Popular English groups and performers. My favorite English singers

Popular English groups and performers. My favorite English singers
Popular English groups and performers. My favorite English singers

Music is a happy component in our life. When we are in a state of stress, music can help us heal our bad mood. Beautiful music We need singers who have an amazing voice to be a component. With their beautiful voice along with their incendiary styles, they become popular in the entertainment industry. Today, we present you top 10, the most popular foreign singers In 2017. If you want to know who sAMI popular singer in the West, I am pleased to read the list below.

Rihanna was born in St. Michael, Barbados in 1988, and she is a famous Barbados singer, actress and fashion designer. She began his singer's career in 2005, and her first debut album "Sun" was released in the same year. Becoming on single career and with a huge effort, she received 22 Billboard awards Music Awards., 6 grammy premiums and many others. In 2012, she ranked fourth, as the most influential celebrity according to Forbes magazine. In the same year, she became the most popular singer.

Born in London, England, in 1988, Adel - Singer and songwriter. She began his singing career in 2006 after one of his friends posted her demonstration example on MySpace and drew at her attention XL Recordings. Two years after signing the contract, its first album comes out and makes it famous. Later, the second album was sold out more than 26 million copies around the world. Moreover, she was awarded 6 Grammy awards because of her beautiful voice For the film "007. Coordinates: Skyfall. " Because of its many achievements, as well as for talent in a singing career, it is the second most popular singer in 2015.

Charismatic and tender singer, Tyallor Swift, was born in Pennsylvania, the United States in 1989. At the age of 14, she began his singing career. She is the most famous song in the country style, which she received 11 Country Music Association Association. Her soft and beautiful voice appeals to the public, making her debut album quickly sold and frequently loaded. Because of all these reasons, it is known as the Third Most Popular Singer in 2015.

Lady Gaga is recognized as a crazy artist. Her clothes, painted and dance style So bizarre and bright. Nevertheless, it is one of the most popular singers in 2015. She won a lot of awards, including 5 Grammy. The Debut Album "The Fame" made it known, as it was sold out with millions of circulation. She was born in New York, USA in 1986.

Shakira is not only famous pevitiaBut she is also a choreographer, the author of the songs and the model. She attracts public attention with her very exciting performance. No other singers can actually move along the thigh spiral beautifully just like her. Debut album "Hips Don't Lie" she won countless awards. Among numerous awards: Grammy, Billboard Music Awards and others. She was born in Atlantico, Colombia in 1977.

Born in California, USA in 1984. Katy Perry became known thanks to its Singla "UR SO Gay", released in 2007. She won a lot of awards, including Guinness World Records and is known as the highest paid woman in music according to Forbes magazine.

Popular american singer, the author of songs and actress, Beyonce was born in Texas, USA in 1981. It is a very popular singer, at least for one decade due to her cute and beautiful voice. She applies all its efforts, in the entertainment industry and trying to pick up fashionable, dance and hairstyles to keep the attraction of fans to it around the world. It takes the 7th place in the top 10 list of the most popular singers in 2015.

Miley Cyrus began her career as a singer in 2006, when she appeared before us in the image of Miley Stewart in the TV series of the Disney channel "Hanna Montana". She appeared to become later an idol for teenagers. Although there are many criticism about its height and seductive trick, while on stage, it tries to be struggling to all their might and does not allow the critics to spoil her fame. And in the end, she is still one of the most popular singers so far. She was born in 1992, in the state of Tennessee, USA

The penultimate most popular singer in 2015, Jennifer Lopez, who was born in New York, USA in 1969. In 1980, she began to professionally deal with singing. She still remains the most popular singer in the world and she has one best-selling albums around the world. She is not only a singer, but also actress, fashion designer and songwriter.

The least, but not the most popular singer in 2015, Cheryl Cole was born in Newcastle Apon-Tyne, England in 1983. She began her career in 1990, like a singer and later she became the author of the songs, a dancer, an entrepreneur, a model and TV presenter. Stunning work along with her unique voice conquered the hearts of fans all over the world.

I never put the goal to leave to live in the UK. But now, analyzing your personal tastes and preferences, it turned out that much of what I like - whether movie or music was created in this country. I take off my hat in front of the British - in terms of creativity and art, this nation is one of the most advanced.

British group Beatles

In the photo: Museum The Beatles. Story in Liverpool.

