Penelope Cruz Personal Life Children. First photos of Penelope Cruz with daughter Moon

Penelope Cruz Personal Life Children. First photos of Penelope Cruz with daughter Moon
Penelope Cruz Personal Life Children. First photos of Penelope Cruz with daughter Moon

Biographies of celebrities


24.01.15 11:10

Actress Penelope Cruz invariably includes in the lists of beautiful women of the planet, and she claims that it does not care if it does not care. It is not so vain to stick together in front of the mirror. Personal life Penelope Cruz is more important - because it is a mother of two charming kids!

Biography Penelope Cruz

Barbershy daughter

Childhood actress Penelope Cruz passed in the Spanish town of Alcobendas. In it, she was born on April 28, 1974, her younger sister and brother were born there - Monica and Eduardo. The family was rich. Father, Eduardo, was engaged in retail and something meaning in a car mechanic, and Mom, Encarno, worked as a hairdresser.

Penelope was seriously engaged in ballet, almost ten years is given to her classic ballet (she was the pupil of the National Conservatory). But she became interested in the movie only 15 years. It was then that the girl started finding the agent and after a long attempt (she was considered too young for the acting) she succeeded. The debut followed almost three years old. It was a comedy "ham, ham". Spaniard played a girl in her, seduced by rich young men and pregnant from him. A few more film stakes were left in the biographies of Penelope Cruz of any noticeable trace. And then she went to the States.

Combat immigrant

She was twenty years old, she owned English terribly, so at first it was tugged with work. Penelope continued to engage in ballet and was presented through the linguistic debursions. When, in Finally, in filmography, the actress Penelope Cruz appeared the first American picture, the big dividends did not bring her. Tape "Country of Hills and Valleys" failed at the box office.

The breakthrough occurred in 1999 - the girl was invited to Pedro Almodovar in his project "All about my mother" (she already had experience working with this director - in the Drama "Living flesh"). The tape was touching, and the heroine Cruz, a patient with AIDS Rose, caused the public in the public.

At the dawn, the Spaniard player played in the "Open Eye" tape, this picture of Amenabar did not discharge the world famous fame. But the "Vanilla Sky", the remake of the drama, just the opposite. Penelope Cruz again participated in it, whose biography in the root changed after this film, because her partner on the site was the Hollywood Star Tom Cruise. Cash taxes have no longer depressed (203 million dollars) and the performer itself earned $ 2 million.

Welcome many

Now she has become a welcome star for many producers. True, not all projects with her participation were successful. A duet with Johnny Depp in "cocaine" was a success, but together with Nicolas Cage, the actress failed the military drama "Choosing Captain Korelli." She was noted a nomination for "Golden Malina", and Kage was scolded for a long time for inconclusive accent.

Fans of two beauties - Hayek and Cruz - gladly watched comedy western with their participation ("Bands"). But the kinoman enjoyed the next masterpiece of Almodovar, in which his favorite performer again solired. "Return" presented a Cruz nomination for many prestigious awards, but in that year all the laurels got Britanke Hello Mirren - she went around the rivals with her "queen". Cruz got only domestic "Goya".

Oscar Revenge

She took Oscar Revenge in 2009. Statue of the film academicum awarded actress Penelope Cruz for her wrinkled Maria Elena in the romantic ribe Woody Allen's "Vicky Kristina Barcelona". She, Penelope, belongs to be the first Spanish-winner of the American Film Academy Prize.

The luxurious "bouquet" actresses - from the highly diffused Sophie Lauren to the beauties Cruz and Kate Hudson - gathered the Marshall Marshall "nine". Penelope again got the opportunity to pick up the main Hollywood reward, but luck was not on her side, the cherished trophy in the Oscar ceremony took the dark-skinned monic.

Pirate and just beautiful

But Cruz became the central heroine of the latter today with the part of the Pirates of the Caribbean Sea. Get into such a popular franchise - very honorable. She again starred with Depp, and her heroine - a real flaw, although wears the angelic name of Angelica. Recently, the actress Penelope Cruz revealed new faces of the talent, playing in the drama about a seriously ill woman "Ma Ma".

