Portrait description of Chichikov in the poem Dead Souls. The image of Chichikov in the poem "Dead Souls": a description of his appearance and character with quotes

Portrait description of Chichikov in the poem Dead Souls.  The image of Chichikov in the poem
Portrait description of Chichikov in the poem Dead Souls. The image of Chichikov in the poem "Dead Souls": a description of his appearance and character with quotes

The image of Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov is perhaps the most successful of Gogol's cartoons. The life story of only this character playing the main role in the poem " Dead Souls", Disclosed by the author in great detail. To engage in such an artistic and comprehensive study of the writer was forced by the novelty of the character for which he took up.

Many features of the landowners of that time were combined in himself by Pavel Ivanovich, the hero would not have been complete without a description in the eleventh chapter of the conditions in which his formation took place.

As an inheritance from an impoverished nobleman, Pavel Ivanovich got a little copper and an admonition to study well and please everyone, and save money and save. Absence in a will high words about duty, he took it literally. And life itself soon confirmed that these concepts do not lead to anything good (in his understanding). At the school, Pavlusha's knowledge, behavior, and deference aroused only approval and praise from the teachers, who set the boy as an example to other students. Having entered the government chamber after graduation, he continues to please his boss, to show signs of attention to his daughter. The same behavior is typical for him in any setting. Chichikov quickly grasped: in order to please a person, you need to talk to him about his interests, about topics close to him. This behavior helps him to remain his own person in any society. Gradually, Pavel Ivanovich drowns out more living soul, tries not to hear the quiet voice of conscience, builds his happiness on someone else's misfortune. And all this for their own benefit. The tools that Chichikov skillfully and actively uses are fraud and deception, theft from the treasury, insult, bribery. Permanent hoarding, acquisition becomes the meaning of life for the protagonist. And at the same time, money for Chichikov is needed not for their own sake. They serve as a means of achieving a good, prosperous life for his family. The image of Chichikov differs sharply from other characters in purposefulness and strength of character. He achieves his goal by any means, while showing extraordinary resourcefulness, resourcefulness, perseverance.

Chichikov in the poem "Dead Souls" is not like everyone else and his activity, activity, enterprise. Manilov's soaring in the clouds and Korobochka's naivety are not peculiar to him. He cannot be compared with the curmudgeon Plyushkin, but the careless waste of Nozdrev is also not for him. The entrepreneurial spirit of this hero is far from that of Sobakevich. All these qualities testify to the clear superiority of Pavel Ivanovich over other characters in the poem.

Chichikov's image is incredibly multifaceted. People like him are very difficult to guess right away, to understand what they really are. Chichikov managed to please the majority of the inhabitants of the city as soon as he appeared in it. He managed to present himself as a secular, developed and decent person. During a conversation, he finds an individual key to everyone in whom he is interested. His ostentatious benevolence is only a means to take advantage of his high position. the right people... It costs nothing for Chichikov to reincarnate, to change his demeanor and at the same time not to forget about his own goals. His ability to adapt to everyone is amazing. When Pavel Ivanovich bargains with Manilov, he shows delicacy, sensitivity and courtesy. But with Korobochka, on the contrary, he behaves assertively, rudely, impatiently. He understands that it is very easy to persuade Plyushkin, that it is necessary to talk to Sobakevich in a businesslike manner. The energy of the protagonist is tireless, but it is aimed at low deeds.

The image of Chichikov is an example of a tradesman and an entrepreneur, a man of a new type, whom Gogol defined as a vile, vile, “dead soul”.

A special place in the work of N.V. Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" plays in Russian literature, the basis of which was suggested to the writer by A.S. Pushkin. The poem gives us complete picture way of life of Russian landowners, peasants and officials.

In the center - Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov. The image of the protagonist, as well as his role in the work, was never fully unraveled. This person is revealed gradually in scenes of meetings with landowners. And with each of them Chichikov has some new style communication, as noted by Gogol. Pavel Ivanovich is an excellent psychologist, he knows human nature well and knows how to say what is expected of him. Taking over the flattery and pompousness of Manilov, the unceremoniousness of Korobochka and the rudeness of Nozdrev, Chichikov finds with everyone mutual language... Note that he almost always achieves what he wants.

