Philosophical symbols of dram M. Meterlinka: "blind", "Death of the Tentajil", "Blue Bird"

Philosophical symbols of dram M. Meterlinka: "blind", "Death of the Tentajil", "Blue Bird"

On the seaside on the selected trees, they were blind and listened to hear, to hear the guide steps, which had to take them into the shelter. They did not know that the guide was sitting in them dead, "his face is lighter and nonworich all around." Standing dark night. Blind waited for guide. The sea was worried, threatening people in death. And gradually they lost hope.

It is not difficult to understand the meaning of meterlinkivsky symbols: the island is the life of a person, and the earth in the universe, the blind - this mankind, did not find the exit; Priest-guide - Faith, which was no longer in humans; Waiting for someone's steps - illusions of life; The inevitability of the sea tide is the inevitability of death.

According to Meterlinka, death was always among people, but they did not know this, did not see; Only some, the most vulnerable, felt her presence. The approach of death can only feel the wise old man, and see - a small child. In the play, the baby was crying: obviously saw death. However, this image could symbolize and new faithwhich was born. After all, said the guide of a young blind: "The kingdom of old, apparently comes the end."

The symbol is always multivalued, often it has not been subjected to finite decryption. However, the overall idea of \u200b\u200bthe work understood: a man blind, lonely, defenseless before death. Mastery of Meterlinka in the embodiment of this idea turned out to be primarily in the creation of peculiar dialogues. In them, the replicas of the acting persons are multi-valued repetitions, and pauses between replicas, that is, silence, complemented the imagination of the viewer. It is silence that injected horror and despair. Acquired great importance And the palette of colors: night darkness of the forest, dark, monotonous clothing blind, black cloak of the priest.

In the play "Blind" there are all signs of the symbolist drama: the action occurred in conditional circumstances; There were no specific signs of action and time, so the work has acquired out of watch life; Characters, deprived of individual traits, became the personification of fear, hopelessness, helplessness - this is no longer characters, but symbols. This play is an illustration of reflections on an unknown. Meterling managed to create a world that lived according to the laws of his philosophy.

Without going into the analysis in detail, Other Pieces of Meterlinka of the first period of creativity, we note that the principle of their construction, techniques for creating emotional stress, leitmotifs and characteristic characters ranged, but remained unchanged in their essence. This was followed from an understanding of the playwright of the true task of art - show the "tragedy of life everyday life", as well as with the drama of the static theater formulated by him. Under this term he understood the theater in which the main thing is not an event, but inner life Hero, his spiritual fighting and the desire of the ideal. In addition, all this was transferred not only to the word, but also eloquent silence And the default, because most often people talked about an insignificant, minor, and their true feelings and thoughts remained unspoken by these ideas of the playwright found their embodiment in the dramatic works of other writers, and not the symbolic, and realistic type of artistic thinking, were consonant and formal quests of ibsen And later the discovery of Chekhov.

In the early 1990s, Meterllink revised his symbolist concept. He wrote that he seemed to him "honest and reasonable to reset death from the throne" and on this throne "raise love, wisdom and happiness." Therefore, in the following plays, he changed his philosophical positions.

As an example, you can bring drama "Death of Tentajil" (1894), where the fabulous situation has deciphered a mystical secret, and therefore the action from the sphere of mystical-symbolic moved to the fabulous and romantic. Already from the first replica of the characters, the author pulled the feeling of uncertainty, mystery, fear. Games, sister of a small tentup, said the boy: "Your first night on our island will be a restless, awesome. Around us already roars the sea, the trees are moaning. Late. The month is hidden behind the poplars that they seem to Here, although it is necessary to be on one's time. There are approximations of the slightest happiness. I do not trust the future ... ". Then it was said that the guy was brought by the orders of the queen, a secret person, it was impossible to see. The unknown rose in the image of an evil old queen that stifled good people. She is old and infinitely powerful. She probably was afraid of losing power - his throne, therefore, he ordered to bring the possible, and therefore, and hazardous successor to her - the grandson of the tentup.

Already in the first action (all 5 actions are very short) keywords, set the tone, created an alarming attitude, were such as "shadows", "corridors without windows", "something hiding", "I wanted to run, and could not", "Dead Trees", "Black Castle", " fresh air It does not reach "," What is there is no grass "," listen "," we live here, feeling an insurmountable burden on the soul ", etc. The exciting voltage increased by these emotionally significant lexical means, which grew from action to action. Sisters and their little brother powerless in front of the queen, which "Lives in his high tower and drives into the grave of one after another, and no one decides to respond to a blow. She suppresses our soul, as if the grave stone, and no one dares to lose it." No effort, strong iron doors, humility and prayers could not protect the tentup. Unhappy child died.

