Candid or optimism Creation history. Best Philosophical Tale Voltaire - "Candid

Candid or optimism Creation history. Best Philosophical Tale Voltaire -
Candid or optimism Creation history. Best Philosophical Tale Voltaire - "Candid

"Candid" Voltaire - Philosophical satirical storywhich was created in the middle of the eighteenth century, but for some time prohibited by virtue of a considerable number of obscene scenes. IN the work is coming speech about optimism and pessimism, human defects and faith in top Qualities man.

History of writing

Voltaire - French writer they created a number of philosophical artistic worksnot devoid of acute accusatory satire. Voltera extremely did not like the power of the church, which he has repeatedly spoke. He was a tary fighter against idealism and religion and relied in his philosophical treatises solely on scientific achievements.

As for such an abstract concept as "happiness,", in order to state their position regarding this difficult issue, Voltaire wrote an adventure story about the optimist Candida, who, despite all the blows of fate, did not lose faith in good, sincerity and honesty. This work was based on a real event - an earthquake in Lisbon. It is terrible a natural phenomenon occupies a central place in one of the most famous leadswhich Wolter wrote.

"Candid, or optimism" is a work that the author refused several times, arguing that it supposedly does not belong to His Peru. Nevertheless, the story is present characteristic of Voltaire Satira. "Candid" is one of the best works French enlightener. What did the readers behave in this story? Kandid, whose analysis will be presented below - this is a story that may seem at first glance no more than fun and entertaining. And only when detailed consideration You can detect deep philosophical thoughtthat Voltaire's contemporaries rushed to his contemporaries.

"Candid": summary

The main character of this story is pure and unspoiled young man. He is obliged to the teacher who has urged him to make his optimistic look at his life in the inevitability of happiness. Panglos, namely, the name of this spiritualized philosopher was confident that he lives in the best of the worlds. There is no reason to grieve.

But once the candidas expelled from the native castle. There was a wonderful Cunigund, the daughter of Baron, to which he was not indifferent to. And the hero began to wander around the world, dreaming only about one thing - to reunite with his beloved and learn real happiness. In the fact that it still exists, Candid has not doubted for a minute, despite all the misfortune and adversity.

The adventures of the hero of some fabulousness gave Voltaire. Candid, saving Cunigund, then and then killed someone. He made it quite naturally. As if the murder is the most typical activity for an optimist. But Candida's victims magically revived.

Much candida learned. A lot he learned grief. He managed to reunite with Kunigund, however, only after the girl lost all his former attractiveness. Candid has gained home and friends. But what is happiness, he was still unknown. As long as one day the truth did not open a stranger sage. "Happiness is daily work," the wandering philosopher said. Candida did not have anything, how to believe and proceed to cultivating his small garden.


As already mentioned, writing this story after the famous Lisbon earthquake was inspired by Voltaire. "Candid, or optimism" - a work in which historical event Serves starting point. In the composition it takes central place. It is when an earthquake of an earthquake event in the story achieve their climax.

After expulsion from the castle and to the natural disaster, Kandid wanders over the world. Earthquake activates his strength. Candid Voltaire becomes a noble hero, ready for all in order to rescue the lady of the heart. And Kunigund, meanwhile, possessing an unearthly feminine beauty, causes men far from the best thoughts. Bulgarian Jew abducts it and makes his concubine. The Great Inquisitor also does not remain aside. But suddenly the candidade appears and destroys both the first and second. Subsequently, the hero gets rid of his beloved from his brother. Baron's pompous allegedly does not suit the origin of the liberator of the beautiful Cunigund.

Candide Voltaire resembles a Knight of Cervantes nobility, purity of thoughts. But the philosophical idea of \u200b\u200bthe work has little common with the position of the Great Spaniard.

El Dorado

Political appeal is also not devoid of the book "Candid". Voltaire sends his wanderer to wander through the light. He becomes witness Candid visits European cities, South America, Middle East countries. He observes the military actions of the Spaniards against Jesuits, brutal morals contemporaries Voltaire. And he begins to gradually realize that the optimist teacher did not prevent any worthy lesson. All its ranting about the beauty of this world is not a broken penny ...

But still does not deprive your hero latest hope Voltaire Candid and the matter hears the stories about the beautiful region, in which people do not know grief and sadness, have everything they need, do not be angry, do not envy and all the more they do not kill.

