Interesting facts from the life and biography of Gogol. Interesting and shortest biography of Nikolai Gogol

Interesting facts from the life and biography of Gogol.  Interesting and shortest biography of Nikolai Gogol
Interesting facts from the life and biography of Gogol. Interesting and shortest biography of Nikolai Gogol

From school we know the work of N. V. Gogol, his main works. But here we will focus on only one aspect: how life circumstances influenced the personality of the writer. The researchers note that the classic of Russian literature has consistently experienced different periods: naturalistic, infatuation Ukrainian folklore and mysticism, religious-journalistic and so on. What influenced the formation and formation of such a complex genius?

N.V. Gogol. Biography: short pedigree

Everyone knows that this mysterious Russian origin was born in 1809 in the village of Velikiye Sorochintsy (Poltava province, Mirgorodsky district). It is also no secret that his parents were landowners. But few researchers delved into the writer's genealogy. But she is very interesting. Gogol's biography testifies to the fact that the child's attitude to the world was formed under the influence of the father and mother. Their stories also made a lasting impression on him. Maria Ivanovna Kosyarovskaya was from a noble family. But the father was one of the hereditary priests. True, the writer's grandfather, whose name was Afanasy Demyanovich, left the spiritual field and signed up to serve in the hetman's office. He, in fact, added to his surname - Yanovsky - the prefix Gogol, which "related" him to the glorious colonel of the 17th century Eustachy.


Father's stories about Cossack ancestors instilled young Nikolay love to Ukrainian history... But even more than the memories of Vasily Afanasyevich, the very area where he lived had an impact on the writer. Gogol's biography tells that he spent his childhood in the Vasilyevka family estate, which is located in the immediate vicinity of Dikanka. There are villages in Ukraine, about which the surrounding residents say that sorcerers and witches live there. In the Carpathian region, they are called malfars, in the Poltava region, different horror stories, which featured the inhabitants of Dikanka. All this left an indelible imprint on the boy's soul.

Parallel reality

After completing his studies at the gymnasium in 1828, Nikolai left for the capital, St. Petersburg, in the hope that now a bright future would open before him. But there he was met with severe disappointment. He did not manage to get a job, the first attempts at writing drew pejorative criticism. Biography of Gogol defines this period in the life of the writer as realistic. He works as a minor official in the allotment department. A gray, routine life proceeds, as it were, in parallel with creative searches a writer. He attends the lessons of the Academy of Arts, and after the success of the story "Basavryuk" he met Pushkin, Zhukovsky, Delvig.

Biography of Gogol and emigration

Theme " little man", Criticism of the Russian bureaucracy, grotesque and satire - all this was embodied in the cycle of Petersburg stories, the comedy" The Inspector General ", as well as the world famous poem" Dead Souls". However, Ukraine did not leave the writer's heart. He, in addition to "Evenings on a Farm", writes the historical story "Taras Bulba" and the horror "Viy". After the reactionary persecution of the "Inspector General" the writer leaves Russia and leaves first for Switzerland, then for France and Italy. Gogol's biography makes us understand that somewhere in the second half of the 1840s, the writer's work gave an unexpected tilt towards fanaticism, mysticism and the praise of autocracy. The writer returns to Russia and writes a number of publications that alienated his former friends. In 1852, on the verge of a mental breakdown, the writer burns the second volume " Dead souls". A few days later, on February 21, Gogol died.

Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol lived a short but eventful life. They talk a lot about him to this day, more than one generation has grown up on his works, they are in demand in schools, on their basis they are created art paintings... The name of this writer has certainly left a significant mark on history.


In 1809, in the spring of March 20, in the family of a simple landowner Gogol, a boy was born, whom they began to call Nikolai, by his patronymic Vasilyevich. His family lived in a small town in the Poltava province. Then it was called the Great Sorochintsy.

The childhood of the future writer took place near the village of Dikanka, where his parents had their own estate. Creative nature in little Gogol it was revealed by his father, who was a fan of art and theater, a writer of comedies and poetry. The boy received his education within the walls of the house.


After completing home schooling, Gogol spent 2 years in the district school of the Poltava province, after which he safely entered the gymnasium in the city of Nizhyn. This institution was created to educate provincial noble children.

Young Gogol learned to draw here, play on stage and on the violin. In his future, he saw himself as a lawyer, dreaming of administering justice. But literature prevailed over his dreams.

Despite the unsuccessful tests, which he failed in December, after graduating from high school (1828), his attitude towards literature and the desire to develop in this direction did not fade away.

In 1829 he became a minor official. His monotonous boring life was brightened by painting, which he was engaged in at the Academy of Arts, and literature.


In 1830, Gogol wrote his first work. It was the story "Basavryuk", which was later reworked into "Evening on the eve of I. Kupala".