If you turn to the name of the plays of the laureate Nobel Prize Samuel Beckett "In anticipation of Godo," where there was also a speech about the expectations of which incredibly mysterious and dangerous, the maintenance of the play Mierlinka about the tentup could be defined "in anticipation of death." They are generally similar, these two such different works - Symbolic and modernist. And above all, with its mysteriousness, increasing nervous tension, his pessimism, and tragedy. It is not by chance that the playwrith of the Belgian called "death drama".

Mellink to create an appropriate emotional attitude used known romantic clichés, images and words borrowed by romanticism with Gothic poetics of the XVIII century, which in dramatic work Thanks to visuality, acting game, scenery and lighting scenes, music and noise effects - have acquired special emotional strength and influence. All this and much more provided the success of the early play of the playwright, as well as their poetry, some kind of magic tenderness and melancholicity.

The plays of the pre-war period, in particular the "Blue Bird", formally echoed with the plays written in the 80-90s of the XIX century. However, their common mood has changed significantly, they became lighter, their heroes lost their helplessness and passivity, they had certainly a noble goal and hope for its implementation.

"Blue Bird" is a philosophical play-tale, an allegorical and symbolic work about the meaning of being and omnipotence of a person. Blue bird is a symbol of happiness, truth, good. The plot of drama - the search for the heroes of the mysterious bird; The conflict is the struggle of good and evil, light and darkness, overcoming the heroes of everything stood on the way to achieve the goal.

Questions for self-control:

1. What does the innovation of S. Mallarm reveals?

2. Track the stages of the formation of M. Meterlink's drama. Give them a common characteristic.

3. Expand the signs and features of the "Theater of Death" M. Meterlinka.

4. What is the philosophy of the "Theater of Hope" of the playwright?

Maurice Meterlink


A priest.

The first is elbowed.

The second is elborn.

Third elbow.

The oldest blind.

Fifth blind.

Sixth blind.

Three blind old women immersed in prayer.

The oldest blind.

Young blind.

Sleeping persistent.

Old old, primitive northern forest under a high starry sky. In the middle, shrouded in a night darkness, sits a decrepid priest in a wide black raincoat. He threw back his head, leaned against a high dubbed oak and froze in dead immobility. From the person does not come off wax yellowness, the blue lips are semorabry. Dumb stopped eyes are no longer watching apparently Eternity, they seemed to bloody from innumerable, unforgettable torments and tears. Straight and rare strands of strict gray hair fall on his face, and his face is lighter and still most of all that surrounds him in a sensible silence of the sullen forest. Standing hands he folded on his knees. On the right, six blind old people are sitting on stones, stumps and dry leaves. On the left, separated from the old people with a tree with naked roots and fragments of the rock, sit face for six women, blindly blind. Three of them with deaf voices all the time pray and hide. The fourth is extremely old. The fifth in the pose, testifying to the quiet obstruction, keeps the sleeping child on his knees. The sixth is strikingly young; Framed hair closes the mill. On women, like on the old men, wide, dark and monotonous clothes. Almost all of them, putting his elbows on her knees and closing her face with their hands, waiting for something; They must have long been overwhelmed from unnecessary gestures and do not turn their heads to unclear disturbing sounds, which are heard on this island. High cemetery trees - tees walking Willow, Cypress - extend their reliable canopy over them. Not far from the priest in the night darkness, high asphoderels bloom. On stage is extremely dark, despite moonlightWhich in some way trying at least for a moment break through the foliage and cut the darkness.

The first is elbowed. He has not returned yet?

The second is elborn. You woke me up!

The first is elbowed. I also slept.

Third elbow. And I.

The first is elbowed. He has not returned yet?

The second is elborn. Do not hear draws.

Third elbow. It's time to return to the shelter.

The first is elbowed. You need to know where we are.

The second is elborn. After his care walked.

The first is elbowed. You need to know where we are.

The oldest blind. Who knows where we are?

The oldest blind. We walked for a very long time; We must be far from the shelter.

The first is elbowed. BUT! Women in front of us?

