Obvious and hidden signs of damage to a person. How to find out whether you have been jinxed or not: methods for determining the negative

Obvious and hidden signs of damage to a person.  How to find out whether you have been jinxed or not: methods for determining the negative
Obvious and hidden signs of damage to a person. How to find out whether you have been jinxed or not: methods for determining the negative

To determine whether there is an evil eye or damage on a loved one, it is not necessary to have practical magical experience and see the subtle worlds. It is enough to carry out certain rituals, with the help of which you can independently determine whether a harmful ritual has been performed. There will be no harm from simple-to-perform diagnostic measures, and if successful, you can get valuable information that will protect you from the most sad consequences. Traditional medicine uses a variety of techniques that are rooted in antiquity to identify spoilage.

Church attributes in defining negative

The easiest and safest way to identify corruption is to use church attributes. Here are some rituals.

Church candle

One of the simplest and most effective ways to determine the presence of spoilage is considered to be the technique with a church candle. To do this, you need to hold the candle in your hands for several minutes, carefully listening to your feelings, pay special attention to your well-being. After concentration reaches the desired level, you need to light a candle, squeezing it tightly with both hands, and gaze at the fire. If the flame is even and bright, then you should not worry, but in the opposite situation, serious measures must be taken. If the fire starts twitching nervously, there is black smoke with an unpleasant hissing, or the candle does not want to burn and goes out, then these are signs of negative attachments.

Silver chain

There is also a known method with a silver chain, which must necessarily belong to the person performing this ritual. It should be remembered that it is better not to use a pectoral cross. First, you need to light a candle, taking it in your left hand. The left-handed man takes it in his right hand. A chain of turf toes, allowing it to move freely on the weight. Next, you need to carefully look at the fire of a church candle and read any cleansing prayer. The chain begins to oscillate, and if it suddenly slips off the fingers, then this is a direct sign that damage has been imposed on the person.

It is well known that the evil spirits cannot stand church paraphernalia and everything else that is somehow connected with the Lord. This can also be used to understand if the damage was not directed by a person. For this, a possible victim of black magic is enough just to visit the church. It is best to do this several times in order to fully make sure that there is a negative or a lack of it. You should not expect that a parishioner who has been corrupted will immediately choke or scream in church, but negative symptoms will appear.

Many damned people are unpleasant to touch the consecrated water, like any other things that are in the church: an icon, a cross and an incense. A blackened pectoral cross may become irrefutable signs that a person has been damaged, if it was not so before entering the temple. A parishioner with a soul blackened from corruption is able to make candles unexpectedly smoke by just his presence in the church.

It is worth noting that some believe that believers are completely protected from any black witchcraft. And this is not entirely correct opinion. To receive complete protection from corruption, you need a truly unyielding faith with a high level of spirituality, and not everyone is able to achieve all this.

Products as a diagnostic tool

Holy water is a simple and effective method to help identify the symptoms of spoilage. Water that protects against spoilage should not be ordinary water taken from a tap or a well. You need to go to church for her. If there is no church nearby, then water is collected from a natural source and cleansing prayers are read over it for a long time. It is necessary to wash with such water in the evening before going to bed, and then read the prayer "Our Father" and put a cup at the head of the bed. In a dream, water will have to tell whether damage is directed at a person or not. The fact that the curse works will become clear if in a dream the person being tested sees someone rejoicing after defeating him or rejoicing in his misfortune. At the same time, both a close person and a stranger can be the gunner of evil spells.

With the help of salt, you can also determine if a person has a curse. To do this, you need to sew a bag, and pour coarse salt into it so that the bag is half full. The edge through which the salt was poured must be sewn up in such a way that its threads are inside the bag, and not outside. For three days, this bag should be in the room of the person being tested for negative effects. After this time, you need to see what happened to the salt. If it has become hard and crumpled, then this will indicate the presence of bad energy, and if it is crumbly, then there is no damage to the person.

The chicken egg has at all times been considered a successful method for diagnosing negative connections. This method is classic, it has been used for a very long time, having proved its benefits over the years. A chicken egg must necessarily be rustic, because it will not work from stores. To carry out this ritual, you need to fill a glass with holy water and put it at the head of the bed, but first add a broken egg to the water, and then you can go to bed. The presence of damage on a person in the morning is easily determined by the state of the egg in a glass of water. If the product has deteriorated, acquired a different color and smell, the evil eye or spoilage is definitely there. And if the egg has not changed since the evening, then you should not be afraid about the superimposed magic programs.

