French writer Zola Emil. Works that are not forgotten many years later

French writer Zola Emil. Works that are not forgotten many years later

Zola (Zola) Emil (1840-1902), French writer.

Born in Paris. The early death of the father led to the fact that Zola rose in poverty, early went to work (starting the clerk in the publisher); Since 1865, he earned a living, publishing poems, stories and literary-critical articles.

In 1867, he saw the light of the first significant novel of Zol "Teresa Raken". This novel Zola "founded" a new literary direction - naturalism.

The main work is the 20-Tomna series of Romans "McCares" (1871-93) The history of one family in the era of the second empire. In the novels of the "Paris" series (1873), "Western" (1877), "Germinal" (1885), "Money" (1891), "defeat" (1892) with a large realistic force depicted social contradictions. Zola's supporter of the principles of naturalism (the book "Experimental Roman", 1880). He performed with protests in the pamphlet "I blame", 1898. This post-pamphlet was directed against French officials, on false accusations of the artillery officer Alfred Dreyfus guilty of state treason (the famous "Dreifus business").

Creativity Zola had a significant impact on modern literature.

French writer

Born on April 2, 1840. In Paris, in the Italian-French family: the Italian was the Father, a construction engineer.

Children's and school years, Zola holds in the ex-en-provence, where the artist Paul Cesann is becoming one of his nearest friends.

1847 - Father Zola dies, leaving a family in a distress.

1852 - Zola begins study in college.

1858 - counting on the aid of the friends of the late husband, Ms. Zola moves with her son to Paris, where he continues his education in a lyceum.

1862-1866 - Zola works in the publishing house "ASHET", and then dismissed in the hope of ensuring its existence of literary labor.

1864 - Zola collects the stories and nomelles of the romantic plan written at different times and publishes them under the general name "Ninon's fairy tales" (Contes A Ninon).

1865 - Zola publishes the first novel - a frank, veiled autobiography "Confession of Claude" (La Confession de Claude).

1867 - Roman "Marseille Secrets" (Les Mysteres de Marseille), who demonstrated the skill of Zola-Faketonist and his interest in social problems. Also this year comes out the final work of young sol - the Roman "Teresa Raquen" - a deep study of the feeling of repentance, the murderer and his report.

1868 - Zola arises the idea of \u200b\u200ba series of novels dedicated to one family ("Road Makcars. Natural and social history of one family in the era of the second empire" - Les Rougun-Macquart, Histoire Naturelle et Sociale d'Une Famille Sous Le Second Empire) which is investigated for four to five generations. Focusing on the "human comedy" of Balzak and its panoramic in the image of reality, Zola does not refuse his naturalistic doctrine. He considers the first task of his cycle to be learning from an example of one family of heredity and environment. Ruggong-McCares are siblings of a low-old woman who dies in the last volume of the series, reaching a century and fully lost the reason. From her children - one legitimate and two illegal - they begin the beginning of three branches of the genus. The second task of the cycle, how it formulates the writer: "Examine the whole second empire, from the state coup to the present day. Imagine modern society, villains and heroes in the types. " This Zola's intention directly refers to the Balzakov understanding of the writer as the "Secretary of the Company".

The first books of the series do not cause much interest.

1871 - The first novel from the Rugon-Makcara series "La Fortuna des Rougon), a kind of prologue, telling about the origin of the Ruggong-Makcarov family and at the same time about the emergence of the second empire mode, and the second novel about the representatives of the prosperous branch of the family" "(La Curee).

1973 - Third Roman about representatives of the third branch, Makkarov, distinguished by extreme unbalanced, since their ancestor Antoine McCar was an alcoholic, "Le Venter de Paris), in which the atmosphere of the central market of the capital is recreated.

1874 - Fourth Roman "Won of Plassan" (Le Venten De Paris).

1875 - the fifth novel about the second branch of the Rugon-Maccar race "Disposable Abbot Moore" (La Faute de L "Abbe Mouget).

1876 \u200b\u200b- The sixth romance from the Rugon-Makcara series about representatives of the prosperous branch of the "His Excellency Eugene Rougon" (SON Excellence Eugene Rougon) is a study of political fraud in the reign of Napoleon III.

1877 - It turns out the seventh volume of "Ruggong-Makcarov" "Western" (L "Assommoir), which has gained great success and brought the Salt as a fame and wealth. It acquires a house in a honey near Paris and collects young writers around himself (among them .Huismans and Gi de Maupassan) who formed a short-lived "naturalistic school".

1878 - Eighth Roman "Love page" (UNE Page d'Amour).

1880 - ninth novel "Nana" (Nana), whose heroine, a representative of the third generation of McKarov, becomes a prostitute and her sexy magnetism leads to confusion the highest light.

1882 - the tenth romance about the second branch of the Rugon-Makcarov family, the Moore family, "Capless" (Pot-Bouille).

1883 - Eleventh Roman about the second branch of the Rugon-Maccar race "Dame happiness" (Au Bonheur Des Dames).

1884 - Twelfth Roman "Joy of Life" (La Joie De Vivre).

1885 - Thirteenth Roman "Germinal" (German), dedicated to the strike of miners at the mines of Northern France.

1886 - Fourteenth Roman "Creativity" (L "Oeuvre), which includes the characteristics of many famous artists and the writers of the era.

1887 - Fifteenth Roman "Earth" (La Terre) telling about peasant life.

1888 - Sixteenth Roman "Dream" (LE REVE).

1890 - the seventeenth novel "Man-beast" (La Bete Humaine), which describes the life of railway workers.

1891 - The Eighteenth Roman from the Rugon-Makcara series about the representatives of the prosperous branch of the family - "Money" (L "Argent), where we are talking about land species and securities.

1892 - Nineteenth Roman "Rod" (La Debacle) - the image of the Franco-Prussian war and the first major military novel in French literature.

1893 - Twentieth Roman "Dr. Pascal" (Le Docteur Pascal), which is completed by the Ruggong-Makkarov cycle.