However, the fact that Chichikov is easily assimilated to each of the landowners does not at all speak in his favor. It alone has all the lowest human traits observed in different representatives... And Gogol gives clear confirmation of this throughout the poem. For example, storing a street billboard at home testifies to a hoarding akin to Plyushkin's gathering. And Chichikov's Korobochka is brought together by his habit of arranging things with pedantic accuracy. That is, one person has collected in himself all the unenviable features and characteristics of landowners. He is colorless and empty, petty, narcissistic, rude and greedy.

And yet Chichikov is different. Pavel Ivanovich is distinguished from other characters by his business acumen and energy. These features are not present in any of the heroes of the poem, except for Chichikov. Gogol warns that the Chichikovs will replace the manilovs and the plushkins. The soul of Pavel Ivanovich has long been dead. He is only interested in enrichment at any cost.

In an effort to reveal the psychology of people like Chichikov, the author introduced the story of his life, starting from childhood, into the poem. After all, it is in childhood the foundations of a person's worldview are laid. The reader learns that as a child, Pavlusha did not have anything interesting: he did not know the love and affection of his relatives, he had no friends. After the death of his father, he was left without money, but with a phrase that he perfectly performed in later life... And father's advice most eloquently explains Chichikov's position in life. My father bequeathed to study diligently, to please teachers, to save a penny.

Chichikov quickly mastered the laws of acquiring wealth, starting from an early age with courting before teachers, and then with seeking out before bosses. Further, the author describes in paints different stories and the machinations of Chichikov. It is noteworthy that all his affairs ended in failures. But that only inflamed him. Chichikov was motivated not by greed, but thirst beautiful life full of pleasure.

The poem was written over several years, at different moments of the creative rise and fall of the writer. At one time Gogol wanted to show that not everything is lost for people like Pavel Ivanovich. The revival of the hero Gogol planned to show in the second volume of "Dead Souls", the purpose of which was the spiritual cleansing of the hero and through him the cleansing of the whole society. However, in a fit of despair and spiritual crisis the second volume was destroyed.

Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov is the central character Gogol's poem "Dead Souls". The story about him runs through the entire work, and other characters are largely characterized precisely through their relationship with him. What role does the author assign to this character? “Readers should not be indignant at the author if the persons who have hitherto appeared did not suit their taste; this is Chichikov's fault, here he is a complete master, and wherever he pleases, there we must trudge. " I must say that, although Chichikov occupies a very important place in the poem, it cannot be considered simply a description of the fate and all kinds of adventures of this hero. The writer did not reduce his work to the history of one or even several characters. He saw his task in characterizing the various phenomena of life in Russia, and the image of Chichikov reflects only a certain side of reality.
The plot of the poem is inextricably linked precisely with the essence of the protagonist. Who could have come up with such a crazy idea - to acquire dead souls in order to make deals with them later? Only to a person who greedily strives to “acquire”, who cannot imagine his existence outside the acquisition and who knows how to find any ways to become the owner of wealth. Chichikov embarks on any scams and speculations if they promise him substantial profits. Speculation with dead souls Chichikov's commercial, entrepreneurial character is most clearly revealed. His admiration is caused not by the one who has a high rank, but by the one who owns significant capital.
It should be noted that Gogol reveals the image of Chichikov in a different way than the images of the other heroes of the poem. After all, he could not characterize Chichikov through his attitude to serf property and through a description of his life. Gogol shows this hero in action, in the process of realizing his plans. Chichikov is perhaps the only character whose biography we learn in great detail, and such a selection is quite understandable.
After all, the owners of the estates are something settled and inert, and Chichikov personifies a new beginning that is taking shape in Russian life.
A characteristic feature of Chichikov is the incredible versatility of his nature (moreover, these facets often absolutely contradict each other). So, sociability and constant interest in people are combined in him with extreme isolation, and external charm with shameless predation. Gogol emphasizes that people like Chichikov are not easy to guess. Chichikov possesses a peculiar talent of an opportunist. Finding himself in any new environment, in any environment, he immediately becomes “his”, close person. He seems streamlined even outwardly: “In the chaise sat a gentleman, not handsome, but not bad-looking, neither too fat nor too thin; one cannot say that he is old, but not so that he is too young. " Appearing in the provincial town under the guise of a landowner, Chichikov very quickly entered the “elected society” and won general sympathy. He knows how to show himself as a secular and versatile person. He can support any conversation and at the same time speaks “not loudly, not quietly, but absolutely as it should. In short, wherever you turn, he was a very decent person. " For each person in whom Chichikov is interested, he knows how to find his own, special, approach. He masterfully plays on the weak strings of a person, seeking the affection and sympathy of a wide variety of people. Chichikov very easily “reincarnates”, changes his demeanor, but at the same time he never forgets about his goals. In a conversation with Manilov, he looks almost exactly like Manilov himself. He is as gallant and courteous, as sensitive as his new friend... Chichikov knows perfectly well how he can make a strong impression on Manilov, and therefore does not skimp on all kinds of confessions and outpourings.
However, talking with Korobochka, Chichikov does not show any special gallantry or spiritual gentleness. He quickly deciphers the essence of her character and therefore conducts her seoya freely and unceremoniously. You can't get through the box with delicacy, and Chichikov, after long attempts to reason with her, "went completely beyond the bounds of all patience, grabbed a chair on the floor in his hearts and promised her the devil."
When meeting with Nozdrev Chichikov flexibly adapts to his unbridled demeanor. Nozdryov recognizes only "friendly" relationships, and Chichikov behaves as if they are old, bosom friends. Nozdryov speaks to him in “you”, and Chichikov answers him in the same way. When Nozdryov brags, Chichikov keeps mum, giving the other the right to express doubts about this. However, he is vigilant not to fall into the net of Noz-drev, who is clearly going to trick him.
When he meets Sobakevich, Chichikov's "directness" and "spontaneity" completely disappear. Sobakevichans touch also reasoning on lofty topics. And then Chichikov enters into a gambling bargain with him, in which each seeks to outmaneuver the other. With the businessman Sobakevich, Chichikov shows himself to be an experienced businessman who knows all kinds of methods of influencing a partner. "You can't hit him, stubborn!" Sobakevich thinks to himself.
Chichikov has a different approach to Plyushkin: he plays the role of a magnanimous well-wisher, who wants to help a lonely and defenseless old man.
Chichikov's ability to reincarnate is based on his extraordinary resourcefulness and energy. Behind the external softness and grace is a calculating and predatory nature. Chichikov does not recognize anything and does not believe in anything except money. By flaunting his goodwill towards people, he is only interested in taking advantage of their location. Chichikov completely lacks any moral principles, the meanness of his nature is limitless.
Comparing Chichikov with the owners of serf souls, Gogol vividly shows those new features that could have formed only outside the atmosphere of a manor’s estate. These are extraordinary vitality, adaptability and energy. Chichikov is alien to Manilov's dreaminess and Korobochka's primitive innocence. He is not trifling like Plyushkin, but he is not inclined to reckless revelry, like Nozdryov. His entrepreneurial spirit is not like Sobakevich's rude and straightforward businesslike manner. All this speaks of its clear superiority. However, Gogol compares Chichikov's activities not only with the existence of landowners, but also with the life of the country. Like the inhabitants of the estates, Chichikov does not care at all social problems... He is completely indifferent to what does not concern himself, does not affect his interests. He does not feel like a “citizen of his land,” to whom her destinies are close and dear.

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The image, character, characteristics of the official Chichikov in the poem Dead Souls

If, painting images of landowners. ( This material will help to write competently and on the topic The image, character, characteristics of the official Chichikov in the poem Dead Souls. Summary does not make it possible to understand the whole meaning of the work, therefore this material will be useful for a deep understanding of the work of writers and poets, as well as their novels, stories, stories, plays, poems.) Gogol gave a picture of the economic disintegration of the natural serf economy and the moral degeneration of the ruling class, then in the image of Chichikov he showed typical features predator, "scoundrel", "acquirer" of the bourgeois fold, generated by the initial stage, capitalist accumulation.