Coffee can also hint at spoilage. This is a fairly simple method by which you can detect malicious magic programs on yourself. You need to brew ground coffee, drink it, and then turn the cup over. The next step will be to study the thick pattern. If large lumps are found, this is a sure sign of spoilage. In this case, the size of the clots indicates the degree of danger of the evil eye.

Bay leaf at all times was considered a good protection against black magical effects. People, fearing the evil eye and damage, hung a branch of this plant in the kitchen or front door, protecting them from various diseases and unkind guests. At the same time, someone grew a laurel tree near their home, which could protect not only its owner, but also his entire family.

It is also possible to determine the presence of damage on a person with the help of a bay leaf. To do this, you should set fire to the bay leaf and fumigate all the corners of the dwelling of the one on whom there may be damage. Smoke is able to cleanse a room of evil. He can also suggest that there is damage to the owner of the house, if the branch burns badly or smokes too much. All this will signal danger, after which it will make sense to take care of the ritual to drive out the evil spirit.

What household items will help diagnose

You can identify damage with simple matches. You need to take a jar of water, put it in front of you, then get three or more matches from the box and hold them between your palms. This is necessary to fill the matches with your own energy. Next, there should be a question regarding the presence of harmful effects on the biofield of the tested person. After that, you should light one match at a time and throw them into the water, and the answer to the question of interest is determined by the location of the matches on the surface of the water. If the matches float freely and do not intersect, then there is no damage, if they intersect or are inclined to the bottom, this is a sign of the evil eye. If they went down, despite the fact that the density of the tree is less than the density of water, then the reason for this can only be damage.

A pin will also help to identify damage. It is a popular and effective tool for identifying negative energy sent by a black sorcerer. To activate this technique, you need to take a pin and pierce it on the seamy side of the clothing of the one who is suspected of damage. The pin can be absolutely any: new, old, your own or someone else's - it will not play any role. In this case, it is necessary to put a pin in clothes directly with the head down and closer to the place located near the heart, when the alleged cursed person wears this jacket or shirt.

After that, you need to ask the Lord for help. Forgive the Almighty to save on the road from any kind of evil and negative thoughts of ill-wishers. This ritual should be performed before going out into the street, you must go along with the pin. After returning home, you need to see if the pin has been lost. If she is absent in place, then the damage was indeed caused by someone.

A gold ring can indicate corruption. Revealing the negative with a gold ring is considered one of the easiest techniques to perform. At the same time, this rite helps to accurately determine the damage, in contrast to some other methods, during which it is sometimes difficult to say unequivocally whether the negative was actually sent to a person. It is recommended that you wash your face well before this little ritual. This is especially true for the fairer sex - cosmetics should not remain at all, and if something does not wash off, this can negatively affect the situation, and the technique will not work. After washing, you need to take the ring and run it over your cheek. A black mark may remain on the face, as if the ring was covered with dirt. This will indicate that the person was attacked by a black magician. In this case, special attention should be paid to cleaning the face, because cosmetics can oxidize when it reacts with this expensive metal. And if just such a reaction occurred, then one should not talk about damage, but one cannot talk about its absence.

Cards, runes and a pendulum in the diagnosis of corruption

You can identify damage with Scandinavian runes. This method is the most accurate in diagnosis. It helps not only to understand whether there is a negative on a person, but also to find out what kind of curse is being discussed. To do this, you need to make a runic alignment to get three rows. In the first row there should be four runes, which will tell whether there is any negative on the person sent by the black sorcerer, or there are problems attracted directly by him. The runes of the first row allow you to find out in which particular area of ​​life the victim gave the corruption the opportunity to penetrate itself.

The second row consists of two runes, which will say what or who is the cause of the negative that appears, if the runes of the starting row have already shown the presence of damage. In the last row, you need to put only one rune. She will indicate with the help of which the negative was sent to the person.

Tarot cards have always been considered incredibly popular and accurate in magic. At all times, they were also used to identify negativity in a person. However, ordinary cards can also do something, you just need to use them correctly. The presence of damage is indicated by all the peaks falling out in various combinations of the classic layout. At the same time, ordinary cards are able to indicate not only the presence of damage, but also what exactly it has shaken a person's health. The presence of such cards on or under the heart will indicate an illness and a difficult state of health of the cursed person.

With the help of the pendulum and the frame, you can see the curse. This method is actively used in bioenergetics to identify negative magical programs. Armed with a frame, the specialist looks at the person's chakras, analyzing their condition. The frame is drawn from top to bottom, and certain questions are asked. Attention is focused on how exactly the frame will rotate during this action.

As for the pendulum, everything is simpler here. It can be purchased at any esoteric store, or you can make it yourself, at home, from a strong thread and nut. Before work, the tool must be properly configured, and then proceed to the determination of damage.