The oldest blind. We sit against you.

The first is elbowed. Wait, I will come to you now. (Rises and goes up.) Where are you? .. Serve voice to hear where you are!

The oldest blind. Here. We sit on the stones.

First elbow(It goes ahead and stumps on the trunk of the tree and the fragments of the rock). Something separates us ...

The second is elborn. It is better not to touch!

Third elbow. Where are you sitting? .. Do you want to go to us?

The oldest blind. We do not dare to climb!

Third elbow. Why did he disconnect us?

The first is elbowed. I hear women pray.

The second is elborn. Yes, it pray three old women.

The first is elbowed. Now not the time to pray!

The second is elborn. You pour later in the bedroom.

Three old women continue to pray.

Third elbow. I want to know who sits with me nearby.

The second is elborn. I think I'm with you.

Feel the items around themselves.

Third elbow. We cannot touch each other!

The first is elbowed. However, we close apart from each other. (It continues to feel the objects and hurts the fifth blind stick, the deep moat.) Next to us the one who does not hear!

The second is elborn. I will not hear everyone; We recently had six.

The first is elbowed. I'm starting to pay a report. Ask for women; You need to know what to do. I hear how three old women pray, - are they together?

The oldest blind. They sit next to me on the stone.

The first is elbowed. I'm sitting on fallen leaves!

Third elbow. And where is the beautiful blind?

The oldest blind. She is next to those who pray.

The second is elborn. And where is the fastened with the child?

Young blind. He sleeps, do not wake him!

The first is elbowed. Oh, how are you far from us! And I thought you were opposite me.

Third elbow. We learned almost everything you need; Let's chat now waiting for his arrival.

The oldest blind. He ordered us to wait for him silently.

Third elbow. We are not in the church.

The oldest blind. You do not know where we are.

Third elbow. I'm scared when I'm silent.

The second is elborn. Do not know where the priest gone?

Third elbow. It seems to me that he left us for a long time.

The first is elbowed. He is angles. It seems to be blind too. He does not want to admit to the fear of this, no matter how anyone else has taken his place with us, but I suspect that he does not see anything. We need another conductor. He does not listen to us, and we are much. He is and three nuns - that's all the vile in our shelter, and all of them older than us! .. I'm sure he got lost and now looking for the road. Where did he go? .. He does not dare to throw us ...

The oldest blind. He left away. It seems to be women warned.

The first is elbowed. He is only with women and says! .. And what about what? .. In the end, it will be necessary to complain.

The oldest blind. Who will you complain?

The first is elbowed. I don't know yet. Let's see, let's see ... But where did he go? .. I appeal to this question for women.

The oldest blind. He is tired of long walk. It seems that he sat down for a minute with us. He is in itself for several days. After the death of the doctor, he began to be afraid. He will keep away everyone. Almost all the time silent. I do not know what happened to him. He certainly wanted to go out today. Said he wants to look at the island with sunlight in last time Before winter. Winter will seem to be long and cold; Ice flores already sailed from the north. He was very worried - he said that as a result of heavy rains, the river had spread and broke through all dams. He also said that he was frightened by the sea, it was really worried about, and the coastal cliffs are low. He wanted to see himself, but did not tell us anything ... Now he must have followed bread and water for an obsessed. He said that it goes far ... Let's wait.

Young blind. Before leaving, he held my hands long. His hands trembled as if from fear. Then he kissed me ...

The first is elbowed. ABOUT! ABOUT!

Young blind. I interviewed him what happened. He said that he knew nothing. Said that the kingdom of old people, apparently, comes an end ...

The first is elbowed. What did he want to say?

Young blind. I do not understand. He said that he was going to a big lighthouse.

The first is elbowed. Is there a lighthouse here?

Young blind. Yes, in the northern part of the island. I think it is not far. He said that the fire of the beacon was visible from here- breaks through between the branches. Today he was somehow especially sad. I think all these the last days He often cries. I do not know why, but I cried, myself without noticing. I did not hear how he left. I did not ask him anymore. I felt that he smiled in a sad smile; I felt that he closed his eyes and that it was difficult for him to speak ...

1890 - "Blind" play (Les Aveugles). One-act drama reproduces the expectation of the blind guide and their reflections on what they perceive, horror from the feeling of their helplessness and the inability to recognize what is happening in the world. Humanity here appears blind, helpless, inconspicuous, selfish, unable to understand the world and doomed to suffering.

