and your merciful intercession, now and forever and forever. Amen

Prayer to Saint Spyridon

A prayer to Saint Spyridon will help to avoid heavy altercations in court when protecting property interests, so that the case will be decided in your favor.

O blessed Saint Spyridon! Pray for the mercy of the Man-lover God, may he not condemn us according to our iniquity, but may he do with us according to His mercy. Ask us, servants of God (names), from Christ and our God a peaceful and serene life, mental and physical health. Deliver us from all mental and physical troubles, from all yearning and devilish slander. Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and pray to the Lord, may he grant many of our sins forgiveness, a comfortable and peaceful life, may grant us, the deaths of a shameful and peaceful life and eternal blessings in the future will vouch for us, may we ceaselessly send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son and To the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever.

After the verdict, whatever it may be, the church recommends to thank God and the saints for their help, to accept the outcome as it is. After all, the ways of the Lord are inscrutable, and each event has a positive educational effect on a person. No wonder they say that God sends tests as much as a person can endure.

Prayers for an acquittal

In cases related to criminal liability, complete personal repentance for the sin committed before oneself and the Lord is necessary in order for the prayer to be heard. If a great sin is taken on the soul by a person, and the degree of his punishment is decided in court, a strong prayer is required from the court. You can turn to the saint, revered in the family for several generations, or to Saint Nicholas the Pleasant, Anastasia the Patterner, Spiridon Trimifuntsky. Nicholas the Wonderworker is revered among the people, his name flies even from the lips of atheists. Relatives and the defendant himself can apply. Turn to the saint in your own words or read a prayer from the court for an acquittal to Nicholas the Wonderworker. Also, the saint helps to get out of trouble, if a person fell into the dock by agreement or was framed, he is absolutely innocent before God and people.

A person who appears in the face of Themis and the Lord, in order to justify himself, requires that the necessary witness does not hide the details. Testimony sometimes completely changes the composition of the case. Often the presence of the necessary witness is so necessary in court to restore justice. Luck is a prerequisite for commuting a sentence in controversial criminal cases. A miraculous prayer for good luck in a lawsuit will definitely predetermine a favorable outcome.

Have mercy on us, Lord,

Lord have mercy on us sinners,

Have mercy on everyone, for we do not know the correct answers,

This prayer as if we are sinful, I bring you:

You are our God

And we are Your people,

Lord have mercy on us.

(crosses 3 times)

Lord, have mercy on us sinners

God put our trust in you

don't be angry with us

do not remember our iniquities,

God pity us in your kindness

deliver us from our enemies;

Thy hand, and we call upon Thy name.

Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy

Lord have mercy on us sinners

In the name of father and son and holy spirit.

Now and ever and forever and ever.


Saint Anastasia the Patterner helps the convicts. During her lifetime, she took care of the prisoners, healed their wounds and supported them morally. Since then, prisoners suffering from a lenient sentence have turned to her with prayer for help in court cases in order to alleviate their fate. The condemned person and his relatives can pray.

O long-suffering and wise great martyr of Christ Anastasia! Stand with your soul in heaven at the Throne of the Lord, on earth, by the grace given to you, perform various healings: look mercifully on the people who are coming and those who pray before your relics, asking for your help: stretch out your holy prayers for us to the Lord, and ask us for forgiveness our sins, healing for the sick, for the grieving and distressed, an ambulance: pray the Lord, may he give all of us a Christian end and a good answer at His Last Judgment, may we be vouchsafed with you to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for judgment has great power to soften the verdict of the judges. It is good if the mother of the one who is being judged addresses the saint. This prayer helps the innocent get out justified, and the one who repents of the atrocity to receive a lenient sentence.

St Nicholas! You are the protector of all those who suffer. During his lifetime, he showed such miracles of mercy that he appeared before the Throne of God for his kindness. I ask you, protect me, the Lord of the slave (name), from the injustice of the judges of the world, from those who slandered innocently, from their evil slander. You, Saint Nicholas, yourself have felt what it is like to be imprisoned, the will to lose. As he helped many who ask for mercy, so do not leave me in a terrible situation. Amen!

A person needs to remember that the main judgment on earth is God's. If it was not possible to avoid mistakes and failures in life, and the person ended up in the dock, trust in the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, pray for the salvation of the soul, repent of your sins, God will forgive and people will forgive.