Boris Korchevnikov returned with the new TV show "The Fate of Man. Exclusive from Boris Korchevnikova: Vladimir Solovyov's fate Fate is a new project

Boris Korchevnikov returned with the new TV show
Boris Korchevnikov returned with the new TV show "The Fate of Man. Exclusive from Boris Korchevnikova: Vladimir Solovyov's fate Fate is a new project

Russian transmission, Draft channel "Russia 1", telling about little-known details from the life of celebrities: sports stars, actors, businessmen, etc.

About the show fate of a person

In a programme " Fate of man"Boris Korchevnikov creates a trust in which each guest can fully reveal and tell the story of his life. In form, the program is a frank video portrait of the hero, in which each of the guests talks about complex and turning points in fate, tragic cases and heavy feelings and emotions.

In one of the issues to visit Boris, a famous gymnast and TV presenter Leisan Urtyashev, who told about his difficult relationships with his father and experiences related to the loss of Mom was coming.

Another heroine program has become Valentina SolovyovaIn the 90s, which created the Financial Pyramid "Lord".

2 November 2017 Businessman, TV presenter, writer, publicist and public figure Vladimir Soloviev, famous viewers on the project " To Barier! »On the NTV television channel. Korchevnikov and Guest discussed the features of TV presenters, arising problems with viewers and participants of the programs. One of the patients with the conversation was the income of Vladimir Solovyov. The presenter told that he had always declared his income and did not hide the ability to make money. Another difficult moment for Vladimir Solovyov was a meeting with George Bush.

Guest of the program of November 3, 2017 was the actress Maria Aronov. She talked about their attitude to gossip, distributed by Internet publications and a yellow press, and in particular, that it is sick oncological disease. Aonovova told that her mother was gone from cancer, and the actress tries to protect his father and a teenage daughter from rumors.

On October 4, the transmission dedicated to the famous Soviet and Russian film director Nikita Mikhalkov was published on the screens. Mikhalkov brought with him a statuette "Oscar", handed over for the film "Burnt by the Sun" in 1994. The presenter took a reward, standing on his knees. The director told that he did not remember the moment of delivery of Oscar, because at that moment was very drunk. And after the ceremony, Mikhalkov forgot the statuette in the car.

About the leading show fate of a person

The program is leading a well-known actor and TV host Boris Korchevnikov, who had previously worked on a straight line "Direct Ether". In August 2017, it became known that Boris left the show, leaving the place of the leading Andrei Malakhov, and he himself took the post of general producer of the Orthodox TV channel "Savior." In October, Korchevnikov returned to "Russia 1" with the program " Fate of man».

As an actor Boris Korchevnikov became known after entering the screens of the adventure series "

In October, a new program of Boris Korchevnikova "Fate of Man" starts on the TV channel "Russia 1". In the studio of its author's show, the TV presenter will tell about interesting people with an amazing destiny. The shooting will take place recently - September 28 and 29, now recruit the audience in the crowd. All those who want to sit and applaud in the studio from 11 am to 00.30 promise to pay a thousand rubles, competently transfers the "TV program".


Note that Boris Korchevnikov has time to work on the channel "Savior". For example, for the religious resource of domestic television, the showman arrived in Pskov to visit the Festival of VGTRK "Man and Vera". Korchevnikov visited the local temple, where the story happened to him, which Korchevnikov told on his official page in the Instagram social network.

"Today in the temple one old man was compared to me: I'm not standing there or something in this spirit. I apologized to move away - I remember that I just wanted to save the world, and there was no gust to somehow responding. It's nicely. Then Before the most part, he suddenly approached: "Sorry me." I returned to my corner, leaned on the sticks and ... I cried. Highly and strongly wiped wrinkled wrinkled eyes, but all the tears tell on wriggles, cheeks and beard. He looked through They are on the icons. And I looked at him. And also I was crying. So we stood. The closest people in these moments, "said the leading leader.

Boris Korchevnikov was born in Moscow. His mother Irina Leonidovna is a well-deserved worker of culture, worked at the Moscow Art Theater. Father Vyacheslav Orlov over 30 years led Pushkin theater. Not so long ago, Boris's family was well known, and the media appeared in the media that the father of the future actor - TV presenter Vladimir Berezin.