The action is reduced to the expectation process. It was not by chance that critics called her "drama of the expectation" - so accurately it corresponded to the program requirements of the theory of the Static Theater. In both places of the "Uninvited Guest", death becomes one of the transformations of the inevitable fate in the Meterlinkue Theater.

The motive of the passive, "blind" expectation, where "blindness" is interpreted as a symbol of the self-consciousness of humanity, sounds in the "blind" play, which causes remote associations with famous picture P. Breygel. Several blind old men and women, forming a semicircle, are sitting in the forest and wait for their guide, the old half-blind priest, who brought them out of the shelter for a walk and, leaving some, left to bring bread and water. He is not returning for a long time, and they do not know what happened to him. The shelter dog is resorted to the blind, which leads them to the place, where, frozen in immobility, sits dead priest. All their attempts to return him to life do not lead to anything: the priest has long been dead. The noise of steps is heard. The child, the son of one of the blind women who slept on her knees, wakes up with crying. He is raised above the heads, so that he saw whose steps are heard nearby. The voice of the child breaks down in a scream. Blind appeal about mercy, but no one answers them.

Despite the uncertainty of the final stage, leaving an open question, whose appearance announced the cry of a frightened child, the meaning of the play is quite clear. In it, a pessimistic look at humanity, wandering in search of the highest goal, as if in the night forest, a crowd of blind men and women, and not finding anything but death that lies at all and everyone.

The philosophical basis of the artistic views of Meterlinka was idealism in his mystical version. Meillink to the place of God put the faceless and fatal unknown, managing peace and hostile man. In the face of the omnipotent unknown people - only weak creatures. Being a conspicuous unknown, they should live "without a case, without thought, without light" and - without a word, for it is impossible to express in words in the wrongness: " True life It is created in silence. "The" Blind "play is reproduced by the" tragedy of each day "- the invasion of unknown in everyday life: the priest who brought the blind to a walk, suddenly dies, now they will not be able to find the road back to the shelter. But the goal of the play is not talking about tragedies of helpless blind. Everything has everything here symbolic meaning. Blind - this is lost moral guidelines; The dead priest is a church that is no longer able to console human suffering; Ocean - image of death. Each of the blind symbolizes a certain side. human life: Young blind - art and beauty; Crazy - inspiration; A wedding child is a new, nasty mystical worldview; Lighthouse on the ocean - science.

In the works of the playwright, aesthetics and poetics of "New Drama" are formed, opposing themselves entertaining, melodramatic plays. The texts of the "new drama" are topical, bring new social types, emphasize the drama of human existence, acute conflict Between "Little" and "True", Being and Consciousness. Pieces M. Meterlinka "Uninvited", "blind" addressed to the image of the tragedy of everyday life, hidden horror before the existence, which manifests itself in the staticness of the scenic word and action, Paphos "silence". These plays are full of shortness, hints, almost deprived of dramatic action, their characters are inherent in the feeling of confusion before the unrecognizable rock. In the dialogue of meterlinkovskiy plays, as happens in poetic speech, it is important not so much rational meaning of the word as the total rhythm of phrases, hypnotic pauses.

Pause, silence, a variety of sounds, which are heard only in silence are a huge role in the play, silence, rustles, and so on Something to talk to not be silent. These incoherent dialogues should give a feeling of absurdity, meaninglessness and horror of human existence. For the words you need to catch something more significant, therefore, in the play metterlink, the subtext plays a major role, as in Chekhov.

The most pessimistic early plays 1890s. "Blind" (1890) - several blind men and women are sitting in the forest and are waiting for the conductor who went somewhere, they live in a shelter for the blind and went for a walk. The conductor does not all, the alarm of the blind is growing, they lead to each other conversations to drown out this alarm and feeling full solitudewhich covers them in silence, in silence they completely lose touch with the world. They talk about their loneliness, that they do not understand what the world is what they themselves. In the end, they cover horror: they were thrown, they are in a panic begin to shake their hands around, and one of them stumbles into the cooled corpse of the conductor - the old priest, who turns out to be dead and sat between them all the time while they were waiting for him. Then they hear someone's strange steps, among them there is one-sighted child, seeing someone he desperately shouts from fear: someone came terrible, apparently, this is death.