1894-1898 - Les Trois Villes - Lourdes (Lourdes, 1894), Rome (Rome, 1896), Paris (Paris, 1898).

1898 - Zola writes an open letter to the President of the Republic "I blame" (J "Accuse), which contains the exposure of the army top, which supports the main responsibility for the obvious judicial error in Dreyfus (1897-1898), the officer of the French General Staff, Jew, In 1894, unfairly condemned for the sale of military secrets of Germany. Because of this, Zola's letter has to flee to England, as he is accused of slander and senses a prison year.

1899 - after the situation varies in favor of Dreyfus, Zola returns to France.

1899-1902 - Cycle "Four Gospels" (Les Quatre Evangiles), who remained unfinished (the fourth volume was not written).

September 28, 1902 - Zola died suddenly in his Parisian apartment. The cause of death was the escape of carbon monoxide - the "accident", according to some historians, adjusted by the political enemies of the writer.

Zola became the first novelist who created a series of books about the members of one family. His example followed many writers, incl. J.Dyuhamel (Chronicles of Pasko), D.Golsuorci ("Saga about Forsyites") and D. Marshs (books about Savidzhah) and MND. In addition, Zola is the author of the theory of the experimental novel. He created by the new literary genre he calls this way, wanting to emphasize this that in his artistic work he enjoys the scientific method of accurate observation and objective description.

Brief literary encyclopedia: in 8tt. M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1962. Foreign Writers: Biographical Dictionary. - M.: Enlightenment, educational literature, 1997.

Emil Zol was born on April 2, 1840 in the family of engineer Francois Zola, Venice's native (in Italian, the surname is read as JOLA). The father of the future writer was a man bold, daring and extremely enterprising. Full of innovative ideas and plans, even before exploring the future wife, he managed to scold half of Europe, take an active part in the construction of the first railway line, even recruit into a foreign legion and to play in Algeria. However, his military career was not asked - after the scandal associated with the financial estate, Francois was forced to resign. This failure did not discourage him and unwinding with the entrepreneurism did not biphal. In 1833, Francois Zola returns to France, where he is trying to "sell" his channel construction projects in Provence and defensive fortifications around Paris. Months take place, but no one has emitdden finances. In this difficult moment, Francois gets acquainted in the church with Emsel Ober, a daughter of a simple malarker.

Francois and Emsels Zola, parents of a writer. Photo: Public Domain

Behind the young beauty did not give practically no dowry, but the Francois in love was not stopped. Emieli's blinded by beauty and adolescence, on March 16, 1839, a 44-year-old erosion engineer entered into a legitimate marriage. After a year, the son was born a son, the future classic of French prose.

The child grew sick and truded, often sick. Perhaps if the family had decided to live in Paris, world literature would have stayed without one of her talented sons. But the boy was lucky: after the long-year risk of thresholds, his father was still able to convince the authorities of Provencian ex with the need to build a canal. The Sol family moved to Provence. It was a golden time in the life of a little Emil - he really liked the city, he had much more freedom here, the family had prospect. Alas, happiness turned out to be short-lived - in March 1847, Francois Zola died of inflammation of the lungs, having witned during the inspection of the construction of his brainchild.

Paul Cesanne. Landscape "Near the ex en eniven"

Emelie and Emil remained alone, in very constant circumstances. It turned out that the engineer left a lot of debts, about which his widow was not known. The emblems deposited by creditors were forced to move to a cheaper area, as well as sell all the shares of the canal and baubles, decorated the house. The family gradually rolled into poverty. However, emelie did not leave the thoughts to give his son a decent education. She appealed to the city council with a request to allocate funds for the teaching of the Son "As a posthumous remuneration for the services provided by her husband's city of Ecru. The city council went to meet, and the boy was enrolled in the Bourbon Pension. From early childhood, Emile dreamed of glorifying and make something that his mother could be proud of. He is accepted with diligence and succeeds, quickly earns a reputation for excellent. But the love of classmates does not bring him: he is considered to be a poorer, who has become a stranger. In addition, Emil could not get rid of defects - since childhood he whispered greatly, and he was still very nearby. The persecution and ridicule was strongly poisoned by his life until one fine day did not get a dark healthy guy on his defense. His called Paul Cesanne, Future famous imprisionist artist. Since then, they have become inseparable and carried their friendship through the years.

Hard time

Young Emil Zola. Photo: Public Domain

At 15, Emil begins to show interest in the opposite sex and look at the young girls. Together with Cezanne and two twilight friends, Zola is immersed in poetry. Poems, sonnets, poems are written at amazing speed and frequency, young men spend time in endless arguments about secular lanes and fallen women. A pleasant pastime breaks sharply when Emil's mother decides to move to Paris and, of course, takes his son with him.

The capital of the young man did not like much. The gloomy city produces depressing impression, Zola is torn back to the ex, but material dependence on the mother, earning sewing, does it rolls him in hand and legs. Emil himself cannot find himself - he is studying in Paris and Marseille, but does not receive a diploma. Trying to enter the service - unsuccessfully. Sometimes the provincial newspapers printed the poems of the Zol, and then he again begins to hope for something more than the career of the office clerk, but this hope is quickly fading. Often, the inventive position of Emil is so weching that he is forced to catch sparrow on the roof to roast them for dinner. In spite of everything, he continues to write. Burnt into a very darned plaid in the abrupt attic, Zola writes poems and poems, as this is the best thing he can.

Only at the end of 1861, Emile (he was already twenty) smiling luck - he comes to a modest post of calling in the publishing house Louis Austetta. Using the case, the young poet shows his poems to the publisher, but they do not produce impressions. "Poems are not bad," says Mr. Ashtte, "but in your place, a young man, I would try myself in prose."

Emil was already thinking about it and even wrote a few novel of his first novel, so the offer of the publisher met calmly. "The prose is so prose, the poems will wait," the young man decided and quickly fastened the fairy tale "Kiss Undines", with which his literary career began.