From early childhood, I listened to English music. Trui to her put my father. It all started with " Beatles." Their melodies I played on the piano. The texts of their songs I translated and tried to sing myself. "Beatles" is real legends not only to the United Kingdom, but also of the whole world culture. The music of this "Liverpool Four" has long become a classic, and this level of skill and reverence has not yet been able to achieve any musical group.

By coincidence, our relocation to the UK began with Liverpool - the Motherland "Beatles". This gloomy city with raw clouds hanging over him carefully protects the memory of his eminent outcomes. In Liverpool, everything reminds you of "Bitles". Naturally, there is a museum, dedicated groupcalled " THE BEATLES STORY." In Liverpool, you can even find a monument to the yellow submarine, with a song " Yellow submarine.».

In the photo: Paul McCartney House in London.

IN London Also many places associated with "Bitles" - here they worked and wrote most of their hits. One of the latest released albums "Bitles" is even named after the London Street " Abbey Road."- Here was their recording studio. London lives one of the two living participants of the group - sir Paul McCartney. It is known even his home address: 7 Cavendish Avenue, St Johns Wood, London NW8 9JE. His daughter Stella I became a successful designer of clothes - its outfits are sold at fabulous prices in London boutiques, where the people always crowble.

British musician Elton John

My acquaintance with English music continued in the face sir Elton John. As a teenager, I was scary admired by this eccentric red pianist. Once I recorded from the TV with his concert in Moscow and then often revised it. Accompanying himself during the speech, Elton was completely given to music - he was fond of so much that saliva fountains splashed out of his mouth. Naturally, I picked up the melodies and learned his incredibly beautiful songs: among them were such masterpieces as " Believe.», « Can You Feel The Love Tonight», « Sacrifice.», « Nikita." other.

Having moved to the UK, my husband and I cherished hope for cheap to go to Sir Elton's concert. What was our disappointment when it turned out that this British musician practically does not speak home. Rather, it can be seen at a concert in Moscow, rather than in London. However, we don't lose hope ever to see this musical legend Path.

British group Take That

On the picture: british group Take That.

The following music group is known to most girls come from the 90s. Which of the girls in those years did not go crazy on the Bakery Five " Take That."? I remember, at the time among teenage girls in Russia, notebook surveys, and one of mandatory questions The questionnaires sounded like this: "Which of the Take That do you like?". Everyone chose or handsome Mark Owena (extreme right in the photo) or "Bad Boy" Robbie Williams(in the center). The latter, by the way, did a completely successful solo career.

The most famous hit TAKE THAT, of course, has become a shiftlet ballad " BABE."- confess, I still listen to her under the appropriate mood. Naturally, the lyrics of the songs of the Take TaT group caused my interest, and somehow the incident came out with it: in those days the Internet and search engines have not yet been developed, and all foreign songs have learned "on rumor". That's why long years I was sure that famous composition Take That " RELIGHT MY FIRE."In fact, the words" We Like Papaya."What seemed to me a little strange (what the hell did these guys like Papaya that even sing about it?). The truth I learned by chance only many years later, when I found a clip on this song on the Internet. Nevertheless, I consider it extremely useful listening to foreign songs and independent attempts to select words. In general, there are many cases when love for a foreign language begins precisely with sympathy for the musical group, on it singing. This is a good incentive start learning a tongue "After all, you always want to know what your favorites sing." Sometimes, however, it turns out that the meaning of the texts is not as deep as I would like, but it is always better to know the truth than to suspect how my friend said somehow, "what if they sing that we are all the fools?". About other effective methods studying of English language Read in this article.

Others british singers: Simply red, seal, Spice Girls., George Michael, Adele

Our first meetings with her husband often passed under musical accompaniment fiery red SIMPLY RED - The lyric soul of this Englishman is ideal for romantic meetings and unobtrusively configures on love debris (men, take to armament).

Seal lights a crowd at a concert at the B1 club in Moscow. Photo from personal archive author.

Another Briton, whose enveloping baritone I sincerely consider the most beautiful male voice in the world, - black singer Seal. Already being pregnant, I went to his concert in Moscow in 2010 at the club B1. Forces has an incredibly powerful energy - speaking, he charges his sparkling energy to the crowd so that you forget about everything in the world and pull together with the other "charged" to shake your hand. By the way, at present the strength of the Bachelor, so girls are daring.