It is known that Boris spent a lot of free time in the theater at his mother. Signing from the diaper, everything that happens behind the scenes, he did not shy the scene at all. When the boy turned 8 years old, offered him to participate in one of his performances. Boria agreed and became one of the most young actors MCAT. He took part in such productions as "Kabala Svyatosh", "Boris Godunov", "my dear, good", "Sailor silence" and many others.

But the performances were for the boy just entertainment, the game. From an early age he dreamed of becoming a television journalist, participated in several views and castings for the vacancy of leading children's programs. Finally, when he was 11 years old, Boris Korchevnikov was invited to the RTR channel to the program "There-there news", designed for small viewers, and after 5 years on the same TV channel he became the leading and reporter of the Youth Tower.

After graduation, the young man came immediately in two educational institutions - to the MCAT Theater Studio and Moscow State University at the Faculty of Journalism. But he could not pass full training at the same time in two directions, so he made a choice towards the beloved profession.

A television

Starting from 2001, still remaining a student, a young journalist cooperates with NTV television channel. From this point on, its active biography on TV starts. As a reporter, it prepares reports at once for several gears of this channel: "Today", "Naming", "Personal Contribution", "Country and Peace", "Profession - Reporter", "Principal Hero" and others.

Two years, from 2009, led the cognitive program "I want to believe!" About the riddles of the history and civilizations of our planet. In total, 87 programs came out on the STS channel. At the same time, the documentary film "Romania" comes on the channel "Russia". Albania. Two destinies "dedicated to the topic of Orthodox Christianity. The lead and partially, Boris Korchevnikov is the leading and partially screenwriter. To religious themes, he will return more than once, but the most sensational will be the film-investigation "I do not believe!", Published on the NTV channel in 2013.

Also, Korchevnikov also participated as a leader in the 6-serial documentary "Concentration camps. The road to hell "2009, in the 20-serial documentary project" History of Russian Show Business ", a 20-serial continuation of the previous project" History of Russian humor ".

From May 2013, Boris Korchevnikova can be regularly seen on the TV channel "Russia-1" in the public current show "Direct Ether", where he changed the popular TV presenter.

Korchevnikova often invite various events and gala concerts, for example, "Day of Slavic Writing and Culture - 2013", "1025 years of the Baptism of Russia" on Red Square, shares "Immortal Regiment" and others.


The debut in the game movie for the young actor was the film "Sailor silence", in which the boy got the role of a schoolboy David. Then in 2002, he took part in the shooting of the television series "Torivka 2. HAPPINESS HAPPINESS", where Maxim Makeev played in one of the episodes. A year later, Boris took part in the episode of another series - "Other Life", in which he starred in the role of Seva.

Boris Korchevnikov in the serial "Cadet"

Success and fame came to him after entering the screens of the series about the life of Suvorov "Cadet". The film had colossal popularity among adolescents, and actors, including the Korchevnikov, even traveled around the country. Boris plays one of the main roles - a decent and purposeful boy Ilya Sinitina (tit). Many fans of films will soon call him the main character of one of the most popular TV series in the post-Soviet space. Actress Olga Lukyanenko, who has played the role of Ksyusha in Kadeti, the girl of the Tits in Cadets.

It is curious that at the time of shooting the actor was older than his character for almost 10 years. But the Twood appearance of Korchevnikov helped successfully join the role. In total, three seasons of the series came out on the screens, which were shown on television from 2006 to 2008.

Subsequently, he got the main roles in films, although there were no particularly noticeable paintings. Some exceptions can only be called a fantastic comedy "New Year's tariff.

Talk Show "Live Ether"

In April 2013, the leadership of the Russia 1 TV channel makes changes to the popular program "Direct Ether". Its format varies significantly: a new TV host appears, a modern studio is equipped.

Boris Korchevnikov in the show "Direct Ether"

Instead of Mikhail Zelensky, who since 2011 led to a famous TV shows, the leading was appointed Boris Korchevnikov. The new TV host brings with you absolutely other author's intonation. Viewers liked such changes. From that moment on, Boris fixes his success on TV.