Paris flowerian

Soon in Paris, a friend of Zola arrives in the Bourbon Guesthouse - a young artist Cezanne. He has similar problems - the style of his painting did not find approval in a small homeland, and Cezanne decided to exhibit in Paris, at the Salon of 1863. However, here it is waiting for a failure - the public of those years, mostly the wealthy bourgeois, did not like himself when someone brought her habits and morality. Painting style Cezanne, like styles Monet, Renoara, Pissaro, Degasand especially Mane, caused horror and rejection, no one wanted to see naked nature on the canvases and frank scenes.

One of the early works of the Cezanna field - "The Temptation of St. Anthony" (1867-1869)

But Emil's picture painting was given in full delight. An innovative painting walled his imagination, immersing in the bunch of erotic fantasies. Cezanne drove Zola on the creative workshop, where he met, and then he began his friends with many advanced artists.

In one of the workshops, he met Alexandrina Mele - Flower with clichia square, in his free time earning a simulator. Bright, sociable brunette produces a deep impression on Zola. Alexandrina could not be called a classic beauty, but she had a lush body, expressive eyes, a captivating smile, and most importantly - firmly stood on her legs and was distinguished by sound judgments. It was such a woman who was needed Emily - a female friend, a female associate, a woman mother.

They began to live together, and never Emile was still so calm and comfortable. The wife took the entire life on himself, preparing perfectly, did not interfere with working. Zola's mother accepted Alexandrina wary. She wanted her son, "Future Celebrity," found a woman "not simple" - more sophisticated, more aristocratic, younger (Alexandrin was a year older than Emil). But meanwhile settled in the same apartment with her son and his mistress.

Public Domain.

The cases of Zola went to the mountain. He worked a lot, published in Paris newspapers, and this income could afford to support his family. True, this class of an ambitious writer was clearly not enough. He seriously thinks of the cycle of Romanov in the imitation of the "human comedy" of Balzak, which sincerely admires.

For many years, Zola came up with a routine of the day: rise at 8 am, walk, work to lunch, then meets the right people and work in the library. For 10 years, while Saga was written about Rugon-Makkars, Zola almost never retreated from the routine hedgehog. Gradually, it turned into a sort of "literary car", working without interruptions and disruptions. He embodied his children's dream - to create something that, because of what his mother would be proud of them.

Alexandrin, all these years was near, did not require much. She supported her husband in everything, his house led, eliminating the slightest domestic difficulties. The only dream of her dream was that Emil finally legalized their relationship. And Emil and did not object - he was comfortable, warm and satisfying. In 1870, they celebrated a modest wedding, on which there was only Emil's mother and a few of his friends.

Emil Zola in the office. Photo: Public Domain

Husband two wives

France, and along with her and Zol survived the collapse of the second empire, and the Franco-Prussian war. All this time, novels from the Rugon-Makcara series are successfully published, the money to the writer already flows the river. And Emil and Alexandrin, who survived a poverty, do not refuse themselves: they buy and antiques, and the penny baubles - everything is stopped by the eye. Contemporaries tell that the writer's office accommodate an unimaginable amount of various items raised and placed on the walls and shelves.

The most expensive products and wines are bought, Emil eats and can not fit. It is very quickly starting to fully and with a small growth reaches weight more than a hundred kilograms. And without that predisposed to the fullness of Alexandrin does not lag behind her husband.

Emil Zola and Alexandrina Mel. Photo: Public Domain

Emil and his wife and mother moves to the villa near Paris, where he continues to work in the same mode - no day without a literary norm. Often, Paris Friends are visited - writers and artists who are welcome to Alexandrina, wide tables are covered, the Wine flows the river.

Jeanne Rozero. Photo: Public Domain

Marriage Emil and Alexandrina has been over 18 years old. They did not have children, but the spouses were not very sad: all the time and love Emil was given to work, Alexandrin the same, fully engaged in the problems of her husband and life, also did not miss the problems.

In the summer of 1888, Alexandrina hired a new laundry to help the house - Jeanne Rozero., Melnik's daughter. The girl was just marked for 21 years old, and she was very happy that he had to take into such a decent house. Young and funny Jeanne broke into the life of Emil, like a fresh wind. A forty-year-old writer fell in love as a boy: he admired the slim figure of a girl, her face, listened to how she sings in the laundry. He was fascinated by a soft and good temper of Zhanna, while Alexandrin over the years became more sharp and powerful.

Captured by swirl of feelings, Zola gradually changes his lifestyle: begins to move more, ride a bike, stops to sleep after lunch. By the end of the summer, he drops 25 kilograms, a person disappears from the face, eyes shine with young light. Zhanna flashes the attention of the famous writer, she favorably accepts signs of attention from his part.

Zola takes off the apartment for Zhanna in Paris, where it begins to regularly visit. Emil's relationships and Alexandrina have long become simply friendly, so he finds in Jeanne what he is so lacking in marriage. Blinded with love, he loses caution and begins to appear with his mistress in public places. Soon Zhanna gives him a daughter Deniza, To the great joy of the writer - finally, after so many years, in fact, on the slope of life, he becomes father. And two years later the son appears Jacques.

Very quickly Alexandrin learns about the secret connection of her husband. She is offended and humiliated, jealousy and anger overwhelm her soul. She demands an explanation, then the Emil begins to break with his mistress. However, Zola, who was mild and stopped all his life, now refuses flat. Unable to own themselves, the unfortunate woman breaks into the apartment of Zhanna, finds a husband's letters to an opponent and burns them.

Emil Zol and Jeanne Rozero. Photo: Public Domain

However, Alexandrin has always been a woman smart and practical. She understands that the scandal will harm first of all dear Emily, which can not allow anything - she still loves her husband. In addition, its own well-being is entirely depends on his books. Alexandrin takes a difficult decision: be that as it may, she is Madame Zol, the legitimate wife of the writer, and everything else does not matter.

