The classic is back in fashion. Nikon DF Mirror Camera Overview

The classic is back in fashion. Nikon DF Mirror Camera Overview
The classic is back in fashion. Nikon DF Mirror Camera Overview

Mirror Nikon DF for testing We were waiting for a long time: the queue from those who want to check in the case of this curious camera was impressive. Despite the fact that the novelty was announced in the spring of 2014, and today there is already a golden autumn on the yard, she did not become less interesting, and, waiting for his turn, we gladly took care of the case. On the street Warm India Summer in front of a long frosty winter, is the time to shoot bright autumn shots.

Among creative young people, old film cameras have become very popular, for example, Nikon F4. Today, like 20, and 30 years ago, a stylish retro-design is valued, Nikon DF will have to taste hipsters! It became fashionable to photograph again, fully focused on the shooting - thoughtfully, saving each frame, carefully following focusing and exposure parameters: because we have only 36 frames and no screen. Nikon DF is a good choice for those who have already acquired a film chamber, appreciates strict design, but it loves instagram and photoshop :-)

What is Nikon DF unique? This is a full-frame mirror digital camera, made in a vintage design of the classic film mirror Nikon F, having inside the most modern technologies, first of all it is a full-frame matrix of 16.2 mp CMOS type, exactly the same as in the professional top-end model Nikon D4, a powerful processor processor images, fast accurate autofocus and extensive capabilities setting settings for shooting.

Under the "vintage" usually understand the design that repeats the style, former at the peak of fashion about 30 years ago; This term originates from winemaking - so earlier called the excerpt of good wines. Conducting a parallel with a photo, the design of the Nikon DF camera can be called vintage, because it causes nostalgia, even those who have never been removed on the film. The design of Nikon DF or really likes at first glance, or do not like completely, there are no indifferent here. This camera wants to lovingly wipe the soft cloth and hide in the same stylish reliable leather case. By the way, there is such a cover, and it is called CF-DC6.

Nikon DF does not know how to shoot a video, it is in the full sense of the word of the camera, so the photographer will focus his attention on the main thing. There is nothing superfluous here: neither automatic modes like "super-creative auto plus", nor framework with balls with balls, nor Wi-Fi with tablets and smartphones, no graphic design menu with access to the Internet ... But there is a reliable magnesium case with protection from Dust and moisture, a 14-bit RAW, a powerful ExpeED 3 processing processor, a top full-frame matrix with the possibility of shooting at high ISO up to 204800, an excellent Fix-lens AF-S Nikkor 50mm 1: 1.8 g included and extremely elegant original design. Do not camera - dream! It's time to check Nikon DF in business. So, let's begin!

Video presentation Nikon DF - our transfer "Photo Fire!"

The video film is briefly considered by the Ergonomics of the Nikon DF camera, examples of portraits, landscapes, as well as an example of Time Lapse gluing are given. The video filmed by the authors themselves and is an addition to this article.

We also offer subscribe to our channel "Fire Fire!" on YouTube To always be aware of all updates.

Comparison of the basic characteristics of Nikon full-frame sirlock

The matrix 16.2 mp CMOS type 24.3 Mp CMOS type 24.3 Mp CMOS type 36.3 mp CMOS type 16.2 mp CMOS type
CPU Expeed 3. Expeed 3. Expeed 4. Expeed 4. Expeed 4.
Autofocus 39-point System Nikon Multi-Cam 4800 51-point AF System 51-point AF Multi-Cam 3500FX System
Speed \u200b\u200bshoot 5.5 k / s 6 k / s 6.5 k / s 5 k / s 11 k / s
ISO. 50 - 204800 50 - 25600 50 - 51200 32 - 51200 50-409600
Video - 1920 x 1080; 30p, 25p, 24p. 1280 x 720; 60p, 50p, 30p, 25p. 1920 x 1080; 60p, 50p, 30p, 25p, 24p; 1280 x 720; 60p, 50p. 1920 x 1080; 60p, 50p, 30p, 25p, 24p, 1280 x 720p; 60p, 50p. 1920 x 1080; 60p, 50p, 30p, 25p, 24p; 1920 x 1080 (cropping); 30p, 25p, 24p; 1280 x 720; 60p, 50p.
Flash - YES YES YES -
Wi-Fi - - YES - -
GPS. - - - - -
Battery EN-EL14A / 1230 MAH EN-EL15 / 1900 Mah EN-EL15 / 1900 Mah EN-EL15 / 1900 Mah EN-EL18A / 2500 MAH
Sizes / weight 143.5 x 110 x 66.5 mm / 765 g 141 x 113 x 82 mm / 850 g 140.5 x 113 x 78 mm / 840 g 146 x 123 x 81.5 mm / 980 g 160 x 156.5 x 90.5 mm / 1350 g
Price (Body) according to PMs on 10.2014 104000 rub. 65000 rub. 85000 rub. 130000 rub. 250000 rub.

Testing technique

All photos In this review were removed on the Nikon DF camera (Firmware 1.01) and the AF-S lens Nikkor 50mm 1: 1.8 g, evening portraits were removed with the Nikon SB-800 flash, SDHC UHS-I Transcend SDHC 32GB memory card 300x Class 10. All The photo was made in RAW format (14 bits, ordinary compression), unless otherwise indicated, the manifest in Adobe Lightroom 5.6. Photos are given without artistic processing, as they were removed on the camera, for portraits the necessary retouching was performed. Snapshots, where the device itself is mainly made on Canon 5D Mark II.

Ergonomics Nikon Df.

What did you like

1. Control using the wheels on the top of the case. Such management is made by Nikon engineers intentionally and is designed to remind us of old good film times. And truth, all the basic settings of the shooting should be done, turning different wheels, even turns on and off the camera with rotation of the wheel. It is necessary to get used to such a management style, it takes about one shooting day, but then you start to enjoy communication with DF - everything is clearly clear and clear: in what mode the shooting is being done, which is currently installed sensitivity, etc. - Just throw a look at the top of the camera. We noticed that during the real shooting, we never looked in the menu, and the truth was the complete feeling of shooting the old film mirror, in which no menu, of course, is not.

The wheels are spinning with a convenient force, accidentally do not come down, and two wheels on the left and one on the right, in addition, are securely fixed with small staps button: To change the sensitivity, you need to press and hold the little button near the wheel, the exploration and exposure wheels are fixed by the buttons in the center. In everything it felt that engineers experimented more than one month, in any way and turning the prototypes, and issued an on-mountain impeccable result of their works. Bravo, Nikon!

The reverse side of the presence of the wheel selection wheel - excerpt is not enough :-) "Where are you still excerpt?", "You ask. Let us give an example: when shooting panorama, we usually measure the exposure of the central frame in the diaphragm priority mode, after which they go into manual mode and set the foundation found only, then turn off the autofocus and went to remove the cadres of the flask. Suppose the camera came up with an exposure of 1/80, and there is no such value on the wheel, how to be? It is for such cases that a special value of 1/3 STEP is provided by setting which, it is possible to configure 1/80 about the thumb) and 1/80, and all other excerpts for every taste, as in all modern mirrors.

2. Autofocus fixing button. Little round button AF-ON. It is under the thumb of the right hand and duplicates the appointment on the shutter button. Of course, the appointment on the descent button also works, but to shoot, driving two fingers was mega-convenient. Pressing the thumb - BIP - pressing the index to the descent immediately to the end - click. It is said that this is the style of shooting reportage photographers; One way or another, but the truth is very cool.

But the modes of work of autofocus switches the tricky, before that it is quite difficult to reach the method of "Scientific Put", it is painfully intricate everything invented. We will open the secret :-) First of all, you need to find a switch with manual focus on autofocus ( AF-M.), It is located on the left below near the lens (see the photo below). Inside this switch is a button, which and the button do not perceive, rather as a design element. So, this is a button, it needs to be pressing and start twisting control wheels: the front changes the number of autofocus points, and most importantly (what under the thumb of the right hand) is an AF-C or AF-S autofocus mode. If all this is monitored in the viewfinder, the screen will immediately turn on, as if we pressed the Info button. Unusual, original, however, if you figure it out once, it is extremely convenient!

3. Only PASM, nothing superfluous. And there would be a cooler ASM: A for every day, S for working with movement, M for studio and creativity. Beauty! The mode switch is small, and you do not need more larger: it slightly rises the top and turns, after which it is fixed down.

4. Bright large display and convenient menu. There is nothing about the display - it is cool, brightness can be adjusted by the situation, the colors it is not lying: what we see on the screen, then we get about and get. But the menu in the Nikon DF camera at first glance is quite complex and confusing, but only at first: everyone who shot on the Nikon cameras will find the desired parameter instantly and without problems. Everyone will have to figure out where what function is located, it is enough to spend one evening. By the way, the menu is extremely detailed, almost any parameter of the chamber can be configured to your taste. For example, the self-timer is turned on with a lever on the top face, and the timer duration is indicated in the menu, two additional buttons (which near the lens) can be assigned a huge list of functions, and such examples are very, very much.

5. Convenient reliable grip. In the network there are comments of colleagues, that, they say, grip inconvenient, the protrusion for the right hand is insufficient, the device is about to fall out of the hands ... We declare short and definitely: E-RUN-YES! The camera lies perfectly in hand, and in male, and in feminine, no inconvenience causing. Still, a classic classic tested by the classics and remains: we take out the camera from the bag, remove the cover from the lens, turn the power on the power lever, and start shooting. And we do not think about grits, about how to take a chamber, like this ... Take and remove.

