Bitter on the bottom Love conflict. Love conflict in the play at the bottom

Bitter on the bottom Love conflict. Love conflict in the play at the bottom

Maxim Gorky's play "At the bottom" reveals philosophical and social problems Societies at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.

The work "At the bottom" draws the attention of the reader to the merciless world of people's rejected society, who rolled on his bottom.

The main characters of the work are residents of the night. All these people are unhappy in their own way, and each of them has their own life story. Someone from birth belonged to this world, and someone started his life differently, but for some reason sank to the bottom.

That dirty peace Poverty rules only desire to survive. It seems that there is no place for light, elevated feelings. Therefore, to detect a love conflict in this play, at least unexpectedly.

The conflict unfolds around love triangle: Vasily Sidel, Vasilisa and Natasha. It all starts with the appearance on the pages of her husband Vasilisa, Kostyleva, who is looking for his young wife, which he suspects in betraying him with Vaska ash. Everything looks pretty trite before the appearance younger sister Vasilisa, Natasha.

Between Vasily Ashes and Natasha, real, clean love, which you do not expect to meet in the play "at the bottom".

The heart of Vaska suddenly scored a new, light and disinterested feeling, which was strikingly different from that vulgar passion he experienced to Vasilis.

Illusion of bright future

But the world of rejected does not give a chance in love with a bright future. Vasilisa, from jealousy to former lover, Astit native sister. At the same time, she dreams of getting rid of her husband-tyrana.

Her dream come true: Vasily ash kills Kostylev in a fight. The ash falls behind the bars. At the same time, Natasha disappears from the pages of the play. The dream of young people about the bright life, which was so close, collapses.

The possibility of a better future for Vaska ash and Natasha was only an illusion, a deceptive feeling. The world of rejected never releases those who turned out to be in them once.

The play "At the bottom" depicts an unusual love conflict that does not fit into the usual idea of \u200b\u200blove conflicts. Love line It is not the main thing in the work of Gorky, however, it was she who demonstrated the reader all the bitterness and the ruthlessness of the world of people who once turned out to be "at the bottom"

Essay "At the bottom - bitter" features of a love conflict in the play M. Gorky "On the bottom"

Piece "At the bottom" M.Gorky as a philosophical drama

About the idea of \u200b\u200bthe play about the life of the "bottom" people, Gorky wrote like this: "It will be scary. I have already ready for plans, I see faces, figures, I hear the voices, speeches, the motives of actions are clear, everything is clear. " Unclear before last moment There were only genre and name. The author reflected above the title: "WITHOUT SUN", "DNO", "SUMMER". And finally, it was born - "at the bottom."

All this dictates a play philosophical sound. Important moment Dramas - the appearance at the Luke at night. Outwardly, he does not affect the life of its inhabitants (and what is able to make a beggar, a homeless old man?), But still in the minds of the nightnamons, thanks to Luke, stressful work begins.

The development of the play as philosophical drama Begins at the very moment when the "bottom" people detect the ability to dream of new, best Life, reflect on your destinies. Philosophical issues It was above all, in disputes of heroes about a person, good and truth.

The play "At the bottom", who told the audience and readers about the life of Moscow Bosyakov, is distinguished by an increased "ideological". The paradox of the philosophical drama M. Gorky is that the issues of being, its philosophical aspects People who are deprived of society are arguing, lowering. But it is they resemble readers and audience about tremendous human capabilities.

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/ Works / Gorky M. / on the bottom / play "At the bottom" M. Gorky as a philosophical drama

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The play "At the bottom" - the work is deep, ambiguous, in which the author put complex philosophical and moral problems. Among them is the problem of truth and lies, a true and false compassion, the problem of personality degradation, the problem of people's relationships. Revealing the last problem, the author cannot fail to contact the topic of love, which even in such inhuman conditions, as life at the bedroom, still exists and causes characters to make crazy actions to prove their feeling.