Emil Such a spouse's approach is completely satisfied. He is still tied to her, he was ashamed for the pain caused to them, but he was unable to be from Zhanna and children. Therefore, for many years, the scenario remained in such a way: the first half of the Sawa was spent with a legitimate wife, the second - with Jeanne and children. At all secular events appeared with Alexandrina, but at the first opportunity fled to the second family. Alexandrin fastening his heart it allowed him: the main thing is that everything has a decent and respectable appearance.

Emil's children Zola Jacques and Denise. Photo: Public Domain

Strange death

Years passed. Over time, Alexandrina's heart softened, and she resigned to the fact that Emile is needed by the second family. One day, noticing how a husband watches the players in binoculars, she asked: "Invite them to the house!"

Since then, Denise and Jacques have often been to the Father's House and even walked in the park along with Emil and Alexandrina. Having own children, Madame Zola sincerely attached to the extramarital siblings of her husband, was good and generous.

Emil finally reached full harmony in his family and creative affairs. Both families lived in peace and harmony, and wrote to him freely and easily. It's time to expand the scope of activity.

Emil Zola with Jeanne and children. Photo: Public Domain

Previously, the political activities of Zola was rather modest. The singer of the people, he thoughts and feelings looked out on the pages of his numerous works, no matter what another remains nor forces. However, in January 1898, he takes an active part in the loud "case Dreifus" This process on charges of the French Jewish officer in espionage was born against the background of strong anti-Semitic sentiment in society and literally split the French for two camps. The L'Aurore newspaper publishes a surprising letter of Zola to the President of the Republic, a famous "I blame" called. The writer is openly and emotionally assures that the case is fabricated and the drift is innocent. This publication had the effect of a broken bomb: now the charges and threats are rapid up to the writer, "Defender of Jews and Spies".

Alexandrina Mel. Photo: Public Domain

Zola is forced to flee to England, where both wives and children followed him. He had a new place of residence from the first day with a typical set for the French set of claims: the weather and the local cuisine he found "eternally bad", but the main thing is that everyone around speak English. When the passions were in their homeland, Emil was able to return to Paris. As it turned out to die.

On the evening of September 29, 1902 it was cold and raw. The writer asked the servant to ignite the fireplace. Hairred, Alexandrin and her husband fell asleep. In the middle of the night, Madame Zol woke up from what he felt very bad. Emil did not sleep - he was also unpleasant. "Let's call the servants?" "Suggested Alexandrin, but Emil, a tactful and delicate man, regretted them and did not wake up among the nights.

In the morning, the servants were worried about why the owners who got up early, still do not call. Entering the room, they discovered the corpse of the owner and the hostess in deep faint. The efforts of the doctors Alexandrin managed to save. According to the conclusion of physicians, Emil Zola and his wife poisoned with carbon monoxide, which went to the room from the burning fireplace.

The investigation lasted long: it was found that the chimney was plugged with the construction trash, traces were visible on the roof. But to whom they belonged to - workers, on the eve of the roof, or attackers, and remained unknown. It is still incomprehensible, whether it was an accident or murder.

Alexandrin and Zhanna were very difficult to experience the death of a beloved man. The overall mountain brought them closer to them, all the remaining years they dedicated to the children of Emil. The writer under his lifetime has repeatedly spoke to his wife, as I would like the children to wear his last name. She managed to achieve through the court, so that the desire of her husband came true - Denise and Jacques received the name of Zol. Zhanna never married, to the very death of storing loyalty to Emile. She died in 1914 after an unsuccessful operation. Alexandrina lived to a deep old age, raising the writer's children on the feet.

The gravestone, remaining as Kenotaph, on the site of the original grave of Zola in the Montmartre cemetery, moved on June 4, 1908 in Pantheon. Photo: / donarreiskoffer

Writer Emil Zola was born on April 2, 1840 in Paris and grew up in the Italian-French family. Childhood and school period Emil spent in the ex-en-provence. When he was not yet 7 years old, the father died and the family was in a very difficult financial situation. Mrs. Zola with the expectation to support the friends of the late spouse with her son in 1858 moved to Paris.

In early 1862, Emil got a job in the Publishing House "Ashkes", to which he earns well and could spend free time on literary classes. Zola reads the poverty, follows new editions, writes Reviews for recent book news for magazines and newspapers, makes acquaintance with popular writers, tries to be in prose and poetry.

In the publishing house, Zola worked for about 4 years and quit, hoping that he could live at the expense of literary talent. And in 1864, he publishes the Debut Book of Ningon Tales, which combined the stories of different years. This period of creativity is characterized by the influence of romanticism.

In November 1865, his first novel "Confession of Claude", which he dedicated to his friends - Cezannu's field and Batistan Byle. Arriving in Paris from Excent Cezann introduces Sola in the painting circle, together they attend the workshops of Camilla Pissarro, Edgar Degas, meet with Eduar Mana and many artists. Emil Zol vigorously joined the struggle of talented masters, his original creativity of those who challenged the traditional academic school.

In the novels "Confession of Claude", "Testament of the Dead", "Marseille Secrets" shows the history of sublime love, the opposition of reality and dreams, transmitted the character of the perfect hero.

Special attention deserves the novel "Confession of Claude". This is a tough and weak veiled autobiography. This ambiguous book made the identity of Emil Scandalous and brought long-awaited popularity.

Emil Zol. Portrait of Eduard man's work. 1868.

In 1868, Emil had an idea of \u200b\u200bwriting a series of novels who would be devoted to one family - Ruggig Maccaram. The fate of these people has already been investigated by several generations. The first books from the series were not very interested in readers, but 7 Tom "Western" was doomed to a great success. He not only increased the glory of Zola, but his condition. And all the subsequent novels of the series of fans of creativity of this French writer met with great enthusiasm.

Twenty volumes of the large cycle "Roigon-Makcara" is the most important literary achievement of sol. But earlier he still managed to write "Teresa Raken." After his stunning success, Emil published 2 more cycles: "Three cities" - "Lourdes", "Rome", "Paris"; As well as the "Four Gospels" (there were 3 volumes in total). Thus, Zola became the first novelist who created a series of books about the members of one family. The writer himself, calling the reason for the choice of such a structure of the cycle, argued that he wanted to demonstrate the laws of heredity.