In the eleventh chapter of the first volume, Gogol talks in detail about life path Chichikov from birth until the moment this "hero" started buying up dead souls; how the character of Chichikov developed, what are the vital interests that were formed in him under the influence environment, directed his behavior.

Even as a child, he received instructions from his father how to break out into people: “most of all please teachers and bosses ... the most reliable thing in the world ... You can do everything and break everything in the world with a penny. " This behest of his father and laid the foundation of his relationships with people, even from school. To save a penny, but not for its own sake, but as a means to achieve material well-being and a prominent position in society, became the main goal of his entire life.

Already at school, he quickly won the favor of the teacher and, possessing a "great mind on the part of the practical", successfully accumulated money.

Service in various institutions developed and refined his natural data in Chichikov - practical intelligence, dexterous ingenuity, hypocrisy, patience, the ability to "comprehend the spirit of the boss", to find a weak line in the human soul and skillfully influence it for personal purposes, energy and persistence in achieving conceived, complete promiscuity in the means and heartlessness.

Having received the position of a warrant officer, Chichikov “became a noticeable person. Everything turned out to be in him that is needed for this world: both pleasantness in turns and actions, and agility in business affairs. " All this distinguished Chichikov in his further service; this is how he appears before us during the purchase of dead souls.

"Irresistible strength of character", "quickness, insight and foresight", all his ability to charm a person is used by Chichikov in order to achieve the desired enrichment.

Widely applying all his practical boldness, courtesy and resourcefulness, Chichikov managed to charm and provincial town, and homesteads. Having quickly figured out a person, he knows how to approach everyone in a special way, subtly calculating his moves and adapting the manner of address and the very tone of speech to the character of the landowner. One has only to follow how Chichikov behaves and talks to Manilov, Korobochka, Nozdrev, Sobakevich and Plyushkin to be convinced of this and marvel at the inexhaustible variety of "all shades and subtleties of his treatment."

This inner "many-sidedness" of Chichikov, elusiveness is emphasized by his appearance, given by Gogol in indefinite tones. "The gentleman was sitting in the chaise, not handsome, but not bad-looking, neither too fat, nor too thin one cannot say that he is old, but not so that he is too young."

The expression on Chichikov's face constantly changes, depending on who and what he is talking to. Going to the governor's ball, he spends an hour in front of the mirror, studying various facial expressions and manners in order to apply them at the ball. “I tried to convey to him (the face) many different expressions: now important and sedate, now respectful, but with a certain smile, now simply respectful without a smile; several bows were made in the mirror, accompanied by vague sounds, partly similar to French, although Chichikov did not know French at all.

Gogol constantly emphasizes the outward neatness of his hero, his love for cleanliness, good, fashionable suit... Chichikov is always carefully shaved, perfumed; always on clean linen and fashion dress"Brown and reddish colors with a spark" or "the color of Navarin smoke with a flame."

And this external neatness of Chichikov's purity, strikingly contrasted with the internal filth and untidiness of this hero, fully completes the image of a "scoundrel", a "acquirer" -predator, who uses everything to achieve his main goal - profit, acquisitions.

Gogol satirically castigates his hero - a "scoundrel", a representative of those predators, of whom many appeared in the 30s, when the bourgeois-capitalist forces had already begun to develop within the framework of the feudal-serf system. This was noted by Belinsky, who said that "Chichikov, as an acquirer, is no less, if not more than Pechorin, a hero of our time."

Belinsky and Chernyshevsky noted the typicality of Chichikov for the bourgeois world.

Belinsky wrote that “the same Chichikovs meet abroad, only in a different dress: in France and England they do not buy up dead souls, but bribe living souls in free parliamentary elections! The whole difference is in civilization, not in essence. " Chernyshevsky wrote that in England "Chichikovs ... are busy with stock exchange and factory tricks."