Naturally, they did not pass by me and sparkling " Spice Girls.", And lyrical ballads George Michael. All these performers also come from England.

Currently my favorite - English singer Adel With an incredibly beautiful, deep velvety voice. And, although I was not very impressed by this series "Bondians", I think the soundtrack to Skyfall Performed by Adel the most successful composition of all films about Agent 007. A little sorry that like a typical english woman, this talented singer It is not particularly thinking about his figure. The entire British Internet is shot by banners with a fastened adel and fake headers about her incredible effective method Laughs. However, I hope that its weight will not affect the quality of performance, and this British pop star will rejoice us with their creativity for many years.

In the photo: English singer Adele - before and now.

20-Q. The most influential female pop-stars closes Gloria Estefan) - 53-year-old latin American singer And the author of the songs, which won five grammy awards and selling over 90 million of its records.

On the 19-M. place - Lily Allen (Lily Allen) - English pop singer who won the Brit Awards nomination as the best solo performer. The first single of the second album Lily, starting on the first line of the British National Chart, lasted a month on it, while the album itself became the sales leader in the UK a week of exit.

18th The line occupies canadian singer, songwriter, musical producer And actress Nelli Furtado (Nelly Furtado)¸ Taking part in the first serious show in 2001 and engaged in the already 25 million of its albums since then.

American singer, songwriter and actress, Pink (Pink) It turned out to be 17th Position. The popular executor Alisha Beth Moore became a popular executor (Alecia Beth Moore) in early 2000. After winning 2 Awards "Gremmi", 5 Awards "MTV Music Awards" and 2 Brit Awards awards, Pink was recognized as the best pop artist in the period from 2000 to 2010 on the rating of the American magazine "Billboard". According to the same magazine, it became the 6th in the ranking of the most paid artists in 2009, earning $ 36 million for the year - and this is only in the musical sphere.

16th stated Emmy Lee (Amy Lee) - vocalist of the group "Evanescence", in the repertoire of which is the album "Fallen" - one of the eight albums in the history of rock, which whole year spent in Top 50 USA. Music band sounds in ten art films and computer Games, and over the shoulders of its composition - as many as 2 grammy premiums.

On the 15th Stitching of the most popular and sold - Kylie Minogue (Kylie Minogue) - Australian singer, actress and songwriter. Starting his career in 1987, a 42-year-old pop star reached record sales - more than $ 100 million (including sales of 40 million albums and 60 million singles). In addition, Kylie was awarded the Order British Empire For merits in music.

14th The place went to the Canadian singer, the author of the songs, producer and actress Alanis Morissette (Alanis Morissette). Star, starting his career in 1984, still in adolescence, sold over 40 million albums around the world since then.

Shania Twain - Canadian singer, rightly called one of the most successful modern executors of Country in the world, has become 13th. . Seven singles singers ranked first in the US country charts; Her third album is on the 7th place in the general list of the best-selling albums in the history of Canada. Also Shanaya is at present the only performer in the world, awarded three times in a row "diamond" albums.

On the 12th. Stitching is located Amy Winehouse AMY WINEHOUSE) - English singer performing Soul-Pop with jazz motifs recognized as critics one of the leading British executors of the 2000s. In the career baggage, Amy - 6 "Grammy" nominations and a victory in 5 categories.

11th Covered Shakira (Shakira) - colombian singer, dancer, songwriter, composer, musical producer and philanthropist, which gave 150 concerts in 2005 in 100 cities of 37 countries of the world. In that year, its concerts around the world visited over 2,300,000 people.

American pop singer, actress and former model Whitney Houston (Whitney Houston) Closed 10-Q. the most influential women who conquered the world with their vocals. The star, selling more than 170 million albums and singles around the world, entered the lists of "Rolling Stone Magazine" as one of the 100 greatest performers of all time.

On the 9th positions - Beyonce (Beyonce) - American R & B style, music producer, actress, dancer and model announced by the publishing house "Billboard" the most successful executor of the 2000s. and the main radio executor of the last decade. Sold out more than 35 million albums and singles in the United States, the singer in 2010 fell on the second line of the "Forbes" rating "100 of the most powerful and influential celebrities in the world."

8th The place, according to the magazine "Entertainment Weekly", deserved the American pop performer, dancer and actress Christina Aguilera (Christina Aguilera)Which, thanks to selling more than 42 million albums around the world, occupies the 20th place in the list of "Decade Artists" according to Billboard.