6. Bottom of the camera. As a rule, all users first of all pay attention to the upper face where the controls are concentrated, then on the back, where the screen, less - on the front, where the lens and is usually the entire pair of buttons, even less often on the side parts of the camera, where traditionally are located All sorts of interface connectors.

And we want to emphasize the lower line of Nikon DF. First, there is a very stylish castle that opens the door of the battery compartment: it is exactly copied by such locks of the film sirlock; The castle is elegantly coming up with a nail and turns, reliably and fixing the cap (and in the open state, the cover has fallen a couple of times, the hinges have a strongly inferior in reliability of the castle). Secondly, a rubberized platform for a tripod heel: it seems to be a trifle, but the camera is fixed firmly, it does not scratch it, it is so comfortable and comfortable that it is not clear why in other cameras it is not done, is it really that a patent is so -or?

7. Removing with hands on high ISO. Almost all the values \u200b\u200bof ISO workers, that is, you can safely do sensitivity in conditions of insufficient illumination and confidently remove. The extended value of 204800 ISO is perhaps busting: noise with such sensitivity prevents photos. But the values \u200b\u200bin the range of 6400 - 12800 are quite workers, which confirms our test. The noise drawing at 12800 even resembles the film grain, it does not prevent the photo on which almost all the details are present, besides, this noise, if desired, is well adjusted by the noise of Lightroom 5.6.

What did not like

1. Lack of video shooting mode. The specifics of our work played at this moment not the last role: we always remove for our reviews and photos, and video rollers, used to do it almost simultaneously, and all one camera. Therefore, the very fact of such a trimmed functional puts in a dead end: let's say, I will buy this camera, but how will I shoot a video? However, Nikon DF is initially calculated in order to take photos, and only photos, and the buyer will choose this model, clearly realizing its choice, because not everyone needs a video shooting function in the camera.

2. The screen is not swivel. When shooting from a tripod in Live View mode from a low position or when shooting with hands from the ground level, as well as removing various items or still lifes in the studio, it is very convenient to have a folding screen so that it is comfortable to build a frame and view the captured, promptly check the focus. By the way, the camera with a folding screen would not lose its vintage and would be no less stylish, but more comfortable. Now you need to be awkward to curb to see something on the screen.

3. On the ISO selection wheel, there is no AUTO position. This mode can be selected only through the menu that is not operational. The upper limit, above which the automation will not pull the sensitivity values, you need to understand the case, choose in the menu, but the switching to the car would be very cool to have on the wheel. Another wheel that is located in front and is responsible for choosing a diaphragm, it is not convenient to twist well: it is a tight, not tight for the index finger and is spinning not in the horizontal plane, but in the vertical, moreover, you constantly forget which way more diaphragm, and in which way What less.

ISO selection wheel. Top of a smaller wheel - exposure correction

3. No built-in Wi-Fi. The minus is controversial, as for those who cannot live without Wi-Fi and the Internet, the external WU-1A module is sold, it is tiny and weightless, it is connected elementary and immediately works without unnecessary settings and drivers. In addition, all this is from the tablets and smartphones, let's speak honestly, still pamperia and entertainment. "Hold, look around, think about the frame," as if the camera tells us.

4. No built-in GPS. But this thing is already needed for business, we have repeatedly noted in our reviews the need for geotegs in the photo file. This is especially necessary to travele-journalists who are extremely important to know where and when one of several hundred, and even thousands of personnel were brought from an important business trip. Removing test landscapes for this review, we found a picturesque river in the forest, and I had to make a frame on a smartphone to remember the coordinates of the found place (N60.25510 E28.98585). As with Wi-Fi, if the GPS is extremely needed, you can use an external GP-1 module.

5. Poor readable numbers in the viewfinder. The traditional type of viewfinders of the Nikon mirrors, and DF - no exception. Who invented the "100" digit to display "1oo" - it is difficult to say, it is also not clear that it prevents it from displaying it normally.

6. No battery handle. The battery handle for Nikon DF is not fundamentally produced by Nikon. Perhaps, for someone it will become a minus, since the battery handle in some cases is also useful in terms of ergonomics, and the presence of the second battery. The network has information that compatible battery handles have been released, but what quality they are and how compatible, it is difficult to say.

7. One memory card slot. It may be inconvenient if a responsible shooting is underway, such as a report or shooting a wedding celebration: you could configure RAW + JPEG to different cards. Of course, the camera is compact in size, and the second slot would have led them to their increase, which the developers clearly did not want, having a target to repeat as much as possible the body of the film mirror.

Meeting portrait

Portrait on Street.

Autumn - time when every day is different, nature fades quickly, and if we have fun in the past weekend, walking along the sunny alleys among multi-colored trees, then in the next risks to come and see the low cloudy sky through the bare branches of oaks and Clains. We and the weather was lucky this time: we managed to catch the leaves on the trees, and did not particularly frozen. Of course, in such beauty we arrived not alone; It seems that all citizens decided to admire the autumn park in front of a long cold winter. Holidaymakers from the back plan can remove our fifth pan: the aperture F2, and ready - in the photo besides us :-) Fast and accurate autofocus, a bright viewfinder, - portraits to shoot a pleasure.

White Avolanse Test passed on 5 points :-)

Portrait indoor

The outbreak in the cafe this time we decided not to get it, I did not want to break the atmosphere of the restaurant and interfere with the rest: there were no free places on the Sunday evening in the hall. Cold light from the window is mixed with yellow illumination indoors, and you need to look for an angle, so that there are no multi-colored shadows on the face. Here we again encountered the fact that the fifth pan for shooting in the cafe is narrowed - beautiful cups, kettle, cakes with berries and cutlery in the frame were not placed in any way. I had to attract the attention of others, stand up and move away with a camera from the table to make a pair of frames.

Evening portrait

This bench turned out to be a favorite place to shoot a wedding photo. We took her on time and made several portraits with a flash of Nikon SB-800. The outbreak worked in autorem, quite predictable and no inconvenience without causing, so that we soon freed the place for the newlywed photo session.

Nature shooting

For the removal of nature and impressive landscapes, again, a wider angle is needed, well, at least 35 mm, the fifth one for this purpose is nevertheless. Once at the Finnish Gulf at sunset, the spirit is simply captures the latitude of the picture, which nature painted as if specifically for our arrival.

Therefore, by making a couple of single personnel, immediately took up the shooting panoramas, it was very beautiful around! Automatic shooting modes Panorars in Nikon DF, a clear thing, no, take the panorama in manual mode and assemble in Photoshop.

Travel to the old manor Demidov

Morning, fog. In a picturesque park there is an old manor with boiled windows, in front of it - an abandoned apple garden with apples on branches. Cool, hands are murdered. The sun had just risen, his rays were starting to break through the tops of the trees, the fog steam on the field and above the river, reminding the convergeous pieces of cotton wool. Near the stoned bark of oak door to nowhere. And a web, a web, a web ... Faithful among such beauty, there are little photographer to remain indifferent. We give a small selection of photos taken during this trip.

ISO 12800, with hands ISO 100, excerpt 1.3 seconds, tripod

And some more autumn photos:

Journey to the destroyed estate A.P. Poltoratskaya

This manor is located on the shore of the Unnamed Lake in the Red Selo, and this trip can only be called a journey, as this place is formally located on the territory of St. Petersburg, not even the Leningrad region. This building was built at the end of the XVIII century for A.P. Poltoratsky, the owner of a paper factory, later belonged to the emperor Alexander I, although in its size it does not reach the level of the imperial palaces. And we called this voyage for the reason that after the Red Seall we headed along the Tallinn highway towards Corgana and returned to St. Petersburg through Sosnovy Bor. We present a small selection of photos from this journey.

Journey to the manor Muranovo

And here is the first snow: Multicolored leaves have not yet faltered from branches of trees, and snow falls on them, forming bizarre white hats. Cutelessness, so it is still not very cold yet, and you can walk longer on deserted alleys in the estate park. We always really like the first snow, he causes a sad mood: the autumn went, ahead of the long snow winter ... Therefore, they are especially happy when the sun suddenly makes his way through the clouds, and the first snow is tatting just in front of: So there is no winter, winter is still far away, winter Not soon ... Wonderful time - autumn, and we are very glad that we managed to shoot such beauty; Nikon DF gave us a whole month of joy of communication with nature, for which he was, in principle, created.

Autofocus in Nikon DF

The Nikon DF camera has a 39-point autofocus system Multi-Cam 4800. Sensitivity to -1 EV, compatibility with lenses with light lines to F / 8 and the ability to select one of the four autofocus zone modes: 1 point, 9 points, 21 points, 39 Points, as well as 3D tracking, is and automatic mode.

AF-S. - Radone tracking autofocus, is used to shoot fixed objects. Remember Just: S - from English Single, Single. If the shutter button is pressed halfway, the focus is blocked, and you can reproduce the frame, and then press the descent button to the end, making a snapshot. When settings by default, the snapshot can only be done if the focus indicator is displayed, that is, the autofocus has worked.

AF-C. - Continuous tracking autofocus, used to shoot moving objects. Accordingly, I remember: C - from English Continuous, continuous. The camera focuses continuously until the shutter-down button is pressed half; If the object is moving, the camera will turn on the predictive tracking focus to try to predict the distance to the object and focus. When default settings, the frame can be removed anyway, regardless of whether the object is in the focus or not.

