The worldview of Bazarov. Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov

The worldview of Bazarov. Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov

"He preaches love

A hostile word of the denial ... "

ON THE. Nekrasov

Before plunging into the novel Turgenev "Fathers and Children" and plunge into the struggle between the parent and the child, between the man of old concepts and the "new man", between the landlord-liberal and democratom, the difference, it is necessary to understand what the very concept means " Nihilism, "and why is there so much aggression and misunderstanding around it.

In my article I would like to raise this particular problem, thereby building the platform for the above topics. If we look into the big encyclopedic Dictionarythen we can read that Nigilism - (from Lat. Nihil - nothing) - denial of generally accepted values: ideals, moral norms, culture, forms public Life. It gets special distribution to the crisis epochs of social and historical development. In Russian journalism 19 W.: "Waugs" - a switches; W. revolutionary Democrats - the name of the participants of the democratic and revolutionary movement 60s - Nach. 70s. Of course, nihilism is an integral part of the foundation of philosophy, this is the ideological position that has become the basis for other ideological directions.

As regards the theory, everything is clear here. But the next question arises: how to apply this ideology in practice, and whether it will be useful for a person? For a start, I would like to bring in the example of Russian nihilists of the 50s - 60s, whose movement originated on the basis of revolutionary democracy (they had a desire to stand up on the position of anti-food and anti-capitalistic struggle). That is, these people fought for their rights and freedoms. Also, the example can be brought Chernyshevsky, who was an ideologist of nihilism. Revolutionary Democrats, who united around the magazine "Contemporary" and Chernyshevsky, arose a plan for revolutionary agitation, which they after implemented. But if you compare the activities of the above nihilists with Bazarovskaya, then we can say that these are two different areas ideology. Moreover, the first "direction" is much more necessary, although the "duties" of Nigilist also includes the denial of generally accepted values \u200b\u200b("Nihilism postulates the following ideas: there is no morality, which is called real; being has no truth, there is no right and incorrect actions, objectively their value Odinakova ".) As for Bazarov, he believed that the prejudices and reigning foundations in society prevent humanity to develop, lead to its degradation. In his opinion, in life you need to use only things necessary for a person, those things that can bring material fruits ("We act by virtue of what we recognize useful"). Nevertheless, the fact that a person will not be able to feel financially, it is necessary to reject and germinate. "A decent chemist is twenty times better than a poet" - so spoke Evgeny Bazarov. And in fact, chemist, if, of course, he is decent, really best poetbecause Help can man financially. This is how to compare real medical care with prayers to the highest creator of all things about cure from the disease. What will happen more? But if we are surrounding the "chemists" alone, then who will fall asleep our spirituality? The concept of Bazarovsk thinking can be called minimalist: for life you only need what is useful, still "surplus" worth removing. Similar "surplus" for Bazarov was art and love. But the bazarov did not take into account that love is a chemical process, not subject to man, this is a kind of instinct. You can control your thoughts and words, but the feelings are not necessary for control. Nihilist is not the person who does not like who does not dare to love. This is the person who expresses his love for life and the people through this is the most denial. Nichlist Bazarov wishes best Life For itself and society as a whole, free from prejudice, from old, sometimes, unnecessary ruins, he is fighting for human rights and freedoms. Drew art, he elevates science, which should help humanity. For the Bazarov there is a person and everything should be "spinning" around this person, everything should help him, everything should be a tool in his hands to create a perfect society. If not that, then what does love for man and humanity mean? M. F. Dostoevsky wrote: "We are all nihilists." We are all nihilists because we want to get rid of prejudice, because we want the level of rights, because we want the best political lifebecause we want to improve ourselves and your world.

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Duel test. Bazarov and his friend again passing along the same circle: Maryino - Nikolskoye - parental house. The situation externally almost literally reproduces the one in the first arrival. Arkady enjoys summer holiday And, barely found an excuse, returns to Nikolskoye, to Kate. Bazarov continues natural science experiences. True, this time the author is expressed differently: "I found a fever of work." New Bazarov Refused the intense ideological disputes with Pavel Petrovich. Only occasionally throws a fairly flat sharpness, little reminiscent of the former mental fireworks. He is opposed to the familiar "cold politeness" uncle. Both enemy, not recognizing each other and themselves, are a little tired. Hostility has changed mutual interest. Pavel Petrovich "... once even brought his inflatable<…> The face to the microscope, in order to see how the transparent infusor swallowed the green dust ... ". The word "even" is quite appropriate here. For the first time he decided to be curious, on what the arguments of his opponent builds. Nevertheless, this time, staying in the house of Kirsanov ends for Bazarov Duel. "I believe that you could not avoid this fight, which ... to some extent explained by one constant antagonism of your mutual views," Nikolai Petrovich pronounces at the end of Duel. Involuntarily speaks the most important thing. "Antagonism of the Reviews" participated "to some extent" and hardly led to a duel. If it were not ... Fuenus.