Pets and photos in the diagnosis of spoilage

Cats feel the spoilage that their owner has. They see entities that walk around the house and can play with them. If the demon sits in the layers of the biofield, the cat lays down on this place and forces the entity to leave the owner's body and move into her body. After that, she leaves home forever or soon falls ill and dies, and her owner recovers, getting rid of the negativity.

Dogs don't like entities. They don't like negative information. Some angrily bark at the spoiled person, try to bite him, others tuck their tails and whine. In any case, inappropriate behavior of the dog should alert.

You can also identify damage from a photograph. Before starting testing, you need to stock up on holy water, which you can take in the temple. This technique is very simple and does not require any special costs, and it indicates damage or refutes its presence quite accurately.

To do this, you need to find a snapshot of a person who could have been influenced by the negative, and immerse the photo in holy water, previously poured into a transparent vessel. The photo should stay in the water for a few minutes. Then you need to see what changes have occurred with the image in the water. Cloudy spots may appear on it, which will suggest that the curse has indeed been targeted. It should be noted that the severity of damage will depend on the size and number of stains. It is not worth taking a photograph out of the consecrated water, since its presence there will at least slightly weaken the dark effect of damage on the human energy field.

When several applied methods have confidently indicated the presence of damage, then you need to look for ways to eliminate it. Various techniques are used to get rid of negative connections. They can be studied and applied for a long time until one of them works. You can follow the path of least resistance and contact the contacts indicated on our website. Then you will get a quick release from spoilage. This will allow you to do your favorite thing and not waste your life fighting black magic.

Since ancient times, only folk healers, healers, and sorcerers knew how to determine the evil eye and damage. And the people went to them for healing, since it had long been noticed that these misfortunes exist from the influence of unkind people, and the evil eye. From time immemorial, Eastern teachings have said that man is more than just a physical body. From there came knowledge about chakras, energy channels, acupuncture points, aura.

Since the beginning of the twentieth century, scientists around the world have been studying the bioenergetic essence of man. They have written a lot of scientific papers and books, filmed many interesting documentaries with the results of these studies and proof that the human biofield really exists. And the impact on him - too!

It doesn't matter whether we believe in it or not, but the unkind energetic influence of people on each other is scientifically confirmed. And earlier it was popularly called the evil eye and damage. So it turns out that every day we are in contact with many people at home, at work, in transport, shops ..., intertwining with our biofields. And we act on each other, where it is joyfully, and where it is disgusting, negatively affecting someone else's biofield.

How to determine the evil eye and spoilage yourself at home? Find out if there is damage in the biofield? Today we will look at the old folk ways of how to do this. But first, let's figure out what these phenomena are, how they differ from each other.

What is the evil eye and damage

Evil eye

This negative impact of a person with a strong biofield on the field is weaker. These are energy holes in the aura through which vital energy, strength and health flow. We can say that this is SPAM launched at you by another person. Symptoms of the evil eye at the physical level are a syndrome of chronic weakness and fatigue.

The evil eye is applied without magical influence, often unconsciously: you were praised, flattered, envied, slandered, looked unkindly, yelled ... , behave inadequately, lag behind in school!). Women are more often exposed to the evil eye, especially during pregnancy, and babies.

The evil eye is like a cut that gradually heals itself. But damage is already a "stabbing".


In the popular concept, it means actions to spoil, damage. This is a deliberate evil influence with the help of special slander and rituals, to harm human health, or to completely destroy him physically. It can be compared to a computer virus, a code that acts purposefully and destroys from the inside.

They spoil food, drinks, things, etc. They are given, or treated, or discreetly left at your home. If you find spilled salt, needles, broken eggs, grave sand, shreds of wool, twisted feathers, you are “lucky”, you are very disturbing for someone.

Impact through animals

Often, pets become victims of exposure, since through them it is easiest to harm the owner. The animal suddenly changes its behavior dramatically, becomes aggressive, disobedient, or vice versa, loses mobility, does not eat, and has fever for no reason. And we cannot understand what happened to him.

Have you noticed that your pet over time develops the same diseases that you suffer from? Animals who are simply devoted to their owner very often take all the negativity and diseases upon themselves and die, not allowing their loved one to die. After all, they have not lost the natural sensitivity of the subtle world, as in man.

Spoilage symptoms

How to determine if there is damage? It is easy to check for yourself by the corresponding symptoms. Consider if you have:

  • physical and mental exhaustion;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • loss of appetite, self-control, self-control;
  • intolerance to strong odors;
  • fear of bright light;
  • bad from loud sounds;
  • depressed state;
  • loss of interest in life;
  • inability to restrain negative emotions;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • loss of willpower.