Not bad money brings actress advertising - it successfully cooperates with "L" Oreal ", the most famous videos will paint the mascara of the company: the charming brunette waves with eyelashes (clearly overlaid), as if the butterfly with wings (they even applied to the court due to the use of artificial eyelashes, they say They climb head to shoppers in Tschi). For participation in the rollers, the actress receives $ 2 million annually.

Personal life Penelope Cruz

Cruz + Cruz \u003d?

Cruz is a very versatile personality: Developed a clothing line (for Mango Corporation), it is a famous patronage, is engaged in charity and helps Foundations for the fight against AIDS and blood cancer.

Pedro Almodovar is a good actress friend (he removes it in almost all his ribbons), like Salma Hayek, with which they worked together.

"Vanilla Sky" greatly affected the personal life of Penelope Cruz. She broke out a bright affair with Tom Cruise. They say that this rock brunette put a point in marriage of the beloved and his second wife Kidman. Three years of Penelope and Tom met, the case, it seems, went to the wedding, but then everything crumbled in the dust. In early 2004, the Spanish star stated that he was free.

The main thing is children!

There were a brief relationship with the windmate Matthew McConekhi. And in the summer of 2010 Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem became spouses. Probably, the spark between them was running on the set of "Christina Barcelona's wiki", and a three-year-old novel ended with a wedding. The firstborn pair of Leonardo was born in January 2011, and the daughter of the moon - in July 2013. Mom does not have the soul in them and tries as much time to devote to kids.

0 February 16, 2018, 23:21

New season "" (American Crime Story) made a lot of noise at the shooting stage. It was immediately clear that the 43-year-old, who agreed to play Dontella Versace in the history of the murder of her brother Gianni, deals with one of the most difficult roles.

About the work on a project, a frank conversation with Donatella, as well as about Havier-Javier Bardem and his children, Seven-year-old Leonardo and a four-year-old Moon, the actress told in an interview.

About the filming with her husband Javier Bardem in the film "Escobar":

It was the first time we worked together, becoming a couple. The characters were very difficult, so we passed through many uncomfortable scenes in which my heroine is a victim of an emotional and psychological terror. I have always feared to let your characters in our house. It was especially important for us in this case - to protect each other.

About Harassment in Hollywood and Motion #Metoo:
As a result, the rules of the game for women who are in different ways should be changed.

About gender education of children:
Tales are very important, because these are the first stories that you hear from the mouths of the parents. When I read my children overnight, I always change the end of some famous stories. In the "Cinderella" and "Sleeping Beauty" a lot of smeachism. This may affect how children see the world. They begin to think that men decide everything. In my story about Cinderella on the proposal of the prince to marry, she answers: "No, thanks, because I do not want to be a princess, but I want to become a cosmonaut or a cook."

On a conversation with producer Ryan Murphy and the proposal to reveal in the role of Donatella Versace in the "American History of Crimes":

It was shocked from the offer to play Donatella. I told Raan that I admire them and really want to work together, but I must make one important phone call.

About conversation with Donatella Versace:
I told her that I feel great responsibility, having received a proposal to play a person who is not only alive, but and which I very respect. She replied that if the project started, she was happy that I would play it in him. Her words gave me a feeling of freedom. I think, in my voice, she realized that everything would be done with respect.

About the difficulties in working on the way Donatella Versace:
Her voice is much lower than me, so for several months I worked with a phoniatro. I was not interested in caricature or imitation. I wanted the viewer to see Donatell, even when she just sits in a chair ... We and Edgar Ramirez (actor who played Giannie Versace. - Approx.) Listened to many opera and prince.



And Javier Bardem regularly commits together and give an interview, talking about the feelings to a friend, so it may seem that the actors do not hide their personal life from the public.

However, the seven-year-old son Leo and a four-year-old daughter Moon artists prefer to keep away from the curious public and the press, so the pictures of parents with children into the network fall extremely rarely.

Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem

"This is my personal responsibility - to preserve the right of my children to privacy. You will never see their photos on my page in the social network. I will never do it. I can publish snapshots with friends and close time from time to time, but there is always a border for which I will not go, "said the actress of the magazine" Stella "recently.

But sometimes street photographers manage to fall out a star family. So the other day paparazzi was filming Penelope along with the son of the Basilica of Holy Clara in Naples. After visiting the Basilica Penelope handed over the son of Nian and went to the set.

Penelope Cruz and her son Leo

As soon as the boy with a star mother appeared on the net, users immediately noted that the son is just a copy of Penelope. Later B. Interview magazine Elle Penelope said: " Maternity is the best thing to survive a woman. Having become a mom, you feel like others. After the birth of the child, the spirit and the essence of the woman is changing. Such a transformation occurs deep in the soul and necessarily reflected in the eyes. This cannot be noticed. "

Penelope Cruz

A rare shooting partner could resist the sultry of the sultry beauty - almost all on-screen novels actress transferred to real life. Elle remembered the brightest lavstaries of today's birthday book.

Nicolas Cage

In the film "Choosing Captain Korelli" Penelope Cruz plays a lady heart Hero Nicholas Cage. At the time of filming the film, the actor was married to Patricia Arquette, but it was so born in the role that he did not stand out before the hostel of the Spanish and twisted the service novel with her. Cage's marriage immediately gave the crack, but also with a relationship ended as quickly as they began. I did not have time to divorce how Cruz gave him a resignation, making a choice in favor of a more promising cavalier - Tom Cruise.

Tom Cruise

Matthew McConahi

In 2004, a new role leads Penelope Cruz with a new beloved. In the picture of Sugar, the actress was to be filmed along with Tom Cruise, but after parting with Penelope refused to participate in the shooting. Matthew McConaja came to replace the failed partner. The charming Texas guy with a reputation of Donzhuana conquered Cruz at first sight, and with the second they had a lot of common - the views on life, a sense of humor, ambitions.

They were called one of the most beautiful couples of Hollywood: lovers glowed from happiness, the career of both was gaining momentum - everything went to the logical conclusion of the novel - engagement. But the wedding bell never rang - the star couple's relationship was waiting for a more prosaic final: suddenly McConaja and Cruz announced parting. On the way of their happiness, the Atlantic Ocean got up and "incompatible with the relationship schedule." The actors were satisfied with the only year, but the Cruz relationship recalled, as the brightest in life.

This novel was from the discharge of fleeting. Cruz was seriously worried about the gap with Matthew McConauga, Hartnett - just broke up with. In a new relationship, the actors found the necessary work. This time, the acquaintance took place outside the set and went on a more classic scenario - flowers, restaurants, dates, walking hands, a joint holiday in the Caribbean. Lovers broke up quietly, without scandals and loud headlines: Cruz began shooting at the "Vicky Christina Barcelona", where her fateful meeting with Javier Bardem happened.

Javier Bardem.

As you know, the familiarity of future spouses took place long before the novel: 17-year-old Cruz and a 22-year-old Bardem played lovers in Kinolent "Ham, Ham". Then Bardem was the actor who was held, and for Cruz, the role became the debut in the cinema. The spark between the actors did not flash.

Path Penelope and Javier crossed four times, but only on the set of Woody Allen's paintings, they suddenly broke out a novel. Hollywood immediately blessed lovers: both beautiful, successful, both Spaniards come from Madrid, familiar 15 years, mentally and externally similar, bright, charismatic - Bardem and Cruz were considered an ideal pair. In addition, Oscar received for the role in the film Penelope - a year earlier the statuette went to her chosen for his role in the film "Old men there is no place." In short, their story seemed like a fairy tale, which continues to this day. The actors played a wedding on the bugs, gave birth to three children, and the on-screen novels in real life none of them no one tolerate.

Penelope Cruz is a well-known actress and model worldwide. The first representative of Spain, who was able to win Oscar.