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We often say that money is not happiness, but at the same time we always note that a person with money is in a more advantageous position, can afford more than a poor person. Lots of works of art on the topic of a wedding with an unloved, but rich, or the resulting injustice associated with bribery leads to another famous phrase: money rules the world. This is probably why a person with small capital often seeks to improve his financial situation... These methods and methods are not always legal, they often contradict the principles of morality. N. Gogol tells about one of such actions in his poem "Dead Souls".

Who is Chichikov and why does he come to town N

The main character narratives retired official Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov. He is “not handsome, but not bad-looking, neither too fat nor too thin; one cannot say that he is old, but not so that he is too young. " He considers himself a man of pleasant appearance, he especially liked his face "which he loved sincerely and in which, as it seems, he found the chin most attractive, for he very often boasted of it to one of his friends."

This man travels to the villages of Russia, but his goal is by no means as noble as it seems at first glance. Pavel Ivanovich buys "dead souls", that is, documents for the right of ownership of people who have died, but have not yet been entered in the lists of the dead. A census of peasants was carried out every few years, so these very "dead souls" hung around and were considered alive by documents. They represented a lot of trouble and waste, since it was necessary to make payments for them before the next census (revision tales).

Chichikov's offer to sell these people to the landlords sounds more than tempting. Many people find the item of purchase very strange, it sounds suspicious, but the desire will quickly get rid of " dead souls»Takes its toll - one by one the landlords agree to the sale (the only exception was Nozdryov). But why does Chichikov need "dead souls"? He himself says about it this way: “Yes, buy all these that have died out before they have submitted new revision tales, buy them, let's say, a thousand, yes, let's say, the board of trustees will give two hundred rubles per capita: that's two hundred thousand to capital ". In other words, Pavel Ivanovich plans to resell his "dead souls", passing them off as living people. Of course, it is impossible to sell serfs without land, but he also finds a way out here - buying land in a distant place, "for a penny." Naturally, such a plan was not dictated good conditions life and financial situation, but whatever one may say, it is a dishonest act.

Surname meaning

It is difficult to judge unambiguously about the etymology of the surname of Pavel Ivanovich. It is not as prosaic as the names of other characters in the poem, but the very fact that the names of other characters are their characteristic (they pay attention to moral or physical flaws) prompts the idea that a similar situation should be with Chichikov.

And so, it is likely that this surname originated from the word "chichik". In Western Ukrainian dialects, this was the name of a small songbird. N. Gogol was associated with Ukraine, so it can be assumed that he had in mind exactly this meaning of the word - Chichikov, like a bird, sings beautiful songs to everyone. There are no other values ​​fixed by dictionaries. The author himself does not explain anywhere why the choice fell on this particular word and what he wanted to say by awarding Pavel Ivanovich with such a surname. That's why this information should be perceived at the level of a hypothesis, it should be argued that this absolutely correct explanation is impossible in view of the small amount of information on this matter.

Personality and character

Arriving in town N, Pavel Ivanovich meets the local landowners, the governor. He makes a good impression on them. This beginning of a trusting relationship contributed to Chichikov's further purchases - they spoke of him as a man of high morals and excellent upbringing - such a person cannot be a swindler and a deceiver. But, as it turned out, it was just a tactical move, allowing you to deftly deceive the landlords.

The first thing that surprises in Chichikov is his attitude to hygiene. For many of his new acquaintances, this became a sign of a person from high society. Pavel Ivanovich “waking up very early in the morning, having washed himself, wiping himself from head to toe with a wet sponge, which was done only by Sundays". He "rubbed both cheeks with soap for an extremely long time", when he washed, "plucked two hairs that had come out of his nose." As a result, those around him decided that "the visitor turned out to be such attentiveness to the toilet, which is not even seen everywhere."

Chichikov is a sucker. "In conversations with these rulers, he very skillfully knew how to flatter everyone." At the same time, he tried not to tell anything concrete about himself, to make do with general phrases, those present thought that he was doing this out of modesty.

In addition, the phrases “he is not a meaningless worm of this world and is not worthy to be cared for much about him, that he has experienced a lot in his life, endured in the service for the truth, had many enemies who even attempted on his life, and that now, desiring calm down, looking to finally choose a place to live ”evoked a certain feeling of pity in those around him for Chichikov.