In his social circles, the young Gogol had a lot famous people: Pushkin, Vyazemsky, Bryullov and many others. Such acquaintances expanded his horizons, helping in the development of his activities. He was friends with Pushkin.

Literary famous Nikolay Vasilyevich became after the publication of the book "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka", to the creation of which he devoted 1831-32 years of his life. It includes the famous story "Sorochinskaya Fair".

In the following year, Gogol decided to link his activities with scientific and pedagogical practice, and already in 1834 he was appointed an adjunct professor at the university. St. Petersburg(department world history). This experience and the study of Ukrainian history served to create his new work "Taras Bulba".

A year after his appointment, Gogol left the department and was completely absorbed literary work, having written such works as: "Viy", "Taras Bulba", "The Inspector General" and collections of stories "Mirgorod" and "Arabesques" ...

Most significant work, dedicated to St. Petersburg, became the story "The Overcoat". Nikolai Vasilyevich worked on this work for about 7 years, finishing only in 1842, although a rough version was ready already in 1836. At the same time, he worked on other works. In 1841 he wrote Dead Souls, the first volume of which was published a year later. From the moment this work was created, the writer began to experience bouts of nervous disorders.

From 1837 to 39, Gogol traveled, and he left after the unsuccessful production of The Inspector General. He visited Switzerland, Paris and Rome. Then he returned, left Russia again (he spent more than a year in Vienna), then again found himself in his homeland.

The work on the second volume of Dead Souls coincided with the writer's crisis. His works were criticized, Belinsky condemned the religiosity and mysticism of the writer. All this influenced state of mind writer, drove to despair.

In 1852, the writer began to communicate with Archpriest Matvey Konstantinovsky, who was a mystic and fanatic. In the same year, in a state of severe mental breakdown, the writer burned his works of the second volume of the poem about dead souls.

Gogol died in 1852, 10 days after the destruction of the second volume of the poem. On February 21, the writer died.

  • "Portrait", analysis of Gogol's story, composition
  • "Dead Souls", analysis of the work of Gogol

On March 20 (April 1), 1809, Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol was born in the Poltava province of the Mirgorod district. The boy was named after Saint Nicholas. His family was of an old Ukrainian Cossack family.


Nikolai spent his childhood in the village, on the estate of his parents, not far from the village of Dikanka. This land is full of legends and legends, which left many impressions in his soul.

He loved to listen to his grandmother's stories about the exploits of the Cossacks. Zaporizhzhya Sich... He was distinguished by deep religiosity, believed in God, he would then embody his convictions in his work.

At the age of 10, Nikolai was taken to Poltava to see a teacher who was supposed to prepare the boy for a gymnasium. In 1821 he entered the Gymnasium of Higher Sciences in the city of Nizhyn, where he studied until 1828.

He was shy but proud. He was well versed in people, loved to play them. He had an excellent memory, he knew Russian literature well, he drew well, but foreign languages were given poorly. The boy learned and fell in love with the theater, began to read a lot.

Biography. Creation

In December 1828, Nikolai Gogol arrived in St. Petersburg. V big city he had a hard time. He tried to enter the theater as an actor, but they didn’t take him, he didn’t like the service in officials, but literature attracted more and more.

Having released under the pseudonym V. Alov the book “ Ganz Kuchelgarten”(1829), received a tub of negative criticism. Having bought up the circulation, Gogol destroyed them. In 1830, he met P. Pletnev. And in 1831, he already communicates in the circle of Zhukovsky and Pushkin.

Made a huge impression on N. Gogol, he literally idolized the poet, listened and admired his words. Gogol's name became widely known after the publication of his book "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka" (1832). Usual life becomes fabulous and fantastic, wonderful adventures take place in the huts. In this work, Nikolai Vasilyevich described the strength of the people, humanity and the richness of the language.

While working at the University of St. Petersburg at the Department of History, he decided to write. The author had the opportunity to read historical documents, and children's knowledge from his grandmother and wandering kobzars contributed to the writing of the story. Cossacks in the book - epic heroes who fight heroically for their freedom.

Gogol wrote the play based on A. Pushkin's advice (1835). And already on April 19, 1836 in Alexandrinsky Theater Petersburg hosted the premiere of "The Inspector General", which was a wide success. But the officials did not like her, and the reviews were not the most flattering. Maybe that's why the author went abroad, where he continued to work on Dead Souls.

In the spring of 1838 he was in Rome. Polish priests tried to convert Gogol to Catholicism, but the writer was faithful to Christianity, while recognizing other faiths. Arriving in 1842, he published the first volume of "Dead Souls" and completely went into work on the second part. It was hard to write, the author was too self-critical of his work, it seemed to him that he was leaving the topic.

Experiencing a difficult state of mind, Gogol burned the almost finished manuscript. For a while, he put work aside, and wrote several articles in the form of letters by correspondence with friends. In 1848, Gogol decided to fulfill his dream - a trip to Russia. He was in his native places, traveled to the Moscow region, St. Petersburg.