Watch the video: how to recognize corruption and 10 of its signs - tips from a practicing psychic.

If you notice most of the above symptoms (and doctors throw up their hands in ignorance), do not be too lazy to diagnose for the presence of negative bioenergetic effects. You may be very surprised at the result.

How to find out if there is damage or evil eye

For this, there have long been various folk remedies and methods. Consider the simplest and most affordable at home - diagnostics using a candle, matches and eggs.

1. Method for determining the evil eye and candle damage

Damage is a strong effect and a large damage to the biofield, an imbalance (see photo).

Therefore, the candle will react violently with a change in the color of the flame to red, soot, crackling, and an unpleasant odor. The more negative a person has, the more vigorously she will react, especially above her head and legs, behind her back.

The evil eye is a weaker effect, it is localized behind the back of the head and in the upper body. Therefore, the candle will not behave so violently and the affected area is usually small.

I saw how this ceremony was performed by a traditional healer, and I will try to describe it in detail.

What to do

  1. To purchase a candle on Sunday, you need to go to church before the start of the liturgy and buy 4 candles.
  2. Place one candle at a time near the image of Christ, and the Saint, in whose honor the church is consecrated.
  3. Take the fourth one with you, we need it.
  4. The ceremony is performed on Sunday evening.
  5. You must wear white clothes (or wrap yourself in a white sheet). White repels bad and protects.

Actions step by step

  1. Sit the person you will be working with on a backless chair in the middle of the room, facing east. His hands should rest freely on his knees with open palms up.
  2. Stand behind him. While reading the prayer "Our Father", light a candle.
  3. Now you need to go around the person in a circle to the right three times. Keep the candle a little distance from your body. Run it from the top of your head to the floor and back. If the flame remains calm and does not change its color, then the biofield is clean. If not, see the above explanation.
  4. In order not to take the negative on yourself, after the diagnosis, be sure to mentally wash yourself with a waterfall and imagine how everything bad is carried away by water deep into the earth.

If you need to carry out diagnostics for you, let someone close to you do it.

2. How to recognize damage with matches

An old folk way of diagnostics. We take a glass container with water and a box of matches. We take out several matches (at least 3) and hold them in our hands, charging them with our energy. Then we ask them to show you if there is any influence on you. We light the matches in turn and immediately throw them into the water.

Now we look.

  • If all the matches float without intersecting on the surface - rejoice, everything is in order and your Guardian Angels are not asleep.
  • If the matches are tilted down or on top of each other, it is possible that you have been jinxed.
  • If any matches sank into the water, damage is possible.
  • For greater confidence, it is better to diagnose the impacts several times in different ways.

3. Diagnosis of egg spoilage - 3 ways

Since ancient times, in the villages, healers and healers grandmothers checked whether a person was damaged with the help of a fresh chicken egg. How to accurately choose it for the ceremony, read the article. Let's consider 3 ways of such diagnostics.

Method 1

This method is popularly called rolling an egg.

The egg has its own very sensitive biofield, and when it comes into contact with someone else's energy, it absorbs it into itself. The people noticed this and began to use it for diagnostics and healing. Our ancestors took a recently laid egg from a domestic hen. If this is not the case, then take a fresh store. The freshest will be a dietary egg marked "D".

Hold and warm the egg in your palms. Then start rolling it gently from head to body to feet (this will take about 5 minutes).

In a pre-prepared transparent floor, a liter jar of water, very carefully break the egg and look.

  1. If the yolk is torn, there is a rupture in your biofield (a lot of damage has been put on you).
  2. In the presence of serious diseases, the protein in the water will be cloudy with white threads, cobwebs, interspersed, like boiled.
  3. In the presence of air bubbles, we can talk about a large damage to the biofield and holes in it.

For a very detailed transcript, see the video.

Method 2

This method of determining damage and the evil eye is similar to the previous one, only it is much easier to carry out it.

First, hold a jar of water for a few minutes on the crown of your head - it will take over the information from your aura. Then break the egg into it and consider the result (as in the previous method).

Method 3

And the third way, how to check for damage, is the easiest. Already in the process of diagnostics, an egg, as a living biological entity with its own biofield, draws negative energy from a sick person and cleans it.

At the head of your bed (close to your head), put a jar of water and a broken egg in it overnight. In the morning, you will learn about the state of your energy by the appearance of the egg, described above.

4. How to recognize damage with a pin

This method is simple to implement, but effective. With its help, you can determine the negative impact, as well as protect yourself from new encroachments. You will need a new pin. Moisten it with holy water, then sprinkle with salt. After a few minutes, attach it to your clothes, placing it next to the heart. Try to keep her head pointing straight up. Attaching the pin, say the words of the conspiracy:

I protect myself with a talisman, from the evil eye and the words I hide. I fasten the evil with the sharp end of the pin, I do not let it into my heart.