"Fenushek liked Bazarov," but he also liked her. He kept "Quick and Entrusious" with her, they were near the "absence of the whole noble". Described at the beginning of the head of the visit, conversations, health care - Certificate of all increasing mutual sympathy. Sympathy, which would inevitably grow into a sense. If it was explained by objective reasons, and did not fall out, sometimes it was called us from the sky; "Disease", from which there is no salvation. So the Fenochka sincerely loved the elderly Nikolai Petrovich. And at all, it was at all at all at the place of a date in the garden, in the very gazebo where he once met with a courteous delicate guest. According to the result of this meeting, the bazaars has the reason to ironically congratulate herself "with a formal admission to Seladona." Now the hero behaves simply dishonestly, rudely, fiercely flirting. In a magazine, the novel was discreeting Turgenev directly said: "To him ( Basareas) And it never came to mind that he had violated all the rules of hospitality in this house. " Literary critics revealed here a psychological background - the victims of the defeat with the aristocrat of Odentosna, he wants to check whether it is not easier to conquer the feelings of poor so-cold feathers. It turns out that the love simply does not happen. "It's sinful to you, Evgeny Vasilich," says a woman with "genuine reproach."

Pavel Petrovich demanded the fight. He captured even a stick to make a duel inevitable any ways. The very fact of challenge, the eldest Kirsanov was already departed from its aristocratic "princons". Turgenev transmits the replica of the old servant, which was "in his own way aristocrat, not worse than Pavel Petrovich." Not a bloody duel struck Prokofycha: he "interpreted that in his time the noble gentlemen was driving." The chisper keeper of the Ustiva did not like the choice of the opponent: "diring" "Only the noble gentlemen between themselves." The truly aristocrat did not follow to the commoner: "And the silent faithful for rudeness<…> On the stable to be kept told. "

"How beautiful and how stupid! Eki we are a comedy broken! " - the bazaars are outraged after the door slammed behind his opponent. "... That's what it means to live with feud. You will go to the feudalists and you will participate in knightly tournaments, "he is trying to explain himself in a conversation with Arkady. Irritation, as usual at the hero, masks the inner perplexity and confusion. I also had to make sure of the limitations of his own "sponsor". It turns out that there are situations when only the fight can be defended its dignity: "It was impossible to refuse; After all, he, what good, would hit me, and then (bazaars turned pale at one thing of this thought; his whole pride rose so much) ... "

In the middle of the century, the duel has already passed into the discharge of anachronism, partly even funny. Pen Turgenev paints many humorous details. It begins a duel invitation to the seconds of Peter-Kamdiner, who is "of course small honest", but pulled up to extremes. And ends in a tragicomic I wonder "in the chamber" Pavel Petrovich, who was put on, as if on purpose, "White Pantalonians". Meanwhile, the episode of the fight is the most important in ideological development novel. It is not important that the bazaars "not a coward", like Pavel Petrovich. The strength of the spirit inherent in both heroes, Turgenev noted earlier. Duel helps to overcome internal limitations. On a fight, when mutual rejection seemed to have reached the limit, a simple human relationship arise between duelists. Bazarov appeals to Pavel Petrovich as a kind familiar: "And you will agree, Pavel Petrovich, that our fight is unclean to funny. You look only for the physiognomy of our Secundant. " Kirsanov suddenly agrees: "You are right ... Eki stupid physiognomy."

We remember how hotly discussed the peasant question. Each of them was convinced that only him thoroughly knows what the Russian man needs and what the Russian man thinks. Before the beginning of the duel, the bazaarov notes a man who passed by him and Peter without bowing. A moment after the duel he returns. The peasant this time removes the hat with an externally submissive view confirming the thought of his "patriarchalness". Before Pavel Petrovich would be satisfied with this. But now suddenly asks his eternal opponent an interested question: "How do you think it thinks about us now?" In response, Bazarov sounds perplexity completely sincere: "Who knows him!" The young nihlist gives up a monopoly on the truth not only for himself. He is ready to admit that the "dark" man has a complex spiritual world: "Who will understand it? He does not understand himself. " "Understanding" in general keyword This episode: "Each of them was aware that his other understands."