Zola worked on this cycle for more than 20 years. At the origins of the plan of Epopea, Sol stood "Human Comedy" O. De Balzak, however, the Balzaki study of social and moral springs, managing a person, Zola opposes the study of temperament, physiological constitution, heredity in combination with the impact of a social, "environmental" factor - origin, education, living conditions.

Zola introduces data from natural science discoveries in the literature: medicine and physiology (works of physiologists and psychiatrists K. Bernara, Sh. Luternly), Social Darwinism and aesthetics of positivism (E. Renan, I. Ten). Truly the epic coverage of all parties to public and private life is noticeable, first of all, in the thematic diversity of the cycle. Here and the Franco-Prussian War ("Taking Plazsen", "defeat"), and the peasantry and the village life ("Earth"), and the labor of miners and the socialist movement ("Zerminal"), and the life of Bohemia, the first performances of artists-Impressionists against Akademism ("Creativity"), and exchange and finance ("Money"), and trade ("Dame happiness", "Paris"), and the Kurtisani and "Ladies of Polusveta" ("Nana"), and the psychology of a religious feeling (" DREAM "), and crimes and pathological inclinations (" Man-beast ").

Maupassan called the novel "Creativity" "amazing". Russian critic Stasov wrote "How true is the artistic world of the current France! How true are the diverse characters and identities of modern artists! "

"Creativity" - the fourteenth romance of the series - Zola began to write in May 1885 and finished in nine months. On February 23, 1886, he informs his friend Searan: "My dear Cear, only this morning I was shared with" creativity ". This is a book in which I captured my memories and splashed the soul ..."

Frames of "creativity", as determined by Zola in terms of compiled in 1869, " artistic world; Hero - Claude Duval (Lantsey), the second child of the working couple. The bizarre action of heredity. "

The scene of "creativity" was based on some real events and facts from the life of a writer and his friends - Cezanne and Bailee, as well as Edward Mana, Claude Monet and many others. The content of the novel is associated with that controversy, which in the 60s the writer led to the defense of the group of young painters. In 1866, on the eve of the discovery of the salon - the traditional exhibition of fine art, "two sensational articles appeared in the press, then few people who are famous for the famous critic of Emil Zol. In these articles, he reproached the jury that launched the paintings for the exhibition, in the fact that it did not want to give the public the opportunity to see " brave, full-blooded paintings and etudes taken from reality. In the cabin, he pointed out the canvas of talented painters were not represented only because their work denies the fascinated traditions of the academic school and thereby undermining the prestige of the influential caste.

There was a lot of disputes about the prototypes of the main characters "creativity." They argued that Sandoz is a portrait of San himself (in handwritten notes to "creativity", Zola pointed out that "Sandoz was introduced in order to highlight my ideas about art"); In the Faras, they saw fields at the same time bourge and gyme, in criticism of Zhori - portrait of the Alexis field, in the image of Bonongran found a lot from Mana, but even more from Flaubert. As for Claude Lantbe, then in his handwritten notes to "creativity", Zola writes: "Claude who committed suicide with him in front of his unfinished creation is Mana, Cezanne, but more Cezanne."
However, one should not consider "creativity" as the history of impressionism. Roman Zola, first of all, is a novel about the attitude of art to reality, in response to the conviction of critics, that art with real life is incompatible. Zola was defended by the art of life truth. On the tragic example of the fate of Claude Lantier, he showed that "Only the creators of life triumph in art, only their genius fruitful ...". This conclusion of the writer approves the failure of a subjective - idealistic look at art.
The novel Emil Zola opens the veil into the world of people, all the soul of devotees, people, daily worried and hell, and paradise, who were not afraid to challenge the peaceful world.

Excerpt from the novel "Creativity"

"A dazzling outbreak of lightning again lit her, and she immediately sketching, a wide eye opening, he began to look terror around. Having shrouded with a bold haired, in front of her an unfamiliar city, similar to the ghost. Rain over. On the other side of the Seine, on the Spanner of Dezo-ORM, there were small, gray, squeezed by signs of the house with an uneven roof linas; For them, the horizon expanded, lightly, it was framed with the left - blue slate roofs on the towers of the town hall, right - lead dome of the Cathedral of St. Paul. Sena in this place is very wide, and the girl could not tear the eye from her deep, black heavy waters, which were driven from the massive arms of the Marie bridge to the air arches of the new Bridge Louis-Philippe. The river was littered with some bizarre shadows, there was a sleeping flotilla of boats and yalks; And the floating laundry and the farming machine were moored to the embankment; The opposite shore was barges, filled with coal, bowlands, loaded with a building stone, and a giant lifting crane rumped over everything. Lightning light is dumb. Everything disappeared. "

Read novel completely

Republican and Democrat Zola He collaborated with opposition seal, wrote and distributed articles that expose the French military and the reaction regime of Napoleon.

When Zola intervened in the scandalous case of Dreyfus, it became a sensation. Emil was convinced that the officer of the French General Staff of Alfred Dreifus, who by nationality was a Jew, in 1894 unjustly condemned for the sale of military secrets of Germany. So the writer exposed the army leadership, indicating their responsibility for a court error. Zola was planted his position in the form of an open letter and with the headline "I blame" sent him to the President of the Republic. For the slander of the writer sentenced to the year in prison. But Emil escaped to England and returned to his homeland in 1899, when Dreyfus was finally justified.

Zola became the second after Viktor Hugo in the rating of the popularity of French writers. But on September 28, 1902, the writer due to an accident suddenly died in his own Paris apartment. He poisoned with carbon monoxide. But, most likely, it set up his political enemies. Emil Zola was a passionate defender of humanism and democracy, for which he paid for his life.\u003e Zol

The French literary figure, the leader and the founder of naturalism in French literature, which has become famous and readable in Russia faster than in his homeland.

On April 2, 1840, in the family of French citizenship and the Italian family, Emil Zola appeared. The father of the boy Francois Zola, being an engineer, signed a contract for the construction of the canal, it contributed to the fact that in 1843 the family moved to the city of ex-en-provence.