Blind is a symbol modern humanity, blinded, that is, lost guidelines, goals, meanings who lost religious faith (no wonder their deceased conductor is a priest). And now, humanity is capable only to break at random, but as a result, he expects death.

Drama "Blind" - Symbolic image of human life. The priest guide led to the forest of blind men and women, now they are sitting against each other, not knowing that the conductor died, and his corpse is here next to them. A night gloach is thickened, the sea rages, the blind everyone is waiting for the return of the priest. Freezing, hungry people gradually begin to lose hope for salvation. The dog, who came running out of the shelter, brings them to the corpse, then blindly convinced that help to wait for now. Mysterious roots, steps, vague sounds are heard, poured a moaning baby on her hands at the blind mother.

Blinds become a symbol of mankind, ever wandering in dwarfs, a dying guide is a religion, which is no longer in humans. Among them are death, but they do not know and do not see it, only a few, the most sensitive, feel its intimacy.

There is no traditional dramaturgical plot in the play, developing on ordinary laws. theatrical action. Characters are not "characters", social and psychological types, and the types of worldview, relations to life

Namethis play is consonant with its content and characters: they are all blind, in addition to the priest, and that is dead throughout the action. Their blindness is spiritual. The priest who left the water and whom they expect - the Messiah, without which they will not be able to escape. Blindness of utility.

In total, there are 11 actors involved in the play. a priest, Drying old man, explorer blind. This is a central image in a play, because blind on him are blind, they say about him, wait for it to come to get rid of death. A day when the play is unfolded, he went for a walk with the inhabitants of the shelter. During the rest, the priest quietly gives God God, leaving his blind wards alone in the forest glade. In the play, the priest performs the role of the conductor and the Savior, the life of abandoned people depends on whose arrival. Therefore, blind people look forward to returning their conductor.

In addition, there is a play in the play three pieces. They are unhappy that they left the shelter, dissatisfied with the priest, even with each other (" Why did you woke me up?"). You can interpret their role: it is spiritually blind people who do not want to change something in themselves.

There are similar characters in the play: The oldest blind and The oldest slap. They are represented as carriers of wisdom and experience among male and, accordingly, female halves blind.

Another actorYoung slap – « strikingly young, loose hair closes her camp" It is a carrier of bright hope, tolerance, mercifulness and condescending to their comrades. To her, as if to the light, all the other blinders stretch. Young blinding together with the child is obsessed Blind participate in B. final scene Pieces.

In the play "blindness" is interpreted as a symbol of self-consciousness of mankind. Physically blind people are blind to the soul, they can not change anything on their own, are forced to passively expect change. In this, in my opinion, consists the problem disclosed in the work. In other words, the people are shown as a crowd of blind people - he is helpless, blind and needs a leadership.

Piece has open the final. It remains incomprehensible, whose appearance the child in the hands of the young blind met the cry. In my opinion, at the end of the play to lost people, death itself comes, waving all and everyone. Blinds heard that her rustle dresses about " dead leaves" This is evidenced by the desperate cry of the child, and the oldest blind, hesitated: " Oh, listen on us!»

First, the tragedy meterlink is expressed in the tragedy of the daily existence of a person. Blind wrapped a pitiful and very difficult existence on a lonely island, in the shelter. They are surrounded by the same old men as they themselves. The blind themselves are aware of their hopeless position, the inevitability of suffering and death. So, for example, the oldest blind exclaims: "Now the queue is for us!". Secondly, the concepts of the subtext and mood appear on the fore. The action of the play is essentially static and occurs only in one place. Heroes have repeatedly declare their spirits, feelings, experiences:

The oldest blind. Yes, yes, we are scared!

Young blind. We have long been scary!

Third, the play has open Finalwhich ends with a chick of a child in the dark. We can only guess who visited the lost people.


Inspected is the death that came to the family to the guinea. In the evening, the whole family expected her sister of mercy, but death came instead:

"Suddenly hears the clawing braid",

"Father.<…> Yes, do not push the door! You know that it creaks.

Major. Yes, I do not touch her, sir.

Father. No, you pushing her, you as if you want to enter the room! "

Grandfather-blind - Father in labor, which lies in another room. He is blind, but sensibly feels what happens around: Feels the condition of those present (" I'm sure my daughter is worse», « I hear that you are scared"), Able to predict that it will soon happen:" It should be, I have not long stayed ..." In addition, among their greedy relatives, grandfather - the only one can "see" the soul of death: " It seemed to me that someone sits with us ... "

Father - Hife husband. He is softer than his brother (" In fact, for the first time after her painful childbirth, I feel that I am at home, that I am among my"), Respectfully and respect for grandfather of the grandfather (" In his years, this is forgiven"). Oh a household (" In the morning I ordered it to fix it") And worries his wife's health (" my wife really wants to see her»).

