Essay in the picture of the Aivazovsky "Ninth Val. We write an essay in the picture "Storm" (Aivazovsky) d

Essay in the picture of the Aivazovsky
Essay in the picture of the Aivazovsky "Ninth Val. We write an essay in the picture "Storm" (Aivazovsky) d

Novosibirsk medical instust. Department of Cultural Science. 1997.


on the work of Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky

Followed by a student of therapeutic faculty of the third year of the ninth group Gerasenko A. A.

Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky is one of the largest Russian painters of the XIX century.

Since childhood, he manifested himself a passion for drawing. He grew up in Feodosia, and the brightest impressions were associated with the sea; Navro is because he dedicated to the image of the sea all his creativity.

Aivazovsky studied at the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg, and the first of his marine landscapes were allocated at academic exhibitions. At one such exhibition, the artist met with Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, who expressed his approval. "Since then, a poet's favorite me was made by the subject of my spirit and inspiration," said Ayvazovsky. Subsequently, the artist created a number of paintings associated with the image of Pushkin, and among them the famous canvas "Farewell to Pushkin with the Sea" (the figure of the poet was written by I. E. Repein). This is a productically consonant with Pushkin rows:

Goodbye free element.

Last time in front of me

You katiha waves blue

And bleach pride of red ...

For success in painting Aivazovsky, a course of occupations at the Academy reduced two years and was awarded the highest award in 1837 - a large gold medal.

In the early 1840s, a young artist is sent by a retired academy abroad. Sea landscapes, written by him in Naples and in Venice, have gained wide fame. Arsterdam Aivazovsky was awarded the honorary title of academician, and in Paris received a gold medal. Then English landscape officer D. Turner under the impression of the picture of Aivazovsky, depicting the Neopalar Bay of the Lunar Night, folded the sonnet in honor of her author, in which he wrote: "Forgive me, a great artist, if I mistaken, accepting a picture for reality, but your work fascinated I was delighted with me. Your art is high and powerful because you inspires a genius. " These lines are all the more valuable that they will prenate the world recognition by the artist-marinist, mean by praise by man.

Upon returning to Russia, Aivazovsky received the ranks of academician and painter of the Chief Naval Staff. In 1844 - 1845, they made a large state order to the cycle of paintings showing Russian ports-fortresses in the Baltic Sea. The "Svetaborg" and "Revel" canvas give an idea about this series.

Despite the many favorable orders offered in the capital, Aivazovsky leaves home to the Crimea. There, in Feodosia, in the autumn of 1846 he noted the decade of his creativity. Congratulate the artist with the anniversary arrived a squadron of the ships of the Black Sea Fleet under the command of Admiral V. A. Kornilov. Sailors did not accidentally have the artist High honors. Aivazovsky has repeatedly been in the fighting hikes squadron. He participated in the landing of the Russian temple at Subashi and captured this event.

The history of the Russian fleet is dedicated to the canvas "Peter I with a Red Hill". Aivazovsky depicted sailing ships with all their complex equipment: in the picture "Russian squadron in the Sevastopol Raid" with a deep knowledge transferred the system of combat vessels ready for the parade.

Chute to the events of modernity, Aivazovsky immediately responded to them with his works. So, he created a number of works about the Crimean War of 1853 - 1856. The artist not only visited the deposition of Sevastopol, but also brought there an exhibition of his paintings. Among them was the "Sinop Fight" (victory over the Turkish fleet on November 18, 1853). The canvas was created on the basis of the stories of the participants of the battle. "This picture is so amazing that it is difficult to break away from it," he wrote one of the sailors who saw it in a deposited Sevastopol. Also known and the words told by Admiral P. S. Nakhimov: "The picture is extremely true."

One of the most popular works of the artist is the "ninth shaft". Aivazovsky depicted a raging sea at sunrise. Huge waves have a penalty, "ninth shaft" flies with terrible force. The frenzy of the elements, the artist contrasted the courage and courage of people saving on a fragment of the mast after shipwreck. Aivazovsky so built his picture and introduced into it the brightest and sonorous colors, which despite the dramaticism of what is happening, forced to admire the beauty of the raging sea. The picture has no feeling of doom or tragedy.

Surprisingly artist's skill. With the same force and persuasive, he knew how to convey the fierce storm and a quiet surface of the sea, glitter sparkling on the water of sun rays and ripples of rain, transparency of the sea depth and snow-white wave foam. "The movement of living elements is elusive for the brush," said Ayvazovsky, - write a zipper, impulse wind, a wave splash - unthinkable with nature. For this, the artist and must remember them and these accidents, as well as the effects of light and shadows, furnish their picture. " He was convinced that "a person who was not gifted by memory, which preserves the impressions of wildlife, can be an excellent copywriter, a living photographic apparatus, but the true artist is never.