Autofocus in Live View mode

Focusing in Live View mode is different from focusing using the viewfinder, as we do not have a mirrorless camera, but a real mirror. Binding on the viewfinder, we look through lens and work with a rapid phase autofocus. In Live View mode, the camera raises the mirror and shows a picture from the matrix, focusing in contrast. Focusing in this case occurs a little slower, but there are several advantages. First, you can use the definition of individuals in the frame, secondly, when shooting with static landscapes, it is more convenient to turn on Live View and comfortably build a frame, display over the image level, because the focus speed is not needed at all. Autofocus in Live View mode can not be called slow, just in the case of the viewfinder he is lightning, for some reason they get acquainted for some reason and you begin to wait for miracles and from the living view mode.

Manual focus

Remove with manual focus. All sorts of objects are conveniently using Live View, in this case, for more accurate focusing, you can greatly enlarge the image on the screen. And that is particularly convenient, the zoom frame can be moved by image using the joystick to select the desired object for focusing.

Chit lens AF-S Nikkor 50mm 1: 1.8 g

Everyone knows that 50 mm is a standard focal length, classic. This is because in the viewfinder we see about the same way as we see by your own eyes: the prospect does not narrow, it does not expand, that is, it does not change in any way. In other words, we simply "cut out" our frame from the surrounding nature and fix it with the camera matrix. Having learned to look at the world in this way, it is possible to remove it very convenient for the Filnicate: here it is a frame, in front of you, only in the imagination of the compartments all around and take off his camera.

In principle, you can shoot any plots: both landscapes, and portraits, and all kinds of still lifes, and a report. Not a gift for all newcomers recommend buying a mirror not with a whale lens, but with a fiction f / 1.8. Zoom make legs, do not be lazy to bend and think your head.

Example below: A, ISO 100 diaphragm priority, 1 sec. at f / 10, tripod.

Nikon DF and Manual Optics

With Nikon DF camera, it is convenient to use old Nikkor lenses without a microprocessor, as well as lenses for other bayonettes through an adapter, with which, as a rule, no autofocus nor auto exposure work in other mirrors. But our ward advanced in this plan: Nikon DF allows you to specify the minimum diaphragm and the focal length of the lens in the menu, assign the number after which in manual mode or in the diaphragm priority mode, the camera will correctly determine the exposure, will remain only manually assimilated. The diaphragm will need to change the ring on the lens, and so that the camera has calculated the shutter speed correctly, duplicate its choice by the control wheel on the camera itself, that is, it will be necessary to install a diaphragm in two places.

In the mirror chambers in the viewfinder, there is no helper for manual focus (focus-pixing), as in mirrorless chambers with an electronic viewfinder, which can paint objects in focus on white. In Nikon DF, the viewfinder is optical, and help can only be waiting for yourself, your experience and vigility. But to make focus picing for shooting in Live View mode it is possible; We hope Nikon engineers will add such a feature in the next version.

Attention! Before installing a lens without a microprocessor, you need to snap into the housing of the measurement conjugation lever, which is located on the bayonet. With a lens native lens, the lens must be lowered down as the photo below. The design of this lever looks pretty harp, it should be snatched it gently so as not to damage. Engineers Nikon makes sense to finalize this function, making the lever somewhere more reliable.

Nikon DF and M42 Optics

We asked two Soviet fixes-lens for this test for this test: Helios-44m-4 2/58 and Jupiter-37am 3.5 / 135, transition rings for Bayonet F were attached to them, but we did not come out on these lenses . For the full use of M42 lenses with Nikon cameras, you need a special adapter with a lens inside. With a conventional adapter (without a lens, which we had it was impossible to focus on infinity, only objects can be removed near, for example, for Helios, this distance is only 1.5-2 meters. Of course, the lens inside the adapter will make distortion in the picture, which is inevitable, and it will have to put up to use the M42 thread optics.

ISO sensitivity test

50 64 80
100 125 160
200 250 320
400 500 640
800 1000 1250
1600 2000 2500
3200 4000 5000
6400 8000 10000
12800 16000 20000
25600 51200 102400

Comparison of two frames taken with different ISO values:

ISO 12800, 1/100 sec. ISO 50, 10 sec.

High ISO values \u200b\u200bcan be used, for example, to work with the water movement in the frame, as shown in the example above.

ISO 50, excerpt 2.5 seconds. at f / 8


The term "Street" comes from the English Street - Street, photographers are so called a spontaneous report when we just walk with the camera around the city and remove the street life, passersby, some events around and other similar plots. Even the jargonal words "cut", "Street", Street Photographer and other derivatives. Of course, in the afternoon this report can be removed by anything, at least a cell phone, and some do it, because in this case it plays a role not so much the quality of the camera and optics, how much skill to see an interesting frame and the ability to be in the right place at the right time to remove Something curious. Another thing in the evening and at night - the light optics and the ability to shoot at high ISO here.

So, friends, Nikon DF is a Street Camera :-) Filter 1.8, of course, a little narrow (for Street, a pancake 22 mm is more suitable, which usually use streics), but it lights what you need. And the sensitivity of ISO 12800 is just a fairy tale. See our examples below: Of course, we are not street-photographers, everyone has their own calling, but to walk around the city and take away from hand any like frame is cool. Mode m, diaphragm 2, shutter speed 100, RAW, manual focus on infinity and ISO Auto. The camera on the neck, saw the frame - Shchelk - went further. Pay attention to the detail and beautiful noise pattern. For greater drama, we transferred our pictures into black and white :-)

Speed \u200b\u200bshooting

The camera can shoot a series of frames in two modes - CL and CH, in the first speed selected in the menu (you can set from 1 to 5 frames per second), in the second - 5.5 frames RAW (14 bits, usual compression) per second. We immediately installed CH, M mode, 1/200 exposure and tried to shoot.

The camera removes a series of 23-25 \u200b\u200bframes with a maximum speed, after which it continues to shoot approximately 1 frame per second, 38 frames are placed in the buffer. You can continue to shoot and remove, the camera will rewrite frames from the buffer on the map, placing a new frame in the buffer and so on. You can limit the number of pictures that will be removed in the same series - from 1 to 100, this is done in the menu. Using a faster memory card will speed up the data recording process.

The light bulb that signals that the data recording process on the memory card occurs, is located on the back of the body to the right under the joystick and is very clear.

Advanced dynamic range

HDR removal with exposure bracketing

Exposure bracketing in the Nikon DF camera is configured by cunning. First of all, you need to press the BKT button with your left and hold it. Next, adjust the fork: 0.3, 0.7, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0. BKT not let go. After that, the main wheel (that is, by topics that under the thumb of the right hand) need to configure the number of frames - 3 or 5. This is all can be done both in Live View mode, and in normal mode, in the latter case it is better to display the settings table Button Info. The last step is to include the timer, and the camera is ready for the removal of HDR.

The minus can be called the fact that the camera always counts the time between exposures, it cannot like a machine gun to remove them all one after another. It will not be convenient when shooting dynamic HDR, such as the Storm Sea in cloudy weather (by the way, try - cool HDRs go out) - exposures due to time delta will turn out too different, and it will not be easy to glue them. This very delta can be configured in the menu, but for some reason it is impossible to disable.

For HDR gluing, we use the Adobe Photoshop CS6 software utility, in some cases - HDR EFEX Pro from the Google Nik Collection kit.

HDR filming with three exposures

-2EV. 0EV. + 2EV.

FIRST HDR with five exposures

-2EV. -1EV. 0EV. + 1EV. + 2EV.

Here is another HDR, which we shot during testing Nikon DF:

Active D-Lighting

Active D-Lighting saves the details of shaded and illuminated objects, allowing you to create photos with a more natural scattering of brightness. This mode is usually used when shooting in JPEG any plots with high contrast, such as a brightly lit landscape through the arch or window or objects in the shade of trees on a sunny day. Active D-Lighting can be enabled when shooting in RAW, which is not entirely logical, since this function does not affect the raw file.

Off Moderate Normal
Reinforced Supernuced 1. Supernuced 2.

Advanced Dynamic Range (HDR)

This feature is only for shooting in JPEG mode. In auto mode, the camera will install fork about 2EV, you can also set the 1EV, 2EV plug on the menu. The camera will automatically make two pictures and immediately glues one HDR in the JPEG format, for the convenience of shooting from the tripod, you can use a self-timer.

HDR Off HDR, automatic settings

In our opinion, it is better to shoot with the exposure bracketing and collect HDR in a special program, since almost all modern HDR gluing programs are able to fight lubrication in the frame due to the movement of branches, people and other objects. Please note the example of the right: even a slight movement of the branches of the tree from behind the wind leads to the two-time image.


This mode for lovers of creative experiments - two or more frames we connect to one, as if when shooting on the film we forgot to translate the frame, or rather, did not translate it intentionally. This effect can be achieved in Photoshop, connecting at least 2, at least 40 files. In this case, apparently, the desire of the photographer comes to the fore when shooting to get an interesting effect, without the use of programs and treatments, using only the camera and its imagination.

The multi-exposure is turned on in the menu, you can adjust the overlay from 2 to 10 shots, while at the output we obtain one ready-made glued file in the RAW format. Interestingly, the multi-exposure cannot be removed in Live View, we use only the viewfinder. The maximum time between the shooting of the two frames by default is 30 seconds, this time can be enlarged using C2 custom settings (standby timer), however, on Nikon DF, in any case, it will not be possible to remove the multi-exposure as a film when you can remove the first frame in one place , then another frame at least a week and completely different.