After a duel, the heroes seem to change places. Bazarov no longer wants to think about the Fiene Fan. Seeing her upset face in the window, "perhaps," he said to himself<…>- Well, it will carry out somehow! " On the contrary, Pavel Petrovich shows the democracy alien to him. "I begin to think that Bazarov was right when I reproached me in aristocrat," he says to his brother, demanding that he finally led to a relationship with Fencake. "Do you say that, Paul? you whom I thought<…> An adamant opponent of such marriages! " - Amazed Nikolai Petrovich. He does not know that this request was preceded by the heartfelt scene between his brother and bane, resembling the head of the knightly novel. "This is overcoming your late love And the rejection of it: the refusal, devoid of egoism, raising a simple bauble to height Beautiful ladywho believe, not doubting, which serve without hoping for reciprocity. "

    • The inner world of Bazarov and its external manifestations. Turgenev draws a deployed portrait of the hero at the first appearance. But a strange thing! The reader almost immediately forgets certain features of the face and is unlikely to be prepared to describe them through two pages. The overall abis remains in memory - the author represents the face of the hero repulsive-ugly, colorless in paints and defiantly wrong with the sculptural modeling. But immediately separates the features of the face from their bombing expression ("revived a relaxed smile and expressed self-confidence and [...]
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    • Disputes Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich represent the social side of the conflict in the Roman of Turgenev "Fathers and Children". There are not just different views of the representatives of the two generations, but also two fundamentally different political points of view. Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich turn out to be on different sides of the barricades in accordance with all parameters. Bazarov - Different Mattening, Less poor family, forced to independently pierce your way in life. Pavel Petrovich - a hereditary nobleman, the keeper of family bonds and [...]
    • The image of Bazarov is controversial and complicated, he is torn off doubts, he is experiencing mental injuries, primarily due to the fact that it rejects the natural beginning. The theory of Bazarov's life, this extremely practical person, physician and nihilist, was very simple. There is no love in life - this is a physiological need, no beauty is just a combination of body properties, there is no poetry - it is not needed. For Bazarov did not exist authorities, he also proved his point of view until his life was convicted. [...]
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    • Evgeny Bazarov Anna Odintsova Pavel Kirsanov Nikolai Kirsanov appearance oblong face, wide forehead, huge greenish eyes, nose, flat top and pointed bottom. Light long hair, sandy color barenbards, self-confident smile on thin lips. Nude red hands noble posture, slim mill, high growth, beautiful showy shoulders. Bright eyes, shiny hair, slightly noticeable smile. 28 years of medium height, purebred, years 45. Fashionable, sunshine slim and elegant. [...]
    • Roman I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children" ends with the death of the principal hero. Why? Turgenev felt something new, saw new people, but could not imagine how they would act. Bazarov dies very young, without having time to proceed to any activity. His death, he seeks the one-sidedness of his views, which the author does not accept. Dying, the protagonist did not change his sarcastic, neither of his directness, but became softer, more kind, and speaks differently, even romantic, that [...]
    • Roman I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children" contains a large number of conflicts in general. These include love conflict, collision of the worldviews of two generations, social conflict and internal conflict Main character. Bazarov - the protagonist of the novel "Fathers and Children" - a surprisingly bright figure, a character in which the author conceived show all the young generation of that time. We should not forget that this work is not just a description of the events of that time, but also deeply felt quite real [...]
    • Bazarov E. V. Kirsanov P. P. Appearance of a high young man with long hair. Clothes poor, untidy. Does not pay attention to your own appearance. Handsome middle-aged man. Aristocratic, "pioneering" appearance. Carefully monitors, dresses fashionable and expensive. Origin Father - Military leakage, poor familiar family. Nobleman, General Son. In his youth, he drove a noisy metropolitan life, built a military career. Education is a very educated person. [...]
    • In the February book of the Russian Bulletin, the Roman Turtennev "Fathers and Children" appears. This novel, obviously, is a question ... refers to young generation And loudly asks him the question: "What are you for people?" This is the real meaning of the novel. D. I. Pisarev, Realists Evgeny Bazarov, according to the testimony of letters I. S. Turgenev to friends, "the most pretty of my figures", "This is my favorite brainchild ... on which I spent all the paints in my arrangement." "This clever, this hero appears in front of the reader in nature [...]