Many people remember the scandal with the participation of the famous Showman and Boris Korchevnikov during one of the issues of "direct ether". There was a swing between them, but before the fight still did not come.

In February 2017, information appeared that. This media stated one of the representatives of the Russia TV channel.

Many viewers immediately began to ask the question of why Korchevnikov left the "direct ether". It is assumed that the TV host decision took for personal reasons.


In 2015, Boris Korchevnikov shocked its fans with recognition during the next release of the "Direct Ether" program. On the transfer, which was on the air "Russia-1" channel, there were two famous people - singer and actor. They talked about their struggle with oncology, and those present supported the desire of celebrities to overcome terrible ailments. The studio discussed the problem, shared their experiences and spoke the necessary words of support.

In the final of the program, everyone literally died his TV host himself, stating that he was sick with a cancer. Boris Korchevnikov made a statement that not so long ago his state of health was extremely difficult. It suffered a heavy operation to remove the brain tumor. Boris asked the guests of the studio and all the audience to pray for Dmitry and Andrei:

"I know how important it is when you pray for you, I know how the prayers are needed. I know because I myself have recently been in this situation. I was also diagnosed with brain tumor. Fortunately, she turned out to be benign, the operation has already been made. "

It was noticeable that the Russian TV presenter is clearly hard to remember the problems with health, and the speech was not easy. He thanked his loved ones, saying that it was that the support of relatives helped overcome this barrier, a terrible challenge that threw him his life.

The viewers remembered that several releases of the "direct ether" the famous TV presenter dedicated the singer who died from cancer. Many began to talk about certain analogies, evil rock, about unfortunate fate of celebrities that pay for their glory suffering.

This period of his life, Boris Vyacheslavovich, called the "state of powerlessness, whining the monstrous". He frankly told that, having heard the news of his illness, began to prepare for death. In addition, Korchevnikov condemned the Russian society, which, in his opinion, is extremely aimed at obtaining various pleasures:

"I think it comes from a completely wrong attitude towards death in our society. We are the farther, the more we live in such a hedonistic society, where death is completely absent "in the mass field." Although death is what is happening in any case with each. And this is the most important event in our lives. "

Such revelations of the famous TV host were a surprise for many. In 2016, social networks have actively started discussing the reflection of Boris about life and death, and his recovery called Miracle. In the network "Instagram", commenting on the recovery of the famous actor, many admired his persistence and attitude towards experienced.

Personal life

Boris Korchevnikov is constantly in appearance as a TV presenter, perhaps, so he tries in every way to hide his personal life from the public. Russian publications reported that he met with a model and a journalist Anna Odean, but did not come to the registry office. Couple has stopped relationships.

It is known that Boris met for a long time with the actress Anna-Cecil Sverdlova. Cecil was born in France, but grew up in the capital of Russia. His wife can be seen in such films as "Moscow. Three stations "," New Year's marriage "and" if you are not with me. " In the media, information has repeatedly appeared that the couple played a wedding back in 2013, but it was not confirmed. In 2016, the couple broke up, the TV host hard worried about this gap.

Boris is fond of foreign languages, freely owns German and English. Moreover, it was specially leaving for Germany and the UK to improve the conversational speech, communicating with native speakers, as well as pass the appropriate exams.

Boris Korchevnikov Now

In August 2017, the most discussed news became from the first channel. TV presenter thanking colleagues and channel management for all the years of collaboration.

Later it became known that at the end of August Malakhov became the leading new season of the show "Direct Ether" on "Russia 1", replacing Boris Korchevnikov. The most was dedicated to Boris, who gave the project for four years of life. This issue, many recognized very emotional.


  • 1997 - Sailor Silence
  • 2002 - thief 2. HAPPINES
  • 2003 - Other Life
  • 2006-2007 - Cadet
  • 2008 - "New Year's" tariff
  • 2010 - landing bass
  • 2010 - Black Baran
  • 2011 - guys and paragraph
  • 2013 - I do not believe!
  • 2013 - the history of the Russian humor

Boris Korchevnikov experienced a complex operation to remove a tumor on a rumor nerve. It did not pass without a trace for his hearing, and also affected the further choice of work. However, it was not possible to do for a long time without the duties of the leader. Since October, a new transfer with his participation will appear on the channel "Russia 1".