Soon all new acquaintances began to speak flatteringly about him, trying to please "such a pleasant, educated guest."

Manilov, characterizing Chichikov, argued that "he is ready to vouch, as for himself, that he would sacrifice all his estate in order to have a hundredth part of the qualities of Pavel Ivanovich."

“The governor said about him that he was a well-meaning person; prosecutor - what is he efficient person; the gendarme colonel said that he scientist; the chairman of the chamber - that he is a knowledgeable and respectable person; the police chief - that he is a respectable and kind person; the wife of the police chief - that he is the most amiable and courteous person. "

As you can see, Pavel Ivanovich managed to penetrate the trust of the landowners and the governor. the best way.

He managed to keep a fine line and not go too far with flattery and praise in the direction of the landowners - his lies and sycophancy were sweet, but not so much that the lie was conspicuous. Pavel Ivanovich knows how not only to present himself in society, but also has a talent to convince people. Not all landowners agreed to say goodbye to their "dead souls" without question. Many, such as Korobochka, very much doubted the legitimacy of such a sale. Pavel Ivanovich manages to achieve his goal and convince that such a sale is not unusual.

It should be noted that Chichikov has developed intellectual abilities... This manifests itself not only when thinking about a plan to get rich on "dead souls", but also in the manner of conducting a conversation - he knows how to maintain a conversation at the proper level, not having sufficient knowledge of this or that issue, to look smart in the eyes of others is unrealistic and no flattery and sycophancy unable to save the situation.

In addition, he is very friendly with arithmetic and knows how to quickly carry out mathematical operations in his mind: “Seventy-eight, seventy-eight, thirty kopecks per soul, it will be ... - here our hero for one second, no more, thought and said suddenly: - it will be twenty-four rubles ninety-six kopecks. "

Pavel Ivanovich knows how to adapt to new conditions: “he felt that the word“ virtue ”and“ rare properties of the soul ”could be successfully replaced with the words“ economy ”and“ order ”", although he cannot always quickly figure out what to say: “Already Plyushkin stood for several minutes, not saying a word, and Chichikov still could not start a conversation, amused both by the sight of the owner himself and by everything that was in his room. "

Having acquired serfs, Pavel Ivanovich feels awkward and anxious, but these are not pangs of conscience - he wants to get the job done as quickly as possible and is afraid that something might go wrong. similar cases such a burden is always needed off the shoulders as soon as possible.

However, his deception was revealed - Chichikov instantly turns from an object of worship and a desired guest into an object of ridicule and rumors, he is not allowed into the governor's house. “Yes, you are the only ones who were not ordered to let in, everyone else is allowed,” the doorman tells him.

The others are also not happy to see him - they mumble something indistinct. This confuses Chichikov - he cannot understand what happened. Rumors about his scam reach Chichikov himself. As a result, he goes home. In the last chapter, we learn that Pavel Ivanovich is of common origin, his parents tried to provide him better life, so by sending it to independent life, gave him such advice that, as the parents thought, would allow him to take a good place in life: “Pavlusha, study ... please teachers and bosses most of all. Do not hang out with your comrades, they will not teach you good; and if it comes to that, so hang out with those who are richer, so that on occasion they can be useful to you. Do not treat or treat anyone, but behave better so that you are treated, and most of all, take care of and save a penny ... You will do everything and you will destroy everything in the world with a penny. "

Thus, Pavel Ivanovich, guided by the advice of his parents, lived so as not to spend money anywhere and save money, but to earn honest way significant capital turned out to be unrealistic, even with austerity and acquaintance with the rich. The plan to buy "dead souls" was supposed to provide Chichikov with a fortune and money, but in practice it turned out to be not so. The stigma of a swindler and a dishonest person stuck to him. Whether the hero himself learned a lesson from their current situation is a rhetorical question, it is likely that the second volume should have revealed the secret, but, unfortunately, Nikolai Vasilyevich destroyed it, so the reader can only guess what happened next and whether Chichikov should be blamed for such an act or it is necessary to mitigate his guilt, referring to the principles to which the society is subordinated.

Chichikov in the story by N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls": analysis of the hero, image and characteristics

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