    • About ideological content The novel "Fathers and Children" Turgenev wrote: "My whole story is directed against the nobility as an advanced class. Press in the face of Nikolai Petrovich, Pavel Petrovich, Arkady. Sweetness and lethargy or limitation. Aesthetic feeling made me take exactly the good representatives of the nobility, so that it is more or rather to prove my topic: if the cream is bad, what is milk? .. They are the best of the nobles - and it is because they are chosen by me to prove their inconsistency. " Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov [...]
    • In his work, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev tried to always keep up with the times. He was warmly interested in events in the country, watched the development of public movements. To analyze the phenomena of Russian life, the writer approached with all the responsibility and tried to thoroughly understand everything. The writer will definitely dates his novel "Fathers and Children", when the educated differences, who came to replace the doubling nobility in Russian society, began to play a prominent role. The epilogue of the novel tells already about life after [...]
    • The idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel arises from I. S. Turgenev in the I860 in a small seaside town of Ventenne, in England. "... The case was in August of 1860, when the first idea of" fathers and children "came to mind ..." It was a difficult time for the writer. Just happened his gap with the magazine "Contemporary". The reason was the article N. A. Dobrolyubov about the novel "On the eve". I. S. Turgenev did not accept the revolutionary conclusions contained in it. The reason for the break was deeper: the rejection of revolutionary ideas, "Menietic democratism [...]
    • Dear Anna Sergeevna! Let me contact you personally and express your thoughts on paper, as they say some words out loud for me is an insurmountable problem. It is very difficult to understand me, but I hope that this letter will slightly clarify my attitude towards you. Before dating you, I was an opponent of culture, moral and moral values, human feelings. But numerous life tests forced me to take a different look at the world and overestimate your life principles. I first [...]
    • Nihilism (from Lat. Nihil is nothing) - a worldview position, expressed in the denial of meaningfulness of human existence, the significance of generally accepted moral and cultural values; non-recognition of any authorities. For the first time a person who preaching nihilism was presented in the Roman Turgenev "Fathers and Children". Evgeny Bazarov adhered to this ideological position. Bazarov - NiHist, that is, a person who does not inclined any authorities that does not accept any principle on faith. [...]
    • Action Roman I.S. Turgenev "fathers and children" unfolds in the summer of 1859, on the eve of the abolition of serfdom. At that time, the question was sharply in Russia: who can head society? On the one hand, on the lead social role The nobility, which consisted of both sufficiently liberty liberals, and from the aristocrats, thinking the same as at the beginning of the century. On another pole of society were revolutionaries - democrats, most of which were the differences. The main character Roman [...]
    • Arkady and Bazarov very dislikers, and friendship arising between them, the more amazing. Despite the belonging of young people to one epoch, they are very different. It is necessary to take into account that they originally belong to different circles of society. Arkady - Son of the Nobleman, he with early childhood I absorbed what Bazarov despises and denies in their nihilism. Father and Uncle Kirsanov are intelligent people, valuable aesthetics, beauty and poetry. From the point of view of Bazarov, Arkady is a soft-hearted "Barich", the smell. Bazarov does not want [...]
    • Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov from the very beginning did not like the friend of his nephew Bazarov. According to both, they belonged to different class groups: Kirsanov did not even shook the Bazarov's hand when they met for the first time. They had different views on life, they did not understand each other, opposed each other in everything, despised each other. Often there were collisions between them. After some time, communicate, and, therefore, they began to quarrel less, but the spiritual confrontation remained. The bomb was [...]
    • Duel test. Perhaps there is no more controversial and interesting scene In the Roman I.S.Turgenev "Fathers and Children" than a duel between Nihilist Bazarov and Angean (actually English Dandy) Pavel Kirsanov. The fact of the duel between these two men is the phenomenon of odiously, which cannot be, because it can never be! After all, a duel is the struggle of two equal in origin. Bazarov and Kirsanov people of different classes. They do not belong to one, shared layer. And if the Bazarov is frankly noting with all these [...]
  • December twenty-seventh.

    The writing.

    Bazarov - " new person».