Nevertheless, the shooting of the plots in the multi-exposure style greatly develops abstract thinking, as it is quite difficult to imagine the future frame and find nature for shooting. We recommend all novice photographers to try their strength in the shooting of multi-exposure.

Interval shooting

Interval shooting, or Time Lapse, is a very exciting occupation, however, it is impossible to name it, since Time Lapse rollers look very impressive in any professional species, documentary or in the game film. Some even make entire films, making them only from Time Lapse.

From all cameras that are able to shoot Time Lapse, we most liked the Sony A6000, in which you need to use an additional paid program by purchasing it on the Sony Playmemories website. This program is good because it knows how to automatically adjust the exposure along the shooting, as well as immediately glue the footage in the finished video file, which can be safely inserted into the film layer. By the way, there will be the same functionality in other Sony migrelos (A7, A5100), since the program used for them is the same, it is standing in the area of \u200b\u200b400 rubles.

In the Nikon DF chamber, there is also a function of interval, and it is configured in very wide limits: you can even prescribe the beginning of shooting at a certain time, in addition to this, the number of frames and the time of time between frames can be configured. Only a ready-made film camera does not glue, you will have to copy the captured files to the computer and collect Time Lapse roller yourself, for example, in Adobe Premiere or After Effects.

Flyer. Another point is the so-called "Flicker" (Flicker), that is, the effect of flickering the picture, caused by the fact that the diaphragm in the lens during the shooting of each next frame is closed slightly differently, which is completely not noticeable when viewing photos, but very much Noticeably when watching Time Lapse, you can actually say that this flashes completely spoils the roller. Removing the Canon cameras, we used a trigger with a control panel (electronics of the console and controlled the camera) and the lens was slightly twisted slightly, fixing the diaphragm in one position, thus getting rid of the phiker. You can use software solutions, some applications are able to make the so-called Deflicker, that is, software algorithms are treated with the material to reduce the flicker effect. In Sony cameras, all the control occurs electronically, and no flicker in Time Lapse rollers.

In Nikon DF, the interval function is part of the electronic chamber's electronic program, so it can correctly control the shooting, and no flicker. In our video film, an example of Time Lapse roller is given, we did not use any software algorithms and did not twist the lens. Just installed the camera to tripod and removed a series of 450 photos with an interval of 5 seconds.

Removing Time Lapse, the camera very economically spends the charge of the battery, showing every coupled frame only for a split second, the rest of the time the screen is black. The number of remaining frames is conveniently monitored on a small additional empty screen on the top face of the camera.

Picture CONTROL system

The Picture Control system is used to process the pictures right in the chamber, and the settings are made for those pictures that will only be removed. Nikon DF has presets of the Nikon Picture Control system mode.

  • Standard - Standard image processing to obtain a balanced effect, can be considered by the default setting, since this processing is recommended in normal cases.
  • Neutral - Minimum image processing to obtain natural results. Recommended for photos that will be processed in the future on the computer.
  • Saturated - Processing snapshots to obtain saturated prints, can be used in case there is a desire to emphasize the main colors in the photo.
  • Monochrome - Removing monochrome photos, in this mode it is possible to use toning. Also, for monochrome mode, filters can be used: y (yellow) - increases the contrast, for example, to reduce the brightness of the sky when shooting landscapes; O (orange) increases the contrast is stronger than yellow; R (red) - increases the contrast is stronger than orange and G (green) - softens the shades of the skin when shooting portraits.
  • Portrait - Processing portraits to produce natural texture of the skin and giving it smoothness.
  • Scenery - To create bright landscapes and urban species.

If the shooting is done in JPEG format, the file will be recorded on the card according to the set settings, in other words, if it was installed in the monochrome, the picture will be removed in black and white, and it will never become any shaman with a tambourine. In case of shooting in RAW, all processing will be affected exclusively by preview pictures, the raw file itself will be removed regardless of the Picture Control.

However, in the case of RAW, everything is not so easy. If you use the Nikon software, such as Capture NX-D, then all the Picture Control settings will be saved, and the RAW file will open in the program according to these settings. Moreover, Capture NX-D will be cling to these very processing, and cancel them, returning the RAW in the raw view will not be easy: you need to open the Picture Control tab, select "Latest Picture Control" in it, and there already choose "Flat" . If using Lightroom 5.6, the RAW file will be open as a regular RAW, all Picture Control settings will be lost.

Each of the standard presets can be edited to their taste and save as a custom preset: in any of them you can adjust sharpness, contrast, brightness, saturation and shade according to your own preferences. Interesting chip - custom presets can be copied to the memory card and exchange with other users. Also, these presets can be configured on a computer using the Picture Control Utility 2 (see screen below) and use when working in VIEWNX 2 and Capture NX-D programs.

Nikon Picture Control Utility 2. Creating your own presets based on the standard preset Monochome

Nikon Capture NX-D. Application of just created preset to the photo

Create processed copies

Nikon DF also allows you to handle directly in the chamber. Available: D-Lighting, Red Eye Suppression, Crocking, Monochrome, Filter Effects, Color Balance, Image Overlay, NEF Processing (RAW), Resize, Fast Processing, Alignment, Distortion Management, Fisheye, Color Contour, Color sketch, perspective management, miniature effect, selective color, visual comparison. As a result of processing, the camera will create processed JPEG files. This functionality seemed to us not too relevant in the Nikon DF level chamber, hardly photographers will use it, except that the RAW processing mode can be needed for something right in the chamber.


Lithium-ion EN-EL14A battery capacity 1230 Mah holds a charge of the entire shooting day, if not particularly often use Live View. On one battery charge, we shot about 400-500 Raw per day, and in the evening the camera began to ask for feeding. In the fall, the temperature was approximately + 4-12 ° C. However, on its presentations, Nikon declares 1,400 frames on one battery charge; We could not verify this, since there was no such number of plots around. Our record is about 400 RAW frames for the day of filming + That evening, we still removed the Time Lapse from 450 frames Raw, all this is on one charge.

During the shooting, there is no sense to turn on-turn off - it will fall asleep and does not spend energy in standby mode, while the photographer finds the desired angle (time through which the camera will fall asleep, you can set the menu using the C2 setting). The camera wakes up instantly, as, however, and turns on - less than a second. The charge indicator is always shown on a small screen, which is very good, however, some advanced cameras today are able to calculate how many frames are about the charge on this level. Nikon DF does not know how much, although we haven't learned about such a chip what is in principle possible, we didn't need it. Easier - sometimes better.

According to the USB lace, the camera is not charging, it only needs 220V, while the battery needs to be removed from the camera's battery compartment and insert into the charger. Having removed and inserting the battery, in the next admire the stylish and comfortable castle of the battery compartment. At the trip, the charger needs to always be with me, and it is also better than a spare battery - it will not delay the pocket, but it will be able to help out if necessary.

Do not forget to watch our transfer "Fire Fire!"



  1. Excellent quality of pictures
  2. Wide range of honest workers ISO
  3. Unique design, wheel management on the housing
  4. Only PASM and any automatic modes and built-in styles like "Portrait", "Landscape", "Food", etc.
  5. Detailed menu, almost all camera settings can be customized.
  6. Cool Filter AF-S Nikkor 50mm 1: 1.8 g included


  1. The camera does not shoot video
  2. The screen is not swivel
  3. Casting bright recognizable design in some cases can serve and minus - the camera attracts attention, not to notice it is impossible, especially in a silver case
  4. Weathered battery, brilliant loops of battery compartment cover, no battery handle
  5. Lack of built-in GPS.
  6. One memory card slot

For whom Nikon DF is intended

This chamber is chosen by heart: by making a decision to buy Nikon DF, the photographer will be happy to use her for a long time and be proud of his camera. She will buy the one who appreciates the original style of the classic Nikon Slirlock, who is demanding about ergonomics and the quality of the pictures, besides, prefers to stand out from the crowd. One of the best full-frame matrices in the industry, quick autofocus and classic design, compatibility with lenses and Nikon accessories make this camera with an excellent choice for both advanced photograists and enthusiasts and professionals.

Estimates on a 10-point scale from FotoExperts

  1. Ergonomics - 9
  2. Settings menu - 10
  3. Housing quality 10
  4. Quality Meeting Photo - 10
  5. Whale optics - 10
  6. Screen, viewfinder - 8
  7. Autofocus work - 10
  8. Silver with high ISO values \u200b\u200b- 9
  9. Battery - 7
  10. Interfaces - 9

Total: 92%. Excellent choice for any kind of photography.

From the authors: We are waiting for the development of this model and the appearance of the next version of Nikon DF on the market, possibly Nikon DF2. And if it is capable of shooting video and will be equipped with a turning screen, but at the same time will retain its vintage, originality and uncompromising quality, will seriously think about moving to Nikon. Yes, and let there be two memory cards and a compatible battery handle :-)

In the shooting we helped us

Thanks for the professional attitude to business, an excellent autumn walk and a great mood in the pictures!