Life at a bedroom, the inhabitants of which are trying to somehow exist, it seems unreal and fantastic, because people initially put in such conditions when nothing to be normal. "The basement similar to the cave. Ceiling - heavy stone vaults, wrapped, with a rolling stucco. The light is from the viewer and, from top to bottom, from the square window on the right side. The right corner is engaged by the fenced thin bulkheads of the ash's room, near the door to this room - Nara Bubnova. In the left corner - a large Russian oven; In the left, stone, the wall is the door to the kitchen, where Quash, Baron, Nastya live, describes the author of the occurrence of events. Dirt, close, crowded, dampness, poverty, men in one room with women - that is the interior, against the background of which the love of characters unfolds. The owner's owner's wife Vasilisa runs on a date with the thief ashes, what causes the permanent jealousy of his hypocritical and greedy husband, ash loves her sister Natasha, and Nastya, mining her bread pressing the most humiliating craft in the world, dreams of clean, disinterested love. Human feelings did not even die in such terrible conditions: and there is a place of compassion, sympathy, hopes and love.

Probably the most significant for the development of the plot of the play are the relationship between the ashes and Natasha. Ash, the thief, the son of the thief, sees in a modest and good Natasha, over which her sister constantly mocks, a symbol of something beautiful, light, for which it is not sorry to give life: "At least now - the death will accept! Take you a knife, hit against the heart ... I will die - not HUN! Even - with joy, because - from clean hands... "At the same time, ash does not understand that Vasilisa, the woman is powerful and evil, so simply will not give up his own. The first action of the play ends with the fact that Vasilisa beat Natasha. Vasilisa tries to persuade the ashes kill her husband, freeing her from him, and for it she promises to give him Natasha in his wife. And Natasha ashes herself does not like, she also lives dreams: "Here, I think, tomorrow ... someone will come ... someone ... a special ... or something ... too - unprecedented ... Waiting for a long time ... always - wait ... And so ... in fact, what can you wait? "

The old man of Luke persuades the ashes to pick up Natasha from the at night and leave her to Siberia, which is as a heaven as a paradise. The ashes, trusting Luke, believes that it is possible to change life, he is ready for everything for his love: "I told theft! To her, Broha! If said - I will do! I am competent ... I will work ... Do you think - my life does not face me? But - I feel one thing: you need to live ... otherwise! Better need to live! We must live like that ... so that I can respect myself ... "Natasha is also not averse to leave with ashes, realizing that she does not have another exit. But the heroes do not have time: the third action ends with the fact that Vasilisa overturns the boiling samovar to his sister, and Kostyleva kills the ashes in this muddle. At the end of the play, we learn that Natasha disappeared from the hospital, and the ashes wait for prison. What further fate These heroes are not known, but they are unlikely to find their happiness in the world of violence and oppression.

But the fate of another heroine of the play, Nastya, unfortunately, is quite definite. Nastya earns his bread on the street, all the nightnails laugh above it, they are despised. Nastya goes into dreams, fantasy about great Lovewhich she did not have and never be. She is the only one of the nightnails reading books, however, these are boulevard novels, of which she draws the plots of their fantasies: "To God ... it was! Everything was! Student he ... The Frenchman was ... Gastosha called ... With a black beard ... In the lacquer boots, I went to break me in the thunder at this place! And so he loved me ... I loved so much! " Only Luke sympathize with Nastya, saying: "If you believe, you have true love... So she was she! " In that scary world Nastya remains only to dream, forgetting about the humiliation and insults that come to her share in the world real.

In his play, Gorky shows how tragic fate of people who, by nature, cannot be predators. In the world of the Nazi, they get the role of the victim, and all of them human feelingsIncluding love, break about terrible reality. But people remain people, because they can't not suffer, do not sympathize with each other and not to love.

The play "At the bottom" - the work is deep, ambiguous, in which the author put complex philosophical and moral problems. Among them is the problem of truth and lies, a true and false compassion, the problem of personality degradation, the problem of people's relationships. Revealing the last problem, the author cannot fail to contact the topic of love, which even in such inhuman conditions, as life at the bedroom, still exists and causes characters to make crazy actions to prove their feeling.