    (According to Roman I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children").

    Roman I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children" was created at a time when the question was raised about the abolition of serfdom when there were contradictions between liberals and democrats. Just at this time - the time of political reforms and public shocks, in Russia a new bourgeois-capitalistic layer originates, and among student youth, the ideology of Nihilism is spread. Roman reflected the struggle of two socio-political camps that have developed in Russia by the 60s of the XIX century. The writer showed a typical conflict of the epoch and set a number of topical problems, in particular, the question of the nature and role of the "new man" - a leader in the period revolutionary situation 60s.

    Evgeny became the expressive of ideas of revolutionary democracy Bar - herowhich is opposed to the novel by the liberal nobility. He is the main and only expressive of the democratic ideology. Bazarov - a new person, a representative of those young figures that they want to fight, "nihilists." He is for new life And to the end remains faithful to his beliefs.

    Turgenev wrote: "In the foundation of the main figure, Bazarov, one hit me the identity of a young provincial doctor. In this wonderful person embodied, it was barely norified, another wondered beginning, which was then called Nigilism. The impression made on me with this person was very strong and at the same time not quite clear. " And in the new Turgenev novel, the main hero was the representative of those "new people." The attitude of Turgenev to the "new person" was, according to his own words, not quite clear: Bazarov was his "enemy", to which he felt "involuntary attraction." Explaining your work, Turgenev wrote: "My whole story is directed against the nobility as an advanced class." "This is a celebration of democracy over the aristocracy."

    Bazarov is shown by Turgenev as a supporter of the "full and merciless denial". Bazarov denies everything - and first of all autocracy, serfdom and religion. All that is generated by the ugly state of society. Turgenev spoke about Bazarov: "He is honest, truthful and democrat to the end of the nails ... if it is called a nihilist, then you need to read: revolutionary"

    How dated bazaars - "New Man". A man from the people, the grandson of the Dyccé, who fastened the land, the son of a poor county Lekary, a student, bazaars "owned a special ability to initiate confidence in people of the lower, although he never pokakal him and accounted for something casually."

    The democratism of Bazarov is clearly reflected in his speech, classes, character traits and worldview. Turgenev painted a memorable portrait of the Bazar's allocator: his face, "long and thin, with a wide forehead, ... with big greenish eyes and hanging sandy color barenbards ... An animated smile was animated and expressing self-confidence and mind." The gait from his "hard and rapidly brave", his long and thick dark-blond hair "did not hide large bulbs of a spacious skull." He just dressed and, unlike the Aristocrata Pavel Petrovich, who "was very busy with the toilet," emphasizes casually relates to his "clothes". In the village to Kirsanov, he comes "in a long balachon with tassels"; Healthy with the father of Arkady, stretches to him "Nude Red Hand", apparently, never knew gloves.

    Says the Bazarov clearly and simply: "Evgeny Vasilyev," he greets with the father of Arkady; Its thoughts expresses with harsh and courageous straightness, without any evasion, without forcing himself to a pretended courtesy. This is clearly seen from those assessments that he gives people a hostile camp, "Feudals": Pavel Petrovich - France, "Archaic phenomenon", "Idiot"; Nikolai Petrovich - "Dobryak", but "His Spet Song"; Arkady he says: "You are a gentle soul, smearing ..."; "... yes you and do not grow to us ..."

    His interests are generally similar to the interests of enlightened youth of that time: he is fond of natural sciences, reads the compositions of German "vulgar materialists" - keeps up with the times. Bazarov Nihilist, that is, a person who does not take on faith and rejecting authorities and principles. He denies Pushkin, and unreasonably. In particular, it gets from it a romantic globility: "Chepuha, rot, art", "You will raise an anatomy of your eyes: where to take it here ... Mysterious look." According to Bazarov, all human misfortunes occur due to an unfair device of society, and the role of personality, individual psychology, he denied at all, believing that one human instance is enough to judge all.

    Bazarov passed a harsh, heavy school who ordered him. Bazarov graduated from the university, but he did not take a penny for his education with her parents. His knowledge, and they have very extensive, bazaars must. That is why he proudly declares: "Every person must raise himself, - well, at least I, for example ..."

    Bazarov is not chasing the comfort, material benefits: "You're with him ... not a ceremony. He is a wonderful small, so simple ... "," says Arkady about him.