Uncle - Father's brother. More determined than brother, is not afraid to evaluate people ("it's not good for her side"). Not so preciously drawn to the grandfather ("You are rapping!").

Three daughters (Ursula, Genevieve, Gertruda) - friendly sisters (they go out of the room together, holding hands, kiss). Ursula is the most consistent with his grandfather, she is more than her sisters, friendly with him. Grandfather trust her more than everyone else.

Sister of Mercy - In the play does not utter a single word. This character is only a messenger of his wife's death. Dressed in all black.

Word a briefly disclosed in the work: Not all people can feel the presence of death, but only those who are already not far from her. Death is inevitable, no matter how people tried to avoid her.

M. Meterlink left the final of the play open: We do not know what happens to my grandfather, I left death or stayed alone with my grandfather. At the end of the play, Grandfather felt clearly that death sits with relatives at the same table. What he "saw" her, and the rest, and his words about a possible ambulance argue that death, except for the feminine, will pick up and grandfather. At the end of the play, the grandfather was worried, he became scary, he did not want to stay alone with death, but it still happened: in the turmoil all the relatives run away, and the grandfather remains alone. So, the meeting of death and man inevitably took place alone.

The features of the "new drama":


Contrasting tradition (single acting play, open finals, static time and place)

Installation on "life-like" (an accurate description of the life of the time, up to the smallest detail: you need to pour oils in the lamp, you need to invite a carpenter, gardener)

+ "Fourth Wall": Actors never turn to auditoriumfully abstract from it

The dialogue prevails over the action (there are almost no remarks in the play, it is built on the conversation)

Specify the features of which direction to you see defining in this work:


In the foreground, internal experiences of heroes

Dwellemirie -ded ceases to perceive the surrounding reality as it sees her family members. He feels a different world, mystical.

Symbols of Light: The action of the play unfolds in evening time day. This is the time when mystical darkness awakens. Twilight, replacing the day, are similar to the black strip in life. So here, the joy of the birth of a baby is replaced by a grief of death of the woman in labor. In addition, sometimes green color (The color of window glass in the depths) symbolizes death.

Mystical Mir - In the everyday life of people invaded death - a representative of mystical world.

"Inspected"Reproduces Waiting near the room of the woman in labor. Everyone is waiting for news from the doctor, and only blind old man feels the approach of death. Meterlink creates the world of people living with their everyday life, and the world is out of them, which is incomprehensible, threatening in relation to man. Therefore, the very existence of a person, a doomed sudden death, sudden suffering, grief, losses is traged.

A truly key product was for creativity M. Meterlinka Blue Bird (1908). A fascinating fairy tale for children and at the same time a philosophical fairy tale for adults, executed by a symbol and an allegories, largely has a significant degree.

As opposed to the "theater of silence" with his deadly immobility, everything here arrives in the search, daring, movement. The revived will of the molding of the power of nature are played by the performance designed to explain the meaning of life.

On the scale of the unbarrous time, the time of universal naive vision corresponds to the past, this is the kingdom of blindness, from which humanity goes slowly, but inevitably, and finally, the future is an hour of connecting the soul of light and three high joy. In this sense, the best creation of melline can be called a play of hope.

The action of the play begins and ends in the hut of the woodcutter. This means that now Millink turns our eyes not to a foggy unknown, but to real people With their needs, fear and needs.

Tiltil and Mitil - children of a poor man. Accompanied by the shower of animals (cat, dog) and the most pressing things (water, bread, sugar, milk, fire) they are experiencing a lot of adventures, traveling in search of blue birds, which should cure a sick girl. After a long search, Tiltil and Mitil find a blue bird at home, recognize her blue in the blue of the wrong core, but she flies out of the hands of children.

The symbol of the blue bird is Multicoligo and multi-rival, but this is undoubtedly the image of flight, height and inaccessibility, whose fairy-tale Xiene is still suggested by the color of his native heaven extending over all people.