Aivazovsky worked a lot and inspired, freedom of improvising, investing all his feelings and wealth of observations. "Write quiet, I can't corpe over the picture of the first time," he confessed.

The creative path of the wizard was folded. Romantic features have become changed in its realistic art. From bright handicraft gamma and lighting effects, which prevailed in early work, Aivazovsky switches to a more restrained and true color relationship. This is especially noticeable in the picture "Black Sea" and one of the largest cloths - "Wave". The artist created more than six thousand works and one of them is represented in the collection of the Novosibirsk Art Gallery - "shipwreck".

The picture shows the ship, the stranded, the rescue boat, on the kitro, the whole team sails to the shore from the crash site. From the shore, fishermen observed fishermen, obviously interested in what is happening. But looking at this picture you do not see the tragedy of the crash, all experiences go to the background. This effect is achieved thanks to a special image of action. The paints are chosen bright, bright, saturated. In addition, the surrounding landscape is quite peaceful: the sky is clean, gently blue, the sea is full of calm, the surface of the sea as a mirror is not visible. In addition, the ship itself is in Dali and looks like some small, toy. All this creates the feelings of some soulful calm, which allows you to just admire the picture without thinking about the plot.

Aivazovsky reached huge heights in the image of the sea, which he has entered all his life. He made a huge contribution to the global culture and culture of Russia.


For those who ask the question: How to write a conclusion on the final essay?

Conclusion, as well as other composite parts of the composition, can be both standard and original.

Information is relevant for 2019-2020!

  • All about the final 2019-2020: directions, topics, arguments, literature

The conclusion must comply with the entry / theme / main text of the compound.

Before writing a conclusion, you need to re-read the entry, remembering the problems set in it, and make sure that the conclusion necessarily echoed with entry, since the lack of communication between entry and the conclusion is one of the most common meaningful composite errors.

In conclusion, you can:

  • sum up the total reasoning
  • use a relevant quote containing the essence of the main thought
  • give a brief and accurate answer to the topic of the topic.

The volume of conclusion: no more than 15% of the whole composition.

Conclusion Traditional

There are several standard ways to complete an essay:

  • Output.

It is usually taken to complete the writing of the conclusion from the foregoing. This is probably the most common way to complete an essay. However, at the same time it is the most difficult way, because It is difficult, on the one hand, not to duplicate in the output, what has already been said, and, on the other hand, do not go away from the theme of the composition.

  • Call.

This is another fairly common ending option. It is desirable not to use the verbs of 2 faces of the type "Take care", "Respect", "Remember." Why? Yes, everything is very simple: each essay has a recipient - the one who reads it and to whom appeals will appear. In our case, this is a teacher who will check the work. It turns out that it is it that we urge to take care, remember, etc. Honestly, not very it is ethical. Therefore, it is better to use the word "let's": "Let's take care of nature", "Let's remember the veterans", etc.

  • Expression of hope.

This is one of the most winning options for the final part, because Allows you to avoid duplication of thought, ethical and logical errors. Important: I need to express hope for something positive. Writing: "I want to hope that nature will revenge for myself and all people will die," do not, you know.

Conclusion options

  • Output

So, what are people alive? I think love. People are alive with love for their loved ones and friends, love for native land and nature. They are running through the life of a dream, hope for the best, faith in your strength. And helping good feelings in life: sympathy, mercy, sensitivity, responsiveness. This is, without which our life is unthinkable.

  • Call

In conclusion, I want to call people not to forget that nature is our mother, which gives us everything you need for life. Without it, we could not exist. And therefore our duty is to answer her good on good. Let's take care of its preservation, take care of everything that surrounds us.

  • Expression of hope

Summing up the said, I want to express the hope that harmony and mutual understanding will reign in each family. I want to believe that love, care, sensitivity will become the main in the relationship of generations.

Conclusion Original

Quote suitable in meaning. You can stock quotes in advance on all thematic areas, it can happen anything suitable. Important: The meaning of the quotation must necessarily correspond to the main thought of the composition. It is impossible to use a quote just because there is a keyword in it, (for example, in writing about the nature of a quote with the word "nature") and not take into account its general meaning.

  • Sketching that returns to entry

I look at the lit windows of houses and think about how it would be good if there were no loneliness for them if everyone who lives there was surrounded by care.

Riding old front letters, I dream that the world never had more wars separating families.

  • Quote

Thus, friendship is of great importance in a person's life. No wonder Cicero argued: "There is nothing better in the world and more pleasant to friendship; To exclude friendship from life - I don't care what to deprive the world of sunlight. "

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What helps a person be happy? Work that brings pleasure, close people and creativity. For some people, creativity is both a hobby, and work, and for others it is a contemplation of the beautiful. In school, we study the canvas of great artists, prepare written works about them. Probably, each person wrote Aivazovsky "Storm". Let's remember the amazing work of a brilliant painter.