    Bazarov - the enemy of distracted science torn off from life. He for science, which would be clear to the people. Bazarov - Turugenics of science, he tireless in his experiments, fully absorbed in his favorite profession. Labor, incredited activity - his "element". Arriving on vacation in the estate of Kirsanov, he is now being taken for work: collects herbaria, engaged in physical and chemical experiments. To those who live, not doing anything, the bazaars belong to undisguised contempt.

    The plot of the novel is built on the collision of the Bazarov with the world of aristocrats. Turgenev immediately shows that the Bazarov is a man of labor, he is alien to the aristocratic etiquette and conventionality. It is in a collision with various characters opposed to him, the wonderful features of Bazarov are revealed: in disputes with Pavel Petrovich - the maturity of the mind, the depth of judgments and irreconcilable hatred of Baroze and slavery; In relations with Arkady, the ability to attract young people to their side, to be a teacher, an educator, honest and irreconcilable in friendship; In relation to the Odentic - the ability to deeply and truly love, the wholeness of nature, the power of the will and the feeling of self-esteem.

    Turgenev is experiencing Bazarov first with love, then death. He watches his hero in these situations from the outside. Love for a single, woman smart, proud, strong, to become the Bazarovo himself, defeats the principles of NiGilism (and after all, he called the love of Belibard, contemptuously referred to the romantic feelings, recognized love only physiological, but, having fallen in love, suddenly felt romance in love yourself). In the suicide scene of the Bazarov, it is faithful to the end, he is not broken, proudly looks in his eyes - he came to just "clear the place for others."

    The death of Bazarov is justified in its own way. As in love it was impossible to bring Bazarov to the "silence of bliss", and in his estimated business, he had to remain at the level of non-implemented, bevented and therefore endless aspirations. Bazarov should have died to stay bazaarov. So Turgenev transmits the loneliness of his forerunner hero. The death of Bazarov - the end of his tragic life. Externally, this death is random, but, in essence, it was the logical conclusion of the image of the Bazar. It is prepared by all course of the narration. Fatigue, loneliness and longing of the hero could not get a different outcome. Bazarov dies in full of loneliness. And on the "small rural cemetery" come only "two already decrepid old man - a husband with a wife."

    The tragic meaning of the image creates the author in Bazarov: his loneliness, the rejection of the surrounding world, spiritual disorder - all this combines one hero in itself. It is a heavy burden, which is not everyone to carry with that sense of self-esteem, which is inherent in Bazarov. There is not a single like-minded person in the novel. Only caricature figures of Sitnikov and Kukshina, and even Arkady, who is passionate unusual ideas. Bazarov - alone in his personal life. The parents are almost afraid of him, in relationships with Odse, he tolerates the collapse. Somehow Bazarov said Arkady: "When I meet a man who would not save me, then I change my opinion about myself." And such a person was found - this is Odenty.

    As a real artist, the Creator, Turgenev managed to guess the mood of his time, the emergence of a new type, such as the Democratic-Merchant, who came to the shift of the noble intelligentsia. With the help of skillfully selected parts, Turgenev creates exterior appearance One of the "new people". Bazarov - an independent nature, not inclined to any authorities, but all the judges subjected to the court. The coup in the soul of the Bazarov occurs under the influence tragic love To Odintova - he begins to realize the presence of romance in his soul, which used to be unthinkable for him. Bazarov is capable of spiritual evolution, which demonstrates his feeling to one, as well as the scene of death. The Bazarov in the scenes of explanation in love dominates emotions over the mind.

    Reflection of the Turgeneh relationship of generations in a special historical period - on the eve of the abolition of serfdom. Representatives of the warring camps. Invisitating the opinions of two generations regarding the aristocrats and the Russian people. Views on art.

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    Ideological duel Bazarov and Kirsanov.

    Roman "Fathers and Children" was written in 1861 by Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev. This novel shows the relationship between generations in a special historic period - On the eve of the abolition of serfdom. At this time, Russia is divided into two ideological and political camps. The conflict of generations acquires a particularly acute character: "fathers" and "children" turn out to be irreconcilable ideological rivals. The main representatives of the warrant camps in the novel are Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov ("fathers") and Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov ("Children").

    In Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov immediately guessed the aristocrat. He will always carefully shake, infined, dressed. Even living in the village, Paul retains his secular habits. Guests it comes out to meet dressed in "Dark English Suite, fashionable low tie and varnish half-boots." Turgenev emphasizes the beauty of the face of Pavel Petrovich: "His face ... It is unusually correct and pure, as if removed by a subtle and light cutter, he was a remarkable beauty traces."