Candid Voltaire, to the word to say, wears a symbolic name. It means "simple". Candid falls into the mythical state, in which all residents are happy. They do not ask the Most High Material Wealth. They only thank it for what already have. This fabulous edge of Voltaire in his philosophical story opposes real world. People who meet candidy throughout the narrative, regardless of their social status, do not know what happiness is. It is not easy for I. simple people, and noble pros.

Once in the mythical country, Candad decides to return to his insolent world. After all, he must once again save Cunigund.


Optimism Claims is opposed to the pessimism of his accompanying. Martin believes only that people are mired in vices, and nothing can change them in best side. What philosophical idea is based on a work that Wolter wrote? "Candid", the content of which is described above only briefly, can convince that this world is actually ugly. Vera in good can only destroy a person. Candid, being a person sincerely, trusts fraudsters and passing, as a result of which his position is becoming sad every day. His deceives the merchant. Noble deeds in society are not appreciated, and Candida faces prison.


What did it seek to say Voltaire in the philosophical story? "Candid", summary which is presented in this article, is a history that can occur in modern society. Hero Voltaire goes to Venice in the hope of finding his beloved there. But in the independent republic, he becomes a witness to human cruelty. Here he meets the maid from the castle, in which he spent his childhood. A woman forced the need to go to the extreme step: she earns a living prostitution.

Cheerful Venetian

Candid helped a woman. But the money he gave her, did not bring happiness. The hero still does not leave hope to find happiness or at least meet a person who has known him. And therefore fate leads him to the Venetian aristocrat, who, according to rumors, always dwells in a cheerful mood and does not know sadness. But here the Candida lies a disappointment. Venetian rejects beauty and finds happiness only in dissatisfaction with others.

Life on the farm

It is worth saying that Candid is gradually disappointed in the philosophy of absolute optimism, but does not become a pessimist. The story outlines two opposite points of view. One belongs to Panglosse teacher. Other - Marten.

Candida managed to redeem Cunigund from slavery, and to buy a small farm for the remaining money. Here, they settled at the end of their misfortunes, but no mental harmony was reached not immediately. Employment and philosophical ranting have become a permanent exercise of the farm inhabitants. Until once Candida did not visit a happy old man.

"I need to cultivate the garden"

Leibniz gave rise to a philosophical idea of \u200b\u200buniversal harmony. French writer Imposed the worldview of the German thinker. However, after the earthquake, Voltaire issued a poem in which the doctrine of the equilibrium of good and evil is completely rejected. To finally debunk the theory of the leibher the enlightener managed to be in a story about the adventures of Candida.

"It is necessary to cultivate the garden" - it is this thought with the help of one of the characters set out in the last chapter Voltaire. "Candid, or optimism", the brief content of which gives only general view About the philosophical idea of \u200b\u200bthe author, - the work that should be read if not in the original, then at least completely, from the crust to crust. After all, spiritual torments of the Volter Hero are known and modern man. Happiness is steady and permanent labor. Reflections and reasoning about the sense of life can only lead to despair. A replacement of contemplation should certainly come.

Candid - the main character Tale, the personification of the saint, which during the search for his beloved Cunigundy acquires life experience and philosophical views. At first, he teaches Dr. Panglos, preaching the philosophy of optimism, stacking: "Everything is only for the better in this beautiful of the worlds." However, constantly falling into alterations, suffering and suffering (more often than the most punished fate it was Panglos himself), Candid is disappointed in the philosophy of his teacher. A completely opposite worldview is inherent to Friend Candy Marten, his philosophy is pessimistic: a universal feud and unreasonable reign in the world; No time, no progress will help humanity - people will always remain cattle. Martin constantly leads facts that break the theory of optimism. The Philosophy of Marten Candid does not accept immediately, he continues to hope for the possibility of improving society. By the end of the lead, the characters come to understand the third, different from the first two, philosophy. He opens this wisdom to the Turk-gardener, who claims that in order to be happy, you need to "cultivate your garden." He is convinced that "the work eliminates us from three great angry: boredoms, vice and needs."


- Characteristics of the candidate

- The image of the candidate

- The character of the candidate

- Describe the character of the candidate

- Describe the character of the Candida Voltaire

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"Candid, or optimism" - philosophical story Voltaire. It was written in the summer and in the fall of 1758 and in early 1759 published in Geneva permanent publishers Voltaire by Brothers Kramemi. In the following years, reissues appear throughout Europe, despite the attempts of censored persecution; The popularity of the book is growing. "Candid, or optimism" is the most famous among the so-called philosophical ages of Voltaire. In France, due to the lack of in the language of the word "story", this group of works is called novels. In connection with "Candid", this term is sometimes used because of the relatively large (compared to other philosophical lines of Voltaire) volume. So, F.M. Dostoevsky's mouth of one of his heroes says: "This is a philosophical novel and written to spend the idea."