All fans of the leading Boris Korchevnikov are worried about his health. There were rumors that due to the deterioration of hearing, the leading problems with work appeared. However, the Korchevnikov himself denies it.

Boris Korchevnikov did not confirm the rumors that he had oncology, because of which he threw the work of the leading "direct ether". According to Boris, he really had a brain tumor, but benign. At the moment she was removed and the danger passed.

Not so long ago, the popular TV host program "Direct Ether" (VGTRK) Boris Korchevnikov shared with journalists information about his illness and causes of leaving the program. According to Boris, rumors that spread in the media about its oncology are incorrect.

He really discovered a brain tumor, but she was benign and at the moment it was already removed by surgical path. Now Boris feels good and left the transfer of "direct ether" at all for health, but because he was appointed by the Director General of the Orthodox TV channel "Savior".

At first, Korchevnikov tried to combine two positions immediately, but after some time I realized that it would take a lot of strength from him and could affect the quality of the gear. Therefore, he gave way to the "live broadcast" Andrei Malakhov, and he himself dedicated himself to "save."

Also, Boris shared with journalists, that after the victoriousness he realized that such a real life was with God, and that he felt a true sense of freedom, joy and love in the church. His subscribers in the social network "Instagram" of the Korchevnikov trying to introduce to the Orthodox faith.

History of the disease and recovery of Korchevnikov

In 2015, the doctors suspected Boris Korchevnikov tumor of the brain. He made a tomogram, and the diagnosis was confirmed. The tumor was identified as a benign, but the operation was still needed. During surgical intervention, the nerve was held, because of which Boris had problems with hearing.

In February 2017, Boris Korchevnikov announced the departure from the "direct ether". He did not name specific reasons, but the media began to mutate rumors that the tumor returned, and this time in malignant. As you can see, in vain.

Anyway, in August 2017, the place of the leading "direct ether" occupied Andrei Malakhov. For the first edition of the "direct ether", the new lead invited Boris Korchevnikova,

In September of the same year, the media reported a new author's program of Boris Korchevnikov at the epira of Russia. The show entitled "The Fate of Man" is devoted to the amazing stories of interesting people.

Return of Korchevnikov on Russia-1

From Monday, October 2, TV channel "Russia 1" launched a new show with Boris Korchevnikov called the "Fate of Man". There will be no scandals, smoking heroes, dirty linen, which are shocked in the studio guests. The Fresh Author's Project Boris Korchevnikova is designed to tell the audience about the amazing life of both famous and ordinary people.

In his last "live broad", Boris Korchevnikov frankly told the audience about complex relations with his father, about divorce, about his illness, the site portal. It is on such a trust and frank conversation that Boris Korchevnikov invites its guests.

"The Fate of Man" is a frank portrait interview about the fate of the main character, about interesting and little-known autobiographical facts, the feelings and emotions that worked on the main turns of his fate.

The heroes of the "Fate of Man" program will not only well-known artists and politicians, but also ordinary people with difficult fate, the heroes of our time. The fate of every person is unique. Is it possible to change your destiny or is it predetermined? Everyone decides for himself ...

The program will go out every day on weekdays from October 2 at noon. The first hero of the transmission is the leading Vladimir Solovyov, around which a lot of hostile Korshunov recently circled: the Urganta story with the "nightingale litter", then Navalny's attacks, who says about the chic villa at Solovyov on the Italian Lake Como. In a word, it was time to hear a story about the difficult fate of the leading political talk show "Duel", tolded by him.

Fate of man Issue October 2, 2017 watch online

In the nearest issues of the project "The Fate of Man", the widow of the great director Yuri Lyubimov will tell why and from whom she fured out her last love. The Olympic champion Lyisan Urty will open the secret, why she hides their children abroad, as Mom's death survived and about a difficult relationship with his father. As well as the history of the former owner of the financial pyramid of "Lord" Valentina Solovyva, who managed to deceive the half, how was her fate, and was she going to resume her financial activities?

Korchevnikov was married - fans in shock

Ex-leading program "Direct Ether" 35-year-old Boris Korchevnikov prefers nothing about his personal life, except that still lives with her mother, but dreams of his wife and children. However, as it turned out, the popular TV host was married, and, quite a long time, but divorced.