Childhood and youth

Penelope Cruz Sanchez (the full name of the actress) was born on April 28, 1974 in the small town of Alcobendas, which in the Spanish province of Madrid.

The girl's family was poor, but friendly, subsequently at her parents had two more children - Monica and Eduardo.

Mom Penelope, Encarna Sanchez, worked as a hairdresser, and Dad, Eduardo Cruz, worked by an auto mechanic. In 2015, a man died from a heart attack.

Parents raised children in Catholic traditions, which did not prevent Penelope to do what she wanted.

Penelope Cruz in childhood

In childhood, the girl was fascinated by dances, and then ballet who was professionally studied in Spain for several years.

In adolescence, Cruz also began to show interest in cinema. According to the data from open sources, seriously about becoming an actress, the girl thought after watching the film Pedro Almodovar "Sweet me!".

However, for a long time, Penelope, no one wanted to do, considering it too young, but in 15 years the girl still managed to find an agent.

Penelope Cruz in Youth

However, it was still far from glory - the Cruz roles in the music clips began. True, a little later, a youth televisionow in the country began to lead in the country.

Youth and first successes

On the screen as an actress Penelope made his debut in 1991 in the series "Pink Series". A girl got an episodic role, but for the sake of her Cruz had to be expounded in front of the cameras.

Thanks to this Penelope, he noticed, and next year, Cruz played one of the leading heroines in the picture "Hamon, Hamon", and in 1993 - a major role in the film "Elegant Epoch".

Penelope Cruz in the film "Hamon, Hamon"

In the next few years, the actress appeared in front of the audience in the top ten paintings - both Spanish and copirods with other European countries.

In the second half of the 1990s, the acting dross continued - also about a dozen paintings, and the leading characters became more and more.

Perhaps the most famous works of that period - "Selestina", "Danger of Love", "Open Eyes", "Don Juan", "The Girl of Your Dreams", "Country of Hills and Valleys" and "Nude Mach".

A mansion on this list are films of Pedro Almodovar "Living Flesh" and "All about my mother."

Penelope Cruz in the film "All about your mother"

Thanks to these works, the director became a good friend of Penelope, and Cruz for him is a beloved muse, and later they have repeatedly collaborated.

Formation of actresses

At the Millennium border, the artist decided that it was time to conquer the Holy Cinema Cinema - Hollywood, so she moved to the United States.

The first notable American work with Penelope came out at the beginning of the "zero" - "Woman from above", "Cocaine", "Waking up in Reno" and, of course, "Vanilla Sky".

The last film from the named has collected more than two hundred million dollars in global boxes in terms of production costs 68 million (not including marketing).

After such shock starts of the 2000s in a career, Cruz outlined a small downturn - the actress continued to be filmed both in the United States and in Europe, but for the most part these were not the most famous and commercially successful paintings.

The exception at that time was that the fanfan-tulip tapes, "do not leave" (David Daetello Prize), "Noel" and "Sugar".

Career flourishing

The creative life of the actress has improved in 2006, when the film "Bands" came to the screens, in which Penelope played with his long-standing girlfriend - actress.

Salma Hayek and Penelope Cruz in the movie "Bands"

In the same year I saw the next film Cruz and Almodovar - "Return". This picture brought Penelope not only world famous, but also the first nominations for American awards, and immediately - at Oscar and Golden Globe.

However, in that year they did not get the artist, but she received the prize of the Venetian Film Festival and the Award of the European Film Academy.

In 2007-2009, such films with Penelope were released as "Elegia", "Manollete", "open arms" (director - Almodovar), "Nine" (nomination for Oscar and Golden Globe) and "Christina Barcelona Vicki "(BAFTA Prize).

For the last of these work, Cruz also received a reward that all actors dream, "Oscar", however, for the role of the second plan.

By the way, Penelope became the first Spanish artist, which was able to win the American Film Academy Prize.

The beginning of 2010 only fastened the world success of Penelope: the audience conquered the next film of the megapopular franchise - "Pirates of the Caribbean: on strange shores", where the partner Cruz began on the set.