This must be done in the morning, before leaving the house. On the evening of your return, check to see if a pin is still on you. If not, then you are clearly being negatively impacted. If you feel that the pin has come unfastened during a conversation with a certain person, then that person may very well be the one who influenced you.

5. How to understand if there is damage to plants

Plants are an effective way to find out if you are a carrier of foreign energy. If you have a flower in your house that is preparing to bloom or has already blossomed, leave it overnight at the head of the bed, and in the morning look at the inflorescences. If they wither, began to lose petals, then the news is disappointing.

You can also check for spoilage with St. John's wort twigs. If in the morning leaves and flowers began to crumble from them, then you have a negative impact. If you have a guess as to who could wish you harm, try to hand this person a flower. If within a few hours he completely fades, loses color, then you should avoid this person.

6. Wax

You can take on board another ritual. Beeswax should be warmed over a plate of cold water. When the wax becomes liquid, you need to carefully pour it into a bowl and wait a couple of minutes. The resulting image, drawing or shape will help determine if there is an evil eye.

An even, uniform pattern indicates that there is no damage to the person. Complex, torn, uneven figures, in turn, indicate an interference in the consciousness of extraneous negative energy. In this case, you need to start "cleansing" procedures as soon as possible.

7. How to recognize damage in a dream

One of the common methods is to ask a question about the presence of spoilage in a dream. To do this, you need to pray to your Guardian Angel before going to bed, and then focus on the issue that worries you. After a while, thoughts will be directed in the right direction, and you, having relaxed, pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

Passing through a crowd of people, I notice the ill-wisher, I notice him in his evil eyes. With the name of the Lord on my lips I pass by, I cast an impenetrable, intangible defense. May there be no rest for him, he will not know joy, only grief. Until all the negativity leaves me, my conscience does not allow the thief of my happiness to live in peace.

Go to bed, and in a dream you can find out the answer to your question. You may have a chaotic heavy dream, or the face of an ill-wisher. If there is no damage, the dream will be light and pleasant.

8. Check for spoilage with a bowl of water

This rite is considered one of the easiest, but effective. It can be done at home without any problems. To do this, fill a cup with water, throw three small coals and watch their behavior. If they drowned, it means that there really was a magical effect - damage or evil eye. In this case, the main task is to take action as soon as possible. Coals float on the surface - don't worry, everything is fine.

However, this method will not be able to find out the details. To check who is behind the damage, what exactly it is imposed on, you will have to use other methods. But to search for preliminary information, it will be quite enough.

A very surefire way to identify spoilage is to use a pendulum. The ritual should be performed at night during the full moon, and the night star must be in the sky during the ceremony.

To determine damage, the following steps are taken:

A figure of a man is schematically drawn on a white sheet of paper, and the words "Yes" and "No" are written above his head on the left and right.

The little man is given a name and crosses himself, while the fingers should first be dipped in sunflower oil. During this, the prayer "Our Father" is read.

The following words are spoken:

The Servant of God, created by me (the name that was given to the painted figure), today you will be for me, your pain is my pain, your troubles are my troubles.

The drawing is placed in the middle of the table, at the corners of which church candles made of brown wax are set and lit in order from left to right;

A makeshift pendulum swings over the drawing man, asking the right questions.

The first question to ask should be whether you have been corrupted. If you receive a negative answer, the ritual can be stopped. And if confirmation has been received, then you should continue to ask the questions you are interested in.

10. Nail

Get a new nail and carry it in your hand for several hours, then in the evening, bury it near your doorstep with the words:

I bury a sharp nail in the ground, I want to know the truth. I appeal to the forces of nature, I need help. I want to know if there is black corruption on me, which draws good out of me, generates diseases.

In the morning, dig out your cache and carefully examine the nail. If it starts to rust, then you have been negatively affected.

How to return damage back to the offender

A simple ritual will allow you not only to get rid of damage, but also to return it to the one who brought it.

Try cleaning with help to get rid of spoilage. Also try 15 Easy Rituals.

Everyone should know this in order to ensure the safety of themselves and their loved ones. How to identify spoilage on a person: Read proven recipes from sorcerers and healers. If negativity is not identified and removed in time, the consequences can be most devastating. Therefore, you should constantly monitor the magical safety of yourself and your family.

Master these simple ways of diagnosing negativity so that you always know if you are being magically influenced or not.