The kernel of each of the philosophical axis Voltaire makes proof or refutation of some source philosophical idea. In "Candide", the Labinitian idea is refuted by all course of events and ridiculed in the caricature figure of Panglosse's philosopher, whose favorite center "Everything for the better in this best from the worlds" is repeated in the most inappropriate moments when heroes are particularly helpless before the triumph evil. In the world shown in Candide, it is evil: feudal immunity, religious fanaticism, all sorts of atrocities, slavery, poverty, etc. The only oasis of justice and well-being is the utopian state of Eldorado - does not change this picture, but rather serves as an exception confirming the rule, since its existence is guaranteed only with complete isolation from the rest of the world.

With all that "Candid, or optimism" of Voltaire, filled with skepticism, an evil irony, pessimity, not rolled into pessimism due to the powerful carnal-rigging start. Voltaire does not experience sympathy for their heroes: no matter what misadies them would be pursued, the narrative retains the invariably stinging tone. In accordance with the carnival tradition of emphasising grotesque-bodily Niza, all misfortunes are usually concentrated "below the belt": pinkies in the ass, spanking, rape, cut off the buttocks, etc. Adventure Candida, unmotivated throwing it into the most remote countries And encountering with diverse people from monarchs to vagrants - from top to bottom across the entire social staircase, are kept in the spirit of the Plutovsky novel. Wherein scene base Works - Love Candida and Cunigundy, their violent separation, long wandering Hero in search of beloved and final reunion - are already connected completely literary tradition - Curvatuisnaya, which is not developed, but is parodulated using an elementary trick - FABUL is deployed in real time, which would have to occupy all the described peripetics. Romance This did not intend, time in it was motionless and the heroes met the same young as parted, no matter how much their path was to each other. The heroes of Voltaire are reunited after many years, and if Kandad himself simply turned from a naive boy in a mature man, then Cunigund has been raised during this time and lost all attractiveness. In the final, Candid does not want to marry her at all, and it makes it exclusively out of the estate pride: at the beginning of the story, the Baron Father did not suffer the orathi of his daughter with commoner and kick drove him out of the castle, and in the finals of the Baron Brother, who lost the castle and the state, says As a parrot, about your origin and still trying to prevent the wedding, which is no one, except the Kunigunda itself, is not needed.

Social moment gives "Candida" Voltaire deeply personal meaning. The leaving of the third class, Voltaire in his youth, has undergone a lot from the aristocratic chivalry - accepted as an ascending literary star in many houses, he could have been subjected to any insult until beating. Therefore, from childhood, clusted in the family of Baron, and then with a shame - Candid was expelled from the castle, it was humanly close to the author, and idean Paphos Tale is characteristic of mature Voltaire. Being in philosophical views A dishist, the writer perceived reigning in the world and depicted in the "candida" evil, and, consequently, the possible opposition to him, primarily as human hands. Long years A peculiar motto without which even many personal letters of Voltaire were required, there was a requirement: "Distribute Gadina!" (Read: Aristocrats). After "Candy" in this capacity there is a much more constructive final appeal of the hero: "We must cultivate our garden."

Candid, pure and sincere young man, is brought up in the castle of the beggar, but the vain Westphalian Baron along with his son and his daughter. Their home teacher, Dr. Panglos, homegrown philosopher-metaphysics, taught children that they live in the best of the worlds, where everything has cause and consequence, and events are striving for happy end. Nearby Candidas begin when he is expelled from the castle for hobby beautiful daughter Baron Cunigund. In order not to die with hunger, Candid will be recruited into the Bulgarian army, where its sem is up to death. He barely avoids death in a terrible battle and flee to Holland. There he meets his teacher of philosophy dying from syphilis. He is treated from mercy, and he reports candid terrible news On the extermination of the Baron's Family by Bulgarians. Friends go to Portugal, and, barely step byst, the terrible earthquake begins.

Wound, they fall into the hands of the Inquisition for the sermon on the need for free will for a person, and the philosopher must burn on the fire, so that it helped to pacify the earthquake. Candidas are harvested by rugs and thrown to die on the street. An unfamiliar old woman picks it up, cares and invites you to a luxurious palace, where his beloved Cunigund is met. It turned out that she miraculously survived and was resold by Bulgarians rich in Portuguese Jew, who was forced to share it with the great Inquisitor himself.