The TV host's wife was Actress Anna-Cecil Sverdlov. 29-year-old Anna-Cecil was born in France, but with his family moved to Moscow. Here the girl graduated from school, guitis and even managed to play in some TV shows - "Aroma of Roshovnika", "If you are not with me", "crew", but after marriage ceased to film and went to work on the Orthodox TV channel "Tsargrad".

It is known that with the future (and now already divorced), the wife of Korchevnikov met the church. She was a parishion bowl of the same temple as he.

"We met in the church and eight years were together, but did not work out. So, another scenario is simply registered. This man did a lot to bring me away to God. She asked me a bar, "- quotes the words of Korchevnikov TV program.

The TV presenter himself believes that he has a chance for friendship, since no parties have no betrayal, which means that the confidence remained.

The star of Russian television Boris Korchevnikov remains one of the most enviable bachelors of Russia. Thousands of fans became interested in a man since the release of the series "Cadet". What is known about the personal life of the popular Russian TV host, journalist and actor Boris Korchevnikova, read in our article.

The future journalist and the TV host were born in Moscow. This event occurred 20. 07.1982. The parents of the boy were early divorced, so he was brought up with one mother. Her work was connected with the theater. In it, Irina Leonidovna worked as deputy chief engineer. A little later, she took the post of director of the theater of dolls. Exemplary. Therefore, in childhood, Boris Korchevnikov spent a lot of time in the theater. The boy noticed theatrical directions and began to be happy to invite to participate in the production. In the O. Tabakov Theater, the young actor played more than 10 roles.

It is not surprising that after graduation, Boris expressed a desire to receive acting education. However, along with this he dreamed of becoming a journalist. Therefore, she filed documents immediately in 2 educational institutions: Moscow State University at the Faculty of Journalism and MCAT.

To do progress at the same time in 2 educational institutions was extremely difficult. Boris Korchevnikov preferred to choose Moscow State University and did not lose, because the profession of a journalist brought him great popularity.

Career on television

Back in young years, until the end of the Moscow State University, Boris Vyacheslavovich Korchevnikov worked as leading children's information programs.

Since 2002, he became a regular correspondent of the NTV information service. Korchevnikov prepared information plots for today "," Personal Contribution "," The Main Hero ".

In 2008, the journalist moved to the CTC channel. Korchevnikov tried himself as a lead, he worked in the transmission of "Details". In parallel with the work on this channel, he created his author's projects, including:

  • "Romania. Albania. Two destinies ";
  • "Concentration camps. Road to hell";
  • "I want to believe!".

In the project "I want to believe!" The journalist investigated the issue of "Involutions of the Russian Church," took an interview with bloggers and well-known personalities who were sharply spoke in the address of the church. This work received an ambiguous assessment. Boris Korchevnikov were accused of bias, but this journalist just added popularity.

Career moved forward and it was only necessary to make successful steps. That is why the presenter arrived. Since May 2013, Boris Korchevnikov began working on the "Russia" channel in the "Direct Ether" program.

Boris Vyacheslavovich Korchevnikov leads "direct ether" on the channel Russia

Of course, it is impossible not to note today's successes of the professional. He has already established himself in senior positions. Since 2017, Boris Korchevnikov occupies the post of general director and producer of the channel "Savior".

In addition, Boris Korchevnikov has repeatedly starred in popular films. At his account, role in the series "Cadet", "New Year's Tariff", "Guys and Paragraph". It was that talented man he showed himself.

Belisa's beloved and wife Boris Korchevnikova

The name of the beloved Boris Korchevnikova Cecil Sverdlova. Girl come from France. However, Cecil Frenchwoman only by origin. She spent his school years in Moscow. Cecil Sverdlova graduated from Gitis, and after filmed in such films as "New Year's marriage", "if you are not with me" and others.

Of the untested sources it is known that young people met for several years in a row. It is worth noting that Boris and Cecile are both deeply believers. Lovers were together seen in the temples, at presentations and various festivals.

Several years ago, Cecil and Boris "got married." Tapes of news of famous Russian editions Peplili headlines "The actor of the series" Cadet "married.