Have you ever noticed that strange and incomprehensible things suddenly began to happen in your family? Do you often suffer from setbacks alternating with misfortunes? Have you ever wondered why this is happening to you? Read on to find out how to spot spoilage on a person and find out what is the real cause of your unhappiness.

If you are being led negativity, you will certainly notice it.

If suddenly your things are often broken, lost or stolen, your bulbs burn out at home, neighbors flood you, and even thieves entered the house and took out expensive things, and you collected loans to buy them. Think about who can be so jealous of you that all this is happening to you.

Advice: If you have nightmares, incomprehensible and debilitating dreams - all this indicates that there is one negative around you. Do you feel like your energy has run out and you are at zero?

In such cases, it will be urgently necessary to work with your energy field, as well as to diagnose damage

Signs of exposure

  1. Mood. If there is spoilage, your mood can change several times a day. What previously brought you joy is no longer interesting. You begin to see the world in gray and dull colors. Cry over various trifles or even from scratch. It starts to seem to you that those around you do not understand, find fault, do not appreciate.
  2. Dreams. When they affect your aura, dreams begin to create anxiety, after which fears and a feeling of eerie tension appear. In the morning you may not even remember what you dreamed about, but the feeling that trouble will occur will overwhelm you, which will make it very hard on your soul.
  3. Despondency and suspicion. You will begin to feel as if someone is following you everywhere. Your head will be occupied with negative thoughts, so your strength will gradually end. As a result, your state and mood will change to eternal despondency.
  4. Trouble. If you have continuous setbacks at work, quarrels at home, there is always no money, no friends who would support you in difficult times, and loved ones do not appreciate and do not understand. If you are wondering how to identify the corruption of loneliness, pay attention to your relationship with the opposite sex.
  5. Depression. All of the above moments take away from a person a sense of joy, happiness, calmness. All this affects you very badly. You cannot rest anywhere. These conditions can sometimes lead to mental personality disorder.
  6. A feeling of suffocation, which may come on suddenly. You start to run out of air, even if you are outside. This sensation can also easily disappear.

Minor signs of damage or curse:

Never confuse corruption, evil eye and curse:

  • Evil eye- this is a small splash of negativity, which was directed unintentionally;
  • Spoilage- this is already a more serious and deliberate harm to a person of varying severity. Damage is done for any things: money, success, death, suffering in life, etc.;

A curse is a negatively induced (up to a lifetime or several generations) that affects one or more aspects of your life.

If you are worried about the behavior of your beloved, then in the article on our website you can find out, there are, as well as read about the consequences and options for their removal.

Diagnostic methods

Consider the three most effective and easy ways to determine damage on a person by performing simple magical rites.

Method number 1 "On the mirror"

Go to the mirror and look into your eyes. Say some nice words, for example:

"I deserve to be the best."

If you say this, looking into your eyes, without lowering them, without starting to run your eyes, if you have not experienced any unpleasant sensations, your tears have not flowed, then you are fine, and there is no damage to you. But more often than not, only a few pass the test. And, unfortunately, this is a very sad statistic.

Method number 2 "For coffee"

To accurately determine the answer, carry out several diagnostic options.

Many people love the taste of aromatic coffee. He will help you find out and determine if there is damage to you.

  1. Brewing coffee;
  2. Have a cup;
  3. If you have damage, then a drawing will appear at the bottom in the form of a large lump of an indefinite shape. The larger this lump, the more negative energy is expressed.

Method number 3 "From a photo"

You can use a regular photo. Let it sit in consecrated water for a few minutes. Then take a look at the photo in the water. If damage is detected, dark and cloudy spots will appear on the image. If there are many of them, then the damage is very powerful. In this case, it is best to leave the photo in holy water so that your energy field can begin to clear.

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Site Visitor Comments

    I began to notice that lately I have been constantly having nightmares, blood, murder and some kind of nonsense. I wake up all over at night in sweat. Terribly not getting enough sleep and generally tired of order. So I decided to read, maybe it's connected with magic. I read that this could be a symptom of spoilage. I didn’t even expect it, but I think we should still go to some magician who will remove this nonsense from me

    The constant lack of money completely crushed me. It seems that I get it fine, and I put it off for a rainy day, and I still crawl into my piggy bank until the end of the month. And this has never happened before. It’s just as if someone jinxed or brought damage. A friend advised your site, read the article and decided to check for coffee - is there any damage on me or not. The coffee really fell out that there is spoilage, what to do now, I don't even know.

    I am very grateful to the authors of the site for such information that I need now. How good that I accidentally went to your site. For a long time I suspected that not everything was in order. Some kind of obsession. One nuisance after another. I read the article and clarified a lot for myself. Checked on the photo - there is damage. I can even guess from whom. Now I am your regular reader. I am absorbing one article after another. I am sure I can, with the help of your advice, fix what does not suit me. With thanks.