Mariah Carey Mariah Carey - American pop singer, producer and actress - on 7th Stitching Top-20. It was selling over 100 million albums around the world, Mariah was named the Millennium Pop Singer. According to the Association of the Auxiliary Industry of America (RIAA), it is the third most popular singer of the world.

42-year-old Canadian singer, actress, songwriter and businesswoman Celine Dion (Celine Dion) Stated 6th. , thanks to selling more than 200 million albums in the world. Also Celine is the only faint artist who sold in the UK over two million singles.

5-Q. the most influential singers opens Cindy Lauper (Cyndi Lauper) - American pop performer, author of songs and actress, winner of Grammy and Emmy premiums. General sales of 57-year-old Cindy entries, including 11 albums and more than 40 singles, exceed 25 million copies.

4th Position went Tina Turner (Tina Turner)- American singer and actress, whose musical career lasted over 50 years. Tina, whose records were sold about 180 million copies around the world, is the owner of numerous awards, and its achievements in rock music deservedly provided it with the title "Queen Rock and Roll".

Bronze Medal have been awarded Cher (Cher) - American pop performer, the author of songs, actress, director and musical producer. The 64-year-old singer is one of the few people, in the piggy bank of the awards of which at the same time there are "Oscar", "Grammy", "Emmy" and 3 "Golden Globes", obtained for work in the film, musical and television industry.

American singer Britney Spears (Britney Spears) - At the honorable 2nd. place. It is recognized as the most-selling performer of the 2000s and fifth for sale at all times. In June 2010, the Popp Star took the sixth place in the "Forbes" rating that estimated the 100 most important and influential world.

Headed the same rating of the most popular and sold performers in Pop- Madonna (Madonna) - American singer, songwriter, producer, dancer, actress, director and screenwriter, as well as the most commercial successful singerSold the greatest number Your entries among all: more than 200 million albums and 100 million singles. In 2008, the artist who deservedly be the title of "Queen Pop-" was included in the Rock and Roll Glory Hall.

A little about English performers and their songs that have become hits of all time!

The most famous English singers and groups.

The United Kingdom and the United States are famous for their performers on the world scale, especially these countries are equal to Rock's homeland. The most ambitious formation of the genre of this music took place in the UK, where the famous "Beatles" appeared, Elton John, the five "Take That" and others. Therefore, in terms of creativity and art, the British are very talented and famous, because Many people from this country have become world famous.

Musical groups of Britain.

A business card just musical creativity countries have become the music group "The Beatles", but the world is heard and The Rolling Stones, which in the history of rock are among the most influential musical groups. "The Beatles" is the legend of world culture, which has long become a classic, in the name of which the museum and a monument to the yellow boat was specifically created, with a felt in their songs.

Since 1990, music focused on the electronic direction came to the world. Soon the name of this group was known - "Prodigy". No less influential group and HURTS focused on the genre of the electroopop. Interestingly, Hurts arose quite randomly, and the participants of the group were rightly communicated only with the help of the Internet - the mail tracks sent Anderson, and the hutchkraft answered vocals.

The group "Take That" is known to many girls who respected the 90s. In the repertoire of the group there is an interesting ballad « BABE. » , listen to which you can under any mood. The group "Take That" consists of five guys who were at the peak of popularity among teenage girls.

Popular English singers.

Who does not know about Elton John? For many, familiarity with English music begins with this person. Dark-skinned SEAL singer is also popular in the UK, because He has a beautiful male voice. But under the musical accompaniment, Simply Red can be held romantic meetings, because the voice of this horizon Englishman unobtrusively adjusts to a harmonious way. George Michael's ballads are no less convicted.

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The best British singers. Top 20.

Check yourself: did you hear each of these twenty unique voices? .. If you have not heard someone, you need to fix omission. These are the best singers in the world. Perfect English. Unsurpassed voices. The best music.

1. Freddie Mercury

Freddie Mercury (September 5, 1946 - November 24, 1991) -native in Tanzania British singer, songwriter and musical producer, known as vocalist and the author of the Queen Rock Group songs. He also became known thanks to his bright scenic images and a four-octave vocal range.

No one was and never will be so great as Freddie Mercury. End of discussion.

The best singer of all time, therefore, naturally, it must be number 1 in this list.

2. Robbie Williams

It best singer All times.