Life at a bedroom, the inhabitants of which are trying to somehow exist, it seems unreal and fantastic, because people initially put in such conditions when nothing to be normal. "The basement similar to the cave. Ceiling - heavy stone vaults, wrapped, with a rolling stucco. The light is from the viewer and, from top to bottom, from the square window on the right side. The right corner is engaged by the fenced thin bulkheads of the ash's room, near the door to this room - Nara Bubnova. In the left corner - a large Russian oven; In the left, stone, wall - the door to the kitchen, where Quashnya live, Baron, Nastya, "so describes the author of the occurrence of events. Dirt, close, crowded, dampness, poverty, men in one room with women - that is the interior, against the background of which the love of characters unfolds. The owner's owner's wife Vasilisa runs on a date with a thief ashes, than causes the permanent jealousy of his hypocritical and greedy husband, ash loves her sister Natasha, and Nastya, extracting her bread pressing the most humiliating craft in the world, dreams of clean, disinterested love. Human feelings did not even die in such terrible conditions: and there is a place of compassion, sympathy, hopes and love.

Probably the most significant for the development of the plot of the play are the relationship between the ashes and Natasha. Ash, the thief, the son of the thief, sees in a modest and good Natasha, over which her sister constantly mocks, a symbol of something beautiful, light, for which it is not sorry to give life: "At least now - the death will accept! Take you a knife, hit against the heart ... I will die - not HUN! Even - with joy, because - from a clean hand ... "At the same time, the ashes does not understand that Vasilisa, the woman is powerful and evil, so simply will not give out her. The first action of the play ends with the fact that Vasilisa beat Natasha. Vasilisa tries to persuade the ashes kill her husband, freeing her from him, and for it she promises to give him Natasha in his wife. Natasha ash doesn't like Natasha ash, she also lives with dreams: "Here, I think tomorrow ... someone will come ... someone ... special ... or something happens ... too - unprecedented ... waiting for a long time ... always - waiting ... and so ... in fact - what can you wait? "

The old man of Luke persuades the ashes to pick up Natasha from the at night and leave her to Siberia, which is as a heaven as a paradise. The ashes, trusting Luke, believes that you can change my life, he is ready for everything for his love: "I said - I'll throw theft! By God - Brooch! If said - I will do! I am competent ... I will work ... Do you think - my life does not face me? But - I feel one thing: you need to live ... otherwise! Better need to live! We must live like that ... so that I can respect myself ... "Natasha is also not averse to leave with ashes, realizing that she does not have another exit. But the heroes do not have time: the third action ends with the fact that Vasilisa overturns the boiling samovar to his sister, and Kostyleva kills the ashes in this muddle. At the end of the play, we learn that Natasha disappeared from the hospital, and the ashes wait for prison. What is the further fate of these heroes, is unknown, but they are unlikely to find their happiness in the world of violence and oppression.

But the fate of another heroine of the play, Nastya, unfortunately, is quite definite. Nastya earns his bread on the street, all the nightnails laugh above it, they are despised. Nastya goes into dreams, fantasies about the great love that she did not have and never be. She is the only one of the nightnails reading books, however, these are boulevard novels, of which she draws the plots of their fantasies: "To God ... it was! Everything was! Student he ... The Frenchman was ... Gastosha called ... With a black beard ... In the lacquer boots, I went to break me in the thunder at this place! And so he loved me ... I loved so much! " Only Luke sympathizes Nastya, saying: "If you believe, you had real love ... So she was her!" In this terrible world, Nastya remains only to dream, forgetting the humiliation and insults that come to her share in the world real.

In his play, Gorky shows how tragic fate of people who, by nature, cannot be predators. In the world of Nazi, they get the role of the victim, and all their human feelings, including love, are divided into terrible reality. But people remain people, because they can't not suffer, do not sympathize with each other and not to love.

    Distinctive peculiarity Pieces are that most of Characters do not play the roles in the development of the dramatic intrigue of crutch - Natasha - ash. If desired, it would be possible to simulate such a dramagic situation in which all the characters became ...

    Gorky's play "At the bottom" was written in 1902 for the troupe of the Moscow Art Public Theater. Gorky for a long time could not pick up the exact name of the play. Initially, it was called "Overnight", then - "Without the Sun", and, finally, -...

    The image of satin leaves a dual feeling, a feeling of contrast between high thoughts, noble aspirations and the general passive existence of the hero. He is above all by the mind and by the strength of character, but still feels comfortable in the Kostylevskaya chamber ....