    Six months ago, I began to feel some kind of anxiety, excitement and health began to fail. All around began to advise to go to some grandmother (suddenly damage). But I don’t believe in it, and there’s no time. Having nothing to do, I decided to check the photo. Horror!!! What terrible divorces and circles went. Total: I went to my grandmother, there was a huge damage, which was removed for a month!

    Stumbled upon this article by chance and was shocked. At first I thought that I was very tired at work, although I had a stable rest, I slept enough. But he was very tired all the time, I do not see a purpose in life, and a little later I began to choke a little, although I do not smoke. Now I have to somehow get rid of the damage, although I can’t imagine who I annoyed .. I’ll look on your website for some advice on this matter.

    A couple of months ago, there were health problems, and troubles with people close to me, I was very depressed by what was happening and tried to drown my grief in alcohol, it’s even scary to confess, I was thinking about suicide. I climbed your site, I understood what was the matter. So it's not just me! Now knowing the problem, I really want to solve it. And then I'm tired of this constant feeling of powerlessness and irritability.

    I also suspect that something is amiss, or damage, or the evil eye. I feel bad, there is no mood, complete apathy, I do not want anything and nothing pleases me. Money is bad, I got into debt and I don’t know how to pay it back, straight black is chasing me

    I want to make sure there is no spoilage. Can you see with the help of a photograph and blessed water if there is damage to a relative? Should he be present nearby? Can you look without his knowledge? otherwise he does not believe that he is damaged

    How can you protect yourself from the evil eye and damage? is it possible to find out what damage is on you, as early as possible, while there are no serious consequences? how to find out who did it? who really faced this please write

    I read that the evil eye is a small splash of negativity that was inadvertently aimed. How to do it so that you do not accidentally jinx someone?

    Can you get rid of spoilage yourself? or is it better to turn to knowledgeable people? in general it would be interesting to read on the topic: what to do if damage is on you, your further actions. In such a situation, you don't know what to do and you lose your mind.

    I often see nightmares, sleep poorly, disturbed by some kind of sad thoughts. It seems to me that someone is chasing everywhere. The head is occupied with negative thoughts, the strength gradually ends. Is there really damage on me, I need to do rituals to determine the damage

    It seems to me that if you constantly go to church, read prayers and live the correct life of a Christian, you are not afraid of corruption, you are under the protection of God. Whatever rituals and conspiracies are done against you, your faith and prayers protect and protect you from bad

    My friend and I did the way to the mirror. It seems to be nothing complicated, you look at yourself and say good things, but it turns out not difficult for those on whom there is no damage. My friend could not utter a word without lowering her eyes. I didn’t believe it could happen if I hadn’t seen it myself.

    The coffee option is simple and healthy at the same time. Many people drink coffee, I mean real custard. By the thicker, you can understand about damage, and find the answer to events. I always look at what comes out in the cup at the bottom. I have never seen a lump, everything turns out to be all right with me.

    How many new things I learned today about damage and about the evil eye and about a love spell. I went to immediately apply the new knowledge to my home, while I check it with different methods so as not to miss any negative. Everything, of course, in a joking manner, so that household members do not suspect anything.

Colleague, friend, potential partner ... You like the person, but you do not fully understand what kind of person he is, how he will react to your vulnerability, can you trust him with a secret, ask for help? On the websites of psychological "life hacks" there are articles like "If you want to know someone - ask him 38 questions." Imagine what it looks like: you sit a colleague or acquaintance in front of you, ask him questions on the list and carefully document the answers. How many would agree to this?

The other extreme is to believe that a person can be unraveled only in a few months or years of close communication. Coach John Alex Clark is sure: it's not about the amount of time, but about observation and willingness to link facts into a single chain. There are a few simple tricks you can use to discover patterns in behavior and understand your personality.

1. Notice the details

Every day we perform thousands of routine activities: talking on the phone, buying food. People's actions can provide insight into their personality and help predict how they will behave in similar situations.

Example A. Anyone who chooses the same dish every day in a restaurant, perhaps, avoids changes in life and does not like uncertainty. Such a person may turn out to be a loyal and devoted husband, but it will be difficult to convince him to move to another country or make a risky investment.

Example B. A person who enjoys stock gambling and other risky ventures is likely to take risks in other areas of life. For example, he may quit his job without finding a new one and without taking care of the financial "safety cushion".

Example C. A person who never forgets to look both ways before crossing a road may be wary. He will carefully consider each decision before making it, and will only take the calculated risk.