Nikon DF - Full Rabbar Mirror CameraMade in retro-style, which was inspired by the legendary Nikon film devices. The device is equipped with the exact same 16.2-megapixel CMOS-matrix FX-format and the ExpeED 3 image processor, which are present on the Nikon Professional Flag of Flag. Other remarkable features include stylish mechanical disks for switching modes, 39-point autofocus system, 3.2-inch LCD screen with a resolution of 921,000 points, the range of ISO 50-204,800 sensitivity values, compatibility with old Non-AI lenses (Pre-AI) , speed of continuous shooting 5.5 frames per second, sensor self-cleaning function, shutter service life up to 150,000 triggering cycles, maximum shutter speed 1/4,000 seconds, flash synchronization up to 1/200 sec., Battery designed for 1400 shots and pentaprism viewfinder from 0.7 - Protect scaling and 100 percent frame coverage. Nikon DF is available in a black and silver version of the color execution, and its cost is $ 2999.95, including an AF-S lens Nikkor 50mm F / 1.8G (special issue).

Design and convenience in use

Front Nikon DF looks very original and attractive. Retro design will attract attention as old Nikon fans and new users. Especially smart it looks complete with a gorgeous Nikkor 50mm lens with a silver rim. Obviously, Nikon spent a lot of time and attention to the development of design, as a result of which from aesthetic point of view, the new DF exceeded all expectations. At the same time, the rear panel of the Nikon DF is no different from what can be seen on most Nikon devices, as, despite the fact that most of the time we keep the camera with a back panel to yourself, looking into the viewfinder, her design has no Such great importance. It is much more important in terms of style that when using any other lenses, except for a 50mm special edition, the design is inevitably suffering, since the gold rim is poorly combined with a silver finish of the device.

Nikon DF is the smallest and easy full-frame 35 mm camera in the modern Nikon line, comparable in dimensions and weight except with D610. In general, there is no complaints to ergonomics, the device is well balanced and perfectly lies in the hands, and due to the lightness its weight is not felt even after 2-hour use. Weight loss managed to achieve by competent selection of materials: if the bottom, top and side panels are made of magnesium alloy, then the front panel is plastic. However, this does not mean that the device has become less durable and protected. So, in terms of waterproof, it is not inferior. Nevertheless, there is at least one thing to which you can find face - shallow and not too comfortable protrusion on the case, which does not allow comfortable and safely to hold the camera in the hand for a long time. The vertical capture is not provided at all, so before buying, check how convenient you will keep the device.

Nikon DF is equipped with a two-position selector (auto / manual) with a small button from above. When the selector is set to AF position, you can switch between AF-S modes (single shooting) and AF-C (continuous shooting) by pressing this button and scrolling the rear wheel control. The choice of available autofocus modes is carried out, on the contrary, using the front control wheel; With its help, you can choose the number of points (9, 21, 51). Settings are displayed in the viewfinder and on the LCD screen. As long as you do not install in " aF Zone Selection Modes»AUTO value, you can change the active point of autofocus using an eight-parameter controller.

On the front panel you can detect a key, the flash lever, the key " PREVIEW.»To preview how the specified exposure values, apertures and photosensitivity affect the exposure and the adjustable Fn button, which by default performs the switching function between the FX DX modes. And finally, there is also a standard wheel adjustment of the selected settings, which is located very strange - vertically, and not horizontally, as usual.

The main " creative»The elements in the Nikon DF design are five mechanical disks located on the top panel of the apparatus. If you look at the camera behind, their order (left to right) will be as follows: from the left edge there are sensitivity selection wheels (L1-H4) and exposure compensation (+ -3EV), and the latter is located right above the first. In the center of the disk of the exploiment, there is a retainer, whereas " lock"To fix the ISO value is a bit aside. As for the convenience of the whole design, the upper disk can easily scroll through, holding the device with one hand, but it will be very difficult with the lower disk.

Nevertheless, with some inconveniences in terms of adjustment, you can put up, as Nikon still offers the function of intelligent control of photosensitivity. In AUTO ISO mode, the camera automatically determines the minimum shutter value based on the focal range of the lens used. This means that the device itself increases the value of photosensitivity, if the shutter speed drops below the mark of 1/200 seconds when using a 200 mm lens, but if a 50 mm lens is used, then the light sensitivity remains unchanged until the excerpt value of 1/50 seconds.

On the other side of the "hot shoe" for the flash, the shutter adjustment disc is located above the shutter shutter mode switch. In the center of the disk, again, there is a retainer, which is quite convenient to use one hand. Exposure values \u200b\u200bfrom 1/4000 to 4 seconds are proposed, as well as additional values \u200b\u200bB, T and X. For those who need more accurate control using the scroll wheel, there is an option 1/3 of the step. An interesting point to be reversed: In the diaphragm priority mode, the shuttering disk displacement becomes absolutely useless.

Under the disk of exposure adjustment is the shutter modes switch. The following options are offered: single shooting, serial shooting (slow), serial shooting (speed, 5.5 frames per second, which is 0.5 frames less than that of D610), quiet shooting (mirror turns into cotton only when the shutter key is pressed ), quiet serial shooting (3 frames per second), timer and fixed mirror. The last mode may be useful only if you acquire an optional remote device for shuttering the MC-DC2 shutter. For those who have no such device at hand, Nikon DF offers alternative mode " defrost exposure"In which the mirror rises when you press the shutter shutter key, and the exposure occurs with a delay in one, two or three seconds (depending on what you installed in the Custom Function D10).

Completes the set of mechanical controls of the switching disk disc switch, located on the right edge of the top panel. The set of options here is very small: only a standard PASM set without any "scenes", automatic and user modes. This disk is fixed: to change the mode, it must be pulled out with hand up, scrolling and again "drown". Do this looking into the viewfinder, not very convenient, especially in gloves.

Nikon DF is equipped with a rather small shutter key with threads in the center for fastening the standard trigger cable. The keys herself is surrounded by a disk switch to turn on / off the camera, which is why it is even more difficult to find it. And finally, the last element on the top panel of the device is a tiny monochrome display, probably the smallest of those that we had to see on the mirrors. It has its own tiny key to turn on and off the backlight. Due to miniature sizes, many most likely will not use the display at all.

The Nikon DF viewfinder with a 0.7-fold scaling function (when using a 50 mm lens focused on infinity), of course, it is impossible to be very large, however, those who used to use APS-C format, it may seem huge. One hundred percent coverage of the frame is a pleasant bonus and a sign that Nikon DF is positioned as a serious machine for serious photographers. The camera is equipped with a 39-point autofocus module, but, fortunately, all 39 points are not displayed simultaneously, due to which it does not seem overloaded. The location of the points is identical to the D610, and in the center they are grouped even more closely.

As always in such cases, autofocus points indicators are less than on any middle and top challenges, with the exception of D610, which means that the active focus point is difficult to see it difficult even when the backlight is turned on. Cross-type points are less than, let's say, similar in price (9 against 15), and they are located in the heart of the frame.

To the left of the display on the back panel Nikon DF is a vertical range of five keys - menu, white balance, quality, flash, info. Three central viewing mode perform additional features: help / lock, zoom-in (+), zoom-out (-). Over these five keys are the PLAYBACK and DELETE buttons. The right of the viewfinder from above is the AE-L / AF-L and AF-ON buttons, as well as the rear control wheel, and slightly below the exposal mode switch.

The LiveView mode on Nikon DF is usually implemented - using a 3.2-inch LCD screen. It has exactly the same resolution of 921,000 points, as well as on Nikon D800 / E and D610. Between the glass and the display there is a gel rubber layer, which prevents fogging with sharp temperature drops. There is also a light sensor to automatically adjust the brightness, contrast and the saturation of the display depending on the level of ambient light. In practice, the screen boasts excellent viewing angles, but visibility with bright sunlight leaves much to be desired.

Since there are no video recording functions on Nikon DF, instead of the video key, we see a separate LiveView button. The LiveView function is implemented in the same way as a red rectangle appears on other Nikon-screen on the screen, which can be placed in the part of the frame that you want to focus. Autofocus In LiveView mode, it is enough to quickly for a mirror chamber, but with the latest models of compact chambers, the speed in comparison does not go. And finally, it is worth noting that in LiveView mode, you can change the lens aperture settings in the same way as on D800 / E.
Unlike most Nikon mirror devices (with the exception of professional D1-D4 models), Nikon DF does not have a retractable flash. Instead, a standard hot shoe is offered to connect an external flash. The device was repeatedly criticized during the exposure time X-SYNC 1/200 second. On the one hand, it is really a step back compared to 1/250 seconds at D7100 and D800 / E, on the other - the same offers a little outdated, but still actual Canon EOS 5D Mark III. In the flash priority mode, most Nikon flashes can be used at any excerpt until 1/4000 seconds, but this, of course, requires high energy costs.

Nikon DF inherited a number of interesting features from the previous Nikon full-frame mirrors. For example, from D800 / E he got a biaxial virtual horizon, which will appreciate photographers specializing in. It is also worth noting that it is similar to D800 / E, D7100 and other medium-class devices, DF can automatically focus with any AF lenses, including those on which there is no SWM and provides a matrix exposer with any AI lenses, including those that have no CPU. It is also noteworthy that the F-Mount 1959-1977 lenses can be screwed to the machine, even if they were not professionally converted to AI.

On the left sidebar (if you look at the back) you can see three solid rubberized plugs that deserve approvals - if you open the plug, it will not close spontaneously. Communication ports are located between the plugs - USB 2.0 (USB 3.0, unfortunately, is missing), Mini HDMI and input for connecting the MC-DC2 and GP-1 options. The camera is also compatible with Wu-1B wireless mobile adapter. The power supply is carried out by lithium-ion battery EN-EL14A, calculated, according to the manufacturer, per 1400 shots.