Together with partners, Francois creates a company to implement projects. The work began to advance in 1847, but Emil's father received inflammation of the lungs, which is tragically and suicide.

In the same year, the boy was determined at the boarding board. There, he meets the future famous French artist Postmingnessism -, friendship with which will continue for more than 25 years. It becomes a fan of creativity and Alfred de Mussse, receives religious lighting. The city of Ex NEX will never respond in the works of Zola under the invented name of Plassan.

However, after the death of his father, the mother remains widow, he lives on a retirement, which is not enough. In 1852, it is forced to return to Paris to watch the lawsuit with lenders against the company of the late husband. As a result of the court proceedings, the company was recognized as bankrupt.

With a full disappointment for myself at 18, Emil comes to Mother to Paris, where life is full of restrictions due to the material situation. An attempt to build a future lawyer fell, Zola failed exams.


After the failure exams, Emil got a job in a bookstore. From 1862 he worked in the publishing house "ASHET". After 4 years, Zola decided to start writing and make this activity as a source of earnings. The initial writer steps began with journalism. The debut collection of stories declared himself in 1864 called the Ningon Fairy Tales. The fame of the writer was not far from around the corner - a year later, France saw the published first novel - "Confession of Claude", which became a real biography of the writer. He made Zola popular.

The work of life was the writing of the 20-Tomny novel "Roigon-Makcara", where he is talking about one specific family during Napoleon 3 and the second French Empire. Emil was calculated to publish 10 volumes of the novel, but in the end result, the work consists of 20 volumes, the most successful of which became "Western" and "Zheremal" dedicated to the class of workers.

Another novel, who had success from readers - "Dame Happiness", fully reflecting the ideology of the time when commercial relations are increasingly developing, where the client's desire is the law, and the right of the seller does not matter. The actions of the book are developing in the store called "Dame Happiness", and the main characters, as in most Novels of the Writer, are poor from the deep province, confidently reaching success.

Emil Zola in 25 years

Trading tricks, understandable in our time, become revelation at the end of the 19th century. Particular attention is paid to women in the works of the author, in the novel "Dame happiness" is not an exception: strong, volitional and independent of men. Literary critics believe that the prototype of the characters was the mother of the writer.

In the novels of the writer, the psychological attitude of the petty bourgeoisie seeking the truth in life is revealed, but all attempts are useless and failed. So it became with a revolutionary from the work of "Money", with which readers met in 1891.


The novel "Nana" was popular not only in France. In Russia, he was printed in three publications, but the text of the work was incomplete. It was explained by the ban of royal censorship. The heroine of the narrative was the girl Anna Kuoo, whose prototype became a familiar to the writer Kurtisanka Blanche d'Antigny.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe Ruggon-Makcara cycle is a family saga, replacing generations, periodically with emerging new characters. The idea is that from heredity, customs and families of the family it is impossible to get rid of.

Emil Zol continuously from literary activities was engaged in social and political. Bold and sensational work - the publication "I blames", published as an answer to the business of Dreifus. Many celebrities performed on the side of the officer, the Jew for Nationality, which was accused of espionage on the side of Germany. The French officer was sentenced to life. Emil Zola replenished the list of famous persons of France, supporting drift.

Personal life

In young years, after arriving at the mother to Paris, Emil met Alexandrina Mele, who for a long time remained the mistress of the writer. Communication with the middle-class representative has become the soul and mother of the writer - serious, ambitious, fragile and at the same time strong girl. In 1870, Emil married Alexandrine, but there was one darling factor in the family - the children did not happen to children.

According to an evil irony of fate, years later, the wife hires a young maid to Zhanna, who becomes the mistress of Zola. For a long time, the writer tried to hide forbidden relationships, while providing a young 20-year-old girl. But when the first child was born, keeping the secret no longer make sense.

Emil married Jeanne Row, a couple had a second kid. The new family brought the Writer with happiness and inspiration in creativity.


The writer died in the 62-year-old, due to carbon monoxide poisoning. The official version was a breakdown in the house of the fireplace chimney. Some editions published the last words of Emil, with an appeal to his wife about poor well-being. Call a doctor refused. Death came on September 29, 1902.

The contemporaries of the writer had suspicions of unnatural death - murder. After 50 years, the French newspaper journalist Jean Borel printed the investigation "Is Zola killed?". He published suspicion of the deliberate murder of a writer, where he revealed the conversation of the pharmacist and a pipeline, who confessed in the intentional pollution of the chimney of the Salla apartment.


In the list, you can list a large number of writings: novels, stories, literary and journalistic works, but novels deserve special attention.

  • 1865 - "Confession of Claude"
  • 1866 - "Cereal Died"
  • 1867 - "Teresa Raken"
  • 1867 - "Marseille Secrets"
  • 1868 - "Madelena Fera"
  • 1871 - "Career Rugs"
  • 1873 - "Paris Paris"
  • 1874 - "Won of Plassan"
  • 1880 - "Nana"
  • 1883 - "Dame happiness"
  • 1885 - "Germinal"
  • 1890 - "Man-beast"
  • 1891 - "Money to defeat"
Language of works french Awards Works on the site LIB.RU Files on wikisklad Quotes in Wikitatnik

In the last period of his life, the sol of the Socialist worldview, without leaving the framework of radicalism. As the highest point of the political biography of Sol, his participation in Dreifus, which exposed the contradictions of France in the 1890s, is the famous article "J'accuse" ("I blame"), for which the writer paid exile to England (1898).

Death [ | ]

Zola died in Paris from carbon monoxide poisoning, according to the official version - due to the malfunction of the chimney in the fireplace. His last words addressed to his wife were: "I feel bad, my head splits. Look, and the dog is sick. Probably we ate something. Nothing, everything will pass. Do not disturb anyone ... ". Contemporaries suspected that it could be murder, but the irrefused evidence of this theory could not be found.