After the appearance of rumors in the Russian Internet about the marriage of Boris Korchevnikov, the man did not diminish the men. Even married he was and remains an incredibly interesting man for the women's audience of viewers.

A number of editions described in detail the details of the wedding. Boris's fans read the news, which said that the TV host wanted to organize a magnificent celebration. Together a banquet and a bright photo session for the press, young people preferred to sign without witnesses. The wedding of Boris and Cecil knew perhaps the closest people.

So was it married Boris really?

In one of the interviews (in December 2015), Boris stated that he was not married to Cecile. Information about his wedding is fiction. By the way, about this fact from the personal life of the TV master is mentioned on the page of Boris Korchevnikov in Wikipedia.

The press hurried to marry the TV master. Boris confirmed that his romantic relationship was associated with him from Cecile. Officially, the couple did not fix them.

Later Boris told that they from Cecile broke up. The man wanted to keep with a former beloved exclusively friendly relations. It is not known whether Boris has managed.

Opinion Colleagues about the beloved Korchevnikova Cecil Sverdlova

A colleague from the TV channel "Tsargrad" told that Cecile was an unusual girl. She came to work with her mother, which was waiting for the end of the daughter's working day. In the breaks of Mom, Kamil Cecil, and later, watched the girl to get home. According to the colleague, called Catherine, the Cecile was still "did not grow up" before marriage. If the girl pursues her mother everywhere, then what family life can we talk about.

It is not known whether some Catherine told that. Perhaps the girl is just Rosavidova

la success Cecil and decided to take revenge in such a way, having humiliated Boris Korchevnikov in the eyes of the fans.

Does the leading children have?

Despite the fact that Boris Korchevnikov was allegedly married, he had no children from Cecile. They with "Wife" did not hurry to continue the genus. About his personal life TV presenter and actor prefers not to spread. Nevertheless, it is known that Boris Korchevnikov children are not for sure. A man believes that kids should be born exclusively in a full-fledged loving family. While he does not have foreseen, Boris does not consider it necessary to think about the offspring.

In an interview with Timur Kizyakov, Boris admitted that he repeatedly tried to create a family. Unfortunately, none of the attempts were crowned with success.

The man grew up without his father, so he like no other knows how much a full-fledged family is important for the child. He had long dreamed of hosting the host program "While all the houses" of Timur Kizyakov. Boris Glyko, that on the set of his family at the table was sitting only one mom. Male want to have a big family. The TV presenter admits that even his mother Irina Leonidovna Korchevnikova dreams of grandchildren.

Boris believes that both mother and dad should take part in the child's education. These people have a very strong influence on the kid, they cannot be "divided". Concepts husband and father for Boris are not separated. But the mother of the TV presenter believes that the future daughter-in-law will have difficulty in marriage with her son. A woman says that Boris's chosen should be incredibly patient. Only in this case, happiness will reign in the family.

Boris Korchevnikov believes that if he had a father in his childhood, he himself had exactly the family right now. The man would have wanted to make a family, looking at the example of his parents.

Where did Boris Korchevnikov live with his "wife"?

From the untested sources it is known that Boris Korchevnikov was prescribed the official in its apartment in Moscow, where, most likely, young people and lived. Subsequently, this information was published on the Moscow City Court's website after Boris flooded the neighbors. It is worth recalling that the neighbors decided to submit a lawsuit to the court on the actor. By regret, they could not receive compensation for material damage caused.

It is not known whether Boris Corchevniks subsequently wrote out his "fabulous", or Cecile is still listed as the vein of its Moscow apartment.

Who is the father of the TV presenter?

Who is to blame for the fact that Boris Korchevnikov still did not get a family? We have already mentioned that the TV host himself considers the absence of a father in his life - the main reason why at 35 he is still alone.

Father Boris is called Vyacheslav Evgenyevich Orlov. He threw Mom Boris Irina Leonidovna Korchevnikov, when she was pregnant. For the first time, the son saw his father aged 13.

Vyacheslav Evgenievich worked as director of the Theater named after Pushkin, and later became the Presentation of the theater. In 2015, Father Boris Korchevnikova died. A man died in the 70th year of life. It is worth noting that Vyacheslav Orlova also has a daughter. She is 12 years old older Boris. The name and surname of a woman are unknown. The only thing that the fans of Boris Korchevnikov know are that his sister works as a teacher of primary classes.