    In Bazarov, a person is felt from the people. He does not follow his appearance, wears the hanging sandy color barenbards "and" Long Balahon with brushes. " In his face it has no special beauty, it is "long and thin, with a wide forehead, upstairs flat, a downward bow, big greenish eyes ... It was animated with a relaxed smile and expressed self-confidence and mind."

    Special attention of Turgenev draws to the hands of these characters. Bazarov comes without gloves and stretches Nicholas Petrovich "Nude Red Hand", which speaks of a habit of severe work. And Pavel Petrovich stretches Arkady " beautiful hand With long pink nails. " The Aristocrat is avoiding a handshake with the bazaarov, immediately felt in it of the ideological enemy.

    Bazarov does not like Pavel Petrovich. He commemorates his aristocracy, secular habits: "Yes, I will pour them to indulge, these county aristocrats! After all, it's all pride, lion habits, Fatahood. " Arkady is trying to somehow defend Uncle, telling Eugene story about the unfortunate love of Paul and Princess R. But Bazarov mocks and above it: "No, brother, this is all licentiousness, emptiness, romanticism ... Rota, art."

    This mutual rejection of heroes develops into ideological conflict.

    Pavel Petrovich considers himself an advanced man. It adheres to liberal views, supports preparing reforms. Therefore, he is very surprised when young people do not perceive his ideas seriously and calls "archaic phenomenon." As soon as Paul finds out that a friend Arkady is a nihist, he has a desire to call this nigilist on a dispute. But, unfortunately for Pavel Petrovich, Yevgeny does not like verbal debate and dismissed them, like an annoying flies. For Bazarov, the main thing is to perform actions that benefit, and everything else is an empty spending time.

    Still, Pavel Petrovich succeeds twice to call the Bazarov spore. But for the first time it is lost from the categorical of Bazarov. Kirsanov, trying to hurt the nihilist, says that he gives a greater preference to German scientists than Russian. But the bazaars parry the fact that the national affiliation does not matter for him, it does not recognize any authorities: "Yes, why would I recognize them? ... tell me the case, I agree, that's all. " Bazarov generally finished all art: "a decent chemist is more useful than a poet for twenty times." Evgeny Vasilyevich put on his step in a dead end Pavel Petrovich.

    The decisive "ideological duel" occurred in a few days. Bazarov dismissively taken to one of the neighboring landowners, calling him "rubbish, aristocratic", the more seriously insulted the feelings of Pavel Petrovich, who considered himself an aristocrat. Kirsanov begins to prove that the aristocrats are the stronghold of world liberalism, support "prunps", which society holds. But bazaars once rejects all these judgments. He considers all aristocrats by loafers: "... You respect yourself and sit back; What is the benefit for Bien Public? " Paul is trying to call some kind of society: progress, liberalism. But Evgeny Vasilyevich rudely denies all: "In the present time, the denial is most useful - we deny." "You all denied, or, expressing more precisely, you destroy everything ... but it is necessary to build and build," Pavlić is surprised. But at this Nigilist is the answer that, they say, it's not his business, "first you need to clear."

    The opinions of the two generations and relative to the Russian people do not coincide. Pavel Petrovich begins to prove that the Russian people are not like that, "he honors legends, he is a patriarchal." The bazaars contemptuously declares that the people "deserves contempt."

    The complete lack of understanding of the "fathers" and "children" manifests itself in their views on art. "Fathers" read Pushkin, playing cello. Evgeny Vasilyevich deny the art itself: "Rafael is not a copper of the copper" than the irritation of Kirsanov. The aristocrat believes that such "nihilists" is generally not needed.

    On this "ideological duel" "fathers" and "children" ends. And only in the second part of the novel, the ideological intimitability between heroes is poured into a real duel.

    I believe that in these "ideological" debates, Turgenev still gives its own preference to "fathers". However, he sees that, unfortunately, the aristocrats do not follow empty conversations. Despite the fact that the writer does not agree with the "denial" of Bazarov, he portrayed him as an active, strong, intelligent and educated person, seeking to benefit from the Fatherland. Duel heroes, although it is depicted somewhat comically as an anachronism, but it can also be seen in it: ideological conflicts may result in bloodshed.

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