A few words about the author of the picture

Now we will talk about the author of the canvas, familiar since childhood. Later we will write an essay by the picture "Storm". Ivanovsky Ivan Konstantinovich was born in an amazingly beautiful port city - Feodosia. Probably, so he was in love with childhood in the sea, his romance and strength. Ovanen Aivazyan (real name of the artist) was born on July 29, 1817. The boy grew up in poverty, studied in the gymnasium of Simferopol. The passion for art led him to the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, where he adopted knowledge from outstanding masters of that time. After training, Aivazovsky traveled a lot, and in 1847 he became a professor in his Alma Mater.

Before writing an essay in the picture "Storm" (Ayvazovsky), I would like to note that the author of the canvas succeeded in marine landscapes and even worked in the maritime headquarters by the artist. The most famous works are the "Black Sea" and "Ninth Val", although he gladly portrayed Ukrainian and Caucasian landscapes, episodes from Armenian history, in total in the creative heritage of the painter there are about six thousand canvases, in which he invests the soul. And besides the favorite work, Ivan managed to engage in charity and public affairs, helped his hometown, founded the museum and art gallery, contributed to the railway laying. Ivan Konstantinovich died at the recent age of 1900, having started working on another canvas, in Feodosia, where he was buried.

Amazing picture

It is impossible to write an essay in the picture "Storm" (Ivazovsky IK), not knowing what is depicted on it. Created her Ivan Konstantinovich in 1851, as if the continuation of the canvas "Storm at the sea at night" (1849). It is written by oil on canvas, stored in the State Russian Museum.

According to the biographers of Aivazovsky, the artist in his youth, being already famous, got into a storm in the storm was so strong that the ship was considered to be sunken, and the newspapers were printed about the death of Ivan. Experiences for life and delight before the power of the element, the confrontation of people and nature was displayed in memory, and then appeared from under the brush of the master, surprising everyone.

Description of the painting "Storm"

Two thirds of the canvas takes the sky: gloomy, tightened by clouds. In the foreground shows the foamed sea. Waves as if pumped, playing a ship. The vessel was very tamed from a strong wind, the sails were torn off, donated tackle. The mast chip fell into the water, and the crazy circulation took it away. Looking at the picture, literally hear the disturbing cries of the chaps, who are trying to find shelter, grumble, doomed team cries. Essay in the picture "Storm" (Aivazovsky) writing easily, because it seems to be alive. A very strong impression remains even from a reproduction view, and what an excitement covers when you admire the original! Now, describe the picture of the Aivazovsky "Storm" and you.

Remembering school

How to write an essay by the picture of the Aivazovsky "Storm"? First you need to make a plan. The work should have a small entry, the main part dedicated to the canvas, and conclusion. For example, like this.

The man always admired the sea, his strength and power, his immense and mysteriousness. When the storm fell, the little people seemed to be that they were nourished by something of nature, and they tried to understand than. But they did not manage to told the element, it remained only to wait, watching her games. It is such thoughts that cover the one who looks at the brilliant canvas "storm" by the brush I. Aivazovsky.

The picture depicts a ship that got into the storm. Waves of terrible height ruthlessly vertet them in different directions, as if playing with the fate of people who are on board. Strong wind cut the tackle, took place somewhere the mast and tilt the ship. It seems that it is about to be filled with water and leaves for the bottom, having taken the desperate sailors. And only the seagulls will witness the tragedy, and only they make a sad song over their grave.

The sky is silent. The clouds of all shades of blue and gray hid the sun. True, occasionally the rays of the daytime shine still make their way, giving people at least some hope. Maybe the element has already mastered and will move away, leaving the ship afloat? Maybe the wind played a ship and flies up, accelerating who will win this time - a small man or nature mother? Who knows?

Aivazovsky is a brilliant master, since he managed to give the paints the realistic greatness of the sea, as well as its indomitable power. A person only seems to be the king of nature, in fact he is her child: a little, disobedient and helpless. He must understand that his efforts are in vain, and to accept the fate, which is cooked by the elements. However, the team fights to the end, and the beam of light gives them hope for salvation.

Instead of imprisonment

The artist and his canvas make the viewer think about life, about her place in her. After all, our existence is a small boat in a huge sea, which is floating in the calm, it struggles with a storm. And how this swimming will end, depends on us and our actions.