Nikon DF is equipped with one SD memory slot, which is pretty uncomfortable - in the same compartment as the battery. It pleases the fact that the two compartments are locked apart from each other and the fact that you can open them when the camera is installed on the tripod.

Image quality

All test images in this review were removed when resolving 16 megapions in Fine JPEG format, which gives an average image size of about 7 MB. Pictures clickable.

1/60 SEC F / 1.4 | 58mm | ISO 640.

1/60 SEC F / 1.4 | 58mm | ISO 180.

1/100 SEC F / 16 | 58mm | ISO 2800.

1/100 SEC F / 8 | 50mm | ISO 200.

1/100 SEC F / 1.8 | 50mm | ISO 250.


Nikon DF basic light sensitivity is 100 ISO units. The "native" range of photosensitivity covers the values \u200b\u200bfrom ISO 100 to 12,800. Extended ISO 25,600 values \u200b\u200bare also available (H1.0); ISO 51,200 (H2.0); ISO 102,400 (H3.0) and ISO 204,800 (H4.0). Additionally, you can select the ISO 50 setting (L1.0) if the surrounding light is very bright, and you do not want to darken the aperture lens.


JPEG images "from the camera" seem slightly less sharp than similar images converted from RAW. Often, they markedly won from artificial gain sharpness in the program like. Alternatively, you can try to adjust the sharpness settings in the camera to your liking. Below are two pairs of clippings from snapshots in a 100% scale - images on the right were subjected to post-processing to enhance sharpness.

Nikon DF offers Fine, Normal and Basic quality quality settings for JPEG images. Plus, this photograph can be saved in NEF format, which is a variety of RAW at Nikon. Nef images can be 12-bit and 14-bit. In principle, no difference between them with the naked eye you will not notice. However, for post-processing in Photoshop, 14-bit files are suitable better. Below, again, for example, clippings are presented from photos to estimate the quality of each setting.

Active D-Lighting (ADL)

D-Lighting is the Nikon branded tool to optimize the dynamic range. It is intended to ensure that JPEG images obtained the maximum dynamic range that can provide a camera matrix. Active D-Lighting works "on the fly", that is, before the processor built into the chamber converts RAW in JPEG. Available operation modes - OFF, LOW, NORMAL, HIGH, EXTRA HIGH 1 and EXTRA HIGH 2.

HDR shot

Nikon DF "can" make two consecutive pictures with different exposures, and then combine them into one image with a high dynamic range. And although Nikon recommends always using a tripod for shooting in, due to its rapidity, Nikon DF allows you to get good results and without a tripod. The exposure step may be 1, 2 or 3EV; You can also choose one of the three levels of smoothing. Please note that this feature is available only when shooting in JPEG.

HDR shot

System Picture Controls. Nikon is an exemplary analog of the Picture Styles system on Canon and is a pre-installed combinations of sharpness, contrast, brightness, saturation and chroma. Nikon DF offers six such combinations that have already been submitted to: standard, neutral, vibrant, monochrome, portrait and landscape. All settings can be adjusted to your discretion and save.

Picture Control Snapshot Control System


Vignetting is an inevitable fact for any FX cameras with whom you have to put up. However, this does not mean that all photos will have absolutely black angles. Function Vignette Control Nikon allows you to weaken the level of shading corners. Just like D4, Nikon DF offers three levels of vignetting control - Low, Normal and High. Of course, if you wish, this function can be disabled. As can be seen on the examples of pictures made by the AF-S 50mm F / 1.8G lens with the F / 1.8 light, the function really works.


Night shot

Nikon DF allows you to increase the shutter time up to 4 seconds, and also offers Bulb and Time modes that allow you to install almost any excerpt. This will certainly please the photographers who seriously enjoy the night shooting. There is an optional noise suppression function at long shutter speed, but in principle, to the value of the shutter speed of 30 seconds, the F / 16 and ISO 200 aperture can be perfect and without it. Sample quality of night shooting - on samples below.

Night shot

Nikon DF Specifications

A type: single object mirror digital camera.
Bayonet.: Nikon F (with the conjugation of AF and contacts AF).
Effective angle view: FX Nikon format.
Number of effective pixels: 16.2 million
The matrix: 36.0 x 23.9 mm, CMOS.
Total number of pixels: 16.6 million.
Dust cleaning system: The function of cleaning the matrix.
Image size in pixels: Image area FX (36 x 24): 4928 x 3280 (L), 3696 x 2456 (M), 2464 x 1640 (s). Image area DX (24 x 16): 3200 x 2128 (L), 2400 x 1592 (M), 1600 x 1064 (s).
Storage - File Formats: NEF (RAW): 12- or 14-bit (compression without loss, usual compression or without compression). TIFF (RGB). JPEG: compatible with the basic JPEG format; Compression levels with high quality (approx. 1: 4), with normal quality (approx. 1: 8) or with basic quality (approx. 1: 16) (size priority), compression function "Optimal quality". NEF (RAW) + JPEG: One photo recorded in both formats (NEF (RAW) and JPEG).
Picture CONTROL system: Settings sets: standard, neutral, saturated, monochrome, portrait, landscape. The selected PICTURE CONTROL settings can be modified and saved.
Memory: SD Memory Cards (Secure Digital) IUHS-i-compatible SDHC and SDXC.
File system: DCF formats (Design Rule for Camera File System) 2.0, DPOF (Digital Print Order Format), EXIF \u200b\u200b(File format for digital cameras) 2.3, PictBridge.
Viewfinder: pentaprism, straight.
Course coverage: FX (36 x 24): Approximately 100% horizontally and 100% vertically. DX (24 x 16): Approximately 97% horizontally and 97% vertically.
Maschabing: approximately 0.7-fold (50 mm F / 1.4 lens with focus on infinity, -1.0 M -1).
Focus point viewfinder: 15 mm (-1.0 M-1; from the central surface of the typefinder eyepiece lens).
Setting up diopters: -3 - +1 M -1.
Focusing screen: Matte screen type in BriteView VIII with focusing frames of the AF zone (possibly displaying the crop grid).
Mirror: Quick refund.
Preview depth of sharpness: Pressing the PV key sets the lens diaphragm value selected by the user (exposure modes A and M) or the camera (P and S exposure modes).
Diaphragm lens: Return type, electronic control.
Compatible lenses: The device is compatible with all AF NIKKOR lenses, including types G, E and D (some restrictions relate to PC lenses) and DX lenses (image area DX 24 x 16, 1.5x), as well as with AI-P NIKKOR lenses, including without CPU. Not compatible with IX Nikkor lenses for F3AF.
Type of shutter: with electronic control, vertical running.
Excerpt: 1/4000 - 4 seconds, step 1 EV (1/4000 - 30 seconds. Step 1/3 EV When using the main control disk), X200 (when using only shutter speed disc), manual exposure, continuous exposure.
Flash synchronization: X \u003d 1/200 C; Synchronization with a shutter with an excerpt of at least 1/250 seconds.
Shutter modes shutter: Single Frame, Low Shot Frame, Serial Shot with High Speed, Silent Shooting, Timer, Lifting Mirrors.
Serial shooting speed: 1 - 5 K / s (low-speed mode) or 5.5 to / s (high-speed mode).
Timer (self-timer): 2 C, 5 s, 10 s, 20 s; 1 - 9 exposures at intervals 0.5, 1, 2 or 3 s.
Exposer: TTL, 2016 pixel RGB sensor.
Exposable methods: Spot, center-based, matrix.
Range (100 ISO units, lens F / 1.4, 20 ° C): Matrix or center-based exposure measurement: from 0 to 20 EV. Spacing: from 2 to 20 EV.
Conjugation with exposure meter: Combined with microprocessor and AI (removed resurrection lever).
Shooting modes: Software, exposure priority, diaphragm priority, manual.
Exposition compensation: -3 - + 3EV with 1/3 EV increments.
Bracketing exposure
Bracketing flashes: 2 - 5 frames in 1/3, 2/3, 1, 2, or 3 EV increments.
White balance bracketing: 2 - 3 frames in increments 1, 2, OR 3.
Bracketing active D-Lighting: 2 frames using the selected value for one frame or 3-5 frames using preset values \u200b\u200bfor all frames.
Lock exposure: Use the AE-L / AF-L button.
Range of photosensitivity: ISO 100 - 12800 with 1/3 EV increments.
Active D-Lighting: Presented the values \u200b\u200bof "Auto", "Ultrahigh", "high", "normal", "moderate", "OFF".
Autofocus: Sensor Nikon Multi-Cam 4800, 39 points, including 9 cross-type points.
Range of response: From -1 to +19 EV (100 ISO units at 20 ° C).
Focus modes: Radone tracking (AF-S); Continuous tracking (AF-C); Predictive tracking focus (turns on automatically in accordance with the state of the object). Manual focus (M): The possibility of using an electronic rangefinder.
Focus point: The ability to choose from 39 or 11 points.
Autofocus zone mode: 1-point; 9-, 21- or 39-point dynamic, 3D tracking, automatic selection of zone.
Flash control: TTL: Flash control I-TTL using the 2016 RGB Pixel Sensor, Available with SB-910, SB-900, SB-800, SB-700, SB-600, SB-400, SB-700, SB-300; A balanced Flash Flash I-TTL for digital mirror cameras is used in matrix and center-based exposure measurement, the standard I-TTL flash for digital mirror cameras - with a point measurement.
Flash correction: -3 - +1 EV with 1/3 or 1/2 EV increments.
Hot Bashmak: Standard ISO 518, contacts for synchronization and data transfer, there is a retainer.
White balance: Auto (2 options), incandescent lamps, daylight lamps (7 options), direct sunlight, flash, cloudy, shadow, manual setting (ability to storage up to 4 values, in Live View mode you can measure the point balance of white) temperatures (ranging from 2500 to 10 000 K); Thin setup is available for all values.
Display: LCD, TFT from low-temperature polycrystalline silicon, with a diagonal of 3.2 inches, resolution of 921 thousand points (VGA), an angle of view 170 °, almost one hundred percent coating frame and brightness adjustment.
View: Full-frame viewing and viewing reduced images (4, 9 or 72 images or in a calendar format) with an increase when viewing, showing slides, displaying histogram, illumination, image information, display of location data and automatic image rotation.
USB: High Speed.
HDMI-out: Mini-HDMI (type C);
Option devices for remote control: WR-R10 and WR-1 controllers, MC-DC2 cable, GPS GP-1 / GP-1A device.
Battery: EN-EL14A, lithium-ion.
Nest for tripod: Diameter ¼ inches.
Gabarits.: 143.5 x 110 x 66.5 mm.
Weight: 765 with battery and memory card.
Operating temperature: 0-40 ° C; Humidity no more than 85%, without precipitation.
Contents of delivery: Cover shoe for accessories BS-1, protective cover BF-1B, EN-EL14A lithium-ion battery, MH-24 charger, DK-26 layer cover, An-DC9 belt, UC-E6 USB cable, lace for Okular covers, CD with VIEWNX 2 software.