    M. Gorky playwright occupies a special place in the Russian drama. At the beginning of the 20th century, Gorky turned to the theater and became the successor of the traditions of Russian xIX dramaturgy century. He believed that the main purpose of the drama was to the image of the "man and the people", influence ...

  1. Gorky's play is the truth about Nizakh.
  2. Special conflict value.
  3. Love line - Is love possible in such conditions possible.
  4. Love conflict - Part of the common social.

Gorky's play "At the bottom" was written in 1902. Gorky for a long time could not choose the exact name to its work. Initially, it was called "Overnight", then "without the Sun" and, finally, "at the bottom."

In the play of Gorky, the audience for the first time they saw the unfamiliar world of rejected. Such severe, merciless truth about the life of social bases, did not know world dramaturgy about their irreversible participation. At night, people are of the most different character and social status.

A special burden in the drama falls on the conflict, the sharp clashes of the heroes according to their reasons for them. At the same time in the drama can not be unnecessary people - All heroes must be involved in the conflict. The presence of social stress is already evident in the title of the play. But we can not say that social conflict Organizes drama. This tension is deprived of the speakers, all attempts to go with the "bottom" are in vain. Perhaps the drama is organizing a love horse-floss, traditional for many plays. It would seem that the appearance of such pure feeling In such an atmosphere of dirt and poverty. But Gorky's heroes do not pay attention to dirt and illness, they are accustomed to such a lifetime, each other and almost do not notice others. Every hero exists in itself, lives his life. Therefore, at the beginning of the play, they say all those present at once, without expecting a response, which is weakly responding to the comments of others. Quashnya is proud that she is a free woman who is not bound by marriage, and it causes bitterness at the tick. He has a dying wife, Nastya, fallen woman, reads Roman "Rock Love", which causes ironic laughter of Baron. Prostitute Nastya dreams of light and clean loveBut it causes only laughter around. The girl is trying to get out of a vicious circle, leave the survival and start new lifeBut this is only her dreams.

But the Love line is really present in the play. She is created by the relationship between Vasilisa, Vaska Spep, the wife of Kostyleva, the host itself and Natasha.

The loving plot starts when the crutzé lion appears at the night. From the conversation with the inhabitants it is clear that he is looking for his wife to Vasilis, who changes him with Vaska ash. With the advent of Natasha, the love plot begins to develop. For the sake of her Vaska Spel leaves Vasilis. In the course of the development of this conflict, it becomes clear to us that his relationship with Natasha enriches Vaska, revive him to a new life. Vaska ash never had a profession. For him, there are no ideals, he does not seek to work, as he lives theft. However, in this person, kindness, naivety, it stretches to cleanliness and good. But Vaska ash enters slavery " strong Mira of this. The Kostylev's Surrounding Center turns out to be even lower person: he does not give Vasily money for the stolen clock, believing that ashes and so much is obliged to him. His wife Vasilisa, too, in Kabala with her husband, who twice her older. She is also unhappy, and her love for Vaska Peppa is a challenge to family despotism. For the sake of Vasilis, the thief is ready to commit a crime - kill Kostyleva. Wasilisa sistened by Natalia's scary hatred, when he learns about the treason of her lover. She is ready to kill her, just to keep Vasily for himself. Culmination highest point In the development of the conflict, fundamentally issued by the author behind the scene. We do not see how Vasilisa scalts Natasha with boiling water. We will learn about this on the noise and screams behind the scene and in conversations of the nights.

Love conflict in the play, of course, is one of the faces of the social conflict. The love line shows that the anticheloval conditions "bottom" criek man, and the most elevated feelings In such conditions, they do not lead to the obrichment of the person, but to death or cautious.

Waving such a terriblely loving conflict, Vasilisa reaches at once all of its goals. Mastyat the former lover of Vaska ash and his rival Natasha, get rid of the unloved her husband and becomes a single hostess of the night. In Vasilis, there was nothing human left, and it shows us the monstrity of social conditions, in which the inhabitants of the survival are forced to live.
But the love conflict cannot be the basis dramaturgical conflict Pieces, since, turning around in front of the nightnings, he does not affect them. They do not participate in them, remaining only by third-party spectators.