1. Symbolism of light . The first in the fairy tale is the symbolic detail we see at the very beginning, even before the children woke up. The room mysteriously changes the power light: "The scene is immersed for some time in darkness, then through the slot, the gradually increasing light begins to break through. The lamp on the table is angry with itself ". This action symbolizes the concept of "see in true light." In that light, in which Tiltil and Mitil will see the world after the diamond is turned on the cap. In the next world in which anyone can see the world, looking at him with a pure heart. In this scene, a familiar contradiction of blindness and vision acts outwards, transfers from the deep philosophical subtext to the dramatic plot. It is this motive that passes the line through all the work, is central. 2. Symbols of Almaz . Pay attention to the mechanism of action of the magic diamond. And here we find a symbol: the traditional touch of a magic stick to the subject has become a metaillink with a touch of diamond to the "special chish" on the head of the tiltil . The consciousness of the hero is changing - and then the world around him is transformed according to the laws of the fairy tale. "Large diamond, he returns vision."

3. Symbols of children's images.Also, the central symbols of the play can be called images of the children themselves and their relatives-poor. They were typical representatives of Belgian, and indeed, European Society. At the beginning of the play, in the Palace of Fairy, Tiltil and Mitil are disguised into the costumes of the characters of fairy tales, popular in the people. It is because of his ordinary as a pledge of universality, they turned out to be a symbol of humanity.

4. Symbols of other characters. Other fareering characters are also symbolic. Among everyone is worth select a cat . Tylett symbolizes evil, betrayal, hypocrisy. Cusar and dangerous for children are insensitive - such is its unexpected essence, her mysterious idea. The cat is friends with the night: both of them guard the secrets of life. She and with the death of the pussy; Her vintage friends is misfortune. It is she who secretly from the heart of the world leads children to the forest to be touched by trees and animals. And this is what important: children do not see the cat in the "true light", they do not see her as they see others their companions. Mitil loves Tilyetta and protects her from Tilo attacks. The cat is the only one of the travelers whose free under the rays of the soul diamond is not combined with his visible appearance.

Bread, Fire, Milk, Sugar, Water and Dog Not buried anything alien, there were direct evidence of identity visibility and essence. The idea did not contradict the phenomenon, she only revealed and developed his invisible ("silent") opportunities. So Bread Symbolizes cowardice, convention. It has negative burghers. Sugar slavs, compliments made by him are not from clean Heart, his manner is chatting theatrical. Perhaps he symbolizes people from the highest society close to the authorities trying to please in every way to please the rulers, just to "stream" in a good position. However, bread and sugar have sugar positive features. They disinterestedly accompany children. Moreover, bread also carries a cage, and sugar blends his fingers-lollipops and gives them Mitil, so rarely eating sweets in ordinary life. Dog embodies exclusively positive sides character. He is presented, ready to go to death, saving children. However, the owners do not fully understand this. They constantly make a psa comments, drive away even when he is trying to tell them the truth about the betrayal of the cat.

5. Symbols of the soul of light . It is worth paying special attention on the central character of the play - the soul of light. Note that in the "Blue Bird" among the travelers, only the soul of light is an allegorical image. But after all, the soul of light is an exception. This is not just a satellite of children, these are their "leadership"; they personify them in her figure the symbol of light is a guide of non-violent .

The rest of the allegorical characters of the play are found to children on their way to a blue bird: each of them in naive-nude shape carries their morality - or rather, its part of the general morality - everyone presents its special specific lesson. Meetings with these characters form the stages of spiritual and spiritual education of children: night and time, bliss, the most fat of which symbolize wealth, property, greed, and joy, symbolizing the everyday life of ordinary honest peopleThe ghosts and diseases teach Tiltil and Mitil or in the form of a direct verbal edification, or its own silent example, or, creating instructive situations for children from which there can be a living lesson.

The soul of light moves the inner action of the play, as, obeying the fairy, leads children from stage to stage of their path. Its task is to unwind the ball of events, moving from one time to another changing space. But the role of a guide and to instill hope, do not give to fade faith.

6. Time symbolics. Sleep and dream - This is an external, objective, and internal, subjective time "travel" of children. In a dream, with the help of memory and imagination, symbolically recreated the quality of the time as a special category of reality is the unity and continuity of its stream. The fact that the present contains in itself and the past and the future is and that its "composition" is the composition of the "personality itself, Millink writes a lot in his philosophical etudes of the beginning of the century. The dialectical relationship between the three sides of the time is carried out in the bodily, mental and spiritual being of a person: this thought Materillic seeks to prove on the pages of its philosophical prose and with the help of poetic images and symbols of the "blue bird".