Suddenly the Jew is shown in the door, the owner of Cunigund. Candid kills him first, and then the Great Inquisitor. All three decide to escape, but on the road some monk steals the jewel donated to her the great inquisitor. They hardly get to the port and sit there on the ship floating in Buenos Aires. There they are first of all looking for the governor to get married, but the governor decides that such beautiful girl Must belong to himself, and makes it a proposal that she is not averse to accept. At the same moment, the old woman sees the window, as the ships came up to the harbor coming down the monk who had fallen and was trying to sell jewelery jewelry, but he learns the property of the Great Inquisitor in them. Already at the gallows, the thief is confessed in the steal and describes in detail our heroes.

The servant Candasko Candasko persuades him immediately run, not without reason, believing that women somehow get out. They are heading for the possession of Jesuits in Paraguay, which in Europe profess the Christian kings, and here they rest in them. In the so-called father, Colonel Candad recognizes Barona, Brother Kunigundy. He also miraculously stayed alive after traveling in the castle and the pecarism of fate was among the Jesuits. Having learned about the desire to marry him on his sister, the Baron is trying to kill the low-born height, but the wounded himself falls. Candid and Kakambo run and find themselves in captivity at wildhalons, which, thinking that friends are servants of Jesuit, they are going to eat them. Candid proves that he has just killed the father of the colonel, and again avoids death. So life reaffirmed the correctness of Kakambo, who considered that the crime in the same world could benefit in the other.

On the way from Oreylon, Candid and Kakambo, having gotten off from the road, fall into the legendary Earth Eldorado, which in Europe wondered wonderful nonplens that gold is not valued there is not expensive than sand. The king persuades Candidas to stay in his country, as it is better to live where you like. But my friends really wanted to seem in the homeland with rich people, as well as connect with Kunigund. The king at their request gives friends a hundred sheep, loaded with gold and gems. The amazing car transfers them through the mountains, and they leave the blessed edge.

While they are moving from the boundaries of Eldorado to the city of Surinam, all the sheep, except two, die. In Suriname, they will find out that in Buenos Aires they are still looking for the murder of the Great Inquisitor, and Cunigund became a favorite concubine of the governor decided, to buy one Kakambo to buy a beauty there, and Kandid went to the free republic. Venice was waiting. Almost all his treasures steal a fraudster merchant, and the judge also punishes his fine. After these incidents human soul Once again, he turns into horror Candida. Therefore, the young man decides to choose the most unfortunate man offended by fate. Such, he found Martin, who after the experienced trouble became a deep pessimist. They get together to France together, and on the road Martin convinces Claims that in nature the person lie, kill and betray his neighbor, and everywhere people are equally unhappy and suffer from injustices.

Candid finally falls in Venice, thinking only about a meeting with a beloved cunigund. But there he finds not her, but a new sample of human chase - the maid from his native castle. Her life brings to prostitution, and Candid wants to help her with money, although Philosopher Martin predicts that nothing will succeed. As a result, they meet it in an even more distinguished state. Finally, he detects his kakambo in the very pitiful position.

He says that by paying a huge redemption for Cunigund, they were attacked by pirates, and they sold Cunigund to the service in Constantinople. What is worse, she lost all his beauty. Candid decides that as a person of honor, he still has to gain his beloved, and travels to Constantinople. But on the ship, he learns Dr. Panglosse to Dr. Panglosse and his own jams. They miraculously avoided death and fate difficult paths brought them slaves on the ship. Candid immediately redeems them and gives the remaining money for Cunigund, an old woman and a small farm.

Although Kunigund became very ugly, she insisted on marriage with Candid. Little society Nothing remained how to live and work on the farm. Life was truly painful. Panglos lost faith in optimism, Martin, on the contrary, was convinced that people everywhere else badly, and endured difficulties with humility. But they meet a man who lives a closed life on their farm and quite satisfied with their fate. He says that any ambition and pride is disastrous and sinful, and that only the work for which all people were created can save from the greatest evil: boredoms, vice and needs.

Working in your garden, not wasteful, so Candid takes a saving solution. The community worries hard, and the earth rewards them with a hundredfold. "You need to cultivate your garden," not getting tired of reminding them Candid.

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Analysis of the philosophical story of Voltaire "Candid, or optimism"

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The writing

Voltaire (1694-1778) - Head of French enlighteners. He was an inspirer and educator of this mighty generation of thinkers - revolutionaries.