The famous Russian writer Maxim Gorky has always surprised and admired me with a philosophical depth and accuracy of statements. Once Gorky noticed: "The artist is a sensory of his country, his class, ear, an eye and his heart; He is the voice of his era. " Very well these words characterize the life and creativity of our Crimean artist I. K. Aivazovsky, famous marinist, collector and patron. I always look with excitement on his paintings and feel the feeling of sincere admiration for the talent of the artist and his deep patriotism. The works of the Crimean Marinist are permeated with trembling love for our country, her rich history, a kind of nature.

One of my favorite pictures is "Chesme Fight", written in 1848. It is large enough: the size of the canvase is 195 by 185 cm. Visiting the Feodosian art gallery, I stand for a long time in this picture. Battle canvas devoted to one of the important episodes of the Russian-Turkish war 1768-1774. Over the night from June 25-26, 1770, the ships of the Russian fleet were able to destroy most of the Turkish fleet.

I. K. Aivazovsky convincingly showed the unquesting victory of the Russian squadron on the canvas. The picture is permeated with dynamics and, despite the tragic content, pride for the Russian fleet.

"Chesmensky fight" attracts the attention of the audience a combination of red, yellow and black tones. Contrast canvas will not leave anyone indifferent. In the center - the silhouette of the flagship of the Russian Flotilla. In the depths of the bay depicts burning Turkish ships. The flame is so bright that it is impossible to take a look from this part of the painting. It seems that not only you see, but also you hear the cries of people, the salts of the cannons, the crackle of the burning and flying masts, parts of the ships that turn into a huge bonfire above the water. The flame buys so brightly that the people of Turkish sailors are visible, miraculously survivors and trying to escape. They cling to debris and appeal about help. But there is no salvation or ships or people. All are doomed ...

A bright flame on the sea will grow into a gray smoke and mixed with the clouds, because of which the frozen moon is indifferent to the battle. It seems that they are mixed together and water, and fire, and air. Scary, bringing the death and destruction of an unprecedented fireworks in the Chesmen Bay, which symbolizes the victory of the Russian flotilla.

The sea on this canvas of Aivazovsky is a living, jubilant. It is not just a background for the unfolding battle of Russian ships with the Turkish fleet, it is a witness and a member of what is happening in Chesmen Bay. Sea is multipoint and multicolored. In the foreground, the painting is dark green, then - lead, on the far plan - red-yellow. It seems that it is worried and is waiting to look forward to the outcome of the battle. Transitions from one color to another are made by the artist so masterfully that the sea seems to be aliders.

Why do I love this picture? First of all, because it is permeated by pride, joyful excitement, the use of a brilliant victory surrounded by Russian sailors. All this you understand when you stand in the room in front of the web and admire the amazing technique of execution inherent only to the great Marinist I. K. Aivazovsky, a real patriot and a citizen of our great Motherland.

I am sure that the painting "Chesmensky fight" is fairly called one of the best canvases that glorify the glorious pages in the history of the Russian fleet. AI I. K. Ayvazovsky, who created it, can safely be called a "sensitive country", thinly feeling the importance of what is happening and skillfully reflecting on their canvases with paints and the brush of the Great Master.

IK Aivazovsky is a famous Russian painter. They were told about him and they say about the unique wizard of the sea landscape. Absolutely all of his paintings are permeated by unique emotionality.

In the picture "Ninth Val", the master portrayed people who fight the elements. This picture was recognized as a global masterpiece, as well as, it is the best work of the painter. In the folk belief, in antiquity, it was believed that the sea surf had a certain rhythmic sequence, in which one wave, after some amount of time

It is more powerful than others. In ancient Greece, such a wave was the third, in Rome - the tenth, in Russia - ninth.

The master found the necessary means to portray the power, the greatness and beauty of marine elements. The image is filled with deep inner sound. She surprises with its scale and tragity. If you look at the center of the canvas, then you might think that you are in the center of all what is happening on it. The greatness of the swelling element of the sea is immense. Her power is disappointing and great.

The recalcitable element of unsuccessful power can sleep all that it comes. She wanted to prove that there is no

Barriers, nothing can stop it. Revives the picture and gives it a notch of romanticity, the rising sun. Fire glow, which embraced the sky and throws a defect to death waves, creates a sense of grandeur.

A few people got into the very center of an inexorable element. They are trying to win an unequal, fatal battle with the marine element, located on the wreckage of the ship who suffered a disaster. They still have hope for salvation and are waiting for help, which is not visible anywhere. Being a person to death, these people do not surrender and try not to despair. Aivazovsky makes the audience guess over those who eventually turn out to be stronger, courageous people or a formidable element.

Folk thought and fiction, always associate the marine element with the desire for freedom, with an assertive confrontation. I really liked this picture. The painter loved the sea. Confirmation of this picture: "Black Sea", "Chesmen fight" and others. The work "The Ninth Val" is the most magnificent and impressive work of Aivazovsky.