7. Symbol of blue bird . Finally, it should be said about the main symbol of extravagania - about the very blue bird. The play says that the blue bird needs heroes "In order to become happy in the future" ... Here the symbol of the bird intersects the time with the kingdom of the future. The bird always flies, not to catch it. What else flies like a bird? Fucking happiness flies. Bird - a symbol of happiness; And about happiness, as you know, has long been not accepted for a long time; Adults are talking about the case of life on a positive basis; But about happiness, the miracle and such things never speak; It is even quite indecent; After all, happiness flies like a bird; And unpleasant to adult people chasing the constantly flying bird and try to pour her salt onto the tail. Another thing is a child; Children can amuse this; It does not ask for seriousness and decency. " Immediately we can conclude that children also symbolize hope for future happiness. Although they did not find the bird while traveling, and the Gorlian at the end flew away, they do not despair and are going to continue the search for blue birds, that is, happiness.

Old northern forest under a high starry sky. Looking at the trunk of an old duplicate oak, a decrepid priest froze in a dead immobility. The blue lips of his half collapse, the stopped eyes do not look at this, visible side of eternity. Eashadowed hands are folded on the knees. To the right of him on the stones, stumps and dry leaves are sitting six blind old people, and the left, face to them - six blind women. Three of them are always praying and treated. The fourth is the old woman. The fifth, in a quiet area, holds a sleeping child on his knees. The sixth is strikingly young, her loose hair flows over shoulders. And women and old men are dressed in broad, dark, monotonous clothes. All of them, putting hands on her knees and closing her face with their hands, waiting for something. High cemetery trees - tees, dyeing willow, cypresses - stretch their reliable canopy over them. Darkness.

Blind talks to each other. They are concerned about the long lack of a priest. The oldest blind person says that the priest is not for himself a few days that he began to be afraid after the doctor died. The priest was worried that winter could be long and cold. His scarecrow sea, he wanted to look at the coastal cliffs. Young blindly tells that before leaving the priest held her hands for a long time. He was beating a shiver, as if from fear. Then he kissed the girl and left.

"Leaving, he said the" late night! " - remembers someone from the blind. They listened to the rocks of the sea. The noise of waves is unpleasant. Blind recall that the priest wanted to show them the island on which their shelter is. That is why he brought them closer to the seashore. "It is impossible to wait forever to wait for the villages of Doodourt," he said blindly trying to determine the time of day. Some of them seem that they feel the moonlight, feel the presence of the stars is the least delicate of those who are elusive ("I hear only our breathing [...] I never felt them," one of them notes). I want to return to the shelter. The far battle of the clock is heard - twelve shocks, but midnight is either noon, blind can not understand. Night birds gloatingly clap the wings over their heads. One of the blind suggests, if the priest does not come, return to the shelter, focusing on the noise of the river flowing uncounted. Others are going to wait without touching. Blinds tell each other, where he came to the island, young blindly remembers his distant homeland, sun, mountains, extraordinary flowers. ("I have no memoirs," says the blind.) Wakes wind. Leaves roll with steams. Blind seems to be someone concerns them. They are covered by fear. Young blind feels the smell of flowers. This asphoderel is a symbol. the kingdoms are dead. One of the blind managed to disrupt a few, and the young blindpinet woves them into his hair. The wind is heard and crashing waves about coastal rocks. Through this noise blindly catches the sound of someone's approaching steps is a shelter dog. She drags one of the blind to the stationary priest and stops. Blinds understand that among them the dead, but they do not immediately find out who it is. Women, crying, are kneeling and pray for the priest. The oldest blinding reproaches those who complained and did not want to go ahead, in the fact that they were tortured by the priest. The dog does not depart from the corpse. Blinds are taken by arms. The whirlwind spines dry leaves. The young blindness distinguishes someone from distant steps. Large flakes falling snow. Steps are approaching. The child is fastened to cry. Young blinding takes him on his hands and raises him to see who goes to them. Steps are approaching, you can hear how the leaves are rustled under whose legs, the rustle of the dress is heard. Steps stop near the blind group "Who are you?" - Says a young blind question. No answer. "Oh, settle over us!" - exclaims the oldest. Silence again. Then the desperate cry of the child is heard.