The enlighteners called him their teacher. Diversal activities: philosopher. Poet, playwright, politician, wonderful publicist. He managed to make the ideas of enlightening the property of mass. Society listened to his opinion. In 1717, hitting the Bastilia. The reason is satyr "in the reign of a boy", exposing the morals. Reigning at the court. In prison, it worked on the epic poem about Henry4 and the "EDIP" tragedy. Philip Orleans, "Wanting Turns to Voltaire," awarded his awards, pensions and kind reception in the palace. Opposition moods in the Poem "League" (the first version of the future "Henriad"). Voltaire was a brilliant popularizer of the ideas of Locke and Newton. He settled for a long time at his friend Marquis Du Shatle in the old Sire's secluded castle. Voltaire writes works on history, essays in mathematics and philosophy, tragedy and comedy. The poem "Orleans Virgin", the tragedy "Magomet", "Merop", comedy " Prodigal son"," Nanina ", the philosopher's story" Zadig "and others.

In the ferry was arranged home Theater.Voltaire's plays were put on. They were attended by the author himself. He attended the last of his tragedy "Irina", the actors carried a marble bust of Voltaire on the stage, crowned with a laurel wreath. It seemed that even in old age, the strength did not leave him, he wanted to create. Begins work on the tragedy "Agafokl". But he died on May 30, 1778.

Voltaire - Master artistic word. Stated practical goals: Impact on the minds by art and, creating a new public opinion, promote the performance of social coup. Discounted the theory of classicists about the eternity of the perfect ideal. He had enthusiastic feelings towards the corneel and Racina. His drama of Shakespeare was attracted, for life itself was reflected in all her harsh and actual positions, in tense conflicts. Voltaire was raised in the traditions of the classic theater, from childhood I got used to exquisite politeness and gallantry. With his drama, he tried to implement a kind of combination to put parties to Shakespearean and classical drama. The poetic heritage of Voltaire is diverse in genre. He wrote an epic, philosopher, Heroico - Komich Poem, Polit and Philosions of OD, Satira, Epigram, Poets, Novels and Lyric Poems. Everywhere remained a fighter and enlightener.

Philosophical stories are characteristic of late period His creativity. The story "Micromegas", telling about the appearance on our planet two cosmic aliens. Nowadays this topic space Travel In the work, written so long ago, it seems to some prediction. Voltaire the least thought about scientific fiction. The inhabitants of Sirius and Saturn needed to him only for the "refreshment" of the reader's perception, - the reception he used in every philosopher's story. In this story, we look at our world through the eyes of the aliens. Here reasoning about the epistemological problems, about the system of perception, the sensations, ethical problems are delivered here. the main idea It comes down to the fact that people do not know how to be happy that they managed their tiny world to make full evil, suffering and injustice. Earth is only a lump of dirt, a small anthill.

In 1758 he writes his best story "Candid, or optimism" ("What is optimism?" - "Alas," said Candad, is a passion to say that everything is fine when everything really is bad "). Leibniz developed the doctrine of world harmony. Good and evil found themselves in his understanding are equally necessary and as if they balanced each other. But in 1755 the earthquake destroyed the city of Lisbon. In the poem "On the death of Lisbon", 1756 Voltaire stated that he refuses to recognize the "world harmony" and from Optimism Leibnia. Development of this theory and devoted to the poem "Candid". Man-made Panglos, persecuted, tormented, beaten, almost hung, almost burned, miraculously saved and again thrown into the sea of \u200b\u200btroubles, the eternal sample of blind complacent nonsense, preaching optimism. Simple and naive candida does not decide to question the preaching of his teacher. He is ready to believe Panglos. The world of facts is not competed and defeated the theory of Panglos. However, what to do now? Voltaire does not give specific recommendations, he only infects the reader with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe imperfection of the world.

Voltaire was optimistic, but in another sense - he believed in the improvement of man and all its institutions. An important place in his story is the description of the ideal state of Eldorado. There are no monarchs, prisons, do not judge anyone, there is no tyranny, everything is free. Voltaire glorified the innocence and prosperity of residents of the utopian country. But with Eldorado, a completely civilized country. There is a magnificent palace of sciences, "filled with mathematical and physical instruments" The story was created secret in 1758.

The philosophical stories of the Voltaire are built in most cases in the form of aligning travel pictures. His heroes make forced or voluntary wanderings. They see the world in all its diversity, various people. In the philosophical story, Voltaire did not strive to a comprehensive image of characters, it was not part of his task. The main thing for him is a purposeful and consistent struggle against the hostile ideas, against obscurantism and prejudices, violence and oppression. Need a few. Each word carries a greater semantic load.