By analyzing a person's behavior in one area, you can assess how he will manifest himself in other areas of life.

2. Pay attention to communication methods

How does he communicate? Builds relationships with everyone or singles out those who are closest in spirit, and with the rest tries to keep within the bounds of decency? Does he act on a whim, without a clear plan, is he focused on impressions or tries to analyze everything, does not trust instinct and strives to be objective? Is he rather a practitioner who lives in a world of facts, tasks, measurable quantities, or a thinker for whom ideas, concepts, schemes and images are important?

3. Discuss relationships at work, with mutual acquaintances.

It seems that "washing the bones" is an empty and meaningless occupation. But the main thing is what qualities a person gives to others, how he interprets their motivations. When talking about others, we often notice what is in ourselves. Our personal “pantheon” can say what we value in people, whom we strive to be like, what qualities we are trying to change in ourselves.

The more often a person judges others as kind-hearted, happy, emotionally stable, or polite, the more likely they are to be endowed with these traits. Reasoning such as “he’s just pretending, he’s digging a hole for someone” can mean that the interlocutor is calculating and understands only a relationship based on profit.

Damage is one of the most common ways to negatively affect a person. It poses a great threat to health and well-being, so it is necessary to get rid of it as soon as possible.

By resorting to help that has proven itself over the years, you can quickly determine if you have been corrupted and use methods to prevent negative influences. To do this, you do not need to visit magicians and psychics. It is enough to believe in yourself and be alone with yourself, so that no one can prevent you from performing these rituals.

Effective ways to recognize spoilage

1. This method is simple to implement, but effective. With its help, you can determine the negative impact, as well as protect yourself from new encroachments. You will need a new pin. Moisten it with holy water, then sprinkle with salt. After a few minutes, attach it to your clothes, placing it next to the heart. Try to keep her head pointing straight up. Attaching the pin, say the words of the conspiracy:

“I protect myself with a talisman, I hide my words from the evil eye. I fasten the evil with the sharp end of the pin, I do not let it into my heart. "

This must be done in the morning, before leaving the house. On the evening of your return, check to see if a pin is still on you. If not, then you are clearly being negatively impacted. If you feel that the pin has come loose while talking to a certain person, then he or she may very well be the one who influenced you.

2. Plants are the second effective way to find out if you are a carrier of alien energy. If you have a flower in your house that is preparing to bloom or has already blossomed, leave it overnight at the head of the bed, and look at the inflorescences in the morning. If they wither, began to lose petals, then the news is disappointing. You can also check for spoilage with St. John's wort twigs. If in the morning leaves and flowers began to crumble from them, then you have a negative impact. If you have a guess as to who could wish you harm, try to hand this person a flower. If within a few hours he completely fades, loses color, then you should avoid this person.

3. One of the common methods is to ask a question about the presence of spoilage in a dream. To do this, you need to pray to your Guardian Angel before going to bed, and then focus on the issue that worries you. After a while, thoughts will be directed in the right direction, and you, having relaxed, pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“Passing through a crowd of people, I notice an ill-wisher, I notice him in his evil eyes. With the name of the Lord on my lips I pass by, I cast an impenetrable, intangible defense. May there be no rest for him, he will not know joy, only grief. Until all the negativity leaves me, my conscience does not give the thief of my happiness to live in peace. "

Go to bed, and in a dream you can find out the answer to your question. You may have a chaotic heavy dream, or the face of an ill-wisher. If there is no damage, the dream will be light and pleasant.

4. Break the egg into a glass of clean water so as not to damage the yolk. Light a church candle and peer into its flame for a while, focusing on your question about corruption. After a few minutes, say the words of the conspiracy:

“The egg is golden, like the sun is small. It burns me through the vessel, relieves me of damage and the evil eye. He takes my pain upon himself, leaves nothing. "

Go to bed, and place a glass with an egg next to the bed. If in the morning the yolk strongly changes color to a darker or even blackened, then you have a negative.

5. Get a new nail and carry it in your hand for several hours, then in the evening, bury it near your doorstep with the words:

“I bury a sharp nail in the ground, I want to know the truth. I appeal to the forces of nature, I need help. I want to know if there is black corruption on me, which draws good out of me, generates diseases. "

In the morning, dig out your cache and carefully examine the nail. If it starts to rust, then you have been negatively affected.

With the help of these proven methods, you can determine whether you are a carrier of negative energy, designed to destroy your protective biofield. If so, then you should immediately, in order to get rid of this magical ailment as soon as possible. We wish you all the best, and do not forget to press the buttons and

22.05.2017 02:00

Spoilage is a common type of negative energy that ill-wishers purposefully use to harm. One of...