Memories of Boris Korchevnikov about father

The former leading "direct ether" Boris Korchevnikov does not blame the father that he did not have a personal life with his mother. Shortly before the death of the parent TV presenter invited him to meet and communicate. It turned out that the man is not healthy. Boris recalls that his father was constantly smoked and drank a lot of coffee. The TV host understood that his father would die soon. He barely managed to restrain tears. Despite the fact that Vyacheslav Evgenievich did not live with his family, Boris still does not consider him a stranger. He did not want his father to die alone, so he was next to him at that moment.

The presenter told that his father died, holding his hand in his hand. Under life, the father managed to introduce his son with his sister. Boris admitted that he was glad to find another close man.

Boris Korchevnikova's father tormented for a long time and tried to fight death. In one of the interview, the TV presenter said that a few months the Father was in a coma. Boris tried to support him as he could. The man hurts to realize that in the world for one close man has become less. Father acquired only at 13 years old (while periodically without communicating with him for several years), Boris still responds about the parent with exceptional warmth.

It is worth noting that Vyacheslav Evgenyevich Orlov did not participate in the upbringing of the Son and did not help his family. Nevertheless, Boris continued to consider him by his father and even discussed with him a personal life with unsuccessful attempts to make a family.

One of the bright memories of Boris from childhood - how he in the theater in every man is looking for his father, asking: "Is you my dad?".

Mom Boris Korchevnikova Irina Leonidovna Korchevnikova says that the question of his son, where his dad, she answered the guy, that he left, because Boris was bad for himself. In the program "While all at home", Timur Kizyakov noted that such an approach to the child was somewhat inhuman from Mom.

Predictions for Boris Korchevnikov from a numerologist

Numerologist Clara Kuzdenbayeva predicted Boris Korchevnikov to the ambulance.

Clara told Boris - a man with a wide soul. He gets satisfaction from what helps the needy. The TV host had no chance to stay in the shade. Boris was destined to become a famous person.

What Mama Boris Korchevnikova told, confirmed the numberologist Clara Kuzdenbayeva - the TV presenter has some difficulties with the decision of everyday issues. For example, it is useless to ask to nourish the shelf in the bathroom, as it does not tolerate physical work. Fortunately, the negative attitude towards physical work concerns only life.

Boris is an emotionally rich man. He is generous and likes to make gifts. Also, Clara Kuzdenbaeva noted that the TV presenter is incredibly severe sexual energy. For this, his girls love him.

What else told Clara Kuzdenbayev?

Boris Korchevnikov (see photo) marries 37 years. Clara Kuzdenbayeva believes that it is at this age that the TV presenter has a personal life, a wife and children will appear. His choices should be very patient and a little greedy. Why greedy? Boris loves to sift with money. He needs the person who will control it.

Numerologist noted that Boris dismantled badly in humans. The TV host is poorly developed intuition. It is often straightforward and impatient. Many people do not like it. Others begin to be afraid of a man because of this.

According to Clara Kozdenbayeva, Boris is a real balovian fate. That is why those surrounding goodbye to him those flaws that rarely, who put together. A man born on July 20 (Boris Korchevnikova's birthday) is able to finish other people's fate, he himself not knowing, noted a numerologist.

Another numerologist gave Boris the Council, more closely to his health.

Why did Boris Korchevnikov left the "direct ether"?

Recently it became known that the place of the lead in the program "Direct Ether" will take Andrei Malakhov, and Boris Korchevnikov leaves from the canal. Boris's fans are interested in whether the leading leads at their own desire, or he was "asked" to leave.

Boris Korchevnikov himself said that after his departure, the program would already be such as before. It is worth noting that the working group participating in the release of "direct ether" earlier remains working with Andrei Malakhov.

TV presenter denied rumors about the connection of his care with health problems. Boris noted that all problems are solved.

Fans of the TV presenter believe that Pet's departure from the program "Direct Ether" is associated with the fact that Boris offered a position on the "Savior" channel. Now he is the general producer and general director of the channel.