Downgrade is observed in the measurement system, and in the range of available exposures. Nikon DF has a 2016-point RGB exposure sensor, and the minimum shutter speed is only 1/4000 s. In film shutter speeds, of course, were longer, but still the modern professional standard is 1/8000 s.

Nikon DF offers only the main shooting modes made on the external selector. No plot presets, instant creative filters and the like. However, the ability to add flavor pictures is available, the truth is possible to do this only post-Factum when processing pictures inside the camera in view mode. There are also special shooting modes, such as HDR gluing, multi-exposure from two to ten frames, interval and dynamic range extension feature (Active D-Lighting).

When you first get acquainted with the technical characteristics of the camera, even before its official announcement, the absence of a video recording mode rushed into the eyes. For part of the audience, this drawback will become critical, but Nikon quite consciously positions the camera as a tool exclusively for photography. If you are at the same time the photographer and the operator, then, of course, this camera is not for you. And it is possible to remove the domestic video video on a smartphone, which is always at hand, unlike an expensive mirror. Remember: Leica cameras also do not know how to shoot a video, and more or less decent video mode in Fujifilm maritus appeared quite recently.

It was not worth expecting and appearing in the Nikon DF embedded Wi-Fi. But, again, there is a wireless connection. To do this, it is enough to purchase the WU-1A adapter and use a free mobile application for a smartphone or tablet. The adapter is installed in the dedicated port on the left side of the chamber and is not moisture-proof. Instead of Wi-Fi module, you can install a GPS receiver, which will provide photos of location data at the time of shooting.

Nikon DF offers the possibility of the full use of old optics with a mechanical diaphragm drive. On bayonet, you can see a small pin, just necessary for mechanical communication with the ring of the diaphragm. It is so that the advanced Nikon models define a diaphragm number and use it to calculate the exposure. Such a design element is present in all advanced levels of the level not lower than Nikon D7100. Nikon DF comes in two versions - without lens and paired with AF-S Nikkor 50 mm F1.8G. The "Filnik" was released with the camera and differs from the analogue existing in the lineup only appearance for better visual compatibility with the camera. From an optical point of view there are no differences.

Test photos, autonomous work

First of all, let's look at the test shooting in the entire ISO range. Recall that sensitivity can be adjusted in increments of 1/3 EV, including on the disk selector, however, for comparison, we traditionally give pictures taken in step at 1 stage.

Today we have the most, perhaps, an ambiguous camera from Nikon - Nikon Df.. The camera was presented for a long time ago and reviews in the network already a lot, as well as opinions. I will try and I convey my vision of this chamber, and at the same time testing it in different conditions.


Nikon. Always adhered to traditions. At one time, in the mid-80s of the XX century, the main competitors - Minolta. and Canon Updated their bayonets, introducing completely electronic interaction between the chamber and the lens. Naturally, it did not cost without radical measures. As a result, the incompatibility of old optics with new cameras. You can "break a spear" about the correctness or incorrectness of such decisions and argue that they understand the manufacturers for concern about consumers, but there will always be arguments as well as against.

The searches mention that except Nikon., on the path of preserving the "old connections" went more Pentax with his bayonet - K..

Bayonet. F., from the moment of development and before today, did not change and formally, everything is compatible, but as usual not without. All modern cameras Nikon., Besides Df.Support optics, which was produced after 1979. Df. - A special camera is already at least because it only supports the entire line of optics since 1959, not equipped with a diaphragm reader (there is a more detailed explanation in the video boron):

Actually, the name itself DF - Digital Fusion, Digital fusion - if literally, and hints that this is an alloy of digital and analog technology. To be honest, I have more associations with a steam puncture. This is a mixture of airship and a spacecraft, where stylization is placed in the head of the corner, sometimes moving through common sense to the second plan.

Description nikon df.

The appearance of the camera is one of its main trumps. It is very spectacular and unequivocally attracts views on the street. The housing is a combination of magnesium alloy and plastic, with a combination of a strange and non-logic combination. I do not want to say that plastic is bad - plastic plastic mint. Yes, and it's no secret that even certain details for tanks are made of plastic, but in this case, this combination is implemented - Toporn. Because when you take a camera in your hands and consider it closer - the feeling of "high costs and styles" is somewhat leveled ... In general, it is better not to look close to Steam Punk).

The governing bodies are very much - it's just a holiday for the "tactile". All major parameters can be adjusted mechanically. Exposure and ISO disks on the left face. Both discs are equipped with blocking keys. Please note that all values \u200b\u200bare applied - everything is set to mechanics.

Wheel of excerpts and selecting the standing mode on the right face. Naturally, all values \u200b\u200bof excerpts are imposed unreal, so if you need different from those that are - choose 1/3 Step. And finger chewing what is needed using a control wheel (that which is under a small additional display of the camera behind the camera). The wheel is also equipped with lock, but only values \u200b\u200bare blocked. 1/3 Step., X. and T.. Exposure is limited to meaning 1/4000 seconds, so on a bright sun with light optics can be the "nuances".

Nearby - the camera turning on the camera, combined with the shutter, and the archaic remote control connector, the mode of selection of modes and a small auxiliary screen, which can be highlighted if necessary.

It is the implementation of the camera's inclusion that seemed to me not very comfortable. With the chamber with one finger, you will not turn on - only two, with this, sometimes I hide the lever of the control lever.

But switching creative modes M a s p - Just super. Slightly raised and chose the desired mode. By chance - you do not switch it.

Although why to switch it at all ... Camera all his heroic species tunes only to the use of manual, which technoman is looking for light paths - only Hardcore).

The wheel of the diaphragm selection under the index finger. I saw a lot of reviews that it is not comfortable. If you try to twist it with wet or oily hands - yes, it will be inconvenient. It is possible that it is not very convenient in gloves. But my hands are clean, and still cold mind and hot heart, so everything is comfortable here)). The course is enough tight, but not so much so as not to mask, but the random scrolling is excluded.

As in all senior chambers Nikon. - There is an external lighting connector and focus control lever. The flash is not provided that it is strange for Nikon., but the display with a diagonal of 3.2 inches, traditionally for Nikon. - Of course not a swivel and not touch.

USB 2.0 and HDMI connectors are present, there is also a remote control port. Of course, there is no access to headphones and microphone input - since the camera does not know how to shoot.

Battery compartment, or rather, the lid is also a particular feature. Of course it looks stylish - but ... Here the nuances begin under it.

The first thing that rushes into the eyes is that the battery compartment is combined with a card slot. So when installing on a tripod, about the convenient removal of the memory card, to view the captured material on the computer screen, you can forget. The battery is not capacious, only 1.23 MAh (8.9 WH). Justice for the sake of one charge Df. It was able to live about 1,400 frames (at the same time - with periodic scrolling of the menu), which is not small and definitely much more than that of mmerchalter cameras.

It is clear that the shooting of the video is not, respectively, the most energy-intensive operation, but that prevented the battery as the same D610.Moreover, the place allows me to be incomprehensible. Not that the time of work is small, but why do it be artificially cut?

Memory card slot one - and it SD.. Again, it hurts to make two slots, like everything in the same remains a mystery.

Although it can be assumed that there is some kind of philosophy. One memory card plus is not the most capacious battery ... In general, artificial restrictions on the number of images should configure the thoughtful pressing of the trigger. In general, as in the times of film cameras, we think that we want to remove and only then remove, and do not feel thoughtlessly ... but it is only an assumption that explains such a strange decision.

And yes, the ability to attach an additional battery handle is not provided. So, if you plan long shooting, get the extra batteries.