Legend, and he continues to write and sing. His songs are awesome.

Amazing singer and performer!

3. Mick Jagger

Sir Michael Philippe Jagger "Mick" is an English singer, the author of the songs and the actor, the most famous as a vocalist and co-founder of Rolling Stones.

4. Liam Galbler

William John Paul "Liam" Gallacher - English musician, singer and songwriter. He became famous as a vocalist of the rock band Oasis, and then as a singer Beady Eye.

5. George Michael

Georgios Kyriacos Panayiotou, famous professional (scenic name) as George Michael - English singer, songwriter and producer.

6. Jan Gillane

Jan Gillan - English singer and songwriter. Initially, he achieved success as a group's vocalist Deep Purple.like a vocalist Rock Opera Conceptual Album Jesus Christ of Superstar Andrew Lloyd Webber, where Gillan performs main role (Jesus Christ).

Listen to His Aria "Gethsimania" as a superstar of Jesus Christ. Make sure it is Jan Gillan, because it ... something incredible and conquering forever!

Gethsemane (I Only Want To Say), Jesus Christ SuperStar: www.youtube.com/watch?v\u003dx_mjgvwq3qw.

7. David Bowie

David Robert Jones - English singer, was born in London on January 8, 1947, the son of the collector of funds and waitress. He died in New York on January 10, 2016, at the age of 69, the hero for millions, about which you do not need to tell a long time ... He is perfection itself.

8. John Lennon

John Winston is Lennon, English Singer and the author of the songs that received world fame As co-founder of the group "Beatles". This is the most commercial successful group In the history of popular music. He was killed by Mark David Chepman on December 8, 1980 at the age of 40.

9. ED Shiran.

Christopher Edward "ED" Shiran is an English author and musician. He was born in the city of Hebden Bridge in Yorkshire and grew up in Framlingham, Suffolk. The best in the world!

Ed Shiran is no doubt a unique singer. His music, texts, genre, his voice, everything is perfect.

ED is so talented in all respects! His voice, his melodies, and this is not to mention the powerful texts that he writes himself!

10. Roger Daltrey

Harry Roger Duttoli is an English singer and actor. IN music careerencompassing more than 50 years, Doltoli became known in the mid-1960s as the founder and vocalist of the English Rock the groups they Who, fourteen singles were released, which entered the top 10 charts in the UK. This is a legend.

11. Postal Malik.

Javadd Zayn Malik was born on January 12, 1993, repeatedly received platinum status, a British singer and songwriter. Born and grew up in Bradford. Zayn sought to continue his career in music from a young age.

12. Sting

Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner (Sting) - Cavalier of the Order of the British Empire, known professionally under the stage name Sting. British rock musician, singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, activist, actor and philanthropist. It is most famous as a vocalist of the British group The Police.

13. Paul McCartney

Sir James Paul McCartney - English singer, multi-instrumentalist and composer. Together with John Lennon, George Harrison and Ringo Starr he received worldwide fame thanks rock group The Beatles, one of the most popular and influential groups in the history of pop music and rock music.

No one had such a vocal range and flexibility that had a floor.

14. Elton John

15. Ozzy Osborne

John Michael "Ozzy" Osborne was born on December 3, 1948. It is also known as "Prince Darkness." Ozzy - English singer, songwriter and TV presenter. He gained fame in the early 1970s as the lead vocalist of the Black Sabbath group. Next, Osborne was fired from Black Sabbat.

He invented metallic singing.

16. Billy Aidol.

William Michael Albert Brod, famous professionally like Billy Aidol (idol), is an English musician, a singer, composer and an actor.

17. Jonathan Antooman

Jonathan Antoine.

Jonathan Antoine is classically trained English tenor. He rose to glory after the appearance in the sixth series Britain "S Got Talent 2012 in the classic duet Jonathan and Charlotte.

18. Sam Smith

It male option Bayonce!

19. Ollie Mers

Olly "Ollie" Stanley Murs (born on May 14, 1984 in the city of Vitham County Essex) - British singer of Latvian origin, musician and leading on television. Moers became known after participating in the sixth season of the X-factor, taking 2nd place. After the show, he signed a contract with Epic Records and Syco Music.

20. Noel Gallahher.

Noel Thomas David Gallacher - English musician, singer, songwriter and guitarist. He worked as a lead guitarist, co-vocalist and the main author of the songs of the rock band Oasis.