Penelope Cruz and Johnny Depp on the filming of "Pirates ..."

The picture at a budget of $ 250 million collected more than a billion dollars at the box office. Interestingly, in some frames Cruz replaced her sister Monica.

In 2011, Penelope had a registered star on the Alley of Glory in Hollywood, which only confirmed the global importance of her work.

In 2012, the actress appeared on the screens in the films "Roman Adventures" and "Born twice", and in 2013 - in the "Advisor" and in the new work of Almodovar "I am very excited."

In 2015-2016, Cruz could be seen in the paintings "Ma Ma", "Brothers from Grimsby", "Exemplary Male 2" and "Queen of Spain".

Penelope Cruz Currently

In 2017-2018, Penelope took part in three bright projects - films "Murder in Eastern Express and Escobar, as well as in the series" American Crime History ".

Cruz is a popular actress, which has more than 60 diverse roles, including bedside scenes and naked, as well as with episodes, where it appears quite without cosmetics or with a minimum make-up.

Penelope Cruz in the movie "Return"

For the coming years, there are still three projects with Penelope - this is the drama "everyone knows" and "Layover" (the picture has no Russian name yet) and the Dramati "When your mother is a beauty."

Interesting Facts

Since the end of the 1990s, Cruz regularly deals with charity and even met with Mother Teresa. At different times, the actress was a volunteer in poor countries and materially helped sick children and adults, as well as victims of earthquakes.

Penelope is also known in the fashion world, despite its not the easiest growth - 168 cm. The actress was or still being a face of several fashionable cosmetics and clothing brands, in particular, L "Oreal, Lancome, Loewe and Mango.

In 2006, Cruz was awarded a French sign of the difference - the Order of Arts and Literature III. In addition, she has local Cezar film.

In 2007, Penelope from the hands of Queen Spain received a gold medal for promoting national culture in the United States. At the homeland, the actress is also a multiple owner of the Cinema "Goya".

Cruz speaks four languages: Spanish, French, English and Italian. By the way, it has not helped her on the set, because the girl was shot throughout Europe.

Personal life

For the first time at the Radar of the Hollywood media in connection with the novel, the hot Spanish beauty ne (so Penelope is called friends) fell at the beginning of "zero".

On the set of paintings "Vanilla Sky" Cruz met the actor Tom Cruise, and the romance from the screen of the flows into real life.

This relationship lasted about three years, but even after parting, the artists remained good friends.

Penelope Cruz and Tom Cruise in the film "Vanilla Sky"

In 2005-2006, Penelope had a short affair with actor Matthew McConaja.

The next time the media reported the relationship Cruz in 2007. Her chosen was the Spaniard Javier Bardem, with whom Pek met and became friends in the distant in 1991 on the set of his first significant painting "Hamon, Hamon".

After that, the actors quite often met on the set, and at some point they broke out a romantic feeling between them.

The couple knits himself as marriage in 2010, soon they had a son Leonardo (2011), and then the daughter of the Moon (2013)

Penelope and Javier are still together, they can often be seen on the "Red Walks" of various events, including the film and the secular prime ministers, as well as how we have already written on the screen.

The latest joint work of the spouses was the film "Escobar", in the near future they are planned another project - "everyone knows."

Javier Bardem and Penelope Cruz in the film "Escobar"

Interestingly, both spouses played in the famous "pirated" franchise, only Penelope - in the fourth film ("Pirates of the Caribbean Sea: on strange shores"), and Javier - in the fifth ("Pirates of the Caribbean Sea: the Dead do not tell fairy tales") and both "Fought" with Character Johnny Depp.

In one of the interviews in 2018, Cruz admitted that he did not like some classic fairy tales because of their "smeaching", but still reads his children, however, changes the ending, so that they didn't think that men decide everything. "

The Penelope has a verified account in Instagram, the actress created it in October 2015. As of April 2018, three million subscribers in this social network at the stars.

However, recently, Cruz more often publishes some workers and creative moments than personally family photographs, as it was before.