In 1953, the journalist Jean Borel published in the newspaper "Librason" the investigation "Is Zola killed?" By stating that the death of Zola may be a murder, and not an accident. He founded his approval on the revelations of the Norman pharmacist Pierre Akin, who said that Henri Buonfoss was told to him, which was deliberately blocked by the chimney of the Emil Zola's apartment in Paris.

Personal life [ | ]

Emil Zol was married twice; From the second spouse (Zhanna Ryro) he had two children.

Memory [ | ]

In honor of Emil Zol, named Mercury.

In the Paris Metro there is a station of Avenue Emile Zola on the 10th line next to the same street.

Creation [ | ]

The first literary speeches of Zola refer to the 1860s - "Ningon Tales" ( Contes à ninon., 1864), "Confession of Claude" ( La Confession de Claude, 1865), "Cereal Died" ( Le Vœu D "Une Morte, 1866), "Marseille Secrets" ( Les Mystères de Marseille, 1867).

Emil Zola with his children

The young Zola rapidly approaches its main works, to the central node of his creative activity - the 20-Tomny Series "Roigon-Makcara" ( Les Rougon-Macquart). Already the novel "Teresa Raken" ( Thérèse raquin., 1867) lies in itself the basic elements of the content of the grand "natural and social history of one family in the era of the second empire."

Zola spends a lot of effort to show how the laws of heredity affect the individual members of the Rugon-Makkarov family. The entire epic is associated with a carefully developed plan based on the principle of heredity - all the members of the series are members of the same family, so widely extensive that it penetrates it both in the highest layers of France and in its bottom.

Emil Zol (1870)

Emil Zola with a camera

Emil Zol

Family Zola

The unfinished series "Four-Genuine" ("Fruitness" ( Fécondité., 1899), "Labor", "Truth" ( Vérité., 1903), "Justice" ( Justice., not completed)) expresses this new stage in the work of Zola.

In the interval between the series "Roigon-Makcars" and "Four-Gear" Zola wrote the trilogy "Three cities": "Lourdes" ( LourDes., 1894), "Rome" ( Rome, 1896), "Paris" ( Paris., 1898).

Emil Zola in Russia[ | ]

Emil Zola acquired popularity in Russia a few years earlier than in France. Already the "Ningon Tales" were marked by a sympathetic review ("domestic notes.". T. 158. - P. 226-227). With the advent of translations of the two first volumes of Roigon-Makcarov ("Journal of Europe",. KN. 7 and 8) began assimilating by his wide reader circles. Translations of the works of Zola went out with bills on censorship reasons, the production of novel "mining", published in ed. Carbasynova (1874) was destroyed.

Roman "Verevo Paris" translated at the same time "case", "Bulletin of Europe", "domestic notes", "Russian Herald", "Spark" and "Bible. Shed. and public. " and published in two separate publications, finally approved the reputation of the Zol in Russia.

The last Romanes of Zola went out in Russian translations in 10 or more editions at the same time. In the 1900s, especially after, the interest in Zola was noticeably asleep in order to revive after. Even earlier, Zola's novels received the function of the campaign material ("work and capital", the story on the novel of the Zol "in the cops" ("Zherminal"), Simbirsk,) (V. M. Friece, Emil Zol (to whom the proletariat puts monuments), M. ).

Work [ | ]

Novels [ | ]

  • Confession Claude ( La Confession de Claude, 1865)
  • Covenant deceased ( Le Vœu D "Une Morte, 1866)
  • Teresa Raken ( Thérèse raquin., 1867)
  • Marseille secrets ( Les Mystères de Marseille, 1867)
  • Madelene Fera ( Madeleine Férat., 1868)

Ruggong Maccara [ | ]

Three cities [ | ]

  • Lourd ( LourDes., 1894)
  • Rome ( Rome, 1896)
  • Paris ( Paris., 1898)

Four-Genuine[ | ]

  • Fertility ( Fécondité., 1899)
  • Labor ( Travail, 1901)
  • Truth ( Vérité., 1903)
  • Justice ( Justice., not finished)

Tale [ | ]

  • Siege mills ( L'Attaque du Moulin, 1880)
  • Mrs. Surdis ( Madame Sourdis, 1880)
  • Captain Burl ( Le Capitaine Burle., 1882)

Novella [ | ]

  • Ningon's fairy tales ( Contes à ninon., 1864)
  • New Tales Ningon ( Nouveaux Contes à ninon, 1874)

Pieces [ | ]

  • Heirs of Rabielden ( Les Héritiers Rabourdin., 1874)
  • Pink bud ( Le Bouton de Rose, 1878)
  • Rene ( Renée, 1887)
  • Madelena ( Madeleine., 1889)

Literary and journalistic works[ | ]

  • What I hate ( Mes Haines., 1866)
  • My salon ( MON SALON., 1866)
  • Eduard Mana ( Edouard manet., 1867)
  • Experimental Roman ( Le Roman Expérimental, 1880)
  • Novelists-naturalists ( Les Romanciers Naturalistes., 1881)
  • Naturalism in the theater ( Le Naturalisme Au Théâtre, 1881)
  • Our playwrights ( Nos AUTURS Dramatiques., 1881)
  • Literary documents ( Documents Littéraires., 1881)
  • Hike ( UNE CAMPAGNE, 1882)
  • New campaign ( Nouvelle Campagne., 1897)
  • The truth is marching ( La Vérité en marche, 1901)

Publication[ | ]

  • Teresa Raken. Germinal. - M.: Fiction, 1975. (Library of World Literature).
  • Career Rugs. Mining. - M.: Fiction, 1980. (library of classics).
  • Trap. Germinal. - M.: Fiction, 1988. (Library of classics).