I visited Optina Monastery three times, where I talked with high clergy and asked for their blessing to continue working on “ Dead souls". This work went on for a long time, because the author's idea was not simple. He wanted to restore the soul and make this idea effective and indisputable. To affirm the height of the ideal, but at the same time reject idealization, to avoid obsession and moralizing.

Death of a writer

In 1852, Nikolai Gogol falls into depression, he has a premonition of imminent death. After meeting at the end of January with Archpriest Matvey Konstantinovsky and talking with him, he destroyed the second volume of Dead Souls. Gogol stopped eating and received Holy Communion on February 7. And he died on February 21. Russian society was shocked by the death of the writer. Many people came to say goodbye to Nikolai Gogol. He was buried in the Holy Danilov Monastery, and in 1931 the remains of the writer were transferred to the Novodevichy Cemetery.

The books of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol are sad and funny, serious and very deep - they are relevant today and always.

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Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol is a name that is known not only to every Russian person, but also to many people abroad. Nikolai Vasilievich was an excellent writer, playwright, critic and publicist. He is rightfully called the classic of Russian literature.

The writer was born on March 20 (April 1, old style) in the village of Sorochnitsy, Poltava province. His mother, Maria Ivanovna, married at the age of fourteen to Vasily Gogol-Yanovsky, a representative of an old noble family.

In total they had 12 children, it is a pity that not many were able to live long life... Nevertheless, Nikolai was the third son. The young publicist lived surrounded by a Little Russian way of life, later this would form the basis of his Little Russian stories, where he often presents peasant life... When the boy was ten, he was sent to Poltava, to a local teacher.

Youth and education

I must say that Gogol was far from a diligent student, but he was good at Russian literature and drawing. They also began to publish a handwritten journal. Then he wrote elegiac works, poems, stories, satire, for example, "The law is not written for fools."

After the death of his father young classic refuses a share of the inheritance in favor of his younger sisters and a little later goes to the capital to earn his own living.

Recognition: a success story

In 1828 the poet-writer moved to St. Petersburg. Gogol could not give up his dream of becoming an actor, but they didn’t want to take him anywhere. He also served as an official, but this work only weighed him down. And, when the enthusiasm completely disappeared, Nikolai Vasilyevich again tries himself in literature.

His first published work was "Basavryuk", later renamed "The Evening on the Eve of Ivan Kupala". It was this that brought him fame and recognition in literary circles... But Gogol did not stop. This story was followed by the world famous "Night before Christmas", "Sorochinskaya Fair", "Taras Bulba". Also there was an acquaintance with Zhukovsky and Pushkin.

Personal life

In total, he had two loves in his life. Yes, and it is difficult to call it strong feelings. The fact is that the writer was too religious a person, he even intended to go to a monastery, and discussed all issues with his confessor. Therefore, his communication with the opposite sex did not work out, and the author, in principle, did not consider many ladies to be worthy companions of life.

His first love was the imperial maid of honor Alexander Smirnov-Rosset. Once these two people were introduced by Zhukovsky. After that, they began to correspond. Unfortunately, Gogol believed that he would not be able to provide it. The life she was used to was worth a lot big money, and obliged the writer to a lot. And, although their correspondence was filled with genuine tenderness, Alexandra married an official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Nikolai Smirnov.

The second lady of the heart was his cousin Maria Sinelnikova. The girl was amazed at Gogol's character, his tenderness and isolation. During the time while her family was visiting the estate of the writer's parents, she was constantly next to him. When the girl left, they began to correspond. But here, too, Nikolai did not work out. Two years after they met, the classic was gone.

  1. Gogol was not an ordinary writer. The reason for this is unusual. For example, when new people, whom he did not know, appeared in the room, Nikolai seemed to evaporate.
  2. To tackle complex life questions he used bread balls. When he was thinking, he loved to roll balls of bread and roll them on the table.
  3. He was not gifted with literary talent initially, as a child he wrote well, very mediocre works that have not even survived.
  4. Well, one cannot fail to mention that in 1852 the writer burned the second volume of his main work in his life - "Dead Souls". There is information that he did this by order of his confessor.
  5. There is a version according to which the writer was buried alive. His burial was opened, and there were found traces of nails, as if the man had woken up and tried to get out. Apparently, Gogol could fall into Sopor, and then wake up in the grave.


"How sweet it is to die" - last words the poet is conscious. And his death itself is rather confusing. There is no exact confirmation of any hypothesis. However, there is a healthy assumption that the writer died due to fasting.

The fact is that Gogol, towards the end of his life, began to extol the importance of religion, observing all the rituals. But his body was not at all ready for a strict diet. And Nikolai died a month before his forty-third birthday, on February 21, 1852.

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