Case of dust / moisture-proof, so if you take the same protected lens, then you can not be afraid to shoot under the drizzling rain. And yes, the ergonomics of the chamber, let's say so - "originally". Because of such a small battery handle, with a large lens, it is not very convenient to work - the hand is quickly tired.

Features Nikon Df.

IN Df. The 16-megapixel CMOS matrix is \u200b\u200binstalled, the same as Nikon D4. - Very low noise. Less megapixels - more distance between pixels, wider range of ISO workers. Working value is limited ISO12800., All that is less and more - already extended modes. I remind you that the same D810 Like u D750., restriction of working sensitivity - ISO6400.. The camera gives an excellent picture to ISO6400.Yes, and on ISO12800. It is quite possible to photograph (but of course you need a post-processing), so that you can safely use photosensitivity on the entire operating range. Naturally, what to expect from the top matrix.

The focus rate also does not cause complaints. The camera uses an autofocus module with 39 focus points, including 9 cross-type sensors. The main minus is a very narrow autofocus zone, moved here from the curd segment. Nothing, but at the corners of the frame, without changing the position of the camera - do not focus.

And there is a wonderful 3D focus In mode AF-C.. It works extremely correctly, perfectly "tracking" moving object shooting ... But taking into account such a small zone of the coverage of autofocus phase sensors, its functionality is very limited. (To "catch" the running child, it was necessary to follow in parallel, whether it would run out of the autofocus zone and turn the chamber in time).

It must be said that in conditions of very low light, the camera has been gaining sharpness very quickly. For the purity of the experiment, I tried to focus in 3D mode to see how autofocus behaves. The running cat was "lying" instantly, and as soon as he stopped - it is also captured). And this is in full darkness with a flashlight beating in the face - so the conditions were quite complicated for the camera.

But in mode LiveView. The speed of contrast autofocus leaves much to be desired. The camera focuses slowly (especially with insufficient illumination). But if you consider that LiveView. in demand, mainly when using old manual lenses for convenience of visual focus, as well as take into account the lack of opportunity of video recording (according to which this possibility is in demand, first of all ) using that very LiveView. With modern lenses looks doubtful - except if there is an urgent need for shooting with a very low point from the tripod, and you do not want to go to the ground.

Serial shooting speed - 5.5 frames per second. When shooting B. JPEG. The buffer capacity is about 30 frames, but in practice much more. After the 30th frame, the speed drops to about 2-3 frames per second, but the camera does not stop and up to complete the buffer can "shoot" about 30 pictures. When shooting in not compressed Raw. and Raw + Jpeg. The duration of the series before filling the buffer will be 25 and 21 frames, respectively. In addition, it is possible to shoot and in TIFF.. At the same time, a series that is placed before filling the buffer will be 22 frames.

Menu Df.actually the same as all professional cameras Nikon.There is no stylization "under retro" no - everything is familiar and closer to amateur-type cameras D610 and D750. There are usual HDR, Active D-Lighting, multi-exposure and automatic control of distortion - what in D4. and D4S. You will not meet. Modern features for manual focus, such as Focus Picing or Zebra There are also absent here. From unusual - item "Conjugation with an exposometer"where you can set the ability to work with Non-AI lenses.

Is it necessary to say that GPS. n. WiFi. In the chamber are not implemented, except - you can purchase optional external adapters.

Examples of photos with Nikon DF


I had the opinion that to a greater extent Df. - Camera for enthusiast, whether it is a professional photographer or for an advanced amateur. She is slow and placing to thoughtful shooting - to enjoy the process and from the chic quality image at the exit. As for a professional decision, it has been many compromises in it, with both ergonomic and functional. This is the lack of an additional battery booster and a single memory card slot and a totable battery and exposure limit by value in 1/4000 sec. Yes, and focus and exposure modules, albeit well cope with their tasks, but moved from the budget segment.

But at the same time, for an amateur - enthusiast there is something that professional cameras usually do not "sin." This is I. HDR and geometric distortion correction modes and dynamic range expansion functions D-Lighting and multi-exposure. Yes, and another moment introduced me into a stupor - there is no reset function of all the default settings, which is a bit strange.

Here as with music. Associations with Meloman come to mind, which is no longer ready to mess with vinyl records - all the same, it's not convenient and cumbersome - and buys a high-quality CD / DVD or Blue-ray player, and in addition to it a lamp amplifier. As a result, a modern and convenient solution, but with warm and, as far as possible, analog sound.

Like music, photo is not a set of matrix with a certain amount of megapixels and razor sharpness of optics. These are emotions, from the shooting process before the film develops, well, in the sense - editing in the photo editor. In the head of the corner are not dry characteristics - there is something else here, otherwise there would be premium lenses Carl Zeiss. and Leica. Already no one would be needed. Yes, and fans to shoot on the film would not be.

So - Df.This is the same "lamp amplifier." Yes, the source (matrix in this case) is digital, but everything else is the very warm analog classic. It is difficult to convey the tactile sensations from using such a device. But do not forget that not only them limit the advantages of the camera. Still, there is a top-end matrix D4..

Photos: Arkady Shapoval (, Diana Beaver and Kondratenko Andrei.

Nikon DF is a D4 digital camera in the analog F Case with the possibility of using almost all N Napanese lenses collected since 1959 - so briefly can be characterized by DF, however, it lies more:
In principle, it must be said that in fact it lies less - Nikon considers DF completely poubistic camera, no GPS and Wi-Fi and there is no video, but many buttons ...

It is worth starting with prices: DF is supplied in a black and silver case with a whale lens AF-S 1.8 / 50 mm SE for 3000 euros. The optical design of Nikkors is identical to the already existing AF-S 1.8 / 50 mm, with a slightly modified appearance.
3000 Euro - this is not enough in principle, however, according to Nikon, there is a lot of D4 in the D4 package - almost everything concerns the image quality. Thus, DF has a 16-megapixel sensor, as well as D4, sensitivity to ISO 204.800, pentaprism with an angle of view in 100% frame; The only thing that the tip on sharpness has only 39 segments of these 9 crosses, and not 5. On the other hand, the starting price for the D4 case is currently about 5,500 euros ...

Significantly cheaper DF in the classic case has the following characteristics:

CMOS sensor in FX format and efficient 16.2 megapixels
. High sensitivity with acceptable noise at ISO 100 to 12.800; Expansion settings to ISO 204.800
. PentaPrism with 100% frame view
. Speed \u200b\u200bshooting up to 5.5 b / s
. 39 AF-Points of Measuring (including 9 Cross Sensors)
. Compatibility with all NIKKOR-lenses with bayonet F, including non-ai
. 3.2-DUM -TFT-display with approximately 921.000 pixels
. The smallest and light of Nikon-FX camera
. Magnesia Case
. Dust and splashing
. Made in Japan.

Old Non-AI- lenses
The case of the DF camera is the first decade after the release of F3 / F4 and several other, which can be used with Non-AI lenses. (Interesting fact: The F3 building was produced in 1980 and was sold until 2002 - that is, 22 years in a row, the release was stopped in 2000.

DF diaragm contact (which is used for Ai-Nikkor lenses with a diaphragm ring, is required to use and install the diaphragm and lights) can and should have to use non-ai-lens to be disconnected, otherwise it can damage the ring diffraggs that has another design. The housing is reported to the lens of the attached at the moment. This is set to the camera menu and this provides the right light and shutter speed.

If we talk about the first non-ai-nikkor lenses, first lenses with a bayonet F, then they were produced from 1959 to 1979., Naturally, everything with manual focusing, all externally very solid, completely in metal. Nikon for today, if necessary, takes into repair all old lenses and repairs, just no one knows about it.

From the point of view of optics, it is possible not to use Non-Ai-Nikkor lenses for example from D800. It can be assumed that only rare instances for example lenses as Mikro-Nikkor can be applicable. At this stage, it is not worth starting a discussion on the topic "Digit against analog" - you can simply consider the use of a number of old lenses to provide a decent image with a matrix in 16 megapixels.

New DF.
The labeling of the model "DF" is decrypted as "D" for the D and "F series" as Fusion, it is also possible to read as a reduction in "F" on analog Nikon-F-enclosures.

Recently, among a number of photographers "Retro" - cameras with a large number of buttons become as popular and are considered to be also "modern functional" in the eyes of others. Yet how n out the model, everyone should decide for itself, which is considered preferable, practical, simple and beautiful. It can be fabulous that DF, in any case, does not have modern functional design A similarly unambiguously with FM2 and Fe2 models from the analog times of 1980. The camera with a couple of buttons is one thing, but DF is completely different - this has not been done for a long time. From above on the camera there are elements of sensitivity control and aperture correction, as well as elements for installing aperture and serial filming - all with the possibility of blocking. And yet it is not all. All of them are easily accessible for control and the camera can very comfortably lie in the hand due to the shape of the case.

The camera is based on the magnesium alloy housing with plastic lining. Elements similar to the skin are not, all plastic, even silver parts are not polished or chrome-plated metal, but painted. Also, controls, not important silver or black - all are made of plastic, and not solid metal. Despite the fact that everything is done reliably.

However, photographers who are used to the feeling of metal under the fingers can say that before everything was better and will be the cavity of the right, as for this item.

On the other hand, the chamber is hiding the most modern technique in terms of auto-focus, which used to be only to dream and all this is protected from splashes and dust. And to all the owners of DF can get the image quality equal to D4.