Selected literature about Zola[ | ]

List of writings

  • Complete essay of E. Zola with illustrations. - P.: Bibliothèque-Charpentier, 1906.
  • L'Acrienne. - 1860.
  • Temlinsky S. Zolaism, criticism. Etude, ed. 2nd, copy. and add. - M., 1881.
  • Boborakin P. D. (in "Domestic Notes", 1876, "Bulletin of Europe", 1882, I, and "Observer", 1882, XI, XII)
  • Arsenyev K. (in the "European Herald", 1882, VIII; 1883, VI; 1884, XI; 1886, VI; 1891], IV, and in the "critical etudes", vol. II, St. Petersburg.,)
  • Andreevich V. // "Journal of Europe". - 1892, VII.
  • Slonimsky L. Zola. // "Journal of Europe". - 1892, IX.
  • Mikhailovsky N. K. (in the Communion of Coll. Sochik., T. VI)
  • Brandz G. // "Journal of Europe". - 1887. - X, K in the Camp. Sochi
  • Barro E. Zola, his life and literary activities. - St. Petersburg. 1895.
  • Pelije J. French literature XIX century. - M., 1894.
  • Shepelevich L. Yu. Our contemporaries. - St. Petersburg. , 1899.
  • Kudrin N. E. (Rusanov). E. Zola, literary and biographical essay. - "Russian wealth", 1902, x (and in the "Gallery of Modern French Celebrities", 1906).
  • Anichkov Evg. E. Zola, "Mir of God", 1903, V (and in the Book "Forerunners and Contemporaries").
  • Hungarian E. Zola, Critico-biographical essay, "Journal of Europe", 1903, IX (and in "literary characteristics", KN. II, SPb., 1905).
  • Lozinsky Evg. Pedagogical ideas in the works of E. Zola. // "Russian Thought", 1903, XII.
  • Veselovsky Yu. E. Zola as a poet and a humanist. // "Bulletin of Education", 1911. - I, II.
  • Frice V. M. E. Zola. - M., 1919.
  • Frice V. M. Essay in the development of Western European literature. - M.: Giz, 1922.
  • Eyhengolts M. E. Zola (-). // "Printing and Revolution", 1928, I.
  • Trunin K. Emil Zol. Criticism and analysis of the literary heritage. - 2018.
  • Rod E. A Propos de l'Assomoir. - 1879.
  • Ferdas V. La Physiologie Expérimentale Et Le Roman Expérimental. - P.: Claude Bernard et E. Zola, 1881.
  • Alexis P. Emile Zola, Notes d'Unmi. - P., 1882.
  • MAUPASSANT G. DE. Emile Zola, 1883.
  • Hubert.. Le Roman Naturaliste. - 1885.
  • Wolf E. Zola Und Die Grenzen Von Poesie und Wissenschaft. - Kiel, 1891.
  • ENGWER TH. Zola Als Kunstkritiker. - B., 1894.
  • Lotsch F. Über zolas sprachgebruch. - Greifswald, 1895.
  • Gaufiner.. Étude Syntaxique Sur La Langue de Zola. - Bonne, 1895.
  • Lotsch F. Wörterbuch Zu Den Werken Zoola Und Einiger Anderen Modernen SchriftStelter. - Greifswald, 1896.
  • LaPort A. Zola vs Zol. - P., 1896.
  • Montae J. L. Real Rome: Replica Zola. - 1896.
  • Rauber A. A. Die Lehren V. Hugo, L. Tolstoy und Zola. - 1896.
  • LaPort A. Naturalism or eternity of literature. E. Zola, man and work. - P., 1898.
  • Bourgeois, product of sol. - P., 1898.
  • Brunety F. After the process, 1898.
  • Bürger E. E. Zola, A. Daudet Und Andere Naturalisten Frankreichs. - Dresden, 1899.
  • MacDonald A. Emil Zola, A Study of His Personality. - 1899.
  • VIZETELLY E. A. With zola in england. - 1899.
  • Ramond F. C. Characters Ruzhon Mackar. - 1901.
  • Conrad M. G. Von Emil Zola Bis G. hauptmann. Erinnerungen Zur Geschichte der Moderne. - LPZ. , 1902.
  • Bouvier.. L'œuvre de Zola. - P., 1904.
  • VIZETELLY E. A. Zola, Novellist and Reformer. - 1904.
  • Lepelletier E. Emile Zola, SA VIE, SON œUVRE. - P., 1909.
  • Patterson J. G. Zola: Characters of the Rougon-Macquarts Novels, with a BIOGRAPHY. - 1912.
  • Martino R. Le Roman Réaliste Sous Le Second Empire. - P., 1913.
  • Lemm S. Zur EnttehungsGeschichte von Emil Zoola "RUGON-MACQUARTS" Und Den "Quatre Evangiles". - Halle a. S., 1913.
  • Mann H. Macht und Mensch. - München, 1919.
  • Oehlert R. Emil Zola Als Theaterdichter. - B., 1920.
  • Martino P. Le Naturalisme Français. - 1923.
  • Seillère E. A. A. L. Emile Zola, 1923: Baillot A., Emile Zola, L'Homme, Le Penseur, Le Critique, 1924
  • France A. La Vie Littéraire. - 1925. - V. I. - PP. 225-239.
  • France A. La Vie Littéraire. - 1926. - V. II (La Pureté d'e. Zola, pp. 284-292).
  • Deffoux L. Et Zavie E. Le Groupe de Médan. - P., 1927.
  • Josephson Matthew.. ZOLA AND HIS TIME. - N. Y., 1928.
  • Doucet F. L'Esthétique de Zola et Son Application à la critique, La Haye, s. a.
  • Bainville J. Au Seuil Du Siècle, Études critiques, E. Zola. - P., 1929.
  • Les Soirées de Médan, 17 / IV 1880 - 17 / IV 1930, Avec Une Préface Inédite de Léon Hennique. - P., 1930.
  • Piccanov N. K., Two centuries of Russian literature. - ed. 2nd. - M.: Giz, 1924.
  • Mandelshtam R. S. Artistic literature in the assessment of Russian Marxist criticism. - ed. 4th. - M.: Giz, 1928.
  • Laporte A. Emile Zoola, L'Homme et l'œuvre, Avec Bibliographie. - 1894. - PP. 247-294.

Shielding [ | ]

Notes [ | ]

Links [ | ]